You are on page 1of 94


104 §A)0)S_E«
101 (B) 102 (C) 103 (C) 104 (D) 105(D) 8
He #A)°| asts m* HMfe SAIIOIC), (A), (B), (C)fe BSEB gA)
106 (A) 107 (C) 108 (D) 109 (B) 110(D)
S choose°| =ao)l BygHo) stc). yy *1011 by?) oinfe gAlA®
111 (C) 112(A) 113(D) 114(D) 115(C)
120 (B) ?) stn. 'ggao)] SISH aaiEiwefe snaoi AtgA^on^ ^E||g
116(A) 117(B) 118(A) 119(C) y (D)7)gao|c).
121 (A) 122 (C) 123(B) 124 (C) 125(D)
126(C) 127(A) 128(B) 129(A) 130 (C) yg D[O) yoi AH sh*!# OBE# ggaoii SISH aa)EisjL).
131 (B) 132(A) 133 (C) 134 (A) 135(B) ot*) executive team 399 head oiifc)
136 (A) 137 (D) 138(D) 139 (D) 140(B) public relations department SH"
141 (C) 142(A) 143 (D) 144(A) 145 (B)
146 (A) 147(A) 148 (C) 149(B) 150(A)
151 (C) 152 (B) 153(A) 154 (C) 155(A) 105 ^A)0)?|
156 (D) 157 (B) 158 (C) 159(C) 160 (D)
161 (C) 162 (B) 163(D) 164 (D) 165(D) sHa #A)o) a|a)|£) 0)la|fe ^a» aHE gA)|0|c). oiatj A|A)|oia 'ayy
166 (A) 167(D) 168 (D) 169 (B) 170(A) 7teS)7)l V 50|c)'afe sHyo) AraAafOES (D)7f ga0|Cf
172(D) 173 (A) 174(C) 175 (B) yetn) sincefe SS WHS® a|a)|2) DtHI Aggc),
171 (C)
176 (C) 177 (D) 178 (B) 179 (C) 180 (A) stg ay bsb syyJI^SOI I aioieoha) EHS aysfe a# 7fes)7)i
181 (C) 182 (D) 183 (D) 184(B) 185 (C) tt50|c).
186 (D) 187 (C) 188 (B) 189(C) 190(A) 0)¥l allow ®S!S8)E«s|a,^R7tes)7)|5|c) purchase sasic)
191 (D) 192 (B) 193 (C) 194 (A) 195(A) yeto® since at oi^ ever ?!a)M,
196 (B) 197(A) 198 (B) 199(D) 200 (A)

106 ggA)A)a|_gA)4A)
PART 5 8Hy yets gAKway» sasfe asA) xiaioiaa (A)?) aaoic). ggA)
2) Siyg My securest aollfe SSA) the?) *0)0) s®, secures
ioi te sya as so® SAH AIAII #A)OII:),
s® AIZ Afgggs ayioiiTii saiyas ue yaAa a yy ye®
'H-S S!US 'ggAf+gAKscheduled appointments)' Soil 5J5SS gA)
SSS AlgAHSO))?)! A)IStt).
1 TOfe °JSi;«gAfol (B)7f gaolc).
0)*l business A)yA)|,2|A) secure y9E8f-My. 998)7)1 sKd
«j« ^51 sKge a#e| JIS m Aiyacf 15g a®) ES!«H0t etc),
invoice ast,
oi?l patient fiAf arrive astspt appointment (Si! S2|) oil5}

107 al^a
102 SS^oifl
«Ha yet ^011 thanoi Liaon* ^Aig a®# ®EHy (o?) saoic).
sHe Biyollte ^e| SAKversion)* 7® *im 0|f|7t #0)7(0)
yg 89 ?)yio| A|A)|E197| ugoii, SB fi|2)0)|A) s)?)) aaA)y ohsmc) #
Sir). 'SlSS'olafe °|o|7t AtgAsjong (C)7f ggoii;).
7)1 t2)a 50|C).
fflS) 0||i!ot2|S|Sfie#aSZ))A|A«8||0)SC).
o)?) several 992| committee member918 accounting s|7)|
<H?I budget proposal oil-t!?! submit ai|#5)c) total Sltg
empty ti|oi 2Jb
108 S*|At*taL£!*|At+SAl-
103 ^MS^ALboth Aand B Hy yys *1011 uiay 'baksioo AMj'a® gA)2) atfsfo) oi
#o)o) s)aa ax|A)7) Basic), 'as SA)?) o(y ag gAiofl'aiy 8H
«HS 4®a^A)# SA)|S, gA)°| sjg=5{0)oi tax preparation^) AjO| AiyAafoa^ EHAJOIl'afe 2|D|o| (D)7) 390)0),
financial management consultations?) andS. g3s|0) SJ°H5. y« yga ygoii criey, Aiiay yaiyAg ag sai?) oiy ay qaioii a®
(0)7) gaolc), both A and B, either A or B, not only A but also
Bfe H#- -y^a^A) 7)2)81) ^0) etc), only iffe VA® a^
A)SA| ^10)1 ^0)2) §A)S 0|0)Afe SB 0)51:). o)*l revised ygs manufacturing Alias due to ~ mgoil
instead of ~ rHtloil, ~5)a| Sat
ag S| M|fe Jia!S0||7|| A)B SHI A)U|A2) A||= 2tB| 71® # C) AUgst).
01*1 financial All^e), ijgs) consultation yS,A)S

109 a*wx£La*iAn-SAf "Isl local Aigg take pride in ^lA^Aajti carry 8^5(01
process 7B5(c(, A(a|5(c( dairy product teAlg region A|g
SHa gje? ^21 proceed^ ^ISAfSAI ^oll a^oj «sha gAt7f # ^
Slth ^0|| gAKCumberland)7|^ Plong aj^S ax|Al7f #Oi7f
■gxlAH-SAKsi o|=oiof stf. HAf?! quickly£f straight 114 gA(A(a|_80|(8^ + SA()
fe SAM att 4 an, 14150|cKafe SHAJOI AtgA
al^ss (B)7t gaom. 8^g('s) 80||te gA(7( 2(01 s(n, ^(0)1 #A(71 oioog u|yo ^
a?? 7|XM0| ^a|E|a§o(, 7|Afe gAtstAi an WtaoH. eflfs site SA( Aia|0|i:i. atf §Ai7i haveoias 80|te ^8ao| E|
0(01 S(B1, 'SB 0®g 384^sSf Ji!A( A(a!gs ^ oicpg^ o|n|
o)?! undergo proceed LiotAict, ai58|cf 4 gfaioi sins (D)7( 33014.
aboard ~8Etn through ~8as#,~##4SK>t
straight 8S,auts gg #414 gsiaal S.B BABte 38 0(34 384 ^sfl nA( Aigga 7f
A|n gc(,
g?l language institute 848 valid teSB credential A(3g
110 axWAfaLSXIAH-^ instruction 4S(a() instructor 3AI
SHI BJU 81011 8® A|ga Caracas£( att 4 2Jfe ax|AB tflsHot tt
cK BX|At At£|0||Aj ou® out of, nextS next toS. AfgElHS (A), 115 SA(0(?|
(B)fe aaolcf. '7faf7fA Ag A|qf A|g|'ajfe 5||A!0| AraAa^on^
(D)7f saolch II a U|g7(7( Aig sais gsi- iDgog. describe A as B(A* B2(n -gg
atg gSiSI A|aS(A|°l eaai|A BjAfe 7fat7fA ^ AIOJ AICHO) got S(C() 41g0| A(SE|°JOHS (C)7( 33014.
awttTiisioict. gg (assB E(gA)o| Aig b|g7(fe ags ?|AIO| SAIS ajggfzi
ot?! geologistAiasfAf institute7®,soil® tesil 5!0|| 7(34713g«!c(,
onto ^218S(gS) around ~ 8So|| g?l critic o|37( affordable (7(30|) 333 authentic 344
order8teSiEl admit gssfcl describe 3SS(4, HA(8|Et
purchase 8gs(4
SH-a el® 0|Sfe Ifa ¥|0|| LfSS uiyg AM g^|s AAlg^ ia>.l 116 SA184
Afaioici. saijAf 'aacfg'oiafe gD|7i AigAa^ons (C)7i gao|
of. additionais furtherSl 2|a|7l gfif! ^ omaf ^Al sfe 8Ha 83® clear out4 te38S SXlAp of holiday supplies4 84#
no polite fSAB # 4 2t°ss ygoil BtfslAi arf. gn gE(. 'Syia e=o| s4if'0|a|te 5(1401 7® A(gAa(oae w
sg o|oi Ag avi sssifacig, g oiyg qtiis aasiAi a^Mrf. 71390(4, extrate g7(s tebltl 3# 4o|8(hs 33
0(131fS(A| 34.
of?! sign up for^SSgsicf automatic payment Ag a?
further 8 olAfsi step 37)1 required 8821 evenBAlo) gg 0||a|°!= 33s s.7|^ ago] S4SS A(MS(7| y|sn 1 son g7(gnm
4?! sale 37(4011 clear out So|(4,3o(A|84 supplies S*
112 ¥Af_n|2Sas excess 43, ^4®) overview 70®, 71(2 extra 87(g 3
opportunity 7|S|
SHa eia 80il uuag SSAKmore qualified)7f L^oHS H|n8S as
Sfe SAig (A)7l ggoig. ama as SANIfe much, even, still,
far, a lot s0| SJcf 117 £!A|A( _ SA( + AiXIAl afgse
gg oias A® cfAiAi naf A*|7f q# sfitAgaci flg g Aigoi ojtqn si
•id5S7| msoll ZL* Aig "AHgog HgSHCl. SH3 *4® '^94 0(A|0(£ itS8(4'a(te 5(1401 AigAaioo^ eiyoife
ax|A( (B)7( 31(5(4. a(3S(c(, Sistccafe 4n|s #§(
oisl confident stfjsib qualified ^88 candidate 8MAI
expand into7(ng4s 51s yiggn =7:1
vice president ^a® rarely 7f°|~gci along ?f°s, i}»||
gg SElaA o|a S|A(S 0^4 0(A|0(£ 4SS(B|te 7)|Sj4 gafog J= 7||o|
4# ^DK 331* g8Si!4.
113 "Al Afa| _ ggAKSAf) 88 44 Inc. 838AKIncorporated) acquire ?I3S(e(, g8S(c(
retail company ^nil S|A( as part of ~4 gsteM
«Ha atKHIte SSAl Sfe alAfSAfg processed* 8Ajtt 8 Site expand std(S(E(, s(Ss(c( each 44(4) already o|d|
YA171 8017(01 S(HS (D)7( ggolcf.
gg *b(|a| A® aefe A|«O||AI gg Agg °A(isg* 5011 A(^
AS 7(A|n gq.

TEST 1 3
118 ¥401#l 123 ax|A)0)s|
#AKmust be demolished)^ °m 7® S oiaafe ^Al ois» {j SHa att ¥|2| SAKthe outstanding candidates)2) gaijAr 7)xr 5) 0)°
ajsHof m. 'saai a7)E|oio) wafe 8^017® alb axlAB aE-!!5H0) st), >|o)ti ws^m §0)1 o|°jc)'a(fe snaoi
(A)7igao|i;f. x)oiAa)OHE (B)7) ggo|c),
S!^ £A| Till! aSAW inls®, o||iai|o|co|^letg aieai »«o| eg 3S|A ciBEg °At) gt A)H|A0)| qs) SD)x g 4AJA)S jia)^ =1
A|$t8l7| 2011 SfflSI ^7^0101 St), o)y*Ex|#go)|o)o;c(.
o)?! city planning EAMlsj civic centerE-y demolish Wstc) o)?! outstanding T|o|y candidate ¥ax| exceptional bbSf
constructions-^ new center SE-y completely ^5!8|
defectively M9SS171I plentifully iao| richly §¥817)1
124 °JSE||gA)oi7f_=wq
m yyoiib contacts =aoi mi sib bag ejsi;HgA)7) #0)7)01
119 ej?!i:HSA|o|^_A||?|i;)|SAf
sies (0)7) ayo|c).
sHe gnl Sf ¥¥¥ ^ollMr. Loewenstein)* 0)^01^1, An tug AHEg gy aboii ysH BSOI °ib aasoMi xm ^ JUIOIITII guts y
accomplished skaterSfESE SfStf ^i)CHE7) E|HS SEsfe AH gfsiEg asH §A)ia,
flcimo! (C)7) ggo|L),
Oifl instruct ttaj^cf.asHW concerning ^oiiysio)
A)AJ0| ?|Oiy A?)|0|E|OI S^Efoj W|b A)|7| A§II|Oj E|7t A?||0|E|OJ A) payroll ysx|Mgb,ysx|gg°H policy ab
a) HafAEH# A|E8)7|E St),
o)?! accomplished 7|D0| !f|o)y coach eaIsIc), a|es|c)
125 ¥Alo|s|
Ha gAKpresents)2) o)ta|b ¥AW abSHOf Sfectl, Although?) o|ii
120 §a)0)8_EH
b bAfSS HHSB Aa2) AWlElo^ diyoHb xgo) gA) yoll aaoj
SH-a SJS yoll beSA)7) EES SA)oj (A)L) (Dfe S 4 fflE, HJS flCHI Sf bAl laterS) rHE* o|bb o)?|7) iiasfc). [ga)A-| (0)7) Si)o|c),
5)0) S)fe gAKthe traditional approach)?) L)2) SjEBS. be ag Xtx)b A-Boilb ¥sa DHSS yatf bx)E x)|A|5)x|y, ifioil 7)A-jb 35!
#A)2) stjii aAHsisas o|3fe (B)?) gyoic), 01 ba&b sib a|7|oii chsh ^gyy.
«!« All? 0)A)H0fe gs OPS ass sy SWS SEgoil ES oWI author a7l,x|x) present a)|a|8|c) purchase dHdH, Eg
SSMlDlte «S5!?i S#7)0|c). real estate bbb investment bx) risky yffltf highly
of?! innovative st-idas architect S^?) traditional S#5!?) oHb afterward 30|®o|| quite si, Bgsi initially a-(So||
approach SSS construct SaSlcl efficientsfias
challenge ~oil ESSlc). e*)
126 SA)x)aLbtSAKS«¥i)
SH a SAIAKaccording to) rib ¥ si2! SA)7) ggg^x) andE SSElo)
121 SA)o)?|
Sib EES, xgA) siAfie) #yg D||7|fe ¥ 7lx| 7|s# Al|A|si 5)01
SHa BJS ^21 aAlAplregarding noise)£) gaHg 7® B olSafe gA) c). natSE 'Einfl Bblsales performancej'oiafy o)n|oj Msigx)
• aE-i!SH0t Slfectl, n ^21LHS# ^ 5ifi#oi|7li Ea 9A| 30g o|a *o|bb(C)7)Bao|c).
oil SHI 7)g# n|S)a)Jl A|A|?Hc)fe ao|c). ttplA) 'ES2) If2i yg sjjiE Ea)AE7) tab ygb boll XH¥ BEHOII cga) Xgx) S|Al
nieoirste sHaol 7® x)gAat^°E (A)7) ggo|c), fibgyBDHac).
sg ES2) asa sal IHSOII, Si DHMAfe ag aysowi £S 9A| 30S of?! research yb release Waste) rank#aBDB7|e), 87ls¥l
Oiaoilb SHI yVsi nieiES aiaikc), according to ~o|| e)a) financial position xHExtn
g?! regarding ~oiias) noise Eg instruct a|a|5)c) performance ¥i, Wb performer Sblx), y^x)
landscaping E9 avoid aisle) complaint MtLf Sal
material aHs opponent Sdl, Ma) symptom SS
127 SA) oif|
SH^ yy b2| bAJOibOil SSSlb Boston Daily Post?) •idgyg gsftt
122 SAfxfaLMCH
¥ Sla, ¥W=b bS2| LHSOI bfifoiigi g?® Ho)8)b WS# xil
m aas SSAKpremier)°l Sb gx) xialolE, gAKhas been) ysia yasE yyoii 7® b oigEib sxib (A)o|c).
^lOIIAH ao) o,Sh° St) gxjo) ^0)7) S|A)0|Ha EO)E SI y« <HAg c)|a!B| ?AE)o] 81 s»a oig A(^a gga 7|)aa oig) 7|fi|s
a» XISSHO) etc), [:(a)A1 'gggAll* 2)n|5)b (0)7) sgo|c). xilgstb 5)01 BWSOIItII §?» boiS)b bSb aao|a)3 AtEfBc),
wg soy §a, g e ss agMb a aiit)] sss# ¥is) i^oi Ai?)A gai b#! insightful Mb Sib professional BbBSJ valuable bSB
sgaxiiao). method WS motivate §?I ¥o)5|c) editorial AlB
"t®! proprasS2|)EEE premier slag troupes®, novel EB directory (0B-¥Ege| be®A)|gs(g) ym six)

128 PART 6
ytf xloll SAf7|- alfS g(an order is 5ubmitted)0| 0|CHA|
HS Bjyoilfe ttasicK (A)2f (D)fe SAW, (C)b ^Aioiaa 131-134 Olollil
5|s^iA| ycK 'as ~sra'0|Etfe °|[i|o| (B)7i saoicK
44: At# E(0| <sp841>
ae ;fSAi7i A1ISEI3 sgsi7| CHi7| [CBSOII, SJ Ai0|Efea7HS0||7|| ^ #3: n(aa|A|aaLf|E| <,uk>
°i aTii SMSfas aotsti. #3: 711 ##2#
fH?! advise sSisfAl review 9£5|cf order TS(Ai) AfIS: 4Se!s491001
as ~si7l flsoil submit Ai|#5|cf following ~o|®o||
right away ^t, ^A| by means of oigsHAf it|o| 3tHI
azjiyg $e sgoil gAf £§33. aggtHW sgs® 351 ggoi
gaAgTlls, Ago 71333 A10|A7l ISIojAlSf #S( SIAHo^^ styo x
129 ggAiAiaLgAi^Ai(SAEAi) ei#o| oj^33.132o| Atisg d(s hlb s# 4 #^33,
sH® gyoilfe gAKbook)* gAl gEN7f ifislci, Hiy yfoii ssj A I# 4S8lA|g, 1332,(1 xggoii [^Sf HBorcEt 0133 SSE 15% t
Of gtt# 5te SAKa compilation)7l Lf2f 01^ 'oigg ass eah °i5|| a# 4 ?J°3, azjiuJ||A-)4 eg xj[A| urog ^ #^33. y
as sfb'oiafe sHAioi AfgAaj^og tgo] eX||HAl (A)7f ga0| 3 -Ef-yOI 5loA|3 Af3 £3 Aftl|A fctAfS 0|[)||#s fiLB xa^ oioji 01^
ch SSo|| 0|n| gAKpublished)7l L(Vl SlaHS featureLf features 4S ma* 33 4A|7| 1411133,
fe #AlSAf eiflOII #01 Jt 4 aaol, SAgAf ayoil #0l7lE May
featurelslafe sftfgA» o|?A| =slas (C), (D)te aao|cf. 01m eisH tf-SB 4 Mmikm qsH A14 £1133. A13S yaea
az^ug sAia ggsis g# aibsh ai 4 #71*
S ttafS 7|A(OI 'JIE Ha|2f7|7f 5S0II rfgftf Oi|#7fS42| °jEftJO||A|
nig SlSS HSS MASas sfe aj# fiyjssl. 3aa|A|aaMIE|
of#l publish fcislEl compilation as®) quote IdSS ag AfblAgg
feature ^S, ^Sl^AHjas sm
3?l tan #lt33 linen Dl3fi unfortunately S?fAg7||a
have - in stock ~o| Aims #ei as well as ~get oi3ai
130 S^IAf Afa| _ SAIAf + gAf reference SaAiffos rngsicl inconvenience
look forward to ~(8l7|)* 7|l|)s|ei serve (^33) A|§g *01
8H^ sol yo) r^Ajoi^oiiAf H|5b =|oj gAKdelays)2f mV $ SIS SAf fashionable gISSlg, 413 sfg apparel 33,
fe A!A|AlO|a£ (C)7l gaolcf. SA171 giyoll #Ol7lS delays 0|8lel
SApal ^Ollthe Orchid RestauranM SgSS^l gSEIAI aaa
s (A)2l (D)fe aaoici. (Bte SSAlo|HS 3011 soisi SA171 Lias 131 VAias^ALSfa
S# ogojol stf.
«« ?Ja#SgAl2| Aigal^aol, «S2|a7|E5||AESSAH7Hatt?!0| Ha gSSB aajol Aost ta-yi OISJ ag°l A10|a71 ojclfthe tan
a as AISOISS# fli^lAl CPI ftsa* AlBl 5o|cl, linen suit you ordered is unfortunately not available in your
size at this time)S Hgola, gst j|AHo^^ AEfty
of?! entryway HB 21^3 sa alternative i®2| 0| SfcKwe do have the same style in stock in light grayfe LUg
furthermore 711371 assuming that 5# 7®sig oi3. 33AI eitioiis gag goi* lieilbs asAi7i gasi
regardless of ~o||-yBSioi subsequently a o|»o|| as (B) Although7l 3^013. (A) Afterfe Sx|Al3 g^AfS it# 4
oiA|°t gMA} SIS^IAI acl. (0 Evens 'SAI^'afg S3 SAlolHS
=Al go||Ai gaol a 4 acl. ID) WhenS ■~# Itd'ais g^Aioias

132 Sei!0IIStfesgiiS7|
?!3 (A)o|Af|#adlsaL|i£i4#^3Ei.
(C) 3S Ae soil 40118® 4 #hM3.
(D) AH 344# 3 S A(0 |£S £#8® 4 #H3E(.
SHg my y SS0l|Af sas AEIOJ0I y3(we do have
the same style in stock in light gray.)'£ SJcl. EfEfAj myo||£ y
6! 1133 ggg uia SLHg 4 o(cf£ LHgo| AiyAg7(|

TEST 1 5
sna 00 a sgotiAt 'gsxi asotiAt as gas 2A-t®oj 5^ Tdtja
133 SS-M-oW
AllSte dl 2g0| a aolcKThe information gathered from the
SH-S 'S^l ^SS(entire order)o|| 0)^ uW^'oiafe sN^o] x® survey responses will help guide its five-year planjam
Aa|°HS (C)''^ gao|tf. (A) readyffiuis), (B) generaKa^?!), 3022 0001® 57)10 7t|4j4 000 0901 AtlA|E|g ^O) Xt0AP^
(D) thorough(S*l®fc 5j«B e|D» o|3x| %m. S22(D)7tgaO|Ct.

134 fixHAWI 138 SAtot?)

SHa axu Aigow ^IcNStfe °|a|S 'look forward to+fSJSAf Sfla SBitg 'o| ofAio) AfSfa copy of this form)'0|at® o|a|7t AtgAajo
# ■"■ag (A)af StfOlcf. (B) looked(47fS), (C) were lookingtaW 22 (D) copy7t ggo|ct. (A) placement(ullxl), (B) showcasefgg
SaS), (D) had been looking(:WSe 388)8 A|A11 gollAf g), (C) magazine®A|)S 22 formiggiB o)Sa|x| Bfect.
ot#B|A| afecK

139-142 5A|
135-138 SA| 139
axtSI 0S Atttoil chsb H# 2a|?«^L|ct. o|0 4^29 SB Bffl 0
AfgoS 23^ EAiaOi ABt2| AfflOII C) S ^stt 4 Sffe BS x® ct oig 30 Agaig mo)| gxtstx) a^gct. 010s gjj «xt sisoii
S m BSH as^AB aAlsm 2i^L|cf. bsoiiai gag136 0 siiggLig. ait! «x® 3a aeeis gg ^aitsti 2go| s€
EA®o| 57HB nm Alhte qi ago| a a?!Mg. 137o|S! Ai|a|0||g ss «oi|Af 71® sisa 0000. ggg go) 012x10 xtgoi|7|| ugstAptct xf
aaHg, A1BIA, aals Afs^f SHSaM^K a) U Ap|Mg BSsl) 2t]A|2.
agA|g| gafoioa ggsia g Si otis) gs ggfill 141ot|2|# x|0 2x10 gg ^1 ^ g*
hLH, BgaftzMg lg rBa C||AHO||A| o| gg°| 138AIMS 4 20Mct. gg 0 as sgfigw 142ss ssoii Ags LBH ^#00. ^0
oismb. SA® oigggzHiA-ig mm ^ ggsH ^12.23^ EAI 0 0S sson 08H ggs ma® gxt go® *0# Atgs
m a2aoiiAi gfiiMAi 23 IOAIOHAI 2* SAWAI. 3ai3 saag 2A|7| u)000.
ifsaoiife 2* 1 AigEf 2® 5A|AfA| JUBSWEf. q as gag gsiAia gaj 0020 022tSE||3 m|22 0|g0)| 0X12000,
555-01302a gsfSH ^A|2,
express train 9® sXt no tonger 0 o|g ~o| o(y
of?! for the first time Algsa conduct aAisgf
survey as^Af meet#^A|?|g, gfSB gatheraacf stop gxts© affect 91® f|x|0 local train SI axt
service Plxtga) Si uninterrupted S90x| as
response SB, 90 complete ©a#) ggs©, sss©
conductor xtg additionally 0Bai,27t2 remind g7|A|7|0
circulation desk (2A®2)) lns ctiAa encourage ^gs©
polite otl0 u® at all times ft! increasing 57(5®
irritation Atg mindful of 00 Ate
at a minimum s|2tf22 ride 00 cooperation 92
135 gAfojg.sgAH-S-Aras
SHa SgAf can flo)| gAfag# Apt §122 (B) meetAf ggo©. 017|A1
betterg well(if)2| a|2a22 meet* ^AjSIS gAla Mgcf. (A) 139 S0-!!otlSteSg:n=7|
met, (C) meeting, (D) meetingsg 2S gAfSgOl 01L|2£ Bgloll
was act. 90 (A) sei|3 111122®eg oigg gasotigaMct.
(B) 30 Agaig 9,01 g 1114119 0000.
(C) 01 20011X1 AH2S 9 Atafig 0)89® 5Jg00.
(D) 9xt SI SS xtttoil gsH 9# J=03!sM0,
136 cligAtcH?! sHa 00 s sgoiw 'o® 4129 sa bi sx® 0 oig 30 ae
02 9011 gxtstxl a®0(Starting this April, the North-South
SHa fifslig five-year planS '2A®o| 67110 At|4!'0|£tg 2|D|7t E|
express train will no longer be stopping at Green Street
OfOf tfct, ictatAt 0001® the Oakville Library^ 2Sgo| 112512
Station.) jl W. 30221001® 00 fflxt Si0 SIS gx| Attf
S (A) its7t gao|ct. (B) hislael), (C) your(BiJ°l), (D) theirs(3 0) 90S sHot 5t22 (D)7t ggo|0.
S2| ate HS 2lP|Ut g goiiAf gtrntxi act.

137 sai|o|| 5tfe sg 2=71

99 (A) asss 59 0X180 00 gag0ct.
(B) ixioii 2A® 2X10 Oigggg a9llM0.
(C) ataas 59 ♦ 3010900.
(D) 0)1 TtlSMS 523019, X|b|A 22)3 Xt27t 019900.

140 oi?! invite siiaHQ. fiSW participate in ~o|| ifAjs|cf
yadlfe Green Street Station^ aSsfoj ^o]^l OB SxlApt materials engineering ANsge) trade show mtsi
asttctl, SD-I|y '^a Ag£|E «a afslfafe 5||4j0| xfgA£]°ns as always mnetworking a®1! 8^ vendor #)i t|At
(B) inclucling(~# aifsKWI §ao|cf. (A) regarding(~o|| ritSK>1) reserve oiietsici sponsor -f-Slslcl refreshments ct4
s axiAtoixiy m. (c) added to(-oii program ISA( ijga acknowledgement 219, gAtai g
added# add°l 4 5JA|°t «A| gsH^ sjifStAl S enclose SSSHg regarding ^ollBS! pricing ^ig, 7t2j aig
Ot. (D) given that(~# saistaiS a^Alo|ss #At 3o||At aadl place an ad Stas rflct in addition to ~ aioii, ~o|| l-|s|o)
#OlS4fflcK participant ifgAt enclosure

141 Sg^oifl 143 SSAfxjaLSAf^

sH-a ejyol s.m SSS ^aSOMl eg ^Jjsoil m oi|°|* A|?t Bsfn 811^ yyollfe ^|0i| Jib SAKopportunities)# ggApj «
gf^Slfe t-NSOlHS (C) polite(0l|°| bi#)7t g«0|ci. (A) adjacent (D) extensive(gaS)7l S90|cj, (A) extendOgslcjJSj (B)
extendsfe gAj0|ll, (C) extensivelyl^iWIfe ^Ajolss #Ai @o||
(2JSW, (B) incompatible(ol#a|A| yfe), (D) frequent(2J6!S)fe
a= gMAh aufspi acj. Afa^S!tH)l|#Oia^aicK

144 gAfo)?!
142 SAjOjfl
sH-a floii tjsfe sgow mB ASOII LBSII ggsfe ?!°s aoj SHa gaia other ways to your companyfe 'S|AB gasffe cj#
gfa'Olafe SHgol a^a^ohs (A) promote(sa§lcj)7j aao|cj.
a c| as #a#0| is 4#(the level of noise)0|| rag# U|Jl ^
(B) monitor(aA|Slcj), (Q constructBAlsjcj)^ (D) negotiate(Sa
effe SHaol AjgA^on^ (A)7f aaolcj, (B) expense(blS), (C)
precisioniasfffl, (D) personneliaSlS SS Sn-!|g atlslAl Scj,

143-146 ®A| 145 SAio|?|

ii* sa afifsioii set °ILIISOII s.m LBS# SSM, ^A otief,
Si, MAI Sfi soil set 7iq°| Ail^ AlS'oia® a||xjo| x®A^on
0fciM?!!A|L|(>|g At £ (B) detailsWIY A®)7l gao|cj. (A) markets(A|a), (C) labels!
sll), (D) receipts(8SS)S SS pricingaj ol#3| afiet ao# o|
aclOM 141003 ^AI seti.
#8H °IE AiisssigsKiMEAisi sei BfasM aasiAis^ TISH mn
146 SatjOllSffeSS^I
JIAt SAI# £i|L|Cl. # ^SS OIS iAIE OJOH c^g, 143aao 7|
s»Ae#aaL|ci. a ! (A)S3|x|S|2j=WSIl?AHbBL|cK
(B) xjs|7i gsjai SE# ASHAIOII aasLia,
as saiisoi OIDI gxs onasra^Lia. sixia flsiai SIA» (OfflxiaxibisssaMct.
4 SIS a# aae 2I#L|C1. S|2)# sgs^Lj cja® flgsH ^A|e ®Al ID) asiei #HS asi aiim.
asaoii aAjai go i AjaMi #4^. SH^ a ssoiiAf BSII OJE xHssstasidMEAia Htasion srnsisixj
0X11- Scfd am writing to invite you to participate in the India
sa aasjoii ss amss SSHMCI. CHXIOIIS SA 011a, sa, MAI m
son a® 7iaa 145XI[Y AHfoi °joDi m aaxBaj gss sa# Materials Engineering Association's (IMEA) trade show this
yearJ'Jl 0| g°| ggs MAfE Mlf HtSS|o|| SSSfe
oi aim 5O|CK njajAf 0xi BD|OII SLIB siaetM et 0 g agsts aoi xi
SSII xtsiat S^UH ?AI# HnwcK gas aoi aoAia AMI oimiaE gsa-ions (A)7j ggoicj.
OH Aiscjai

TEST 1 7
149-150 rWlAW
qixispf 1:01 P.M.
147-148 mi sasixlia, g. mi] JffSlASOIIAIoi SIS ®AjA] 7|A]E 7|ul Olfe gojqi QJ
7ia2W;?if ga# All JHSOII J=2 giLiia. i49E2g g sola?
^HnaUIAaOII MA» S SXIAgA 0lEd(0|A1A Afe #71 go] SffiEl ?] ^ttalnl 1:03 P.M.
A| a°iA]Se^S!, 147(0)^5] ^ tag 5J5 aS5joj gg gj, O^L| 149gS0|5,
CK SAIASAfe 2 A]j7j| qia gg7®4 io||gj]|o]| oiE]yi h°)o|| r ax| 5|7] 1:04 P.M.
% am *iBim 147(0)^x1^ gyni ^MW r% A®# as® a cfffloiMia. 5(03 AfWI S3| gxna.
OJLIS. 147(8)2001 gcHg gA|E|A|a S?® SS® 4Jl||S0i gA]S1S S
4SL|CK (XB g0(0||A18 atXE 1 B2| 712 SA] gajof °i°B ^mtWcK 4= ^a|o] 1:08 P.M.
1483= 7|2h° 67HaO|0), a 2^as SAIAEA HAIOJAI S7| am S7|| Ml, XII71 ejsa# 7]XU1 oioia. OS saxi IfTiia?
SlR. ?+= SJc a|Sa]SB 3a Is^fxl hr@logislosadvisors.com2E axl 517] 1:09 P.M.
A]7|A7BA|S 0|a!A» am ^A|7| HfSMS. 2SH1 athshai oihiijoii tji^aii ^ ^ 2J0|a? isoxiixi Lgoii agoiw
RU S^sHAi ?a|S 7i|S® ilff X1XH0IIXI g sis Xl^ A(®t 7ix|a 510
oi¥l corporate 7|2S wanted ^l! based ~o|| hajs ^ sfna.
seek gsw. ^ public-speaking dig 3-a serve 5°s|c(
temporary ?|A|S replacement-fSJAI on leave #7]e g ®afnf : 11 P.M.
financial institution Sg7|B successful applicant ®^a]
be responsible for SSSHd assist with ax| spl
throughout proficiencyhighly d||° 1:12 P.M.
desirable um5]® assignment (9°) uHS headquarters
gx] interested candidate xisx] cover letter
of® head(4SS92S)S5|cf,7|cf leave ^cf.W
xf71 A7(|Ai resume o|sia|
absolutely SSS, ## once SB ~8|B scan absic]
signAfggfcl contract tIISIaI)
147 Abysfoj
BS SxiaiS B^sxi aB 149 SIB n]o:
(AjBgxigoiiAiSBBaa 99 RS , A| 3go|| ttafof A|7] -gMois.-af!! # H, a 2|Eb B5!B7f?
(B) OfSBOISgAfSfeg^
(C) ens BBSS (A) S|7fA|7faL=|0||X| olS^HAf 7|!«C(.
(D) S1® teS (B)7|ZH0|5|7)AB£S?J0|CK
(0 5|7f«|7|SC]!I®B®Cl.
(B)fe xisoiiai tmoi gois -yAisxiy SB® BS® Annas B (D) XB ZLL1o| 2|2|0l|A| L® 510|Cf.
AfifOI ttg(Although the sessions are delivered in English,
SH-S OH Afgoil !IA| 5|7f7f B aafafoilXI ,sm B StmCan you help?)'
proficiency in Spanish is necessary for the job.Mll n gx] B tt4Df7f 'Absolutely(##0|3S,)'af!i cnasHc], o| as 5|7f
Atyoia, (C)te 'eafxife gya| SSoilAf x|a# BStHiKThe
W|S 717X01 ESlBmte °|D|0|HE (B)7] §2013.
successful applicant will be responsible for assisting with
training sessions throughout Latin America.)'.!! |i!oaB Afyol
s. iE® (Dfe a SSOIIAI 'sa® a® a# ss^i® B# 5!fe
SlSan Francisco-based Logistos Advisors, Inc. is seeking an 150 BS
energetic person with strong public-speaking skills)'!! S!°H 99 5|7] A|B o|C! ®A|0||A| BBsrat7f?
st «A| Af®0|c]. 5fx|® ^§7|®0||Aloj bb 39® eSEW a2t°s (A) SffifAf
B(A)7fgao|cK (B) si AII®S
(C> OfflAI
148 AflBAlS 811® 1 A| 9^ [)||A|X|0||Af HXf S|7)fe 'SiOllAf aSH® #ai§|01 Ba|2f 7||
ef® SB AfxftoilTll # S|°| AfIB Afs« 7fx|!i ojacfd'll print it
99 BB7|®S0ia7||E|te7f? later from my hotel so I'll have the meeting details for the
(A)2g new authors who have signed contracts with us.)'!l iS!°HE
(B) 17111 (A)7fgao|L].
(C) 67111
sife x|B B®BO|| 'BB 7|BB 67111(766 work assignment is for six
months)'o|af!l 8!°°B (C)7f g0o|cf.

151-152 tr-M fiaSfB 0(EH LH«A|1 aA|7| UHMCK X1|Ol5fA| 2X(AI EBj ^|=o a
01# BB0I Ste e ¥a| xfsil sgo||A| «,iB ysofa aL|L(. e
15lHafoyo|Aia^ 5AII oi-goj oiaio|so||7|| wstsw aia^jo^ j||o)gqq. o|ao|
^gBs: VG12983 Batfwl: 1115B All SB gooimaib, XHB 7HSB°S o| Algol ajsis# sS|| ^ mg 5
°a oigtrLiB. 153m tug gu» assis o® bbai sieia gfoi OIB
J1ZI); A1|L-|ABS*5H BSfAH: (873)555-0143 ngaiMOl ^ 7fe84 W EWIOII mtt BSS g^uich
BB0ll«7B 32HB|E||0|E SS||0| A), gtlB ga 01® 7H2
ABBiOfSSSS 371:7 Alg; g^y.
0Ha|sB.5cf: 1,0007H
t1114B ajAIAgx}: 2,0007H
151^ ggAl: ™ B|a|A 971
saiAB 7||O|A = 71© 1.5BB
mia: = 7Hit 2Bal
152,0% E® 3Zij 7® IB BS, 4SSS sHai Bb|7( 5!01717|s ft mSAI = 7HS5Ba|
154nfx| 2Af7|| = 7© 0.2B2j
o|$l drop-off (saS)Ba description 7|B assign uHSSlol 154(5^ og SBgi1|o| 29 B AilSf)
apply BSslB price reduction 7® IB AMe!atii(7i9o.25Aia = 7Ha 3.8SB
pick up (BBSS)51017®
BSH| 7HB 12.5BEf x 3,000711 = 37,500BB
5SU| gojj = 12,5001®
151 ## AJAtBlgOJj = SO.OOOBB
(A)gJ=M?!!«|e|HW Ol# H2IIS!!, -as p|)gxt
(B) "Jlfira SS sjS □;aHB|E|io|E saiioi AI
(D) HUBS B-fl outline 7H2 breakdown LHefAi electronic SAIB
BA1 -ycion 'Maf^yoi ajb ^(Browning's Shoe RepairColafu line (Algal) partgS appropriate BBS
Lf2( SJji, SfBoil '4Hy BBaR a! tHa|A(Repair assigned to; Jack handset a|HS expertise SB a® personally ahbsss.
BurrisJ'afu sjst 5Joss (CW SBo|cf. envision olBoii aa|c( estimated ^SEfe, of^SS
outlay AB,ga| feasibility BfflAgg cost per unit B7i
rubber ng wheel Big cardboard lf!A| devise ^efsiB
fabricate aiissib, sBsici supplier 5BBA1I in-house ail||2|
152 A(AJ£t°l
direct cost BBui overhead 5Bu|, 3gH|
?!«! BA-|o|W bhM?" m|0|| c|)6« gA|B a@?
(A) aBAl! AH Ea||Am olc(
(B)lJo|smS50|B. 153 ^Af|/=5!
(C) 11 a 14B0II aa^as ast 50 IB.
(D) 11 a 5B0II rn fflAKHI SfAJtt 50 IB. SIB SdlMB^olDflagMjiofeAl?
SHB SAjej miHBOH '10% B* na! 7^ *toj sjgfApply 10% frequent (A) AIIBB disoll cHff as*2SS17IBSH
customer price reduction.)'o|afiL E|OH (B)7f gBOIB, (B) A|g 7\m q® gxilgsMJisiAl BSH
(C) 71# oH-yei ojgoil SBSBI BsH
►► Paraphrasing a|B2| price reduction -> SSB discount 5
lla 5 n:S0||A| '28af Olaf) LHBAfg Sa)(PieasG see the requested
breakdown below.l'Jl 5811, DlAle} ggo||Af 'ollg gB|g as=t s
SfzHi S|2|* 5l0| 0® ssaiEO! 7te^4 e^ioii cust a
153-154 Olniia 9S LHaog sjjioKOnce you consider the estimated outlay,
I hope we can organize a meeting to decide on the project's
feasibility and next steps,)'!! SUB. BBAf Ma||tH! A|g A||ofsy ng
4^!; B£ai|ota,o|A( u|S as* 28S12 Bte 50IHS (A)7l §B0|c|.
LHS: -StJul 7Hfi
BB; 11S3B

TEST 1 9
«Hg 7|Al SBKOII 'HFIfe E||0|AE|aA7l Stgg 7|t! §o(y ^101
EK yaSlO) 0la?«E|LlO||Ai^El ®H|0101| 0|a7|77|-X| E||0|AE|alAOJ
^IS HSAHOII men gA|£i 5S? ag¥IH MDll ag°M aoMSiaiHFI also announced that the
(A) OISOISOIMI aae ABAfo^ xwa 50|ch product would be available for a limited time only, sending
(B) xMfSa u-i!sra a^HS Tasteemix enthusiasts from Argentina to Zambia into a
(C)2|^t««S««|2|SH-M7lia^m ■
(D)4|SAlge|get^g0R. buying frenzyj'tn 812M5. (A)7l g^olcl.
5H» L||«Ai# MB Bx| s^xlKCardboard Packaging)7f '™SH 0^ S
MB a! x1|5t(Devised and fabricated by supplier Promo
ArtroiafM ^Sf 2J°HM (C)7l saow. 156 AKyt,!°J
►► Paraphrasing xg°| devised and fabricated (A) E| 0® E||o|AE|aiA AIEI^S Xltns m Bx| aci,
-> Saa designed and produced IB) swi BM# gat Bgaaxii* JIS».
(O asHEi g°i0| gufMci LB sss oi®m.
(D) OIBOIIOIB xf|g§ esa 7|BS°!e!xlB5!lci,
7lAl°| XII BHII BSf BSSOIlAi 'auHE xgAlg HFIB xi|go| s®
155-157 7|Af @ 71® seiy xibh ®0|SIJ1 tasiof s xiitii ai^=» AjyoiiAf
1IIIMXI Xfisol C! MOia 5!°£ El XIBOI mlHTil AlElximi E|2JEKThen, as now, HFI announced
A«S Lg Ef|0|AE|°lx °t Cigg a product as being offered for a limited time only, resulting
qsaal xl^ oiigsH.
in that item's rapid disappearance from shelves in grocery
SM ^o|A(2a 2a) - 3? s a "hfp! axH ^oia aniae stores across the globe.I'm iUEELst (D)7l gytO|L|
m|E|0f °t-|x£aHHFI)b oi a S|A(7!4B a tt7|-7||n| A|a|^
7| SJM Eii0|AE|aiA oragxf x|a| « BAI® 1(1 aBB gnllBS Ef
ae| XBSS sfSM aaa ag°) SEMI aqq" ss ao|A ggmi
#x» a-fiW. — HI —. 155hfi s} opiig aMB uia niiE|E|7f a
fe at! n xiisoi ttgg 7ia gy sja. ise-amiE xisxia hfib xii ^ [11, (2), [3], [4]SHAiagS0||A| LfSgSOl 71® AjtfstKe?
B T1^ xfesm ^hbioi oiBgi soi ass xiysBBxiga 501 "aEfLi ofxj) 2S 7ISOS. UIICIMA21 gquiAPtoi a x||go| xnes yof
E|LKH|Af^a SUIOW 0|B7WX| afa aasia g AIM asss BB ojcfjl ®?!!E|,"
E!|0|AE|=!AO| ag?!!H Mini B 0||Af n XIISOI Ufami A(a(x|7|| s|si
(A) [11
sosmasw. 5." — [3] —. (B) [2]
OK Ma|A|Ao|| ojb ofi! A 41 5a HFia SITIIAHS S|A|2) (C) [3]
e asg i?#axii OIB gxii 1/4S7I MBS ast 50|a. ^7| (D) [41
gona saoii sxia g#oii aa DH#8B7KA|ggx(7gSHFI '°m [21B tIo||A) 'M EDHBxife ny gBo| SSS mWx| X1IS0I E| B0|®
y aa E)|0|AE|aiA# qgroM g 21 xia?! sgi stasia 0||®s!!cKBoth wholesalers expected it to be gone by the
a^wa S)0I6|| ^2ic(. - [2] - oia.-w]- end of the day.l'n Sfedl, o| U0| qsalB Bxf = Eo||aA||o|| q®
^EDHa*fcaasaoige BgO| o|(>10l SlHM (B)7l g®0|c|.

Bfl flavor a bighitoHgg introduction 8A|.M7||

limited SSB enthusiast ag?!! frenzy SS.SS 158-160 tlU
grocery distributor gag a#SA|| shortly after ~ aM
be reminiscent of ~sg7|A|7|E| wage (gillB §8) aO|E|
cinnamon tPI asnowxBAlB result in ^SsaNsiel
disappearance A|a|S accountant s|7(|a| earnings MB WAl: 51151!
based on market watcher a® gg7| ?«oi|A)7l g Bsistlb M®fi ifal saiiLXl SMq.168. 159OI|ai mb m
expectation 7|d|, 01® meet (7|c||-fi-BSS)ggA|7|E| sl|O( §12) of®gM aaiiog OR q gpf show 3oa®2|
Ai®«HgL|cK elm qg gga aoi ssq, iig®cs ee hi
ae?ae Ofggg gl#°| ESI §asx|7( Eisjgqq, ng x|y 15a®
155 AbMifB oi ®a» ^xisiq Stnal gigEE S8qq. o|xf| esxil® afe
Bei mioiAEiaA xpiaon CBSH gAi@ ae? x®Aai gsi- moisio) °a| is qy ®®qq.
(A)axi®oMssBa. leoiBloixfiia ^a* San aoiwi gs®fi gqspis ygsHouj^ lb g
ib) aaiAf aoii oig e ssoiiAf eisaaa.
(O HFia^Maaoia. gay ®S fiiq q 7ian||* sstt ®®qq, i60(A)xiS m o,,^
(D) 4B s ggcs AlBElSia. M|2l nq gqs 7|a|b ysm 7HS|e|£l| qs o(a|g aE aof ^x|
7| aniLiq. ®Q{ ow u|oi|7|| stuiq* ee ohc^ tia|°o|
AR®O|| saf 160(C)3s1 m ggu ajoj Atgsii ^A|7| uBqcf.

161-164 gaia xllg
o|$l upcoming irSJ# retirement Be| career
wildlife otSS# position sfs! eventually ga|7lM[9:21 A,M.]:
conservation MS, vision SStsf commitment s|?J2} aaswie. gMmii! ME WOHOII rtlEl AH SAig afi 4J8cf|a. ofssi ejg
well-deserved aife board of directors o|Aiti OHM SflHOII A|Aj5|g 27]2?
lifetime achievement award gs^f present ^ofsict
commemorative aiasj plaque ynH following ~?oi| final Wl [9:22 AM.]:
invite sr||s|cf, agsici reception 9S| honor 7|am owe, 161gaAg7||E 7)54 ijijia as SfMsfe L)| g AigElIt °!0)2,
farewell #8 contribution 561, g®! stopbyS^cf 0la]E gfln^lAI oliiiJ 5 aoa,
ga|7[M[9:22 AM.]:
o| saib jia|oi|7|| yasifSLia?
158 AWAflf
flBaf B|i7] [9:23 AM.]:
t!?! 0||Ai OlS gOlO)|Ai e?sfe7l?
0[AI2, a|AfE7[ Jiiaijoj|7)| stg sjah eja) ^7| ?|8|| gxf g#SAl|o| gg
(B) eiAl@A| MS m 7Ha|2 ggg0|0|12, SSOIITII gets go[Lt2, a|AfE?
(C) xra MS
(D) EA| 7||lf alAfEMalig [9:34 A.M.]:
Af|7] Bf aS2] #S|* gyig2, Hg #201 121] SSOJ £Sfsi 5 yogi
4Hg sef^DII 'oilAf Wife U2|5L|0f ofAgg# ggoj ofAH#^ aa|aos 0|
2. [(;]a]Af 162,163oa|5 4)2^011 4^2 A|S}S g u# 7f0||2.
s cf E||al 0EOIIA-I 30tf2fe| 5^* A|Sf5!!cKMr. Esser began his
30-year career here at The Terra Fund as a wildlife ranger in flla] H]|7] [9:35 A.M.]:
the California Wildlife Parkj'Jl SW. of^S# &a|gs A® as 2A]0|M|2.1632# 22011 sajoMl 2Sl4HAf M7]|2.
21 AIWOIH^ (c)7i ggoici.
a|A]Ei=ls1|g [9:35 A.M.]:
J2JjD||7]| °a|7] 7H# A®# SAf 5]S Sb| sog fflji ^ □pqmos
1S 55 5^ ^ras ttm c]a| as na] gAi|2. ga|E 430] ggsi fit
159 AflVAlIf
ss g dBH stags M^ agcf,
OIIA-) juib ci eiiai eiEoiiA)« ay s^aibxi?
(A) 7^ Aigg StSgfE L)| BjD[L] ai77]2?
(B) isa
to soa alxfEMalig [9:37 A.M.]:
(D) 65a
s Ian 7]|S]QHM, 0(O]#2tt77]X|fel# 7f0i|2.
llo sa^oil 'OilAf A|b uaiagof ofAHgi gasj ofASg# aa|s°M o|
5 c-l E||sl 0EOIIA] soaysl 5?# AISffScKMr. Esser began his °a| 7]E [9:38 A,M.]:
30-year career here at The Terra Fund as a wildlife ranger in S0]2. a#S A|SS 0]a| gcfl 7[A|2 °iJl 2 g7l|0||Af2 a Ohg)*! Al^ -J,
the California Wildlife Park.I'll jUMHS (C)7f TTafOlrl. ai|o|a(Af #01 As-iipll 2|5E|g #3152,164Hg #01 4 2lSE|g, 2712
OS MS a#4 Cf 4#s t A, 01= 7)0112

160 Af^tfoj "lfl on schedule oilSrHM delay A|g fabric?! drape f]#
bed linen slhl Aissf u||3(jg be held up a|x)|e|c[, a|sgA|L[
a?? OilAf M|2| go|» 7|afe Lfl AfgElAl Sffe communicate SHSlcl hear from ~MMEf 228501
(Aiaai distributorTr#gA]| so that ~SfggE^ firm datesfSHxl
(B)6f get off the phone with ~2]#s]s#L||cf guest roorn thai
ID) A® Mg work one's way toward ~ ^22 ijsh l]7]c]
public area SST1# crewggg
sHa (A)fe ^ eM 9Sf sa¥0||Af 'SIS S|2j soil Ola 321011 5ia Oja) a high profile 55# Sol gglfedl s|g] a®
fif Hfia fefol ^7| HfacKFollowing the staff meeting, we invite business community Stii in the long run 57140a
all employees to stay for a receptionl'fe Mlgoll agEISfcp (B)
fe ^ HBli SS,f 5! SSOflAf 'OIAIAIM EJJS m ao||71| SS6.« +01
5f7|S SSfflcKThe board of directors has voted to give him a 161
Lifetime Achievement Award)'fe Mjgoll fdifElSJcl, aa|Jl (C)fe
DfA|Bf SSOIIAf '321 [i|| gSii Aij(a book that will be presented U[« 27l]a ojg AramisASShIL gate7]?
at the receptionl'Olafe tft^oll eSElHcl. sfxia AfAl Mgo|| cHSf (A) UHg S|A[
ofMMS (D)7l gaoici. (B)5gAC55
(O si Aiigw
(D) C|A]g S|Al

TEST 1 11
8H-4a 9A| 22® miAlAMiAi mi7fe ■9im se) ^^a7^ Aigti 165-167 tiSAI
H SJcKI'm afraid that there has been some delay in getting
the fabric for the drapes and bed linens.I'll 51!At, 9A| 35® nil nl|a|Ma|A| Af®S 7p
AWOW alxiE MSIIS!!® 'jiaioilTll m 0*1 SU sal AfS® i|aq ®A| DHTfa
S Si! cfS, ofAiafos 1# SS sta* mn cfAl aal 2s iM®2)Alif
aKYou should also remind them that we will begin working • aAlif in Sf-y ^SAIOII aA|=j AlSSfAlia,
on the guest rooms first and work our way toward the lobby . E®S 7 ix in sras m® fe Msgs# aissiaiih.
and first-floor public areas lastj'Al SW. o| ¥■ ol|A|A|0|| g^fsf . 165^ sies^i Sfn gxioii S5|7f 1 ye gg® Am ^Aiia.
fe drapes, bed linens, guest rooms, lobby, first-floor public . 166^A| 4^ A|5t8f7| 5f0|| ®S ti!°A112.
areas* m saafi 4 S!°HS (C)7l gaoltf. »®7||7f 1 seszia 0|g Li7te ®g0||® ^S'oiafn H7|E|O)
013 #*S #7fL[ Si] Hi® ® A® oigol em 5iA|7| UiajLlLi,
»Dsafnfi7|E|0i SJ® eSHI dig°® syoi ai^gct, ^sixi a
^2|8HAl ?|g5(A|7| biaLlQi,
• gget goi sioxiy §401 omo m xieoiiTii aesfA®! goii
e « siaa® eiAfi Ata® AR* hw I? perrybridgeoflice.comO||A| Eg 7||A|5l® SA|7i blifL|ci, t67o| n||®a
(A) aeiJ oil Lisf yxi a® eas ® exi ggxi# e°A|aiy 497-555-0101 y°
(B) siaa sxwoiwi ysfstjAia
(Wgfla oi?l workstation ga SS, gam installation-^ai
8H£ 9A| 34® Di[A|XtOl|Ai E|AfS MEiaS 'SfalJOII 5|a# AiSfff ® °B specified SA|® instructions-SgA] clearof~oia®
5J(we could actually begin the job on Tuesday)'o|aln part®® weigh®7||7l~o|ci lifts® elemental,®®
(B)7fggo|cK delicate9® handle ggsicl

163 4# 165 Miltiaj

y® H||7ltt|® ®go||®5!gtt5!aS7l? e® ne ®2|A(®IOIIAI Aissm y® 5®?
(A) 7is an®®* mstw. (A) Am gysi a®oi#g asst® a
(Bim^Hgaessgaci, (B)Alglo|A|4*®aSl®a
(og^ssaAM msi®. (O g nae E®fts ggsi® 1
(D) ngoiMl ys®ci. ID) #sis¥iegE»5Hisi®a
sh-s 9ai 34® iJi|A|x|oi|At aiAfE aHisiioi ■sienoii gss Aigt 4 a# sHa Ha ®SIAI» AH am wgoiiAi 'gn EHS masw am HAIOJ a
5!(we could actually begin the job on Tuesday)'0|alll Sfxl, U|l7l an? 11 y® #3* A|®®(Ensure that your work area is clean
A171 'Es saoll ngo||7l| atlsHAI stgaCKI'll call the client this and dear of any potential obstructions to the installationj'al
morning and let them know.Cn $S!°HS (D)7l ggo|®. SHOTS (D)7l§H0|®,

► ► Paraphrasing X|g2| call the client

-a S02| contact the client 166 *ll¥AHf
y« hhaioii ®gy, gH8 A|aiat7| aoil A®s®®5!§ snot ai®7t?
164 aisnfof (B) H® ®sgo 1 #ao 1 H®AI siam.
y® Ea9A|38g0||7lSA|7rS7|g°E"aln#I[||, Zl2|E®®3ja7l? (D)E®sseEe®.
(A) ngol gAtOII 5)® At 7|M®. m na ®2jAis mi am ij®ow ■•sai mss Aigsf?! am 4# ftiaai
ib) ®4B gga 7t® s swoi 01®# xigAgTii ota®.
(C) geoi Otigs® b|S0| go 1 s 50 lain ggffl®, (Wash hands before beginning the installation process.)'!! tS
ID) nigoii ngm® 47i gys e ®E am ggm g (A)7l gaol®.
m '7is m® E® HOI g asE®, gAigog, nt® ® a® ga
fi If 4 St# Sd'm sure there will be more work with them in
the long run if all goes well.)'o|am Mteni, o| H1® guOl S of® 167 AllYAHl
a|E|y "fog E ®S H# a# 4 SIS ao|al® 2iD|o| y® A®10||7|| m 7ixfla yas asg amHai®7|?
HE (0)71 SHoici, (A) ®7t ggg 4®ai7| HaH
(B) xtlg HA| HSS S7| Had
(C) aso IH® xtn® anaiA | HaH

HB Dp|at S=o| ggO||Ai 'OHTTSOII LfVf ojxl ys £| M Agoi 5! ami aefow 'niia gs^gef 3^*2 a^a go, 0d
x\ -agAI# "foaig 497-555-0101 Bos SSfSfaKTo receive gos 5tO|St7|| E|0t 7|racKpleased to have such a promising
the installation instructions in a language not available in this group of new employees become part of our consulting
manual, please contact us at 497-555-0101 .I'll 4Hoas (D)7l team)'7l Iffl ®, 'otBII 7|AHE! s|At gsi|| aat(p,ease
S30|CK review the company policies listed below)'2 sUodb (0)7, aho,
►► Paraphrasing Agaj receive -»SSfil acquire
► ►Paraphrasing Aigo| new employees
-> Sag recently hired workers
168-171 OlDiia

stii: <> 169 #2joi5f7|

4i|: (-tigj 5ia a3>
Sg 5! 3«|| EfS} 5! 34 #o| "promising"4 2|D|3 7® ?\7j\g. 510?
Ail=: m (A) SAtlSHs
tfnf: 5® 28^ (B)3gtt5!aS
(0 At|otS(E
S^DHAEt Sgs Al^ia 16801,0 tesg^oo^ yo, oa| m (DjsieoiiTisE!
H U°i Stoiswi £|01 7|eL|cf. o(en 7|XHS s|Al augs sssiai
71 A1S| aElAqi OI- ffla gasi ^|S|| ^A|7| HfehL|C, "H-a s||3 S34 a promising group of new employees^ 'S£°3si
SI3 3Sw'o|4ui 5||34ss promising4 7[3 H|4tt °|o|^ A|y
S|A( St^Sfb Ell ;||ol SSEfe AlSt A oj^um DIO, UjnAI & (B)7t 39014.
Oil SJi= daise) ai^aj sjjoilAi e^Bof sh:(3 gM7|#aa assioi aet
7fe0| oils SSE* fiaS(A|7| H(1,1L|C1. 170a A,=^o a,A
R-135sq| St^Llcf. 170 AIIVAHf
01E^0| 2a|?!!q|o|-ig su gts Aiggg sty 4,2,110,/jggo, o, 34 3^7|#^fe otqoil Site7t?
Oiot anlA qoi asidi mm 4 %=m □JO, Aisss aoiuiaia A (A) atA Big
a| fia Sppon °is,tsiA|7| a®L|Li. ay sHSai H-290sq| SJ (B) sffial 93
ou, iiiAieja 8645s gsftt 4 SIBMCI. (C>asA|*
^LHAjge a|A ajg ]go|| ojoq, £« 2A| 30gt7lA| S# «L|ct, hihA| m Ago, = ynl, ygollAt 3fi7|#^7t 39E|feq|, 'a At=30| EtA oj
S D-108aq| Sit: atgAfc ESI =412 o,, nia|s(L|ct DHej 6 3 R-135S0II SJcKTheir office is located in the Russ Building
A|Z7(A| agAiqw 7-ini, At, ^A aalT, 7^8, tiais CAJ A O;^L|CK in R-135.)'419«°eS (A)7t 39014.
satE sA-ee atA =iq| °tA|s(| oioqi, ^ TIM ssstb m sa
•w sda+aHMEt.
171 Atl^Aftt
°t°f astLf gaet«0i0t sets, L||A!Ba 8300°^ UH^
J 434011 EHStA^Lt atA aig A|5|0|| Ol^ R_400S(),| =a, AAIA|2 34 oimiejotl 4=3, 45101 as 3giq|7|| AtlS£fe7t?
satu I (B)63StS4aSEt
offl promising SE^attl part SS, policy 3S, 3*1! (D)EAM7t£
familiarize oneself with -S^AlSfct complete ?f4Sict «H3 Also) Atl 341 94o||At 'saioiiqioi^ IIH ggga stAi 412,11
security-enabled M°t7l30|5tc identification badge-ygg 01 fl4(The identification badges you received at orientation
at all times 93 misplace €5SSJc( access ae, aBStct must be worn at all times)'Jl S!°HS (C)7t 390|ct
extension LU3ea cafeteria T'MIA® break #3
by way of ztAj raised walkway ztass connect
aastct expect 7|cta|ct stopbySscf basement A|s(g
172-175 SA|

S?!!A|ct|iJ sat|A
168 ^11/=3 543A|#^ AEEIM
»!« o|q|^o| ^■ejzt? i-ME|E,aa|£40t 94965
(A) 3aS0||7|| A1W gya U||asfe y
(C) l|At a|2» 4H|Sfe a
(D) iieoll USE! 3a»>||7|| All? Atlt# 3gsfe 5!

