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g Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

7 November 2021 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Long L ive Generous Hearts!

oday we are invited to reflect on the importance of being gener-
ous, regardless of whether we are rich or poor. The generosity
of a person is not measured by the amount one gives, but by the
disposition which prompts the giving.
There are many ways of being rich, just as there are many ways of
being poor, for material wealth and money are not the only factors that
determine what a person can offer. But the highest form of richness
and generosity is the loving disposition toward others which, like an in-
exhaustible fountain, gives its very best without asking for anything in
return. Such spiritual richness will never be affected by any economic
crisis because its “shares” are bonded with the bank of God.
In this Eucharist let us ask for such grace for ourselves and all the
people dear to us.

All – Lord, have mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-

P –Lord Jesus, you praised gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
the generosity of the poor God, Son of the Father, you take
widow in order to make us away the sins of the world, have
Entrance Antiphon
(To be recited only when follow her example. Christ, mercy on us; you take away the
no Entrance Hymn is sung.) have mercy! sins of the world, receive our
All – Christ, have mercy! prayer; you are seated at the right
Let my prayer come into
your presence. Incline your ear P –Lord Jesus, you promised hand of the Father, have mercy
to my cry for help, O Lord. an eternal reward even for a on us. For you alone are the Holy
simple glass of water given One, you alone are the Lord, you
Greeting to a thirsty person for love alone are the Most High, Jesus
of you. Lord, have mercy! Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the
P –Blessed be God, the source
All – Lord, have mercy! glory of God the Father. Amen!
of all riches and favors! May His
grace be with you all! P –May almighty God have
All – And with your spirit! mercy on us, forgive us our sins, Collect (Opening Prayer)
and bring us to everlasting life.
Penitential Act All – Amen! P –Almighty and merciful
God, graciously keep from us
P –As we prepare to celebrate all adversity, so that, unhindered
the sacred mysteries, let us ask Gloria
in mind and body alike, we may
the Lord’s forgiveness for all our All – Glory to God in the high- pursue in freedom of heart the
sins, especially for our lack of est, and on earth peace to people things that are yours.
generosity. (Pause) of good will. We praise you, Through our Lord Jesus
P –Lord Jesus, you came to we bless you, we adore you, we Christ, your Son, who lives and
share the poverty of our hu- glorify you, we give you thanks reigns with you in the unity of
manity in order to make us for your great glory, Lord the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and
share in the riches of your God, heavenly King, O God, ever.
divinity. Lord, have mercy! almighty Father. All – Amen!

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R. M. Velez Gospel Acclamation Mt 5:3
F Bb F All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
  
