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Anime, Xianxia & Wuxia

A collection of Asian inspired character options 1/23
22/04/2019 Anime & Wuxia | GM Binder

Intention of this When you adopt this Path at 3rd level, your Rage becomes a
document dance of savage fury. You lose the typical benefits of the Rage
feature and replace them with the following benefits
I have written a lot of subclasses and character options. This
can be a little difficult to parse and can be daunting for You have advantage on all Dexterity checks and Dexterity
someone looking for cool ideas for characters. It's also not saving throws
very well organized, thematically. So I am compiling my work When you make a melee weapon attack using Dexterity
into genre based groupings! while within 5 feet of your target you gain a bonus to the
This document is for anime, wuxia and xianxia. I will damage roll that increases as you gain levels as a
present the options below as well as some possible ways to re- barbarian, as shown in the Rage Damage column of the
flavour them to fit into an orient inspired world filled with Barbarian table.
impossible martial prowess, high flying action and Shinto Your AC is increased by your proficiency bonus.
mysticism. Additionally, your Reckless Attack feature applies to
I have also included the Lancer class, seeing as it is Dexterity based attacks while you are within 5 feet of your
inspired by the Dragoon archetype from Final Fantasy, as well target, however you lose the AC bonus granted by your
as the Wukong race, which is quite clearly based on Sun Dervish as well as the typical effects of that feature.
Wukong from Journey to the West.
Savage Dance
Barbarians Starting at 6th level, you have learned to perform your dervish
while wielding heavier weapons. When you make an attack
Anime and manga has a huge host of characters that would with a weapon in one hand and nothing in the other hand you
fall into the barbarian archetypes. It could be argued that can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength
almost every anime protagonist, given their proclivities for modifier. Additionally, when you hit with a melee weapon
screaming and powering up, would fit this mould. Wuxia and attack while in your Dervish you can immediately make an
Xianxia however, with their focus on self mastery, have less additional attack against a different target within 5 feet. This
examples of this. Below is a barbarian option focused more additional attack deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage your Rage
around submitting to the rhythm of combat than your own Damage bonus.
rage, something much more in line with the core feel of the
genre. Swirling Whirl
Also included is the Bombast, a common trope in anime of Starting at 10th level, your every movement becomes lithe and
the loud, brash and inspiring hero with a lust for combat and a deliberate. You can take the Disengage or Dash action as a
fury born of the power of friendship! You may wish to bonus action.
reflavour the roar into an inspiring call to action or short
speech about how, with your friends by your side, you are Leap Attack
invincible! Starting at 14th level, you charge into combat with a savage
leap, impacting with your target. When you move at least 20
Whirling Dervish feet towards a target in a straight line you can make a single
The Dervish is a sight to behold. It is a dance, a vicious and attack against that target as a bonus action. You can add +5 to
violent dance, that has existed for as long as there has been your attack roll and the attack deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage
conflict. To tap into the Dervish is not a simple feat. It seems plus your Rage Damage. Additionally, while in your Dervish
like it requires control. In fact, it requires the opposite. To find you score a critical hit on a 19 or 20.
and feel the Dervish is to lose yourself into the pattern. It is a
cold rage, a subdued passion, a fury so primal it defies Whirling Dervish and Elven Accuracy
explanation. This entire book may be a fool's errand but
describing the Dervish is a hole I will not fall down. Suffice to I am aware of Elven Accuracy as a feat and how it
can turn the Whirling Dervish from an interesting
say, those that find themselves within the Dervish are warriors Barbarian path into an unbridled engine of critical
of incredible swiftness and beauty, able to lash out at foes with hitting terror. While this may be fun for the
a grace and speed that no other barbarian can possibly match. barbarian, it is possible it can frustrate the DM and
I have watched a troupe of wardancers tear a dragon apart, a other players. If you are a DM, strongly consider
shockingly quick death of a thousand cuts and tears, with the limiting the use of this feat in regards to this path.
four of them left standing almost untouched atop the corpse of You are within your rights to say that it would not
their kill. Would that I had the words to do this sight service. It apply to the Reckless Attack feature given the
may have been the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. flavour of submitting to the dance and lose of
control that entails.
Or you can have your barbarian crit for days, it's
your game. I would feel remise if I did not point this
out though.