TEST 1 13
ga 19® «BS 3A|® 51 sm 81 S80||Ai tfSAl® so|e M|fe ffaiEf® o|g ®|
°-m 4Stt ^ SJllwe can amend your previous contract with
B|7HESD||0|A M| us to account for these changes)1' SSW. zia|' 5J ujA|| Qaj
89e!XlHOiaH£Ha|0|M A|® SS0||Ai 'felfiRAlnl, 8A|| sgs AfMl oig 7)^0) Le H
SKHE, £Bia 97205 € 'SIS 03E|Al as 3(All other provisions of the previous
contract will remain unchanged, except for the adjustment to
your royalty fees as we discussedJ'OI®' ISESS (D)7l §801®.
asi 29MCII® sail^bsmioiA MlzflW <Ai|7j| offl: idlxl oiM|Ai>e| 71®
xiws c^i ^S|2f 8p|£ 6H aoii cflsH 7|M| mtiMa. Aiaia asi ► ► Paraphrasing Ag® amend your previous contract
^OIOIIAI SJCHL171 maw® aas OISHSW ®^D1. oHSt as» ® -»§8® a modification to an agreement
®S17| ®5H 172^t|2t® Oia 7f|°f8 7|^0| ^SU $ SJOLI o^SffiAlfi.
_ [1] _ gsf (AUTfi o(g>0| aw AISOIW ygoi off #°i7| hsoii aisi
fe 7HS5.E a77 as gAU Eg® HE® 7|mAB s^sl #gA| 173 AlffAH.1
7|j!At ffi-W. "50|ff AH dtag q goiBWl nH5£|a M t\m
yspi ?|5H gxiiHosE stia a®L|cK - [2] -. "zt^fscfAini, ?isi® a® S0|E M|b 3A|® SJII g®# EUifeT)?
®A1| 2Wg A1I2I11 OIS 71|°»A1® cm 2E £SfgS egE|xl m a®l-|DK (A)ffl@ TfllAt
- [3] -. 173aaa TIWA* ssttLicK gm-fw®, BAI® <&m -a (C)-t!3At§a^
It® ®aHAB WAIE Al® a Ml I H®L.W, ®|®Ai» Al|7| 10 (□) Atas
a i ®MfAi ®AI aufl ffAia a®aH w. - [4] —. set AH HW?)^ ELU E SH* 0X|® g 81 5! S§o||Ai 'tJIS ®llAi* ggSKThe
ai AHAl ®a ®A|g ORO SLHAI 7fl®A|® B0| am ^AjE HM®. updated agreement is enclosed,)'' l!!°HS (A)7j §80|®.
AMOII 01 zm 174Ala|6H gAla oi=a #51 Soioil SS 71®* sH ffid g » Paraphrasing A|g® the updated agreement
Oil aA( EHM®. Al®a XI® AHXftS igsl msw, 7ff gw® AHEg -> §8® a revised contract
yxios n^Lfe aft® tfBSS Tiff gxllf ff S!®Ai ®852E gatw®.
ggOW g® A|SI0| ®OA13 X1I71I a® gwxIE
174 §2|0j 5t7|
7||AB| so |E
Eaxlcll® a®|A 1® All Bull 815! SHU #® "attending to"® ®d|1 7® TfttlS ag?
SSAIS (Bittasfes
(C) lalsib 5!
®¥l delighted 7|^ Rest assured that ^o|Lioiws|gx|£ (Dllisfe?!
ongoing fflxH SiS§® paradigm shift m®®® SS sH-a 8118 SSS 'AfMoil 01 SAM Hslj ffAjAt lAj-siKThank you for
amend ffSsW previous 012® account for ~B-^SSW attending to this matter in a timely manner)'' SHIS®. ®7|A|
reception SS, 83 target market a® a® attend toS '88 M®, Aja|8l®'alS ®d|o|H£ (C)7f§ao|®.
ensure SSSI^SW faithfullySB^ItII meet#^A|?|c|
electronic edition Sa|3 bring in ~#3ofiow
provisional unchanged BSSlb except for-SAMSia
adjustment's royalty fee ®aii enclose SSSW 175 m
initial ~oi| S8® ®£|sAlsa® marked fiA|@ S® [11, [2], [31, [4]E fiAIS s son® ®S saoi 7® Wf® ss?
approve SlsW author information Atx|®® ■gisi go Woj ®UOII as AHES soi sg as as® # aa®®. "
assistant h|A| send in IteSH® attend to S8 aci, xtalsw
in a timely manner SAM, A||tc||oil value '#o| ®7|c| (Aim
license spisW emerging sgoil S3 concern 8®, 3SA| (B) [21
(C) [3]
(D) [41
SHS A11A|@ SSOII al50(£E®£te Bo® ®!°HS 8 ssoBAf m 31 AH
172 ^|/=S AUDI 8Aj 88801011®. [218 8 SSoHAf 'oia ah ®SS ®
S® SO|E AAfe SB SDIIOIA M|0||7|| ®A|1 afcTl? goiswi UHE®' SAH gAfgg ®cHtt B5|7| ^sh SAiiHo^ git
(A) m assH # m sssiti fi ?j(This new version will include electronic editions of your
(B)019®S(HI«S2l5i7|?|8H book in order for it to be more easily distributed and bring in
(C) art ffl a® 4H0II Ala® 3®A| StolaTl ?|5|1 the widest possible audience,)'0|®® AHSSA®0| 88®® 8°
(D) 7(|°W®ffSSSS5l7|?lsH
(B)7l §801®.

176-180 oimiiJ+SA-i 177
7m Alois <> 39 Alois «MrB5|| 9X10 5|g?
^aj: im Aia|A <> (A)X»»2goiSH:|,
gMa^ (B) 71X19 EXBOIIScl.
99 1611 (0-413)11 AH SA|S0|A(5i!9.
(D) SAB X|S HEttf.
SSAM m oimia 51 ami SSOIIAB AIOIS «IE 'SAH 9x^9 xgxi s CH# 9
Afe SAB ?|A|S?E| A(SA( s :(|E OI-LIC^ ^sjm fl|7| SE XIS|2 99(1 currently lease a car from your company,)'2 ="2
Oil «in|A A|o||Ai ^A|a|a EfSa, °A°^ u|ai e|2 cma^ t,S|cK i78x|| oi ¥ am SSOW '9II|A A|O)| 9X19# ESH tHA# E|JZ 999 #9
(I recently accepted a job in Memphis City, and I am going to
CBAI 7(|ef2| SSc LA508S!tJL|i;|, nB9 gfg yoll Ag gAjEfe Si 7l|2i
o start taking the bus.) jI M2SS (D)7l §0019.
ABE 9® 28SI S|2ii0|| 5! EE* A|Ats|7| [£||g0|| 1799S 279 129011 A(
• Btytsaa sa^Lici, ascn eief as SHPI 129301 HISS APIEI 178
OIH 9 7)1901 gLfe AISOII *» yysti 5! BE S^IAI L|# O(
@Ste7||L«5!9^M9. 39 A)0|S M|EOj0g#9X» §05)071?
(A) ?IE|H
176^1 °|O||A| 7)I9OI §i|5|7)| OIB g 29011 gLiEx), aaia 9A)| Ag (B) It
a!asH0f SfeAl 99 ?A|7| b|gfL|cK (009
(D) 3121199
aA®Li9, ma O|o||0 5! am ygfoiw Aids mie '99X171199 Bs?) LA508a9
7MA)0|S (My lease agreement is number UtSOS.)'# 0«E9, §A|o||A|
LA5080II 81)0810 H0O| 00(Sylvon)O|HS. (B)7) g0O|c),
o|?l lease loBxf7)|9, loBsm, 9X|5|c| accept ®)Bo|9
take (u)a-6hx| §s) E[cf month-to-month 109, la
renew (7)I9o|)7cSaie|i:| ideally o|SS°s return ISfsm 179
renewal as would rather+SAisg x)a|a| ~sR!jc|
make arrangements Eulspi, oissici 39 A|0 |S A|0 0E| SSOII 0X11 710) S|07)?
(A) 91 79
(B) 91 149
(C) 91 259
a)E| 9S (D) 91 289
SAHSEmsW 7)19 «HtS 0IDII9 0 am 05fOiW A|0|S 90 '91 279 1290)1 xm 00310
7)19 aa A)#X)21 1 a 18 DDI SIS 0 SlEKI would return the car to you on Monday, September
LA502 7)E|S $199 7 27.m 32 0|0) 'as gn)7l a29ME) mlag Afala| 0|ffl « Tjiqtoi
LA508 10 $2)1 17925 eL10 A|W0)| XB a0§)39(if the renewal date is earlier than
LA513 09 $159 28 that Monday, I would rather return the car at the end of the
LA519 22)199 $249 14 current month's contract)'^ 39. 2£|2 gAj# MB A|o|s M|7l
• 1809rBxi 7)19 SS* °|SH 4A|7;(X| u^of ^ 9X® XD0 l§(Sylvon)o| DBS S|g 7)|99(Final Contract Date
9. EigAi at at amx) 7(198 Agos & aa «7| gggLiq. for Each Month)0| 259S 129(91 279)19 l)sc)0 5# g 0
5J°HS (C)7) 00019.
o)?! contract 7)19 termination Se return #3)^9
otherwise aaAl a°0 extend 0SSlcl additional ^7|2|
180 mm
176 ^ABI/saj 39 19 7)190)1 95H gxig 50?
(A) 41# 7)|99 2? 4A|0)| asm
ttm AIOISMIE 2B oimias MyjE?!? (6)90)0)1090018# §09,
(A)X|afLB0i»2aSl7|95ll (C)S0 7)190)119909019.
(B)Alg5|7|9S|| (D)Sb|a|S# 21)5)2 09.
(C) 99X17)[9o)| cue Sfi# 97198H s
(D) AIS 7tee)^xisao|| rdsB S2|5l7| aaH #a SAtai s)0o)| 'imx) 7)|9 SS* 951) XHJS j|g 7)19# s® 4x19
8 A| aasHO) fflcKFor lease termination, cars must be returned
lla 0|d|[7J Aflao| 'gkl 2g(Rcques) for informationl'oln^ 0|o||9 A|| by 4 P.M. on the final contract date,)'2 39. o| #0 S# 7)190)
SKB 09011x1 '99X1 7||9oI StsW o|a g 29011 #L|EA|, 4|o 7)199 2# 4A|0|| 0s@9fe 9d|o|hs (A)7) 900)9.
9a|| XB yaoBOl SfEAl ast ItaKPlease let me know on what
exact day of the month my lease ends and when I need to
return the car.)'2 552HS (C)7| 90019.

TEST 1 15
181-185 SHOW + 0|D||Sj "i?! previously o|go|| be interested in ~oil fsyomcl
htlp: // resale aHM custom-made SfSAiiyef release sa|
charity auction AfggoB host^sisicl purchasing
procedure lAi up front-tlsS transaction 7t2||
@eo/w m sstt Bit ssa
181 D
pjiHSS- a@ aiAf2| a?# l 'o|
B SEiai Ssi S-tis S-SSfe ?}2|^!2! 21MS #01^® t Slfe S?1L.|ck 181 AhMtf°i
181(6)^ igggs s€#¥El SJHPWAl oiai gef as# 9i° yg 5fEtl¥l7|A0|| CBSH gAlsW SB 3S?
□, 181(D)«^o| oimsh oil# gti^g# ag sgsm 5JgL|c:l, 181(Afe DH (A) Ofal Alma ggifi HBSfa ncl.
aa isootacii oii#7f#aEi aw TVOIW # ^ sia aoii ^EB^I OB (B) Atiggoi ota s#a sag giHfflg.
(C) SBaf 2Bflaia sjAtAfl HSECK
sn SBMEK ID) ga sa7»a Aiggg ^AHO^ sti.
o^a|| ga# masWAI Aia|7f easi-a 5Ja flBfeei iJ?# 4^MA1I 8By 1 nflo|A| ^ aBII gafoiW 'B oflSB 1800BCH o(|g7BVe| SW
2. 182eEfo| 7^ip\ 7fettL|CK TVOIIAl g y 5JB yoll AEfgAfAl O^sji SfcKThe store features
CD aiols: lOn^Eael artists from the 1800s to rising stars seen on television
VBHAH Aiaol 15g|S£?E1 today.Vfe liisos (A)fe i(oiaEf. (B)b ffl ii||0|x| B SnB EfsfoiW
aa: .10n^2¥Ei 'AfSl igglB s&l^Ef £ii||ap;(A| Oiaf get gea gajsm 01
saasisontSEgEi cKOur collection spans musical genres from rock and roll to
183 operaj'fe i-Bgog afoigch aa|2 (D)te ?! BnB n^oflAi 'o| gg#
a7l: IQQgl-SaaEI
o ggo| so} gys go|5}o| a o}^ *j
□HSoife EH asa #aoi sia^i AIISS §# ai Afoimoii sbiai
71£ soil SSMEl, 2A« SaaAlBjS Alfil DHSS ^811 ^A1|2, (The artifacts are a window into the creative minds that make
up London's musical spirit.)'o|afb LBgal g u}n|| ggfollAI 'g^sl
explore rich g^sf artifact go||g,#s y|r.(|Ai ojB gfflABg Qg igsfll 5iEKhighlighting England's
make up goblet spirit o^i span (otIaI) ~oii gxia great artistic contributorsj'fe i-Bgos stgglc}. gplgt S|Ai7f M
highlight ifsspf artistic oi|#7ta feature-SHtlclW son cbs (c)7i saoicf.
rising star gdl AEf electronic checkout aafy 1*11
songbookaatia! signed Algol °ig apparel afg, 2K
artwork gsl instrument 5(7| make it to 7(a 182 Af^tjoi
gg 5|C||¥|7|A0|| LBsB gAIS 58?
Htg: ^n| fltHS (B) a® JU® ggg gi® TIISIOIEI.
4^J: (0 BA|E ttfl gTl# 8®,
LBg: afaaia^Sg (D) 1 AK)|S0||A1 bis mm EtoHftl.
2S lU SHS 1 ni|o|A| All gull BgoilAi 'gam SaBaI AfesicKEtectronic
checkout is availabte.j'Tl j)ioa^ (D)7l SSO|Ll,
183^t □(=( g||}0| OISOII 7|EB 7lA|a neE|E(. Afe flA|a a
AIO|E# nai EisfeEii, OIIAI AH 7|EB AHEtDHgos ^gsfa -y 183 W
gg agE A|g #ao| siqig7|A0||A| #a|7|| a gg s|A|7|g nuioiaBAl?
i847|E|t ffljy W|o| agyg ?! 'SB #A» g5l5(7| nsH a2| gsti i!g (A) mas
°! nalAMI^ g|gAtlH7i a|?f urn ¥I8H Sf# Aiisffi 5!?JMeI. «!€} Aife SB (B) SOIIlgE
a|™ oNal yg ^s| ggoiia 017|E» 7fA|a cfa^gcK 7lEfe 20li 5! (C> 50IIISS
(D) 100EIS2
aiawpiys® Aiy gofloiiAi Atsi oitHApi^nsigLia,
sBe oimin s g«« S^ohai auiswig 'oia a®oi oiaoii Agsua 71
i85flAjo| ^o|| **(71 gS7fl E|feA|, aaia#2# ansfeAl, om Efg 7lA|a SfcKI have a guitar that was previously owned by
g AHSfDHl tt ItH 7BSB EHga ns uImS ysfeAl tt3| ^A|7| U©L|Eh Mark Peckham.j'Tl W. nScll 1 ii||o|a|1 ag ge7|fe 'lOOnfSE
olSdnstruments: £100 and up)'o|| Sa|H£ (D)7l g&0|cl.
AEl gt|J|6

184 « n?! visually a|7®os chronicle Sdieas 7|ss®
WSi U|0|| cflsH SAig 5g? evolution tW working wear 49® high fashion 4t! iB-ffl
(A) m "in S^IAI sssfe ns m runway M4A)gcB capture asfs® span(7|tto|)~o||gx|ct
(B) yiewiE m mm °in. be filled with 7)e x® fashion house 4# a|A(
to oigoii m\ iJtsan. amusing ABoKfe memoir sin® unconventional 44^
(D) ONA|°| Al-idgAM 7|tl8|Jl AiO) sq,
®®e! upbringing 9S label ttfi, all reveal Eaft-iicf ^s®
m oimiiJ ^ en« E^otw ^lEfe ffliy "[OJ asa {I^oi sa|Xftf|| in style Sfflsfb out of style °ISo|x|t! sweeping t!S4?J
A D||°lxia£7| raa "IS as# 5» n\m Sdhe guitar was array gi.uifa trend SS.Sffl
custom-made for Mr. Peckham by his close friend Elizabeth
Dangerfield)'0|EfJl 5!!°HS (B)7l »ao|cl.
►► Paraphrasing x|s°| the guitar ^ SSn an item
gnllOIAI ^jia Hc|Sii!sjEg a;gAt
btw aiqs
A1^ ssaa, 9S 23s
185 M&m
6:00—g c/ E//0/S
au|s"fe ^51011 Msoisfexl?
(A)nL=|7f^goiW^ef7|2| m SfflA! a||0| aejoioI 7® SIBUI Salt! s|i2) tHat-MSSn ^SH EL^S
o| 015! SAISOpi, =l SAI#0| xesft 501 ^oixf aa|H a^gs £
to sHwniou mm m mns aisfe 7® m SSCHI dlsll oioplim a^oii aaiags ^
(Di^as&^esaai mai a u®o Igd # xtsil A|o isow M-y ^
8H^ oimia nlxiaf ggfoilAt atHm "|t ^lAfoi ^DH aAl7f OI871I E|
feA| ifa| gEKPlease let me know what your purchasing 7-m-m^ t-t¥
8x!UXf MaiEf go| A®5t7|0|Xf x^® xiisa ss«!a|7f X®o| oja]
procedures are)'H shoo^ (C)7l gaom.
AISOII CHt! i|t!StS MTll g 7II7I0II rBSB n2l ojEl^a SILIC!. 187ag nfl/j
►► Paraphrasing Ago| procedures -»Srt!-| process 71|OIWO| ggolet o® 55!x|0|| tHSH Olopg SalgL|cK
tlgxl =0|A I1|0)A^ sjt! t!xl xtisoii sas SfSL®, ab oBg axiw
o in ^6! xilgoii cflsK 0 |0f7 |8®A1 MS agx| ag xiish its) aL®.
186-190 ygA|S{ss + SJgH +OimiiJ)
xllSA E£la|°| xtAt# ggx) 0®L) sa|0|7)Sg 0)E|AELt guiAiei AH QSggoll CBslI X®o| 2
<gtdix|o| atAf) m gfUMEf. Sffl g as ex-IE, aoi 33 msi^ ^ go,! Ssh
0| 30| OfCltHW A|StE|°Jfen? 18ea£aa|7f4Al|7|0|| ast sra^oii HxietfLic),
Ai sit! aHtM 0|a7|"!A| SHlA|o| gs» A|Zt$)°S 7|^tth ®H!A|7l s
AllTll Dial LplOIAl 7© OI7I °!fe o|S;g SfLpl 1 # ^71 tt^afe7f? n?! latest s|t!2| super food prepare Sb|s®
featured ^si 4=71® recipe aalS candid #46!
<n||tdA^q|oio|S> photographerx®5t7) author^71, x)x) prompt
MSSafe ^ AlOIW^Ei ElE|0|| 0[a7|77[A| C|AK)|Lil2l AJjf growuptttfs® electronics t!xlx)g innovative 8)t!4?J
ns# asten. 1867f2l 20ai Ol^ab 0| AHS EM^alol AltlSS 7IS identify as® independent artist o)e|ae
A|I¥|AJ OIOB^ OLrtg C|A|OI0| 5b|E|7| s 21# S|A|o||A| ^ aio| ajtHLfe independent label SSfx) upcoming S ?JS
(Ullta t!S7lso| as: Lfoj 0|0f7|>
186,187^^1011^01 ^XJOII gsr xBp|oig Jijis JtMSafe 190II||t1 Hi
£ A|S|5|01 Afjll C|A(°J tfHfi »A|5j!e! ^Hyaf IM V® A|0|| ^Ai Alt!
01 ofgojl rusB 7|^t!cf.
<A|feo)°c||: ioan°l^efa>
18610^7101 nHtj SM cis^Af SIS3!!E! 54 SSSlxi SR10 5, aaiu
EfA| saSHE! 5B HO) ^ ssia|2| o|n|A| Hga 0| 4l|S nHtl7l|2| S|
n °IS#S anlMii oicf.

TEST 1 17
the world of fashion.)'ji We). a£|ii ^#o|| Lfgg ajs g ^jh^j ^
gAj: | S7fS.a| Lf°| 0|0)7|(Grow/ng Into Clothes: My Story))7\ 'nfl
BtAi: •y7t|0||Ai°| -ysoll 3=) 7||D|2ffe S|jls(An amusing memoir about
^Wi: 9® 241) growing up in the fashion world.)'°S 7|sE|(>) 9.ioag (C)7f g
*11=: atc|H IJEtw aom.
200i a soil btw swas IfTll EKJa sota 10® m ssa™
o) iss^ gs|*®HMa. 18®7fe 7® se senyoi sa wiatfe a
#s aam 4it>|a. o| ssziaoil LfS SB 5f7BE tiltD|?i217:|ot 188 AHytlU
issojjji inn iya ss| SDISSHLICK olS A|§2] *II°IA# 7| sa ?HC|£ L)°OII yon sab ae?
ejafji oioia, xfe 190zi°l vaaol ^aoll 4' HI ttol SSS WH (A) DHSi 0)4 7AM ut^gc),
a, *tlS^7i «l 2f2i ottH ^aa xHB ?jt = 7iojo| a (B) SIBOIl BTW B)c|20|| #7)E|2Jc),
i-|cf. 07) 0|ai *l4oil cue a» Wte A^oi oat SSS 4 Hot (C) offitc) sa|0|7) SISfflc).
mji 4Mia.
8H4 oiDHWotlAi aa|AE) sattlfe '7)4 ssanoi 4^ a5d|55c)
==st aso^oii LNSH S*) ant-lc). = HsS sa|I! 44(1 just want to say how much I enjoy your
4a|AE)£fla| newest offering.)'!! SltSA), '0)A)| xm scfl Byo) ss| sni^^c)
(last evening's guest was especially entertaining)'!! 554. sal
of#l discover ifoiMli:) regular listener® SW) jl olots L«soiia) SCB Byoi A)I°IA Msaam a# a 4 55c). a
newest si-tisj offering AtBS® a feature odl c)sc( 4H# ay 7A1 44a 4°(7:00-Cand/d Now)0||A) 'Six) sa|E)
sofarA|g4A| entertaining A||ci|Sfe recall 7|e)5llLll[:) 40| x)|4a E^a|j|2^ oie)Bs tlcKHost Britta Jung interviews
look forward to ~(si7|)s 7|c||8ici photographer and author James Trozelli)'S L)2) 0114 0® #85
aqs L)°7) sie «7)s sasaus a 4 (B)7) gsoic).

186 All¥Alt
M|2l HB atsoll cue at 7)A| g#4B B?!?!7l? 189 Se|CH5f7l
(A) me Aieoi sm SH. a?) OMSMA) 5! ym 05)5J gMII #o| "regular's) °|n|47)47)77|® 5a?
IB) Ba aandi sa* sisci. (A) SA) 404
{OBBAismigasm. (B) 4141!
ID) otai swi se way ass r)#c). (C) 004
s||4 =so||a-| <gH)x|o| «AKr/ie History of Jeans)>fe 'MSM£|7l B (D) 444
Af|7|0|| SAl Su)A|a| SSB Alzf4°£ 7|ssni)(Trozelli visually SH4 a regular listenerB '0®regular) 4flx)'a)B o|n|o|HS '004,
chronicles the evolution of jeans through the centuriesJ'H iS 4B'0|a(te SS a|H (C)7) 40014.
c). <nH{34t BcNel Oiydook Past the Runway))S 20® o)
IfcKSpanning almost twenty years)'IL 5J!c). (nil-ii SS7)
S.2| 44: L)oj 0|0f7|(6row/ng Into Clothes: My Story))b 'IH4 190 Al^tHJ
7i|0||Aj2| 440|| Sft Ai|o|5JB SloWAn amusing memoir about
growing up in the fashion world.)'0|a)al 55c). oaio (Alfe2! ° 04 2Wn| 4011 c|)8H Ahyy SB?
ci: lOffital AE^lVards of Talent: A Decade of Style))S '10 (A) II||S7||O||A) W554.
yys] HUB 4## c).f.B ola|A| SS4(A collection of Trozelli's (B) seiai MB 04^554.
(C)E||hsho)| 80=504.
images spanning a decade of fashionJ'Olato °5c). c)a)A) SB (D) a(c|2 sesgs SSSfc),
a®0| 0)a) 85o)| 34 444 qjss (D)7) 44014.
Mb o|d||Wo||A) 244 Alfe 'ssiais) BH0o| vboii 4 m ssa) ao|
408 550CKI worked with his parents when they lived in New
York)'!! 554. sa|s 20 <414 SS7)eo) L)o| o|o)7|
187 AilBA® (Growing Into Clothes: My Sfofy)>0||A) 'SSla|2| ^2001 MS
Sa Egsiai m|B BTW alc|20||Ai 0)4 «i!o|| ens# 0571=5=7)? SMS A|48)o) x)A)| 4A10 4fi8 #A155cKparents who began as
(A) <4H)A|2) ojA)) fashion models before launching their design label)'!! 55c). o|
(B)<nilS4Bct|2)0|a> B 7)x| ga# #1)8)0 2i)Hl M|7) II|)S7)|0||A) iJ55cte ?!# if 2 0
(C) (IBS aB7)s°l 44: L)°| 010)71) 2S2 (A)7) g0o|c).
(D) <A|fe°l : 10®2| 4E)iJ>
sHe iJ4H0|| life SSZLIS # 7A1 ?Hc|s L)°(7:00-Candid Now)0||Ai
= 'esial?) iii|S7l|0||A)2| 44014 o)4 aSAloil cisb o|o)7B #
afBcKHe shares stories about what it was like to grow up in

hltps:// 4tt 20 s!
SHali Bite?-
g ?S5l7| jiajAib|A ?°| oiaaffiA M|?)||

H7| 71? A1S| All# ttigoii #S5lS?i-l siSttt-IS. naiy^iAi ?s as hieuji

fi M A1S|S AHS# SS §Sfi fiA|5j#L|cl, customersupport@
50cm(7|? #?S) 1458? hlluggage.coma? Als|0l|7|| 3St?A|311??? ?|0|El|oial 200# MSI
60cm 1798? t, 193a|1S l® 51s ?S? ?§ 7®# mlh Eaia^Mci. 194o| s
70cm 2258ai sb 4a tea a? s?#SEI^C® a tt°isii ?s #OII
0# Sg??sH?SA|2.
*Ul|E 5158?
Ala|SM51?« 7®? ?SO|| ?=(??£ #a^L|lll, 195A1a|o| 7tltjo 7|
AHy: gaflAI gai (193g #A|Efe *!fef - sa) 711 SSfe ?y<Lt? 71S AISOIIE rn ? 5!°S ?JSE|2JII, SSSoil
All? A®: A1 SSS ofSSOIWM 10,000? 0# ?E§7|| 4^ at StSfHOLI ot*JglS
71*1 AlgOII SfTll ^Tjig ¥l|0|nl|01ai 200 Oli 7® Al|Efe 71WJ1£ L|)^a A|2.
Ol^ All ??# ffLICl. cllol? aaoil, 5||b|a oh ?#?? il? Aiti|A
• SIS 71#Sl Jgdl ^OILI
. 41 71121 SIS Blfl ?SI as a result of ~? a?M attractive tea# a#
»'i7| S# UHIS SS duplicate Sifte 5 complement MSsici verify aissici
Rest assured that ~o|l| otssiSA|2 prove fUSSI?
otSI hard use 71S a® lightweight 7|tt|? durable mTiS withstand S?? rough 71S treatment ?l#, ai#
5J? expandable afs^teS rotating siss® wheel Hffl stressful Asan^i^o laboratory SIS
tight-sealing IWiai, US? clasp SS

191 ?(?AHf
https: // W? oisainfA u® nLi? oig 7®o|| chsH ?al216!S7(?
4118^ (A) ahsoi ogoii S?,
(B) 7®so| M?act.i
Alte *1? SSI ClLltedl JHA|7| s? ass# 71AIIL b|a7B Elb a? (C) SIBUI 7|tet##4 a5!f?.
71 Ste?El, 2# ???? 71? ®?s 7®#0 fi?0| gilrll gstl Ms 7| (D) 71? «?# 7®o| a?? a#Sfi# MSSH gci.
te# AUSSH tete 5# SfTll E|? teSOl E|°l?2, Alte 71? a?S 7®0||te 8IIS Sal2 §71 51 teSollAf oiHalniA 'xl? ft*® cmfe? zr||A|7|
?*ii£ te^siAiet, # ? # 7|u}#oiite «7iAi gAipi oi??®. AH as? SS as## 71A|2 bia?!# El# ggTl acid frequently travel
7®ftS ?# A®#? 54 MS dl^SIW ?# ?iSAlS0| All 7®# for business, often carrying fragile samples with me on the
7lAia «!!5i!teM?. M? ciasiTll eiss t# 5 Ho 12. planejn 55?, na|2 o|?Ai 'as ??§? 71? s?g 7lg}#S H
S0| 351? ftgsi MS 71## Algsil ^te 51# *i?| ?? otso| El®
0| 7® Al|EO| 7|7|| gAI ?gO|| ?8||A1M « 71A| 192?a1?te §0| ?te??. ?(Most carry-ons these days are soft-sided, so it was a relief
??M?M H®? SAP! ?? 0||OI817|| otlOlAIAl aaA| ???# ? to find something that offers adequate protectionj'S 55°MM
101 ??2, (0)718301?.
OIAI? oieaite^

travel tor business aS 7ici fragile ^Apiss 192 SS|Ol*t7|

carry-on 7|? -s?# 7® soft-sided fi?o| 251 relief 2S ?!? g7(o||Al g mm ttst *1 mm S? "reservations"? ??-# 7® 71;;®
adequate SS& by mistake S4M variety cl?K have 518?
reservations about ~o|| c||5|| ??So| #? mechanical 7|?|? (A) Si
retraction 4a mechanism 7|7||SA| delicately oiiasiTii, (B)?ai
SA1I8171I constructteSSlcl collapse#? (C)m
(D) 7 #
SH# 'S 7lA| ?al?te 90| °|CKI also have some reservationsl'als 81)
?8H01 Al07:g?. o|7|Ai reservationste '?ai?te §'o|5t ?o|S 4*
0°MM '?§, teaf'alte te# A|y (B)7i gaoicf.

TEST 1 19
193 AfiUfS aB gSsO! sHasiHS saa aaoil (HigaE) saiai g;L|g
s aa 71|A|7| a)aL|E(. AlB-a30go| 421 JfflME).
aAD]| M|b 0faa®A M|O]|7|
(A) SOWolEI n®4H oii 7(y gate 7||a 01BIIS SB ga® 7tea°ol, oigg e!47) 011711 agate
(B) 60-3EIOIEI aBAH Ojg 7|a} So | AgtAaig saME),
(C) 7(W!E|D|E1 nl^Al! oil 7®
to) ntfMi oii mmm a®! attention+TO~oii7|iaalHilME) feature ~#e)se(
SH^ sa Xg2| 5J tH»« BSf gy^OIIAI 'ADS L(S SB AHAhoJ syg m article 7|a) dining establishment Bgg arrange 4B5)c)
7fa# MLH ^ai^Kwe'll send you, in our attractive new color, a photographer a)B7) session 71B achieve &gs|c), oigg
duplicate of the large suitcasel'II JJc). !ia|!l a2! All# ga A| be proud of -S aidaitii o)7|e) recognition ejg
S# M0 TO 7fu}0| 70cm0|!l 5 #A|E|fe AljOl SB M^lcoming
soon-Ocean Blue)al!l 142) °!°SS (0)7) gaolc).
4B: SIS 3 <hReel@benlonsidebi3tro.nel>
-^11] <>
194 A)|^AHf » 61
oiaatBA tt|i= snaiA a)gs°s¥El BM B°a|0 sHo) sfe Xiis: WS ^
(A) A)|g 97® BBSt AH)o| BBSs SSSt). 196
(B) AiAfgoil TO mm AfBfflE). s2i ag lOAioii a# Ettii AfB s«# tteisi?! ^sn oimne §L|E).
(C) S aio|eo|| sb BSBeJ nEUB isitt). teTO TO Ote A)B 1^8 fl8)o| ggoiiAf BiEiuj, 198x)|7) gg g°®
(D) 5)A)7) offl 7feta fitac). o| m gai gaw irat nvm. flsiai ggisoi ag IOAI SOSOII
sHe sa Ag°i s ani a®) n)Aia ssoiiai 'BsB !i7tjoi 4a 1 sa gg 5H» AigsHo) st)!! agSHSbcil, aB BAii7) °t s S ih=iME). tt
s?)* aacfe a stasH § m a^acKNote that this gift win SB ag i OAI sobt'IAIB w agg.
be sent to you after you verify that you posted the April 18
35S)g go I 5IOAIB AIWI IgSH teBAte. agAl £21011 aa#
review,)'!! M°HS (A)7) gao|c).
► ► Paraphrasing Age] verify -> Saa prove SJa)a| A|B
hbs aib

195 g?! confirm-BtBsig photography aIBM shoot 19

take place Hale), 10144 photograph A)BS sjc)
sa iLADII W|7) 0)15 7(Hfe) H)f|0i| LUSH gA|sf SB? waitstaff g9#91 get ready for ~m Suisici
(A) aA)g)71| EflASEKEl.
(B) a tiTii aaa ^ AuaTtisiOT.
(C) TO 7|go| H7|0|| a|j|| 7® sic).
(□) OIB sag affiHc) ^goi a tt). 7|SS4teg9
sHB sa AigoiiA) '7)b)b 7|7ii sxife 7)a AfgoiiE aa ^ a ggoMAM gA» isHBxnaiE A) gAB 554. 200°A)8 ilBfia)
B a°s asaa!!, ^a-yoiw ase a^aoiwE IO.OOOSI oia 7igg3B5!o)i g# #10)2." 3
^EgTil 4^ a 4foffi SJEKRest assured that our lightweight U!!BA|0|E biae^oii 7) MB 93
mechanism has been proven to withstand years' worth of 17) ate sa ia|2) SidSoi Alt 1^8 o|g7)i aeijHE). -D^I sa
7)ate4a®S7il B4. "3289 go) 10)1 47)A) a)o(|71[ 4 98 ah
rough treatment, retracting and extending smoothly over
10,000 times under stressful conditions in our laboratories.)' #oi #9711 gxfste 445," gg S4B 930)2.-
!1 S!J°S£ (A)7) gao|E), gojoj SIB IB OliTII ist).
U!!BA)o|£ ti|AEs^ l1!BA)O|2
2B B 7HTO 01 gas 7|q! o|g 2E 1644BA|0i| °)2D1, S)23g
oilc). migte cilCHEail tfTO g E) S2iJ77)A| 2g 11 A) 30SOIIA)
196-200 agA|S(gA| + 0|IH|a + 7|A)) asoi 8H|st on?!!!! gg 241 2* 9A|77)A| ga 2E), 198guHB
SBTO St), 199"7:)tte TO, 7) Hie® BSApte $)A)S1 41141 n.
gs omstii aai HSILIE): iseoia 4 Msa torn AIB s, 7)1, #0)1 ggoii at) Aie## siHog ISBX) oioo) s|gg □)#
BL)g- <E1|0|AE| uiois DH7)B>0| GiMB s|!iggsioil at) 7|A) #a)A) 35!H miBEKHI SUMc)." go| w# ggs)3 °!4. gSfifi
o||Af Ba| gas a7|| eg ggc)! 3SB 61 4a ssa 2B 10A| Bs|7) 342) #0|E), ggsio) 95)°BA)2 A)B8)E). 0)1
aa aa su» Aigs)?] boii bei a)bs g?! asH aib?) e as aHssH 4B 5)A| SJOfc @4.
SIB S2iJ 2*o|| MaUdlA) s
*a^L|E(. asajB J)A!E) 2127) 0| ggofl

otfi bistroclinking?9ng!Safe patron^ 199
diner^l^y exceedfeature"'B^iassicl yel yuaAiofe hiaesoii LUSII Aiaa us?
dish S^i ingredient xhs at the height of ~2| SSoil (A) aa aA» yisn ana g® aci.
showcase i^sicl dine can't get over ~oil Safe (B) SHEOII SSr^l ufflSfcf.
homemade SoiW tLfe exclaim SSSfe shade fes (C) Mai® 2a» agss tfe.
(D) 7iiai2D||^a dfficl.
reminiscent of S^l^fe gallery of artwork SM nlSs
adorn -Stfesfe reasonably priced ^iiSl 7feo| SHS 7|Alo| g smi yafoll feg gMgoj oigSOilAf 'Of#, 7®, 7fSi M
oil B cjol eea) a[|^.®® BafA) aidlSB oifeEfel S^lcKWe choose
ingredients that are at the height of summer, fall, winter and
196 4® spring, and showcase these on our menu,)® sHoaa (p)7f xh
(A) Afe Ml
(B) a ai
(OfialElMI 200 AifeAlt
(D) W|
ai® Mfe xi-yei AIAIOII man oigTii ®sfe7i?
sh-s o|[}||fl°| feijxpi sfvj n feofe. 5! feSoiiAf 'saa aa ioa|o|| 51 (A) sstMl a® ^fe.
# Etxll Afa #9B sfasl?! y|8|| ^rfd am writing to confirm is) goiiAi as a® ysoi MH 4fe.
your group photography session at 10:00 A.M. on Saturday,)' (oaxioiiBaaBMm
si Mfe. aalJi SAfe aasowi 'Efira BAll Ala HSlGroup (D) AifeOI AtasfeJl gztw.
Photo This Saturday)'® tfalsi SJ°HS (B)7l aaofe. 3|i^ 7|A12J Ail awll agOllAi a'SEfe '-yAdStfe 7lgAI yo njon goj
cfd can't get over the freshness and homemade taste!)®
Sf® 010HS (A)7l SEfOfe.
197 AflVAlIf
n Paraphrasing Algol can't get over
»1« a«!#S 6S 4iio|| ^51# siafe a|A|# gfaifeAl? -> S92| be impressed with
(A) a^c) iJW ESfSfe
(B) Aiaa 921011 sasfe
(O as 7|AIOII as aaitwi ssfe
(D) Ala 5M CIISI) 2|fesfe
SHS gxl ^ SJJII aafoilAf 'Hfe aasol sngElHS Eefliei 421) 2
aoll Oligjife SB flw 2)Af 01 Ji ojoaKAll employees
will be included, so please plan to come in a bit sooner than
scheduled on Saturday morning wearing your uniform.l'si B!
(A)7l Saofe.

►► Paraphrasing aK2| come in a bit sooner than

-»a&-| arrive earlier than usual

198 AHytfoj
A® gaaftoil r||8H gAfe afe?
(A) <e||0|ae| b(o|i d||7|5!>o|| Sf S oigaasjcl.
(B) tfeW! ungo® A15JB ^JB ao|cf.
(C) ®c||® o® gg# sfe
olDiisioiiAf aafai a|@s feg ggt*oj wa #gsiacKi will
photograph your staff along the wall in the main dining hall,)'
® B!Cl. OBI® 7|Al°| L|| BMB Efa gySOHAf AJMfe Hfe# ggAI?!
fe SlAltf gig gggog SsUaI 9jc|(The interior is painted in
bright shades of blue reminiscent of the ocean)® Bioag (B)

TEST 1 21
104 @Afxla|_filfSAl
101(B) 102 (D) 103 (A) 104 (A) 105 (D)
*y°l #Ai7l log in to(~oi| sagsfcDoiss 'a*2] A|y j ys
106 (C) 107 (B) 108(A) 109 (D) 110(C)
7(ISo|| eagslcfafe snyo] AigAaci, [qaiAi '7t|y'o|afe o|o|s
111 (A) 112(A) 113(D) 114(B) 115(B)
time and laborfil^lfSA» 0|ay (A)7l yeo|cf
116(D) 117(D) 118(B) 119(A) 120 (C)
122 (D) 123 (B) 124(D) 125 (D) »!« ay 5|gss A|ys 71^5171 eaB dHe! ARf ^ 7j|yo|| mag
121 (A)
126 (B) 127 (C) 128 (B) 129 (C) 130 (C) SHoiBcf.
131 (C) 132 (D) 133 (D) 134 (A) 135(B) oifl account TtIS, ygsicKfor) accountant ^1x1
136 (A) 137 (D) 138 (B) 139 (D) 140(A) accountable shoi yy
U1 (B) 142 (D) 143 (A) 144 (C) 145 (B)
166 (B) 147 (C) 148 (D) 149 (D) 150(A)
151 (B) 152(A) 153 (D) 154(B) 155(D) 105 SA|-0)¥l
156(B) 157 (C) 158(A) 159 (C) 160 (B)
161 (A) 162(D) 163 (B) 164 (B) 165(D) sHy and a^soiiAi gy A|y yxn aa ssa^t ga5igooSi
166 (C) 167(D) 168 (D) 169 (B) 170 (C) S 'yasol yoj* as efetFafe SHSOI AigAgcp tqafAl 'SOISI
171 (A) 172 (D) 173 (B) 174 (C) 175 (C) cl'afe gal* A|y (D)7f yaoici.
176 (B) 177(B) 178 (C) 179 (A) 180 (C) sa m gnlL-fe yy Aiy yxn yg nj^s □, xiyMa, AI^SOI yoi
181 (A) 182 (D) 183 (C) 184 (C) 185(B) * as saw.
186(D) 187 (C) 188 (B) 189 (B) 190 (A) 0l?l fitness yAliaa order ^ssisl collect aas joinSoisicf
191 (B) 192 (C) 193 (B) 194(A) 195 (D)
196(A) 197 (C) 198 (D) 199(B) 200 (A)
106 ShSa^Af_either AorB
JDS gy S^OII either? I SJaas SSS^Af either A or B y*0|
PARTS SS SStt ^ 2Jrl. 'Saig °fS# SSsfgLf aa|g^ aiy AjjEioilAf
yg s^giary ^ 7fA| yaigs either A or BS gae ssoism
101 o)s ssAf+to^SAf (C)7fSgo|cK
sa cqg nm SM slsig Sa® gss SS5171LI aeigA AJIEIOII
sHb 'be pleased to+eAffll'"! ?S0| AfSE|5J°SS (B)7l SaolcK a At yy gsSWot yy,
§ 8SAf£l pleased ^0|| to^SAl7f 2W 7iaa aSOl 0]^#
asm sa. oi?l enroll in-oil g#s|y course Sy.SS register
in person SS
sa aADna^ Aiig 711^21 ya ay^ «» sioisitii EICH
01?| cosmetics s®S pleased 7|« development 7Ha 107 0JacHSAlo|y_A7y
shs gas aim ?|oii gAi7i uissm gyriigAi Aia|o|ci. wi ufS
102 5!A|Alt>l®| Ms. HahnB Sfe gydigAl7l aH§lHS (B)7l saoiy.
?!« 01D171EI M|b e M|7i JffSoiiAt AI|D|L» yasfe gg aL=|g Jim
SH-S eiaoilfe 4^Ell gAl aow 4gE|| gye) ^Atiei professionalsSl g a Eg sapi yg gy.
gslb Sx|Al7lfiOl7(Ol gfES (D)7l gaoia.
assist BS conduct SISslci training
aa AiiniLffe aiygoii SAigfe yg7®oi yy® aoioi.
oi?| professional aS7l food service industry 21-^9
over ~ ?io||, ~t>|| flAfAf as ~SAf 108 oAl Afal _gugAl
iiH-a SOU gAKagreement)7l gEHm gyolfe ygAf as agreement
103 ¥Afoi¥l g BlfSAl* Ol^fe gAl7l isa 4 gri. gaiy •oil;|) ^ofAfaife
gn|7l xigxyoHm SAig (A)7l ygoiy. ggAig rentableol #
gyoife win request* ^ysi7|oii *°J!y yatf fioi7iof y oi7ig ■gen 7fe=i Tuyoiam snyess yysiy.
Cf. aye soicl'afe snyo| AigAEf^as (A)71 seoici.
SS Atga gy Ttigxt A^# SBoil m owm yyg Aimyon m
LlDfAl ^AfSS 0|a|l A|Al|£f Ol#a|A| alfeCf.
ysisoi S|AI 7\m ?ISH 7ii°i ggfxf* gysia^ 7|*w ay
S?! signed A|g@ agreement 7!ig(A|) enclosed BSS
taoie. envelope S¥ rental gdl rentable gy 7(sgi
of?! contact information gstAf.geyM occasionally 7e
previously oiydl recently yyoil lately eEdl


109 114 SAtxta|_5tAt+gAt
oH-a gJtWIfe fl2| gJAKthe third row)£t gajfet S oi#a|fe Sx|Al7f He ay aa ang ^t-y gAiai y^aat oiaaiHs (B)7r gaoicr.
ym etK 'aif2| -SIHII Soil acrafe sh^oi AfgAa-ioa^ o| Wa ot¥¥s|Ate IB# ®Se| §7(011 ct|ti|5(o( shjio| wxn
m LlEflHfe SiAIAte (D)7f saolch 5!0|c(.
sa sniaiioi-fd Tiia s]«!#g ag°i -aim ton a^ii i SOIP, oifl logistics S#ya| expand stSSB warehouse Stu
0|?l be affiliated with ~2| a|I#e|o| ael, aTlNP row# loading 5! SB siaB in preparation for ~2| §u|[q|H|]^
auditorium SB except ~#A||2|5fii among ~go||A) increase S7(, g7(s|c( increasingly ci

110 SSMAtE-LSAtte^ 115 ^AlXlELLfJgAl^

m ay stoite 8SA(L( ^At°i sists# Lismig most7( °!gc(i, ^oite 811^ aste ^o|| L(£g SgAKaccurate)® teNste SAl x(a|o|HS. (B)
gAKdancers)7( L(SHS aaoite aSA(7( SO|7(of st(, £ESt '#7| 7igao|ci.
gAte ^Steate sHSjo] A|yAa|gHS (C)7( ggo|c(, fflg igte am §S7te571Ssaei gt*en ojo^ ta|= gE
a« 0|Aj| #Afe ^E|A agol xezw S^Sl =gAMg 7® #7] gAfe g sgstsici,
gteH#yjos®c(. performance §5 gauge SS7| accurate SsfSl
Otll feature5® host teW, psaee) arim measure SSstel humidity Sa surprising Sate
live -Mot at, SSs7(|o| liveliness tt7| lively #7| yAte surprisinglyaa as, rflBsi surprised Ste

HI S^AUlal 116 SSAloff)

S8b ay xlollte tCHSI gAKthe scheduled deliveries have been mg ayollte ^ig gAKstrategym B5Hg 7® Xh Ojgaig ggAl7l #01
completed)S Ol^Oiy ao| L(£HS ayollte a^Al7l Saeirli, M 7(01 SB. 'ssga sa'oBte mgoi AigAaion^ (D)7f §aoiB.
7|# g ggAis A Ojt (A)go|ci. Lioixi a7|ite ag « ag 2 mb Alias maoii siab ggui y^i gy saga sm# yssB.
aio|c(. oncete oiAfi ggA(a teo|7|a sia 'tf a, ifajoi'ate mnl
a?l strategyaa transportations# surrounding#aMte
°i YAlaa tefi g SB.
relative gmga comprehensive SSBoj^ safgoj
em sg #ai?j°i mas as oiiga uja a°7( ysaa sai 7(7iia soim
of SB.
of?! delivery van uuaS a promptly §A| delivery ma 117 SSAfAiaLSAfteB
once & a, na ^-sia
mg ays rim gste gAKupdates)# sgste ssai aboihs <0)71
112 " Al A(fi| _ SHIAl 4^ am as® gA| 2S Bmoil ysH g? iga s® ga* yoajg aioii o im
g gi# 71^511 ggA|2.
mg ays ssakio follow)* teNsit SAI xiaia, '-agAB gafg] m
of?! update g-fdSH regarding ~o||ysio( subscription SS
ecl'Ete mgol XBAEjOHS (A)7l ggo|CK
status (SIS) g# period 7|y periodical g7|yis#
a« ygnf gygags® am Aigg aiso»aya mi ggAM gstsi m periodic g7|ga
Hte yo| gHSB,
offl ensure MSsB stability as safety as follow utem
instruction ggiAf) assemble aystel bookshelf aa 118 SAfof?!
exactly SalsiTII
mg 'ggA( am 7i a# m^it'aite sngoi AigAaioa^
te gois Ala (B)7l gaoB, ^A( evens ^A® ggAl whenB if
mi M01 '~t mSAB'ate 2|D|» LlElacte ys 7|gg|| gAl.
113 SAfO)?|
ag agg ga#g a= AI aai 7i as m^Ais qi7ii oimas ggoi 7®
mg ay a sgoi(workers)2i goixi 7® a #ste sa® Ataimof a SB.
cf. BaM yssB'te sngoi xtgAaisaa (D)7( gaoB.
g?l conduct business SSStelsB available o|g7Btt
am sa AteAl ssoiiai aalAm X|jSa|g Oijgg XBAW gAISte ^
a?l automotive aBab plant §5! install gAlsB
rebuilt Aiteay conduct tefflSB explain ggsB
invest ¥a|«B oversee yteSB

TEST 2 23
119 "MtHW 124 SA|a) A)a|_5!A|A)+ gA)
4H-g eJttoilfe located^ S (>|#a|fe ^Af7f SOi7|of W, 'gal SHS gas fl°l gAKpurchase)2) atfsfol ^90)?* SasHof SfH^ s
fi 50)1 ?)a|«H Ste'oiafe si)iJo| A(2Aa)^HS (A)7f sao|Qf. o) XIA) A)a|oic), sEet gas EgAf ags sm'aife .snaoi Atga^o
0 a«0|L) 5fi7) 0a|st 50)1 ?|A|5B SJQfe 2|D|S conveniently HE (D)7) aaoiq. (A)2) (Bis s^aisa) gg aioii aoi L)£(of 8)
located?^ AfSScK H, sincefe SgA)2) ax|A)E MOlAig Sx|A)E aa&j
7)II| 7|7l|7) E)|0|H) m 2SS| ®£|S50|| ?|x|5|| °JQ. (have p.p.)2l ami A)g@c).
o)¥l conveniently 02|S17|| slightly^y considerably-yifsi g g Hass gas agA) aas SSHA) aaqg jjxtiaf Aa|a Mags g
eventually^ ga.
o)?! obtain go) coverage aa.Hagg replacement hx)|
purchase 59 extended gas warranty iig(A))
120 SM *ia| _ SAiai awoK^ifgAl) through ~S#5K
sH a Ms. Porter7l §Al granteds) a deadline S 9
=*jO)0|SS ejQOIIfe a°| gA) deadline^ atJSlOl ssfgAH ge
125 SSA) a)E| _ MO)
fe gAi7i #0)7)01 sti. 'oiya gas sysii siiaoi A®
Aai^ss 'Diai! ga'oiafe sshgAB 0|*te (C)7i ggoici. «hs gg oisife goi ms aoii m ^am^gofj, gsa mm siaie
a« ySAfe se) wig g# ^a) anA)g gtEi?) ggi ^ yss nui gfe aTjimgA) which?) 'which will be effective next Monday.-o||
oiiTii D)^ gas sew ^aoi. A) beSAKwill be)2f |fmi -^gS gE||o|c). effectedfe effect(~# 0
aslo), afl8)c))°) 2)7)SAfaoE ac)afH effect gA) A)X)|7) 0 M
o)?l editor 03x1 grant sistsici.^gsici renovation 4a|, 7||s O|A| gn DUE maaoiHE 0)Ai|5lH, sma 'ois 5 Sfigge) °2
extend gaW extensive SSf® extension ga tf'o|a)H s||Ajo| AfgAa)^^ (D)7^ g«o|c).
®a o)n)o|o) rip) qs g lag gg SSEa ao)|A) gafyofe
121 §A10)S_E|) 5S gaswi sio) ^gggo).
oi¥i regret to + SAfSg ~5)7|| go) ^ao|q resign Aigsfoh^aiqc)
«Ha saoil SAt7f aoos yys SAI Alaioia. yy flcrn SAKholdig seniora?|2|, aag effect Slf, sa), 041) 7)a)£c)
mag samg an 'IAIAI 7iisis ^oici'afe siaoi AfgAa-ioos effectiveness °fia effective aiue|h gsy
yg axfa gaii Aia es fflAfc qg ^ sesa ggoilAi a
S ao|q. 126 "A) o)®)
g?) electronics Sa) charity A)a fund-raising sg(g) ms ggoife ga gg gsAKsophisticated)2) goi?) a #8)g gA)?)
hold 7p|5|Cf S0)7K)f S)0), qi^ans gaffoiafe sHaoi AtgAajoa^ (B)7f

122 SAK»#I sg 99# 3000 7)o)iafeme Afa?®^ gg?® aui#AJS®g oi^j gy

ggc)!, ZL 0|gH 7|gaoE aa8)gA)E U|W)A| 071 (£|)g0|O).
ma sma ass S)AB gs aass saieai IOI# ^ gcpEfe sna a?l sophisticated SaS yetaqo) inexpensive ti|wiA|0g
o| AigAafoos '8)7i, g7i'Efe gaia (0)7) ggoia. gradually aa technologically zlgaas annually si|a|o(
yg AHDI^ yAia a#ig eggoife 2.^- TAI^IAI 7iigEiAiy, asa §17) productively aaaaE
# gs asifi gAiiaxi so)a a go).
o|*l complex (SS) Sai proper SSS reinforcement as
participation ao) competency 127 SAfSS^A)
authorization s)7Kg) ms ggoilfe 0O|| £fe as oggA) goll L)S SAKdetermine)g =90)
gts i g at aApa s^a)?) aasiHE ggAtag omfe (o?)
aaoio). (A)2) (D)fe ^Apa sgAioio),
123 SSAfA)aLSA)^Aj(47fSA))
Btg 0|g A|g= 0|X)|7)a(0| sag A)7) 0)ffl7|| am A)b|A= stxjA||J A dip
811S Sao)] o|D| SAKhas proposed)?) L)£) goaE (A)fe 7)a5)A| yc). AI gspi yisii ggg aass go) Ego).
ga® SAKa drainage system) riOIIAf gA|# ^^a'Sfe ©A) A)E|0| a?l numerousga8 determine SoMo) improve 7lia8|o)
pg to!fgA)2f st^ll '~8lE* tagg'Olafe gnl# L)E)L|)g (B)7f a unless "'SlAI 0bo)g in order to +SA)ai ~s)7| qsy
aoioi. as if d)X| ~g 5X)a
sg 3X| °!IA|L|0)gs =07) go)a [ID 4800 EgEE# □)# aEHS ttA|8)
ngg Una A|Aao| gas Aiigsso).
0|?l propose Afigsjc) construction SS drainage uH^r

B?! entirely Stisi volunteer-run xngAixigoiSBsit
sH-a ¥|o|| USb S^|Ap(into the Cypress Beach Business high-qualityMgysi working parents Bioi ifia
Association)^ o]o|7) 7® S S6fe gA» Aiajsno) St). 'aSIOil A host^ysia in addition olSai throughout ~t!Bo||A|
a sm'alfe SH^o| AfgA^oog (B)7f SSo|i:). annual BeIIB fair 8821 craft 5011s savor Soistci.yysicf
ag Atolsat^ H|x| H|5L|A gsloll 7® 8)7# goa^ 3X|0| A|«AtS| B
Atl#2J «!A) a SOI i!28)C|,
o)¥l letter of reference W1A| local 1Sa|o| acquisition^ 131 WO|?|
acceptance 7ia 9|7i prospect 7(g improvement 7||B SHS saijy 'AIB ^B# Aio|o||Af ■q gaiyoiais si|
yo| AlBAEl°HS ■lyyosMfe 0|D|0| (C)7^ S&l0|E|, (A)
CooperativelyiasjSIW), (B) Mutually(ya.tlo||), (D) Essentially
129 ^AlAfaLSS^A) (ayyoslt 2S Btioll #0171 say sqi- 0|eA| ayq.
sHs ate S5f DPiafoilAi sg-ft ^sfe ^Ai A(E|0|II gaijA} ^ m
oil tBif Sf5» ?J« 4 SJcfafe shaJoi AigAai=>ss 'a cflAioiral
fe °|D|o| >iU|°l (C)7l gaolB. despitefe Sa|AIS ^o|| gAl7l, in 132 SAioifl
casete a^Ag !H0|| S0| Lfajot Bel. *Hy BB ¥1011 Eg educational programs* SSafS flsH 'US ng-i
ag mi^ =2^011 s,is#g ass gAi an, a CUB test ss at as td SSS tiiycFafc BHSOI AfBAajSSS (D) host?) gaoiq. (A)
SW^SW, participateiyofslEDt *S|Al inaf yzt|| Mo|t AhgAfs flo|| bfs =
0l?l rather than ~ rflAjoii, ~siAm2 attire casual test yo|7l 14 SU, (B) claiml^ySRM (C) enroll(gSA|7|El)£ S
despite ^ontM^sia instead cHBoil in case g^oil By yasiAi aa.

