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Lecture 2.1 Models of Life and the

Hi there and welcome to Now… There is an important
distinction between levels of life and
section two of this Cognitive
levels of the mind. Levels of life refer to
Behavioural Therapy the different environments and
program. situations that make up the world we
live in. On the other hand, levels of the
In this lecture we are going to look at
mind are the representations of the
how we fit in as individuals into larger
different layers or parts of our thinking
groups, how our lives are split into
selves that process these
parts, balance, and the imbalances that
experiences. These different areas in
may occur between what we THINK we
the mind allow us to experience
want and what we REALLY want. That’s
different types of thought, perception
a clue to the key points you need to
and interactions. Levels of life are
remember as you go through this
inherently outside ourselves while
lesson. So, with that in mind, we’re
levels of the mind are of course  our
going to kick off this part by looking at
internal perceptions of situations and
levels of change. 

So... The most important element of

any model of life or the mind is the
realisation that different areas have
different qualities for us to experience.
The models we will be looking at in this
section explore individualism in group
environments, the sections of our lives,
and balance and imbalance when
Ok so... Can you think of a model that considering what we think we want and
represents the ‘areas’ or ‘levels’ of life what it is we REALLY want.
and experience? There are quite a few.
Some come from faith and religious
beliefs. AND with the rise in popularity The models and representations we
of life coaching and similar will go on to look at attempt to provide
interventions, there are many non- a ‘map’ of life. Their aim is to help us
spiritual ones too. understand better the varying values of
different parts of our lives and how this
impacts our overall experience.


Lecture 2.1 Models of Life and the

Mind (Continued)
It is important to fully understand that
The PURPOSE of some models is to
no two clients will have exactly the
explain the source of different types of
same experiences in the same areas of
satisfaction and fulfilment  while others
life. They may even be different from
look to explain time allocation or
the suggestions in the models and
that’s okay. These differences could
actually give you some really good
insight. These variations could be clues
The various models out there have a
range of different purposes and to dealing with the issues of that client.
explorations. And this is helpful for
catering to the needs of individual
Ok, so that should have put us all on
clients. Now remember… The golden
the same page when dealing with
rule as I mentioned before. From the
models of life and the mind in CBT. So
world of NLP respect the other
let’s explore this further in lesson two
person's model of the world. You really
of section two - levels of experience.
must use model that suits each
individual client. 

Remember also to be flexible  and

resist the urge to over-rely on models.
As a therapist  you are the guide and
the models are used to assist
understanding and  not be seen as
definite or fixed patterns. 


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