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Instruction: Read Kohlberg Dilemma and answer the following question. You may download this file and
insert your answer and upload this file with answer on google classroom

Kohlberg Dilemmas
Dilemma I
Joe is a fourteen-year-old boy who wanted to go to camp very much. His father promised him he
could go if he saved up the money for it himself. So Joe worked hard at his paper route and
saved up the forty dollars it cost to go to camp, and a little more besides. But just before camp
was going to start, his father changed his mind. Some of his friends decided to go on a special
fishing trip, and Joe's father was short of the money it would cost. So he told Joe to give him the
money he had saved from the paper route. Joe didn't want to give up going to camp, so he thinks
of refusing to give his father the money.
1. Should Joe refuse to give his father the money?
Answer: I think that Joe should refuse to give his father the money because Joe worked hard for
his money to join the camp.
1a. Why or why not?
Answer: Because he worked hard for it and saved it up so he can go to the camping trip.
2. Does the father have the right to tell Joe to give him the money?
Answer: no he doesn’t, he tell his son a promised that he can go if he work for it, well Joe
worked for it and it’s his son’s money he should not tell him a promise if would going to get the
money from his son
2a. Why or why not?
Answer: because Joe worked hard for it, he doesn’t have the right to tell his son those words it’s
like you’re getting your son’s happiness. He worked up for it Joe deserves it.
3. Does giving the money have anything to do with being a good son?
Answer: Giving the money should not have anything to do with being a good son.
3a. Why or why not?
Answer: Being a good son is not about how much did you give to your parents, it is all about the
love and happiness you bring to them and for making them proud.
4. Is the fact that Joe earned the money himself important in this situation?
Answer: yes it is important because he earned the money for himself to go to the camp.
4a. Why or why not?
Answer: Because he worked hard for it and it teaches little joe to be more aware and know now
the worth of money. He learn to not spend too much and instead saving more money to join the
5. The father promised Joe he could go to camp if he earned the money. Is the fact that the father
promised the most important thing in the situation?
Answer: it is no longer permitting joe go to the camp as what he have promised when Joe have
the money.
5a. Why or why not?
Answer: because it now his father taking the money to Joe, the money that Joe’s worked hard
for. The father broke the promised he gives to his own son
6. In general, why should a promise kept?
Answer: A promise should be kept because that’s what a promise is, an assurance that you will
do something.
7. Is it important to keep a promise to someone you don't know well and probably won't see
Answer: I think no for someone you just know once and probably won’t see again.
7a. Why or why not?
Answer: because trusting someone you only met once or probably a person you won’t see again
is kinda wrong.
8. What do you think is the most important thing a father should be concerned about in his
relationship to his son?
Answer: I think the support and trust to his son
8a. Why is that the most important thing?
Answer: because if you have support and trust to your son it’s like you’re letting him explore the
world and letting him learn from his mistake and to be who he wanted to be.
9. In general, what should be the authority of a father over his son?
Answer: The authority of a father over his son, is more of what I consider responsibility. The
authority should be having the best interest for his son and his responsibility in making sure that
Joe's development is in a healthy environment.
9a. Why?
Answer: He is the one who’s older and should assist his son to be a good citizen. And a father
who has a responsibility for his son will be there if you’re having a hard time.
10. What do you think is the most important thing a son should be concerned about in his
relationship to his father?
Answer: Children should not be concern about the relationship to his/her parents. They just be
who they are and do the things parents may be proud
10a. Why is that the most important thing?
Answer: Because it is the parents responsibility to concerned about the relationship with their
11. In thinking back over the dilemma, what would you say is the most responsible thing for Joe
to do in this situation?
Answer: he should refuse on his father. His father is the one who has the responsibility to fulfill
his promised.
11a. Why?
Answer: Because he know what he do and Joe has not done anything that he needs to take
responsibility for. It is the father who should apologize to Joe for not making his responsibility.

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