130 SSAfoi?] 133 m

SHS eitMlfe 4A. gffe gAKregistration cardM £|D|7l 7® S s§fe BB (A) Atyt yxH AtagAlAB# 4812 BA| a§qq
8SA171 so|7|oi efef. 'gAig °ig@ gs 7i2'ait 8||<mo| xigxai (B) SB *S laiAleiB AW AltSS BBSH 4AI|2.
^HS(C)7l§go|[:K (C) oia ssaasa CII4SS B o|y Ai|gE|A| a^qc).
(D) 01 SMaiSollt #4 an 412 BaMcl.
»!« BBg OISB ?lEt 01 Allgol tSE|7iL| ^AfEiia g?o|| tsaai
§71# AtBUMcl. SH4S a gyollAI '2* HS2a#E 4S|m(We also host educational
programs)^ 5Je|. 2gElB 2 E|So||t MAllsjo^ qcg ng-ian|
offl registration^ proof§7t,§g ownership SJfeAB BSSfe ao| xiba£|°HS (D)7i yaoiq.
lostSSS damaged t8S frequent indicative
~||L(E|L||t validated BsS dispersed fioiB
134 SS-A) CH?|
SHy 0lA|at syollAi 'Ally Mqaa itiBAilwhile savoring the cool
spring breeze)' oia| s^AB fi7|Al2 4BSS £8812 5J2HS Bf
PART 6 §2171 'OfSJ lAKoutdoor events)'BS S t Be|, [t)£lA| (A)7l SB
oiq. (B) exdusive{B|iE|AjB), (C) athleticfSSB), (D) formallgy
131-134 SMS yais sqy yy^ixi ay.
0 2||0|3 7tBL|E| AflEfe g jhq^ X|0,AtSB o|gH gwog X|agA(AB
Oil ejSH SgElt 7|Btm A|g A|0|0||AI 131^ywo^ t-l ntOsL
itEtB Aifil AjEit Aig q BSOI ifiae) xMSS ?|8II tttt yaf ® 135-138 SMS
S AUSSMEl. i£St MBia ae£|eo|| ois xn BSSOIIAI at Ba# q ^5 0H*!Hs|t>ig4SfSlfy
yas y ag iiaaass 132?s|im i33o| seayoiit #2} aa y
asa^uicK y §ysSSS SWB 7|q sqg 4SHB 7lA|2135^^$
134 7|q sqg 42HS SSOIB u|f|» S1JSH 56cm X 45cm x 25cmB 3
ay 7itME| -yiEfe Bg qq ofat oi2| SSAIE AiBtLiq. 7® ^a7i 7» §a| aoioi yqc). 7|q sqg 4aiSS 23k9i sysUAfe b UM
32 ^gy as BBII B at ^Bse gall 41121 SMa El. §y#s £SS §A| a2 7|ys qa| ¥) yyoil tosgi 4 Boiof tfL|
Asa|E E|0|0|| 2AIB Atysi m Aisy yuias aiBA) aib s|2B S
q, aihi a q|Aao||Ai 7|yo|fe oiyy 137M7( xjaq^j oi^qq
y, §ol|g, aB|2 SB §BS #711 y SJgqci,
asy 7®, a!7|y, sh£bhe 7|qM Am42JgL|q. i38a)ss)x|
e| IS SM# fislAlB gtsH §yA|2, a# mis 2iy ami hbshoi *44.

TEST 2 25
M|fe 238 a a??! a SSS3! a#®! S7| gtsoi as) i42gg hjxjou
oi?l hand baggage 7im-MIS without charge ESoiEigcmam.
carry-on item 7|i-l|#c||g4-si# exceed salsPI
dimension XI4, h?I overhead storage bin cHai Sit o)?! be promoted to sasic! vice president "a®
unaided ESS Mat apply to-t)||»SE|t:| promotion #a, #a effective 448 asof+A|g~ifi^
check in (9® ^|c| on board 7|i-l|o|| involve 48810!, sssic! oversee BteSlc! strategy a®!
regional Aigst contribute to ~oi|7|o!S!c! hands-on #421

Each passenger?! ^0|0|ES Siyolfe SA|7| ftCH?|ol sfec-ll 'zf 139 SA!0!?l
^ZHOI S|L|o| 7PII1 301 SISSCl'fe 2|D| m U!4 g samiAi 'at M|2| #B0| 61 2iJ4S. WStecKMr. Pak's
7| E|0|0| 5|SS (B) is allowed?! ggolc!. (A) allowedS SoS0! promotion will become effective as of 2 June.)'!! Mon^ 8
JL (C) allowingS SA!S MS 4 S!°ES SifO| a 4 Sn (D) had Bdlte 'aaj'oiafS 2!olo| (D) positionOI So)?® AigAgc!. (A)
been allowed^ iMSe 4#S°S fiA!|2| gtSS tlitste a^Ofe trendOlf), (B) facility(A|#), (C) supervisorlBtetelte a4 temjAt
$!ei6!Aia255sgoich atisiAi aci.

136 SSA! A!a|_fiO!(be able to) 140 sajoiisttess JIS?|

tm beSA!e| MCH 4 ate to| SO!7|ol Sfeqi -t 4 (A)aSEt!25g2|A]a§S?tE|tt50|c!.
°ic!'a!fe °|a|2| 'be able to+SAfflg'ol moj ^}o|HS (A) ableO] (B) □!a7!A|saS 0004## 50 m,
§go|cK (B) ably(te4e!?ll)te teA!o|Jl (D) abilityfe^lte 4012! § (o mi* #0 as ag asw agAi# 50 ici,
q 57|» oisxi =5|| yadl #0)2! 4 an!. (0 abledlSfflSHte a® (D) tgew as A|£L|0|| Atsol s# Tts 5a g# 5o|cK
A^o o)D|s opxl ast!. ««# 85 St SBS Hf m ADS #711 S a40ll cHsH 8g8!a g°H4 a
C® teBE a42l 888 msoi L!2S 501 A® Age!, tgafAl 259
9 aaa 0aisi7!i ans Liisg (A)7i aim IOE a4oii snaa
137 SAfo!?! AI8 For examplelOll# S8)0| StteaM 8aE|x| golAf 2ao|c!.

sH-a aoW 7|L(! sens 4S»e| H?|£1 4711 Soil m 44 A®## es

Sigoes atKHIte wi'sfe °|D|°| (D) restrictions?! fiO!7|o! ft 141 m AW!
c!. (A) transfers(OIS), (B) suggestionsWI?!), (C) duties(o|4)te
a^gsH^sjlfSlAian!. SH# 4 8«ll 8 M® 47-1 gag 7|ts!Ji goag m AMo| (B)
beganO| a90|c(. (A) begins, (C) is beginning, (D) will begin#
ES AIAII soiiAf astsixi m.
138 SD-i|0!lstteSS^7|
(A) aao| ?|moll H®0| sl8«Afe A!U|A ^iai gaiaH aaiA|2 142 SAlxfaL^tSA!
ib) Atssw as mte m ami mssbo! slick
(C) #4821 asoi Elte soil 8A! Ei|L|cK 8H# Styleol ISA! hands-on(#4a)2| 44® 8a °S 14)014. 4
(D) aa|HS. 4?! h|S°e o|g 7feS 5!aL|c!.
a!Af 80O!lte style4 SttSX!# o|^S 9A!?! io!7!o! siss
SHS 0A teSoilAt 'ESte B#E! 7®, AH?®, JHStHE 7|L||S 7\m 4 g (D) management?! a90|c!, (A) manage, (B) manages, (C)
cKA laptop computer bag, school backpack, or handbag may managedS H4 SAfE SA! 80||Af aim gef.
also be brought on board.>4 Bte!, ZLELlELst 0|0|a|e g^JollS 0|
aasei tEtaoii ciisii g^sife 501 AigA^oo^ (B)7f ggoic!.
143-146 OiaiS

139-142 7|A! 40: 7R!!tt, Saa?!

80: aSAEigsso!, 840
aeisa i sii) - 4UIIE aas ES AIISBI ^ MI?! a AM SI AIIOJOI # a®!: ia2a
sa hihc o^ig MA®°S tajsc!. at MI°I #as 2a t-HS: HX|7|A!0
4s asac!, zi°i ms ^siae a ami owa as,® assfe 50101
o!7|oiite as SE a ssaa sa?! sage!. 140ss ebi 25s°i aas# 81S!Ai|2, 7®,
Stailf So |c!, miSM?! A!|E|A|7! x!82| sie 9S|0!|Af u||°£! agog 143! 0124g St 5!
at mis oisoii gmis si°i saotAio! a® ?mm aasi Aig AiiaAig mi ma 7|a» 4 tfapie 810 ami bai ehmck 013 ^ t^ixi xiieiai
c-h as 4b||S 8 a|el| sia c!|A30||Ai 54# 141a|s®c!. af

£fo| ojEi" Xlffl -asste SSfSS *8H ^A|7| H®L|CK ^2| ^
SXftOI 7(2!! M|o| 144^10^ io|gf7|| S:|31 y^AI ziS| ^ Ara5|7( g PART 7
si 34 3E1S yaw X&S tt°l5|| ^A|7| yftiLlLf, 7|A|0||A| <sm AI|Sf
5|D| A||E|A| M|7| as S 7|A| aits 01^ ss 5 aaMa.
146CI LfO|7| Zf #go||Ai ai-=|7|- AlStt SMSf 710011 [((SB 7|^sf as 1
47E|-AE( E||L|A gamoj g-oll XMB ?A1Ai ^HtLIRI
sm THSIR A(M7f AHD|2I7(| ¥at!!2, E|-AE( E(|L| A aa|u|s
ggst »oi a°Aia, OIB ^ LfiiJi A(|7( aasH sa 4 si^Ma. RA|5!0l¥7gHHfL|Ef,

a|s iia(|0|E?SS EIIRA ^0||Ai

0|?l agree to+§A(ag~5(7|sso|8H:t submitAlBSfcf s® £!S! SI S123S EIIRA a®# aORAJe sioj BtQAp^
overview 7IIS, 7Bfi editor t3SA( approve s^lsIR R#H® EIIRA SH» 20Rft|E ifsj goAf|2.
staff photographer Atasf?! production a(R gaigo^ gnu® mig sioj 3C RW445* sjagB ¥Af|2.
available AEB y 451^ throughout ~ lhlb
61 30SJZ7|A| gstJRR. R#¥#2l iktl Agftf A OHgL|E(
®, 7®, na® Ajtt® AfMgRcj.
143 SSAlAlE|_gAl4^j
R?! enroll S^Apicj equipment gttl valid ga®
SHS eiys role# 8SAI Al£|0|JI, 'b||SL|7t A||E|A|oj IOJ 23'0| be combined with ~2f StfElcj exclude Rials®
£fe SHROI Al3AalSHS (A) doubleO] gao|EK (B) doublesfe S
At, (C) doubting(b||7f)S gAf, (D) to doubles toSSAfS HS SA(
gOBAf RfflSlAl m.
eiR e|-AEf E(|L|A flamo|| ciisii ojAig 510,
144 gAioi®| (A) sgtt ®^7( ASS® SIR.
(B) o(a( Ra|o||Ai sgE® 2!R.
Hb eia- assoiw 'AiiEiAiafei ais afR# #gafe eas#AH (C) o(go » ¥|Sf ssnii# SSfflci.
(D) ejIRa Sub AllsffiR.
#811 ifEKplease submit an overview explaining how you plan
to focus the interview with herj'jl Mel. SiQO(|S 0| S§t)|| LfS 8H^ SS RROIIAl 'El-AR E)|L|A gRUo! ggo,, xfLi(a
fiefS(overview)# cHSfe 0(fl7l So|7(oi sies 'AdetAfafb 2] gAlSfEKThank you for enrolling your daughter or son in the
□ 1°) (C) proposalO] gao|E(, (A) drawingttsH), (B) hiringfug), training session at T-Star Tennis Clinic!)® 5B2, flOIR 'flsfR
(D) edition®)® H® S5!|4h RfslAl ycf. AIR71 ABn|2J7|| 4?f»!2, E|-ar E||L|A la|Ei# cfA| uf
gtcKWe hope your child enjoyed the lessons and comes back
to T-Star Tennis Clinic again,)® 55°HS (C)7f Saolcj.
«HS giy °fo|| sfe the articteol ^0(0|ji fjoll 21® the two roles7( s 148 Ahytjoi
RO|0|E(. tgafA-i gyoiife #A17( #0|7fgAi #sso|o(ot stss (bj
comparedAf ggo|EK (A) comparingaf (C) to compare® #A( g SR ¥#011« A|#o| RS?
ttS tt 4 a°Bl, (D) were compared® ^#gO|S£ ggol fl 4 (AJgaollatSSR.
SIR, (B) 30BR Ofejoj ¥DliOlief RSSR.
(C)®a|2! #011011® Afg|!¥ SIR.
(D) EIIRA Arsons A(§tt ® SIR.
¥S SfttOH 7®, nal® sa® Af|£|gEf(Excludes clothing,
146 So-!|0|| 5ffc SS 2=71
bags, and shoes.)® S!°HS (D)7l Sao|R.
ttR (A) 0||S aL=|o| QjgAt E(S ngaiEoil CBSH #Stt 2!S aRR,
(B) R L|0(7f4Ego(|A|aUl7(A|gSlESSt7|Bo|| [((sH 7|#a®E2lS ►► Paraphrasing a|S2| clothing -> SSIR tennis shirts
(o aasi as# aiJR RSS 2^ ms sfsEiRot BLIEK
(D) JESta 7|A(S 412011 m SRR.
m SfOHAffe ^(AfOliAf gs» AIIR^IR AtlRAI At|7l as ® 7lA| gl» H| 149-150 SRD||A|X|
JutSfRg of^ #3!R(lt would be ideal if the article compared
the two roles Ms. Zettici played in the production of the film,)' 1123^, 8:53 A.M.
2 UR. Raw 0|OlA|fe SROflAi® 7|A10|| ^7f2 7|#t [«## g# ¥R # S0(¥#a||27 A||7j 9A|0|| A(lg?!0||Ai Sg 4Sjo| 2J®[fl ®# 5 if
SI® 501 ABaroo^ (B)7f S«O|E(. 0®. A(|7j Bl 7|A|0B y\m ai!0| SIRAf OlISMR I5g^7)1 aa5H7(®2.

TEST 2 27
□H!^a!?| IS 231!, 8:54 A.M.
®8MI SMIfl. 018211 E2!i=Sp;lfi? isiotmaiasa^yM:
gafoh^ 1S 231!, 8:55 A.M. 4221 BaMI0|El ma] g27l fee soil rusH A(4 EaM4.152sS!g SAH
4.S8 WtXpVt 0(L|3 SiysflilTII Xi|7f 9A| 15Sg EStSWi OPISH ? aat Aiigs 7H85fe sras sia MHMCK AHSS aia^O ao^
8aHfi? 8 SgApl 88 ^BSI eM&S 801 s 5UL|cl.
1S 238, 8:57 A.M. OB SBOI m ma! aBSAioife gi» s*\ abctfe m E^M
AW o|o| £! UoiAi fl^sppl »)3(A|M|o, 4?|E2te 5^a!Al 4. 01 algal 848 Hcl #9711SH E8 8 1!O| M40 ¥8 Hoi 48
sjaj Lfaf ncHfi. 119, i50fl|7f ^7|o||7|| giJ4 uffl taU ^13, oilAi 04# 84 Alfil 480||7|| gsisH ^a|7| uBMlI.
gAia! 0A|o|| 43814- MS 2WI2,
oifl apologize for ~oi| q|8H Ai4o(t:i temperature
IS 231!, 8:58 A.M.
hallway #£ undergo 44, aitsici efficiency s#4
150^a 55, HO ma. common area 8889! note^sfci affect g8» a|a|ci
enjoyable S71S feel free to+oABS "9 Boi ~s|ci
oi?l do+AHf+a favor "'Si^sfSfiolW be on am
mechanical 2|7||$ioj behind schedule oilSsc(fe2!|
either A or B A, B S g SW switch classes 4-9# -Ma aflicf 151 «
work out s1 pa|r-(, gA ilSElct
SB 0| gAfe 014011 7||A|E|2«?!aS7l?
(A) #9 448
149 *11^® (C)fi|A128
»!« tta)?l"lfe??lS5ractasife7t? (D)iS«
(AjAiiaaoiiSTiiaifEtcK 8H8 gA| 9091 'OfMalB sf gy#tHI(Dear Atrium Hotel Guests)'al
71 a 49# (B)7l 980101.
SH-a 8A1 57§ Dl|A|A|01|Ai aa,1?! «fe m^t 4^71011711 gtJ2t 4-9# Hffl
Bata ^Mtsts, 9-i1£ 10A|o|| 4^9# %h 4= McKI'll ask her to 152 ^lt
switch classes with you, and you can teach the 10:00 class.)' 9B 83101 HA1|E|SO|871?
a Maes (D)7l SB0|CK (A) 19 Alii
(8)99 Alii
►► Paraphrasing A|Sa| switch classes (CW
-> §9°! change the instructors' schedules (D) ttaimioiEl
SH-a S tM esfoilAf 'SfflS SAH 99 AlilS 7H95|fe 5171 514
(The hotel is currently undergoing work to upgrade our air-
conditioning systemj'TI ti!°HS (A)7l 9h0|c1,
taa 8AI 58g01| S# API "na SB#5."atu# ill, 1221E^B310I
31^71? 153-154 Olollif
(A) B2J!7| A|O| ajzioi nlgoil ect.
(Bjomsssioisici. 4^9:
(C) AH *13011 cHsH QBOI Bm. 99:
shb B-t A|°| BS S5! 8A| 57g B^!?! A|°| d||A|A|, s 'LH?) 4=7|O1|7|1 AlK: 04011
884 uifl itElTi ^A^IS, S8S 10A|ol| It 4^ IW
(I'll ask her to switch classes with you, and you can teach the oiaaSMW,
10:00 classjafe Al|°toi| cHtt Slto|cl. ccleW °M "Ite ttai?! a| All 0118 =44 £41014 0£ 9#2S2| A197I □NO1044. Sai0oi|Al
Oj AgTlQl DlgOII Bcfe °|D|0|HS (A)7t SB0|cl.
a 19 71 §Sl» a-y!S|cl7l 8051 M7i| g#gcl. issflgfo)
1A10IS8 0E 49 7|A13! 00 Tfiol! 49 Sit AlS^xli M0L|C(,
isiAfe flspw AIPI92011919 #210 0MA|o|| 09s 71A1 ^903 #
3)1044. o| 04A1o|fe 99SS0||A| Alpl 7|9#ol5|feaiAl97l 9# 8
gsH 8071, a 12, |Jsd|e| SAI, na|ji 71S 09 5o|| q|st 9x119 haie
94 0044. Alpf MMDl 0514 n A|0|e01| 02OIIA10 A1971 4108
ell rng miolApf 042fi. All 04A-1S 005H 820 0| m|4A|0|| 49 4
S! *II^Tr (Siss oj|!!>o|oj Ala | A un| ^ ng:
AS3XK0IW^oi®^oi^l|ck o| SHionia®M|°|=xB4g°5||^ 4# 1 2# - 7|P-ai[|e||0|AtOI|At n^gBI SStPAl PIS
4a 259 - aaag ssqiiai sasAt Ajidaoii as attiAi ms
m saioi 9!S 5^7[ E|A|a B®L|q, 10IIA147;lA|9 S|SS CIS A®# 371811 ^AH, 1S ■agstS'#, 4S'»
aa|£| £4 ma MEiacici.
"I?! avidl^?! browse online for Sat?io)W~#a-iHS(cf sail i a 3 @
come across °3S| nasfcl comprehensive Stlsiej 0II94S 1 2 @ 4
resource 7:ia call one's attention to 4^® -s.^ci A®
markerfixg detailed-oW® descriptionhai,-yg
9«ilf 1 2 (3) 4
points of interest Si, 7lMEf®5 dedicated to ^onggsfe MS 1 2 3 15
mentions additionreadership4,
Ats|AtH|Amc|A|0|g5|A|4#Lp;|? ^ o|L|g<jidg>
Cl#A®S0||7||At5|A|b|Aa^ls(A|3!^|? ■ ^ 0|L|aC^5|g>
153 ^
ego puant MIOII cfisD oue as?
(A) awsMoii sti. A® B® ingoil AE| HSS A|^ OlSglSdl S® PH^L-ICI owoi|j=
(Bjyioiag^sassssm, AII7I HI® doloilAt ftHJ8H SARj uisip st« a^ai csans rm
SAj7|A|7| 0|C|0||£ 9C-|El2g. a|=H7|7| 0||g4S c|^ EtDlyoll naiAPI
(D) otsaAtoiaMsgm, mis, ga7|A|7| OlElDIEI aspisi £4 AISIS a?|SJIo|oa 157^ M
Ha 5! &«« BefoiW A|S 'flsfsi Aloiga gs oj® 7|Al j t aaAiat ad n.m 7 iciffecm
tt^OII rdtl gff AfS-yAig agtKVour Web site appears to be a
very comprehensive resource for travel articles and related oifl transportation s.B concerted If®®, ag®9
news about India.)'I1 Ofaa® M|S gt Oil 1 A|0|Ea serve sa|c| take a moment ®® a®® md fill out ®®s|c|
Sgsin 5JS* SSftt 4 tpaw (D)7l gao|cl. following cB2| survey a£A|,®ssA( enclosed SS®
self-addressed ®®S9 stamped °fi7|^s rateS7|5|c|
scale spaciousness 99® business travel fi®i
nowhere to be found ddoilE status ®e||, a#
154 ^fl/^
well 19 beforehand d|e| endupa9~g|d
^ wife 211 Olaat* M|O||7|| HA» oji 5iS7t?
(B)a®SM5l7|?|8|| 155
(D)VA7|A»at||0|M5l7|?(8|| S?! AE| ngs otAjollAi 9S SSi® dMTII A|S5|aS7|?
m s SM 9sf 5! ssoiiAf £xi MIS'm seoii aisfi saiei efMiAioii (A) saiag o|7||a A|SS giEfe d
(B) A® ag® su tAjg ^Tiisfe di
51®# 7W #S!cKI would like to call your attention to an (oas^fsassfeDii
electronic guidebook I recently publishedj'Jl %i^Sg. (B)7l § (D) 24 A-|H|AS |fyA|7|fe dl
90 Id.
«Ha °t® ®90||A| WSIfe 24a® dS 5t gApl °)S( ggd® c-ajoH
24901 A|a| Aia|AM oigsi® 7|® sis ggo|| 4® ggs AI
► ► Paraphrasing A|S2| guidebook -> §99 book
d(ln a concerted effort to better serve our customers, we'd
like your opinion about your most recent experience with us.)'
2 SJOSS (D)7| 390|d.
155-157 ^Aj
Paraphrasing a|S2| better serve our customers
aei ja# -Ȥ99 improve customer service
AE| ilSS OlSsH ^AtAI ®AHfL|d. 155AttlS I!§9S d# ® aA|7|
¥llt tiM°S 24901 Ats| A1b|AS 0|§5|A| 7® 5|5 gsjoil CH 156 Ahyifoj
St ojga =2 Ai-tm m LHAIOI CIS -gSAI# dSslAlu SS
9 SS7l^«t@ etss S#0|| acH 51289t;lA| Ats|0||7|| ^A|7| u| 1 A|7| xiaoil LHSH SAI® 38?
9Md. (A) d Agcf,
(B) Dfl84Sm.
yn|: 5^209 24 OR: V.N, SStSS: 603-555-0143 (C)d8S!d.

TEST 2 29
gfijoW ^ll ^Hf2| 'gggftCleanliness)' |}^0)|Ai 40fl fiA# 55 159 *msf
ohs (em g&'oicK
gqsoil fitfS 5!S?
(A) axis
157 (C) 03a Afb|A
(D) Si Aftl|A
a® Wife I17| HfS A|H|A0|| cflsu 0|g7|| gA|5te7|7
(A) -yiElttOIW 2fe (HfflOl Li= SB# ggcl, 5H3 g41 g0®o|| 'OJCBSOII slffe 71I01B TV a 33 0lEfa Afb|A(Cable
(B)0||Of 21301 Sllzfafe, television and wireless Internet service included in rent)'Bf4l
(C) sa7|A|7| 0j|3fi[:| feTll E4}ffl3. gA|E|3 OIOHM (C)7f gao|3.
(D) *®0| »of Z12| 3S SB ^ SOT.
8H3 33 SSOIIAI ?!! wife t 32JA|y 13 sa7|AB
713^3(1 ended up waiting tor him when I could have taken a 160 AllfeAftt
03 941011 flag, Aliaxise®5!B snot sfexf?
(A) igxIlflgxiHSfl.
(8)0® Soil cHg#A|gsfcf.
158-160 (0 o® ?Jc||®fl SSAf# Af|593.
(d) esoii sofefl.
2/RifA£yS5//0/c/ 53 293 m 941 sigoii 'gcHxi xiifl xna AI a a xi gflssf = g xi MSB a
giAtiAEi gaxi feAioii sfe sai 3fe aaioi£ 3g°i stsm ®(0ne month's rent plus two months' security deposit due
300S3DI3 sms OWM. upon signing of the lease,M41 gA|E|o| Sl°asL (B)7f Saoflf.
73 13 3^7fe,a800nfSfe
»sifeoii 7®a
• aaaxig^Aisfet 161-163 7|Af
• °J3 AI371# as Sil SI 711
• 33 sf 75,713, ^3 3 feaiS 33 S^
• 1593I;||SOII ats tiioim TV 3 ^3 33y.i A3|A
(83 30) 161363o|x|| a|AE|A flsgwoi cHSeJS 2fe 123 Aatxi A|
• tsagg L|| eg m\ as o|n|s aass a7is sa
iH x|gg Aiflog sjg 230 cKd xHfl AHMS iiHS§ % 5!o|a(4i ttfiSHfl.
• OflfefetBAI - [11 - 163AfgSt 7ffl0S ®@tl 0| SJAffe OlflAf 5^0|| alfl# A|Sg
• 36(4 SAffe 0|II(£0|| 7II4 as s
0 0013. - [2] -. 1633*13 "HSfl ¥|X|fe 0f3 SS£|a| a^tf.
i60ojt5A( tiis *tii AI it a xi acHss fe a xi Mga a^. aiiflA xigfl ®fe gg ga sgoiiAf miaxii gn 03.162ig'-»s s
^oAQiTti OJCHSOJ 0(b|7||i! Ma(S0||7|| 077 4300 64550013 S sfl, Sfetf oi®, 4IB141 sa|S til®?! sfl g 3gtf SSSoil ygsf
abrown@teleworm.ukM 33 ^A||fi. fe a m. flxiia o|Af sas s?iioii flsg, 162®Aife 3301 ^agoiiTii
*S| 07[7f 0fl41 tfef. - [3] -. "SSI 0| naj# g ak^7( aa|& xpj
3?l flato(ii(M for rent a^BS historic SA13^£°affl o| iftgsiAig, afls asfl xfgoi agoj tfe #31 gx » gsfs."
available oiS7test reserved 371 fe, xisfe separate feSS Afe o|g7|| sftflf. *13 33 aiAflA^ 3go| xfaaiiafA g fl|0ca(g
rentals electricityS7| residents petoHSgg Aigo| 4.oaS ogsi aa|Af xfMaiaaf wloffet^ais ggsH 3H30 xf
dining table 33 security deposit agg dueAgsuoftt Sfl aa|sa □Igojcf, - (4) —,
upon -sfxplxt lease adiXMIS landlord 311^,^0
fl#! spokesperson 400 reasonable (xlflooxfgsi
determine ISsfll throughout ~ Sfloil if*!
158 a wide selection of 3061 packaged goods SSS#
produce fefeir ready-made 3 0SoiAf 32®
?!« MSOIM 5f?A0(| 3SH gAg gg?
(A) tt 9 0|3S ^DJ0| 71^5(41 OT. working parents SfSoi wholesome Sfloil #S
(B) mg HS4 717)1® 5011 OT, famed for-sgsoiAfxe craft 9*3 013
(C) AH AllOT?! gA| ST-tt" 3 S3. signature dish (3S0I3salxifl) 7® cHHflgaa|
(D) Jigois 7H# i.®s( ®ggo||7i| 3tl®lcl.
8H3 g-n gyfeoii 'ai- 3 3# AH 5s oinfs ^asHi axis saicost
of electricity shared among residents of the other three flats 161 ^Af|/=Aj
in the building)'0|aUL SA|e|3 (A)7f 3^013. »i« 7|A[e| LHgS¥007l?
(A) A||0S°l its
(C) 0710fe A|8°| o|g

7|Af°| 5! SSOIW 'a|AEiA Ajsggoj l^ojoi |fs 2ay cfAJ 7l|o| £E| A jU|JH
AflSS oNSS ffl 5!o|afll IfSSMA spokesperson for Riester's 164^^3 XISK1 A|Ag 311l5||0|y(MGSC)0| 2E|A A|Z)||A1 ajH]M x|^2]
Food Markets announced yesterday that it will open five new
stores over the next two yearsl'J! $i°as (API SSOpf. AlsPhScni vmt iraal asoil [Htf BF'bis agsixi 65i000^o| 2W
HSSS gBIS^LIC], Ala]7] 0| esgg flSldlTII xespl Boil « 7]A| #
►► Paraphrasing Algol open five new stores gE|0|01 S ago I °lgs °o|8|| gA|7| b®L|El.
-»S92] expansion of a chain of stores BA1 flsia] A||OIA10|| ttiHB, sssjE® ersspi USH gasi L]D]A| ABS
01?L] at] ago] AlBS 5J0IQ] 41 15iJZ!iA| L||S gojol 4 aas oflg
SEpI SiagLlLf. Afa|0]|7|| o| SIS312I qt TfiefA] A]gs am AAPI bl
162 Afl^AlIf HMEI.
a?jA xtlb JiajS0| E|AEtA2| Ol@ m SOfEtlH gsfeAl? aet 51 Sigoll A1SI71 flSldlTII Hg MGSC 7]|0fAia fiq £a|3!gL|C],
(A) aasnai aibia 0| A1=M flap] ngajg xiu 2^ Lim, a7|M x1(g5Hot

(C) a® UIB Afa|A su, MGSCgS7| aa# 0|yo| oi^sr ^ x1gs tX | 5oiS
(D)5H|@#Al SAIsla oigL|E]. 0| 7||o(AiO|| AiaslOl Ala|0||7|| E1A| aq gA|7| HltfLlEl.
«Ha g Bun esto||A| 'igajgol ag sai, AjBtf fe-y#, aalJi s MGSCg SS5i|E0|| Xig o|ao| A1[!=i g&J!f oj ga
a|S ccf^si SiJ g cfofg =sso|| ysgfg 5 yoKShoppers Af, aaia iisoiitii qsasfe oiiy bigg ajea atte m ggagqEi.
seem pleased with the wide selection of items that include tssg^ig a= Ai^g go]a el 1 UglAi gi gg-aa aaisHoi tiuo
packaged goods, fresh produce, and hot ready-made meals.)'
Jl MH, 0|0| 'sxpf otgol ge#0||7l| ms| oi7|7f oicKthe latter MSB gas gsi SIMP. SSOILl °B| A1S0I Oio go ^ ojo| 20
are particularly popular with working parentsj'b DlAilg o| 6501 8240B°2 All A]g^ol| Basil gyA|£. 167xi|7( 5a 6^¥E] 5S
Af a?iAoj ms gsha aol. Oj7(AJ the latterfe hot 13iWlA| AlglOll L1£A| StAlB, AII7] g!D|a]£ □]£! «|21 MS1S]A|B g
ready-made meals# gaplHst (Dp) Sgo|cl. LICK
►► Paraphrasing Afgei hot ready-made meals ¥A®
-»Sf-f2| prepared foods SUM A|8|g A|Aa| aiIl2||0|A4

Ol?! groundwater A|8|g approvegeisici grant m^b

163 impact all industry yg.BS resources ah
requirement meetggApici release qgcf
ID, [21,131, [4]SfiA|agjgo||A|cBggo|7®wesigfe? funds a|b balance yai, BB complete Sesicl
■^7isg 7ii?| OI#;;IA| ?HX1|AE121 oilguiai A|^O|| 7||gt soich" loan approval qftgB agreement 7i|°fAi
(A) [11 stipulate Saisie) status report asmjui
(B) [2] additional g7io| initial 47|e| certification SSA]
(0 [3] estimated gSEIfe documentation a|# no later than
(D) (4) goiE~;;(A| receipt gi in one's absence ~o| us icu
5! SM ysfoilAl ADS 7Hat Cfy 7||o| A® g 'BAf 2M 12^011 ast
a| A|L||o|| SfLfM gcKstarting with one in downtown Swansea
this December)'2 Mil, o|o|Ai '51ol| a|Hl# A|gg BcKThe 164 gAl|/=5H
company, known for its reasonable prices, will next open a BA» 211^717
Liverpool store in MayJ'H Sff. aam [2]B g|°| ggo||A| 'DlA|a( (A)BgA||01A|aeg8p|?|S||
DHSSI xlAlg 015] zf5jE|x| ysfcKThe location of the final store (B) AtB0|A|Bgs°>a|7|1|5B
has not yet been determined.)'!! fflcl, iila(A] clg = joj p||xf o) (C) yu Bg2| 12B 238171 H81j
m BSSfeSSS [2]B0|| #0)7(01 S1S2 (Bp] Saolcl, (D) Ji8Ai|otS8p| USH
[« « B«i ElSf0||A| 'imi. AlSfg AjAaj MEla||0|y(MGSC)0| 2E|
A AAI^IAI am# AI«O| Aisigaoii mxife yag ggoii qy B^UI
164-167 0A| S asa 65,000Baf2| 2ay MSB# BBWdhe Melbourne
Groundwater System Corporation, MGSC, has approved
44 2811 your request for a two-year grant of $65,000 to research
□ 1£|012E|A the impact of industry on groundwater resources in the
5i|o|A=a|E||HH cje] Melbourne region,)'!! 0A|o] M5jS gf8|H£ (Bpf ygolcl.
igWA|gAue! go:

TEST 2 31
165 Amu A|a|a[9:43 A.M.) Sofa, ag teaif a||7;|A| ofteal Et7|»
IS Sup] s|3!M|a. 169m!i, lit SS yo
tHM gg 7l|°fAi A(Mg MGSCOII aL«0t SfbAf? y ass 112 siis!i sMigoii astsis
(A)4a 15iJ mi inmaiMta?
(B) 5fl Sii
(OSS 13^ ia|A maei [9:45 A.M.] 2 SUS 0|10| SI agcj. njef A|S| HOI A}
(D) 68111 a| las □!« S2 2 ion DHBaciBfi.
Ml anil EHm 'asg ag Aife feo|SL 611 aif|A| fi A|a] S [9:46 A.M.] 21711 S)E* sH EWHia. D, 2 ^Alte
£St5||o|: tfcKAll documentation requested must be received in S SSSHAI Mlgsite Ml IDM aii^is?
one packet no later than 1 June.) j1 (D)7| Sao|L|,
11201 [9:48 A.M,] 2?MySiai] 0|ao||as4l^°f^MOK
A[a|£ [9:49 AM.] *0|2, 0|a|S HS 2a^L|c|. A||7| SH|E|
onmi on? phai 2aioii7ii ieiem ^>112.
am? |
aa MGSC TiiafAioii uisii aA® ae?
(A)lf^ati|S^0ISOi2ii4K 0|?l input e|3,-a4 ordertSIS) assemble si!sic[
(B) laoneai asaaoM,
(o i44ui AII#S hardwood Sab, SBfiMS frame* seating (teSgg)^
(D) BAMSSEIOIM. print ygsHM fabric S, A® initially a|§oii
AH ami Efatow 'oi AI#^ asiAi asm ai m MIMI a finishing step olSai SaII build 5tSc| stuff aii°c|
# iiUlAI* aiimoi sicit as gAlsla SJcKTh is document attach A to B A* Boll teA^Pl set aside ~S A|tec][[c|io| tecl]
authorize siAlsicl package sastel ship ui|g8ic|
stipulates that you will submit a quarterly status report
throughout the course of this project)'!! SSaRS. (C)7| sgo|i;|.

Agai stipulate -> SSI require 168 a|£E|ot

etg as 9A| 38S011 s MPI "oiaigoi yy# #2 4i^L|p-a|2 # nfl 2 21
(A) S 7[A| teftla 0 A|£7| aasn.
167 ^ (B) ga gay A^I gaspi.
ag aa mm Misii iaib as? (C) S AIAI aaais* AllSsia »
(D) SS °|aS2°2£IC[,
(a) ass as sas assba M.
IB) £B|a Miei asg Hfett a?* ^ism. SHI 0)7|Ai inputs cm AlHSSteEf Sfe '213, SB, Sa' S°l slue
(C)o^L|atisi82|5|go|cK MO]50|Ha(D)7]Sao|c|,
D|AIS esfoiiAi MIS 'um si easEi si ismn aissoii U ►► Paraphrasing A|te°| input Sal opinion
2a| sm l||7| ffltqaja niEj ga M|£j SsjsfaKl will be out of
the office from 6 May to 13 May, but in my absence you may
speak with Ms. Mita Kulp.)'!! Mb|, tt|a|A| §a Mfe M|2| if
mi SSOTte 5# if 4 (D)7| gaolBf. 169
yg sMiteoies#2|siAioiicwteaas7i?
168-171 S£|0J aHU (B) 7HiA]|ayA]|
ID) m siai
A|a|a(9:38 A.M.] BafS aasfAllfl. 168o|a|S2| °ias #2 4f
^lici, "iggaoi SaiE| ateoi IS nafte «H1 A]al S7l 231011711 "gal ^teSS UillfsIS 5j0| 7fettA» S
Ml, auiei !iz!|oi geh jupf sfal ai eraii iass 'AiteaB o» yon ^a# ssugg saw 4 yet
# uHtsH #«9L|C|, AtettMia? (If we rush, we can assemble the hardwood frames in two
days.)'2 5»2, a|a 7|^a]te 'SS ^S SS fflfi 11812 Afate Ml
ohaiA HAEH [9;40 A.M.] 169A|S|7] AlteMl 0» BOII SAH SMIiiS S sl^-l ScKAnd my department needs just a day to print and
Hlfteaoia. cut the fabric to cover the cushion seating.)'2 ifficj, tE#) 9A| 43
a|a7|tea][9:41 A.M.] aiaiiL a|s| gAlte as a# SS SS a Ala] ste ia|i0||7|| Wit its SffS 112 ABS2 s
SUtAfateMI S|#31L|C|. Mlloll ^Sfstte Ml aaW SalauKonce you have the fabric, how
5|A|y en BAI C|A|OIO| gfiafs °t aaH2? long will it take to build the cushions, stuff them, and attach
□ |0]as0| [9:42 A.M.]
AISI gs as sis miMiAi ciAfy a®# ga them to the frames?)'2 ®Slc[, 01#°] q|$H gsB A]sl Ste 7R1
AtlagAiloii ctycjte as asftt 4 Waaa (B)7] gao|cj.
t SJo]£.

170 m Ef Kg AMSOI SE ®0|| gfsa 4- alTll El&l Sffl 4=71 §7181711 EISS
HME1. - [3] -. SAICH amoii aoibgA| sus ofai ah gggMci. sai
?j9i ij2]0|| ccfe^, ip^ol «A|7f gii Stat gS5||0f 5fc7f? #goi| Aiijsia aagAia? - [4] -.
(A) Sao) AAiei ^*|
(B)7|^Bf«|°|^M MMtWafe 1#gej s|SS Al^ioioil ag 7WI* 4^7® 4^ aiSAloil «
(C)a^O(M|°|JiiAi haish M sags, oho| ggsiEii!SAfAiagg, o| asajsoii ggt 7^
(D) 1A@ w|2] tlA)
a agsH gApi yn;L|ci, o| aisoh gsHAfg usel q as ga* uf°A|
8H-a 9A| 42S0II Ssofe 'qh gA-| clAfoiol SSW gcll 1|S Hv\ th s agci,
A| c|xf°l 5}^# 4^ JJcKBut initially you need the designs,
right? My team can finish that by end of day today.)'a B|ong sioiHg EAfgoii gsi flsfoj sgt X|aoH lia| si m qai augci!
(C)7)Sgo|i;K OK-MA sBsai
gg, 810IM* HAM

171 ^ oi?! on behalf of ^ficHasH generous W gjft7|g§, g#

along with ~2Hi4|| be in use Aggoig for free gsa
»!« a^A|aeyA|0||7(|^ if# safest?
patron oigai book ohssiei in advance Afgoil
(A) ass Afia gafe a°| ass #01# 4= staa
(B)as 4^s#?tssfc e|| *7) b|go| fi 5!o|ata high demand Sg4=2 in addition g7is., ofgai
(Onei^sgsgaaoil u|lif5u|7ta ^opta monetary gsg?! extend USSIEI lead to ^SiSslcl
(D) a® 4; sasotl rui|o| Agaoi|A| a# yu- 510 pta membership siag workday Egi! book club gA|#if
sHa 9A| assoti Afaf sfe 'gsift°i ^Et a^oi aas sa wpt investigate aAispf contribute to ~oil ailisici
s sB| 4gg uHif# SStEKJovita Wilson in sales just told me as well ag promising g?fEt,gSo|®g
that her client, Mr. Iran, wants us to deliver his order a week
early.J'a yiiaae eai M|7i 4ggg «ta| dflifsii gafa astf ^
^ A|2| aajoj# S 4 aw. aa|a 9A| 49go|| A(ai sfe 'h^oiitii a 172 ^|/=5!
ifEKGreat. Thanks alU'a iffi*, 'Sb|ElO||7l| o||7|S||A| azHollTll ?!9f tSBI JU|g 2H HS MIOHTll gxl# Ma a!g71?
a|a^ SHcKI'U let Jovita know so she can inform the client.)' (A) SAM goii SISOI ElS 9afa^s|si7| SSH
a tSPl, aacjg 5b|Ej ssf M|oi|7l| #a| Una- (B) aSS -SAIOH cHstnojaagSlAl flSH
sn s ^ °m at aoiss (A)7f gaoici. (C) aA-M# SSH gs aAi# a?J8H iffiiii agsixi SSH
m 5! frcfOHAj '810 |M^ HAfg# CHHS101 flsfS s=l 7|g§0H g
172-175 SA| g gg gA® gsia gcKOn behalf of the Highbrook Library,
I would like to offer my sincere thanks for your generous
5|0|M^£A® gifts.)'!! 0A|S g 0|gfi ||S|a a!°HS (0)71 gao|El.
42e!A| ag! AsaiE
aa|A|, aitiEia 06360 ► ► Paraphrasing A|go| thanks -+ SSS appreciation
173 ^
laiasAjigSS S10|M^ EAfgOII CHBH g}A|g ag?
18ie!A|aAAea|E (A) H4=gAlS g# if# oiigo |C(,
aa|A|, 3MIEI5! 06360 (B)7H5fA|gSSacK
HI AMI, (D)S|gSg7»aaigo|g.
5|O|H^ EAfefS [HasK>l flsiet ®t.t 7issoi| ga oi?j aAg asi g SBII esfoHAf 'flsis 7|gfe gg A|ys ggsf 4. OITH SH
a asLici. ®7i gom °i3M 1,^1 ?IS)S] aaow 7|gsia ass AII m gaPKyour monetary donation has allowed us to extend our
b A)S|7l olgaiS S a^alslb cji sgol E|2JhMS.- [11- Alilb hours)'!! 5!!°°S (B)7l ggOlcl,
HAH sa CHS asEi* Hssm SJSDI 7js sa AjgEg SJ^MCI. Aitt
CM CHSKHIAf flslb HAM aasoi CHS71I SSS A1S# gtallfAB #01H
Aflg EAia SISfiOl Jp A|7f goh gnEja Agsh ^ 174 Af^tfoi
siTii SIAIH asg^Mcf. uisissg 1 Ami aass Aissm # 4 ShM
as sioiMg hams asssi chsh sais ag?
El, Afalb TEffl Sg bfiH °ISH ag OlgZHgollTll QIIE-I A® O||otg sf£
(A) HAfg SSS0 oiglf g SEf,
SflSSlaSlgMEl.-t?]- (8)gc||0|E#sH0fecl.
ogai 173fl5is aaa 7i^b Aiapi ss AIZIS sat g aw SH (D) OHS^ g aci.
LICK 1750|A1| 12^0||Af =2^ a® 8A|»1A| HAfg# AHasia afHBj, o|s

TEST 2 33
SH-S 5! ew asf sy^oii 'SAW nass ^ mv set
oi?l response #8 handcrafted ¥821 favorable s°|yg
A®%h't- ^J7)! SPliS SSM^KWe have decided to allow library
members to use a computer for free for two hoursj'al B&S principalgesi in an effort to+8A®i ~5l7| o®
SlCpfSaolcf. assess 9715® preliminary oi|b|s| intended for ~o| rHgoj
prototype a|xib, a# refine xliysici feasible #IS7i=si
present A with B AoM Bsxigspi dedication Sty
initiative Ssj-S count on 99,2ix|sici
175 sstra
asi m, [2], [3], i^saAia^goiwqsagopgfsiifsfjg?
■0|2J ah?is Sffl gf2l # EAfSt Xls# 0IS81J1 Sf-aioiwi ESS a^Af-yxig 98AAI
laiirS gis 5.9
oiiA3a gt® xi® 5h|=
(A) [11
(B) [2] gyaAWg isigg yss A|Xl|ggMaa>o s
(C) [3] 3fi 23 25
(D) (4) oja/oHg npcH 17 15
3H^ 'OIS! ysdhis policy)'o| LfEWlte SS ^loil ^|A|S SS taog^g Ails 11 10
01 #(>|7K3l ecf. ^ ElSfCHIAI '01X11 as^oilAI =211 2= 8A| 28=71® 36 39
V\T.\ SAjafi xllofslcKThe library is now open until 8:00 P.M., MSTiig 33 31
Monday-Thursdayl'fe SfS# eigffli, '012 asH c| KS AftfSOl 179
EE ¥<>11 oESWI E|oi sia 47187181711 ElJJcKwhich has led to 12093 g7lA®^iE[ ISAAl 80# 9323, g7lXH= H® S71
a growth in membership by permitting more people to visit A gg as 33 AM7l 38 ¥21333. g7ixB= gxf 3® gygs ¥
when their workday is overl'fe 5!# SSSS HiiMrl, ifalAt a □Htt 3S0| ofexloil qsH 988 93s33.2 3= gsigM x|xiB 813#
30117H§f ae gg ggoii [£)■# se 3# ggo| o|oix|= 501 AigAaf 98 ¥ X||AI SW8 988 93HM3.
(C)7l sgoich
3?l response 83 collect 223 participant #71x1
focus group a7lAasyxig a® aa»3811S8 au|x(a®
present ¥3 category B¥, g# a second time xpf
176-180 Oimi^ + MJUi
a-y: AI33 333 176 ¥Al|/=»
awh es ioa S9 oiDHgo) =*!= SSE71?
xl|=:x||SSfg (A) A® AAI xfflxB 2S8l= 5
(B) yasoilTil E as ssaisoil cilsH 9ta|= 5!
X1IM 7Baa 0iaiS4 (C) out MjiA)2j A||« AlifS gSsfe 5!
oiisaa gygs) se on# hhai* #«H OIAI= ^apio^ x1|gs
= 5||£| AigolW B gag 7^2 5lgL|cK l78(A)oa|o| ^ sxn SH® OIDHH s hbD egoiiAi 'oiiA^t gygei w gg yg= g7isi
gyaoil 0® 177a§0| D||° aaigoiagLici. A[A! I79°a|7i ENoiy oi 7| 38ii ggyoi OIIHI yTtis sol A®# xfgsi ABSS xiig sm
ol^Ef 5AMX|°I oiaogos gX|| xfiggg =XH gtsai 4# W aafe S gy5l7|S Sg^cKin an effort to assess the prospects for
«« ^2 2g#e| agoi 4A|ill MSIgLici. Aswebo Toys' future growth in this area, the management
team has decided that our company will, as a preliminary
i76,i78(D|[gaW o| goKHW oHs^s Sy?f2| if# 4® 23® S7i5l7| 3 step, produce one new item intended for the early-childhood
all 9951= o||a| EfTIIS. Sol A®# 7feB( xlg sltl# gyspls g market)'Jl litSHJi. (B)7l ggo|cl.
SaHLIct. sa|7l LBW gya g#0|| Ciffi a® aab AJAISIIKI Salt
S y-ag# 2SSlSgL|iiK aiso| All# 92 um #85(01 A|xigs 7Hy
812 7fesi e sal Agjoll IBM gugci, 177 §^1015171
o| 7(11!= sal S|A|0||= OIS #S 7|S|?iL|al. xia|= ota|S°l @5121 gel 93 0|Q||30||A| 5! gjall 33S M #3 "response"33d® 7® 715®
m aoi eiaxi aggci. 38?
AISS iil3¥ (B) 38
yg ow to gg
si® sgs 'gxiy a 4E 8aii gygoii rust ygoi on® s^goicp
s® sflgsiioi AigAgcl, ttlalAf responsefe 'tlS'Olafe 3d|S Mg
3o|°s as 30» A® (B)7i ggoici.

178 181-185 1 n)|o|x| + o(D||a
oN5?ia gyatui insii as as? IAIC gAii yy afSfAf gsi
(A)^esmm 5fAf|A|yS(lfAiaS|(IAIC)
(B) 5;xii»o£ ga goja.
to lhsoii ahss sah aaat sai® sia^Ti
(D)^SS&5ifeS|A|0|a, 181
<IAIC TflytAlte s|^4 gAUSl a?0|| C) a aagpi o|3||
(Ate OlBlliJ s ya = ttjn|| =xjo||Ai 'oaloj g^Ai Dj .Vg a^ij ay ofaf 7fA| ys» 4# o® Alas § 51 djHiig ajAioi ysi
Stiaoll cl® ygO| sa^OISWdhe response to our electronic 7Hygy o|of7|, 7|2g s Ajy# sgsf gAi 411* siaoj yg yojL|cf,
and handcrafted wooden toys has been very favorablej'fe LH tiae] o| AHSg 'tig 013 ^ ^Ai'o|af2 ## aL®, aaxBg
gog stoigcf, (Bte 5! SM ysf 5! ggoilAl '^ai Afigsg sjai (IAIC 7jiyA|>a at] »gs c|g s argil gy 0fL|aj gxBoilTii c)g y
AISOflAj ^ 7(^31 acffour products are enjoying great 3 5JJ1 sgoi 71ES ycg c|| OHO| gaffl ygoia® gaitL|cf. s®
success in international marketsl'S iHg-og tfojgcf. sff (D) Afas Afgg# iA® AIM 5(a(A|o||7iiy ^ofgMch
fe S BBII EfSf 5! SSOIIAI '01 gojo||Ai gyasj sts a
g- aas %y\m ?i3ii ggas oiibi STIIS SOI A®# 7®® AH 0® awog AE SIS Ofa|#lHI A|o|0||Ai gsfe s|o|L( 7|El gA|0|| LH8H
SS Af|S SfL|# gysplJiL SgfflcKin an effort to assess the aro 18301^2 aHJsH ^Aft12S ea|2 2JgL|E|. AHa|g sg| 7® igoii
prospects for Aswebo Toys' future growth in this area, the gy 23Bmii Ai^y E(o|niio| A|g s®y#°i o|yoii y^oi asMEf.
management team has decided that our company will, as
4T1 ?fAia qgyoAiBiy w* taisH ^12, a= oiajo ^§^1
a preliminary step, produce one new item intended for the
early-childhood marketj'fe Mfgog sfaScj, 5fA|°l (-HSOI AHiiL rharper@iaic.org5 5tHM 5fiilo||7|| aLHA|7| H®Lm Wej, =0| ^a|
S SAfAi gyg® iAHsfatfe ygs a°HS (C)7( ggoicj. Tfi 1 sg ?>®OII SA® 4is oimi^s ya# aL®. 7|#so| ^
B ea soayL®.
>► Paraphrasing Ag2| handcrafted ^°5 AfSlg (IAIC 71®K|>g 7(14 srAfApf L® HOIHS 37®°^ o| 1
-> made by hand A|O|E0|| SO|2AfAj S® ga# SiySlA|7| b®L|L( 182A^g|g OJOB w
4 LHtHI SSxjjxHoii Cig A|z®os Dflawy s|a°| ah 43# nfgalst o|®
179 W
"f?! association 3a| industrial 3^4 chemist afSfAf
sei sami Afgg gyaoii qsH gAg 5!g? submission Afli(g), 42 quarterly 7tiyA| undergo ycf
(A) S|CH 5AfpfA|2i OfSOIgOl AfSt^°!ES ^THElSJCl. meet the needs 24011 ggs® initiative AHag 7||!][A|£]
(B) ggABd SAH AfBESfi °!cf, open up ^cf account 0|0f7| opinion piece 7|2g
(C) AffiSAf SAfAflOllTfl 7fAf7faf71 AfgEISjCj,
(D)0|O|fiO||7flMOj^2iCf, editor TfEfAi relevant 3Sgi,yysJg engaging 237®
representative of BSste certified A®gg®A|8i
im oioiiii 5i BH# yafoflA) '^aiTf % EHojy ofo^Ej 5Af|;7fA|2) o®o|
to this end 0® =305 invite figs® take place fflaiEf
gos SAH Af® goj gAH gya°| 4# feaf as® sa 42 2211# viewZW) affiliate a|4, TiHAf chapter Alg
2| 2go| 4aIs(| 5J2JcKWe have, in fact, had several requests
in the event that ggo|| publication Hi, set
from a few of our principal clients to expand the number of due 7|SK)| ~oi make improvements to ~s7|®5®
wooden toys we currently make for children from birth to
appealing DH^gy, sa|5g layout 43, uHa|
age five.Vfe iHgoiiAi oi s]ai°| gyg A® yacH* B 4 5Jcf. a
B|2 M2A1 sfyofl 'Af7fAl#S £S S7fA ya Tig LH°| AfL=j7f °i
S ^HBall of whom are parents of children in the focus age
group)'0|aj2 =i!00^ (A)7jggo®. 43: TrS421 #.<,lw>
y®: 5tH5 S® <>
ywf: 71 53
Aflg: S|M 42
180 Afl^Aflf
Miufoii iifay, iAtg7iAB°iygoi 7®Ajssjygygggyy #4^134
7f? 184AiS|7| SIMDII AHg7|| 'SfS o|y §1 23®to|| 61 183A| 42 gS
(A) nffi MLH 4A1Af aAHWEK Afaib E|o|n||o| A|42| 5 S|0|0|| ae 4-34 ms|
(B) Hgg 7||° i
(omsAiis EHysi yy 313 yy-s1® sotoii ri® DHOI 4 yA® 43 B^oh CHSH 3
(D)a£7)|?j Aflsl #711 E® 3# #2tHL|C|, A|fi|g£EEl EfO|n||0| A|M7| ^a*| 2834 s|
g2A1l ay Sjygy ysaOeneral Preference)2f A|Afg yag as yois® $ia 47i a°5 47H1011 m g mis koiw 3301a® 2
cS W- -fdSEfAfter presented with prototype example)0||A| Jig
# Af|E(Building set)oj ^A|7f 7® ySHS (C)7f §90®.

TEST 2 35
185u|AfyBiW M 300B01S fiOjAI egs« ^ 4 SJ^I H 184 2#
^LICK OliTil 611 ^A|°! LB 2011 All 71A| L|# #2 M « ^ Sfe SS
?!« # 5A(2| 22 soil q(6H 0A|g 3#?
*152ioi -aaMLi. Aii7i 7^01 hjam m smgcf. 015
301 7fettA| wa| ^A|a, (A) IAIC aiaoi 0b aa# ggm.
(B) 5# St *2 #0 SIJII51 ao R.
aAittuiLt. (OSIfsta 7|#20||-Mi 5010,
(D) SM M|0||7(| 61300011 amSL(.
StHSSM, <IAIC 7)|2K|> ggAf SHI a n(io|A| gM°t A(| 0HH 05oi|Ai '22 #o| #a|7)| a g° ggoil g
A|0 22s. O|D||0# 07(1 acKIn the event that your submission
"Ifl in the area of ~2|So|oiW laboratory aSa is selected for publication, you wilt receive an e-mail at the
safety protocol £.15! tt15! membership SB^r editSSslci address indicated on the form,)'2 552, 0|Q| '7|#20 #2 □(
revision 25! work for ~oi|7|| 7|r5oic|[JH2Li] 00b 61 3Os0(Submissions for the autumn issue are due
on June 30.)'# WSR. 2£|2 o|d|10 5! bSo||A( 'siaoil AHS7(| 0
b 'sia 00 a zkAmoii 61 laixi 221# am gAi 0A(§(C(
181 2# (Thank you for your June 18 submission to our newly created
el'Zi H BJOIAI S22I CHAtg 5 gg7l? Member Views and News section of our newsletter.)2' 55l(.
(A) IAIC SIS# 0» S6H 2 afA(0 AdtlOl 7(#20|| -yaRb ot ^ ojiouS.
(B) S|M 05!AB (C)7(S0O|C(.
(D)AI« 4(5,1 si-Sft
3H^ 5! M 5® « a«B SSoilAf XIAIC 7||2tt|>te Slgaf S. 185 Af^AHf
5011 C) a ^§8(71 y(6H °f°s ^nvj oiaf 7^1 Bs» m 5
(The IAIC Quarterly will be undergoing several changes in ?1« #0A(7(fiS lb 5& 2007(7
the coming months in order to better meet the needs of our (A) S|a|0|| 081 a(|2 ms# AfBlf 5
(8)2210101= #0 5
members and readers,)'o|a(8l aA|2| g® 04(011 r(|5|| £1l|1S(ji 5J (C) 7|A(0|| 0S(A-»2|}A||(5
°H£(A)7(ggo|L(, (D) A|2 S|0s 55!a 5
m oiuiii 2 awi 00OW 'a}A(7( 22st s# 300002 s^Ai eg
6HS2 0feA| #2 ycKI am wondering if you could edit your
182 AhMit°i submission down to 300 words.)'2 S6°HS (B)7( g0O|c(.
09f a H(|0 |A| SMOII [C(e0, SIM01I LUSH A(6yoj 5S?
(A) S|!a°| St 7(A| AijAtOI #01 50|L(. ►► Paraphrasing a|S0 edit down to -»S00 shorten
(o out wisa aow.
(D) aaisaisa SOILK
a mio|x| gs Dpiat sgoilAi 'yog a 2 lim ggAKAijoii c(B A|zf 186-190 yg Ais(gAi + oimia + o|gAi)
onatgoj l|ti2( ah 55# Df^altt a(We expect to finalize
a new, colorful, and more visually appealing layout of the
newsletter in the next few weeks.)'o|a(Jl 5!!°HsL (D)7( g0O|L(, saoii oiisa^gzjj^E
2# «#£ 2HI0II 0b 252-11 A|H|A DilAHOIIAI 20 10AI0II AIStlLR.
► ► Paraphrasing xgai colorful Stfs) jn color
tt#5H?fA(/7(0|£ LHS
oi/5120 2)0|7|7| 6H0O||A( n(£E(7|l bH#, 20011 ##
t90H(2E(7| g# SH0(S1.1005OSaf. 125(1010007 (7(8.
183 #^10(5(71 7||2O(8S||L(0IS
ytef «| n(|0|A|0||A( 2 0itt|| 05 *( 0n|| #o| 'impressions'Sf e|a|5 7® 7( D«2220 71A(7( 2||01(0(=L(b 8(2(0| » 4(0 £b 2#)
T'ISae? 1898(S(0| g gO|| 02b aa# AlEft Sb g# sa I gg 10
(A)sg A(|A|7( 0(2d(OfL| 01 SR.
(B)Ha DJ5520 9020 09# S(0A| 07(A(Sb 2|0|7|7|
(c)j=g 000# ei0AH bH#.2S.
id) ss a(L| £7122 01
s 0S»0 0A| 8(2(01 ea| sa|w# UHS, (ISBah
Ha JHifSSoiW submit their impressions about meetings and Of/g#20
other events taking place in their regionfr 'x|ao||A| Slalfe SI 5(2(01 aaiag g asigoii S6H ass 7(#,) i2A(i oig0
O(L( 7|E( gAloil cHSH 0S 05# AdasicCam SH56H0f A(0AgC(, 2^50002(^01 07(71#. 100 20ifa.f
impressionsfe '05, i=g'2| 0o|S Ai0 5!0|SS (C)7(gao|c(. #7( gaL( ##£ gs(A|0 21 Aib|A c(|Aa2 7(A|7| BIKLR.

