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How do Philosophy, Psychology, Anthropology and Sociology differ when it comes to their
approaches in understanding the self? 

Answer: The Philosophy, Psychology Anthropology and Sociology

approaches have differences, because each approach has different level of understanding and
opinion. Specially the philosophy and Anthropology that was created one personal opinion

2. Which among the different approaches (Philosophy, Psychology, Anthropology, and

Sociology) is considered the first field to explore/understand the "self". Explain briefly.

Answer: Psychology is considered as the first fields to explore understand

the self because it studies how humans and animals behave under certain conditions, and it
was the first field that explore in understanding the self for it was used in thinking of self

3. among the different philosophers (Plato, Descartes, Locke, and etc.) who attempted to
understand the self, who resonated with you the most? Why?

Answer: In my opinion, Plato’s attempted to understand the self. He

introduces the idea of three part soul or self, the appetite, rational, fashion; all of these are the
part of the physical appetite. So the self according to Plato in answer to your question, are the
three coexistent aspects of the soul which are the appetite, rational and fashion, from which you
can understand your own desires and behaviors.

4. Explain the role of culture in the development of the self. Cite a theorist who believes that
culture is important.

Answer: It’s important to respect the culture and to understand the

individuals, and Culture helps define how individuals see themselves and how they relate to

Conflict theorists believes that culture is important

5. Among children, what's the importance of "playing" in the development of the self? Explain.

Answer: Game Stage this is a very important stage for the development of the
self because it makes the single take on the roles of everyone. By doing this it teaches the
individual to plan in a group and to determine what their role or contribution to the group. And
figure out what role suits them best.

6. The looking glass self explains how our sense of self develops from our interaction with
others. How does our interaction with other people shape a positive sense of self?

Answer: Our interaction helps to develop the positive self by treating others with
same quality of respect and kindness.

7. What happens if there's a huge gap between the ideal self and the real self? Explain

Answer: your ideal self becomes the truth and there’s no way to see it, the ideal self,
on the other hand, is the part of the self that thinks he or she should be more. Supposing our
true selves or real self are far from our ideal self.

8. How does our false self help us? Explain.

Answer: It helps us by using the false words or action you use false words when
necessary, So a lot of False Self happens all the time, Example being an actor of a movie, you
are always going to be the False Sense of self which is not the real you to play that role.

9. How does someone achieve a unified self? Explain.

Answer: By being satisfied with yourself. Complete your goals or be ok not being
able to. Accept the world and the fact that stuff is going to happen.
10. What's the difference between congruent self and incongruent self? Explain.

Answer: the difference between congruent self and incongruent self, the congruent
is a life style, Your honor yourself in how you live through your diet, your activities, your friends
where you live your values, your thoughts of life, the words you use to express yourself,
appreciation everyday for your life, while Incongruent is not the same with congruent it is not


John Emman Lambino

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