 
 Blessed are the poor in
1st Reading 1 Kgs 17:10-16
spirit, for theirs is the
On the run to avoid the Praise the Lord, my soul!
kingdom of heaven.
vengefulness of King Ahab, the Alleluia! Alleluia!
prophet Elijah found refuge * The Lord keeps faith forever,
and food in the house of a poor secures justice for the oppressed, Gospel Mk 12:38-44
widow who lived in a land rav- gives food to the hungry. The The moving generosity of
aged by drought. The Lord amply Lord sets captives free. R. the poor widow who donated to
the Temple treasure all that she
rewarded the generosity of the * The Lord gives sight to the had to live on stands in sharp
woman – a symbol of the abun- blind; the Lord raises up those contrast with the greed of those
dance with which He will reward who were bowed down. The “who devour the savings of the
even the least act of care toward Lord loves the just; the Lord widows.” Her gesture is also a
those in need. protects strangers. R. convincing encouragement for
R – A proclamation from the * The fatherless and the all those who feel that they can-
First Book of Kings widow he sustains, but the way not do much to help others.
In those days, Elijah the of the wicked he thwarts. The P –The Lord be with you!
prophet went to Zarephath. As Lord shall reign forever; your All – And with your spirit!
he arrived at the entrance of God, O Zion, through all gen-
erations. Alleluia! R. P – A proclamation from the
the city, a widow was gathering holy Gospel according to
sticks there; he called out to Mark
2nd Reading Heb 9:24-28
her, “Please bring me a small In today’s passage the au- All – Glory to you, O Lord!
cupful of water to drink.” She thor of the Letter to the Hebrews In the course of his teaching
left to get it, and he called out continues his exaltation of the Jesus said to the crowds, “Be-
after her, “Please bring along superiority of the priesthood ware of the scribes, who like
a bit of bread.” She answered, of Christ. He emphasizes the to go around in long robes and
“As the Lord, your God, lives, exceptional purifying power of accept greetings in the market-
I have nothing baked; there his once-and-for-all self-offering places, seats of honor in syna-
is only a handful of flour in and his glorious Second Coming gogues, and places of honor
my jar and a little oil in my for the salvation of all those who at banquets. They devour the
jug. Just now I was collecting believe in him. houses of widows and, as a pre-
a couple of sticks, to go in and R – A proclamation from the text, recite lengthy prayers.
prepare something for myself Letter to the Hebrews They will receive a very severe
and my son; when we have condemnation.”
eaten it, we shall die.” Elijah Christ did not enter into He sat down opposite the
a sanctuary made by hands, treasury and observed how
said to her, “Do not be afraid.
a copy of the true one, but the crowd put money into the
Go and do as you propose. But heaven itself, that he might
first make me a little cake and treasury. Many rich people put
now appear before God on our
bring it to me. Then you can in large sums. A poor widow
behalf. Not that he might offer
prepare something for yourself also came and put in two small
himself repeatedly, as the high
and your son. For the Lord, the priest enters each year into coins worth a few cents. Call-
God of Israel, says, ‘The jar of the sanctuary with blood that ing his disciples to himself,
flour shall not go empty, nor is not his own. If that were so, Jesus said to them, “Amen, I
the jug of oil run dry, until the he would have had to suffer say to you, this poor widow
day when the Lord sends rain repeatedly from the foundation put in more than all the other
of the world. But now, once for contributors to the treasury.
upon the earth.’ ”
all, he has appeared at the end For they have all contributed
She left and did as Elijah
of the ages to take away sin by from their surplus wealth, but
had said. She was able to eat
his sacrifice. she, from her poverty, has con-
for a year, and he and her son
Just as it is appointed that tributed all she had, her whole
as well; the jar of flour did not
human beings die once, and livelihood.”
go empty, nor the jug of oil run
dry, as the Lord had foretold after this the judgment, so also The Gospel of the Lord!
through Elijah. Christ, offered once to take All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
away the sins of many, will ap- Christ!
The Word of the Lord! pear a second time, not to take
All – Thanks be to God! away sin but to bring salvation Homily
to those who eagerly await him.
Responsorial Psalm Ps 146 The Word of the Lord! Profession of Faith
R –Praise the Lord, my soul! All – Thanks be to God! (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed)

7 November 2021
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- their practical concern for the All –And with your spirit!
ther almighty, maker of heaven poor and the marginalized. Let P –Lift up your hearts!
and earth, of all things visible us pray! R. All –We lift them up to the
and invisible. Lord!
I believe in one Lord Jesus C –For our civil leaders: May P –Let us give thanks to the
Christ, the Only Begotten Son they view authority as an oppor- Lord our God!
of God, born of the Father be- tunity to serve the community All –It is right and just!
fore all ages. God from God, rather than as a source of honor
Light from Light, true God from and profit for themselves. Let us P –It is truly right and just,
true God, begotten, not made, pray! R. our duty and our salvation, al-
consubstantial with the Father; C –For the poor of our land: ways and everywhere to give
through him all things were May they experience the con- you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
made. For us men and for our crete support of the community, almighty and eternal God.
salvation he came down from while they themselves show soli- For you so loved the world
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy darity with the needier among that in your mercy you sent us
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- them. Let us pray! R. the Redeemer, to live like us in
gin Mary, and became man.* C –For all the victims of natural all things but sin, so that you
For our sake he was crucified calamities, the refugees, and the might love in us what you loved
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- homeless: May they be promptly
fered death and was buried, and in your Son, by whose obedience
assisted in their present needs we have been restored to those
rose again on the third day in and be helped to rebuild their
accordance with the Scriptures. gifts of yours that, by sinning,
shattered lives. Let us pray! R.
He ascended into heaven and is we had lost in disobedience.
seated at the right hand of the C –For all of us: May we whole- And so, Lord, with all the
Father. He will come again in heartedly give our time, talent, Angels and Saints, we, too, give
glory to judge the living and the and treasure for the needs of the you thanks, as in exultation we
dead and his kingdom will have people around us. Let us pray! R.
no end. C – Let us pray in silence for our All – Holy, holy, holy . . .
I believe in the Holy Spirit, personal intentions. (Pause)
the Lord, the giver of life, who Let us pray! R. Memorial Acclamation
proceeds from the Father and P –Lord Jesus, purify our inten- P –The mystery of faith!
the Son, who with the Father tions and widen our concern that All –When we eat this Bread
and the Son is adored and glori- we may constantly imitate your and drink this Cup, we
fied, who has spoken through generosity in giving yourself for proclaim your Death,
the prophets. us all, and now live and reign for O Lord, until you come
I believe in one, holy, cath- ever and ever. again!
olic and apostolic Church. I All – Amen!
confess one Baptism for the
forgiveness of sins and I look
forward to the resurrection of
the dead and the life of the world All – Our Father . . .
to come. Amen! Preparation of the Gifts P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
P –Pray, brethren . . . All –For the kingdom, the
Prayer of the Faithful All – May the Lord accept the power, and the glory are
P –Encouraged by Jesus’ words sacrifice at your hands, for the yours, now and for ever!
of praise for the humble offering praise and glory of his name,
of the poor widow, let us im- for our good and the good of all Sign of Peace
plore the grace of an ever-greater his holy Church.
Breaking of the Bread
generosity for ourselves and all
mankind. Let us pray together: Prayer over the Offerings All – Lamb of God . . .
All – Lord Jesus, teach us to be P –Look with favor, we pray, O
generous! Lord, upon the sacrificial gifts Communion
offered here, that, celebrating in
C –For the Universal Church: mystery the Passion of your Son, P –Behold the Lamb of God,
May she always be a shining we may honor it with loving de- behold him who takes away the
example of generosity and de- votion. sins of the world. Blessed are
tachment from material things. Through Christ our Lord. those called to the Supper of the
Let us pray! R. All – Amen! Lamb.
All – Lord, I am not worthy
C – For the Holy Father and that you should enter under my
the other leaders of the Church: Preface VII roof, but only say the word and
May they always edify us with P –The Lord be with you! my soul shall be healed.