187 ?*||/aw
0|S| orchid instructor^Ai surfing ntEEf?!
conduct ^a|s|c[ participant ShW at least ^jojE 0|0|®2|=A!g°5!oi7|?
craft Soil garland sis supply Sg charge u® (A) ^ S2| Ajoj AiaM ^iisfe 5
cookery aailS) dishfial tailor SIW (B)a7HS2|oil8&lslt=5
vegetarian A||Aj2|,Al|Ai^°)Ai recipe aa|S signupg^skf (C) ^SSSgs|t5!
ID) set a® atss suisfe a
rn oimia S SSoilAt 'o® e ^aij m ssaaoil sgsHof If Af
^ai: Afd|a xig <gsslafl@waikikiorchidhotel.conn> so| 5JCKI need to update this month's program of guest
activities.)'::! BS ¥ a lHS-S ^Afl^ias °iLf. npfAl o|[)||
tt-fj: 5|A|°I <> Bo| awo ^ Ba|7| BS ao|HS (C)7f gBopf.
18921 7^
A®: aa A®
oia)so!asWia, 188 S2|0|5f7|
1870® u ifg SMnaoll SSSHOf »> A®0| a!i=m 189AflA|?f 0( (Hai S2A10||A| 5! Sfl SS All Bfll SB "skip-al o|o|ai 7® 7^ as?
3JlOfL|£t Apt SOI 2S 10SOIW 16mA| Ape d|t atpK A||7| AllApf (A) £9(8®
SI ttS# SiiS®, # OMOPI Ap|°) S#§ AlfSS- auicK A||A|?|2f Apt (B) *A|Cf
7l®y|sfe 211 yetoii as 501 ggsn aauR, (o as aims®
(d; ass®
S|A|°J m SUB BB°| skip the activityAf 'itsoil m(A|c('a|-ii s||aje|os skip®
AjdJA ajoixh 2to|?|?| £?|E Si '»|A®'afe o|d|£ MB 50®. ctfaiA( '^x®, Mlfg^'a®. o|D|=
Alt! (B)7f BBopf.
<H?| beawayloiAfSict.^AHgoici lead Sfflspl, osq
return to normal Sga^sotari
189 A(l¥AfS
hllpsV/www. S® sold® A|£f SL=|0| BO| S7(B5!iE! 4SS 7|aAI A®® WBAI?
£p|7|7|£7|£sa (A) opmiow m|
(B) SI «1
®a: (C) £7 lass
A(b 7M4 1}7|| si0||A| #9711 Bta#®®. Siow 711=181 tgsg # (D)SA|
7lSa ag BAMS SBsH Ba ^®®. a? las w® Bssti #5011 Af s SiaAi gEf¥0W SOpttl Mlb 'S® If^l SfSf ws gw All
a i88|ii|Afof SSAIB, Afl 7lBg a®2f| SB U uHa®a spfafaa. issAfe n|B7(l uHScKMy daughter and I truly enjoyed learning how to
14 WzHI si# Bag wg SB A||O|®7|| uma, BBS oppf w|o| Aa0|| make flower garlands)'a Ma, S(t!0|| aLfoj 7|^o| Sio|| ^ff
Af uhs aa| § g 71a» B«f ysBBM®, Sas 0B4 la Ball® a® W«fe 21 101-1 els uj® of®, naia 5A|o||fe sfst Bafe BS
S7fS A IB# My!#L|c|. 190opi#s LHBOIIHS2S =7® B ® Ball® AlSXfe BAj7j A(|A|7f OjnbpfLIS L(2j of®. ®A|B 0|[1||B0||A( S|A|
AI® mn aacis 7 (enon si® a®®®. BS 0® B® Bg Afifaa 'A(|A|7( 0(aupjL|2f Apj so| 21101
OIIAI 16177IAI Apll d|S 50|HS(Jessica Agbayani and Sarah
oil: ia® SO|u® a# 14: 3131 Wang will be away February 10-16.) l||7( A||A|?jo| sfUM flffltf
¥#7«a:4 189##Ba(: 21101-161 ®(l will lead Jessica's activities)'a Bfi®. ®ElA| sold® A|2f
a®® BOIWI s(at ycfe wa 7|aA| TfA® i|A|B0|aS (B)7( SB
ayizl 0|®.

pleasurable#7fS compliments# skipBufrl®

truly SaS look forward to MSI?!)# 7|c||8pf 190 AIIBAft
put - to use ~S IBs® travel on holiday to ~s #7# 7p(
a® sold® M® OPMB asaoiiAi ^9® # TjisiyAi?
186 AII^A® (05®
cHE!®go|StggoS5lgi!4SJi=7l? (D)asa8AjB#7|
(A) laSJ sH-a ®aA( DjA|® BBS SB 'OPISS LHaoil ssas ®7|# B mi Bail
(B) stai m Lj A|o| ttSSW P3!cfe 7|C||0|| vw B®(They are looking
(D>=ai#s forward to putting his lessons to use when we travel on
holiday to Morocco next yearj'a Mel, a®a 8AM MB B®|®
SHS gA|o| SaH LNga ■AHAI aE|g0]| SPH nfgg AW 7fe tt|fe ®a®7| BH(Surfing lesson)® BS6lHS (A)7f SB0|®.
(Lesson can be tailored to include vegetarian recipes only.j'Ol
am gA|E|o( OI°HS (D)7i gaopt.
TEST 2 37
191-195^^^ ^gX|asx| + @7l + 7|Al) J-IME SafXISf m Xlfl 711^01 Q|xfe fflSjO] gsjo gg^o
s sm an. "fla|Ei Aigs= sg ga ggxyg
EiioiAMsmoimi agn; aiss oiiTii i»-sfxiei m a^noi AI°I HE ?
aio||7(| AIISS ^Xtag aWH AH£S 7|S|fi 7Wi:|gL|cK-

25®°! sas EIIO|AE HM oiaa|7i 4t 239! nigtMn, 4a oi?! evolution gsf, shg mayor a® predict oiigsn
1 TSOIlAi 23^771X1 =f ® 7!7||0| «Atl ^SlSl® 1A|0|| Xia|£l H7« ^ benefit -oil "eisn nearby 7177® based on ~o|| ®7-|sioi
gxia, p® son mioiAgai#® PSSIAI® ta® s^gasTTii 9711013 receipts T'a'21! potential gA||g°j effect sal, ^gf
«®S£X|15tfL|Cl. commercial gage!, Sal ebrS business district ga xp
anumberofS® family-owned 71^4^21 qualitySgg
192EII0IAE £M Oiaal XIISAIEJ gtllSM a|b|A|S XpiBl ?A|7| UftfLICl. beauty salon nlgg decline sp overall g^fge!
3® ?f°S P7II1 LWI Xigo| jjojsh 01®^ 37HySZ)|W® 3 beloved a® yt® resident^S! including
pow niE|£l 9sgs°s «S8 mioiAEam 7!|0|3» ® °!^
nieia Ain *#g sgg## ag ® eioixt 7 is^nn. 191 ^
U||L|H xihcih, as XIHCIH M|7l AlSAiig ®S g® OK®®5!0|3!®7l?
(B) AHS gej SS Ajigoii 7ta||# tit®ol|
S#! valuedsg® celebrationgsiSAf freei=iso| (C) ttfief ga|* tt SBOIS £|71UHSOII
keep an eye out for pAlsn pastry chef xllSAl (D) cgS#°l AlSxlB a TUSjop | qgoil
bakery xligg custom SSS, PS xiig® SHg 5X|01|Af gpo) X|2E|H AA|7| SIOIAS 2M 0|aa|(Taste of Italy)*
gigan® A®# gsm axis, ssi LHSOHAI miga OIK® eess
axi an. xixis ® b«ii gypmixt xi® 2711® 199 ma,
htlp://www.pinevillereslaurants.conn OHgS Dig®, 393 EIIOIAS 2S 011971 #9X171 7Hg® s
37® aA# OKM ®g aaxtn # a# 7iiaoiai3 ^sssniin the
A?|M 27||0|aA
past two months, three of these businesses—Quality Books,
# mi® azi sxi Ashely's Beauty Salon, and Taste of Italy—have either closed
e||0|AM 2M 0|aa|7l HigSlTll E|0| 0l®ggL|Cl. 3p0||A1 All 9sg 7!|0| or announced plans to close, all citing a decline in customers
since the Plaza's opening.)'3 5!!e|, nalAI x|2.cih tt|7| njig® o|
a# SStH a°® B!7!®a. 1923bHai 35S SS XIBA171 Maixl AS td! ®® iaixi Ag -ais meoii paoi inssf?] HHSOIHS (B)7i ga
ElOII ASS S7l|0|gA» 7HS5SS Bfl Sil 7|g0| #°tsa, 3®0| X!® ?||0| 9
a* Sfioi poja, a® g® SSSIoifi! xt® spi® A|o|o||Ai a 7!|o|a7l
OIP sets® 0B7|7I iSBsois asgLi®. Xi® PPOIWILI ASM 27110® ►► Paraphrasing x|®o| a decline in customers
sgpgwaLic!. -»ga® lost business
- O//C/A 3AiE
★ ★★★★
192 Abyif°i
SS occasion SAi.Mwgy review 971, as close UlSsm m 9biai wi® x«goii LiieH sxi® as?
former oiSS, BSS comment on ~o!l dlsil S3# a^sn (A) 4S 23^011 7Ha5i!n,
recommend PEfsn IB) ami xpn® api AKssan.
(C) 99 SMOll act.
(D) II||0|AM91 gg.
sa/O/ g'g Hg gx|°| ® HJHI 99011X1 'EHOIAM sm o|192| xiigAia gaigs 9
H|A|* XpfHl SaKPlease keep an eye out for Taste of Italy
I92g® 7S a|tH MSOll lElxl AS t!!El7i s# SS# ml. SIS smse| pastry chef Salvator Ribisi.)'3 fj3, 97| x|go||A1 s®0|® E||0|A
S sag AISS se SAfiS Aggw 3 xisss MaiSSHSS A|®| E HM o|aa|7i n||gg|7|| E|01 omgcigAi '3501 gg xibaixi #
Hgo| 1 aoiala Ojigw, 194x|y 67HS® a|S dHSAH ®a°J|o| 25St!! B|Xl AS AIIE1®! A9M 27||0|gA» 71195!® nil gy 7|go| #an
s §7® m 7®2s a® sssiiis Aigoi gse axta asn, (I was excited when their former pastry chef opened Sweet
Occasions in the Plaza Shopping Center.)'3 JJeI. ElalAj s|tl|A|
sixi® 7|®oi sasi® a®2 ggg® gggoi a® ais sg gs xpon 71 7H9® Xinigol A?|E 27||0|aA°iE or g 7|Afo| 5 gg
39® SB| SPS 7Htt0| Dig gxHg SSOII ClIsHAf® gM 7is®x| as ®|A1 'g® 71 a|9 SMOII galxl A™ a!!97| §§ fiSMthe Plaza
a. 191x1® 27Haa 01® a*ig § AH sm, g BSEI MA, oHgai oigg, 3 Shopping Center opened on River Road in July of last year)'3
S3 E||0|AS £M oias® H® USxpl 7||g® ® a'-B SAS OKS ®S fjcl. 0| gMH gSaH * nil A?IS 27||01®*® a|tt| S20|| °|A|5||
sa7iLi 1 g# TtiMopia ^HjSEl, SJ2HS. (C)7i ggoiEi,

193 ®s|oit7| Hfsaass: 1S9 ISnfSE
»!« g7|01W 5! SHU Ail SWII #o| -kepi-aj ojaiy 507 aLi 5S M|7i 51 9g sag as 6A|0|| #0i|Ai 0|tH SAISIS A7H
(A) SW ttLicf. ggas aoiieaoiDi, gxii ^^4 aes atAis m as eai
(B) Tll^Mci Oil 7iai aci as sa* asiAia (020) 7946 0609a ysi ^
(C) SefSTi A[7| UlSMS
sli a sH^ ^So||Ai kept commenting onS '~0li cBSH 7i|^5||Ai SigSSci' Of^l contemporary aoHS, SAimS sculptor AS7i
fe2|n|0|H£ (BVigaolcf. occupyAixisici represent masim specifically ^8|
commemorate 7|S8|ct commonly mgyaa
literaturese(sill) upon+SSA(~siASiAi ancientacna
194 « succeeding oioixlS, Ttlgslfe encounter oigAici
portray HAisia up to -^W make use of ~S #S8(ci
9!^ msin as AjiEioil LUSH O'AISI aa? a range of 48® material Als piece
(A) maJ A» ¥isH sg ^ej# gam exhibition eA|S| original asa creation gfAf#
(B) in gswi
(C) sssnlt Aigai AB x\m 9MP. proceeds yaS conservation as
(D) nfeja Aimoii Aioim.
SHS 7|At 5!tH£|o||Aj 5ftf 7a a|tti ssoil #EiAi AS Aj!Ei7i S# asjci
n gtSJl, a aais 'A|y 67||17i A|oj n||9Ai| ^i9Ho| 25iitMM S7i gy:
mKa 25 percent increase in the city's sates tax receipts over gA:
the last six monthsj'fe AfAjg ojgajo□ ^ (A)7i SS0|ci. 5120g
A)!^: Aij
595 A|J||,
195 A1IVA® 198
*iS Sleoll flsitHlAi flsiSI 4MS A7||5Hr iSAKHI 0|S0|| AjAI
S" sssnltS gioil ssy, nLife an gaiAiAS -iSoil M|B| sga^i 2 siEAHoigTiiawmmEi.
SB* yn SJ^i?
(AiSSAisa^^imgon ^xib xe 17Aii7i ae# e unsa ag# ai. gfegi, oi
(B) agMCi SAi ?gE|2J7| [tllSOII ssa yspn sa agLici. xn #tiAia A® yyti a4# xn
to uisasoii« auiBAigsi?! mson as SHixi am gao) aimi mm ss aes ^ggci. xfe asixi
(D) AlSioiiTll i!A|a» AiBSi?! mgoil ma Lfg ojb *ja*j ggo) nf—M7i E|a|si ^Tfmcf.
sna 7|Aio| □fAisoilA) 'AIS axiisoi syn AIS a€ ?ej*0||7|| AHa
Oly goll Xil aol AlgsH ^A|3!#L|A7i? 19918121 Oi|0|yE7i Ai|7i| ISfXi
S iiAia|# aSSB ABaS 7|S|a 7iAicgcKBut new businesses
bring new opportunities for all residents of Pineville City, ittH nfaioil 7t|A|ciA gai ^ggLici. xipi cig ^on sjg n^oii g 341:1.
including new jobsjfe A®o| B0| Liasa (D)7i SSOIS. ay Aiaol E|A|a 08i7|| yef ^A|7| uHL|ci.
AXM n|x|

196-200 -ys AIS®AI + oidii^ + oimiii) m?! attend igsici later Mgoil work on ~ sigll SHM
illustrator ysfxf generous MMffl, compensation ay
as em DI# yEioiiAi ^^4^. discretion Alia, aa collaborator S^xi endeavoraai
Aisoia feel free to+l|AHg goi ~8H:i
si lii-isa
5?aJ Afe am #-2 °fe W7/ow^7/gwq. sA- cgoodman@litmail,com
am as M|o) Xhgol Aii| SMS SAiloil SAISOI, ut#SS Zf SA|A) tA:
01 sa IAIS e Apiss mssia *si ss as sg as® gsMS, ynp 51 22g
196,2005DH Wlb S8f5S4 SSOII Lf2b && SjAi gO||Ai CHg4°a g S|AI: ills®
laiS^HSAlgftLici. AXMMM,
IMW SoiAiAiuiAi seaes am auissei AIMIS 2.000S S SS Xis 18121 xiioioii go B a7|oi, tys® asaigoii l||sh 7|io| 057 b
4 s.m mm\ a a^jLici. 197sai(soi sai m MH ygLici, xis cig ^ ^figon Mfl-ia a gbii sia 51^44
as afcgs SSOII 0|S7WA| SS goiXIS £A|2i Hg# HA® 5gL| a, 199lsl7i tJi=y gAl A|7® gal ?A|S IPHI18121 Aiiy# 4 XiAilSI
C(, 50H MIS Dias asss, b|c|a, SA|0i AHttSS Ana® aUSfe SS ynis AIAS Dig® a °!g 344.
e DHxis isslr, om gxisis as a?" ais as
aM 595

TEST 2 39
199 «
oi?l intrigue invitation flISLt
describe-assiot explore 4hnW proposal flK! yg 3DJU|o|| « gA|S SS?
(A)SA| M|2(2|7||OfO||E2|5«Ol.
(B) niaioilAt 5!A| «H BW 5o|oh
(0 o® ^ Mf|-at)||Ai so® 50|oh
196 (0)xtS°|ni!3Sggifii°!ch
UJM gx|0l|Ai SA|S|01| cflsH °tA|e 58? sfla S BBB oin® DfA|Bf gatojAi fix! A® 3nJ! wio||7i| 'gtAio) o||o|g
(A) SHW! a?iOI|At £A» HAm 57f ggo| BAB nfaioii stofji gsf 0® ^on l||7|- gg as
(B) S¥ AHttSS AHSS etfioigcl, oil 7H3|oKYour agent informed me that you are currently in
(C) etAt5!°l SOIMS JiSfSta 5W.
(D) yxl Site gas got(, Paris. I will be there myself next weekj'H SK. aa|jl = g»||
0|D|®0||Ai 3DJ A|S 0x1 a|0||7|| 'gtAioi ois A|y®
stIAt SAI S QWaf sgoi|A| Mfe SSf5l#4 gsidl lj stjtll «Ai2| A||otS oi A|A||s| SHIM A|7tS QiaW 4 SIS 5(let me
at ae 5!AI goiiAi cNg^o^ H yajxi ^ats 7iaecKMr, know where you wilt be staying and when, and we will find
Goodman commemorates less commonly known moments the time to explore your proposal further)'0|a|ji sHq-. ii|a|Ai t-
in London's history taken from literature and filmj'jl Aftt® E|a|o||Ai BU o||go|H5 (B)7| gaoioh

►► Paraphrasing Ags] commemorates less commonly

known moments in London's history 200 AII^Aft
-> SSg portrays a city from a unique 0x| A|2( 30 Alb 010 go (Oil At 00 AWS S^Sla 51071?
perspective (A)g3«Ai
(C> Brno IS
197 «
«HS gAl 5! m EtsfoilAt '30 Alb SStxtg4 gsfoii gsb SS a|
ag gAioii gAia as? A| gOIIAt Ii||#g25 a ItBia b0#fi 7|BttCKMr, Goodman
(A) ttfgs SA|S|71 ggas AisfSd. commemorates less commonly known moments in London's
(B) ^7i d|Si2^ 7(0|i=2t S^ISiS 2012 as® OlStt 4 2JCK history taken from literature and film,)'II S6c|-. a£|Jl 5! BAD 0|
(C) SA1SI ggajgoiiTil Ega RAICHS SAiail S^fst 58 asipi.
(D) 5nJ A|S m ssajs* asspi M. DHH ¥ BAD BSIOIW 0x| Ab 'fflAU 1 7A||7| 00® gxjog st
ti||g°| AS# Alt SK(| am currently working on a novel set in
5H e gA| ^ tM EtsfoilA-i 'gtsaisoi d^S zf2t°| g^sjoj gA|-ys England, mainly London, in the 17th renturyVTi jltloog {A)7|-
2fcy°i aeioii 01571771x1 ag aoixis iAig H^S HA® 5 saoph
(Each succeeding gallery that visitors encounter will portray
younger versions of the city up to present-day London.)'0|a(ji
IK, 0| ye SAiaol 2EH s atE!Oi|At!flEt Sieoll OlSb ^AfS
EICH SJcfe °iD|0|c(. ctfsfAl aA|S|a o|eiSt ^ApllH SSlf 5* 3
asm as 5OIH£ (c)7i gaopi.

198 «
E!a| Alb CHc|cH|Ai 5??h a|71 o|ot7|5lS 5S S2JD!S7t?
(A) gAia m MS usiei sisioiw
(B) acH a® ^lElOllAi
sH-a 5! BAH 0|D||°J 5! sgoW m\ MIS 'SISOII 5WH A|7l ag# 4i7Hei
te ISA|Oi| StaUoKi attended a recent event where you spoke
about your workl'H IK. aaq| gA| Dpig gat 5! SSOIIAI 'aM
3°!! A|7i 51 911 SHU 2s 6A|o|| =1 lo||At 0|B SA|S|# A7l|
stcKConner Goodman will discuss his exhibition at Cornwall
Hall on Saturday, 9 May, at 6:00 PM,)'H 16225 (D)7t gi}0|

101 (C) 102(A) 103(B) 104 (B) 105 (C)
106 (B) 107 (D) 108 (B) 109(A) 110(D) y&S SAIAf for7f Olnfe SAlAp yoiw SAKtraining session)^
111 (D) 112(A) 113(B) 114(C) 115(D) aoiss yscngAfoi (B)7^ ggoiti-.
116(D) 117(A) 118(C) 119(A) 120(D) S'JI itSAII °IEIHA« as°| S m 3^1 ?|S|| mi! itatsajaioii
121 (C) 122 (C) 123(A) 124(B) 125 (B) ESWaoich
126 (C) 127 (B) 128(A) 129(A) 130 (C) oifl training session 941,
131 (D) 132(A) 133 (C) 134 (A) 135(A)
136 (B) 137 (D) 138 (C) 139 (D) 140 (C)
141 (B) 142(B) 143 (D) 144 (C) 145 (A) 105 §-M- o|?l
146 (B) 147 (C) 148 (C) 149 (A) 150(D)
151 (B) 152 (D) 153 (B) 154(A) 155(A) SHa S!€t i|0|| afe ^ajolltwo forms of identification)2f 2|D|7! 7!9 ^
156 (B) 157(B) 158(A) 159(D) 160 (C) SSfe SAB AtajsHof ecK 'Vmi so) flof Sfcfafe BH-SIOI A®
161 (D) 162(A) 163 (C) 164(B) 165(D) AE^og (0)7! ggolc!
166 (C) 167(A) 168 (C) 169 (C) 170(B) Smmm i!S8!3|9 ^ §#2) aisss sol ?|0! st(.
171 (B) 172(B) 173 (A) 174 (D) 175(D) olfl apply tor ~S iiSslc! permit Sf7!g identification iigg
176 (B) 177 (C) 178 (B) 179(A) 180 (C)
181 (C) 182(B) 183 (D) 184 (D) 185(B)
186(B) 187 (A) 188 (D) 189(A) 190 (C)
106 tfUfAfBLSAf^A)
191 (A) 192(C) 193 (D) 194(B) 195(D)
196 (D) 197(C) 198 (B) 199(C) 200 (A) SH-a eiaS SAKhave improved) A!o|o|| SfaHS §AB SAigft a^!?!
aasfcK ctfafA) (B)7!ggo|c!.
e!9 AllblOM aAiH|g|A0| nfDiiJ! xiy g7| D[J)|&I a]I(|o|0| A|^ 0(

PART 5 ¥S?58| 999519,

of#! saleseioll®) improve 7||i!si9, LlofAlc! quarters?]
steady TfStt steadily^si
101 °jscim°i2i_^2!
Hb Htts thats itCHIAt SA! ao|| ?)x|5& °ioss ^oi A!s|o|cf.
iismsAtei (cm gaoicn, om shet Ms. iwata* y[z\m. 107 SSAfolfl
0|2!Et n.m S|°l» ?)5|| Olilist otgs ^ 5H9 eittoife SAf 9fc gAKinternship)£f °Ja|7! 7)9 9 gsfe SgAf?!
olfl hand out UtI W agenda ?!?t SCH7K)f Stc(. '°g yeg'OlEB =>01 ABA^oag (D)7! guolC),
99 9 S|7|| A|b|A AISAB2I mifisoi a S|A! sak>||a! °g yg ^jgs ^
102 SWOIfl oi?! applicant aisa) accounting a|7|| complete Sfssic!
m yye toodn m wgA« oi^At, yy ^apifor the clear SSS. satt present SAjSt, sMslfe paidSga
conference)2f °|a|7i» SSfe SAB AjEHguof stf 'Slalg SA) ^
SAfafe iHA|0| AtSA^oos (A)7f g«o|Ef.
mm SA) ^gAti gas 2? 5A|Z7!A1 sai gg Oj^ioii amof SC(. 108 4®SSA!
o)#! conference s|2! caterer 8aj 53^1 order ^®(A1) 3H9 99 5^9 AfAtgAKcouponte 9SA| aut, ^9, SUgSAf,
profit olS lesson as AIAISSA! gg IWi M)0! sfHS S9S Sa9SA!°! (B)o|cK (Ate
9SA12! SAfs 23 MOlAief SA! ao|| # S OJJ7, (Cte SSAls M
a m Sfoil the?! 510101 Sfol, (Dfe ^A!o|c!,
103 a|H« 99 HlSfOIS 35IISS A|ga!0|o| 2t 298 as II||0|C( ^ St X}S yo A
m m ^OII thanoi ojoos bias asAfoj (B)7f gaoiui, ^AI AH sfcf.
ssacf D( aam'Efe 5||Ajo| AfSAgci. Olfl beehive®# craft 9011 supply## redeem Elst)
Alls S7fe3A| q|0|A 4JL|| yet7|7f °A! AtlS#o|| bisH 011^01 c| aa|
nla tfficf.
109 'SMmi
o)#! review as, 97! warm up oiiasfc! similar Hl^Sf, "A®
8H^ 998 SSAKto cancel)°| =901 91* 8fe gA! Ata|s #A!2! g
d|7! 7® a #ste gAB AjajsHof stf. 'oiiefg iiafof'ate
sHAjoi A|9Aa|SH£ (A)7! aao|c!.

TEST 3 41
atei qsalxl 0t|°fS 24A|y soil #M1 bH skboii te?! pharmaceuticals A!|tet|A! chemical ggh2| solution Sa
7|| 28 W, efficiency a#g laboratory 484 combine iSstte
oifl dentistryAlaKSs) appointment o||°{ involvement ^oi
115 o§A! Afa) _ gA! 44
aH4 atete SAlAp yollAi gAfdanguages)# 4go!te ggAf A!a|°lc||
110 JfU|S#SfAL^I tenig 'oite teteg a'oitete sHgoi AfteAteteag. (D)?! gaoic!.
SH8 ^ T 711 ei ao| "loss ¥1011 L!£b that4 m\ a^A! ate aWHateA!2| A® q|0|Efm|o|Ate AgABoi gg teten te fiA!|gg
* w 4- at aoi soi7iof m. aict oiefe 'STI staoi teas 4 a ggsiE 7|| 7!g5|c!.
E^'Olafe SHaol AfgASt^HS thatte StlSfOj =a(~5!7| ¥!5!0j) te?! dictionary Aig entry Wte #te) haW multiplying StesiE
2] o|D» LtEtLBte a^A! so that# 0|3te (D)T! saolte, multiple te4te, UII4
ate a# gas teTi ggoi teas 4 asi ois4s aTiEiaa.
o|?i inspection aai, gg postpone aTlste! electrical St|2|
116 SaIAKW
*114 ateOllte 42! SAKproper safety gear)2! SttSlOf ggsf tetete 4
111 SMxfal go!4# oiefe gAiA!7! B25!c(. 'Otg ga| soie ggai g^goii
SHS ms tegsi SA! A!a|0|HS (D)7! ggolte. LfulAl STBS 2^ 4 teteteAl atete'afe SHgoi AlteAafgHg ~ aoi'alE tenlte Sx|A!
SAfolss SA! Afaioil #01# 4 ate. te (Dwsaoite.
ate tete 4te tete te S|A| OKSM tete HE sail |f aoicK ate ggsi xtb| ojoie eeh ggg gagoii si^eiai sfec!.
te?! arrangement 4h| company retreat fi|A|o!SS| g?i permit ggsm floor (te® ma) gag proper gset
gear (#8 tMtete) guilgg) following ~ o|«o||
regarding ~oil tesio! unless tete ~5!a| tefecite
«Hg teteollte 44 Ste SAKbreakfast and lunch)2l 2|d|t! t® g gs! 117 SA! Afa] _ 5!a|A!O| ggof
te ssAfTf #oi7K)i ette. 'tes oig a gg gApafe BHgoi aisa
ai^H2(A)7!gaoite. »Hb tetete Sa|A! inoi 0|2E gxlApoil 4SH atem, ggA! workingig
g5!te)2144® tea a22£ gA! A!a|0|c!. [ttaig (A)?! gaoig.
ate Ha|A #212Mi4teS o(a(o|2! a|HA gtes0||7|| es oig s! 84 teAl
# Aiefite. ate sioiE g2 gAiAiiggg flaie! Mongol gggte gg gEiig ngsiE
cafeteria tetetete associate WS-gSte) us
complimentary ¥ste accountable gaol ate te?! used#2°| appliance SAfAig purchase 4011®)
replaced 2A||te secured H§te condition gbl, Ate

113 a*W(Hfl 118 ¥A!aS4A!_i;||A

BUS eiteOlfe ate tegotlguest passes)V! tete SAKthe security sfl4 Sfoil L!g gggs °JA!S| A!|2|0!| gAUJcKappreciatedfe 2|o|o|2,
office)# tenig ggsfTii OIOI a 4 ate gAiAfTi 325(0!. 'aa A! 4ate a 7ls|* 7ta5Mdedined)te tea|o|H£ cba# l!e!lhe g
^soiiAf mss Stetefe swgoi a^aei^hs tm teeiLUte g 4A!te(C)7!gteoic!.
x|AKB)7(ggoite. ate te AtlE g AlEtete teAPI Allteoil teA|«HA|te, OIAH bboi S!?! mEOil n
ate age ateaiioig stegss aboii agsf?! son aa Ai^goiiAf ^44 7itis tegsti.
gag# go lot gc!. te?! appreciate SAlsic! advisory AlEte, hes] decline JiasKi!
tefl obtaintete pass#ag securityMte prior to ~5(7| go|i opportunity 7|i| relocate oigsic! now that om-bihh
facility AIS onlyif ~5!7|°tst!g while ~o|A|te whether ~teA| o!t!A|

114 SA(O(S_SA|A( + §SA( 119 g!AlA!A!a|_aA|A! + gA!

sHe ates gAiA! of 4011 a 4 saiHE ggA!?! aot stK agqi a «H4 tetete m SA!2! gs^ioi 4go!4® ggsfe 8*14 A!a|0|c!. (C)
3 ¥|o|| ggofoil BDSsfte gAKchemical solutions)?! 0(9 a¥ gg te 4A!, (D)te ISA! Hte gA!0|HS 2ao|c!. (B) among c!go||te
te* m 4 ate oSa!°j (c)?! gaoite, MxgA!?! 210! st!. AgAjjElo! aig ^SBOiraiE sngoi A!teAa!E
Hg AOJ teseoiraite ania 8*14 (A)?! gao|c(.
ate E^ium flite tiAioi aiims gg goji m gate gggowoi a#g#
g7!A|3 SOIte. ate teaig tetfe ASEte big asgte □!?!! AEaimon OIAISH ag.

tH?! directly i®, ufs opposite ~e| ?igt5o)| apart aw At 124 £!A|ai Aia| _ SA|AI + gA]
nearby Sa|o|, 7p;|o|o||
sHt 99S SAit aasioi StoiS* o|=oiot gfHM Sa|A171 sfof
em. (A), (Djs a^Aiom, (cfe asAioici. mh #° 7|M 7|)a.
120 ¥AlAfa|_begAl^(gARig) fi #5l|'a|g auto I AKgAgoo^ '^.s S5|)'a)g o)D|o) gAlAfoj (B)
sHa SJ?t"Et gnp;lA|^ y|0|| the Clarytown Celebrations 41 94 oiwai gg ssitss 4 #8 gg 7® 7HH# gsi)
•NSN fiApfgos, while the Clarytown Celebration was S7lA|7|b 38 aSMS stl.
a small festival celebrating the town's heritageaffe ^
AHSOllAt g^Al, ^Oi, beSAB 5j0|cf. yafspl goj ^AUg 4?! agriculture SS specialize in ~Sag2M8(ci cropSts
MS beSAl2t ^zjMOl A(0|0|| g 4. oife Jg J?1A10|SM (D)7l SS yielditat through~SS5|| previouso©si
gaHfe MA|o| gys 7|asfg Ate ^Ai|«E! SaflaiE® 7|aiAf7ln A|
125 T^Aloiti
SOilA) 7© a Sail ISAf # 3M7t E|ojC|.
ot?! heritage Sit celebration 7|yiA(i^5H5A| origin 7©, Si] SB'S 99 fl°| S8CH gt# Sfe SAKthe renovation)£l tQ|7l 7© a1"
originate Apfsicp SsBsicl originally SEN, Sail SSfe SAB idiBSHot 8)4. 'MS SA® agar znsioici'sig SII<MO|
AfgAgsss (B)7l 89014.
94 AH 01401 StSIA® A)80)| iAHet AlA© #5.Ia| MS gtga xiait Tjlaj
121 SAlxpL ^01(^^1) 014.
sHs S?t SIS SSSStof the management team)# SSiH MS StttS t?! send away for ~SS9°MSS8(4 move forward with
gAKinclude) 9tS ^oi Ala©# a ^ SJcf. ^o]2t §Afe 4 jjah ~S8S8|c( take back from ~o||7||A|E|At| watch out for
ol^otot Sfedl, eANa #Al SIOII S7l*A| BKtoog 2S0jg M^gOl -0||q|sHSt8|c|
El&iOt m. [C|SlAi (C)7l saoicp
StaiSs) °i! Alts iSittS iftA|7fe 34gy a|#s #o|S m s
126 Wofti
gsfji SW.
include sttsicl improve I,©a|7|c| productivity-titt »H8 99olte St 9fe gSAKhumorous)2l o|o|7l 7© a #Sfe SAl?)
reduce iro|c( expenditure a# priority Sit Alt S0l7K)f 8i4, 'eiMgog 04a)AS) gn'aig 5|]8o| AiPtAp)oag
prioritize Sid 6?»dH7|c| (C)7l 49014.
94 ui|A|fa| AlgAlt D|7||g "Alb o|E8oMS44AS)Sa A|a|Aa □)=
tbdl, o|feM4 8S^h|a|S2| 50KS7| gsH jigg som
122 A|A|ggA| 4®! commercial (TV a|4£2|)Sa appealto ~2|Digg^4
Sii =|o| gAKemployees)* StSl7|o|| sjgt tE||S tgA® id economically 9x118°^ sS8mm exactly 8Sls|7||
aisHOt tel. (A)2l (B) 301115 9Sg gA|7l L|2|0t 3|HM 29014. deliberately tE8°M, ji°I8om patiently 948 SItii
(D)te SIOII ABMS as OHotof sfecll, St^l SAffe S|LKshould
watch)™o|SM £ao|cK 'a, Af go) ojais A|A|tSA|
(C)7iggo|cK 127 aSAlA|a|_SAl4m
94 S|0|L-|aiA SE)a||0© o|gMto) ^S|0|| ggo Hhg Sl^lgo gajo| go) 8H8 99S SAKsystem standards)® 488|fe t||A| Ala|o|4, 'Ifilg,
* AISSHOt tel. 7|8t'afe 2|o|m tSAl gtS 3® gA|9 (B)7l §9014.
'H®! health plan 9tMt presentation Ha, 94 Sa|A|-9 Alt SMM44SS ^neyilol?) 9EA| 7Bo| A|A3 Hgs
tSMS 114B9# A|II g4.
t?! ensure 9ma| ~8i7|| 8|ci conform to ~o|| gaq
123 §Alo|g_EN standard 7|b, Hb established stil9,7©o|
SHS 99 SMI need to7| oiMSM 990||fe SAfSgol £10t S|i)|, ^0|| =
»0| «ltg sfe gAKtraining events)?] °ioaS feSEB gA|oi (A)
7iaaoici, 128 ^Afoifl
94 °iA(ge) ytt A|ggg toig 43 ARtoi £|a|0 fisH 44 2S|°| as U fl8 990||fe S8 9fe SAKis distributed)2| °|d|7| 7© a #3® SAl
A® 7P|SH0|0| tL|. 71 #0)7(01 514. '9^01 MM A | 97|| g5EI4'a|b 8H80| A|9Aa)o
•H?! senior tat human resources 9AIS personnel tS HM(A)7lS90|4.
at least be eligible for ~oil rut Algol °jd| 94 711013 948 €011 ^M, 9^01 mmai spll MSEigc® at 5MA)|2.
t?! pourS4 battertm gentlySE97|| distributeSsa|7|4
unevenly mmai 9711 undeniably ga!8|7||
unwillingly olAlssH unknowinglyagn

TEST 3 43
129 9Af*|fiL§Afo|as|0i 132 #Aiois_gAi + to¥SAi
SH-S eJttS §AKuse)o| «sfS sW, ^yggAKthree)®! 4^# ^ m 38 aoll o® gAl many activities! 443® igAig §33 to^
te gxf JfaioiHS (A)7f gaoicf. gAl7l SSSlHS (A) to keepOl 89013, SSAiai #^3 to^SAfe
fliMig EUa^sxfe iffig 5Jfe a^i agsPI 37fx|°| Aja-y g '~tt'o|alJi SHAjStl.
ag x|a# Agfich
o|?l accuracy SSfg ensure sgsiq consistent aag ?Jb
indicator Ala, sjE indicate c(E(Lm 133 S-01! 5=^ SS 2^71
33 (A)ABsa#otl35lA||fi.
(B) IfiHoilAi SfiDtAlAl Af3 4SI4 S0117 IS# 4Atla.
130 (C) 24 @t, m E17| £E8 AI471 3 J« 5H SlAlla.
(D) 1007)1 0183 S4 gOIW JieAlia.
sHg Biy t|2| Sx|A| to2| St^l # 4 afe gAfe (C) correspond, (D) m a 8S0l|Ai 'sag *fe AlifSl ?lSf a® *s*0| SJcHFor
subscribe?! SW. SlAiy 2|n|g 'algoil sHfeWafe sH4o| a|3a adventure seekers, there are many activities)'!! HJc), ala(A1 3
&I4SS (C)7| sao|c!. (A)2! (B)fe floil SAf ago|7! d|S ttSS|7| 80118 1®3 8aII43 oil?) 3338 8o| gaijg (c)
imgoil £&0|c|, 7139013,
ajg A|0| oHa 4 ?jEtLHA|go| iffisr 43 Axfe24 7a b|S0||o| sHgtt!.
of?! figures tAI release g7||5lci, ejasici expense a®
organize sgsicl, Stilsicl ponder 42741 134 a^AlAfal
correspond to ~o|| eHSsPl subscribe to ~#a7i ^gsfci
sfl3 38 3011 £8 ^OllyouJ+SAKpreferJM atfsl?! ?)gl|A18 a^Al
71 aasiss (A) if7l 39013. 33x1 (B) moreover(c|#0|)8 4AI,
(C) despite(~0||2 *4812)8 SAIAl, (D) both(* cl)8 rflgAlLl "
A12 AA0|H£ gAl 30IIA1 24 31l8lA| 93.

131-134 gfH 135-138 71A)

oBce tulAaAfe gfli gssiAia sani, tuiAaAl ®go| a *3 3c|Ag3s3 AII28 43
1 4 a!^E|ci! 25a oigei AIS gafi 7® Aisib azij oiaisai aii^ s A3A3 I35xj£aj3 ^3 ^Af § siqoi Bi3 33ae3s'| 3x11 a| A|oi
goil Ptg 131=71 TiiaB A||?j as 4 oia(g4 olag 7148 7)1
SJ4 nis #34 4aaio|L(3 5!S 4AI|?E| ggg H(C| ^AHZI Lfe g7|, A12* 38 CEO0II89832 *a?H3. o|3 tab S *3 a|3 433 o|
aa|a Ma sil^WI O|B7|7;IA| SE m SS 4 ?J^Mcl. egg 5® 8 43801 8*01183* 838 371130s utgj x| 7-13 27Na □1011 iseet
Sfi0||7||8 BW S40I7I11324} 32 tt#so| 5J^L|CI, issnan ^ 8 5I0I3.1374388 788 S|A|! o|§3 841. At28 33 2372 A1I3 3
AB 38302 A®* 87||0||Al a *3A1 83. t30l|A13 gajo
Ei7| a# A®?! ouss sH sAiia. aa agaTiw gsiy i^gg, AIWI SI
2371018 423 AIM38 3AB 3S22 opib A|a|7l * 8013. ®ah
a 4421 Aigow easi 4AB ss 4£ ^44. spiy nl^Al olAllfi,
BHOW 714 88 isoxiab 11 a 288 ?I3S|0IW 84* Aigficl.
sg 902-555-01 eeaas Ata|oi|7ii gsi 4Alia!

offl in business A(2ga tailor SW.igsici 3?l heada!8Al.43,Amsi3 pharmaceutical a|33

specification a||4a® Gaelic 711333 fiddle (Si2t7|)H|# appointment 89 make public that ~o|a(ag7Kgog H|s|p
Ukrainian 8H2I0M3 heritage 88,4# salty 4g7|5J8 well-known 3833 at the helm of (£3 88) opib
seeker 48ai,S4a| dine4Alsicl world-class am 4a°| reside 714813

131 SAloi?| 135 SSA) 3?l

S 88 t|o|| 8® pharmaceutical companies(A||ot 5|a|#)3 **§1
H= 5! 8S(There is no better time to visit beautiful Nova Scotia,
and Nova Scotia Tours can help!)0||A| o| Ag0| 01ISAI gaaf 3 ■3238(leading) xl|3 2|A|8 8 S13'3T1 8® 801 3o|3 Aig
a 52. ot 4 oiCf tgefAf 'Jiai^ Al|^ sao|| Sffl #7[(vacations) Aal4H2 (A) leadingol ggo|3. t|Al 931 Ssl MO® SSApfe
Tliaig AII3 4aEl,b 3D|7l 7® AlSAagss (D) vacations 5» *01 4Al. (B) determinedlifa®, (0 hopeful(S|93), (D)
mutual(3s3)S24 3a|3 31841 *3.
71 gaolcl, Ligjl (A) garments(2|g), (B) deliveries(UliS), (0
conferences(S|°|)fe H4 2|Q|g sjffSlAl »El,


136 tWUM 140
sil-S ^oldhe announcement)?!- 3?iS gAfo] gx|| A|X|01| s eitt aoll Sil dEmtfe the Johannesburg Metropolitan Meet
1" MO!0f g!H£ (B) comes?! Su'Oli:!. Hffi?! st?)! uf ^E||o|H of Champions?! SJlt aollfe ^0!(athletes)+gAKwill have)'
S. n|E!| A|A!|°! (C) will comea! P|aHgtS AMei (D) will have come ?! 42! ad. ttfaW Si* dEfuiife *?(|tiA!?! HfiSfss (C)
b dirndl act. where?! SSOId, (A) with(~2! StHllfe gxlAfolJi (B) yetfofsj)®
"A!, (D) along(~w daHS gA|A!o|ss gAf (5o||A! Sao| *
137 SQNtHI Stfe^ns?!
eia (A) S|A!b 3?|| a A!B|0|| q® jiggo|L(,
(B) CEOb 111011 IfiB ao|c(, 141 S5H0!|°tbSlf2S7|
(C) ufAi fiAt# HHs#a ?l|aio|L!,
(D) ^aiete S|A!= 01^0! at!. (A) dee s.B Sioiw aast 4= asMd.
(B) *?! AR* 15A1| oisd s^sadd.
Ha m a SSOIW 'S au) Afa ^goi 0|E =a|of0| aaofl SSISH:! (C) 4%A!SS attB as?! a aadd.
(he will retire at the end of the year)'H =!t!, aaU aa SSoil (D) sas ZL cf* as odgEiai sjgdd.
Atb AH^I oigsi A!£o| gaa OIQ ^aw H|tH)|| ^a|ot ejet °A ssow LNSIOI 71141^4 Sidhe meet will take place in
2! SIA! ma eiAi aasui A^OII met &>m oioiAfe aoi Roodepoort on 30 March.)* ffiijJjE!. dElAj u|?(0|fe S?! dS
to)?! aaoich s gssfe m *5hs AigiddHs (B)?! gaoid. (ajoha) a°i
locations(a* Si)feOfd* ?!E|7|feA| a rn SjEf. (C)°|
then(ad)* 31 30a c«S|?! A|SE|fe ao|a (D)ej the next day(n
138 S71ICHSA! EB W)fe CHS] Aid E)* yoias gsijS ad.
Ha SS2I ^0!fe Qiao smeiqi Hl?t ^(011 gAfa residesS!, ^o)!
begins?! L® oinf eiLlolfe m SWIdigA!?! S0!7(0! §!□
S (C) who?! gao|c(. (A)2| whosefe tiWIrHSAKilHS u! 142 SSA) A!E| _ gA) 4^
S. aoll whoseSJ lb SA!?! l!2(0! stf (B) herfe ^go| m "jaollfe gA) athleteslSgg^S)* ^ 8SA!?! «2
L! eiSmaAfS MOI^ (O) herselfe AHfloligAfOlHS AjlA! S!HS (B) Professionalol SaolEf, (A) ProfessionfdSW (C)
(Qiao)£! gAKresides) A!o|o|| ita 41 SJc!. Professions* gAfola (D) Professionally(gsdS£)* ^Alola
s gAf go||A-| a* dtfsw ad.

139-142 gA|
139 143-146 OldSJ
ES dSS ss SJ* 0!d!4O! **g^°i?!fi? gsH s|7i°l Aifjoil c||h|
6H 5H|S!At|S. aHsdEt, sqisee, zia|s AHM 944 At^oi 4401 A| 44J: #sdot o||Aii|a
«S dSSII d?» ias gOtdW 4S gga wo|?|| 1 ffSsK-tlidEl at*: *Q|ii*A|sta!
[)||MS*a|Et gn|0jA dsioiw ofEfgd ma AISSH SAfia. da|* 31 s®!: 61 2a
30iJ sdaseoilA! andd. 141lf?! AH* iSAfl o|s°| g^SJEid. g dg: sa SA| 2*
** 85!A|3® SgSfAfia. t^ss. *4^** A|t}
oil §?!» 4 aAlei L||S|o| AUgAfAE gsst 4 o|*L|d.
asd niofAld aajaid 4°^oi niofAiE! 4* 51 fiq oil*?! 4*14 4
d?! athlete premier md competition a®, dsi sto^ 45!d dSS gA|8!?|| 40i ?|m|5ka*dd. oiotAid A|* flsfd □!
meet dsi, 3?! represent EHsstd compete ggsid Ea|ao||Ai4 agdl dEl 53 *S! dS3o|| 1«*8| yga H)oj*dd. o|
take place ?IIS|e|e! be eligible to gAfss aho| oje! 41 o|o!A|e! 4* gfoii asoii 01* ad a dS iaa|a|oi|A-( o| dg** 3
participate in ~oi| St7!S!c! Aisis m stem oi dg*g t^Aid Mgog M 4 a*A|2?
*a|A| a* dt* H* 1010(1 flSM SMI ?!lL|d. 3d0| a°A|3
Ats|0||7|| gtB| *a|s. f^ai gg mss* *?!Afi^ a®*44s!?! dsn
139 SA) oi®|
8HS eiy H!a d *S0||A| '*511 dsd Aitfoil duisil SHI* siaKGet gn|a®A|s!a!
ready for the premier competition of the yearj'S 8!°H5 S ISS Mi
S ?g?|0il m SABS a 4 ad. daw a *Sd an amateur d o|o!A|E!*a|a|
athlete looking for a trSS '£S dS# 5S1 a* o!d!#.o!
as g^'afe °|D|7! ABiEfdaa (D) challenge?! SSoIeK (A)
trainerfgAf), (B) scholarshipBSfS), (C) teammate(gfi)fe a*

TEST 3 45
o|#l display S-MSW be impressed with ~o|| ■aggpf
stunning rllElsi aa oil painting SS( available oiS'teet
147-148 yi-HS
inform WsR interested aaoiSJfe arrange ol^sict
compensation a-ae) details Af?Affl 01 Af £yA|£
s mioi H-!!tiyaL|ci

143 "Jjsiaol a4gA» Ste teB Atai aijaias fiatfiB tq] o| ba|
0|SSIA|7| d®L|ci. i47Atsiy igit ngyis 4iy gyg am# oigsi
SH-a yyol be§AKwas)21 2l7tgAKimpressed) A10|0|| 7i 4i8ii oiyoii ai dhsoi aaa 2#s stssia aHcici.
A® 4^511 "Apl Hfisfct, [galAi (D) particularly(^S|)7l g
golcK (A) particularWafite ggAl, (B) particularityl^Ste 1S
gAl, (C) particularize(AlAt|g| gA[01ss #Al gol|Al ayAini B 7iB yui
gt^lAl ay. 7igs7p
6S 4Bfi7| a^gAg BSD Eilil®
144 @A101?1
SH-S a sgdlAi 'olotAlEi M|7l 91011 ESOII ag se cf# aa|a|o||Ai ogg
0| gg## aAlStl nCH SfcKHe now hopes to present these 14a
tete SHI
pieces at his other gallery in Tokyo in September.)'!! SScl. cl
aw aA|(exhibition)Ll MSSS Agt 4" SSaI 501 m 4S
■y (C) exhibitionOI gao|ct. (A) repair(4a|), (B) my*
analysisea), (D) treatmenUrH^, xlsfe ggy aWPI acl. yy®

145 aEfo S^0||?ffeS5f2a7| 0|?| department store "ysiy temporary aA|o|

directory ffl#) BM® navigate Solciuici
aa (a) aaiAi afe a'gs h= 1 oaoii yisizii aas saMct. under renovation a4oAigB expand stSslci
(B) xtsfe ysa laiia EB 4 B^MCI. valued 4:gy furnishings 7R11Ai|B athletic te§s|
(o aaiafe H€ s#a sasH asass yaifMci.
ID) -^asiAfe =€ gsoii ciisii las iTii s aanci.
3H-a a SSOiW 'SAm BdHSo^ 01 gsi# # 4 SJECKAre they 147 Amu
available for exhibition and sale?)'!! iiSJcl. niafAl IBOilb aA|
sioiiai itaiAi a® g«soii m assfe aoi AigAgon^ (A)7t bjm tt!jSiyteSila4gAlgo!7l?
saoicf. (A)°l#DHysAH0y5i7i4isn
(O yAisat algal?! msH
(D) t°iys 4718171 msH
146 VALso S BloiiAi 'syy SM# 0198171 4181) o|go|| yy anyo| aa@ 2
SH-a 11 a SSOIIAife 'ayo| acll aal SaKPlease inform us if you aiysl!! acRWe are expanding Level 2, which previously
are interested)'!! SJc). aa|!l m ^ig SSS 'all Afall 0® held our shoe department, in order to build a food court for
B 41 acKwe can arrange a meetingl'BAi fiyol ate g°oi| valued customers.)'!! 8!°HS (C)7l yB0|cl
It st|0|| cHSH olot7|5l!i acl. galAi aiaoilte tegy '!!■ ate'al
fe afioi yftiglss (B) if so7i yaoici. a|7iAi it sote if you are ►► Paraphrasing A|Sf°| in order to build a food court
interested* Sal 5071 B^Al it ^loil cB yg lHS# -»Sas| to create an eating area
my acl. (A) even itiefsf ~BA|alE>, (C) so long as(~5lte
®, (D) in caselia -B gteoiDte Hte teAffl g^Aloise 41011 *
□i aoi HIS '^oi+SApi flgaiot SIHS ytsiAi am.
148 4#
(A) IS
8Hy Level 30|| Sg yuKAthletic Equipment)?! ym °i°as (C)7l 3

151-152 57:|
► ► Paraphrasing ^IS2| athletic equipment
-»exercise machines
2005^X1 asflo |
qias®, auief, T5J 1N7
149-150 ^|IH|A|X| 780-555-0199
tl, 10:45 A.M. 151
oMsWlfl, smisg. m gs,ioi|4l aioil a® tsfafcri PXY °!!Elaa( oiaiMSScHtMcH
o|x|s2| s staoia, gsiss siLia? 149H|7| Iia| 7}A12| "f
Stl nai S|2» ttoisiioi 5|7te2, 10a na^aa
6:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M.
SU||ss, 10:49 A.M.
1-212-555-0158. 149aE|a flpf X||^2fo| DtAW 0||7B LtaisqiS. xfsi SSEf SS7H0| i|Aj g^Ei EHgg, qx|g 7|ii||ai S f!Sl7|S a®
[i|A|fe gt-yai xiye! fiS aiuts 5 scfa soqia. t OUSSMEI, zl#s qofsi 7|7H2| ggas -aasiTi daissi 7igoiq
SIAJgoM »tfS1 a^-EI# gsis® SS0II Mlsll SOja g|| ca
iaa, 11:02 A.M. 152
01, n7la. 150*1171 LH°J 10171A1 DlA10||7l| fi71|a, y7|A|7t flAI ao^a. 1 OS 119J0II tfsii as go 121 tys 20%, ag ^AI 10% ^0,^
SU||2S, 11:19 A.M.
Ml,# ana!
25m mst A/gggzf *sum mM aa/iz oi^Lta
"i?! gettoasielcl number Ssisa. confirm s!2is|ci
finance *1®, *1^ reminders® ^[5j] offl invite sc||sici appreciation Tfxi specialist 3S71
demonstrate RSSom Afgas) ai^sici latest sigaj
device 7|7|,gA| office supplies xiggg
149 ^l¥AfW
?!?l MU||ssg !g?#7l? 151 ^xii/sg
(A)t^sj ggs£
(B) xi® age® 5x|e] ggg g^ojxi?
(C) PXY ?!!Eisaio|x|Aoj gg (AllAIOlES^ng^
(D) oifflAigs (B) ^cysib 51
«Hg a^ig 5J ski o||x|x|o||Af sn||S£0||7i| 'afc 21# ag s|°|# sfoi (D) AHSg SAJ A1H|AS gasfe ?!
slot field need to confirm today's client meeting.Ka SJcl. ^
0|01 smiMEg 'aaoilTil AHgafei nlAffil oii7|# LiacKi talked to sHe x|g gyoil 'ofElg# sdificKYou're invited!)® °75 xilgas xil
Marcia in financej'Jl Mel. tclElAI gmjagq a^ol Af£ gg ss
Aio|°ji a ^ 2!°HS (A)71 ggoici.

152 All^xit
150 °|Eniot fi^ 10S 1 1 #011 1!°JE|® sg g^olx 1?
(A) SffEl EHtS
ag 1 oa| 49Soii SB||ga7i -oiAig gge) xiyfi isaatAf# = ajel" (Bjgsixi
a # ill at o|ag gsoiafexf? (C) qxia 710||a1
(A) nfApi xiggoii asjq, (D)SA1=pg
(C) DlAplfiiiAll Dlga® 5!0|C1. =11# X|g SIEtOil '10tt 11#0|| StSH H€ S0|£1 gg 20%, ag SAI ^g
(D)aaAi7iscnsci. S 10% IIEJficKReceive 20% off all paper and pens and 10%
SH e 'DfApl #g fillAH s ejcKshe hasn't seen the report from off all copy orders on 11 October only.)® 81H5 (D)71 SEf0|El
your last trip.Cfe IfOII 'M^ #0171X1 DlAIOIlTll ^acKI'll
bring it to her when I get back tomorrowj'Jl tsq. o® gsl a
iixi xii#o| feonaqg xfa# ggt + 2!°hs (D)7i gyo|ci.

TEST 3 47
153-154 S2 155-157 311

gaiol^ aai|o|E ls|A OIE|aeiaai 7ng!

9930*1 AEa|E, aiaiE, 0110)4104 OIEIAEIA A(711E| 011810 24160*14 *1] *1*011*1 *l|7Hgs1«g# XgfA
207-555-0116 071104 E044.155*14lb 71|*5H*i SH, 30, aiEi, 0110. mmzi 0 7|E1 sa Ale# 3S*°s ¥13® 51044. ogaj oWfe ango| 4 7is°
00 *10: sa a|44 01184 4ais» Sen 44M4 t4l *1B2| 7||8 ^§4 qx|£]
fsaj-gfiil 11 A.M. - 8 P.M. ££0 10 A.M. - 9 P.M. s.'SS ttt 0b 156ag=! 3EH5j i:|A|o|Liao| AIH|a* aibsh £140
SJSiiSS-SP.M. 711 S|0h44.
742171 HiDloiafe 9Kfe 4iJs 7^ xl 510^ c|7:is sg4 *1S| DIB# 8SS1A1A1 0011 71A|2| 0fig 08, gg SiA| 0 OKJia|*1S
ffZHI 01^8141 X1ggL|L1. yot OliTIl Si -Mm sa*l €711013* EA1 04aA|7| 81401, 0| Hg 518 7131021 m *§014 A1B|A0|| A
M 5!0| 040 ojsigoi|7|| ^ -isoi s 7)0112! g *1140171*044.155' 1570ef 4S0II 200#al o|* 04|| a18|a= olgs)
AI8 gss 100*101 «8 211(2514 *0)103* g 0*401.
1537140011*1 tiTII a* ^ 0b *141 *|LH rn *ISS gfSSH ^*1^. S
0l7i*|b ^Si 81*140 sat# ^*1714 4211 *102# OlgSlI ^*|7| 81 01E|Ag|A At
lfL|4. di|gS8l*ia*M4. 24160*1 ila|o||B|0
71103 4870
35102.617 4041 6565
i^is&ai SSSal cHIOSai
^*12: »7|,#^b1|a|,ai,HlLlui oi¥1 grand opening 7B business card 38 flyer 00
£8: S#S, 8*1, 71*38, DtAllE specialize in ~?!!bo|oi promotional materials sm*(s
(5! sgg gS0M4. ^7isgg 4 0.504044.) expanded #}*€ conceptualize 7I182(S14 achieve igstol
visual *1440 appeal DHa! mailer (#03saLHb) 83*1
o|?l crepe 35||0|a(Sg€7||02) be filled with ~S*I|?I*I8 customize ^*114814 make a purchase #0814
complimentarygssi value 7(4,7iA|
be in for a treat b 0*o|« 5014 accessible ae 7fesi
place an order tSSIci delivery 0110 available o|g 7|g=i
fudge 8*l®*a. 04. Sa, -08 44s 08 00704)
whipped cream 71*# € 38 155 A1I8*®
04 OIEIASA Afe 40 g#o| *10*11071?
(A) 0LH2|*1
153 ^if0J (B)D|#0
(C) n *|0|2 4*10 8*1
84 *igo|l CNSH 8*l@ 5!S? (D) 90 27U2
(B) 9484*101104. SH* *lb4 5) 041 04o||*1 41*511*1 SSf, 00, 224, mib, 7|»S
(C)glo||bbS0b4. 3 B 7|El S4 *1S# 989°2 9#8iacKWe will continue to
(D) siaxi *» *ras '1001. specialize in business cards, flyers, posters, menus, catalogs,
SH* *18 §08011 '71*10011*1 47111 8 0b *1*11 §0 *1SS 0S81I B and other promotional materials.)'3 15#, g 0»|| 0afo||*i '200
aKVisit our central downtown location, easily accessible from gal o|9 0i|| *1b|As. olg5l0(lf you make a purchase of $200
the train station,)'# 5)258 (B)7l 90014. or more in printing services)'o|al# 55°SS. (A)7l 90014.

