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Introduction to the Philosophy of

Human Person

2nd Quarter-Lesson 6 : Intersubjectivity

Philosophy of the Human Person (Part 1)
Learning Competency:

 Realize that intersubjectivity requires

accepting differences and not imposing on
 Explain that authentic dialogue means
accepting others even if they are different
from themselves.
 Are made possible when self becomes aware of the
other, which includes everyone and everything outside
 It also enables us to recognize that the other human
beings also possess a self. The notion of recognizing
the self in the other is how philosophers define the
interpersonal relations.
 Which is the mutual recognition of each other as
 This also means a unique relationship between distinct
subjects. It refers to the characteristic of the human
person to engage in a very intimate and personal
relationship with others who are different from him/her
but who are also the same in some ways.
Philosophers identify various levels of self-
other relationship/interaction.

1.Simple awareness of the existence of

the other
2. Simple awareness of the self as being
seen by others
Philosophers identify various levels of self-
other relationship/interaction.
3. Awareness of the self in the other
“Seeming – when two individual begin to
view each other as an other –
acknowledging each other’s presence and
recognizing one’s differences then that is
the beginning of an authentic relationship
through dialogue.
Dialogue – it occurs when two persons open up
to each other and give and receive one another in
their encounter.
“I-thou relationship”
3 Aspects of intersubjectivity
1. Empathy – the ability to share emotions or
putting yourself into the other’s shoes. It
enables us to experience another person’s
2. Availability – the willingness of a person to be
present and be at the disposal of another.
3. Ethics of care – proponents of the ethics of believe that people
have a moral obligation to respond to the needs of the other
people and one cannot turn a blind eye on the problem of others.
Negative view Alienation arises when a person ceases to
view the other as a distinct and authentic person and considers a
person as a mere object or a means to satisfy personal interests.
“I- it relationship”
Questions & Answer:

1. Have you ever engaged in a genuine and

meaningful interaction with another
2. Write a reflection paper describing this
encounter and how it affected you.

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