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Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person


1. None of them had the right answer, even though they were somewhat correct, they were still incorrect, as
described in the poem. Because truth is relative, the individual who came up with the notion will believe that they
are correct and the others are incorrect. What is true and what is not may be determined by the individual. That isn’t
to say that all of their beliefs about what is true are correct. They are confined to their observations on what they
felt and know to describe the elephant because they are blind.
2. Different interpretation of an elephant’s appearance can be fund in the elephant story. After touching the
elephant’s six various parts, the findings are reached. The narrative emphasizes that even though an individual’s
subjective experience and viewpoint are genuine, they are limited owing to a lack of holistic skills.
3. When we engage and communicate with one another,the holistic perspective idea helps us understand what is
going on and what we truly mean or refer to. When we talk about or think about diverse subjects, we can
comprehend each other.

1. When we were in grade 10, I recall having a fight over which I lack understanding and got envious. Yes, the conflict
was settled through communication. Having a holistic view of anything helps us grow as individuals because having a
holistic vision or just being holistic implies not jumping to conclusions in certain situations.

It indicates that he has gained personal insight through looking at the world as a whole rather than focusing
on it from various angles.

Questions of arielle
Why does it have to be difficult? Why can’t I just wear anything I grab from my closet? Why should my
clothes or the way I look matter to others anyway? If I think about what others would say, does that mean I am not
free to choose whatever I want? Does this mean I am not really free?

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