►► Paraphrasing *184 easily accessible from the train

station -» 944 a convenient location 156 A1^t,10
04 014as]a *1011 disi 3*18 51b?
(A) 8*1144 *19# 51# 04.
154 (B) 90# #7* #8554.
(C) gaig *|H|AS S19S1# 04.
84 aajoiaoil iM 0#8 518? (D)B#0O|| 70000821.
(A) 44 37|s 484. 4* 5! 041 044 §08011*1 'tags 3a|15| 4*lO|L-18(an expanded
(B) 7||g 0.504014. team of graphic designers)'o|a(b BS SS# 90g *7(2. #gj5
(D) *®7l| *11884. 4b *19# B 4 0°hs (B)7190014,
SH* *18 810011 '2 5B4 S 8B2I 4 i0B4(Small $5 Medium $8
Large $10)'S 44 0oa8 44 3*2 *1840 5# at 8 04. 4
aW (A)7190014.

157 A-il^AHf sila ^SX] xtc(0(| 4(Workshop # 4)'al!l HA|£|(>) oioag
20Qifa| o|ajoj ^d|| A| flgElfe 5S
(B) SsfitAlls
(C) 25&£iwp| ygg 159
(D) StKI th^Xf
ag =E)|S A|OII msii gtAi®
silS x|g°| Dtx|q; sgoiw '41011 200Sai o|xf oiin Aiti|A* oigsig ^ (A) Aftl(EBIA A|g7l 5J10|C(,
5S 100SS0| gif g U ^ Mdf you make a purchase (BjacB^a^oiigssHcf.
of $ 200 or more in printing services in the month of April, (C) fflAldl SAjspi *)0|| g ^ oiojcJ
you will receive a complimentary 100-count box of business (D) xgysjoj S|o|M s^j, AIO! stK
cards.)'!! (BV) gio|cf. m -agxl xttoii ^Xi|7l 'safsig 5|o)* gst SaffStrategies
for Effective MeetingsJ'^S xl|A|E]ol ojcf. cnfafA] aE)|s A|a
5|°| illSS gsj -^3^0] lAJIitlfe 5# 4^ ?.10 a 5 (□)
158-160 tigiAf 7i ggoitK

AfblESli gS7f
n|L:HH ojxl
160 AIIVAlt
168O|H^ 4. ISOgapwoj a|°|B °]st get
?!g SM|s M|S safi 7||X!1 USX| o|cla gzfifex|7
SfAjxf 0|#: aL|7taEiE (A)aaggA
o|B SfAj a§oi|A) 7® gfi=!!E! SA# sicH 37K7;)x| xtaisil ^Afla. (C) ?|a# A|a
Sa^SlSSxf [] u|g [x] (D) ?|a#ti|S
¥)H^^nHA® [] «agf!ISA|y (]
m *sx| 8®o||A| SMI* mis 'sBSfe isxftei lxig|
¥la#gxl| [x] 7 IE) (] 7 |o|| Aiaol SSSlxl SKfcKI felt that one day was not enough
ofg mgoll #°| 014!* HAISH ^Aflfi. time to thoroughly cover the presenters' topicsj'fe 2j3# x||A|
Ml 0(L|fi fjoaa (C)7l SSOicf.
5!ISXB0| SJTII Sfi# xHAMcf. [X] []
5MA|#o | ^xi|o|| man 1 StQ 2lb a iMol. [x] (]
afflA®o|ttgs#ES5i|S5!!ci. [] [xl 161-163 0||}||^
M|7l X|Xj2( 7|*0| Ml XIOQII Ogsh 5!0|Cf. [x] [J
^ISixHoi^asfeEfMoiH^ifxjgjiajsHcl [x] (j 4®: x| xig
#£S0||7ll o | ao |c(. [x] [] gt-tJ: <>
xll#: ga|| ogS|
EB °jao|L| xliet A®# otaw Ml ^A|7| d®L|CK WMf: I21iej
XIBS X®# E#0| SLlTiAlBt ISOgBgfe IBABSI ixfgl Cl^xl
oil Aiaoi agsw sixicia aagLid. api xpt gtap sta oj^A letggxjoi #y, 21011 S|A| ga(l slo® oigt g7|5|7|s SSIHEI
f; 5# ojaBtHI lai ElMEf oiafS 2S7| oiaieIAIEI, oa| xi
gxi moiaoi gg 7® u® ABOIOIAI Dug oia asg §7171 OHS^LI
g?! professional 2S7|<2J) attendee gAjAl select-yaisiEl cf AD^S IMS 11 232lgm 0|tl||71 xwa SS|Afe am ^ g
up to sim attend SJAjsici facilitator JlSxi, ggxi amasm
statement present xi|a|5|ci compelling Sfe 163n|ot 01E1SJIIA1 Olg 71|S« XlgS M| Egg ^ ijoxig LJxjBi^ 45
manner S-M knowledgeable l-MtLi proceed fymsict
6!°* e]A|4o| SHaf sgoilTll 24* ?a|7| h®l|i:|. xiESt gga qj^h
paceg£ colleague 5jSgs comment 2|a . 91 Sfltl *4# gtliste Ml 2*01ISDMCK A|cg ggg. 0|D| oa|7^
material a|s be interested in ~o|| f^xjoi ojtg
oilDlIt* sutm #7|a|M ynfoi HSgS S|0©3fe as slS5!!#L|ci,
address cWq time management Aiy^ai

158 Af^tfoi oi?! annual fallal outing ©All) ogsi postpone 3715®
hold 7H3:|s® rental IMI, Mioi fit (ISoil) 14
sg ?ia#oii SSH gAia as?
extension (2421) MI2 coordinate SSS®, Digs®
(A) A|a|s g Ml SHNSCK
IB) um
(D) SMIS M|a] AgAjcHIAI aag.

TEST 3 49
aeK)|A7) as) A °ao|A|S, E8 £8011 SJg a|o| atfi ah|s
161 10:25 A.M. o) «1|A) s 147)2, 87) tN g A)C) g A oil)2?
bjctf o 10)1^^1 0)3#a||0|E1, ##o|s, agKiiA?), # 3)8 aas. a)c) #7)12.1
(Ajaiaiagssfea 10:26 A.M. s mgo) ?|0)ie?
(B) SM 0112® Site 5!
(C) xgxf CHOI gas -aasfe 5! aSAIIAyfMg)^ Ales asE) aiamo)) M3°i3)8 as# as# 7)
(D) TflS! ag«ifElb2! 10:28 A.M. 0)|2. 166^ WIS CD?) a8 Aftfgo) AHS8 7|# a
sHg 5! ssoilAi 'gggoi #g 121011 aafe siai aaii sioig 011s# a m 0|8HS 8 a!7)| 8H 8# u(a)Aii2.
7\t\y\S. SgSfe 5® sScfd wanted to let everyone know that E|E)S, 10:29 A.M. gbisfe 0) EgO) 1281)2?
management has decided to postpone our annual company nBtx)|A7) MS) A, o)u)E2.165#a)o|E Aon It)) ss) Atg# ntE8
hiking trip, which is usually held in DecemberJ'Jl y°H5. o|iii| 10:31 A.M. 5! gswi2?
qjo| sgs oil 7j|t|°| BSS a2|7| ¥ia- aoicl. [dafAt (Dm ga
B|E)^, 10:33 A.M. A)|7) i Aiy son gg ajgog nx-\ ES) £17)12.
HaK1|A7)SS|A nggiss.
10:34 A.M.
A)B)c||0|y|A taffl ttH AISE 811 8A|L)2? A18 3711 SS Eg
162 AII^A®
10:36 A.M. 0) E|E)a)!!2,
?!« 1210)1 ^ ao I Mfe? I? aSA)|A7)85!A Ml, 5)A|y 167A|3S S)E13 0)51 g-|0ia- g go)
(A)7la||S7l 818 AfflA)?) 510)0)8)12.
(B) ga ail 10:37 A.M.
(O gs Aigg 167D13 8S)|0|E1I 167A)|7) 0)5) snei# SH £A| gj°k>)2. A)# 0)|S
(DisiAisioig 0)15 10:38 A.M. #0) ggSIAia EBJM2.
SH-M ^|go| = ttjHl) ggow 'ZLBlId 21)7) °£| A)SA) CHOfaOl !§ 7® agS)|A7)8gJA, 10)2. S2| H ttTIMS ggSH E17II2.
a)™ AISKthat is the busiest time of year for our car rental 10:40 A.M.
agency)'# gtfio). 7® b)™cfe as g 7)2|)7) g7)sl[:)S 58 5S)
SS(A)7)Sao|c). o)?! usuaiagAioisstea make sure BiEA|~s)Ess)c)
policy g^i, ?>ig format A)gs 9#e) artwork gs)
demonstration A)®? walk A through B AoHt)) b# ggsH go)
163 mm
yg o|Diiao)i abss sn sa aiohtj aswi) sis?)? 164 SlEHfot
(A)AgAl# aa|7| gsH
(BigE^assa?!^)) gg ES 10A| 2380)1 C||0|b|A M|7) -A) Ztig gAHa/afu# [H zt 2|ES s
(C)Sg5H|##7|¥18|) aoiaib?)?
(D) #7)15^711 gaj5)7| gsH (A) Atsgon gc),
(Bigg 7)7)10)) saoic).
SHg = utfl)) BStoHA) '0)15 7)1*1# AllSb 0)1 £#§ gtn. gog gA)2)o| (Osiaioiiggtaolc).
Al£a) sao)|7)| SSfsfaKlf you would like to help plan the trip, (D) a^E) Aiigo)) ggtio) SJC).
please call Sandra Logan in Human Resources at extension «Hg xHD# A|ga)0) #a)|0|E)7) # aMgo)) IS 7W()|W mji
45 J'JI Bj2,3. c)s sgoiiA) 'aiee) sao) 0)a ga laa
g® A|#0| SJuKDoes anybody want to get some lunch at the
gulsfe ctl Ego) BfisfcKShe needs help coordinating meals noodle shop across the street?)'!! #2J!1, o|o|| c||o|b|A7) zi#0)|
for the day.)'jl |!!°HS (0)7) ggo|c). 7)aE)te SIAB aA|s) aoias (B)7) gaoic).
►► Paraphrasing Aiss) coordinating meals
-»gag make food arrangements
165 mwn
sg tfaoil q|8H SAB as?
(A) gg gA» sfo) ga# aoig.
164-167 sel)£| m (B)Sw|7)laSttao|E).
to uEtgEgiaaon.
a)H #5)|0|E) (D) nsiigoi ass ao|c).
O)H#a||0|E), g aMffioii sjs gg 7)7)|o)|ai gg eja gs a) sng 10AI 2980)1 s «|7) agA At|0)|7)| Ego) aasm gA), Ma|A
10:22 A.M. S SJL)2? 7) S0)|7)| #a)0|E ?t0|| a7)l gs) A)g SEfe ag aSM(Are you
A)E)C)|0|b|A 164x1 Till gA)|2. good at formatting artwork tor a slide show?)'!! E|#S 5^8
ao) taoil aaHajo) #o)ac)fe ag g l°a8 (0)7) gao|c),
10:23 A.M.
II|E)S, 10:25 A.M A)EH, ► ► Paraphrasing A|8S| artwork -♦ gai graphics

166 « 168
^ MM msH ouig 58? sia ^B® oicioiiai ®®siafe7i?
(B) -t® SISOR. (b) a|7|| A|®iL
(C) aSIA «|o| yAfom. (O oiay
(D)AH7||St-MStt50R. id) as
SH-a fia,IA8 10AI 2880II M|E L«7f H8 Afaf#0| Alls® 7|# g^Aj# Ba A|®o| 5 gsf ga®0|| '7171 gs| gg, nis-y one*, ng^ol ni (j(]
olsHsf ^ 1J.H SB ^rs H|atKMr. Cooke also wants me to make S SS 5°fs|0( aL=|oj AfAl a® c«®®a ^7^711 g|:((He wju
sure everybody understands the new technology policiesj'S take over most of her usual duties, including answering the
fflfeEil, OB SSB ^ m|7| Me|Ao| AfAiaB 5® 4 g,ioag phone, scheduling hair appointments, and checking clients in
(C)7| sao|c|. and out of the facility.)'!! ti!°MS SIS ^^tjAB® nlgg gggm
m gM!4 SJCK ctfsfAl (C)7| ggo|c|.

167 All^Alt
®7| £|2| (III ABS® gSEl A|Aais ^^2 Afgw 5017(7 169 AhMi|oi
(A) #S||0|E1 M| »(« is^iaMioiiqsiigAig^®?
(B)C||0|B|AM| (A)®s|tt50R.
(C)®M| (B) AB ejApB ®5HC|,
(D) MS! AM| (C) S7B U 5!0|L|.
sib 10A| 37S0II msja m|7| 'aiss slats o|g sa°j# si go| a® a| (D)SA|M|o|AhA|0|C(.
SA|7|- ojOIOl BtKI need to find a volunteer who hasn't logged s
He A|®2| 5! ®go||A-) 'ofLB dlAa 94711®°! uha| as?|s7| 61 78
in yet for the demonstrationjil S|A|, w2l|0|Ef M|7| 'LBAf ®Ef 61 2187|A| 2®71 -SAB TfEKNancy Wollowitz, the front
51 sjol gJ°L| LB o||S HOI AlgSlaKI haven't logged in yet. You desk receptionist, will be taking a two-week vacation from
can use me as your example.J'jl AI|°|shohS (A)7| ggo|i:|. June 7 to June 21 .I'll Moss (C)7| Sao|c|,

►► Paraphrasing a|®°| taking a two-week vacation

168-171 sit -»Sal taking some time off

170 Al|®AUf
®AI: 0 ga
8M|: 6118 tf9! gaas iahmiai ®®ai®b aiisbhoi si®7|?
®S: gasa (A) 6118
(B) 6158
etLB niAH g®7iisei SAI ISSM71 61 78®E| ea 2i8!;iA| 2?pj (C) 61 78
S7B aL|E|. - [1 ] 171oJ 7|5 SOf rljAj^ oia| xjg ft go| g (D) 61 148
a i7Hi# gs« !!gE|S!HL|C|. - [21 - 168,171at gjf 2^ nlgAJ oil Ha A|®8 ® imi 08 51 ®go||A| '3®A|07Ha# 61 58771A| gg,
5f, !!11!S!0| ^ UH® alSIO) I1U)2| gA| a® CBSSS STiaTII 1L| ®oB o'aKAdditionally, please make sure that you submit your
Ef. AHA m|2| SAB L|®Apl, AHA M|7| g^SB 5|® »0| °iE|a AIS# Lfl time sheet by June 5.)'S 58°HS (B)7l g0o|c|.
1700BEB 0|E|®°| a®A|5 7BH# 61 5|JMlA| g A||gSH ®A|7| a|i}L|
E|. ss?|i m|7| »7B 7|7| gon goi gal Aiaa 5o|ss ofaigs) g
01b Sif goiaa 61148011 oja|M2| 7||2|S 831 58ML1. o| g® g [11, [2], [3], [4]SHA|a5g01|AlEB®S0|7B®t1®15S?
attfl, n o|®® ®a m[7| ®a|2) goi zLss?||o| Aggoil cBshai® a.® "asi on® o(o® ^haoili®.-
S cfAl m 5!0|7| IIfl®8L|El. - [4]
(A) [1]
eief 0| ®A1|£1 ®alSB ggtf 901 SJMAig 61 78 aoll® 1S8S M[0||7||, (B) [2]
aa|n a o |so||® Al|7|| 88® ®A|g 7 |7;|o| E2| sa|a^L|c|. (C) (31
(D) [4]
S?! staffing ga ab® take a vacation #7B 7|l| SB*! A|®o| [2]0 8 ggg 'MLB cB®sr oia| gg si go| JlgEiacKA
temporary worker 8A| ga placement agency gs J^BM temporary worker has been hired from a placement agency
fillinfor~siJigs|c( take over 87111® duty 8®, 8® to fill for her during this lime.)'® LBgoi^ n ® ®go ^o|7(
appointment gi® facility A|g time sheet 0®A|7i?|sa HeS AigsL® 8®. ®a|Al ® ®g a|o|o||® He7| ®®8ab i7BSl
send in t#5|c|, Al|#5|c( payroll 83#«!, 3® a» g® fe ®go| ®®7(0f 5|ss (B)7| 3001®.
deposit 835|c| payday 301 a|38

TEST 3 51
172-175 7|Af 174 A^ifoi
aMw was ?ig§ ■a?! oflyciiij siibioii misii aa® as?
0 (A) Sliyoll s A^fOllTIl Sits CHOISH EC).
g« 20a - ses! ® onaqitt aH^oiiAi fflg? g«H sfe gy (B) Aig7i ssas am aq.
1 .aootfsioii assfe tasisw. oi ttAfe set ?i (ogowaniMEisiq.
(D) #KSO| i# a aoici.
a!47f aa«A®0||A| SI4® as #2# g SM^ SOISW. - [11 -.172'
17a 174=2^ Msgol i2| Sb|s AIS Si sraeioi aasoil an 5! ani yat Dl7|at SSo||A| 'ssa *Sfeo| ia §d|s(|n
m ®®oi fiAiB) =2^ a =s?7i a mi aais san» aisck preparation for Friday's fireworks show)' A|^ §i sj^yol SHS
a sisuoin siss (D)7i saoiq.
xiy saa DHS asii ai* «H ^ 1735ra w aisf aaas oigmi
^5!H. -ga|7( aasfe sa #aftS 0K11 ?J7| oia|g 7lo||a. «yo|| Afc
HEH gow 5gsi7» magLid. siJia g®, a-m#, m. -yAioi xm 175
a a« waste ^8 ote stm -121 - ote #ass anas
Alte 5te A|l,hS0| sg Sliaoil *JI 717114 8-yste asois. =S87l n aq [1], [21, [31, [4]S EAIS 5 gollAI qg SSOI 7® Sjgsi
a Ote SSOI a¥aa°aESILIAI 7;ia|7(aasiTii HMCI;-[3] -. "naSE Sim 90wa 015011 aysci,-
AIS si sraaoi waste SE flggss 7iaaiij= xiei AJEIS amfici, (Aim
- [4] - 175a 7|a goh ^(X^BI A^o i-^L, Aiq AIIE10IIAI #a (B) [21
(C) (31
S So IB ^ aol. Ote£ S0l7lA| &te TlggSE ami A|« gnu ISAlOIIAl (D) [4]
tiDHEte, S Alii EAl84gfi0|| aaol.
sH-a 7|S0| [4]y goil 'a 7ILt gEKDuring that time)'0|s(te W0| 42
0|?l valuables ass valued at+B0-!!(ao|A|7i)-oil Sgiste ted I, n aoil S7ii$jy 7|7B LfEiLHfe ssol y7i 71|a|e|oioi sues
cleanup 9^ retrieve ElScl, si^sici sanitation ?IS (D)7lSaO|El,
in preparation for-oil melgtils municipal a|2|
cleaning crewSiSuW comb -S-sWol t|a|c1
remove Aigcf debris as# vacuum cleaner agSi7| 176-180 01011^ +SA|
jewelry as# beachgoer5liao||Ate7teA|D
claim «a2|) iSSs teSSW auction Son benefit sus"# ^ci oimiy
Si!: AlAIWalAlsnl
Wil: 7II71S1 UlSOli
172 ^Al|/=» TIN: 0|B Ag
WMp 7* 20W
a°j 7|A10|SS&ES!!a7l?
(A)BM|#M£Stea AWitaiMW
(OassgssteS 711711 #S i4« i!SH mw WAllMq. 176nS7i| ss *?j7go| AH Ate
id) ami gmiBStafeg oil clAl soisn iifl sSa1£ SKcte ABS WtII £|oi 7|gL|ci, °e| gn
SHS S a«ll 95f DlAiat tegoil #®W0| A°\ su|a A|g 71882471^4252!
yoi ssiiai WHiioii mm wwoi AAIBI =aw w =s^7i a nil HEOH ass EaiAig, sais sis ssoii PISH OHP ag® mE|7i s=»^
1J£18 asm AIScKIn preparation for Friday's fireworks show, 44.1777fe <oiiHei ci it>2i xiist mmoi a fiSEis aiam aigLici, 01
municipal cleaning crews combed the beach on Saturday 4§8 7114 u|So| aoi #n oHilE oiasi Sfliaqcf 179d|o( ah^w o|°
and Sunday to remove debris washed up by Thursday night's
71 Siqy sas a Ml yal SS eHS 7l|Sj:HS SSOII *S711o||7l| wgsH
stormj'a IBHS 398 (B)o|cl. of =1461, aaln s® g^S 489 * 9«o|| mm WStt 4 51^44.4
fi|7l <0H5E1 61 ij>s 71® SISS ayA|o| OIS* 6® 4 W4AI wai £4
173 «
a« aaw MM disii WAte as?
(a) A»?|5H WW. oi?! subscribert'-Sai advertisingSei works2l7i5t6i
(B) ggtAll 7(7;In aci.
(C) Altte'OII ngEiaci, make a decision 38# 446) work out 944
(DisHHoiiAisass-yMEt. production (53 SSI) A1I4 budget 0114 issue (4S7ia|y) 8711
afford to+SABS -tt7HS4 487144 as planned TpHst
SH-a 5i Bfll 0^1 a(7|al Sgo||A| A|S Si sfaaimunicipal cleaning
go ahead with (tHUS»«l5t4, Sfflspi
crews)* aaSSTI, te SMII 5! ESollAI M|# oj^
(Crew member Liam O'Donneliysfll WS^l. OB SSH Ml
71 A® Si stay i^E» W 4 aaaa (A)7i gaoicf.

8112^ S9f A|HD|Mfe2BS|MgM|tHi7||0A»ayB7|?
i4Bx|AL|o|E|as, 42 (B)^soiicHsaA»m7i¥i8fl
¥1L|IH|ZL R2C 0H9 (C) S 71X1 ®gA(gHife|7|?|s|l
(D) AN 0go|| r||st VAI# S8|7| SiBII
S(M^ MM «Ha axl 5! VSOW Afaol MB SIMV MIOMI '01712^ HjaE ?^LiE|
178^7^ ^=2 71SL|E| AgOfl ?S8H ^AHfLlEH 71|7f =>% SS A Boll SSBH m gAISlcKThank you for subscribing to the
s cflHsKH AS# sgtfgEt. mh If-y wm 7|as nB°s gf upcoming Belmont Community Theatre season!)'!! Won a
OISIDI, flsfe sssi ci7B A|SOII PI^SI^ ggcf. i^soiei Agon m v
^^21 ^ EHiggtm
1802^011 :nsi aja a 3^1 ^ga g AK)|EO||AI M ^ °I
179 v#
sMEh go| ?ioA|g 204-555-0142® DNHAM SgS(A|7| B®
Mg, 09f ffljaa ?1=L|E| ggo| C17® AB0|| CflsH SAg 50?
(A) c|5 Suli 0S0 <OH^E| c| vm 50ICK
*¥!ABg sm ^0 afe DHH^ ass gsi EH atB agsioi SS (B) 0® Aie#Mcf L-I 2EII AIM 501CK
«# v 5^me(, ssaa s gaoi ®gi 4 seb goii sasiAi
7|B©L|CK (D) EH 7f7fO| gAtElojcl.
0|D||iJ 0 2M SSfOIW XOHSEf C-| 0>g AUgw 0,07^
A(ABaf Afsol
5! Ml 02| g0 EH# 7||S|C||S 81011 #ax|g0||7|| agSBOf SfEKIf
aajAjBiA AHgAf we can't afford to do it, we'll have to mail the tickets for the
sV— 7BL|E| gg first four shows to subscribers in August as planned.)'!! ycf
aSMi 0x| S ®b|| EfSfoiWB '01® A|go|| si# ch g°| gg eh#
g?! subscribe to ~oil*g8|i:f on behalf of ^SKUasioj oSScKPlease find enclosed the tickets for the five plays for
be delighted with ~oil#7B8fcl enclosed playSV this season.)'2 SJcf. 0® #811 (OBHEt E-) g)s ^|5fsi ADgw ^0
description -^g biography 07| box office QIIhv 7| E|0| 0| Afgol 0|® Algol CH S«ll 0gss AlBEISICB AK##
exclusive VS5!®, SSa benefit sfiaj in person ^13, HV SAisf A 01022 (A)7| gaoicf.
be su bj ect to+8At ~oi| Si® a? | ^Ef, "'Oil xtsig 4= °icf

HBO|A MB 051011 msH 7MSB7I? 0A|O|| [tfa®, »aA»S a A|0|j=0f|Ai ggj# tt g S!S7|?
(A) 0|® A|S0|| A||»EB gg2| ^71 ir 50|ct. (B)ifAjggajsicK
(B) IBII Aie ssxboi c) aom (C) UHVOII cUSH ascf.
(C) A|« B—o)|A-J 5S»2 go I Liach (D) DHHVOII asfScf.
ID) AHasgji amigoi AM aoict.
oioiliJ 5! M Etsfoiw 'as SSA»0| AO Ago|| c|A| #o|2a ai Hb V BUI! ABB gX| = 2MII 'ggoll QHS Sg, 07|A| efa ^
SAll asg fil A|0|E0||Ai M V SJEKPlay descriptions, performer
-ff #-fflA|E -fegfcfB A|-yg ^7)1 E|0| 7|acKrnn glad to know we
biographies, and a complete schedule can be found on our
have so many subscribers returning for another season and
Web site,)'!! a°H5 (C)7| gao|cK
that we also have an increase in new subscribers.)'!! 5i!°HsL
» Paraphrasing Aisg performer -»Sits) actors

177 AIIVA®
a« B|°o|AMBSIiga|SB7|?
(a) eh « goi m soil 0fysm
(b)oiiaisioi agoi ®gEi°jci.
(C) SS St 001 x||$tH|7f MV ao| «(>l A||sfg = s va sick
id) as 011a asoi asMci goiacK
0|D||a V ®nll 0SfO||A1 B|J°0|A M|fe '(OIISEI C| A!>o| A||5,t 7||SI0|
xh X|SHE|ZJ HltfcKI'm hoping plans to produce After the Sun
will work out,)'!! §|S ■?, 'Alls,1 tl|go| ao| ga o||aie gA||{lt is an
expensive production, and the budget is still an issue.Mfe S
# gafaiji si°hs (c)7f ggoici.

TEST 3 53
181-185 + 0|[H|SJ 181 ^
y|A£gyiA Aflal-OI ejei WaaWelfe^osgitSAi?
jlTHg; 181c|a2j|iHE| (A)IIlElSsSIAl
WA 793®! SJiMbfe, HalAmzi, 12505 (C) 09
5a 18a id) ^DHg
SS0S LH0 ss 071 Til m S0A1 LH«0|| 'eAH q|J=E|# a m S0| ayiBlue paper napkins
181,182sjAH E|Sa|l eH with white trim)'4'm S0| 07| "JSlBlue paper place mats)'
RX1652 00 §01 00. 3,000 0.109 30009 gol 5Jfe 5°S MOl 0008 008S 58°HS (C)7l 000101.
25cm x 25cm
181,18agAH gol 07|
RX1993 3,000 0.500 1,50009
90, 38cm x 25cm 182 All^A®
ES as sswa S, 500 O.30a1 15009 e!9 a0A|o||5ife00S°|8g0SE?!07l?
RX2028 |B|E|, 18200 (A) 371
fla1B37iaS182' (B) 00
183 1830A1| 10g d|8gX|, 3,000 O.30e| 90009 (Osn
RX1800 (DISH
t Ocm x 20cm x 45cm
gOH 2,85009 S^Af SE m^OIIAf Ml 71X1 s= 2^71 S0(btue)Oi22 (B)7l 00
5jgo| SiSA® aQuelleralSreslaurflexsuPDlv conn°S ga ^IS 0!2J
fl|E||a|o||7!| omA|7| b®L|C(.
cH?l description iaA!, A|# quantity unit price 07t
trim ril^al place mat^71 gta lid^9 S9 □|7^B|M|feOl@0#O|t,0a5!°SOl|05|fe7l?
food-grade gAloil aissiieofget plastic bag uiys*! (A)®
(B) 07| 00
(C) itSIS S
(D) biygx]
8Hg OIDII0 0 0Hli 00OIIAI DlAsal Ufe 'o® 9axiaa O||0B|Ol 71?!!
Sti: Ul27l RX1800 SEOll LHsH 07» 3OA0MOIIA1 PQAllEg S[0g|l g
m- 013 SJEKWhen I spoke with Emilia Katzenbach, my previous
ywi: 5122a contact at Restaurflex, she offered a discount on item RX
fl|E||alAiM 1800, bringing the unit cost from 30 cents to 20 cents each.)'
n gtSW. naw SE-xii i5i0 as RX1 SOOSr 00 80S b|y
AH Sjai# ttTII E|AI as ^5l saw At! ^Sgoil cHft g^A# MM] ^AW S-xKFood-grade plastic bags in btue)S ofsi yoBS (D)7l 00
^AIULICI, 183, i84xi|7i a||As#aiAo| o® «gAiae oiiaa|oi 71MUIS 0|OK
«|2l 0II7I51S tin RX1800 S^OII rHSHAlfe c}7m 30t!!SO||A| 20{1!SS St
°J6H sew ste^Lici. 185(01^121 712101 °1S}3 Sg oisHtti-le®, q a
aflcHEfe S7| nTHat-lci. oiiaeiol yfflbia m|£1 #ai8H o| ajojsiAi 184 AWAIU
c® AtaioiiTii sga ^s# sm sAaHM^i?
e!9 7l0d(s AAlBi^gyl?
jEgi i85(D)as =2## 8 Ji'jgoi S7|0|| gs law*! ^ao| ®i sfsW n (A) DlAgai W|2| 0X1
01A1 SS71 «cfe gets AIPISS^MCI. 185(A)7lS i|50|| 580 Altt 121 S (B) 01 3a||[JlE|0 DHL|X1
S 0|30||S 015! SAII71 fflSJ^Llcl, Afsis RX2333 S=ei IE SBS 0# (C) 9 3S||DlE|0 07| 30
SIJI3011 [CIS aw an nsMt-l. mt* dlAtlSS SSISH SAia^M^l? (D) ailTjEiacA xllelolsl 90 0S
sHS oiuiia 5 am) 09011X1 o|AMa| Mpl 7laH58@ si|x£8g|7x°| o|0 0
aAittt-ici. 9AKmy previous contact at Restaurflex)7l OHHalOl 7let|Hlsal3
m ol^sai 55225 (D)7l 00019.
SA|aH0, Of aaiWEl

oisi invoice #3, SEA] previous oi^e) contact asf-ydl 185 A^sl°j
take-away menu S5t Ultr securely 9051
leak out AW Lisci remainder IE 3 reimburse ^itsioi e!9 oinittoiixi °tANxi as as?
(A) DlAMSl MIS 010011 Ml^saaiA A«B|O|O|| sjoi^
(B) DIAEEI MS WIW M|2l 010 S gol 81550.
(C) MSSias A1#a|0S ilBHI 7198 00550,
(D) E1 32HD1ES37!B2^E1 #98 0010.

SH« (Ate 0|D||iJ ^ ejW| &ah0|W '7^ 212011 SHg x|y 12a ^ 01s Ate 81 *0I| atAtaai a=a 2[Hg|.ji OIOBI^ aiI1, 7;1a|fe ^
Olte 0i^ Sx(|7( SfflcKWe never had this problem before our AtSOIIAt HfAtyoi sa *CH1 Ais® gyL|ct,
most recent order last Decemberj'fe MiS^JiL S}°lgch (Cte
OlDlliJ 5! ajai yafOllXI 'a||A£iaiA0| 7^01 oiyg ga olsHBcl At5l|atA(C|3
(I understand that your prices have increased)te LIIS°S. Sty 0SXt,gXt|8f2tgA|Sf
m. afl (Dte Ololia ¥ yj>ll ysfoiw 'SS et satsoi *01 650-555-0179 LByetS 11
s x||7|S!cKcustomers who ordered from our take-away menu
have complainedtte lBShs Stoigct, stx|y D|AEa| AA|7t flIEliat
M|2f ao| m fflcfe yas a!°H£ (B)7t gyoict. oi?! coauthorggxtxt remainder material xts
phase Et7|| enclose §88® on track A||rBSAi|gE|ayi
releaseSA| make note of oUasict require ttas5®
in the meantime a akwi editorial BSy kickoff a® 7Ba|
186-190 + gxl + SXHUIAIXI) promotional saa]
B ctitf fitut X(XBS fill -aSAf
Ah etE rust SBAtl * LB B8t2| m fcfelTII E|0l 7 IgLlrt, Bus 5
*AJ: gcB®
b|5|0t Xtlest* ItJ L® XlAIAtlt# * [£(£[ ^A|7| HfaLlQ, X|A|AtSfa A| "MJAig: 21 20 s, 1:14 P.M.
? W ^8 3? AH At|Ah0| X|yE|7tLt 7t|A|ti|7t §7® 4E 2J^L|Ct. Ag. 189ga|oi tHAE®
» any SAt Et*s 7h|a nHOWflEl Ahj, IJiSS SSA|?tOt i89ifa|ot, SH 7tmi)i| CHSH °a|7t sa® gs# AHHiatat OAIOMI HOI sol
twct. a, 3#0| a* *711 AH 7tuioi| *01 * AHHS ehae^ oimys MLB S gg
»sBSEte gf, CMS ysi, fi, aE|a as# 71® Eteta xtggHA-i ML||^ g, 189°a|7l ElaBHS HfM Xjot SIM Atta L||LJ| 0|l}||ejs 1907||i JJOJ^ ^
Alia. Atia.
» BHifEte m. 'I87E|X® BSKHI Olt! Afg 5(7® yogAla. 8)71 gAjS aa^Mcf. SJhMcK
* ctssa BS 4 Sib 186AtAt g oi?! edit0S book jacket Afl 7101 immediate gg*y
g**# gasii ^At|2. throughout"-lb lb
01 H€ SAIS -y efa msf niAt a*Aioii7ii g* oimiya MmA|7i u®
186 AlteAtft
oi#! instructions-SSai.aiaiah} press fietAI authorAfxt tag *SAtO|| EtHB, AtAftS ifStS 8«0t 5te7l?
publish sgsict forthcoming ct7tai manuscript aa (A) sa ygsgyEte.
failure to+SA®! ~5tA| =ste5 result in saflsici (B) sagggssstsEti,
content LHg reference 5fa applicable sBifEfe, (C) yEtyi* g8« SIS la* AHMte,
artwork ttsi permission 5l7t, *°i (D) H21 aa* 8tLto| Etejoll Sffllct.
BBS 9gAie| 47tA| A|A|Attt g "J! DtAiafoii 'AtAt ggas* ggsW gat
(Review the author checklist)'!! $!°H5 (B)7t ggo|ct.
l30BA|2AtA[o|a ¥i|o|
Ah ya, 188aa|SL|ot 95523 187 At* sto, tag (gte® A12| gAi|S}>0|| qs« At*oj gg?
il i2iJ (A) 9Sl7t*ot yet,
yEiie (B) SAtAHo^ Ltgct,
(c) Ati® bigot got #o;ct,
leyxigAhig (o) #go| A|yE|oiL(,
SHAJ *gA|o| All ®E« A|A|At®0||Al 'qA|i *11011 LB® Ajg 5B7» gfogf
(obtain signed permissions for digitat artwork)!! 11 * 'H At
aatAfewi 0|S0||A| 3t7t °}ai* yoaKpermission forms can be obtained
from!! ijEt zia|j! 0A|2t 5)
187HtAtao| gs A^^IA! Sl7t 0fA|0| UWA| uhg m oimiss M
SSOIIAB HtAt2| g= AtAt7t 5(71 °tAlo| L^a| 0|D||gH M
LB ?AfAt, o|Ai| Atb (Bill *ej gAi|Sf>0|| CBB At|sf BTIB Aigsfe q| *
Mi teScKYour coauthor just e-mailed the remainder of your
flSh ag Aisi yo®L|ct. Ai® SSDMCI. otgg 7S «!oil St permission forms to me)!l Mcf, utetAj (gig -yoj gAt|St>o||g
« 6S#7|| saste si^yct, urAtgut gg AtAMAj su if* noil JHiisi *®7t totgcfe At** * ^ oioo^ (A)7t ggoiq.
fe ga awes yEtaAia miasB ^A|7| U®L|C(, a aioioii
5« 53® Atsoi 5JOAia ggAiAtg Atwi ysfs ^*A|a.

TEST 3 55
51 lOSSaB
188 AWA®-
9:30 A.M. 30 07) c||s|-5n)33 —3 aa® 3H37# ajxixa
sxioii ifa®, ssoti ^oi aafexi? 30Sa| S92| 24 gs x)|g3 $1338 0°x|7| uBMp-, ab 37)x)is
(A)x®oiWio]gsH#?!OR. "aasHxlxtier Eixts# 433 0gL|c).
(Biaioisyaaoich =3 ax)): sa|7)A 3
(C) X)C|H M|7) -3 HjXIOIlTll ggftt ^OR. ax) gi: xg HE|a njH 44 taa
(D) 3 Hfxp) iaa|SL|0|0|| a aoio).
BX|2| DfxlDf 0efo||A| X)L|3 wfe 'sa aoil 3 h|a)°| as# ncH 4:00 P.M. cHSf 03 4g4-xl|lH)0|S3 34x) x)|alo) 2)o|57) 345)0
5)3 5J°Di 3II|) X) 0|6t A)go||Xi a tt,hX)oj sa £(>1= X|5}8f 013 330||X| 5)010. SXJeE, AmigEO] gqfo ISHojgg
JD^KI look forward to your visit at the end of August, when lOBat
we will have the kickoft of your promotional tour at San Aldo *3 axil: aa|x|3Et 014
University's bookstore,)'3 sjc), zie.|h 0x| ^3-) ^biOHAf xt oj ax)S4: O|Sf0X|Sl
£ cn«f0| MalaMoW sjcfe m if 4 SJ°ss (D)7t g&o|ct.
ot?! cook-off flai 33 o||S| competitor SSx), qiaix^x)
attendee SfSx) judge Sx)33 remainder 00 7|3[5]
venue (0)S| §3) 7HS| 04 commission 33S| gym x||g3
189 « worth +3^ Qo)x|7)) ~o|| ggsfe participant S7)x)
a« tHAEtawibi^poisibxt? string quartet 804g4 feature 43°ssic), 335®
(A)3BtXto|5SXtX) entrance fee ass
(C) X)c|3 M|o] D||L|Xl
(D) X)c|a w|2|
: a® ^3 (>
aH^ HtAE® A|0||7)| EtH SX) [1||X|X| 5lllf£|0||Xi 3 tttxfe 'aj 7)a)01| tDSH 1944AI; yajE)44 <>
■?£|7t 0S6! 3S# x)s||a)2t ^goiwi M01 gcftl shared our edits m- 51153
to the book jacket with Zahera and Eugenej'H 553 o) XIK: 434X11
^0||E '4a|7l E|E0!|g HfE So) SfEftWe will need to provide
immediate feedbackj'b LHgO| L)2B5 (A)7t ggolc). aastxilfi, 3xJa)
192323011 H|7) # 5! 37| a|)go|| 0)£|0||xt 33 0IIS3 n(E aa|7)2| ajx)
■ S23S S7|3 1940PJE) A® iHXfe 323 S2E #7)3 4igL|C),
190 #210)^71
X)a|7) gx)| 1 X)0|eo| gas 3gl0|E6)3, 0|0il3e 4xt| lf7)XB0)|7|| 0|
0?) gXtD||X|X|0||X) 5! UJJIJ 0St Oi^ SWI #2| "keep"2l 2lD|y 7® 7tzt|S: 8 as saa sxieragLic), ssi 33 m 7)1x13011 isagxiE soiagg
as? E). 0H7)| 5(2 SlSbXI X)|7|| 33) 4X|7| b®L)C).
(A) 3B|S)C)
(C) Tflgslct
(D) 0||°fstct
3¥l likely xfeSoiab move fix® take place aa®
SHS SSb 'xtM L|)L1) olDlliifi 7)14 #!°I5|) BEKkeep checking notify A of B Aoiitii b* #x|s® festivalgoer 4xi| S7)x)
your email throughout the evening)'3 SflxjElHE keepg '7)|4Sl notice Sx|, sxi message board 7l|x|3
tpafe o|u|EMach ifatXi (C)7t gao®.

191-195 ®gX|S(^SH + 0|[H|^ + 0|lH|°J) a®: 0®SX1|A (>
1954x1: c)7||x| 27)2) <>
Ma|x|?JE|^5fo|tx||4aaxt B®: 51171
Xll®: 7® S|3
51 18^Sfi3
12:00 P.M. nw e®7| cHi|-cHS| mmS: S132I E|x)# a#7| ?)St ®7||X|,
XIIS1 xtaisiT)! tio), SJXjxBoi -yxt^loi a aaMtH ggsHx) gsH IS
7)3 sa OBS gs x|£ E|x) Si 0* 00) axua. sf7tH| 5Ba| 01, x)|7) 1(3 gxi q|7jo|i jipjjEo oil) so) 14 3^l®. lb
*3 ax)|: M£|X|3E) E|X)|a|0) 40II x(43E ®))2X13 3® SSS aa EaiagM®.
ax) SE: Ma|x|3Et E|x||a|o) 195^ xlA)33aS¥0 §7)# lb SJSOI 31 tfL®. S2301lb
2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. xsg 7)0 ^0)-ga| EX|0||X) 7® 0)#c)g 7) 5OB03a 0 4X)7) E|0) 37» UHtL®.
S SI S as 0SSH HX)|a, 195Ma|x|¥)E) S|32) 7® S3x)b soifatsi
SaS07ll Ilic).
*3 axil: Ma|x|3E) 33 33fi|
|SX)S-4: 7)0^O)X|ES3

tHfl fj[l in for+A® cflAisici property 2M, 195
Good Luck with ~o||« agol °j7ft Hint SIR £7l2(A|89||ao|aajS8 3tf8glS5187l?
(a) n8 m s a go r,
(B) 38 83 8A|EO||A) 83S tt 50R,
191 A^SL°J (C)38fia|cHS|38Al¥iaoR.
(D) 38 #XII HIAIOII87® 50R.
HH« q|6f set 4g^ ggoil rHeil 58? s
Ha 8 SKI OMB DlAIROII A^IA A»|8 £7|2l A|0||7|| 'eoi AlAiaas
(A) s^5(a13 SaSs W stK agB) #8 97# 971 HUcKGood luck with the tour judges.)'
(BLywlflSOII 371150 R,
a ssa 0|0)A) 'aeiioil sola) r gx# e|o) °|7|s afatRd hope
(D)2* 5A|0||gyR, you'll be $50 richer by Mondayj'a SIR. £E iLgsR g ujBil sgx)
a MS '5088)3 SiKSSO.OO cash prize)'0| 9A|33 o(i:| 0# g
sm S50I #At| ?at 1AL aSHSl n^laf agy qef a°L 4g?°l USs SH 2713 «I8 saa 2A|0|| aa|8 A=g 7)8 8o)(Spring Garden
7L10Sat($10 entrance fee)aL4l gtsjxL SJohs (A)7L SSOIR, Tour)o|| Af7|siR8 5818 SJ°H£ (0)7) gao|R.
►► Paraphrasing RgR entrance fee
-»S9R admission fee
196-200 Argx|=(7|Al + 0|tH|B + S2£)

£A|a H|al|A ^ai _ I Qffl

192 ^|/=w
196o}So yj|Q| A|33 2X5 3J)|A oRa tR. "019 7)13011 Rg 5
5 SW) oiuiliJei =R8 8537I-?
as 7ngo| L|(8S°£0||S8 7) oiaoifi; 3R8 oii7)| ^gKR.
(A) m St7LAB0||7|| a| iR® Staife 5
(B) 1 Atolsoil RSt nRaiS g8 5 Sdi 7fett oHSoi fflia7|| iHa ■A)37) 98 BRigs armo nipi
(o is sasessfes xla 5R. 19 igsol 71)9819 a ^oisi 8 °R3 Ba° u||o|
(D)R7B#At» 314)8185 7)2117) m)e7)| t97fc0)B 50£ 0)| A| RSWA) ARS iOAgoiiTii A1|
sHS oinlliJ 5! Et^oilA) 'IfiiJoil b|7)S 5 iPI nilSoil ot2|oi|A) aa SIR. 19829 32)|Aa 801 eta 9 3)138 87 IS SJBRR, A)38
o||S3 DBM EE|7)e| fflAH saas ®7|a yaaf A|°| |!!A)8 iifll 8 b)|0|0||A) °Bst ASS8 0|L|A| 0)9 Q1)A)3 75%= 3x1 BRBoil
Sas 87141 -ycKSince rain is likely on Sunday, I would like to 9, B(£ ana Rtfia go 5 313 7|| 9315)38 a)3 8so||8 ag
move Matt Treager's event, which will take place outdoors, to 8 ASSa8 ilia 8S 17)1 9 8 oiaRfi. 199E)a|O||A) g Sj)|8
Saturday and move yours to Sunday at noonja S!!°as. (C)7l 50|R. itgso||8 989, 989 o)|7|| 93 BR 7)|oto|| cm ojcds
S&0|R, 3 Ro® Sai»S0| SC))^ 501 SIB# BB 8a 3o)£."
aons 3 Aig D||Sa o^isRg A)
Ag# 9998 188 mioi 38 B8S3 9SA)812s 1 sBRAl 9
193 §^015171 AI30S8R AI38H 8A|8)a 8R. 196et9 38 AfBgfig oim
at« 5 ami oimiaoilA) 8 atnil ea8 SH SR -notices'at o|D|At 7® 7) A| §R. 93 8a|A|3 b|b)a) HHA) 1 blancer@oceancreslmall.
^18 58? oil Rag, oiigg ba® yg a® com°a 9A)0||7)| 333)3 Sc).
(A)0K)|c|cH (Bias rboi o| AROII 3810)28 5
(O 971 (D) ^28
3Hb BUR 8S8 'SS LD TflAIM gA|E *0|aR(We will also post R?! watch 9A|, 98 grand opening 7|)9,7||B
notices on the message boards in the parkj'a BBRElHg be scheduled for ~a 011930) br take off 1a)7| 37# br
notices8 'gAl'Efe °|oB MSR, RRA) 'Hfag, °HH8'2| o|o|* A| establishment a®, 7® boardwalk M1SAB3) sug 941^
y (D)7igaoiR. boutique (0)98 §8 R8) 989 specialty store 989
vendor 5MBa)I by design Tjiagos city council a| 33
tax incentive Alg Bjiai be short of ~o|| 8 o|a|r
nonlocal eIa|3 out-of-town a|33, e)a|3
194 «
look to+8A)89 ~5)7|8a3SR lease BRIBaHsr
?!« g7l ejfiei a* ^x)| iAKBI SO)® 5 1871? interested 89 38 encourage 993R
(A) Ml «| (B) A|
(C)ga|7)M| (D) AR)|A M|
SHS 5! HAD oidia 5! a«ll Etsfo||A) 'oi2|o)|Af SB o||S3 D||e 19 a?-)|0|A| H|syc)|A <>
UAH E£BS #7 la 3ls| M|oj I5AI8 laii Sas S7|a Scl 89 BIRR bha) <>
(I would like to move Matt Treager's event, which will take 1«) 10S 91
place outdoors, to Saturday and move yours to Sunday at A)I8 BR 7)98)0119
noon.I'll SJR. Ra|A| yiR B219M- fflAfoll Sfoitt 5°S
oflAtEiHg (B)7| ggoiR, aijA) tt|7||

TEST 3 57
199, aoojcfe C) 4 S2i oil5] S||0|0| s??Jc||, n *F?7| SLV as||A 197 saa
s S£| DHSal- ?>m SHAI «|0||7|| gitspfn ISOXII XI
AIOI gtg S#tt sliaioi UE XI ifg xra^ioiMi sHSgcm sioiafi. Xfe aa 7|X|0||A1 ?! Sun 9S C|A! apu is Take oIlM ao IS 7© xpxe a
oiixi mitis ^sm SJ°BI mm ffisi SIIOIS@ S?
AIOIW iDBS g gS ggsE SJH01 as-? mioE SfSs salsE S!HM (omisTiisxisici (Djaxixiicimm
DK 2007fe5fcra xlg X|| Jl?2| xeg XISIOIS 7E iJXia, 4lg0|L| 241^
All S xiElfe SSIXI KhMcK sB^oi LHamaofexiagoil ofe nlisoia of ms SH9 SSS 'aaixl ««IS7|| feaa 5!2S oUSScKbusiness is
expected to take off just as quickly)'b 9^10 |n|- take oftb '(a'xf
7| sxi* SOD woima'sife anis xxgo°4 (c)7t gaoim.
XII2L30II afe am 7fesi DHSftS sol 4b ASM XE* am 4^ 4 a
ma? oi#ai s DHSS a?® amson me gas xigsii 4-M 4 as^ie?
a|a| SAfHamS. 198 Atstfei
Ea||0|A| mistMA ea ssaaiiAEfioiimsiissaas?
(A) MS? mo IS gMtt ASSOl s go|S.
(B) Sllta gaiss HE SMI 5019,
otfl rental am, mot benefit sum contemporary @ms (O 757HS am® ADHS oBgoi s# aoim,
apparel a# retailAoiia nearbySAta near~7lz7|o|oi| (D) 12a 1SMOIISSS AlStt ?!0|C|,
beside ~ ami overlook maaas meetS^A|7|c|
SHS xiais s m sa ga?oii hsiam =01 ^? mioionAj ^
a- ass? omxis he ms gtiiis sos aaa? Asasb si
AS ?M fimi SmiWhile the Ocean Crest Mall is not the only
20HE//Aeg§32 5H3 xtaE such establishment in Marlow Bay, it will be the first to open
2001012 1032 ^lOSS 1072 directly onto the boardwalk.)'2 IS!°H5. (B)7|- Sfttolcj.
140m' ass Msg 140m! 8113 XWI
AM sms AM ams
B34 #2 199 mm
1022 1042 ^loes 1082
140m' 0K)|AHil 71711 aa moi son msH 0x1a as?
aaiyssg 9 4^ (A)0A1M|SS?O|ct.
BM3ms 200,10^ (B) as A|Sx||7| ? SBIE XBSMS.
120m' (C) 1!?!? sms» AlMSE SIS.
dm 3ms id) as sss Higxi^og oimgm.
»Hg 0|0||a AtLEOII HEymAb S 4 SS A?4(owner of The Shoe
floor plan 83£ seaside 810 jewelry ag# Hornis xKJS 5!? oH^I e||o|S AxflE SISttlSAl, 'a A!?E4E|
20 asiAM sow 1#S| S||EHM SSfolb 0||7|s tojEKHe told
me about a great benefit that he received)'Tl giith aa|JI 7|At
196 ^||/aA| s? ystoiiAi 'Efxionxi s ■gxiisoiiTii 04 sm TIISOII mtf soil
S ISM SB 42 SJcKWe are offering reduced rental prices on
aa 7iAissgb?aa7i? new leases for out-of-town businesses.)'!! 5H[;[ SBW OIIS all
(A) XH ASM xiigoi axis oi?« ggsib a oib oidi 20 asiAm =011 oigsioi sms iss se °;mm ag
IB) XB Asia m xiiais aab a ='4Sl°HE(C)7jS90|EK
(o xb asm ma ggsa gass axtsib 5
ID) xia4fioii7ii xh ASM ass agsib 5
►► Paraphrasing xgs rental prices -»S92| rental rate
shs 7|Aia ?! ssoiiai 'as? mioi xiaa as aaiAs = xbsoi m
a sss oiigs xibcii aa xfest DBSOI miETii xHaxiii act
(The grand opening of the Ocean Crest Mall in Marlow Bay
is scheduled tor next spring, and available spaces are filling 200 4#
rapidlyj'n W. aa|n nlxlS SS0||A| 'SS °lb Ara4#S 0X1
Oliai aSSiadnterested business owners are encouraged to as nisymA MPI ojxisib m gg sib mss otmoabxi?
contact l_ancer)'HSSfHSionS (D)7|gao|c( (A) 1012 (B) 105S
(01062 (D) 110S
mg oimia ?! a»ii ys,h 204011x1 mEamAb 040, ons] moixf 20
aSIAS Moll SJb C1 4 S(The Shoe Horn)°| A-S4SJM g|HE, if
B yah aa|o||Ai 'g^s 00 TptloE 7E 0x|y x)g0|Li aggxii
a Afalb asixl abEKI would like to be near my friend's store,
but I do not want a space that is beside a restaurant or food
service,)'!! W, nam @32* 23, 1052b SII3 m go|!i,
1062211102b oiolAHa 7(S| go|al x||2|e|hs (A)7l S90|cl.

105 ¥§cHgAf
101 (D) 102(B) 103 (D) 104(B) 105(A) s
106(A) 107 (C) 108 (B) 109 (C) 110(A) Hs ectS SA|Ap(of the new employees)4 ^ais. Afals
111 (B) 112(D) 113(B) 114(C) 115(A) 44 4AKwere)2l CH#a|fe c||gAl7l #0l7|0|: §|hs (A)7l gao|4.
116(D) 117(C) 118(B) 119(D) 120 (B) otherfe fgAl, elsefe ggAf afe ^A|0|HS 20014,
121 (A) 122 (B) 123 (C) 124 (D) 125 (C) eg 4444 410 42®0| 2a|o!iE|io|Adoi| §4®^ 004.
126(A) 127 (C) 128(A) 129 (A) 130(B)
131 (C) 132 (B) 133(A) 134(D) 135 (C)
136 (B) 137(D) 138(A) 139 (C) 140 (A) 106 SAixia|_^t>K40JA|)
141 (B) 142 (D) 143 (B) 144(A) 145 (C)
146 (D) 147(A) 148 (D) 149 (C) 150 (B) 811® efetfe ggAKloud beeping)4 +4# 44 ^0) Ala|2, °H4o|| 04
151 (B) 152(D) 153 (C) 154 (B) 155(A) a sai aoii Mfe 4g&AKa)7i 44 oioo^ (A)7^ g90||-L ggAf
156 (B) 157(A) 158 (C) 159(A) 160 (B) ei(C)fe4Al4®zH|#4Sl4.
161 (D) 162(A) 163 (D) 164(B) 165 (C) eg htii wi Aapi 4fe 5gma(7|7i4 gsiAi aotffe 5s 14404.
166 (A) 167 (B) 168 (C) 169(D) 170 (C) 44 beep ""I Aa|# 44 indicate 4444 securely 005l
171 (A) 172(B) 173(A) 174(C) 175 (D)
176 (A) 177(B) 178 (D) 179 (C) 180 (C)
181 (B) 182 (C) 183 (D) 184(D) 185 (A)
107 SAlot?)
186 (C) 187(A) 188 (B) 189(D) 190(D)
191 (C) 192(A) 193(B) 194(A) 195(B) 00 4 344 wsha gAKour Web site)4 4d|7|- 745} 34 sgi-
196 (B) 197(A) 198(A) 199 (C) 200 (D) te oAB 0B15HOI m. 'ffl Alois* aS5l4'a4fe SHAJOI xigA^o
22 (C)7l 90014. gAl (A) come, (B) gofe xgAlaA) 40II =a|0t
71 HIS S 4- 0a Sa|ai to feg sesHoi 94,
PARTS eg ® 4s°s eg ^eaaisg stoxie xtai i aiois# ggsii ^12,
4?! unique^®,*®® recipe240 food product 4#
101 neither A nor B
SH-S ^|01| nor7t Lfg 5)0^ neither A nor B ^S0| MSS* 4 108 ^AlxlaLSAl^Ai
SJOSS (D)7t gaoicf.
8119 0001 SSAKwill)2l fegAKneed) A(0|0|| o.ioaer gA# ^Shfe
e!5! x|bi A^ijoiLt Ltaot AHSS sta OJA] m. YAie!(B)7l 90014.
oifl neither A nor B Aa Ba ^SiAiyp eg D||0|#fea oHHifeoj gA| X|0 [Iiifeoii 90Sfe o|n[ eg ggs Ajdof sr
4^1 due to ~ nilSoil construction 5A( alternate 4a)|2|, 4#
102 oiScHSAJo] probable 00)0 00a probably oioia probability7fe9
stltsl Biy ¥t0|| gAKhonnetown)7t LtSHS gA» ^Sfe eiScB
gAt®! (B)7t saom.
eg 0Bc| wife a°| a® g^o(|A| gfe 2a» gaiif 5o|cK 109 SAloi?]
8H e with fe SAKmust be assembled)# 4Aig|fe SxlApp-^DII,
=DHA} 4=2!= 7|°^ iusijo) stpaife 5||9o| xigAafon^ (c)7i
103 SaIAIch®] 90014.
Hs flfet SAtfit S oisaife Sx|A» Alilisiiot sfeOI, '§@4 ^ Alo| eg 0S aa u||S7|fe^ 7||°| 9SSSS asrsia pioae ^ojm
oiraffe SH40I xigfe^oo^ (D)7f §^014. 7|g0| 200010) 94.
eg aaie A4 stgAffe ee4 >f!At A|0(oj| oHiJ S|sr sggg Aiesicf 4?l miniature 0^902901 model sag contain 02 04
assemble20514 contact09 level9a,feg carets)
44 airlines WgAf daily oHH 2tfe nonstop 4114
aboard ~o|| it^siot onto^Tls
110 SSAlxfaLSAl^Aj
104 44 AWI 8H9 00£ 0011 4fe SAKimage)® fegsffe 9§a) x)a|o|ss (A)7l g
S 0014,
H4 sgoil gAl7l eiy-o SA[ Ata|o|a, 47t* LiEiLfe Aiy a
filfive years ago)0| 47t A|A|| SAl®] (B)7l S40|El. eg oie a 0x1 axiai 901401 oiDptife ats oinix|A7t4^951014.
4?l be credited to ~4 gsa #44
eg sisaii wife se 4 AteAEais nioiyi^oiw ^sn.

