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4. Q {m · · stu�yiht.k�y phtª:$es�.lhen wªtch,<.

listen ag_ain and ·completéthe.responses�

5: . O ·G.)D. · Watch .Qr.lÍsten ag�fo. What reason$

does each perso.n give for hisf her éhoi.�e:5?

:5 P u�e ITFW�rk in palrs, Ask:and a_nswer . ,:..!'

yoúr'.answérs,are·the s.ame? '
-:.:. : :,,.� .. , ,, ', :::.:i, ''.::{:::'
3 Jle�éUhetiPs� fpr redu,lngwc1ste;Then chpo�e.the'
correct.optlens. ..

4 Complet�th� dialog1Jes.
A hundred and.slxty-five million.chlldren haven't .Myra How L , .. , ..•... , ,, , me¡:¡t·doyou._e;.it·each
That's too , _., ,
.got , , , ,.,,.,., ,. food,

There are , ,
hungry chjldren.
hungry people in the
Pete ÍJqv�·m.eaJ,:;O _I �.at é!'2:.. , ..
:1wi�!:!:ii d.ay ln'fact.
.,..,,,;,.,of;it,. tv-' .•. ,.",., .

worJc\, but:only .. ., , . .,, , .people are.tryingto .Myra Thi:ifs,,., , , , .. , much ríí'eatl
4 We'II need to provide ., ,.. , , , ,. protein. B
S 1mon .· · .t .··4, ..... r•• , ••,,, •••• ,•••,., •• , •• ,••, ••• fr ...• ·,·t·
:D oyou.ea 1 ?.
5 Insects ,qqr1'(need as,, .. , , , .. ,."., , .. space.orwater,

6 HbW people.will eat lnsects tnthé Maria I thi,n�:s-c1; l:eata: .::::,.,:,.1.;,.¡:,.,....,.,.,.,;;.:.cpieces of

fo.íJt eyeryeveriihg1.,B�t, saysJi's

·f,.' 7 .How,, , ,.,, ,,,.,,.,, .. ,.. fpqg rxiª<;le wítb ins,eGts 't'iJL '�.....• ,., •.... ,., .•. ,.. :,:, ... ,c.:.• e no u:gh;. ,'
yoú eat?
5 S:)µsern work in pajrs�Wrlte and 11E!�
Z: AnJwer the questions in the rules with the wordSin dialogUes. Usethe dialos�uis,io'.e�erds� 4�teplªqa
e)(ercise 1. .·. the word.s'.in blué with the words:'ln.the boxiarid a
time phr�$e,C::hange the qu,ntJflersJf necrmaxy.,
chocolatezeat miJk/drink
·•• 1 Whíchquantifiers tan we use wlth ci;> rubbish / recycie water>/,waste
nouns? ·

:: 2 Whi�b quªl'ltifier,s i:anwe LJSe wlth.un<=o1mt!'lb.le

:' 3, Which quantifiers can we use to say there are small


�PW ltl��h. tub�!�h dae,s.y�ur fál!lflY

• ·• quantities of something?' . :throw awáy:e,aeh.wiekP
u :4 Which quantifiers can-we use to say.there arelarge • . ··. .:· .
quantlties of sornethlng? · tflnlshedl ¡,.,"_ ,..,...,..,..,.,._,..,,.....-.;,..;...-,........,..,.;....;;.;;;.;;..;..;;,,.-...;.........,......,
-.�. Whjch qu.antífier means 'sufflcient'j
. :�t��� ;r;:d��:.:::����-�,:�s;����r�:�:!:t�ne·
posslbl�, ...
· j:

'"'. "' -·-�� .

•/ :::, . . . . . . ' : : : : ,,::¡::,

4 Makethe:acl:ive sentences passive.
. .. )1:Jstih Li11 directed Fast & Furiou» 6.
�=.,.; .;...._.. . . .;. ; ;:. . ;. �:.: :. . . . . . . _.; . ; .,;¡..;.;;;;,;;;;..._.. Fa#& Funo,:,c 6 was dlre,ted WJ"�'"
Un. .
1 Matt Damon played the astronaut in Tne ··
Martlan. · · . .
2. Iheyfllrned the landscape Jordán'.
· �J� !L�ff mx.��át(i(yvarso fuonyl'
¡} Theycreate many special effécts lnthe studio.
4 They held theflrst A<:ademy Awards cerernony
<ofr�tciinagid�),s'and strange falking. ' . •. -iri1929.. '/ .
5 They don't showfilrns In 30 at ourdnerna .
6 Theyaward oscarsto film directors and actors .

.• S ·,wrtte questlons ancfanswers forthe passive. ·

sentences In exerdse 4. .
W;s,fi�� & FurltJttt � dlriefe; b� Justln Lln? Yes, lt was;
i sp��.�i�i'.
,::5''j�,iitc�éqüe�ti;ns l-6 wit.h responsen..;f.
i Wh�tqo you fancy dolng? '·
.2 How about going to seethe new.lames Bond
3'. What would you prefer.t« seé,then?
4 Do you préfer comedles.orrornances?
:s: Haveyou seen any.good films recently?
6 Doyou llke TheRevenarit?
á Yes, 1 lfave-The HungerGames.
b J like thern both.
e J ·don't know, We cquíd go toth'e cinema.
'd 1 don't know. l haveri't seen lt.
e. fm nota bi·g fan of James.Bond.
f I'd r�ther'seeTh� Martian: lt's.ln 3D.

7 G>Bl Listen and choose the c9rrectwords •
. . :tah�úa'ge <\;e¡/';';';),,, .
1 :Sally tías gota detective /spynovel toread fer
·3 tomplet.�.\hé.��!'tences with the pr.esent or past school. ·
. '_.forms'ofthe·passlve. i 'She hates /loves readlng,

:3 Dan has/ hasn'tseen
the film 'SherlockRolmes.
4 The plot of the fil rri

. ' >i�¡:f4\1�)1�; ):�:::�� �;ore

· . p12 a11.d.2ól5. {adapt) · wash't /,was written bY,
Arthur Conan Doyle.» >:.... >> "
5 ·oa n preferred the fifü,]1·.
book · . . ·····
6' Sallywould/wóüldnft_teád'
· ., f�iJia1Jhan i.n:Hollywood; (rnake)
s··· Compyfer teéh nology , to
'ére�t�ispécial effécts'iri}Tió'. (u:se)
....>. �;:¡

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