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Bombast Bards
The bombasts are wonderful. Their passion and fury flies Asian media does not have many examples of bards, the
from them like a raging tide. One cannot see a bombast fight concept seeming to be a mainly western idea. The examples I
and refuse the call to join in. At home amidst the clash of steel could find are pretty much all comic relief, which is
and the roar of battle, there is no foe a bombast will not face, understandable but means that almost any bard class can be
and they will convince you to join them in their glorious flavoured as such. There is, however, a stereotype of the
crusade for violence. Leaders, each and every one. I have drunken gambler or the character who relies on luck to see
fought amidst a tide of flesh and steel that attempted to tear them through the day.
me apart, a friend and bombast by my side. Together we
carved our path through that inenviable tide and came out the Gambler
other side bloodied but unbowed. I can not say I would have
made it out of that situation without the encouraging fury of In all my travels and all my research I have never come across
my friend. I owe them my life, and I would be lying if I said anything remotely close to the Gambler. I would not even
they were not a prime inspiration for this endeavor. My eternal designate them as a College in any real sense. Instead, they
respect to all bombasts. are a strange kind of performance art. The thrill they seek
from the odds they play is incredibly infectious. Leaving their
Bombastic Roar fate to the whims of luck, as likely to pull off incredible feats of
When you adopt this path at level 3, you can let loose an daring do as they are to fall flat on their face. Their lows are
inspiring roar in the midst of combat. When you score a lowest but their highs are highest and when travelling with a
critical hit or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee Gambler, you begin to understand that excitement. Without
weapon attack you can use a bonus action to roar. If you do so, clamorous failure, what joy would there be in spectacular
choose up to three allies within 60 feet that can hear you. success? What is life without a little risk? Boring, sedate,
They can add double their proficiency bonus to a single attack monotonous. But with the correct application, all becomes
roll on their next turn. elevated to a dizzying precipice of adrenaline, tension and
ecstatic release.
Inspiring Presence
Starting at 6th level, your stalwart fury in the face of your foes Double or Nothing
gives your allies great solace. While you are raging you inspire When you become a Gambler at 3rd level, you can use your
all allies within 60 feet who can see you. They gain a number magic and gamblers thrill to either enhance or negate a
of temporary hit points equal to your proficiency bonus at the moment of luck. When you score a critical hit with an attack,
beginning of each of their turns. you may choose to double down. If you do so, you may roll a
gamblers dice, which is a single d20. If the total results in a 15
Encourage Violence or higher, double the number of dice you would roll for the
Starting at 10th level, you can steel your allies for an critical hit. If the total result is less than a 15, treat the hit as a
upcoming fight. When you finish a short or long rest you can normal hit.
choose up to 3 allies. Each of these allies gain a single charge Additionally, when you roll a critical failure you suffer a
of Fury. They can expend this charge to increase either an moment of devastating bad luck. Roll one of your bardic
attack roll or a damage roll by 5. This charge lasts until your inspiration die and take that much damage. Alternatively, your
next short or long rest. DM can have an effect of their choosing happen to you.
Whenever you enter a rage you can grant a single charge of
fury to an ally within 30 feet. House Advantage
Also at 3rd level, whenever you roll a gamblers dice you can
With Me! spend a use of your Bardic Inspiration to roll an additional
Starting at 14th level, you can lead your allies in a surging dice equal to your inspiration dice. You must choose to do this
charge. You can use your action and choose any number of before you roll the gamblers dice. You can do this multiple
allies within 30 feet. You and each of these allies can move up times for each gamblers dice roll.
to 30 feet and make a single melee weapon attack at any point
during that movement. Stacked Hand
You can use this ability once and regain that use on Starting at 6th level, you score a critical hit with an attack roll
finishing a short or long rest. of 18, 19 or 20. You critically fail an attack roll or ability check
on a natural 1, 2 or 3.
Additionally, while an ally has an inspiration dice from you,
they score a critical hit on an attack roll of 19-20.

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Let it Ride Change Expanded Spell list