TEST 4 59
in oin 117 SAfO)?!
slla SIcBdargest® ?ii§lfe "Af X(E|O|HS (6)71- S BJtfOilfe sgof «lf# Sfe gAKa productive environment)2) °|n|
0o|cK S|-ys xio]| ever7f #03 'AB7;fx| 7® ~ffo|affe °|o|7( 7i 7fg g #8te !Af7f sof7iof m. 'xjggy sfgg tfaacpafe
m. 8Bgo| AfgAaf^ss (C)7f ggoic),
SsHsl mfleb A^alEfA ?!iil0Ae) ^Afei iiqia^. »!« Afgo^Af g wife AH ^AfAioiiAf gggg mi sfgsfAi y|8H as taj
otfl totally ever (SI&Q rloiW) xB74x| hardly 7t°l'-&tf SMcf,
of?! make efforts ttSfsicf productive gggg
process Ata|5|c( estimate ^gsicl establish sfDsfcf
112 SAWOI?! participate Sofsicf

SH^ sufficient noticed HAffis not able to travel)!- ^Slfe

aA|AP°ici|, S51(# 'SSef m fflofe a ^ mate 8H^0| xf^A 118 SAfAfaLSA|Afo|awo|
tH« S2S Mfe SSEf SAI aolb Vr^OilAf ?0||tA OfOliillAS zf ^ acf. sHg from S ?f2| SAKquestions)* SAIAps, SSfjg
■^gsa gg'oiafe sngoi AfgAafoo^ (B)7|. S90|i:f
of$l sufficient SStf except ~8ai|2|shi without ~?lo|
ai asis ahss a^tfoH gst ^gSo| ^gA®s x-)ai8f7i asH ma si
113 "AfCHfl of?! city council A| as| field (SSSS) =01^7icf Afaisfcf
concerning-^oflBfEf water tower asa resident
JHg gJIdS Si2! 47tSAKinspected)l ^Af Afa|°!c-||, gajg 3« residence t'3!, 7-|^a| residential ^7-|o|
□Pi ga ycfafe sugoi 7® AfgA^oo^ (B)7f S9oicf,
«!« ^utmiA siAfsaxiss a#°i mi siinici as sotot w.
of¥l transit 4^, S! inspect gSslcl rather Hi, gssi 119 ^AfAfaLggAf^Ai
annuallysHofcf quite sfl.gssi highly dII° mi gas floil Cfas SSAKpriced)! sgsife ¥Af Afa|0|jES (D)7f
B?! Hss-otuf sas ofaisa as oi|LiA| ^ao# msH gga as 7f2fa
114 g>-foia_EH
smm Afistfi-w.
sH-a be!Af ^t>|| aioa^ (A)L-f (B) as !Af gE||7f sofa ^ 85 of?l priced 7fa!0| nH7tg solution sHlfg) competition gg
cf. encourage A to+!AHaa(A7f -SfE# agsfcfj'sl 4#«ei ' competitive SSa as competitively ggsf a?!!
be encouraged to+!Afgg(~5fE-^ ag gcf)'7f M2! ^g°S
ajM -i S0|A Dpfig agxiss sgAiei Xf|g4 gjioil g§si|x|Es gg m 120 S°IS^Al_so
mi gg ^7f as ^0)2) sAfs oi^ofg goias ggoiife g^Af?)
oiTl familiar S^S.SSEl competitor 38^1 advertising Sta S0f7|0f ffcK sEtt S5«a am LfEfMlS g^Af7f ggsfHS 'nEf
as, zLEffAfaffe ojn|! xiy (B)7f gaoia.
aj« AfctH gAf2| 7IAISS sfs 24A|gg^sfl °i°a£ ugas stgEg
115 tISUOj?)
s as s aas gg oiaih ggswE gga,
eitKHIfe 8ffe gAKdecrease)£l o|D|7f 7fg S SSfe SSA» of?l technician AlSAf, 7|A) on hand Sgg
gajsiiot Stcf. [pafAl ai°| gt! ufEfmfe (A)7l ggolcf. at ease gg Sol available o|g 7(g®
wef ng AfbiABfe aiubh set a^s] ggg gig ascf.
of?l decrease complaint W, •§ dramatic gga.BgE!
polite g^tl frequent SJSia 121 S^oifl
m S 7H2| ^CH7f g®g^AKand)S gasqof Sife gigcfl, Strong
strategic-thinking £ gaf!® ggg® xfg aE|Af°j Apgofl
116 SAfOfa_iSAf + SAffiS sHSsfe Has o|Bofof m. icfafAf 'gsf® gsfg Afa Ais'oiafe
sHgol AfgAafoo^ .-a, 7|#,2| sfni! A|y (A)7f ggoicf.
«Hg BiasioAKmay) ^o|| SfoosgAfSg°i (D)7f gaolcf.
yash gatw 71^4 ot|E|a DfAflg g^S gggy Afig galAfof g
wa Aug as yisaife ongxfiyoi 1 OSIIOIAI! g7|A| aoiot stm sm.
of^l board ?ISfi| state agsR budget o||g excessive
excess Stl exceed ^afsfcl of?| strategic-thinking g^tg a(h instinct Etoyig, g®
quality approximation gAfxi

122 SA^L^O] 127 aSAio]?!
giys ^o] sfe SAf xfa|o|cf. ^o|fe gAfSf ofg-y, s site eeoiie 4A| Hh^ gAKmaterials)2t o|D|7| 7|^ g sg|t ggA^f
SS oiaow Sfi3S §AKwill attencl)2f 0]ga|fe gAfoj (B)7f gg asm. 'eee is'oiafe sngoi AOAgoo^ {C)7|. sao|°
0|cK eg esg 7|E7| eiaggggg uisfe m A|ag7| gon 7|#XBS A^S
Aim sgAi#g °fo£ « g sy gg Afgoii me ngoii gg# 5 ag agg goiot stp
oim. ew transport wipe am exposed tsg
olfl city bus Aim tHA training session operation Sg disinfectantA^g°| vague ase passive
operator SSAi, sggAii operate SSSfcf, gggHm sensitive effite demonstrative ®SS) ^7|x| ^

123 SAfoffl 128 SAfxta|_^ot

8H^ EJttollfe ?0|(renovations)V| galjg ojoa^ aaem, '^al 5
H» SiCffiSAKis growing) 2f2| ^o| Afa|s, agAKpublic)°|
7f AigEim'afe sHgoi Ai°5Aai?ss (C)7| ggoim. a y°Es gAie (A)7| gaoim.
em -mn us gagej 81 ^ laimioim m ^OII Aigsfe em feeoi ae Agg taaoi m7|goii mm mg°i 7im7i 7|3g^g
oiigEioi °JC|, 0S7tApl°im.
e?l renovation ^ai, 7||a be set to + HAfflg ~5f7|s oiigEloi °ic| eg publication #Ef sequels controversialfetfoi as
expire e7|7|sm construct aeaH commence Aigsim novel Ag approach m7|£g exponentially 7|S|aggog
arrange §t)|s|c| anticipation 7|m anticipatory ximSfe anticipate 7im5|cl

124 SSAfxfa|_gAt4^ 129 ¥AfCH?|

«Hg eyoiife gxurates)* $ stfe asxixi 1^7101 sitm, 'm ma smg •woj 7,132] 71,017,13° ^ X|oi g,e7f
ng* ¥16! treiffoi^ sngoi gasias (D)7f gaoim, m'afe SHgol 7® xraAaioog (A)7( 3^0,,-] (B) alrT10Stvf (D)
em si] sSi;)|A ggoiAoiw g ^DH ngis soemm g mou mn « evens ®g mas flmi sesias sa son Aissfxi atm.
a sums as 4 aim. em my gm *7i 7iege, eil=|o| woj m 7^ Tiigs ^X|o( ogj ^0,
eg first-time xigos sh fib benefit fromoimsam ate ^71 as® aoim.
rate 7(m,as introductory#a| 7|S2|, xiam eg duration xia corporate 7|S°| private 7He Agy
oversee assim respectively mm almost 7t°|
likewise oim otei7)x|s even ax|o|
125 ¥AfSa^Af_o|^
ey goii ^esi sxe oi^eg aoi mass, aaoiife ^ai?) #
130 SSAixfaLSAftemj
exici em, sma 'sgm egoi m-imaxi msoirafe sugoi xia
Ag^ae (c)7f ggoici. ^LAta (Bjm (Dfe as 01# 4- (Ate m ette by7f Olute SX|AP eollAt SAKgainsJS.mgste fSAl XI
a^xfoixia S^OII # ^ a°Hs sag esaixi afeci. 2ioiHs(B)7faaoim.
em esim e=oi 4aEia<2Hs, sssoi gaa 7® 3a oium esia tii em xirn gxiioii m S7fl 7\m ggg ggg gggo, aimge S7)m Oim
m xiaa ^jgrnm. am.
eg return as, es refund as®) issue wesim, xesH eg improvement 7||g irrigation a7|| gainsxi.oia!
account gg in order that ^smigsH instead maoil production •»t!@) proportionally ulaiigas
now that ~o|7| msoil meanwhile Eiate S2!o|| proportional uimge proportion u®

126 SAfcHS_sgAf
Ha thatam SAte would increaseOIHS Blate 4- 7||ej SAKtheir
expertise and resources)# gge^ gsiSA] ®0| mil# S ^ SJ
fe SEiixi se^ioi am. gA« =gois gaigAi mis s ^ st
fe #Ate SSAioiss (A)7| ggoim.
em gyoii ?iimmeeg o®a( mggAtg® smaimeb nsm as xigg
xias aaste moi ^ sg iagg oias smxia moimn a#xi5jm.
eg expertise g#x|g resource xta profit o|S
combine atfsim

TEST 4 61
131-134 tiSS
CM200 gxpneixib Oiaigo] 7^, £Eb Xf^-yoll ^t!7ll mm 4
o^Licf. gxiejojxl* ^ saflLf Mgsf mm m «§& HSo|| sal o| gxib Lfaa Wlaa) «|7f cl7H-l seaoii ojgg ajoigD
aa|7| y® ^mcf, A7|2a| aiasi
feSAIIH. gx|a||OIX| g7|7t 131X^7|| SBES sfe 50] #2 Bof S:;l

t)L|c(, SXM°JX|°I #3, att S #-3 was. »01S 10cm2] a^g ^ m SHSI «¥l 50» 12 lHL|Cf, 136£Etf nujb aa 0®o| 27h an
OW UMah 5!XPI|°!X» IIMS syo|| 132^i|5p| O^A|£. 7^2||oiAm A# 12 l^Licf, xfe ofgaf 137aLi2| gg wry 4^ ggg,, £a|
Ajxlaflojxl ?|t)|| ix| DfeUia, 1332a|sia gof a= sg^s. ^oi ^Aiia. a^Mcf. cf7H-f a£Ao||xf e^ste 138sy Wlaa) «|s wg °
a) 2|ai4 sfSEt S5? MNS aoi WteMcf.
o 117)1 sfe 0|Sfe 7)A2||OJX|7) 715! 134« a2|7l mWL® ao| ajSH X)
gos 7;)x|7| imsmth 47f IgOl 12X114Xf 01X12 03-1092-837412SWJX|2,
oi?) microwave oven Sxlaneix) family room 7fg
flat aaa countertoptwisawi sturdy Htf, Sfifi ?!!x|L|0fa ssaa 0|xf
flowsscf freely xl^#7)| at least ^ofs enclosed HNS c(7MaEfA
electric 27|°| ventSS1? blocked It! air exit Sxlaa
shut down aW turn on 7lcf off I serveto+gAffli-sfbaS^iassicf title lai.llf
analyst Slxl earn range Bl, TO postx)?).!
testify to ~S SSsicf, gisn performance (11) 4IS
131 ^AfxfaL-SAf^l demonstrate ISSH work ethic 11 SI H
insight W®! hesitate WISH
'°m itfoilfe lo)| °ife gxf flow! 11SH # ixf7f Bssfsi (C)
freely7f Slolcf. (A) freedom(XfS)S SAf, (B) freerd XflSS)
S gaxfo) d|2^, (D) freeingS SIA) ££1 ftxH^AlOlHS 21 g 135 mMn\
Af goflxf itsfx) m.
SDb 0) X)## L)23 47|2a| U|7) ax# C)7)L) HEfAO)) JlgElO) 2Wfe
xts# mm #S 0X|O|C). ufafx) ax# A)## l)e)m|s m X|X1|0)|
II|2S°J0|22 4#e#7) E|o)0f ac), tpafX) (C) is employed?) gg
132 mm 0|c), (A) had been employed# 2)7flS T#ao|2l (B) will be
S||= sa® 'UMa 51011 sxfanixis ^xlsfx) aafafe 51)AIO| xHAaf employed# d|e# 4§«0|2S A|x)| 1011 Af *j|js)x| Be). (D) has
12S (B) installO) giO|cf, (A) removefXflTfSfcf), (C) choose(2 employed# ##a°S #80)7) fi26)2S UK))) #0)14 fflc).
scf), (D) purchasedISfclfe 2^ Sl'l 1851 SD-ijS o|
ix| sstf.
136 g.DH0|| nt### J1B7I
18 (A) Xfs)7) AflS L### sMX)S x®2 17)7) 0)4 t#L|C).
133 sajoil IS S5 nsx) (B) 212Lf# #5 0)5°) 112L1Aa dtj, ol^m
(O DH7)XIS act# g°ja 4OIIAI2 m a omm,
11 (A)2a|5iteSlHSSg5Saof^xi|2. (D) xl# 7177)0) 47)28 M|01|7)| #£) S|A|0||Xf BSfcil XIH* TOL|C).
(B) TO S19 sltt nilS as x|A|xUfg x|7t 4X1)2.
(C) (HI Ixiiafs 3x)ai|ojx|* AlgsH S0|xl ofxiia. m 11 B SS0||Af dxiaa) AA|7) S#g 832) 53 12 Be)
(D) & loll 4 4 0)5218A|g gxHllxls ci|°x| ofxiia. (earns a salary in the upper range for that post)'2 Sic). ii)a)X)
SH5 The reason for this(0|l7)| Sffe 01gfe)S A|5ts|fe 11 y)2) TOO) 312# #5# 47|Ea| AAl?) 1# 2 c)M ojggit i
57|7f ifXfLfa- ^0) sf3|S(blocked air exits) 5go|| IS OIXHAEfon^tB)?)#^)!.
eBSW. OllAf IKHIte ##421 42|AH}0| Xl|X|E|0f0f 612
137 C11SA)0)?|
m 110)|# Ms. Sugimori* 1# ISdme) 4o^0| =^710^ sfae
134 S^AfXfa)
(D) her7) 5ao|c). (A) our(4a|8), (B) its(2l2)), (C) your(95
SHa 1130)1 #0)21 #AKit is turned on)S o|a(Hl go) Lf22S 4AI 8)S24#85 8Sl5)x|Bc).
g g#XH (D) after7f gao|cf. (A) from(-S4El)S SxIXf, (B)
nextlcfSJfe SSAlLf ^Afs MOlHS #Af lo)|Xi gifsfxl ycf, £#
(C) likefe #Af, IxlAf, 4Af 2)0)1 a#Af££ MOIfeCf), 0l7|Af like*
~tf rlis'afe HXfS a#Afs #3 61)2 110)1 #0)71 881 §8#
0|ipX| TOC).

138 ¥AFi 141 S5!!0l|gtSSyii=7|
BH« gBHAf hmaoiw #ot'0|afe shajoi x^Aa^ng (A) I2iy°£ AH §271 AlOISOH S7H a^l-lEl
'-sfe set'ol^ ^2) ^Xfa a^Afoj (A) Whileol ggolnK 0| SS (B) 0111(71 n AIO|M yyyoi ay ya AiaaMci
s 'While+^OJ(she)+SAKhas worked)'0||A1 ^oja (o ss ays 9.s 3A1011 Ai»a aLiy.
J1SAH ^Af gENsL b® 5om. (B) Whethert^Xl 0|-yx|)2f (D) (D) 7Hsg xty Al^asa 4^011 SS « 0||SgJL|E(
As long asf-gfe fflfe ^Affl g^A(0|x|y gMA} wsfsfxl °tf. a SgOIIAt '34 31iJ SSiJOfl AHSS Al0|E^O| gsjol Ojiggi ol
(C) Prior to{"- SOIDfe *!a|a|o|hs SAl yo||Al «A| 5j|f5(x| ^cf. cldhe transition to the new site is scheduled to occur on
Saturday, March 31 .)'IL SJcl. EfElAi A10|e gaj i4yg[|
ygg §IS 5!o| SD-i!y olfialHS (B)7l yao|cK
139-142 Oimia
^:-SB5,iyc]AEB|ssi«! 142 ^AlOffl
afxi: mtfl
Xl|=: 2r1|0|E m aaiy 'sxiasi yasracfais sHyoi xig^ai^Hs ID) diligently
3S 27^ 71 §ao|El, (A) instructively(S2|5l7l|), (B) previouslylOISOll), (C)
potentially(yAH»os)S 2S fflSoll SCH?! xigAa-|s ojo|s 0|s
gaal ojclAEBl^ g Alolsaf AJM® 2^4 s^g 7|feAiS ?f7|| grfe x| =m.
m ^aj SWl E|Oj D||° 7|gL|Ch 1 AK)|S0||g sens 7|7|o| 7(^4
gsa AI-^OII LHSf oiEiiHEis ^0| rn Ola] 71X1 aaaiioisg 7|ko| 139
sifS 5!cJl.|ck 31 31H seeioii ahss AK)|E22) i-wsswi oi|gE|| 01 143-146 m\
^L|Ch Wo\m SI Alois g^SOl acl WS A|7}°JL|CI,.A||SS si A|0|M
M SSSlb 5°1 SXII71 AS oiqg ga sa 71|AjA|£, Xiiig 142 ciiaaiyeia
vxigsi srasilAl Olflsi gxiiais s^s| sma 4 oi£s SH^LICI, xft 45lSx|fia||AE=;!i|o|Ai jg
Sjy SXIBOII clltl nlsttijs webinlo@komplet.conn2£ MLH ^a|7| b® yAgiSEoiiJ!!!2 02310
of?! excitement #S, #s inform ^a|ci lookSs, 2® Sal x|« masioi amoii c| aiS xlA!7H aga sygi?! ysH y
improved 1,%® functionality xlst-S) feature XIS yL|Cl, A4 X|O, 040,1 AHSS U|AL|A A|yg0| 7HyE|°1Aj #§ 7t
such as M*sol) ~2i as readability 7lS^, ilxi fHS B|7l 143fl0lssj§LlcK saia oHblJffOII xiyy ya?, g# "ojcig yo|
interactive -S^tlfai transition og, S® traffic xlaxf AIS2I S7lt oigaH §L|Cl, A|y SSH s <»jAg CH|^S|>7I SI 7|Al
light ®o|)5jS resolve sngsm persistent ef^Efe, x|^»oi OIlAi W0pAS OgSH-fLiq
91 Oil 2iyoi|A( E|AD|H aebiesi as GHbiyfOii xi^h as 7Htf Tiiaj
139 D|2HA|xf| S 3J2a e}2 2JgL|El. XiiB 0® 1452A|#a 44 XiX|stL|Ll, 146
A® Xfe goioi y ys as?, etiowoi acfe yysLid. x[m
Ha Sf SSOIIA-I ■•gaa eic-|Aea|5 A10IE71ANSS 2^21 ifAfS 71 E£S^7isHA|assi ygnlSfiySfeoiSApl bfajLici,
te-S# ?f7l| a Slthe Komplet Industries Web site is to have
3 new look and improved functionality)'0|BlS Qlall -yi® yy y?! counciiysi on behalf of ~Si:HasH fellowSS°l
SJci. ctfaiAl o|oix|S syt o|an a|xi» AfAf 'oiat 7lx| aai!||o|2 community memberxiy gy bicycle lane x®7f as
S 2|yo| AIO|eo|| agfS 3(The site several upgraded development 7H^ near ~ SAM residential area S7l am
features)'o|aln SHOl sfss (C) will include?! 990|cf. (A) shorten Soicf commute SSSlcf attest to-S ygslci
includedS 47-| A|xl|0|2, (B) had includedS 2WSS A|xl|o|H2 usage Aig©) make note of xHsiq- article 7|ai
A|xl| 20l|Aj ytfSlxl ych (D) to includes SAf?)- 01l|h£ ysoll approve gysici fully syaa indeed a® yg
fiCHaSfflcl. J efficiency say addgxisini

140 SAlOi?! 143 §AlxiEl|_4ejx|

S 8
B= ?f2| = syoi ans bffls a Aioiaon gsi lnsoihs o| sys ah Hb yys SAl Xla|0|2 go|7l The developments syy yAo|H5
2S Aloigs aais LNSOI EicHOf yci. cpaiAt ya (B) has shortened?, yyolc,, (A) shortens SA®go,Ha 3yy
OIIS '0®, Sa'°| °|a|s LlEfuHS (A) transitionO| gao|cl. (B) qa g ojr, (C) shortenings, (D) to shortens S
gathering(sy), (C) demolitionfnlsl), (D) challenge(2a)S HS SA,o|HS eiaofl fiOflf y °lc,.
s^y ysmfxi act.

TEST 4 63
147 ^|/=sj
144 xwmm
eiaotlte a 4 Site BHgtHS (A) this7i gg »!« otAlo|s»° =5iOj7l?
Olth (B) whichb STIICBSA^ MB H B SSS B# 4 BaIB yy (A) a® ggoii cu# Ail!? Aift# aiissis 5
(B) A® £0011 LH«H S051S 0
S ^TllcHSAf Afa|7l om (C) few£l (D) themS B SSS BS ^ (OSEAi^ggEgste?!
gjoosyaoiiwa^ag. (DjguigBBgsass
«Hg ggoll as gu|AKMechanic on duty), g«KDate), Eg(Client), Af
g gM(Vehicle Information) B SSSt gBlWork Completed)0|
145 SAB01?| gA|E|oi beds (A)7i ggoia.
Oholl Lg ggol 'o|S|7j E|AD||B AEa|E2f SE OUH|JffO|| A®71 E
£ 7||h 71141# gBMEKthe council approved on September 6
for bicycle lane development on Teasdale Street and Port 148 AhMsieJ
Avenuel'b LflgOISS eiyollte 0| LBS# 7la|7|S SA171 #0171 "!« oi@ ggoi esEias?)?
of sicl. EfsfAi 'EAI'afe £|n|2| (C) measures?! ggolcf. (A)
companies(s|A®), (B) groupslBAll®, (D) tactories(5g«fe E (Bjeatniam^
^s^ggmAiatK (C) EB a®
gg siaoii son a« g# gA| #A|(lnstalled new passenger
146 m door lock)'alE B#goi BEHE (0)71 SBO|cl.
ajM (A) Af# C) as 71071 00 ESOI AflSElOlOf *^10,
(B) 711071AH£#A1071 7l7t|#O|S#SSl^L|0.
(C) 0A| BSEa|0 A1071 El7|bSBSSBM0, 149-150 saiej m
ID) AI# 7is ^IOIOI EH as Ai07i £S7i as<H7iof mE gBtm
°tE21|01A #Ll|SHfE
ms\ °J SgellAI 71071 E£ 7BB# 7|7|SIE1E WfiE, ^1 SSOflAI
fe 71071ESB £71# agsfiL BEi. aalHE n AIOIOIIE 71071 EE °1EB1|01A SJCIIMBE 10:04 08S1A112, S® Ml, 00 # § fit S £
M WOf ficfe LBSOI S0l7te aoi 710700 0^ (D)?f gaoia. BL12?
0SSI 10:04 Ml, SMIE?
°l£S||0lA#L1|MalS 10:05 497l|7l a# 0IDI1BS MBTIIfi. ?H 10
El°| AH 371 £0O|Ol|e.
PART 7 08SI 10:06 0002-
147-148 mes| 10:10 Lil, 80012, s® #7||2.
OE5I101A #L1|M0S 10:11 7l|#§ B7|71 L1£ ggL12? 71b A|0
05 E£EE|S # 13AI # ggsTii 0IE #002.
gsg 10:13 Egg SO 12. §1710 B#S10 711 Bb
5! BO 12. 15Og0# bHi0 0BM12?
147ggSuW: 0||52«gu1a S CH 0b gawjoi i# B B012.
147y]#: 4# 6B OIH51I01A 1C1|M0E 10:14 #b ggoiMia ^miitii sh #712,
147j27H: So|M BfoElAEl, giI(E £31°^ S|A1 LlgOII 071 Mg EEIE 098M12?
147ji:|a( gM 0SS| 10:15 SS01S.
71IEA1: Sa
B?! draft £0 take a look sg eye-catching a|0SiiS
El: S1|b|^E|600
effect £8,08 shade gE give thatlit] a try Aiasu mei
A®®#: 3#, gas
run A past B (03SES® BsH) A* BoflTil sg ^ei
00101 iSAII a 88 971: 12,000m|E
148S54j =o]| 7|] gAI #A|: 4,80011114: 149 °1E nfB
SB £0 10A| 10#0|| gm-Ltl, SBoia.-alEttaii, a0Efe£?!oia
of»l mechanic SUM ondutySSSB truckingE8SS 071?
corporation 7ia vehicle a® make (SS siawai as) am (A) acllMaa M|7l Bfl m 0I6HW.
axle (aHHB) a® commercial 000 replace eamei (B) SLllaalM AA|71 #£ SIS ES# 717|E BC1.
passenger door ££0 § lock (a®2|) g® SA1 to BLiiuaiE jmpi ayi oimiB# asig,
id) BLiiaaiE npi me gg sis aas 5RW.

SH-a o|£ Efot aoiw 01|7|tt A®2| a^E| S nt^iw gp
152 4SA®
10AI 5S0II ttOIMifE Wife at wjo]|7(| ■oimiiis amacKI'll email it
to you.J'Jl Mcf, nfa|A| ioa| iogo|| Htw|7| 'Ml, gMOMOkay, got ?!«! 7|E|A!!EgJo| Allgsife 5!fe sa2!7f?
it.)'am & as OTMfem W|7| atH oiniBj# yacfe feofes (C)7| (A)£feA|gO||A|OEtga
S&olcK (B) C|A|i Alfelf^ 4.M
(D) dg ^feo|| cBt! uUit A|H|7;
SHS D|A|at feSoiiTB tBlf -fefe SB SoKoffer delivery on bulk
150 « orders)';!! (D)7) gaolc),
?! ^ sqiasm wife cisoii fesia t a as?!?
(A)ai-asgBgm, ►► Paraphrasing Agai bulk orders -> SSai large orders
(B) o|A|oi#fegstK
(a ttam.
10A| 13S0|| at w|7| 'AHAts b|^= 7(1 (XtnMMaybe f you changed 153-154 gA|
the cotor?)'Jl At|°!5|-A|, iDHafetE w|7| 'niTll SB aacKI'll give
that a try.J'Jl gaM°Ha (B)7| gao|c|, AEJSC SJWi;!!-!-
AEHBE e°Ji7Bi0||A| b|fe AtfeAJOIlAi fefelf
►► Paraphrasing A|feo| changed the color 153
^S SfeOllir SAJ Jim gfoism At# ga|2t A|g Olas S|t 50| a
-»SSPI Revise a design
tUMCf SgAlfe i»S( EBE# Alujo) StDl, dl™ A(feA StgollAlE ctg
Sli gst AlAa# LB A oiojot UL|L|. aet qa X|A| ^ ^
151-152 aa 154
A|?lABfe g§t,tH# DISOIOIKLICK °A| m 0fe gag ga|SlA|et
14fe oiaMLt. nfees! 00121 stiatoi AtB^L|L|, A® °®A|2l o|a|AB*
?Bu|AJ!M5]-0BEBfe2| Hfe ojiB Si SAB abeisb HSILIC)
D® wi 17BAI, oiifebiai, EH1 1Th2| AEKac 7|Et of7Bo||
Til am ^aia|2,
» CBS SAEt Olij
♦ClorstgAlojcixia A|A|o|i|( CH as sa* SI51AI3 ABsi 1 A|0|E» utgsB ^A|2,
• SAB eAKBI At^;;|A| 7te
» 151ABS 7||SSt glasi Agals A|ao||A| 24A|a Atb|A 0|g 7|fe
oi?! employment agency eSivBrk seek gsfel, Stf
cia a-I A-|S| A|go|| met SISIAI3 ft) Alois www.copycentric. receptionist S9AI primary ^ael dutySS, gfe
comS aS«li ^Atia. ABSIfe ABifet 7^1 MSbH Ealoi 152i;HSf m greet Sloisfci potential client Sab ae filing A|#ga|
SE SB £gL|C|. successful candidate UeAf friendly aafet
multiline LgtiAfoi setting ag in addition sffi, 7||Lt7|
oi?! a variety of cigst professionalises! secondary school ggstn prior experience gsf
binding a®. location Afg bulk order clllf^S a letter of interest A|g o|gA| resume o|ajAi

151 AfAJStoj 153 Af^ifoi

7ln|AJE5(0|| CBSB SAIS 391 DAlaloil CBSB SAIfe 58?
(A)gAi7B5!oBstc|. (A) AlfeA DBLlAtSfet A|g 7teS(Cl.
(B)gg8lL«AHeajjcK (B) AHflOllTII AlS °la!S AlSAIh HE W.
(C)sajgA|et7tes|c|. (C) Atfe-goll £fe AUtM gtOIStfe HE fict.
(wsafetgagoici. (D)mi^a|W0|«fl8(Li,
SAB AlBEife AfdjA Sta g lii HnBoil 'ABs aHSB dlHai aesie a| A|fe 5! 0sf fe few# SSOIIAl HfeOllfe AJJII ^Jja «0|S[fe 50|
SOIIAI 24A|fet A|d|A o|g 7ifef24-hour service available at our ElfacKPrimary duties include greeting potential clients)'!! =5
new Taylor Street location)'0|a|!l IBaHS. (B)7| §0010). ESS(C)7|sao|c|.

►► Paraphrasing A|feo| location -» S92| store ►► Paraphrasing Aifeo] greeting potential clients
-»S32| welcoming people to the office

TEST 4 65
arrival of materials and report any problems to me by
e-mail) SS x|A|5f2 (A)7f S3o|d(,
at« ^5iA|0||7il figEIg 5S?
(osaiaasoi 156 Afl^AHf
tH« a Mlb n uHgtoil cHsH zjS8fe7f?
sH-a ^ smi SSOII-M '^la^ss ssste* nraoiof m (A)g7||ESfttA|EH#cK
(Candidates must have finished secondary schoolj'al (B) 5||A|7|fHSA(All7fBO|5ICl.
(8)7) SBoicf. '^Af Ajg gag ^aislAia 34^ ofMcKPrior (0
to) gsfi Eigs ?iei som.
experience in a similar job is helpful but not necessaryjafil
gHoag (Ate saoi a 4 sia. «Hg 0|0||iJ 5j ast DjA|af sgoilAi 'Wgoi »||A17| 4|%|Af oaigcKThey
are fragile, and I am concerned)':! 5!!°H5. (B)7| gaolcj.
► ► Paraphrasing Alge) finished -»gaa completion
►► Paraphrasing Age) fragile -> breakable

155-157 0|o||^
157 j!^
tefJ: 219 [11, [21, [3], [41saA|S5S0||A|cBSS0|7tggt)tt5°7
■SSIOI eg 7A| 30go[| egffl 90|ale Al|saA[|0||A[ oral agL|c|.-
ttn|: 6fl SOU
AtK: uHggESf (A) [11
(B) [2]
°!as|Ai|fi, ¥10!. (0 [3]
(D) [4]
157oa|7f ofgoll uH#M SfS aM0|. - [ll -. tSteaol Eif
L 155 SHg met a ggow 'Lliai ofgoll w# ItecKWe will be
SIS HalSAf a||2 saB SH gal Stto| Sttftxi receiving a shipment of bricks tomorrow morning,)';! SIJJI, ¥1
ttojen ^tia. - [2) -. asf i55aM 37H o|g g*! «x| niApi uiaum.
ggte 'eaol eS,itl9(When the truck arrives)'eE AiggcK cqal
- [3] - 166B!IOI mn TITIAI em goi #7ii gg ya iibsoii goi m Ai eaoj £st xias OfgttSSO| IL AK)|0|| Soi7te 5!o| gaig a|
°iAa|4HS (A)7l gaoici.
- [4] - 1553a|n xiAHAf ^AISI ESlfSbXl nelate OlttlS! SAIPIE 51°
158-160 aSH
xinmdis xi|2ecHS xiisecijE
«a|0ia 99 8 A.M.-12 P.M. 12 P.M.-4 P.M. 4 P.M.-8 P.M.
QHLIAj, a||uj Aft1 xnagai xiaagat 159
xia| o[e|h
111951 S[25! SBI99E xiaafiai #al2iS7|
o|#| shipment ggft ull#g take inventory Altisab s|c( 159
unload (SSMIBlcl quantity 49 receipt 94# 1111094251 Sal4S7l #aiAS7| A|e[ o|E|a
accurate gstef in addition set, oBat stack stf 111 11514251 laietgE gaiage A[a| o|E|a
fragile »l|Ap| 4® concerned Saisfe crack go|7|cf
111129929 S9 158 158
S9 158S 9

pilecful material a|a|| teontof m xiaBt 5=^ 0^3 !, a 551 ga9tt|x| DBS PHL|XIO||71| 9al
4^X12. eb 99 gifiS 111119 429 94 SS go|| 9gg^71 go||
5te asel* 0 igSB 49 #4 AI98 9a!silo| aMrf.
155 4*11/^
?!9 oimi^eiggs 492171? o|¥l shift ecus advise 994 switch with-a Stum
(AigaoiiTii AiAwstaststeS sales associate 99 gi cash registerSggs?!
(B) u||#foiiat!¥J4*AtB|ste9
(C) 9H4SSte9
(D) u||#sg^fi7|ss|b5! 158
sHg 01DII9 gxtltni a*) ?l?!! M|0||7|| aHji SAKtake inventory), 94 a® asaoii 9Aia as?
S g2| #at il°J(verify that the quantities on the receipt are (A) AUt agate 42510 m ssm.
accurate), 37|| 0|g -StAl B" 5!(make sure that the bricks (B)ia|otgESnHgDi|L|xfo|id.
are stacked no more than three bricks high), A|AI17| ^AjSI E (oesgsis saaoii m,
SfMbAl 4!°JSU1 4At|7| 51°9 tiJllt 5!(confirm the successful (D)94gS#SDll9S4?!cl.

sHS iiSHOIlAi SfiiKFriday, November 12)0i|s se tiicusoll 10:17
(CLOSEDl'oiala ssf SJ°H5 (C)7l saoich ifaM: aaja, gg gs ¥ISo| E|g 7io(|a. I63^fe Lra^
ZIL=|SJ aso| iiflg gMs o|gB ys jle#
159 All^Alt
x«iicH50||A|y S^sis 510s Qjgoi SSI ABS W®?]? 0i?l be about to+S-*.®® af~sfa| s(ct badges, Aigg
(A) Aja] 0lE|H get to ~oii ss)s|ci getin»H2o( okay^Atsi, §
(B)AlWSiai perfume 9^ express mail check out srasta
(C)*a|ef«s close by 71Z7IS work out BSam on one's way 7|fe go)
(D)#alAS7| boxed lunch SB EAisf lineup (SW2|)S§ threat?]®
SIIB USSOIlAi Al|3iIC||SOj Afal OlElHfe Xl|liEC|5£l Al|2HC||S0|| 0|#0| develop 7||BS|ci promote Sastcf product line fllgg
ssi sjai a00? (AIJI saoici.

161 ^tioj
160 All^A® y® o| hoio| SS SAKHI cflsn SAig 5)2-7
5iSSg1ia5B4A|^?JS8i0lSfe7l? (A) 14E0||A)X)gi50|Cl,
(B)®?t°SAiefl 5J0|cl,
(A)3¥A|y#A|Aaiol|ojgtfflcl, (0 ggsxii® its =011 sAitt 5!o 1®.
(B) DHL|X1(H|7| 0? BS 3S0II cHSII ^glcK (D) afioiwi g7l5H| AI0S fi 5!0|cl.
(C) a cfS ^o| 0= agstl,
(D) 0Sg^71 Afgoil cHel RSg yfeci. «HS 10A| 13S0|| itaMfe 'QA s?0|| oib A[afso| oa| aA|
SHS ass sieoiiAi eg sm e?# uffais 11a sa saa SB £A|si2 ay 5!(The people in reception will send boxed
V\7.\ dHS dIIMaIOIItII aa) SaKPlease advise a store manager lunches to our display tablej'olam etsi #, 'BAlslSA) SJ
by Friday, November 5, if you plan to switch with another ® SU|# TllSlslAKLet's plan on getting ready for the afternoon
employeej'a 5!!°HS (B)7l Sao|cl, session while we eatj'a S!i°HS (D)7l Sgojcl,

>► Paraphrasing A|S°| advise -> SB® tell

162 °|E nfqt
S® 10A| 08S01I Sa|Ll7l -et^Mcl.-alsi # dl, a 2|Efe ^5)071?
161-164 m gAlDl|A|X| (A) B ew# oisHstl.
10:03 (C)itsit5!0|cl.
BB|Ll: ggSlAllfi, AII71 St ESisW- 0|A1| t|® U||A» BS 7tLp!l 0 °a| (DlSSBStfSoici.
®OH£it7tO||fi. «HS 10A| yfioil BB|7l ita|Llo||7l| '-?a| El|o|*S t|o|S 12A ^oil 51®
10:04 (Our table is in Area 12A of the conference center.l'a ?lxB
0al£: StSIShK®® ®IS0|Lt|2. SIS ?ts ®W|a? •agsa, oioi eiaiLpi Got it.oiam sbsdck 010 BA®
10:06 a efLHi oisNSScfe SIDIOIO^ (A)7i gaol®.
Bam: ol®2, a||S7|s 7(At£7|o||S MS S7t?lAt ®y!®a.
2S 11 AWXlfe 0I50II 24ftt a®®.
10:07 163 «
SEI: tOl£, 162,164oa| ejoiss t|o|S, 2A 0MOII ®®2,
»!« ®g®i ®8H bais as?
ita|Ll: 162^gigL|cl. (B) ss SSM ®SK SHlsa®.
10:09 (C)All§®A|O|L-)0|®,
sals: ?a| g|0|M2^A|gh soil 14E0IIA-I DTY® itE*lSA|l® 7l77l?lAt (D) DTY01IA10?acl,
Ai0oi°t#aM®, SHB 10A| 15S0II sa|7l 'DTY® S BBS* ai S®(| want to see
10:13 their new spring lineup.)'!! SlA], S"a|®fea5!0| ®®S0|x|
BB|®: S012, 164 UHAl# HJOlAt XB 712 olO|2. IBIg^ #0011 SIS AB 5!0|al!i siSAi, o|®At '494 aL=(o| aao| g^s ^
SOI ?a| gAi Efloiss g# sa|®s as 7toi|2. SAisiSAt 2® s|°| gui SH efe AISS a!l B®(l'm interested in seeing the materials
S7II4ISHM5. Na-Young and her group have developed to promote their
10:15 new product linej'S SwStedl, o|S #5|| Ligo| DTY®| 0^61®
#a|: 1631)1, o\7\ iitsiAig S0| DTY0II SS# 4 5!®2. xfe n s|A)o| a fe 5S SSI 4 5!°HS (0)71 gao|®.

TEST 4 67
►► Paraphrasing xis°i each month -» Stt2! monthly

(A) a|°l U||7i» 7ptSc|.

(B) 12A ^Oll EiffiCK
(o^is-aasuHiw. 166 MUWU
(D) HhrS-OTMcK gat CtO|A||AEE> ^SAfiOllTll AflgElAl ab 5IS ¥S!£!7l?
SH-S 10A| 7eo|| 4ha|7| '^a| e||o|*S S|°IS 12A ^0)1 SJcKOur table (A) 7|#aiss ^si ?i2 an
is in Area 12A of the conference centerj'jl 5)12, 10A| 13S0II (B)Clg7|#A|10|| mtlMJI
ya|L|7f 'uHzl# yofAi Ag 7fji 5JCKI have my badge, so I'm on (OasfAMoil q|8ig7t
(D) gAl g°J AH aioll CHtt All? AtU
my way.)'!! IS°HS (B)7f Sif0|cf.
sHg a nilo|A| ?! Eisfo] Ap anjsi All SnH ag 4}A|7l AlgSfe a
OS AlAMI DHtt SAKratings of materials), 0| gofoll gAfSffe §
S#2| SSHlprofiles of colleagues in the field), ag #a cfal
165-167 lnl|0|A|
2} a as SH 7|uiA|g gAKHI CHSI 2He AlBloutlines important infrastructure projects, such as bridges and dams that are
g® oioiAiiAE) u AfoiMoii aa a estfLiy being completed)# eBsfa aiaes (B), (C), (D)te UHS4
<s=gsmoiAiiAE) cfe a# sta# 4 act. stAia ?ia saoii chii ags si°hs iaj
4# All® AfSaoicK

(SSEll asLgai>7i 1® -gaoiiAi iJSlb as 7|#abo| iSAir

<s= g® qo|Ai|AE>= si age] 7|gAis« ¥i® StII s|as| a 167 W
Aratfl. AiAfl4 suioii LH® DHMOI IAH oiseis sia 7igoii ® ?!« gAjoii stAia as?
® 7|A» as SlgL-m. 165.166DHS SDi® 0| gOfOII gAlsfe =SS°l S (A) sate! 18SS01I Afesia.
saoi sol oioui, sgoiiAi g® cfapi a a# sa 7i®Aig g (B) All 4#Algs 27H1 * 32SE# ^71134.
Atoll CH® ma# AHgiLicK omat =AgS Ata® AigoiiAi m g7H (C) gAISS ggAffil# 4® AllD |L(0|| SDH@4,
A1|D|L» ohLHS(b oNliJ# 17)1 aMci, £= 4#5lAl|a! (waAifeaaaaDiiEioisti.
«Hg 4S0II a® 4711 SS g 4S401I 'SSS 27HS Ala 4S SSKSign
O El 54SstO|| <S= g® ctOlAllAEL) 2® 4#! me up for a trial subscription for two months, free of
o I67y 32SS0II <s= g® ctoiAitts) 1 a 4=! chargeD'OlafJl 44 oja, DlAlBf ElSfo||A] 'SS A|sj aSSfe
o El 18SS0II <s= g® ctO|Al|7sg> 67H14#! AdfS All 4=01 #y 4 Agam MAI 4SS7| S4ElcKThose
o 167=££27HSA|l4#al!* signing up tor the free trial will automatically be charged for
•- 167=S Am assiAis ggsiis ah 4=01 gy 4 Aig°s 1 y a one-year subscription after the trial endsj'll JSjct, aa|Jl S
Al 4#S7t 1411-1®. 01 4## Install Jl7!|ygj||A1 Aia|0||7|| Sgst |t=o||Al 'El 32SS0|| (£= gst i:10|aI|ae> M 4S!(Send
ah Em me Civil Engineering Digest for one year for only €32.00!)'o|al
a 14 ojoos (B)7j gaoiy.
oi?l civil engineering s=g® chronicler 1471 ®At
trade journal 0711 ®a|,7®a| article 7|ai latest sia® ►► Paraphrasing a 14°| Those signing up for the free trial
-»84°! Trial subscribers
along with rating g7t,g® issue (S7|ei|H®)s
colleague oS field #of outline aasifsict
infrastructure 7|®A|# furthermore Atg oiyat
subscribe 4#sicl trial subscription All 4= 168-171 0|D||aj
sign upfor^-fiaisict free trial4S*111
sa: SlgEf <kgupla@>>
165 AfjW.® Al|=: LTAAAHi®
<M= m CiO|Af|AE>- «D(Lt Af^ tfiSE|fe7|? y®; 101150
(A) ana 168*10 OilSAt ®S|® ®°|7t 111 10011 0|lL|Ct, MEtalAt go|
(B) DII4
(C) DBS m. 3Epl 0S||O|A|OlaSOl| CHSH IH® aL|ct.
(D) DM ya S i69aLfe ®asf <A|® LHAi ®I55I7|># atUH Ata°| agon :H®
8H-g a H|0|A| 5! EfSf gyvoil 'DUS sag o| gofoil gAfslfe #S#2| s All®# 7t# oh§0l|®, aysi 4381SIOI7I0II m 40® 4 5lgy®.
SfiOl #CH "icKEach month's issue also includes profiles of
colleagues in the field)'Jl 5J!°SS (C)7l S90|lI, o| ®®b sang AEalson oie m £io||Ai «a|® 2= 6A|o||
Allay®. 170,17101* =S yiml ®At7l HAgOIMI Al|glL|LlEt, 4®
0| ®SE|01 s/oli Dial Atais oi|®siA|ai® ahoiitii i^tApi bUfy®.

l7iBh£jo| SJ°A|3 n(a c|AE^|rL^o||7j| 10S
171 AflVAftf
ag OM^OII Hiss, Aie*2 2(1 qAEiinttMioiiTiigguuofSffezf?
S|°| USB www.ltaa.ukO||A1 fi-y 4 SJhMQ. (A) Afyj ajai A|a|* oiiaisi? | y|8|)
SlSEf (B)S!°j7fsa»^S|7|?|5||
(Oaxll US# 071 gal)
m\ travel agent oifflAf s)® association SS|
business travel tfS title si. Mi substantial-yaff SHS Ail KKotlAf 'Sfyoi efSElo) "loss Dial AfE|* o||of5(3|g
hold klisisicl complimentary "sej afterwards cgoii 0Sf# SHSaKseating will be limited, so please contact us to
attendee yyAf seating limited SfSf! reserve a spot in advance)'Tl MK. Iia|dl o|CHA) 'gtyo| Sfcig
reserve oiiefslcl spotAlai in advance n|a| □fa qAEiiEftoiiTji diiapij aLHEKIf you are interested, please
interested S-a 2lt complete send a message to Mark DiStefanoJ'T! ^Hodb (A)7f S0o|c|-

kk Paraphrasing a|#°| reserve a spot

-» S02| reserve a place
ffla 0|D||ejoj 3^=51017(7
(B)staga#Aig5fe5| 172-175 Kn
(DjoiiSAissastea BSSI
sHy 5! saoiw '@0 cNSAf ya as|o| g.* tjoj7( 1 ia I^OII gacKA «s||o»a| Ms a^eiai ^AigiAf
special meeting of the London Travel Agents' Association will 440KA| ga|cHa| oHufe
take place on 1 November. yiL sjil, OlOJAf All^yog sai#7EHia,0qo||Li46l12
KOI 2^, TLain Ws||0|A|0f gyoli cilsli SfSttKClarissa (317) 555-0142
Tang will be speaking on business travel in Australia, New
Afsl S5||0H£| Ma AMalAlfe ojai=o| a= M5f Hao|| ^ oh
Zealand, and Malaysia.f'Tl $!i°HS (C)7l gKOIcf.
SEf ©as 5f^Ti 001 aaeAqaoiiAi 7© gaiet MS ag gg* MS
169 aes yyaf Aiyg uros orois AISI 7(2
2^Ei 0|a|M2| #s# M25|| #L|p, Affilb OiaigOl MgSUlAl 5fS 712)
eei KMIOII msiiKAisas? HS l*s ystt ^ SJS a££ DHS EfSfEf 3712) jras mm aeM
(A)7||*2iO||TlSE|0| °!Cl.
(B) ^ 7fA| noj ys# T'tJSci. q. - [2] - CfSOl 172ae (goll aoiAi tg xigoll ffla8( AJ13
(O sieoii otis yisKct. s|2S|MgL|q. Mai|0|®a|2| 7® # gopf smojon o|5!S gSW
(D)Et a 0|ya|«i» «),:(, 2| yuaq ^§| 1 mS q ##qq. iHEfeq qq jpi Aa esqAi y
SHy ^ 0Bli KKollAf 'auib siAjxr <A|7t L|]Ai Oj|SSf7|>l sfetaH Afy *qq. qqeg e moii y y K#qq.
°] ai#o|| cHtf AfoiSI# 7HJ 5j(she will be signing copies of her Afais nyysTiw yns ss°s asisnoi yqa Mqsi7ioii SR 24AI
books, including her most recent title, Make Time to Travel.)' 71 m m #0017fK|jL|q. *2||o|#a|* oigg® eqtfq
oiafa fflcf, 01* BSH S m o|af S2| m acfe ahj* b $ °i° q. -13] -. 173AiS| AISOUM i|cn 20m 7^o|2| esje gqg a o,al|cK
www.blakeleyselfstorage.com01|Ai S11 H7|2| ag g#, 0 Sa
#5, a 2£|a 7R sa* laiMApi URL|CK og 7® 0^1
170 AHJSf°i qy yy SMS mAig qyoiiTii yy HSAia, ggg H7|o|
STI# m oistt+SIS Sfi# ysil rH7 w gy# ga o|gL|q. - [4) -
aef yAM LUSH gyg as?
(A)2*6A|0||A|5tgCf. q?! storage a®i) guarantee agsici insulated a?ia
(B) <A|g LHAI 0|g5f71>0|| Lt23 aa|g* MAKOg Sh 50|C( sealed (K^#a #8 aaf) Aiqg storage unit a-Sfa, Sfn
(C) S|°l y7fA(*0i|7)| Aiggcf.
(□) ^yoi gtyEisicf, moisture h7| fluctuating ssqais, ygo| 0=
a wide range of dII8 qg® accommodate qgyq
sny All Kfl KK S 0nli syow '^s ¥WI AjAfzf yyAB0||7|| Alggcl virtuallyAtay moreover q#o| minimize siyfifsfcf
(A complimentary buffet dinner will be provided afterwards access oisisfq), MasR) competitor SMA) rentqqe
for attendeesf'Tl (C)7i yKO|cf. upto^iq vacancy BJ yyiAPI] testimonial^yq a
up-to-date a|yq availability o|S7iKy desired KSIS
» Paraphrasing A|g2| attendees -»SSaj participants unavailable o|Sif4SS

TEST 4 69
176-180 ^11 + ^

SH3! ^=aaSii(m«HgA|S5!S?
(A) 718011 Ugol ao(. tAgfi2| gsil xttagai AfH!
(B)a^^esoilM. 7S 24^-308
(C) awa fig JMPIfi fisga get. 176
8B® 7t9°S s|S LH 84S# 8961! 8SAt|a!
Sue] t Wll St^oilAI 'S.B 5,a7t 1#0|| geKevery unit is 8?I ag sss Aia ggstJi ^aoi y gxig 178<B)g-sa|0||aEi|s
on the ground floor)'n Mfififi (8)7) g^olct. sa SIMS yigfiDf 8SI AgAJOtlAI fi^got 971011 #S! 178(0^^ g
gAHi gg s|4lj, gggos 7®. "SWgg as MOt 3, 39.999at
sa|Dia sag Aia o| xiafe "sPlgag oiaaiLt gsa yg, g
173 M&m atfiSEt 314 a9i!¥a|. 178(c)g4!], 3114, ifS4, gfiamos 7®,
178(A|=g MS756, 79,9994
gg g2||o»a| -is Agaixib S7|b 5!S c| tlTtl §171 Tisll ?S!8 sfe?)?
(A) rug Algol solg sm AIBW. 178(B|a*l UW 176o| C[2E Btxife mB A| §5} ^0| °j7t
(C)0|AtS|A»«S||5e|. Lf, soil 9S» fiaf 9 HI 71149 Afag m\ go® S^L|ct. 7® o\7\ °X
(D) eg Agofi tlTIl sa a gTll sH act, - gai 178(C)a£ S|AJ| aa slAjjog ^ 7te 178(A), 179=g m
sH8 At| emit gsf otx|a{ ggo||At 'A|-Mo|| lien 20m ao|°| ssifi -so® MT744,18059.999al
a gcKOur facilities can accommodate trucks even up to 20 mi# Sfi: 5094 D|yg 4S8& 594 89 48°^ u||Si|L|L|. I8O50
meters in lengthj'H (A)7t ggolcf. 94oi|A| 150944 48S8 1094 89 hISfifi "»#1Ml|. 150948
aaffi 4SSS uK#s( £§44. o| a.B° 177444 gsll xitagal
» Paraphrasing x|Ss| trucks even up to 20 meters in Afl9 7|y gy 899 83OII481144.
length -■> Sag large vehicles
44 clearance sale AltagaiAtiiJ stock up on 44814
workplace 4S durable 48^94 wrinkle-free 83 94
174 A1I¥AH} fabric 48, B stitch 4fi9SI4 cuff ^84
versatile Lgsg be paired with ~g 48 984
gg S|AHA|0|E0||Lt2tga?!&°?!g7|? flat rate 8971 apply to-ongggcf
(D)ggttg^ hllp://
sH-y 0tx|g ago| 5! SSOII a AtoisoilAl 8 a gg aio| ggEtot gb
ell, C>j7|o|i uj {fn gfi(a list of vacancies)fi 5itE|Ot gfififi (C) 0|a 179» HElOIIS
7t§go|ct. 8a 3899BXI yafialE
EA| xt|4#A| 8 0184
►► Paraphrasing xgg vacancies -> §g-0-i available units ysma 573-291-5966
0 |D||y
179,180gg ss MT744 371 34 8S 1 4# Sg fi|4
175 4^ 8DHtt 8B4 948 DlSfig, S0-Hg dfl#s Tliy# gsfl ■xiffi'S figAtlfi.
[1], [2], [3], [4]fiax® sgdlA| c® ago17tssjatf 5g?
•□(of a^o|| #atxl7|s 5tA|g, uj gyo| g7|x|n|xtxta|7t gef#Hi gfl enter gatsiLl purchase 895® press 8=4
aMct.- calculate THys® shipping charge uK#fi
(A) [1]
(B) [2]
(C) [3] 176 8S
(D) [41
yg #34 4#S 88019871?
sH-a y 5f7i7t -a?!® gs,® gctfe iiisoififi g sss- sn* om 4 (A) 84|4°fi A|890||A188Sfe A®#
Sfe gg* gatl SS0| gof Sfctfe PAS a^tl 4 get. B (B)#7«7|afeA|S8
ai sygo||A| 'fiSfe 37 |g Sf3* exD ogw 4- Ste M* gsll CD (C) ofgotlAt as Apys fiM|8 Ag#
7|xt §98 gcKWe maintain waiting lists for those whose (D) agioiiAi gatfin gfe Agg
desired unit sizes are currently unavaitablejal (D)7| «»y #3 SyoilAI 'gag 7140^ 5]S in 895K s°aKStock
SBOIct. up on workplace essentials at fantastic prices!)® 5J3, 3 o(
a|a|9 gss A1£(PREMIUM DRESS SHIRTS)'o|| m 7|#gO| g


el. aa 'asj H^KWOOL TROUSERS)'0|| 2® ^SOIIAia '#0 A| 181-185 1 ni|0|X| + °fAj
ss- m as $ aicHThese versatile trousers can
be paired with a suit jacket and dress shoes for the office)'a <9B(0|M a|cH> H n)|o|A|o|| axj g stgSL|i:j
SJCj. C^BlAj 0| SUfe S|5fo|#g ClIAhos oiss Oh ^ 9.10ng
181, isz^^IE aic-ps 7H°J*!°! 9a|9 9 99S 9°® xtiij A®
(A)7i saoicf.
Aia|7f Af|A|sis 7)90||S 9519 SA|# <MaK)|g 99>oj ^gon
177 1 S| giAHSfe 99 Safoj 3099 #9 £
E|S 9012if^L|9. Eef vlffS aI'A!# 7j|7[{b(-c) [[)[ ' 3H)S£9 S9 9
ttjoi i^APdnll rllsll gA|=! as?
9710)| 9fiS ,QHS ^oig|g AE 01^99.
(B) 1 aoii a a AHusai Atigstt, 98121 sa# MLIIAI90 ogoil 9S S99 SS1® sf^SH Sfe'Aia,
(O ya aoaoii gg esa.
(D) as SfiS eSCHStl. ^9 t: 99 5539, A® a#, isnfSE
su^ aa ^9011 'inASaal gall A|)a§a| A1|iJ(Northwood's Annual Ataj 2: 4)9 7599,5x7,6 cm #aj A®, 45iilS£
Clearance Sale!)'0|B|ai gA|E|oja, D(A|g sgo||AiE '^o] g 99 3: 99 10099,8.9x12.7 cm#9X19, eonlga
B|| AOagBI Alia 7IS S°t(during each of the annual clearance 99 4: 4|q| 15099,10,2x15.2 cm 4|q| 37)21183^9 A®, gonfSE
salesJ'oiaiJi g5EjSj°H5 (B)7j §9019.
9?l a variety of cigsi option 99 A(st personal 7||°i9oi
►► Paraphrasing Aise] annual clearance sale announcement M Sai publishing (7|Alg2))^|A||,ant
-> S32| clearance prices once a year jumboo)S0 purchaseSiysm reduced price 1971
publish 7||a||s|c), #95)0) complete ^sSl
electronic form Sal?] °tAi
178 A^Sfoj
eg 019 ga7j ^noii 921 °!A| as7i? SSAi: 0® 921
(A)^Af|go|Bg9S aa «#: m
(B) zf AlHoi gt#o|S AllSlA): 5S131
(C)Z}At|#o|S9 7teeiAlfet
(D)^Af|So|719 7fellH7| gWlAh 51181
All 7lA| At|g as Bsdtem #)2l iAH, £}S|a SJcf. HS1 TlWlSfgS:
ufAKWOOL TR0USERS)2l gsfe W00L0|EIS 5o| AAH1 LjEjyi 0(9 92192) 1 b|E) 9219 51151 efc® 2)^ qitj
cj. 5lA|9 Ajgo] 37|0|| rust gMS Saaa (D)7l 99019, L|c), u|E)0) Aa SIOT A)st0Efe 37)11921 s||2| g|A|9E ngia s)
Sf7i #9 Ag A|gg|A|2| BS13^, 3a|3 SSSf 5,19 9*101 OI^L)
C). 184HIEIE 639 gHjill stgi g°tOBj sllag Jjupi D|^w
179 AflSAltf 9S2I2 BStt 5I1MCK fOSblEfe ESt St go)| ff H ^on A|7ta L|)
eg SE|O||s JU|S tASaoilA) SSIS agsia 9S71? 9 A|7)32| 7ID|0] SB) #a|Hg|At 19 xe°)SA1 gAUf 5!1L|CK #81
(A) Aja 5||a, b|E),3a|3°ros«g^ot7lEg(g
(B) 99 99 S: 92
(C) nW st g
(D) 9 a Sf Hall Aiaasull: H|E)#1
18399 AHf: 9*)) aai 94||
8H9 99 319o|| 1# 9271 MT744S 99 Stedl, g 9a* M9 o| BS
92S a9 HfAKWOOL TROUSERS)# 7lB|7|HS (C)7l 99019, 9?l category IS, S# graduation#! submission a)»
highlight 7®geefSg residency g|A|9s#9 ruraUgsi
honours °S, 29 degree H go on 7IIS 0)97)2)
180 s# cardiologist 99 9^9 general practitioner 19 9£2|
eg SE|0)|a AtlS OfOlE WD|S xlMSDOf t aol7l?
(A) 099
(B) 599 181 Sxll/ssj
(0 1099 ag S5!0|g3E|3O!h7l?
(D) 5099
SE|0||e AAIS a9 HfAKWOOL TROUSERS)* SSiaia aifecll, fta (B) 7H999 4i4J it9
# ag n 7190) 59.99992 92} °iEj. aa|a 9a □lx|B} yatoj Bn (C)9£T1B
9 990)|A| '5099O||A| 150999 SSSS 1099 H|S°2 UN (D) gA) 7|Sj A)b|x
#3EK0rders between $50 and $150 will be shipped at a flat
rate of $10,)'a 5)!°HS (C)7j §90)9.

