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“Introduction” – Theorical Text.

Main concept: Civilization, Civilization


Culture: Two ways of seeing it – as practices (different arts narrating their own
experiences and the nations, IT IS ALL A QUESTION OF NORRATIVES) or as
source to construct IDENTITY

We westerns, we decide which natives are good natives and which are bad
natives (I am superior than you and this is why I can subjugate you), we thought
them to think and speak, and when they rebel, they just reassure the image we
have always had of them. (Not only impose a language, also impose a way of
think, we shape the minds of those we can subjugate). XVI

Emphasize the importance of the cultural experience and only though narrative
we will be able to understand it. XXIV

Post Coloniality (Robert Fraser’s ‘Lifting the Sentence’ [2000]) – becoming

independent of the powers, but as far as we become independent, the more we
realize how dependent the former colonies are dependent.
Post-coloniality is a process, since the beginning of it “Precolonial narratives,
colonial or imperial narratives, narratives of resistance, nation-building
narratives, narratives of internal dissent (illusion of freedom, of independence),
transcultural narratives.
[Ireland is the longest colony)]

Precolonial Narratives (referring to Ireland) – Oral or written persistence of the

precolonial inheritance, goes back to the roots, talks about natures, animals,
birds, insects, there is this way to try to go back to the origins of their country in
order to reconstruct a national identity

Colonial or imperial Narratives – written under conditions of political subjugation

and in complicity with them. Uses of caricatures of chimpanzees to describe the
Irish people, they are cleaver, but they don’t want to fight themselves to
The colonizer was in shock because these people were white, as themselves,
“if they were black, it would be fine” they impose the differences, they are
similar, but British finds a way to differ from these people they consider less
than their nation. They would say the others are lazy and the colonizer is the
hard-working man.
“While the crop grows Ireland starves” – The Irish was dispossessed from their
own lands, the potatoes that they would grow the entire year to feed themselves
was deceased because of the colonizer. (The great hunger is embedded until
today in their culture, the worst moment was between 1841 and 1851)

Narratives of Resistance – Against system of powers relations or it is inside the

text. A) contradictory representation. They would recover the Irish myths and
put that in their own narrative, in the between the fantasy there is a discourse
against the empire.
The politics of language – language as the imperial nexus, the desire of the
imperium to impress its linguistic identity on its subject peoples. The colonial
powers encourage the superimposition of a metropolitan language as an
administrative and cultural norm.
A coat – William Butler Yeats – talks about how language is used and the
importance of those myths to criticize and reassure their own culture.

Introduction, First Chapter and Conclusion (IF POSSIBLE)

Fantasy Narratives representing resistance – The demi-gods by James


“TRANSLATIONS” – Brian Friel

Ireland is the very first colony England has. In the early 1800 centuries, England
gains a lot of territories, Ireland was entirely colonized. And in 1914, just before
the war, England had colonies all around the globe, and the WWI began
because of Africa’s division. 1945, the WW2 ended and many colonies start to
become independent, Ireland is one of them, just north-Ireland remains a
colony, and, until today, they are part of the UK.
The play discusses the importance of language and how language was almost
taken away from the Irish people by the British ones. Attempt to make the
colonies forget their culture, languages and everything that makes them

How important is language in Brial Friel’s play? Why do you think it is called
Translation? (Remember that the play itself is translated)
1537 – People shall use and speak the English
Special provision who prohibited Irish to be spoken in Irish surfaces
1695 forbid Catholics do go to school and they had to find their own manner to
acquire their education
The school in the play seems to be placed in a Barn, they could not attend the
formal school, so they would attend to this informal school. They have the
education they can have. It is not a regular school and people are farmers, they
work in the field in the morning and in the evening, they go to this barn to learn
what they can learn, their master is proficient in Greek and Latin and he teaches
them. When Owen arrives and start to translate, the commander starts to speak
as they were foolish children. The English who are the colonizers, they have
topographers, they come from the city, but they can’t understand which is Latin
and which is Irish.

In Ireland they are forced to translate themselves, their homes, begin a path in a
new school in which the subjects are selected by the colonizer

Complementing what Amanda wrote, I felt that, in the play, we have an

inversion of the concept "Civilized vs Barbarians", we are thought to understand
the Irish people as the Barbarians, but as the play enrolls this image is
deconstructed. Owen even says something like: "it is good to be among the
civilized people again" and, by the end, the English people are the ones
responsible by hurting and "destructing" not only the Irish culture, but they
threatened the Irish by saying they would destroy their land, kill their animals...
until their companion reappeared. He deconstructs this image we are taught
showing us the vision of the colonized people and not the usual that is the
colonizer version

Common Wealth – 1986, when Australia and New Zealand became independent and
the countries became to get together with other countries who were getting
independent and, independently they would make exchanges, facilitations of
commerce…commons wealth games… Pretty much every author we are going to read
this semester, they are still somehow related to the UK, they are part of this group of
countries which still have some relations to the UK. Ex: Canada has the queen in the
back of their coin, but at the same time, their currency is Dollar. Except for Ireland,
they are not part of the common wealth.



When we think about India we Always think about it as the exotic place, but never as
the new India, urbanized, modern India.
“India is fundamentally a pluralist state: its pluralism
emerges from its geography, is reflected in its history, and is
confirmed by its ethnography.”
We can see India as a Thali, a dish in which we have a lot of tastes and spices, but they
are all presented individually in the same dish, it shows all the multiculturalism, where
we have a UNITY, but also an individuality that creates this unity, unity that keeps its
own individuality, each culture, cast, everything, despite the modern place in which
they can be found now a days.
There are a lot of religions, and they are all represented in their own buildings
(Hinduism, Buddhism, Islamism, Christianism), we can see this because India suffered a
lot of colonization, but the religions and cultures that were introduced, kept
themselves alive, despite the colonization.
People who adores Hinduism, usually names their sons and the family name after the
figures that are believed, there are different gods and goddess and they always comes
in pairs, and they all have VEICULLES. Shiva is named incorrectly and the destroyer, he
is the TRANSFORMER (transformation of the soul, transform life in spirit)! The majority
of the gods have many arms and hands and they are always holding objects that are all
meaningful for them.

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