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Communion Antiphon
(To be recited only when WHAT MAKES SMALL PEOPLE GREAT
no Communion Hymn is sung.) • Jess P. Balon
The Lord is my shepherd;

here is an extraordinary resemblance between the generos-
there is nothing I shall want.
Fresh and green are the pas- ity and simplicity of the widow praised by Jesus in today’s
tures where he gives me repose, Gospel passage and that of the widow of Zarephath (presum-
near restful waters he leads ably a pagan), who shared with the prophet Elijah the little she had left
me. for her own and her son’s sustenance. (See today’s First Reading.)
Prayer after Communion Their offering was more than an act of generosity. It was also
P –Nourished by this sacred an act of faith, of total reliance on God’s providence, for they had
gift, O Lord, we give you thanks offered all that they had to live on. (See Mk 12:44.) And they had of-
and beseech your mercy, that, by fered it with an immense love – the silent, discrete love of the simple
the pouring forth of your Spirit, people whose only treasure and sure hope is God.
the grace of integrity may endure
in those your heavenly power has There is a striking contrast between the anonymous widow fea-
entered. tured in today’s Gospel text and the shameless greed of the scribes
Through Christ our Lord. who “devour the savings of widows and recite long prayers for ap-
All – Amen! pearance’ sake” (Mk 12:40).
Today’s First Reading and the Gospel episode contain a chal-
lenge for all of us: the challenge to imitate the generosity, faith,
and love of the two poor widows. Such a demand confronts us
whenever we are tempted to be overconcerned about our future ma-
P –The Lord be with you. terial needs. If we have such a frame of mind, it is very difficult for us
All – And with your spirit! to share our resources with the poor and to give for the needs of the
P –Bow your heads and pray Church. We have to overcome this danger by trusting fully in God’s
for God’s blessing. (Pause) providence.
– May the Lord make you
sensitive to the plight of the The First Reading and the Gospel also contain a message of
poor and generous in help- hope and consolation – a hope and consolation rooted, first of all,
ing them. in the certainty that God notices and appreciates even the small acts
All – Amen! of generosity which people often ignore or despise. He will leave
P –May He preserve you from nothing unrewarded of what is offered with a sincere heart. Un-
extreme poverty and from like most of us, God looks at the intention, rather than the amount
all physical and moral dan- given or the result attained.
All – Amen! This means that even the poorest can become rich in God’s sight
by offering their modest gifts with a pure intention. The Lord rejects
P –May He reward abundantly
nothing of what is offered Him out of love. Such is the basic con-
all your acts of generosity
and your availability to help viction that grounds the “Pondo ng Pinoy” Movement. Indeed, it
those in need. can be said that the Lord values more the crumbs of the poor
All – Amen! than the baskets filled with big loaves presented by the wealthy.
P – May almighty God bless Such a loving attention given by God to what is small and hu-
you: the Father, and the manly insignificant applies not only to material offerings, but also and
Son, and the Holy Spirit. especially to non-material ones: to the simple acts of respect, con-
All – Amen! descension, solidarity, forgiveness, patience, love . . . with which we
P –Go in peace, glorifying the can embroider our days and enrich our lives. Nothing is lost of what
Lord by your life! is offered to God. Its fruit remains in us and spread around us,
All – Thanks be to God! multiplied a thousand times.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, J. Domingo, M. Vibiesca, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
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