TEST 4 71
stl-g a mow 5! ssoiw XMafoie a|c|>fe 7N?i»°i aalfe dl Strnm THAI® Sgdext to publish)0||AB 'B|Efe HSf tf goji Sf y ^
yg cfgfsf -{dsij AH®# AlgftcKThe Brighton Reader offers a efoil Aid# moi A|7|J1°| 7|d|0! sal saNoW ^^1
variety of options for making your personal announcement,)' If dfShe will also donate one weekend a month as a general
jji ^Hoog (B)7f §ao|cK practitioner at the Camiden Free Clinic in Chicago.)'0|afai 55°

Paraphrasing A|g2| donate one weekend a month

182 ^ -> gam volunteer her time
<MaloB a|c)>oi| mm ?wg 7A&
(A) ^ABOflTll ttoi7H Afgttf.
(C) tt 7W 0|4}2| 14,10s oisst 4 M. 186-190 ^gAisdmow+oimia+oiDna)
H mo|A| 5J sgoflAI XMafoie a|ci)fe 7||0!»0J AAJS efalfe m if htlps://
SfS cfifsf gaj AflfS# Afgstfdhe Brighton Reader offers a AEBS ^afMElloWg
variety of options for making your personal announcement.)' f982SSey aiz *IB ofa/ mtW t/E' ?ts!
JL Silni, SfEKHI ^ISjSS Ml 7)A| ttm All,® AflAISfH SfoSS (C) Ofsa Aigg n^asiAi gagsfsjAf
7)Sao|aK 0|a|S2| S|A» gzfsis OfSSI! CHiriS o||go||E Ea|g y^,
• m % Si
183 « . 186BJ2 A| gxUfnl tSAISS £7® All AfH|i
• ssm ssg (QHs Eisfsi d-ym gg goiiA) gai)
yq <Mafo|M ait-Dg o® $!2)oil7|| o(Di£ «□!# . oem ogoii# ma Tiiam tas sm a®)
(A) 15ntSE •AffJtm
(B) 45iifS£
(C) eonfgE • WsyametSs 7® waj A®: oiaisoi Jtss gsa uoi caj
(D) gomSH
Afs|7( oiafgei gie # gs as, O|L® ofa|#zB|A| Afa|2| OBE® g
?fij 4fE.t# tas ?5A|7) 0)51 AI2f°lg if ^ Ofn, nJ Dplafol issg&ssniiiE siHMd: sis 7® ssstsim 200
AHf(Options)0|| 'Sjll aaf oii||(Full-colour printingj'efn 5JS) if g gg)£f ISO^HiiiOII SfS MHIXI tiE|(200aoiW i ,oo(mx| gg)
Df. aam a n)|0|A|t as Ml 7W Aflf g am 4(0ption 4)011'
aaf A®, 90mS—(colour photo, for £90>'a Lfsf °ioh5 (0)7) ofafsm g@ss mm 7121011 a# ISAI# owm eAtia.
g?! milestone #afi A|d with ~ in mind ~SSao|ISAH
pricing 7|g ajg fitSSS® budget 01® beverage Ssg
a wide variety of oWS c|°® gift bag SI 7® rent^a®
184 AfltflAIS upto~*lx| treat MISS®
b|E| safe! mas ^^71?
(B) 0171111 aS7l
(omstHg XW: MISal 187if[Jli <>
(D) °lAf #g: 7|aii| 187g2i7| <>
ma thah® ssdext to publish) ss®# ms 'uiew eaa ss xil#: AEHaxjafuafloigA
SB SfiB IfSijl DR0||A| -yg aS2|S. ss= 3(Bita studied for
six years to receive her degree and will be going on to work
as a cardiologist overseas in United States.)'o|a|iL M00^ (D)
7fgao|EK 187ais| s|a|7| s of# gg 0|°S|Oil AEH5 xjalHsjlolgAa o|gWJ7f gte
Ml, s IIAIMIAf cfAjoi 0|## efaf ^ojsL|c|. gg A|7io| e|a®
►► Paraphrasing Al^PI cardiologist n SIAI21 A1H|A0i| a# « 7|X| SSOII a«H gA|a^L|*l? tss^igos BJ
-> saal medical doctor 6H xfs® n S|A|0| gs4 gi7| oi™bx| se|s Si 7® gga ^7f b|S
# xiitt emxi #s ggLid. xfaioiiTii gs g tfpi gsoi gs 188?!S
# em gA|0 S E80| # ddL®.
185 A-telSje! Eaigs son mm o® aAi Etwci,
?!« BiEi afiiei tiisioii MISB amoiiAt SAISIH SJS as? y\£M\ gSA7|
(A) Aid# CHOI AfSSAllf aoiof, g# u|Ai
(B)Afso£5K2ioiiaaoiEK agE|EL|AA|IE|

0|?l reference's?! specifically 187 3*11/^
worth ~ih?lx|7l?)fe impression t?!,?!-^ in advance D|e| »!« 145x71 jmis an 4hoiAM|o||7||3s;g«!!S7|?
(A) iEHn «!a|M5||0|SA7| XlgSIS A|H|ao|| e||8H So|sf7| o|8|)
(B) UMOIITII3' ssaiEOH q® SM* '71 S|gn
(C) C17I2S iA|3 SAI S)A10|| aasi?! °|8H
fj: <kbukowsKi@(> (D) A|U IA 7||Atfi ?ie Allots S171145H
ajAj: c||ga( stDlA <>
SHI 5! S®# oMSjoj 51 gjnii =XK)||A| # ojs 51^ ofosi
yup 21 US!
oil AEHn xja1Ma| 0|^AS 0|gs|3j stfedl, a SIAKHW '03°^
fl|=: S|-y: AE||S-ga|M5||0|SA
SolA ttB i7||5H 'OJC15 ItScK zLam o|o|At 'a sjaisj a|h|a
Oil 361 S 7|x| Sgoll gsil 1 =6 SfULKcould you answer a few
questions about their services?)'^ SSfSHS (A)7l ggolcl
7|^0| AE||n ^a|Ha||0|SAo|| L||S( a 7^1 caigi^qcf ^s|
fe ais x|y 71011 ^ai lOxf 35(1 a|Ai o(°s| a a|AH og^Mcf,
200S o|-y2| 5)14 sjs 7(^101 ifiisSHLlrK o(a| 7|*| Ajaj ajs®
S AfII(e X!fi|b u S|A(7l X|2J III 0(a| c(5 S|A®m'E| ^ «A)E| 188 o—M 5:7|
OH7I [tH^OII XiS| |HA|# 7|S!5lJl tksfe ell AE||n -galMEIIO Ag gsH 5! 3«ll 0|D||30||Af 5! M 33 i4A! 3»ll m -impressions-Si o|D|Ar
al|c|. xfaife zi s|A(oj gal® a|h|ao|| xfs|7| i! ?!o|e| 7® 7121© as?
5 S 7lx( D|fe£| 7||°!S S 45fe 5S?oia2, Lioixltausoi Aiai^Mct. (A)XR
x|tfe a s|A(2| Si g 51 ss a|ss|7|s sufecii, ef^qis gef onc| (B) 33
S50|5!HL|CI. fflA| gS!0||fe SJ|® gSS feg 7|2o||E S'SlIl AE||ii (D)3s
•iaiaanoiSASi SSSS lir *7|a|ji assoiS!^L|ci. -5! s|o| nfl si
7(Soil #o|if S^l S^OI xiasiTi gSE lot ass 7|e!0| 14x13, x|s| SHI SHS S3S 'SaloilTll cfg ' a.gfxl 3301 33 338 mlb 3
£s0| 1 5!(lt would be very helpful if you could send us your
te S# 7(3 SSS Ssisfxi 5USf^L|c(. xfe iEfln ^aiayioiSi#
impressions by the end of next week.l'oiafg 5H30| xl3Aa|o
gSSH EHMcl. HJiL impressionsS '361, Mtj'ola® 3d|S 3.3 5o|c|. zia|HS
diSalOTA ■33'0|afe 3n» x|3 (B)7l 33013.
713 fflxf tiAlS
189 Afyijoj
(Hfl provide A with BAoiItii B#x||gs[c( annual 3ai|2| 33 1®A «|7| 333 mgg gaA7| A|7|'A||$rog S^sfxl as?
hold 7HS|Slc| be in attendance SSslci look into lnlMci
(A) 317®
settle on ~s SSR be delighted with ~o)| ysic| (B) SA
uncomfortably #411!Ste temperature 7g (C)5(S1
cheerful #7|ai enthusiastic SSS3 optfor~fiSS!5lc| (D)SA,
recall 7|2!Slc| reasonably priced 7U|0| x|gs( SH3 5! 3RII 0IDII3 gy^OHAf g5A7| M|fe 'aixjog itSH ZL 5|A1-O| 5!
highly recommend ^R'SSlci 34 3471CHBISXI nau 3# 7(3 §35 ^71 a|gg x|*sr 3
stx| 35 -ycKSpecificatly, we would like to know what the
staff and location were like and whether the gift bag option is
186 worth the additional cost.)'5 Sl3Xf 31 7®, §4, sjloil eHSH
goim. aa|5 ^ 34 o|[)||3 g3¥0W 1014 M|fe 'gapf ® 5
el?! aehs ^!a|Ma||o|SAol| cHsil 9x1=1 as?
(Am-NS^ssxiigeci. Ola® S 7!x| mfeai 7||°B 3E-!i3fe 5S0|SicKAll we had to do
(B)Ai|ssax|S0|°;ci. was make a few menu and game selections)'!! Ifecll 0l7|A|
(C) SISN aws xilgsti. mfe* 3i5i3°°s (D)7i 330114,
SHI 1 iil|o|x|si s B»ll xfuli seoh '82 A| ^xfS4 ax®# S7lfe Paraphrasing x|go| menu -» S32| food
Af^ A|t)|A(Shuttle service between parking area and site if
needed)'?! gA|E|Ol °!2a£ (C)7l SSlO|cl.
190 ^
►► Paraphrasing x|S2| shuttle service
-»S82I transportation 33 xio|MaHA ag2| ^Afe oiclolW aa3!fe7l?
(AjaanlegA aiie|
(D) Ma|x| 33

TEST 4 73
oy = tHnii 0|D||iJ ?H omw A(0|Ma«A a^0| 0|Diia ayxfoi oil aAl salBl #s 38 344
aaf v 4 w. oiuiiij sy^oiw •iOl!!AtL|
Ailfe fflAldl '2003 0|-y2| 51^4 Sjs 7SS0| ^ffltKOver 200
of our employees and their families were in attendance.)':! M 4?! add A to B A* Boll large-scale EH^esj
U, glf^OIW 'a S|Al°| g ® SS AlgSpIS MP(We chose cometo+gAUg~s[7||£|ei realize'lltstl helpfulggfi
to use one of their sites)'II 5S4. aalu nl|o|7;| §13# M3 a focus on ~oil a3B 5fg4 cover 4g4 execute 818®
EDS -aafManoi^Ayf cHoiail ^ gil i7llsi!i Sfecil, =l goli assess 971814
A1 2003 0|g Ag|j- A oife '^EiiCHI oife MHW AJlEKthe
Bridge Center in WoodsorreKtor 200-1,000 peopleO'sL LfSf 3
191-195 Slfl3 48!!! g4A gAft! o|Ai7l 3a|Al7l Eta 8S 4SS# ?|sH AHMg
!!# SMMia S7H6!!g44,192ABStia 0® ssnUB 33s siaslb
a|c|g 7Hy7|t|:S7lM!iAl gggol oigsf 4= Sfe 7|t» 301M7| ?|sll Altt 1lo|| gAi# sah m
Mag ana CIS a4U4EK 01 nsziyoilg S9s bio|£Ei|HM4 SIS asaioi 4
013 SEWOIAl aclb Elg g3E gol 321g44. 7113® SMMlOlfe £
o| MaAlt # Hlo|ME||aHA 4. 3Alg g3fi°l 3 71%g g
bl0|£E||3HA7f 0||H| 3a|X®0l| #34 #393# mi 988|g 49S0I a9E|oi 8gL|4.195'S8 □!
* EHgsfl gg 7Ha J 871 AJEI 40H o|S9 94'2t 3# 2|3gs 5is|A» ffpg A®go| gggog s
(CMDA)7l AJA|8t 3^1 aag 7R 7|| ggsi ag# AigsfAi agEia
S3J=* o|g7| ^sil 9 ££B4 «gSS 483 hi £g# gL|cK 4 gts
sM3. 013 iAfc tsg gasoil AWfligMEf. o|AHg ag 3M* SSlA|7t4 S#SIAI40 ggg 7Htf 93* S4SH gAf|a.
7)1 ggsi gg 7|S|7l 2JgA|, aa| 7|s|2| ggoi yg ggg# SEHB!
a M°| alc-i# ag 4go| 34 Ela USiSgMEh 4?! unveilg7||SM inquiry ^1,34 carry out 818M
AlS) 2^ A®# SgA|7|bA» # o| gAfe 0® Afoigul a 2| Eg moveupS47l4 career ladder 33 4 AfS analysis #3
afMXlsMEl. no longer 4 o|3 ~ oiy effective 6439 reflect 98814
33 vm gAUSI E(# g owaf
191oW!? olAfgo) aao| a gar gffl 7fegs sa gg gaigoi complex #39 would-be ~o| 4411 83, - A|a4
S u(E)LHa Slgdl, a o|#^ ag ggsiTii 3g§i7ii s 334 gg utilize #8814 successful 3o39 register8^314
o| gggoilTll Sgsi ag4 7H3 7| A®E3a21gLlE).
SIS MSSK fi aiaoi a!7| cHggiLl
191 Afl^Alt
of?! evaluation 87) executive summary Mag 7||a 94 CMDA32«9Al#0|ABS?E|3MSg35!fc7l?
document 7|g8|Ei conduct gAis® assessment 87) (A) dSOl AlEAl A|a® AfA|8l!l 884.
on behalf of ~S E||g[r||a)s|| investigation ^Al (B) ngo | gg 7 IS# SS9ch
determine SofMlEf administrative 884 sufficient SStf (C) Mgol 39«0||7l| trg 7ISIS Atlgm.
(D) ago I gg A® AHg# ggsia 84.
career advancement gt! supervisor SaW,
illustrate (MsH# oigsii) #88® state of affairs 89, Sah «II8 M!iAi4 # 9BII 9# 5! gSoilAf '9AIY o|A®8 S30| 9 3#
ensure Bf£AI ~5l7il 814 ample ggS indicate 4444 1 441413^1, a 0|g3 a#o| 3S«o||7|| ggsi £#4 7H^ 7|
suggest (3a|a|) 3§|4 lack gg lead to ^484 t|S M3§li g 1801 871 ttBgo|cKThe responses of Human
promotion 68 in-depth 8Aflfi coverage (SM §4) 84 Resources(HR) directors illustrate the current state of affairs,
findings 43 34 implementation 81, oil since they are responsible for ensuring that employees have
ample training and development opportunities.M!! Si£HM
AAJ ► ► Paraphrasing A|S4 training and development
wg -»394 learning
AIS 48 gg
34 71134
^4^44 192 Al#if°i
d# 43 8Ms A||of gso|| 8^44. A|y 533 489 EHfle
CMDA 9go|| 98118AI9 58?
neaie* ogBAf Tfe A# 01447134x14 OHMAIIOIITII ttoM £= (A) IM #SE|84.
0| EfeAll E|2Jg44. !12||A1 193,195xfe ^ OlClCHOIl SS# Sf (B) oH9 8A|®4.
gSAl OlClOl am|OI4 714, 81, 8712) 3S gAllg 194cl^g BlSS (0 SalAHdl E||8H u1930184.
AHSS Jig 43011 EtfAIS 3S Al|o®L|cK (D) digoilTll u||aE|84,

a Afois 714 'xiisas oia ssaas siy 196-200 9g A|S(0A| + 0|Dl|2j + gt-p)
sfe 5ia#o| oist 4= °!fe 7121# yofM?! ?)sil x|y iao|| -y
X|sh SAf flaKThe redesigned programme is the result of a|°H7^L|E| 9421 tWi
an inquiry carried out last January that looked into the
opportunities available to employees wanting to move up the afgE 7fg4E| -3421 asll ■BIO® E aigc' ag aaa
career ladderj'afjl gj00^ (A)7l Saolnf. A1 @A» #44. ^Ssll SOkm Al97f El7|£ sgstlfe Ag2 A|jE|o| Alg
S §4 Sg ssais Aiasfe 4 wej a¥lL|4. tse oi® SJA^ A|M AI=
AlSOIIAf 9AH51!! 5,000S 0|9°| ?tgio| 995171 mgoii siAig 4
Ag gal 197gi + si7iliagi4El.
xtai gga 424 ^#44
CMDAteSHlO|£E||HHAo|| =oj°^!8|.3|^7p
(A) ejAl? 0 |A1#01 # ^ 5Ji= Ag# SO |71 4 WJ; 198S|A1S4 £3171 Sg ga A1S0|| feO|| 9 @711 HA|s|L|c(, 199
(B) aa|Al7l iE|afe A®S0| ^gsHof It afSsi S#* HR1?! S|A1 tHHAfe m ?J9AB4 A® it@# 1144.10,00004
(C) ei^oil oia Sa|Alo| 4«taa|7|
(□) -eia|AB4 JI?I ggs m si<i» ^71 5 ^SAl: SlAigOl 1A19 SlAofoll 7411944. *@Aia 9«5l7|0|| Sg
Oloilifoi OfA|B,t ggOIIAj li-M D|a|O|0i| $9® SfSSAJ DlClO) @A®a @£44,5,00094
giii|ois) 7|S|, Aja, S7l2f as nigs ANSS 4 @a ®@A1; S|Algol «@A1 ggoii 7|A||a44. sSAte ^A®# @£4
90)1 5SfA||J 5# xeistcKI suggest that you include among
the new training courses one that focuses on social media
and covers such topics as planning, executing, and assessing 7|g gSAl: s@A14 @A®8 @£44. 50094
social media campaigns.)'Jl (B)7f 99014.
40 gkta ggsiAicjaiE 014SB xigAitioii Eg* ^ # a
944.990| Sf°A|g AMI gs,1®!! ^AlE.
194 #°|0i§t7| £99 «A
oimiaoiw m Bhu S2| "covers'st 21019 7® 7|-»is as?
(A) etsjEioi •H?! sponsorWAdAH fund-raising a*
(B) ¥1011 *014
(C) 9711514 raise (a®S) 304, ags® sponsorship ¥5!
(D) 99541 exposure a# cover flxils® spectator Sg primary ¥S
prominently ko|| 947|| promotional materialsaxis
SH9 saHg '4,9 n|401 ani|o|o| 7^ 9714 yo ^|a 429
representative 4a photograph a® 44 associate g-
(covers such topics as planning, executing, and assessing
a certificate of appreciation 3A® suitable 9119
social media campaigns)'a|S 5||90| AigAa|o □ ^ coverfe corporate ®§2| directory 9* participate SMS®
nl'afe sjols aao) ao|4. 40 cfficfe 50a ^xtisf aSS
4te BljSfOlHS (A)7l 99014,
195 ^
94: ea 129
04 JIAIM A|0|| 4611 °}A|g as? Xl|=: lAlA||¥AUf
(A) 3421 A|E AEiaol gaSXlTll ?J7|71514.
(B) 21471 OIAIH 0|A(0||71| Afieitlao| 0O1S494. 0»||AM|7||
(C) aufe CMDA71 s H21A-11S1S14.
(D) aufe Sisgoi 7|S|7l 94S41. I^OIS 1X121 @71 AlfiOll t XfS| s|Al Ma2| qxli AIM* 9gi}L|Cl.
SH9 oimiaoilAI J1A1LI A|S 'AM 0414011 ig# ?}^9A| 0414 9 xtt| 44 @711 ggx® tHA| #SHA2121421 U|A-|71 lAidi ggsf 501
11194 7|Sj, 9i, @714 as cl^fe 49* AHSS 4S 4, XfSI A(0 (Moll #a g aiE* 1A1 A1021 0A1 AJM* @a 9£44.
Oil S|fA||J as 4|oi=.14(l suggest that you include among the 0A| SEflAg 1A10011 SgE 7-1944 ff!4a gstEla AJ 532114 s®
new training courses one that focuses on social media and « gg 04a 001 tWoi. 015101 7tee.tx| a|oi6|| ¥A|a gxi -9211^71«
covers such topics as planning, executing, and assessing A|oi| 3951101 S1*A| 94 ¥A|7| blif44,
social media campaigns,)':^ 14, ll£|jl H A14e 7|A1 ^9^011
#211013 m. £4 X1I4SIA1
AfS 7H92! ssul* ^71|S14 "4* 0414# oigg 2ia|'2i SS 4
9#o| aaixi# Aiifsoi gggoe ss»]s# o|#7| ¥l5ii a
EgS^I ifgS* ojslfe nil Eg* acKCourses like Supervising of?! attach SYS® community relations 40 9711
Using Social Media help would-be managers learn how to assistant aw postTiiAia® confirm sigs®
utilize current tools to lead successful projects.)'!! 9iiH4, 01 pharmaceuticals xll4S|Al
# #5)1 JUWO] Aliefoi @0B4Af 7H9@ neayoii a@E|li:fe a
* if ^SJ°HS(B)7l 94041.

TEST 4 75
199 4S
04 tdAl gai|A0|| Cflsil 9AIS 5S?
aal «|e|i|A|- (A) 7(^44 AjEfoiw am.
61191 as 9AI, 50km Afg7| E|7| (8)94011 §7(tt 5(014.
(C) 94 4§A(4 A©S 4# 51014.
mm Efe Aurss aisoiis SISKJI m swi (D) 409 o | as SSAMI man m.
OI^MLK 2OOAIS7| m ssib IOIAI #5i isa» S7|A|7| at oimia 4 0«ll 14 5! ggow 'cm m ailAH tHA| sei|a2; au]
aw, 01 |5AK)l|fe *!!E|2| SIS ssag ^ Sf^gol SMOIfe g^E SifEl o| H|Ai7l lAldl SfAjt 5!(0ur director of Community Relations,
o| SJ^LICK SAM gs4« aolis 4-164^. Nancy Glass, and her assistant will be attending the event)'0|
a(a m. ala aA|ol|A( 4 tSAKPrimary Sponsor)! 34, 'SW
oi?l depart from ~o||A| #S5tP town hall a® cHfiAfe 94 1§A®4 A© t9# miCompany representative
finish line IsS in front of ~ loll celebration ^§1 iSA( will be photographed with the race winners.)^ fflaas (C)7(
entertainment as;, ol purchase afl §1014.

► ► Paraphrasing a|s°| be photographed

196 « -»§1! have her picture taken
»!« gA|2|c||SSWOI3!b7l?
(A) ga E|X|O|M#
(B)7|lA;|A4fag 200 AtelStS!
(D) 7^L|B| AJE; X^SAtJft 04 |«A|0|| C||6H SAig 5!S?
SH= 0A|°| 5! esf OfAig SSOIIAI '010 lAfe AM SSABOIIAI m (B) A|§7( 94 §9A(fe 7(4419!10||A| saif 5(014.
sia 5,0009 0|go| gggol SfSsPI meoii *S# S19 2iA» l (C) 94! l¥bo| tvm 5io|4,
a| 11 4= IS 5!(Sponsorship would give your company great (D) S! Slo | asm 14,
exposure as the event will be covered by local newspapers 3H§ ga! 4 eM b§o||A( 'a(§7( 34 §!aB! ggsg so(A| ^s(
and is attended by over 5,000 spectatorsjolapn tiaas (B)7( fflA« 17(3 144, lAHXlfe ajieio) m nsnij ^ sj^oi ^
§1014, M01S sga SifE|0( miRiders and spectators are invited to
stay for a celebration that includes entertainment provided by
the students from the center's newest program.J'a tdcf. a!
197 §2|0| 5P| a 0A| 5J lloilAi 'gsN 50km a(§7( e(7|s S§E|fe aBS gE(!
gxlollA) 5! 0»J Ml SHI #9 "exposure'Sl 2(o|§ 7© 7(7;(S a AUS® ®! P.S SSagg A|gs(fe Ml MlcKThe money raised
by this year's 50-kilometer ride will support the new music
(AJiafAlbSK education program at the centerj'a jKcf. 0|^ Sg|| sjajsoi g
(B)as0A|S5te§EH ga aoe ggga oj ^ (D)7( gao|4.
SH9 SSS '^a® 519 S|AB 14 Wi 4 SWI a aiSponsorship
would give your company great exposureColalu 5||A]€!eI. upl
A) exposures 'a#, 14§'o|a;s 2|n|s aaaas (A)7( §1014.

198 45
0! sal A(|!S|A(a 40 gso] sga msis 5! 1871?
(A) 4 414
(OSS 434
Ml a(|!S|A(! *a)|o|a aalfe o|o(ll 5! 8§o||4 'oil SAf! g
a A(£0|| rn 2|A( sa! 4A|i A(Ma g^si4(l am attaching
a digital copy of our company's logo for use in your event's
advertising materialsj'a 55a, 0A|! 4 ^SAKPrimary
Sponsor)0(| c(|Sl Ajgg figi ■5|A(g! Sa7( S.B SM A(S0|| 40(1
S £E|7(| fiAHEKCompany name and logo will be prominently
displayed on all promotional materialsj'a 55°a4 (A)7( §1
104 SAl Ala| _ Sa|AIo| a*jOi®Al + gAl)
101 (C) 102 (D) 103(B) 104 (C) 105(A) 3
106 (D) 107 (0) 108(A) 109(A) 110(B) lia eitt a^OII SAIAl to7f OIJI, bg SfOll SAKthe)7f QlonB a|yg
111 (C) 112(A) 113(B) 114(B) 115(A) SAf AfalOg, (B)2l (C) gAfOlAiy SffljAj- ^gAWsife
116(B) 117(A) 118(A) 119(C) 120 (C) •ys» IJSsfe a'oiafe SHAIOI AfgA^OQ^ 'Af^afe go|g7c>
121 (D) 122 (D) 123(A) 124 (B) 125 (C) 71 gao|cl.
126(C) 127(D) 128 (D) 129(B) 130 (C) A(gA( ^gAIOll °fb Ahjg 5101 ^E
131 (C) 132(A) 133 (C) 134 (B) 135 (D) =0| 1 agcf.
136 (C) 137 (B) 138 (A) 139 (C) 140 (B) 'd?! refer to Egsici identify Al^slci workbench ^igrll
141 (D) 142 (A) 143 (C) 144(A) 145(B) illustrate EfSfl ac( illustrator $iai7t illustration tfai
146 (D) 147 (A) 148(D) 149 (D) 150(B)
151 (C) 152 (D) 153 (C) 154 (D) 155(B)
156(A) 157 (C) 158(B) 159 (C) 160(A) 105 ¥SSSAl
161 (D) 162 (B) 163(A) 164(B) 165 (D)
166 (D) 167 (C) 168(C) 169(A) 170(D) «HAJ 'Oie! ajAKHiE 5)af£|A| afecpam 5i|A|E|0i0f AfgAagHS 'gg -
171 (B) 172 (D) 173(D) 174 (C) 175(A) tESfcr 2J0|2| ^SUgAl (A)7(- g$h0|r(. (B)g y|a| gAKtaxi)7l
176 (D) 177 (B) 178 (D) 179(A) 180 (B) B¥S0|He#oitt4SicK
181 (A) 182 (D) 183(C) 184 (B) 185 (C) S!9f nzpj AMAI ggsfe Old bhawe 4g oiag ^aj0| ^aqAi y-np
186(B) 187 (C) 188(A) 189 (B) 190 (D) Bfl permit stSsg operate Sgsfcf any^B^E suchaia®
191 (B) 192(A) 193 (D) 194(C) 195(B)
196(B) 197 (C) 198(B) 199 (A) 200 (D)
106 SA|AlAia|_A!A|AH-@Af
m BBoilfe !H0|| Lgfe SAfaf atfsioi Ajaa Sjnis Ol^fe gx|Ai7i 1
flShl, 'xitf g7| sgoirait sHAjoi AfgA^oog (D)7f
(B)fe VAIOIE (C)fe s?|g^Aio|ch
101 mm as 7([j||aig gfnHgoi Afcfg7|oi| sniffls sfafsHcf,
5Ha giy ifSJ gAKfood and beverage)2f o|sg o|q|7^ sgf oi?l drop B0lx|cf, S|8f5(c( by-Bg
fe SAB AjSHSfW Stf ■AISS AjEij AfSha XIBttrafe 5|)A|0| xm
Aa-|°HS (C)7f SSOICK
^ #E!||0| SgAfe °!5fe Algs ^B! Alts fllgsci 107 SAIAlogi
oi?! beverage Ss feeag option-ya! a® task BBOIIfe SAKPine Street)2l atmol gAKis located)* ^Aigfe
BAiAf7i aaefhi, 7fa|o|| °ife ggg °)x» l)e)liihs (0)7) ggo|
B. Al^ AfgElg ^igg be located in ipMc aA|g go| L12|-
102 SAfoiSLEH 7HBS LfEfyicf.
sH-a KWI %X\7\ ffloog uiy-o zfaioic^ aj^f floil =»(>|(large ag 7® seoil Aigg EAfBSBS PAIR b)£ gLigo] nfo, AEa|Eo|| o|
numbers of young professionals^ P.|pag #Al°l (D)7l AISB Bel.
Saolcf, (A)2l (Bfe 4SEH0|J1 (C)fe ^SAfolHS &tK)|| SOfa ^ B*! branch A|g directlyBug
£3AOI Ai^easasass)SAiA®s#o«m.
oi?! attract #oISo|ci,Sa|s|c( professional SS^ISaiai, g^7t 108 gSmSARl
811 b glLMIfe SAKrental agreement)# ¥AJS|g gjlcNgAf?) gasla
103 ¥&iitAfyaalAfe BJ=A| gxfBioi A)A]ig gqi 7(|atg 0|8||s)a*
sHa SfoilAi □«# anAf 93Sig°H5 aiss 'Aftaf □i=a|5|| m ?|of ER.
Bal'fe shajoi AiaAgcf, [tfafAf Ifal, A]#afafe 2Jd|°| VAfa (B) o)?! property ensure BaA|-sfTii sr renter BAIB
7igao|cK rental agreement IM 7||g
Sia nnaajufal miJ DBOIM Agaf DgaisB ^Af|a,
oi?! dueoteMefy easily $17)1 certainly ggsi truly

114 olgAl+toSSAf
109 SMW
sH'g yy ^oii oi^cHt! a ^ wf Lfass yaoite g^i- sii^ gAja g^Ais 4SA(7( moib gAtag sow as^sui 'otSAf+to
7f HfiSfcK 5! as 'OIMSIS Ola 4 aws 2)D|012 ^ Bfll ifSAC A®a 4 thats 4SA(7( otMHS 'that+tosa
as 'cnst ^iss m ^ sms ens* oi^s °ID|OIHS en AF°( SEBSfe # 4 fflE(. 0| SSOW to 0|5te SAKprepare)4 =5j
So| g^Afoi (A)7f saom.
0i(containers)S 0(444 =44* eBais^ o|sc|igA(oj
(A)S BtHXI aimfAl ap. siS4A(B (B)7t ■«1|£| dB4 Be(|O|L-|# 4
»i« UB MIS o|A|S|l og44; fflBAlB, OtBtt AffiS 5® 4 5J2W.
Ulsfe BB'olafe gaet 4n» o|ass aaoip,
cH?l available AIBOI as, OIS^B SJS replacement a®
BP 40J 514 AMISa7(A(l0||7|| 81(4 nil# BEIIOIM* SH|5(S BBOII lb
accordingly ^.oil [gat, aalss
SB 5L®tt 51014,
ott session »a«tS#Sfi) A|2,7(2 shipment uBS(«
4Ha BBS eSAKto work) aoiw SSAB SMSfe SA) A)a|0|HS (B) 115 SS|Alxia|_£!*W+9Af
SHt BtKBIS 44 gAKthe October 15 deadtine)2t 3115(4 ^4 m
»!« asfiol AHMS S|7)l sam¥l|0t hSS , aSS saa°s St fiAKreceived)® 4a5(S aA|A(7t Ba8(SS (A)7( ago|p, (B)4
Sti» agMI 1 ao®. (D)S^A(0l5i (OSaSAfoiP,
ot#l training in-el sa^Sl accounting tAll
independent saaB independentlySi!a°s B4 1 OS 15# 0[m 0140(1 S4@ AfflAISS palEIAI as 20(4.
independency Sli (= independence) (H?l application AfflAt process AHslP

in asAioi¥i 116 8SA(A(£|_fi4

8Ha BBoilS ^as ts @AKsource)2f o|o|7i 7® S »§te SSApi SB# BBS beSAKwere) po(|AB 44# figsfe 42 Stp Afaloiss «
loi7|ot Sfedl, 'SSSt fflS'olalS sBaol AiBAaioo^ (c)7t m SA(B (B)7( aaoip. gA(£ 42 614 4tt# 14 51a|B, (OS 4
Olc). (B) variousS 9A|-o| SSt^l AtgE|S£ SSOIc), 4(complaints)4 %mAP\« 4 #7(SS(p.
BS BEiut 24#s ssf^i ss aea ?» UIEM □mitai sg nass atuioii *BSssmb, AISAI gpnuoiAon lbb sets hi
asaoia^siEt. Ha H#S!C(.
oi#l nut orchard 44-® source tS nutritious 3^4feg o)?| express aB5(c( dissatisfaction *Bg complaint *B
relatively H&a, aLBa°s rare ES rarity 245)AUKS)
rarely 714 ~ &t(
112 SSAlxfal.SA^
sna BBS SAKa)4 SAKsponge) A)0|o||Ai SA® ^'StS SSA) Ata| 117 S^S^ALor
OIMS (APtaao|4,
sHa B2 g¥S0l| gAIS SA(oj '4S5pKordered)'4 B2 ^14 'Sgsfcl
Bg A|oiS4 7tE|0||0|?t# aasi StaisialB DHB AfSt 4 44Et (purchased)'?! cBest B7||01hs S4a4Ai7( aasfp. pafA) aiB
O0)^Ai|fi. 4 4D» ppiBs gga^ACB (A)7( gaoic(. fors gga^Ais M
44 maintain SAm 44541 properly 41841 moist 444 OIAIB aoil L(2S 84 LBSOII LBS o|^S o|#o(ot s(hs S°i!a°S
moisten 44bHa|4, 44S4I sp) moistly 44541 S. 4Sa|A| an poll 444 SA(7( l(2|o( 5tp. since4 wherefil S
aaaAe po(i 444 gA(7( L(4ot stci.
B4 4124 m BAISI EHS SI A(01MO||A| AtBOII 4S5i7lL( ESfSBAl 4
113 ¥AICH?I 41)4 44.
8Ha BBOilS 4^ bs ®SAKcompetitive)4 4d1aI a® a SSIS "A) PP special exhibit#^ BAlsi order4S5|c( (n advance Afflai
y\ saiJiot #t(. 'aa 4 ggoi asBAisoiats snaoi AIBA upon arrival EpsiAfoiAi
bs 244sait dmis a^toi aa 4 gaoi asHAis ssst aisoiiai as
8(7148B ssaoias 5!afioi §4. 118 SAfCHS.EH
0t?l research 44 strategy S4 vital 1(444 survival as sna BBS 2*BgA( which7( oms a 44 oA( A(a|o|cK BB poll #
competitive aasiS skitlfully#M|oi7|| increasingly aa AKrelease)4 Sa4 41# V 4 2te gA(7( sons 4S8 SA(ej
accidentallySBsl, a=5(ot meaningfully 4n| 2141 (A)7( gaoip. (Bis 47i Bia°s 'i&Eifesomvm siaps

?! ^ xlt^oii Hjag ^ 2°] 34^ x|e(o| go ^|5]71 ¥]=(
4x^9 i°]5|o| ica# eiggt]. 124 ¥AfA]a|_gSA]4Ai
g?! reflect ygsic] resource ^ release Ifasic] Sffa beSAKare) 4011 ao](8SA]) gift sife SA|A]4(in favor of)7] 01
°HS 025 SrlAp# AAig]^ 5a] A]a|0|cK 4a]Af 'gEAjog'af
4 4n|# A|y 5A]9 (B)7] g#o|cK
119 ^Wa)?] ?!«i 321 A|« 50ft5 Mg SSI 5S]8]7| 45]] 5890 34ES# #2814
2011SESSS SSSc],
SH-a QxlARio] gAKefforts)2f ggo] gAKwas defeated)?] CDs® 0]=
a Sf°HS '-oiie M^sm'afe gnig gx|A(g (C)?] gaoic], of?l suburban 32|x|a]o| in favor of ~o!i 92814
relieve 4S]a|7|c] congestion #S overwhelm 9£S(c]
a]!!?! oiis?®^ tgoiiE |jc]|o] 4 lh xfg?) es2| ags overwhelming SEsg
AHaSsiAfe A]|gfs O|A]| 4lEI2ic],
"l?! resurface (e^aga xflassK:] defeat nlMA|7|c(, ^AfA|7|c]
throughout ~EAfoi| besides ~ 2|o|| versus ~o]| a|8i| 125 SAfofsi
H4! 025 5SEI! gA]2| 955, gmoil 95?5 SA]# sajgijo] st]. '#2
120 ¥AfA]a|_gA]^ ilSoi DBofScCatE siisoi A]2Aa]°ss (C)7] g#o|c].
s ag a]o|E gg5521 gwjtoii oign A# OIAA|O||O|AS 4542oigoi a
Ha SAKhave risen)#i^A] A]a|o|HS (C)7]Sao|c].
ag aa 7WIS2] oiejs m St]$!g AHSS 7]5!! Alisa #A|tt o|*m 44 of?! equip 4U|# 257(18]c] attribute ~ Heoia® of7|c]
SI S7]?i!c]. coordinate2S8(c] concurS48(c(
of?! profit olS environmentally friendly SgiistA]?]
line(A]B2])ga steadiness47| steadily^PSSl
126 SSA]A]a|_gA]4Af
121 §A]0f?| Hb 025 2AKa)2] gAKkeyboard) A]o|o||A| gA]s sss]5 ggA] A]
a|0|2S (C)7( SSOIc],
SH^ ta7|°| gAB § SAIA] in4 A]4 ffJll AfgElfe ^jog specialize 04 45521 a|n||S es# g=E1 hi#5 401 9 5 94 7|a£7] gaf SJc]
in(~# SSES Sfc]), consist in(~o|| gc()o| gc], galjAt S|A]7] 2
SES Sffe 47|]6]3 5JfeS^OIHS. (D)7] 0ao|c]. of?l removability 0(55, ttfa® remove Alpfs®
removable 4of94 94 removera||7-(a]|
eg #a]o|£a]g EI|3#SA|AO 7|ss pioie]# sppsfe 2
# 95 °S Sc],
of?! archive ®A|-7B®fi45|c] retrieve e|3|c], 54S]c] 127 SA]of?)
interest 5f#85c] inspect 9as|c]
nu 025 that# 40f2| 25SA| fla Ai#o)2] ojnpf s ggHof m o
oflS '12# gal t)|#o| 0192J o|®x|# yens 5!o|c]'a]4 sbajoi a]
122 SA]A]a|_s&gA] 2Aa(5H5 ,y|#'0|a]4 ga]* A|y (0)7] gso|c].
04 $15 9a]A]|5efaiigoi s§8io]| ## 9711957(15 tygga] u|io|
sil'S 090114 Sf2J gAKtelevision)2] Stflf 4 94 #a]7] SaSPI, 55H
0192] 0!®XH 5 yens 2O|B]3 O||SS]3 94,
U 'failtilS t## xfsH'afte sifAfoi AigAa-ioo^ MugA]# 0144
(D)?] ggoic], of*! surge## analyst5971 surpass47441 division5#
fraction 9555, y® ratio h|#
sg A® »tE!A]t5f2]|U|9 3#853ggS]3 0IC].
0|?l mayoral AB°) expose Ea]L||c],EtA|7|c] exposure t#
128 SAfOffl
123 a^A]x]a| f = eJ45 SAII2S 4#EH SAfoll SStEio) 9°S5 40](assembly
instructions)2] 2|a|7] 7]® S #S]4 4A(|| 4481(0] stc] 5ok®
H# 92 4011 40f(the payroll office)V] #AKcan distribute^ 0|40]9 'ill -SSAi?] 24S]E|9C]'a]5 5||Aj0| 7]® A]oiAp.]Oa^ (p)7|. g
SOI L]2] oloog WiAfo| (A)7^ ggo|c], #0|c],
tHta 5,igSa ggpts S## 144 g A oiEg £k S£z,p| go 04 3® 10011 q|gS]o| 481 a]#0| Ha|o|| r)]® Eg sgAf?] y4S]E|9c]
A|27»H1A]|1SH0]BC], of?! in response to-oil lbsskm instruction #SAf
of?! payroll office#0(5 distribute u||S8(c] paychecks# acknowledge 2SS]c( estimate 5g8]c] control a]|o]5|c(
so that ~s]es in order to + SABg ~s]7| o|5H simplify afssisfc]
that is #, c]A| gsHA] in case of -4 g°o||

129 ^<>1*1 132 SSAlAiaL@Ai^g(47lgAi)

sH-a yyollte 4^] ate agAKsizedM °]D|7f 7fS S #Ste ^A^7^ #01 8Ha 0| ifigS fis|| a classic dining experience (which is) influenced
7K)t m. '^aswi 37|7f ojoia'oiafe sliaoi ABAajoss by our regional heritageOHAf StIIcHSA) whichg begAfa is
■sjasfTii'ste eiDi* Aiy (B)7f gaow, y\ ggg ^20|HS (A) influenced7l gaolcf. gigA) i^oll Lfsfe
<^g STllcHgAH-beSADfe gst 7fe5lclfe a* zigBil ^xf.
bh« c) a a^° cj asoiil-ixis Atssiss flAta aeoii sjt gaea7i
a oiioiaa agswia.
sized a7|7i on?® affirmatively Sagas.
appropriately gastfi unexpectedly ojigas, ^toil 133 7isg_iA|
extensively S^TlslTil stia xfaa Dl^NS If you should prefer more casual fareOW If7f g
a(2|It ^CHSf gAf?) £A|E|CH Should you prefer more casual
fare°i oi^oi g goiHS (C)7i ggo|cK 7isa oigg e^i oi^s
130 SAioia_Eii <Should+^oi+SAl)afe gg xigsH jgxh (A) Because(~Sl7| tins
oil)£i (D) Though(uH -AiMfe s g g^Atoig spie ggg gtf
8Ha SS ?ft>ll beSAKwas)7l 213 ^iofl to^gAKto lead)7l L(a 21cK SlAl ag. ££81 (B) RatherM, £5|af)fe ^AfOlaS gAf 30||Ai m
aw 'persuade A to+gAffia(A7l ggsfcp'a 4^«S '
be persuaded to+#AfaS(~SlE^ agE|rl)'7l MS SS2!* 14
B« Ssoii cue3a AH mgoii sfss mis ^aissss
134 USAftHfl
saun# OBE^ aggss.
oi?l owing to ~ ffHSOII, ~sanlSfoi persuasion a^l sH-a ees aiAl7f xigg gg(Sweet Shop)# 7la|7|fe (B) our
persuasively agg 21711 7) ggolc). (A) his(32|), (C) another(££ c®, (D) this(0|)g

135-138 ^Al
21 lOU
131-134 3IL
aie aufmia, xig dhmai
n||M a|tH a|£E£ 2x||2! 0R2| xie gg All SS HE giWI 2tfe fial fflS o|#aioieA|A
Alia# gAfflLici, 131?® gg 2!E X(S| gae aimaa a|xED?jL|cK aesAisaHH
4>g ggoi 2!fe ok ^gg#oi xig ggai 132gi?§ e# ngxais g sS!, AfEA7lHa|0|l4 27015
A( ges Aigsii sgLig. issaiof hc) ggge gA# gssiAig #H -iji ttHla)|SA|4l
s 3io| gs mialAoHAt tiis ea» gcHsH hhuic). ne i34xia| aoie
^0|| si sxixi ^All n||o|z£saB #71 HAlie. sse asMl^uf xipf ae oi#a|oi°iA|xoiiAi ge imiuias K^sibcii h# 7iaoi es
Z10I1A1 #41 AEf goiAl 2!^ Aia| ggs wm SE S|40|l oigge 52J e xi e g aoii moi 135gaHL|cf, aioi gofxixi essjoia.
ME. X||7f Aia|xti0|| eesHAi 136^21011 gxipf 2m o||7|® im, eo|a|E g
#01 Cg « A®SH 0| Ex«l CflSII #91 SHCfS SJOfe. 1373L=j7f cfg
o|#l culinaryggg.saiai taste?®,7Is classic3gg°i as Kal 0||2» go| ®#L|cf. X® 7|X|E °f^a ARiag h# 214 sg
heritage Eif feature-S^S^ssict 3E e a®h e En ex» sbssih, xwi gamiH sksixi ^21
seasonal 7111°! handmade EAl|e| ideal oiggei o|fi. X1E HE eK#0||7|| KAfsKEf Its 138«S A1ti|A0|| CBSH o||7|5!!
destination ggAI C|E m ifaf salHxf gxg £944.
131 m sajoil
01 $| district Aim appliance 7® xlg purchase H^Jslcf
e« (A) gA| miEb OH^ SaiSLig.
(B)A)S0||of§g4E®im flat-screen television S3 imiu® defect sfxf
(O 7® gg sifc 4=1 ggg aimffla miAsirauicK warranty (H)SS(7®) expire etsm telephone gsfs®
(D) 7® °I7| 2itr sa|0||E #tttf t|gg£ S#L|I4, associate g# in fact a®S, gxiK technician 7|#xf
appointed time ggE a® fix3A|cf charge (HISS) SKS®
8H^ Bltf EOII rn® g^OI 2!# OIK ESfS«lts award-winning
oiafe ao| ufsfecii, 0(71ai its7f 7ia|7iE ggoi g Egmi \
Of SIHS (C)7i ggoicK

"l-fi advise itale) branch A|g much-needed ^fiae)
SH*I gJC!- S^oil thatS ^7j|c«gA[0|2 -yiAfe a flat-screen television renovation 44 zlli teller 815 transaction 7)aH
0|CK BJLlOilfe i^loll Lfafe a defect* s*jo^ flat 4. oit §Al7l process A)a|5)c) in addition affl, 7llc)7) available o|S7gs)
sattqi, S5}2| A|A1|7f 47f0|HS (D) devetoped7l g^Olch (A) patience gri), ggg
developol *A10|7I §IA|°1 El^2J ^ol(a flat-screen television)e|
^£1 ^AlElAl yoH5 Saoi S 4 (B) developing^ ggAfOI
SI (0 developments SAfolss *Al 30||A| sjtfsW as. 139 §a)0)5|
m uog 8AII* SAt sg as twi mv 4 5ts. ¥i°i sssia) oi
7pJ set S a#0||8 S aatt fi4 gA)7) ^AlssiDuring this
136 SM fHfl period, the building will undergo much-needed renovations.)'
m 5! SHU ElsfOIIAl '#101 Li° 5(0MA) *71 asacKThe volume a 5!!S, cciaW '41 5tta) efloil 8S eWfe sbsoi sag)^ (c)
became so quiet that it was difficult to hear anything.)'IL jJS closed(et6!)7) SefolS. (A) reserved(a^S), (B) cleaned(Si
HS (C) sound?) SEfolc). (A) power(Eia), (B) lightinglSS), (D) B), (D) fundedfAgol AlfiSfe H4 8D-liS 5)DS)a| yc).
size(H7|)S SS ggijAh 5j|js)x| ac).

140 SA)A)a|_gA)°|=wo)
137 §01)0)1 gtSSS^a?) na aaollte SA) undergo°| SSA) much-needed(s US
ag (AiziSAfeoMssiiasiAiaa^Lis, 6.1)21 441* eta SA)7) ss^iot m. set a2| sgoi ggs •*)
(B) Z1L=17) eg ys 4B| 0)10)2 go) 5!^L|e), 4 gSa^l 7tfi)) 7gE( 7||a(improvements to the teller line 1
(C)S|A|oiWS)*ssnsgL|c), and transaction counters)'8 a4 oA)2) sao| qjodb (b)
(D) A(s A)b|AH0| agg 7msL a^SS. renovations?) g&fo|c). (A) renovatedS SA)S 2)7)go|S 2WS
moi ^IOII sss SA}O)|A( 'Afs 7|A)S ass aisss aa A)0|il, (C) renovatesfe SA)o|Ha *A) go)|A) ggo| D 4 one)
JDSlIn fact, the technician arrived a little earlier than the (D) renovator(SiAlA))8 gA)o|A|g galjg sjfjg^i of,-)
appointed timeJ'H SJc). aa|ag. 4£| o)|°M SSS gA) L)
2)o) s)ss (B)7) gaois.
141 m Sa!0ll5ffeS§tJiB7|
Ha (A)s8 7tBiis^»iassH4Ai7|B)ass.
138 SSak»S| (B) aail 2J0 URAII8 acBa SSlsMc),
SH® a ssoiw '7|A)7) si aise g E|( gX)|= gugsj^ 4a|H|E (o etga sbioiiAi g# 4 eiscp),
(D) mas 7;|A) ES SSDSC).
B&tKHe fixed the problem in less than one hour and did not
charge me for the repair.)'H 8i°HsL 0| S5)S Aia|A m etOllA) m a4 SAKrenovations)0li a® ah®# 7|gg)«c).
oil CNSII 501 A)gAgD) sa)A( (A) excellent(S#5l)7) ga tttaiAt 0| 480)|A18 a4 SA)a gtt *0fi sixixi g 5011 c||s|| A)s
0|c). (B) poorfSaaS), (C) extremeMEMa), (D) disappointing sfe 501 A)eiAS8sa (D)7) saois.
(^gfsEias as sg^ei 2|D|S seijA) SISIAI ac).

142 SA)0)5|
139-142 SA| «Ha 8D-5g '7)5))* X)E|S)8 01 A|ofE|8 OJOI ss S'oiafe sbajo) A)ga
a)8Ha (A) delays?) SEfOIS. (B) decreaseslSi), (C) sales(oB
«, (D) estimates(agA|)fe 24 §9"^ *)|f8)A| gs.
io|S ^3 b(g Asag A|go| 4S Stta) egoll 139^2 ugc)^ ws ej
s aass 017Et set a atona * BSsf 140^4 gA)n ^aisss.
oigoii sa gsiaa) 7(01 7)8e)2 7110# aews. 141Mas jw hei g 143-146 SA|
eg Aig* oisstAig agyo) 7-1011 A)a|sife 01142Aig£ia yo| as
age), aa a(s sa)g gg AtbiAs: Tfl^sHAf 24A|7) o|S 7|SltSct. 2?H 0)7)A)S°l H(A)
SsaiSAiSAisg^nsi sjg
S^SB 4A)Ai aAfSSS. 1999BA| 0|0|£ 01|b|V
Alia silxi n|o|0l|a|,#aa|S33133

mn 3V 2=^soii 1439=II ?i2 m ttai sum 2RIS DiaHl LtEta t gxig gaAt7t EtgAKevents)0|fiS SAf
CK 01 iSAte vm Alfiiai 7®S2g iAHMq. 144x|y SStHlfe 2003 E t ejxi gow 7tt5tAi get.
0|4}0| S8Hfe tfAjApf C| a# 5°s OlfelSUL °!^L|^. Hil,h
SIOII AfAjSHs 501 HJAfeiSI 145S|aS0| Ml ^ A|lfS2t ^
saioii afe as 1250W21 ^ 7\m a ^ at m aaaMoh
oiy isAfe aaaoiwiE ^atiAia, aAia asi tss

m a(ifS|o||A] sjAf ^Sgg^M^, A|lfO| asAia 147-148 OIEIS!

555H3181J£AW gg}««^A|£.
Aits asAt, aimaioie m AIUIAIA A||=: EE: o|#A||ag
HE; 51 teg, 1:30 P.M.
otfi association Sfil professionalSS^t hold ^£|s|cl fiSMM
career fair flaa^si participant 5.PIAI attend Sf-aspl
A1E7I o|5 Elagoil EE fiS «IE o|Q||gs HEhLIE. s!go|| ggs c
terrific ME #S network with "-£ia^8tc| open^Hyg
affiliated with ~o|| admission as enclose SSS|cl a|A|g, 147iit7l a»||E SBOIW oie xilagt 25HaiE t7t Egog £2
10AldlAt fiS 2A| AtOIOII 7tg|tL|Ct, tgSJiWt ^Efi 81^ E0|| A1E0II
take place aa|cl enclosure SSSl 5
711 EES tAfot AlE7t tEsllAl fiEQil ZHES 501811 £15 EtMct, t
gw Eg fiStSlA|7| [iBtoil ^fifefi® 6AIEAI OB xtiag# 8H 50
143 SgAlotfl xi tigsH tAit aa# tAiatLpt?

SH-S ^|a| sgoilAf '0| IJAlt gxtlLt 7® S gg lAtadhis is always alAltEE

our biggest event of the year,)'# gilSlct. iila(A| flg HfifSIt S#E G||A3, DIILIX1, Et7| AillE SM
ong aa|jl gets 5# a t SJ2S5. (C) annual(gaj|g)o| S&'OI
c|. (A) tirst(5! a«l|2l), (B) privatelAtajg), (D) onlyl^HEit at E« check-in l^lAllHg available oiS7fetf
qdha} act. additional txtE request aSstl ahead of time npl
make arrangements tEStct, ugtstct reply HESIct
confirm stgsict
144 Sffl|0)l9fefi92a7|
?13 (A) A|B SSOIIt 2003 0|A>0| Apraggct, 147 ^11/=?!
(B) E-NstM t SltAl AtlTtl Sfal tfe'Aia.
(C) ERIS saieioiw astt 4= SJhMcI. oimigE^ietggg?
id) gas d|oiohd|oiiai aia a lick (A)SE8^38fe5
(B) ail gaa||oiE*xtBStt 5
sH-a ^ig SSOIIAf 'SSHfe E^At7t c) as 5°s ot|A(stcKWe expect (C)^Hfi^SlE8tt5
even more participants this year,)'!! fflcK aicfg ats ?fO||t (D)0||E8Sig5|t5
b|a 7fest aw gaoi g^Eife 501 AigAatoo^ (A)7t ggo|ch m 5 saow o® xiiHgoii m omnia ggctji g^st s. ^71 a^i
0) SiEIAf 0® Allagt 25=2121 ®7t HlSfiS 2E 10A|0||At fi*
2A| At0|0|| 7ttStcKat the Parker Square Hotel early check-ins
145 SMOj?! are available between 10:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. for an
additional $25),E aSSlH 0^1. 0|t 0® A||3go|| 0=1 s^E Sf
sii-a fflA| Aigoii 0l7lAla|g BfApl '-isalcl xlal x|s SS7t SSI S|E
(President, Florida Association of Dental Care Professionals)' m issit 5oihs (A)2t saoiE.
os lie got. aaies ggoilfe 'sia'oiEfe Efopt ElfsiES- (B)
members?! ggo|ct. (A) studentsfEcl#), (C) patientslEAl#),
(D) salespeople^?! AfSftS fit tD-!!E ^ttSPI got. 148 AlltAffi
BE fiS Ml7t i?EE:l t*|0||7|l gsfsBOt sit 7® fet Alga gx||g7t?
(A)fiE IQAplXI
146 on AWI (B) fit 1 A| OOSslxl
(C) fit 2A|»lX|
0A| 5 SSOtlAf HtasJAl 31 2g(March 2)o|| aacffi mji, 0|° m (D) fit 6Ap|X|
sg exit tttasioii AWSH aate Soicl. utafAf ESS|fe d|2« a® SHI oimig otxlE SSOIIAI 'fil fit 6A|7;tx| o® xtiags Jf 5gx|0||
oil ggctt 5S g t gfiHS. (D) will take place7t ggolct. (A) rHSH SE# 811 gaKcould you please reply today by 6:00 P.M.
were taking placet E2iac!90|jl, (B) took placet EElJOIfi to confirm that you are interested in checking in earlier?)'jl
S ami goilAf ggol a t act, fi7| (C) takes placet MSfiS MfifiS (D)7l 890®,

149-151 33 8114! m SBBI '0||°t0| 840 as» SlaKa reservation is required.
Call 705-555-0121 .)'S 5!!°HM (C)7l gaoicK
ait| a|x| 149i7|a ag
41 16ii SfaiJ 6:00 P,M.-8:30 P.M. n Paraphrasing x|gp| Call -»8921 Make a telephone call
ani a|x| Affl, 225SXI sfloj
gxnnmM ±7 m at anemia.
S#xh 152-154
, 150CH mMaixKJigxH, (xlgpn ¥IS cut, ass 1 7\E\ xjg> A|E|5°|
xixf M5.|fi OtgnlEjA
-210/2/ wm » 2WWS/ x//sg/xy/
»451 eesA?!, fia(o|Ali 4iiiDf?i! AS4
• a-gj -gaiBl, an] a|x| xtoi go|s| j|g 154(C)Ag¥El ^3! alppi 2|E ^Diigon [Hg| 25% |jo| Sjluja m-OAHs
• 0121AE! es, ai£Aaa|y Aiu|A^o^ 15416)^010 MB|M 0(#n|E|A dhsow gDHsfe SHI Ha|s oi#n|EtA 1
SSSb ^0|X|et,151o||2fO| m^SJLICK 705-555-0121a 5!Sl 4X1|fi. X10|E(M# 3S BOUTDolIXt gateio^ ?n||5fe 51011 E| iD||
P.l 21X121 P|x||o|| c|]e151Xlla1 LUg^ Isixfoi 9X11011X1 aoHEfe aa|M oReIeia jjgoife AgEixi 9#l|ei,
events# SISsll 4XIIS. 154(A)sio|O JH-ii 3;|| =a;;W 7(^^11:1. 152S||gEte ^
o)?l town hall x|S panelist a#xi moderator(SS 51X1 9#MC1. 15381, ets# 1 7|E1 "-HXIIxlalollg ga# # A OJ^lici
authorxtxi loan ^11# grantasg resourcesxn,xm li 4S Spoils AgElxl 96MC1.
entrepreneur xlSxl council Hsisi merchant ^ dW Xg gSSjOj S|-y niag xl|go|| c||st
admission tJS(s) reservation oflef agenda 21x11. otg X1I4 xift# stojsixna.
149 ^1/^
^l?) outfitter012®#subs makerxl|4X( qualityagaj
»(« gcfg QOJS ^TlJITi oig71? apparel 2|# purchase 4d||51ci, gom#) outwear all, S#
(A) cfletsi gxiisf yei apply to ~oi| SSEPl retailer AnHgxii good
(B)^g2i XHS^siisai
(C) 47191# ¥lffi AS Htaai eligible xiso| 5fe eyewear (etS ^sj^sgo|) oigs
(D)X12J4S|o| current fix||o|, S82| promotional offers tLUS xig
sHa SEf2| X1|=0| '47|g £g(Smatl-Business Forum)'0|Jl, a 01a||
oil '2#y°( gxi! xrstoiixt gxjoj 471901 4 ofe ygs un
152 Af^Allf
t) MaKLearn how your small business can succeed in today's
economy.)^ 5!J°HS (D)7l §go|c1. »}« 4=g gojOII Alga A O;JJI^7(7
(B) sHsaij
150 (D)g21
B21 afflxw cm gxia 3®? 8HS Ail tHnB 9^011X1 'SHSElfe #=011 sssi xNejoi SJcKEligible items
(A)ania|x|oi|xti. include coats and jackets.)'! MSSM (0)71 Sgo|El.
153 4^
4H1 5!ixi°i EH tdMaixioil cnsH '<71971# ?|ei ens, m 7|e1 xHfi>
x|a|A°| xlxKauthor of the series Loans, Grants, and Other ylg ME|# 0(#E|E1A01| CHSH °rx|g 5jg?
Financial Resources for £ntrepreneurs)'alJl 5i!°HS (B)7l §9 (A) XIH# aa|M 0|#E|E1A nHSoiWy 49tt4 StS.
0|c1. (B) 1 ao|| t! 3 ffl?!# xigsici.
(D) 98 2|# 8S0|ci,
SHS All H1EII estdlAI '89, era# 9 7|E1 9HAi|A1a|oi|g #4# # A ojoi
151 AfiUlff
(Cannot be used on shoes, eyewear, or other accessories.)'!
SM isxidi AfAjsia x,o A(1[fio ¥2!o §1|0| gte7f? W. OB #811 Mai# 0|#E|E|AO| A|yaE Ol^ or
(A) DHa40|| 5C1. 4 9°HM(c)7isao|Ei.
(C) 5!Sg m. ►► Paraphrasing xgo| shoes -> 892| footwear
(D) §212! gA® xiBetl.

154 Any m 156
an S2! MOIIIM AfiJOl o[y 5S? 0 M|o] bli7|0 0A1I Atsots geisr 5017^7
(A) e ^AI oiaa e^tui AISS 4 M. (A) 23 9A| 500
(B) seta anilMoil ABSJ 4 sw, (B)2» 12A| 450
to xiffla xpj gefei o gtt ^ m (C)2* 1A|
(D) MS nms. Aiism (D)2¥4A|
tm (A)fe All SBD EW 5! SSfHIAl ■«£!£ m 3711 §=7;|a| 7^5^ ol|A|A| ojARfOD °f A|0 '000 23 9A| 500 Ss!(Departing San
(Discount is good for up to three itemsj'fe L||go^ AfAjojOl 4} Juan 9:50 A,M.)'0|al2 gf«2H0. (A)7l gB0|cj.
eiaa. (Bfe ^ SHii aa 5! saoiiAi 'las DHSOIIAI ^nHsfe 5
4 A|O|E* #§« safoio^ ^DBsfe 50II aSS^KDiscount
applies to purchases made at Britton Outfitters stores or 157-158 0A|
to online purchases through the Britton Outfitters Web
site(Coupon Code B0UT1 .)'te LDgo^ afojm aa|n (C)fe 5! S 31 230
Sow 'AB^Ef 11 3ia7;|A| 2|^aDllgo|| CHS 25%-i1?! S
bls0 EH A|
oaKFrom now until January 31, enjoy 25% off your purchase
A7|0| s|o|#a|n(yA
of outerwearj'fe LBgo^ tjojEjci gsolfe AjS 7jEH5fe na®
(first-time customers)o|| CDS 2!m0| 3(°RS. (D)7j SEfO|cf. 7320AI 0|ASMa|Al22
gas, SsaR 32803
n® AM
155-156 m SAHHIAW ^£13 Bet7|#B0IW A|o| 0I1L1AI a® ay 00® 512 °£l|c|. ois g
ofSSI 8:44 A.M. sh Aiaib a® 01011 E«g 3AI0S SaIs® ci| ggg 0-2 oi^lr, oja)
0® S|e)71 ?|iE«Af A1I7I C) 0® Kgat ElTII ^012. OUSMCf 3A|7l ED°f 0)1 Id A | 7|0SS 5A)SH 0 * 7|A)o| Algol Ala|oj mflo|| 7® wsigf
tal ESftt 710112. 0IA112® 4AI OlTlia S|0|0|| AfStt 4 SJOR El2-a9SMcl.
MBj 2E|S 8:49 A.M. 1
®A)a| 0SOII g*® ACF34 3A|tt aiahjoii cdsD ^S|b|s aatf cHsg
SaM|2! OIAII £S|S|A|U12? SIJOIW Aiaol g25|A1|2? 0 a|fig 110)227) 9SS 29 29L|C1. 157^ Tjgo g7| o|S|| 407_
o}Ss| 8:51 A.M. 555-0173022 A)|7)| BSS ^A|58^L1E)? EfSS 7Ra|gi^L|R.
2* 12Ai 45S0I1 ssttt 5! ascll Aiaol §2SD2. 155g|f US AIBIaq]! aa|0|E||iR
SSISHAI Itaa egoll CflSH 0B7|5H ?A1|2. A1|7( 717| SS}U1471 Sl71g2. 03 7|gA|
■a® eE|2 8:52 A.M. «Ei0, «2aR
%3!hL|C1. tse ga71 CHSTII E|S?
otsal 8:57 A.M. B?! solar panel ED93AI0 look for Scl decrease SOR
A|3E1|AE OliOl 10453012, 156A(Soh£S 9A| 50@ a^O|0||2. 7|0R)!01 to this end o® 032s install SaIsr municipal ar
2.6^6 §017102. LjgOIIMla, research saisr. efoisc) fit3t!SR consultation-oi!
determine SSSR, IfolLDci approximate cdsmoi
5!§ look forward to Rsl?!® 7|cdsr
oi¥l cancel ?li5|c| attend SSsn land Wlcl.sstsicl
ride SB!, Affi depart MW board t,h§S SA|5|c| 157 0All/=w
09 0A»0O|g0g°!07)?
155 o|£ n(o| (A)S!°ISS95l7|?|S«
(B)a|A| 7)122*^05171 ?|SH
23 8A| 52S0II 2E|A M|7| ■^^L|c|.-a(2 # 1£H a °|2b 051013)! (c)9f^sa7i¥isH
S7l? (D) SA) 7)14)103§l71 T)SH
(A) Of UI0II71I 3113S* 50 R. 0A|O| 5) gafg 0A| 037)0)17)1 ED9 0713°) ^A|s o|S|»r
(B) 2S32I 391! 50 R, S^DSRS lhso|2, 0 SR« EfsfS *9 SaIS A|Aaio| u)®#
(C) S A|7l uses SaeDof tRb ell goltR.
(D) BSB Sa# 301SS 50R, 930)27) ISN BBfi 29510 LHSOIE). 2a|2 Sog •A}a Qjgs g
71 f?|S« 407-555-0173020 05,® ifaKMay I ask you to please
2E|2 At|°| as 8A| 51S0II Of At|7| 'gt 2# A1U|A01| SSfsD SB contact me at 407-555-0173 to schedule a consultation?)'2
0 09011 cDSD 0D7|5D ifaKPlease call the airport transportation 29513225 (07) SIOIR.
service to tell them about the flight change.J'ol VSS 5o|| CDS
sssa saoR, a wig oi tw ^aon 2s ABoi 2? 12 » Paraphrasing a|0°| schedule a consultation
A| 450012 X10OI UHSlcm SR. nalHS BS 2# AIH|AO|| gaf -»999 set up an appointment
5«Ai stg0 09011 CDSD 0H7|gD aafe 5S115001 09eI5!°l| o||of
g 2#0°| A|92 sggB aafe °|a|o|22 (B)7l SEfoR.

158 160 Ams-
® ?! msEf wib oiei ge* mb^? sg aHAinief wib oiciow
(A) *llg x|4 (A)TV&%Al
(B) xtg 2gA! (B)A||!?£!SgS|A(
(C)®a| ggxi (ogacmsAi
(D)aa!«# (D) B1AIJ?A
sHg ^ H»B get 5i ^gow gxit acf34 SXIS A|AE«oii m SHS ifa gas tstg sMAinia Mpl <goi|§ 5iDH5l7|>g xixias W 4-
oil gxiBi* 2|fSf cflgfgoi HIS# aofMJixf gas agecf oifecii, Aii Bun ggoiiA] 'TV g#Aig aa|oiio|E|M DICIOI ^ciioig g
(We would like to request a consultation to determine the °J OIAIB X-pKThe author, a senior director with the television
approximate cost, including installation, for a system of company Creative Media Todayl'ala gsSHSHS (A)7l gaolcf.
ACF34 panels on our buildings.l'H S!°HS (8)71 gaolcf.

Paraphrasing xisa the approximate cost 161-163 o|Dl|SJ

-»gas] a price estimate
44!: At|a7l|0| Mzl
159-160 gg: onoigtst
9«l: 33 259
<gO||gElD||5l7|) xi|s: asaiEi
336111101A|, 279^ gaSlAllfi, Al|S7||0| All.

as goiis axusoi g ZB LWI gnums a an Tugga? i59<goi|g Alb OWI m<H ggiMSHAOII ag^Lld. 161,162oa|7t cm * Hi.ex,
5!DH5l7|>S ggsi Ads g7l|0||Al?El ggSlXI sst aj, 5,^011 0|H7|7;lx| UKWAI 9a|b ¥AIAI s|o|oi|ai UK Aigspm gin bH| iMg s
SOUS axiHoi xix|Et as 7ISJH iotiL|Cf 160JV mm aissh sacici. a gxib 7|lh rns ziboii soiit SEsL gn
aa|oi|o|E|M nicioi eciio|o| goi qiaib xixfe g«g Sffloil me cigg gg agoilE o|d|ab hi# a oicha1 ogoji ^ o|EM
g av* SB'sid miggoin oissiai g® ggo^ XHAISB s ggoi sib soig gcioiiAiE gg^oiiAi ais# gs g#4 stow sgai
s^qct. ggssoi gafgow ggoiigs se, gong gggoiiAi ne. 163oit|7ilEn §*» goi|Ai 1 m oig o|d|a|71 ggsi
gxise, onb gg gwijo o| gs sg oiaisai gg xfegs n assHSgcK ag ga|7l ho| En as o|o|A|fio| ggo| # E 9® S
gmaiAixiEmiFsstagg. ES ggsi HAI agb goioiifi.

■0|sH8l7|4ISti7(MgMlAf EgsB EAfAi na^gcte, 71E0I AlgSlElafE 0| oa|oj aa

- ttlA|L|0lMeHE HIA(, DlTlig i!I4, Atg C||Sf on g as g sxib s^gci. g 7(711 a cub xy Aiapi 7iAin gb
g?l craft Sof#) fail fflAfgoi) Egajci document 7|ssfci 0f|0|El
make a mistake #45lci financial planning xH? Stii
unsuccessful ggsixi 5® compile Ws# gg, Bgsici g?l try out Allen ag projector Saiai suggest Aiigsic)
commercial gggg practice SIS, em present ai|a|5|c( investor ¥AIA| device Sal, SAI fit(37|so|)ajc(
findings BT1engaging 0Hggg accessible 0|g7|ssi carry-on baggage 7|l|| sgg 7|g project h|eeI, EAlsfci
fair gag establish Aiigci,gxi8ici studio gag surface ag stream gggss a^spl material ais
maximize gmgsici place bcl.Scl dimSSSl blurred sg! bargain price 371
suit SIec| upcoming sgg stick with ~g7i|go|gs[ci
159 ^
gg Sn2iqig8SSorab7l? 161 nrAll /
(AjsieonngaEAiggA® g« oimigSMBoiEbES^l?
(BimsfiiES (A)Bg7|##Et!Sl7|g5||
(OgonggjiiagEs IB) aaoii qsi ess xiigsp | gsH
(D)AiiEgsgss (C)S|A|0||«BaAl|7|Sl7|^«H
rn gna E BHII ^SoilAi XgoilS B0||8l7|>b abe StIIoiiaie (D) gsg 010|C|010|| CII8II gasl7| gsH
Ef ^gSlAl 55.1 ifn 519oil 0|B7|7AIA| gOIIS gxllfiol AlA|3b as ®H s E B«ll SSOIIAI 'CIS E Hl=Alb(0||A| aaib EAIA) siaoilAl aa
SE#s 7Bell iSfcKSeff/ng Your Crafts documents the many tt [IB Afgslaln asil g eh| aE^jEH A|gs|| SoKI tried
mistakes that crafts businesses make, from poor financiat out the Movie Stream projector that you suggested we use
planning to unsuccessful advertising efforts.)'!! M°he. (C)7l during our presentations at next week's investors meeting in
saoim. Warsawj'n =1 = 01 Al|go|| 1® 07)710|0iA|HE (D)7l 09010).

162 ot#! botanical gardens a|s¥! greet Soistc^ srgs|rf
tsf JUIfe CB ^011 i?5!S # a aS7f? colorful a9Ai|xH2t entry gate as feature htii qacj
(a) bouquet SMS wildflowerOBfil replace aAiisfe
(B) BfSAtafsm based on ~o|| exlsK input sS collect asici deposit SM
(0 S|A|0|| receptiveness &IS, 4Sa elaborate Staffl
(D)-yAlg8ABst(. Victorian MS2|oiA|c||2| greenhouse Sa submit A||#stM
'°m ^ B»ll SSoilAi ,?a|7^ CB a Bf=AfHH)l|Ai safe ^x\x\ 2|2jo]| invite fiSSfe board oiAfe make a choice Satsicl
A| SHa iiN(during our presentations at next week's investors on-site BSM. ab MM select aMSIM previously ofeoil
meeting in Warsaw)'afJl SjjsKBoa^ (B)7|- Sao|Lf. make a purchase S?J8icl imprint MM attractive MeSMS

163 164 S*f|/

iS A|7t ^H| Aga ssaiEtoil c«5|| as? SS 7|Afeif5!lM¥iiSS7l?
(A) m aai^eis oiDixia Atmis MOI =m. (AiamSAtSAtBSTII
(B) bfaA(atoi|Afe OIE-HOII saa 4= fflch (BlaaHM MABoilMtttag
(C)«7|7|7NfCf. (c)M7fefeSAisioiiMe!ait
(D) MS uim. (D) a)#S2| Ml# ##5fe AH axiet
Sfl^ 5J SM WS0)|A| 'n SAB WOIIA11 rn 0|At BMsal *°S o| 7|Atoj 51 SSOIIA1 'Mai Mia SSMSS 0|X1| gso||A-| m a
□ |x|7| SSsfe SSSBSEKUnfortunatety, it you place the device Xfetoil aafS llAHiijo| Anso ^^^(visitors to
more than a meter away from the watt, the image becomes Bramwell Botanical Gardens are now greeted by a cotorfut
dim and blurred.)^ xlajgjca^ (A)7t SaolM, new logo painted on the welcome sign at the entry gatej'tll 55
(B)7i ggoiM.

164-167 7|At
165 AlfeAllf
Mil MM feM
SS #71 saoil MSI MS SS# MSS7|?
Mai (51 261) -164aaM Ml# HSMSS oixti MgoiiAt rn axfe (A)2Saa||MAo|xis!s
oil naifj gsmai AHSS sa£t efi-W Set. MSSM ab#o| stAfet of (B)saiMl#o|At
## SM1S SMAfe AH saoil ISAgMS MSOIM. - [11 (D)a|HaM#S2|sfflg
M#a gsss MS#2! sew MM OB sa# jKt|5|7fe igst H( 01 «H# 7|Ate| All SBll esfotlAl AHSS MXISS ay aMafe?! xt|A|S5Ji, 'SI
M. "xtaib M## aMt.1®!! #as 2|3 7fe* aaa SMI SSsxi SS ##011711 oie 5101 M2.M sasxl SMSH Safe aS55M(Members
S asBfeMa. - [2] xtais m IS saoil MSI etsoi M 01# S# were invited to choose which one would be the best logo.Jfe
M0|X| aMS asi&toia; Mil 0|A|°I Xtio® SISOI (M^le# #a| t5°HS (D)7l gsofe.
01)21 ejEfMf M 0IS7II ISM, o|B safe Saet aisMol AIM°I SI a
H Mofl ajum oil#MM #OJM.
tefAHes CIABSS MS aaHM^i a||A|55M. - [3] 165S|Slol|7|| M 166
a 501 ifeM aa°]x| bush Safe 2S55CK oixfeis 6|SS0| mt}B as H M|7l gtSM MSoil MM SfAIQ 5S?
a(#55Mtedl#2l55M. (A) gfSSfe ABS0| MS MSM.
(B) #S°l MS# 7HAiffl 1371MMM.
### M Sfe# #as| dhmxII Dial IS s|#SO| BMtf AH meoiI SS (C)Bi7fteo||is|x|S5fM.
5fe AB# § e goiM. - [4] - AH sas o|ah| So|M M# BhOIIe ah (D) reel XBOI nal Mxl SKIM.
7lxfeM, MLis DHt s#0l| ESDI s 5!o|afe SfAiEtl. "oiSoife ah|7| # Me ulxiaj asf syaoi gM|o| oig°o||A1 'SS aSMSOl Ah»o]| go®
IS M0| aiota, 166SS SSM#o| #So|| SMSxiy ob^e aw 1 xfet 0(#5jE AtA| an ny MJtMlEven though a lot of visitors
2 ufe M55o)2. Sii7| MS sa| #aso| UMa aM'slxi 117102; came into the store, many left without making a purchasejfe
55OHS (D)7l SSOIM.

167 168
[1], [2], [3], [4]saA|g jgoiw cfgsgoi 7®5||}&5S? oiffl^alSslwfe^eiSlTllDllLixis^afe?!?
"a5« g Ml 7||7| iltfi H A|0|E0|| 7||X||E|5JC|." (A) xig Aiasggci,
(Aim (C)AHSSS7||JE^#7||S?!!^.
(B) 12] (Disia-ay-ass^iAm.
(C) [3]
(D) [4] ««« 0AI°I a gill gsfoiiAj a] A|7i ifis- axii ana ^0^ m g y
oil 4°| SITU nHL|x]s ggs] a ^ao| o(|s 'ems #
8fl*i 01 ssei CBSAI themOl 7ia|?fe 501 gx] ggE|o]ot sfeMi, [3]g 711 ftAlS asb||ha|ss g§0Hii, a5!0| 5|-yo| g s] go| ^
a SSo| 'A||SS i:|Aig#(New designsl'o] Ai^g a]o|eo|| 7||x|| °igg feOib Ml A|SE|°JoKFor example, she created a unique
@ 5!°^ Sfe 50| S5!i^ AigAa-jon^ (c)7f gu0|cf spreadsheet for conducting statistical analyses that was
used to help one of our top clients become more profitable.)'
3 m. a£|3 'OKOI 3L=|7l ^gSlMI a Sigwo] o|S(This was
168-171 directly responsible for her promotion.)'Scl3 g}sto□ s (0)7)
t| |le||AEE| 3£2||0|A4
21 7® ** Paraphrasing A|g2| created a unique spreadsheet for
conducting statistical analyses
n|A| S1AIS1S -»SSa developed a new statistical tool
siAies g-aes A]
^7|SB 628990
169 AII^Aft
S1A|HS AltBI a| ^B||Aga| asi||o|Ato||A| aD®gt o||At sigoisia?!?
29 g77(x| WMIAsal asE||o|.f42| sjioisjei Hg a| At|o|| MltlgSA) a (A) tg
SMI 09* Sim At ?|A|°| A(e|o|| a| m aa|7B e|o| Migsi (B)2B
7|hMCL —[1]—. (oieg
69a| Mt olltt 99 3§E|siA|ef iflS sxii 8Ba 91 a sHb a g«ll QSf2| 5! SSdlAt 'a| A|fe o||At gg iigo^ jigE|ojx|y 6f
90II 4^9 SJ7IIDBLIA1S gy^t-m. 168, nujg EMS} g7j| g itf axfi m a i a yon ^°j SM dblixis ^SISCKMS.
Sg ASMIEAIM# eM5J3,35!g AiS| iiyi 3SS § Et SS| gojgs Lee was hired as a budget associate but was promoted in
feot Ml AlSElSJgLlCK - [2] -. 168o|5HO| 31-171 gySW 0 S|gA|°! just one year to revenue accounting manager)'3 b"o n b
oisagLici. saoici.
gel S|7|| D||L|A|SA| a| M|2| a|G|ys aiipl ga 5)0 ^Afs) gyg 57|
oil sset 7 |0B 5KgL|ci 3 Ala# 90 5! sBoil 390] ag 4h7|
170 A1|ifU®
s HIS S9 aiM WlMloi SAB g^ggci. - [3] —. tiici?! 390
9S0II Xifeoi goiAf 321|S21°| a0 S|S10||A| 9M|Asa| aaM|o|yfi g USA M|oi| iiag^ e| w|b SB aa||Aga| aa5||o|At# niafesl?
C||9SKgL|Ll. (A)692|7|S|7f710|a2lLl.
9M|Aaa| asMloiyoilAi 699 3081 = a| «t SS tf¥» ?|gsi7| (O ggsAiiei xiaB goftgci,
¥ls|| AF5j5!!gL|i:K - [4] - 3Lt 9a||Aga| a£s||o|y°| gA||«°o|, ai (D) ssztaoil
0 flA|0||A-|E gxH7l fi SfyUMCf. 4HS olA|af gato) 5] S5}o||A1 '^a||AEE| 3£a||o|Ato||Al 699 9^
tf03SA,XH0g9^A® tLf ■£, A|Lr ohfM 9-rlli fl^ot7| ?|oH A(5|SBc|(After six years
with the Balestri Corporation, Ms. Lee resigned to pursue an
advanced degree,)'3 W0ag ([})y|. ggo|cj.
ot?! respond to ~o||7|HSBaL||ci reference tSAi
budget Miy associate SI revenue gef, 49
accounting s|7|| exceptional SIS, WSf unique
spreadsheet AsMlEA|E(a|7)| nM3g) statistical #7||oil 37ist 171
analysis04 profitable42)^promotion's
111, (2), [3], [4]ssA|@9Jgo||A|cBsgo|7|g$!tfst5S?
contribute to ~o|| 7|oi3ici substantially-SSSI
productivity SS' be commended for sab gcf -3^7101 37J» ¥|SH 90 3 7190 S|A15!x1|0||A1 A|gS|E^ x||SljE|2iCl. ■
saving §9 talented Afe 5Jb represent Migsici, cBasicf (A) [1]
resign Aissici pursue Wspl advanced degree'9 S?! (B) [2]
asset 9ab, xiy as well ES (C) [3]
(D) [4]

SH-a Mm ?ISII e.® 7|B(technique)0| ^S!°!x|t)|| cflsH Sxi ygol SJ 172 ^i/=a
W SlfeCll, [2]B a sm MS 17(1 gas AS5||£A|e(3
unique spreadsheet for conducting statistical analyses)';^ 0| S!e! Ma(S M|fe 2|| m™ aB|A0|| 3s!?!ife7l?
7|go||5||S5fHg(B)7lsao|cK (A) SHw c| TSSP I TISH
(OUI^WMI ci|sHg°|8t7|?|5H
ID) ^eoii cflst gxtias aa|71 ?i8ii
172-175 SBlSJxIll! sna 4A| 26iS0|| ME® wife '^feSOl 51 8il0|| aH#E|oi 5f \ 2W\A £
m 7Haffe atei OimiiiS ISteidl ^71 ESfS^I aS.tKI received
sl0|M I AlSal0|A a confirmation e-mail stating that the order was shipped on
30 A|H|A AJAIfel ABS May 8 and would arrive by May 12, but the package has not
mioim D/3 AgA; 4:25 P.M. arrived.)'!! (D)7l gaolcK
°t0SlAl|a, ME® W|. 37-H A)d|A0|[ ga 0X11100, 087)1 asi a
4:26 P.M.
AM 5a 40011 03 All 3X» 7p°SHgcl|a. 1727fgS0| 51 80011 UHfeEl 173 ^
0 51 12110X1 £0© 7la® t® OlmllM SUSlfedl ®S71 OR £4(81X1 Ufa xHgolltq-H®, 4^011 cHSHSfaa^S?
0oiAia. (A) ggst^isMLHSnl.
0//0/SM D® ASA; 4:28 P.M. (B) 9sSf #201 sgElSW.
(0 5&OI|Af iff# OfeM fe5Jrr7:| SJOIUIS0.
3#SM0.130 7100 ^A|0 X1I71 ai05H M3!h00. ©a* i® (D) i57l 018711 Hfexi 0®E St35| am
3MH®.- 4:32 P.M. sHa m ayfeoii =aLife ME® wia ^oj A=A W® UB
Ml.Tf® aaJX431250M0. # ga A|Afi|0||fe aSfSf L®i:)[jj 0®0| 7)xiasx| Bfejg®
0//0/SM 0/3 ASA; 4:35 p.M, CHSIEI 2MliM aa 4A| 45fe0|| asa 'jiajyoi
5 acKyour package seems to have been lost)'!! ifSl!! SJaa
W3Ib00, aA|0g. S (0)7130010,
Of/o/ss D/3 ASA; 4:38 P M.
ME® W|, Xlsl a3 A®aj0||S ^571 51 100011 £081103 0S00, OB
^ ^a7i IE® 3E 153x1. m?! a®, #aa|0 33431 o| 0fex| ©©sB
^A|am77|? 174 m —IE n)ot
3 ME®: 4:41 P.M. »!« 4A| 43g0l|ME® W|7l"oixil a^0| 02!0oia.-Ei!i t m a 00®
Ml, 0^00. ?5!orafe7l?
0//0/Sa D/3 ASA; 4:42 P.M, (A) 0HS s® Hsa|M7i 1^0 3011SSSISJCK
*A| OISOI 0X| ss/tota? (B) 0|gS0||7l| =4^!* S!fex| M01M TflHOICl.
a ME®; 4:43 P.M. (C) oisgop® 00 atioiiTil 4ad# 5!o|0.
(D) 1 ^0 3011 x|00 fetna o|At# gel,
30 a|7l 00a, 174X1|7l OlgSS ©3 00a. 330 0|xl| 0^00 00a
oia. SH3 4A| 42fi0|| ASA 071 'fiAl 0IS0I 0A| asiELKis jt possible that
OIIOI*m D/3 ASA; 4:45 P M. a neighbor picked up?)® SAl, ME® 0fe ag E|7l 00D1 'o®
05!fe00. 173370a aaxl g0=! 5! 001 31 iBt(00. Xi07l CBAllg SS 0® Sfecll, o|Al| 0^00] 000(1 know my neighbors, and
g a0 MjZ'la? 7/®§g 51 270771X1 £3tt 300. it's been over a week now,)® n 0®1 0*0cl. o| 0® ®s*
a ME®: 4:46 P.M. m 0wi7i 010 07fe0o|0 x|y 3EH0CII, o®o| ®as yo^ig w
0 X13OII0I 73L1|A0# aolEffe 0O|O|HM (C)71 30O|0,
x® 037133 lasHa. UB^ 8 INaa Algal ^3 ® 00a?
0//0/SM D/3 ASA; 4:50 P.M.
^0® M0 £a|0 ^®go| 51 240011 £0© 300. i7533atM s®
50I 0© mlilOIEW ^0® 15000 ^71 UIS0I §00. 175 ^A®
a MS®: 4:51 P.M. 00 ME® wife SB 0All§f? 7105®?!?
1753g 31 ©MSB ?Al|a. (A) ml# uilfeHB AIMS® 30 SIAI afe0.
mm D/3 ASA; 4:52 P M, (B) 0371 0# =00011 0 3t!5lcl.
0^000. 013011 AIMS® 7100 dB^u» 37Jjy AigxlEM SMSH £a| (C) X1IM0II C«El g35i0 a7B 000.
3!hL|EI. (D) 0 013 037103 00.
3H3 4A| 50fe0|| ASA W® ME® W|O||0| 'A® ^gst 50 00 UB
0?l package 431 confirmation S!0 ship uBgsfel 0O|alA| ^0® 151100 g7l HlSol SoKSince your original
tracking system ^3 Aiag neighbor 0® x® order was standard delivery, express delivery would be an
replacement aAllfe, cBxllS expedite 3^s| x1e|5|0 additional $15.)® SW ME® W|7l '©MSB 00(0 that case,
shipping and handling UB# 0 03 express delivery ^9 please just refund my order.)® fflaas (A)7130010,
additional 0710 refund ©9510 delivery charge u«3b|

176-180 ITOI + ow «Hg a n||o|A| 8 M 39 #o||A| 8 SM gSoi|A| 'uiis » 8|g digs m
3 A(8gO|L( uHSSH 88(sent to your office or house for
SlloiasjE 5;xi| stoil 2*1 a sraSMci- the cost of shipping and handling)'^ (D)7^ gg0|(^
¥||0|aa22^159Stilgate ISA Elnigoil nil
a 25! 5A|OI|AI A!g;;fA| sg ggcK §t EWi. m. ^m. sb SSOII
A] ggsfe Al-oiW gss gage goas 233 S AlgggtK 7|LM 177
82 mal5W 7|go)|Ai aSE! iAlgoil OlsHAlfe agAM ^2 SSISIAI 93 33 M|o|| « A(g3 3S?
7|b©MaK (A)gA|A|2L|iagg0|L(,
(B) S|30||d|g7|£0|#5l!C(.
g-yw §!fe q| 2S# eS5!A|aia, o| n(|o|A|o|| 518 §3 (Q 883 950113898.
1SSISH 8A!|2. SIOlE! SAIISI g^M HA!8H 8^12. 179g2g ojoim (D) mo |3£H 5A(| SK eAfOII 38,
a aw!, Ala ^oiiAi aa sagioii m AIS, mysg oiniia 8^ g# s
SHg 58 93011 2g ynfe 71 951(9 July)2, gg ynfe 71 851(8
stAK 8A!|a. 815(71 aas(A! otAiol 5I8EIS, A(afe SI5IS e(5H g-gH July)2 86! acf. 382 59 sfcho| ^
sof Afeg a ta| #SS S# 4 5JbA| 0(8* Kb] EaH^Mft #Sg 5 9522 t1|0|32201|Aj A|el|£ 0|#Si!8(l traveled on Bruin
Sff ag AISOI5S 5!0(7(A|7(L( 176u||g s ?(g uiSS Mg 38 A(8g Airlines from Wakeford to Sydney)'2 5S2H2 (B)7( g30|c(,
o|l( gas uiisbh EgMcf. 180o(e! 38g gg a| A|g# swof =il|c(.
►► Paraphrasing A|g2| on Bruin Airlines
ail lost and found office ggMga|i ground levellS -* 935 by airplane
curbside igf, A(2 7(*}A(a| store agsig discard tHa|c(
belongings aaim discover EsSSfci missing ggS
property igs in detail Sajsi locate §!0Ilhc(
notify A of B AoM b* Sta|c( claim W7| aoiaE) egs|c( 178 AKytfoi
in person gS regular business hours 87738 a|s 93 85 SELOII cHi gxe as?
shipping and handling tUS a sjg signature A|g (A) a|i!7|oiiA| 53558.
upon ~6(a(o(a( receipt 8S (B) m 888011 #29 AI#7( #o( 58.
(C) iasg35 29# 595 3018.
(D) 7 (# #9S0||7|| IS 5!#O|5C(,
WIA gg# 5!2Af SHg 59 6135 fig# HAIdlAf 'Ots afffljoll -Alajsit 0B
177 177 179
5 55(Label inside reads "To my loving son, Milton.")'0|a(2 Si)
2fe gH(: 7a 9W . gg fe'Kl: 71 83 2H2(D)7(*!30|c(.
01#: gCg IIIP
A|£L| gAlgAQIIQJA 2AMa||°dB|0( 2023
ireg mm: 02 5550 0113 179 5I8A(5
gs gsiaa: 93 1 n(|o|A| #2011823 HII@ M|5 58o||A| mf# as 8a32(?
o|ii||a: mben(S) (A)A|3
SSfeSSf A®: (B)g32A(
(0950 92.
asts m ss: agsi (D) #5 #5(32
^5(8 83 as: L|l882 8gas
SH# 1 n(|o|A| 8 3m 39 51 m fiSo||A| '13# ^889 y8, a(S|
ggsHAl: ®o||Al 59 2B|7|o|| as A|3, 39928 0|d(|5 82 S# S9A|
88 82), ?m 178y# anoil "AlSife of# aaoWaCn M( oia 177 M SaKlnclude the date that you lost the item, a good time
»g°M ?l|o|a£E0||At A|EL|£ oigjSgdl, gSf goia 388 8 for us to contact you, and your telephone number or e-mail
88 59 MS tdAOll go# 821118848, address.)'2 fflfiDll, 59® 25 fig gnf, g 3a(9S, 0|o||5S 9
9 553 'SSffe 59 A|3(Preferred time to reach you)'fi ti|8
of?! lost property ggs preferred 5!s8ib raincoat 83 5222 (A)7( #30|8,
read ~a(ii«i°!c( leave822c( transport88818

176 7f|8AHf 180 8#

93 a iilo|A|o|| cpsg, 85!o|| riisfl blgoi oi^f? 93 33tt|fi5 A|SS(a(S28*98aihfi7(?

(A)ggg8Aii (A) 89 59 55# 896(715611
(B)5!si#ai (B)S389#sf5S(7|56H
(02353 (O 350)1 PISH ®g95S» 5571 ?|8H
(D) AN BUS (D) U||##gA«Ai|l5(7|5S«

SH*! a mow D^isf ^SOIlAi 'ale! A1 Aig# 5H0f St( as Aigws aoi AgASMi.
(Either way, a signature will be required upon receipt.)'!! Sfe 4a|S 91011 'AEf 7|e(a gA®' tcwsoil £aejo|| 71-711 sixg asMI. 34
rn, oife ^aoii rue at°i A]gs gDisfe soiss (B)7i sa 7171140 AH-fl4 Afl 71711011 # #S3!MI.

181-185 7|A[ + 0|Dtia 0|?l link (gSEioW) §3,3# article 7W achieve Sgsi4
talent All# craft ##4 3fiEi quality## proud A||}Aa|°
O^^laei ^a(a|ofs a|SHA Mis A®S| sg 7|## exhibition SA® make a point of+#SAi4~3(4
7tegois a Eg ggg So!4 ISAIB 4=
SWI. "AiS 7|E» A®Ai AfalAI
PABI (6«! 17S)-181oIS T M
Aigsi 471= etss as# UHtc 181 ^11/=»
fiS A|g #i!2| 7|e) AtigAlej 0)E 7|| gat saoie,- gaissA mis
a|oM A)ti°| 7|E( tt 34 7|A1S 43011 g® 337 f?
OlgTII gsjcl. bis 0| 7® = (A)ABSSA1SA1I°|A44
Dug# saai s# oi=7ii a elms aa 7 is# 7H# (B) A|SA1|°| 0®
get. at@ 904BA|O|| ¥|AB (C) A|4S4#Af
8IIA1 #711 Ag L|o sal 714 a
g^-AEj ga(a|ofe oia| SB #°i (D)47l2S#A|E
Seas) saiioii aof OHC®
7 [El g#1# E|A®St 4 SJSEt. SB# 7|Af4 5! sgotlAf '013 4 sfl# A14 ##4 7|ei AligAfg oisalof
goig Bn« ag * 4 SalstiAS A(g4 714 goBS# aSicfe #-^4 SS o|g7|| @
a# g# 01= gafsMA mis 7i cKThis Saturday, local guitar maker Adrians Villalobos fulfills
go ai?|-giaA jife 0!A)A SA
## gplsm s# g7igoii Aigoi a lifelong dream of opening her own guitar shop.)'!! 5i!!l, 7|A1
Ai-agAQi tg ?gE| Htas|o||A|
as 7|EI# »aAi sa# M«!EI. gxlioii 34 !iu|4 gaon 4°HS (A)7i ggoici.
sol si^^rcfS aw, a owl #s|a|o|7l 7Bgs®
LI?) #71® Eiioies Aiia# ZLL1O| 7|£IS H® aaa D1IS4
#Amas4 SA AIIS
Agalleria.comO||A|a ElDlg 501
sa?.l 7|El C|A|0|Lio| A|u|0|| 182 sm W\
4.1835HiHg(Hlfe sta EH-IO] ABS
a Sa||S0||7|| as a## ^SlU. s ga#4 ga aa#a ^stii a 34 71A|o||Al 4 Sim 34 5! 3^ #4 "jusfsf 4D|g 7® 7l!;g gg?
185£S||a M|S A®2| ^#°l g (A) ##5f7l|
4 sag 7Bg ibaioii 2s sa#
A|H Mgj ^SJOIIAI ail?! 2^ g* (B) #31
b gaaa) 714 s# a#7i 7 is (O gafsiTii
o S. ^ 0|Q|- (D) 714
o|a|Si S7|o| m ### SsH s
8H# SB# 4^ 'SOia S«B 714 4# #(Just days after
her eighteenth birthday)#)!! SHgEfeMI, justfe '714, gAfafe °|
fulfill gw® lifelong gg4 in progress gis#a
D|4 Mg 30ISS (D)71 ggoi4.
blue ribbon 2|?4g woodwork## categorySol
feature ~##ga#s® detailed #71® inlay ##
impress as ag#W judge gAfas renowned SSa
apprenticeship a## combine A with B A£l B# atfA|7|4 183 A^if°i
passion a# instrument 471 finely #7||, 7g7|| 34 7|A|oil 11=3, 014AE] 3440(011 cbsw a®3 gg?
fretboard a?ntE!!=(7|E®|Ai sg4 aia 7^4® tig) (A)!g4ggaoii°isgoi4.
hone 34814 craft 7|# house workshop #3# (B) AI4 0||#7l#o| ggs a 5014.
patron 4# treat 438® demonstration a® (O 7|eis Aiigsfe 5301 si# go 14.
(□) 910117®# ^si gAi# # go 14.
aw# 7|A14 01AI4 34 #34011X1 'SoHgoilfe ABs# g##4 #4 #21
oioiisi m|A|A| #2 ##711 gcKThe store will also house her new workshop and classrooms for music lessons.)'!! 5!!°a4 (0)71 g#o|El.
Al|=: SI#: 0I4A4 a4a|0i
tfnf: 64 21# 184 #71|/ag
0lHa|0tL|0||7|| 34 olDll## o|4g 43371?
184 (A) gM#figsi7| gsH
7«S0|| 4# (gAEI OIEHHA) 7|Ai ga# MLB #A1 HSLil. A(L1|7| 01s (B) #818171 gsw
7(1 a gs 0|=OJ4L| 7|ffiL1|. Og #4 #011 185#a| AMI# Al# (C)3g#MlS8t0S17|?|«B
aw# DWgEi L|S AH-i|7f 47] AIISKHI mm AHsOl OIL® 5# ^44. #4 (D) $38(7148W
3 Afgos AfL1|7f SI# « 3 AJOIOil Alls® 471 « ## StSdl s#0| £|!1
SCH. AiMis S# 3 ## #4 SMI. A1H|O||S2( 4S AK-f|7f 4a|4 ®zBI a

0|D||a°| s KWW 711*011 cue 7|Af gH* SLH flAI JiacUL
ih S, ^ smi ggoiw 'AlMpf 0|ffl7)| a g# 0|s°Ji;m AlMLfl'm Aiygaiga
delighted that you have achieved this big goal.J'am jjjcf. [Epl Ifg sqnfas
Ad 0|[H®S 7|)*s- *S)g)7| ¥)a|) Mts 50|HS (B)7) Sao|Cf. AfK sayq A|y gai
yq 6S 2®
gsqif: A is
185 oftjswia, oiqs.
sail* ttfe Ai|o| o)qo||Ai A)# afe7|? ogq Afa gatg oiy ^ saaj <29 gAion ggJULiq, xits 7«
(A) o)s*6i aa|a|oio||A-| Lia Olffl sa 188a# gsoi 187aS5| niiafai y# ^5fe ^ 5^ M
(BJSE! 7ISEI a,hi,fs|o||A| O|AIAI oigtong qsts^s gilgyoiiAi ay zyuic). ag 5x145#qA| y
(C) a|A|a q™ s*o||A|
(D)*q7|E|*5!A|l|0||A) # ^Afgss sapi uufqq, sasiAiaia ga xis# g^s&qq. gg
SHS oimii 5! Etsi sBt¥0||A| (D)a|o)) sail* aa|s 'oa) 5fa^o||A| a) 4 SSfi 19 9 871 aA|71 Hieqq. 5~6A|g gs Ega 5} ongojqq
Ml* yy* nflYE) AfMp) e|7| a||5}0|| s«st Ai)ao| yEfe 5 Sflifoil mttt-iEH
# ItyEKFrom the time I first met you at our studio, so
many years ago, I knew you had a special talent for making sq
instruments.)'!! Bfh aals 7|A)o| ^ ufJU] yah sytiollAI 'Af
uMIs sa||*fe a)ai°| sra^oi ajAia li® ^sjoiiA) !iqo||7|| a q?! walkg7|, gai take place yaiE) a number of SB
s c5## a m SJ7|| SB ^ycKJavier Torrez, who offered her an expresslyItts], yya) interest Efg attach SSStl
apprenticeship in his studio, Maximo Nivel Music)'!! St), qa) reference S!i, gs pack a|e), g7|E)
A) a)b|o||s sa||*°i ¥?]?! ofaio) S2||*7) wafssASl *## a)S
# 5S SjAlE L|«| xixhSh4 ojoo^ (C)7) gyo|c).

186-190 *gA|S(otL||Af + 0|[H|SJ + 5A|) 61 49 7j|A|

sie sBS eist imsoll gya sgsz) ^7) gxp) 51# aB;;)x| nil
iUEILIC). SOiy #0| BB* [I||77)X| 0| gAhg^ 0112)5,, ^ x|q
•y&SOl ®yfl-8.2km aHa-6.4km 8 nH ^a|7| H*qq. isejEtf S-ks eisB y# ?*)go| mg
I88#a) a|A| Sgow mia)™ gq o| ggsfe niiafBI as# qaf A) gyqq. A|s ^Afgoii sxfSH gA|a, tooggs Aiggog 7)A|aia B||
mm #71 atfifi. 01 g# gAfs So) °!#qq. o| ggy ea)^ 9X1 nHA# 0(2)7)^X12.
fe AhD)# gg7t)A| gA)?) ^gs) SAfgoiiAi AigsBAf n)A|s! #
bi, fisi m #ys# g SO)AI y a|Ai|o|2 gso||A| #yqq, oi?! post 7||a|5(c) flooding S# rain storms sB.ggB
^^AigosLHaisqq. furtherEdo|gq,^7)q bank# floodwaterlK^MoiyM
186 recede »»)a|e) under construction gAigo, follow e)e)7|c)
Sa||7) H|tg-5.7km lS^=aa-2.5km
a|A|°| SA)g# qaf #a)g 01 3^ ggsfe sa gAf yoiiAi
L|q. o| g# §Atsoiit H)q7i a AigsBAi 2)#s°s ## #2|sB «
186 AlltfU®
B Aiaq ggol qqqb #aAf s° =aoi|A| gyqq. ggs* q
7) oiob), n)A|5| lawiol* "Jai a)q3M!!iB)u|i|soto|a#L|q, aq TrMlAf H|A|S ta)7fe ggsq aoib qgTii sjS7)?
2|ga«S^5J#qq.-gAhSA| (A) 2.5km
gggyaii^hooniqAigoii (B) 5.7km
(C) 6.4km
y#ME). (D) 8.2km
m °tLBAi°| 8 anil ysfon 'OS)!?) a|ta-5.7km(Eureka Slope-5.7
of?! ridgewaygsgoi# loopsai (H°fosSgo|E))
ridge gggol moderate #gq, figq steady ^St KilometersJ'S. l)21 Sla 'Ball?! a|A|q gAfga qa) SaiycKTrek
incline gA) clear SSISU slope ^a® trekssHgc) up the side of Eureka Ridge,)'# S!on# (B)7) gyo|c).
feature ~##g^S5|El terrain Ali intermittent gigy
steep incline ygA) trailheadggsAigg
ranger station 39EfalS stretch Sof Sic) bank#
flat ggtf, SA|q pavilion SAf.szf

187 W\
0|D)|eJ0l|A1 5J ajnll EM ^ a«l &2I "expressly-£t2|d|^ 7® 7(;;g A)3 Ata! m filSSS SM EAiswofA) ?5!8 it 5 as?)?
5S? (A)sJSS=s*^gE!c).
(A) o«S (HaWI (B)gA|oiiAigA»3ic).
(BISHfsHI (oggsAiEi^affic).
(OUttSI (D)a|ie!A|ii||i*[i)a)aSd.
(Distaei SHS gAl DfAia sgoilAf 'gge Aiggss 7)afS E||oixi ihas u)a)7)a)
SHE shssss'asAW«OImn miaai msasfe maasMS (follow the Ranger Path to reach the trailheads)'!! Mohs (D)
dKa number of people expressly mentioned interest in seeing 7)ggo|c).
the Meramec River)'Jl sNiJEfecll, 0t7|Ai expresslyfe
°)D|S MSBHS (C)7f gaoM. ►► Paraphrasing A|g°| follow the Ranger Path
-> gag walk along Ranger Path

«!« m aai m S|S#S (MclollAi §Afs m 5 ao7p 191-195 gg AlSfSfiAl + 0|D||y + JI7H g7))
(B) Sa||7l Hltl MS.'gSI D/L) 4JIt
(a aaa Aiegs
dim inib 5!yg ®iw mM S¥i7i» atfAiaMq.« 7)AI °t# AH
SHI OIDII9JOIIAI 'as Aiitftoi DiiafBi as sasfe aoii s-a* sotAi
g 7issoi sjoi ago 1 asfe ei&iis °sg aigMd.
oiaollte aSoSollAI HOISMta number of people x|g: S 203cm, ?J0| 101cm, S0| 66cm
expressly mentioned interest in seeing the Meramec River,
in) §7|| gg: DHE^aa, iss E|A|, HE! SE|AEa|o|n
so we'll be meeting at Wildwood National Park this time.)'il
dalSS: ttgL)°i3:Has; gAtggHteSg
Mfecfl, aMIAIw ^SS agaol SfaKRidgeway Loop)2| ISOIIAI '
Hjaf a|A| aaoii^ niiafgi as) 9x11 S7i aaKEnjoy views of the gg§ ss: m am, ^Uscm gAfga, §?« gga) gr#
Meramec River from the top of Villa Ridge.)!! Sin SMKRiver 7)2): 499Sa|
s Edge)°l 1S01IA-1 'o| gasfe ii||a(ai aSS flaf HM OTlThis
trait stretches along the bank of the Meramec RiverJ'jl Stf. ot?l old-fashioned 5!gg2| contemporary ac||o|,gAiLH°|
aadi saioiia] 'aBfi easa unsoii ^7i SAI?) m mi;;) customizable SIS Aligo] zigst feature 7|g, ^g
dimension Alg upholstery (!hE)e|)§7|| meadow^S
A| iit|iH@cKDue to ftooding caused by recent rain storms, the
River's Edge trail is dosed until further notice.)'!! Ma. asW maple S#LIS chrome (1^)3# rectangular gAMSg
in siasoi oiiafaj as ^gsiaAi sai? ^ sis sas ssaoi throw pillow ggsss optional gggiu
etaa^oiHs (A)7i saoia.
XiJ ■■ cx|oje.l
o td a
Htg: i92LH(a|o)aj8a|
189 AtelSftJ
in): 51 22EJ
tHM stiELSs maaoii qisii SA® as? A||=: MH-i DlL) in)
(A) etLHSsf s^istb Aia sa«
(DiaaeAiongsaa. ANH L)H DIM iEidl SS! SMA|7) At|igx)|oi| o|8|| sr)|o|EE|gJc(
fe y m\ go) oiaisjii ggs AH? aids gysiHA) oimiej® Eagg.
SH^ sAioiiAf ejsH ^Aiaoi E^EIOI SAD SAI gg
(Floodwaters also damaged the south parking tot, which is a|4S 0)82) ygLIc): 8 i99cm, ^01 97cm, 80| 64cm. 0® gMA|0||
now under construction.)* Se! ¥, 'Af^ ?a®0|| gAfSB gaf S L|2) 5JA| as §711 sgn ffl 7)A| agL|c): ssa)0| as tbSuaig a|
(Please park in the west parking lot)'!! g^Moa^ (6)7) gg s SEla. 191sgs 60cmH)a|7) ?7)E|sigL|c). in) 7)gg
OM. 549sa)H sggsigLiL).
1927H7) 0)a)Stt|| e gs@ SHAB AHSSraXlef, AH Algol 0)2)1 m A)H
>■> Paraphrasing Age) parking lot -> S&2| parking area s gto) Ofos 0)8 moll gam 50171 [[JSOII 0)a)g0| AB gg A®* g
gggg, io|i@i go] n)Ligs

oi?! information sheet SKI, eMW manufacture 193 ^
providelsuppty] A with B AOIMIB* revised ^rSS HP sajpAD^nfe^iiioiai^t?
as follows c®2tag leaf print LRS additional (AI^AH
corrected t^SS be aware of ~sas ^zism annual as||2| (B) aSAll
(C) El^tAl!
hllpsV/www.lewislonsfinelurnishings.conn/ m-a saj g7|3 P yn SS0||A| 'a|n naj^7|. ^ ojoa|Cf(the
S 2Zt as naiai leaf print looks great in my study)'JI ISfeMI. oioflit 5! uiAt|| yaf
ItSS^l TO^OIIAf a|s — ^1—7| 'Mae a|S 5ae(Brown Leaf Printm
supershopperf462 ynf: 61 2® -P^pAi gafsi ytsjAf sjoog {[i)7| ggoip
At|g: MS-a D|L| SEt
AI|7t A|y^ nfoi D|L|AI2o| [Ijuh m A|js tdga p| 194 Ahystoj
L| ing ^SSfedl AB7;|A| Otao)! §L|CK Ai|2tE|Sl golStDj t93a|a n
as7t All AtAIIOII a OlSULICt, ^DH 2fSt)||At Sf St 7(A| AfiSt SA1i7t SiSi tap sal g7|0||A| ggg gg sisjou psH o|n|E a|a|oi 5to?
CHS.. 32 SSOI Atg SKB 5!0iac)L| snfo| so| 203cmais SigM (A) ts-i 7H21 ao| iKfp.
(B) sajo||p| 97# MEja -gsHci.
a. x-ta Ma a 5 aoi ssoi S^MP, stxia xti ssh 195pAt MJI 3 (C) a°| gsjoi aiga| M|C|,
s icb o® sassoi AiLptsi sjaps. ptssis, agoi aMoisa ami (D) #o |AgA E|2 nip-ysg 4^011 as. agsjcj
smaioii pp aa see ssa sssii aois, 013 »§ #^71 a 'He sa| §71 5j sgoilAl '^oiAgA nfoj E|L|AI20||A| MSLB o|p ^
SfAia Afe in|2t S5fflL-|C|.
P* ^2S!)P(I purchased a new Brossel Mini Sofa during
last week's big sale at Lewiston's Fine FurnishingsJ'S tjs
P*! post (aPM M) SSP, 7||A|5|p purchase ^asfp gy^oilfe 32 PSol A||g §44# §5 ysf gggg(saies
stylish Atiaa study a]xh minorAfit! consult SoiHP manager)o| §§s|| ^2ps Mp. aa|s o|d||2 3 o|a|)o|| a,i#
weigh sa|S|ct, pxt sp happen to+SAHS ^3S| ~s|p a| pp ai»|o| '#0|AgA n|oj e|l|aiao| g«|i§(Sates Team
pass by A|p7(p slip ^IS highly pysi, obp Manager, Lewiston's Fine FurnishingsJ'ojg. gfslxl piooa (0)
21 §aoip.
191 AHVAlt
SP ¥2 7feSt =i^o| 37|a « 7(A|27|? 195 S2015t2|
(B) a 7lA| yp sa| §7|o||A( 5 BM yp 22 331 gp "weighed-p PD|At 7® m
(C) All 7tA|
(D) Ml PX| (A) §as!p
sIIb SMAIPIAI SSS ^ffdhrow pillows)0| 45cmS. paf SjaMI, o| (B) safjJIP
(0 ^Aw P355P
mi2 5! ap W-tOIW 60cmp£|7| ^7tE|ojp(The (D)a7|iaA|5!!P
throw pillows are available in an additional 60-cm sizej'S SJ
°HS(B)7|gao|p. «H§ 5H3 SSS 'LI|71 S§M pxt tas oM l[|](As , weighed my
options)'a|S SHPEIfeMI, P7|A| weight '(a|S5||) pAf Mp, S3|S|
P'afe pD|S S3 5!0|HS (B)7| §30|p.
192 AI^AfS
a P BBP ju|fe ° 51® sfaps Sfe? t? 196-200 fefSA|S(0|p|2 + gx| + ^Sfi)
(A) 323011« 7|A| gs# AiB=!p,
(B) xigp 712# map. 4=41: gblum(a)
(0 7P St ss All Aisas ftap. 2^: laluko@rosetteengineer.coni
2P: 91 72
Ha fflgal Mite oimiap tfSAls 0IDII2 ^ Ujn yatplAf 'otai^l S A||=: 23? |s
"rSS SKI# AllSSBJIPd will supply you with a corrected
version of the sheet soont'S 5JSHS (A)7| ShO|c|. MS 331
A||7| #§ 33 23711= fiSAH 33HPP. #§ M|y| 7|cs ggsfpy
n Paraphrasing A|Sp supply -> §23 provide CIS g st 7|A|oj| qjst ggA|#7| gatJpp.
- 1se3002P oi-y micfElt 2t a IS
- SSU All 3 o|At o||§g sup m
- 7|3 aaj gc||o| magoj C||S|| HAigo| A|g8tA1a

?|£ Bfgg 7|t:fa|A|3A1 SIS °m|A| 56-72ni|0lA|0|| L(e Hg J! m gf
AiiiEiggeilS; 1116003
xjg il ggsH ^A|7| aum aSS SS4 ^HL-H.
_ soo^Hfi ssj H= Hs®(biis7i, 7 w sm si mm ^of m. 11161 11170 11180 11190 110100
_ xoxm ^oib SSH dioi ass SPI soil aeis a 10:30 A.M. 9:00-4:30 9:00-3:40 9:00-4:30 8:45 A.M.
olot tPK si, gs, P.M. a|3 P.M. s|e| P.M. S|2| fil AIIS g
- 200A|Afb|fe 5lg g°!i# SBfBpl m as SIAKHIAI ^aS.H:K61 iffSWC) 4:45 P.M. 3:45 P.M. 6:00 P.M. S°s o|§
niloW A1I20SSS). (AV177B) lbi|5Ea0S #miSEa0s n||S|3S!3S|, 11:01 A.M.
9:25 P.M. na aa, si #a aet.Madg
aAitiupK £4}, ±431 s SH| n®# 200(C)
Olfll ws n|t0 (AV313H)
gxjiBSAilEOflAlMOg 199,200{B)Ejjx 8:03 P.M.
nlga* 0IS4H ES(, yfg, 00
(Hfl corporate credit card a2!7tE issue a^opt aa asEioiLi
require flSsPi proof SA) anticipated oilSElb soistsann
business-related SS2lS!f@ expense u® MA17|#0*II
business trip #S documentation At# entertain Sdlspf agSRi)
await 2Plapl review assPl policySS handbook eiMW
highlight ga ais transportation 2# arrangement Sul 3¥l depart SISPI via(H#S)~# oissn session (*g) xia
corporate travelSS rental OW approve Seispl closing ceremony disi# reception
cover S9SPI as long as ~5te S exceed ^aispl
allowance sigxi, US^
196 Afl^AHf
?!« ga AAlb (MS! aa IISOII g°i7|E* SS71?
gsf a| 71# g^illET) (A)ssH2ias«m.
aiiisms 9S160 (B) s-SHpl 300B2f OISOIOK
Sdls 3X1330 id) as soil .ass sqitt 501s.
0g(A|),8f^(g) 10009 m lEioiiAt m AIOIITII Mta ®A|SI s m EWS *a MPI IET SISIOII
SSS°S wsas '400Ba|2| aSSOl xta|E|°HcKyour payment
Alias MS AM of $400 has been processed)'jl S58P. 2a|a, 0|[)|liJo||A| B?J7|
197 £ aaal All 7|A| 23# g 5! MS, '300ta| o|S oilSEIfe S
as Ag MEIS SIWOW gafe IET SI^OII -sgSHS S^5l«2,
196 ° 33 H|S(Anticipated business-related expenses of $300 or
4OO0ai3 S^SOI X133S10LPI. SAIKMS. morel'ol gA|E|0| ar|, MS a|7| IET 2|°1 gaou 40003* A|#sf
IET3 flSWAI 7feSf If A1S3 311! 0 gg 8IA1A1 OlgOII 33S0| 5IS 300B3 o|S°| aa ugoil sNSslHS (B)7| sgopl.
SEAia rn ESMS. xlfilb SI3 S7IXIM ¥I6« 213 Sgg Si as
E|0|33sa gEll^oil 13 2Si 198sifi»Hi-|c|. s|x|y 199$1 a^Ei
o|l| mz IET siassf oisa g StgLpl. xiaig m sbioiiai m 2S 197 3*f|/aw
7A|^E1 9A|77|X| 02 ol* 3AI3 D||a 2= 2X103 3A|A|X| 7lE|3 A® X1|
g8l| caqct. ZOOfAlcg HE AjAfe S7|A1#4||A1 SHaSIAIOI |}L|C|, >h« 0A|2|^S8¥9!?J2|?
#0013 31301 oioA|g gslTll inlo@ielconferece.orgS Xls|0||7|| 33 (BisgfiSisfe?!
B« gA|7| b®33. (Disigssasibs
IET 2|3 $ISSI m 0X|O| 51 gnii EBtoW '*§ A|fe MaiS Sn|S*o||A| aafe IET si
210)1 Sgwo^ 4000351 0V-SOI X13EISPKYOU have
3?i institute ggs engineering SI technology 7|# successfully registered for the IET Conference in Sao Paulo,
register for '-oil SPBpl payment xi#(S}, 33(S) Brazil, and your payment of $400 has been processed.)'!! 18
lodging gl arrangement gui, o® secure 33, isspl c|. 33AI axlfe ga a|7| s|3 S7» m S*o| 3°JS# i|°lA|3
discounted rates 13 2S participant SP|x| 30ISS (C)7|ggo|cK
complimentary 003 be responsible for ~o|| wgoi 513
feel free to+SA|Sa 7l3mo| -SR

198 §2|(H5*7|
»!« 0x|o||Al saf ^ Hi»|| go; "secureci-af 2)D|-y 7® 7(7;|§ 5
(A) x®a
(B) SfaSI sjcf
to mm
8H^ SH& o|D|fe '2|oj 5f7fXB# o|5l| m 5i=E|0fLH)|| Ifoj Sg
# SfMfflcKWe have secured discounted rates for conference
participants at Hotel Cortiana)'7l SlfAjElfecll, 0f7|Ai securefe 'If
Msfcfsffe o)n|S mo| jjolcf. ax® g establish?} 'WlE-m g
#) sasi sfcf, amsfcfafe o|p|S MOIHS (B)7} gao®.

199 g#
ei^ AAW «°uia 5!g?
(A) IET°I S|gO|Cf.
(B) s|2| nil aa* sf 50®.
(C) S|2|0||Af ej«l LfS 50®.
(D) MAf|S °!!A|L|0ig0||A| 3.S3S. A|2f ®J|| ggstf
sH-a assoiiAi ms wig '11 a eiyoii si asEioms ogsfof Aiiaoj#
Sffe ^(Transportation to Hotel Cortiana via Taxi Minuto (late
check-in confirmed by hotel manager)'°S. L}2f ora 0A|o) g
anii as ga^ow 'si ^EiofLf zngg IET siasa g
SfEKrooms at Hotel Cortiana are reserved for IET members
only)'JI SEf. [tfafAl *8 n|g IET S|a°JS gsf® g (A)7f

200 m m
fflei oia HIS agoi Mi «|<2| agoii ggEix] as?}?
(AiguM qitias
(BissigHioii cHaaa
8Hg 0|D||ii0|| HIS J #go|| =f8| 37|A| aijO| gA|E|0| offeCfl, #§
g* »5H J2SS(b||S7|, 7|A})4 SB gb» 5l)0t ElEfe a, A© LNOI
te tag* *5)1 CHOI ags 5f7| soil gAiaej goj# ao|ot tfcffe
a, aAfbfe ait sis s4siAi as ag siaioiiai gaetfe
5!0|e|. (A)g axia g snll as ofAIS gSOIIAt 'c|# HS SAfe |f
7tA|M0| 5||Bal|ot tfEKRarticipants are responsible for alt other
meais.f'ji Mass Afi anii agoi gggci. (B)g #s Mia aga
o||A| 11® eaoll '2SE|ofLf SBOII At|aa= 0l|g(Transportation
to Hotel Cortiana via Taxi Minutodate check-in confirmed by
hotel manager))'°sL Lfef "lone; 51 anil SSOI gggEf. (C) £E
fiUS 664 106011 Bifsfe SSBOI HA|E|0| °.ioae; 5J an! a
uoi gggs, sfxia asHoiiAi g ami aaa m cdsoii sfi ahj
g Ltaxi aoag (D)7t saoict.


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