Starting at 14th level, you can push your luck even further. Spell Level Spell
Whenever you successfully use you Double or Nothing ability,
you may choose to attempt to do so again, doubling the 1st Chaos Bolt, Faerie Fire
number of dice you roll yet again. There is no limit to the 2nd Dragon's Breath. Nystul's Magic Aura
amount of times you can attempt this. The result on your
gamblers dice required to succeed increases by 10 for each 3rd Counterspell, Elemental Weapon
attempt beyond the first. A failure on any gamblers dice roll 4th Elemental Bane, Sickening Radiance
results in the hit being treated as a normal hit and stops you
from trying again. A natural 20 on a gamblers dice is always a 5th Destructive Wave, Conjure Elemental
success, no matter the DC.
Additionally, when you are reduced to 0 hit points rather Bonus Cantrips
than make a death saving throw you can instead choose to roll You learn the Produce Flame and Control Flames cantrips
a single d20. This dice roll cannot be modified by any means. and they do not count towards your cleric cantrips known.
If you roll an 11 or higher, you regain half your maximum hit Additionally, the flames you produce or control using these
points. If you roll a 10 or lower, you die and cannot be cantrips change colour randomly.
resurrected by any magic short of a Wish spell.
Eldritch Rites
Clerics Starting at 1st level, you learn arcane secrets and esoteric
techniques to enhance your own abilities. Whenever you
Asia as a whole has a slightly different relationship with finish a short or long rest you can choose either weapon
divinity than the west, a relationship that is much closer to the damage or spell damage. Once per turn, when you deal
typical polytheistic view of most D&D campaigns. As such, damage of your chosen type you can increase that damage by
most clerics make a lot of sense in an asian inspired an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier.
campaign. My own cleric options, being based on the concept Additionally, your magic counts as both Arcane and Divine
of the chaos gods, also fit quite well with the idea of kami. for any effects which consider that.
Rather than just repeat my cleric compendium here i have
included the domain I find to fit most closely with the Channel Divinity: Baleful Binding
aesthetic of a shinto priest, mainly due to ghosts being Starting at 2nd level, you can turn your strange techniques on
depicted as small will-o-wisp style flames. your foes. As an action, choose a target within 30 feet to affect
with a binding. The target must subtract 1d4 from any attack
Change or damage rolls they make. Additionally, they must make a
The God of Change, The Knowing Whorl, The Smiling Eye, Constitution saving throw at the start of each of their turns or
The Arcane Master, Azethoth, Tchar, The Raven Lord, they lose their action. If they succeed on this saving throw
Rainbow King. The God of Change is perhaps known by more three times the effect ends. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
names than any other. Their domain is the primal realm of Arcane Winds
change, of entropy and construction, of transmutation and
growth. Wherever one thing becomes another, they are there. Starting at 6th level, your command of the arcane winds of
They are also Lord of Magic. Some theorize They are the magic increase the potency of your spells and when you
source of all magic there is or was. One thing is known for commit great acts of spellcasting you can cause these winds
certain, magic as a fundamentally transitive force lies squarely to cling to you. Whenever you cast a spell with a spell slot that
in Their domain. Those who bear Their mark gain the ability deals damage it deals additional damage equal to the spells
to see and directly manipulate the winds of magic They blow level. Additionally, whenever you have no spell slots of a level
across creation, a constantly shifting and scintillating rainbow left your weapon attacks deal additional damage equal to the
of magical energy that ebbs and flows and swirls in eddies level of those slots. This effect stacks for multiple levels, up to
and drafts. a maximum of 5.
The purest and favored manifestation of Their power and Divine Strike
influence is the ever-shifting and beautiful flame. It is common Starting at 8th level, when you finish a long rest you can
to see a Champion of Change burning with a flame of unusual choose a damage type. Your weapon attacks deal an additional
colours, a flame that does not burn but freezes, or corrodes, or 1d8 of that damage type. When you reach level 14, this
burns the mind or soul. A true Champion of Change is a damage is increased to 2d8.
terrifying opponent, capable of embodying a vast array of This effect appears as different colored flames coating your
fighting styles and never truly out of options. weapon.
Additionally, the damage done by your Produce Flame
cantrip changes to match the damage type you choose for this

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Well of Power Courting Fey

Starting at 17th level, you are a near inexhaustible reservoir of Starting at 6th level, you are so used to dealing with fey and
magical power. When you kill an enemy with a melee weapon their idiosyncrasies that you have a limited resistance to them.
attack you can use a bonus action to regain any number of You learn Sylvan if you did not know it already. While you have
spell slots up to your Wisdom modifier. You can use this ability a Fey Companion you gain advantage on charisma checks
once and regain that use on finishing a long rest. when dealing with fey.
Additionally, you gain resistance on saving throws against
Druids being charmed or frightened.
The Asian classical elements includes wood as one of the Feywilds Walker
fundamental elements that make up all things. As such, most Starting at 10th level, you are considered fey for any effect
druids make a lot of sense in an Asian inspired campaign. I which benefits fey, though do not register as one for magical
am including below my Fey Friend druid, which you may want effects which detect fey.
to reflavour as a Kami Friend. If your campaign does not Additionally, wild beasts which would be neutral towards
include the Feywilds, you may wish to change the No Place you are now friendly and hostile creatures are neutral towards
Like Home feature to allow transportation to the Divine you until you take a hostile action.
Realm or it's campaign equivalent.
No Place Like Home
Fey Friend Starting at 14th level, you can cast Planeshift without
This circle have almost nothing specific to do with the big requiring any components but only between the material
circle but I found them on my travels and I fell in love so I'm realm and the Feywilds. Once you cast it with this feature you
going to tell you about them. These are druids who have made must finish a long rest before doing so again.
contact with the Feywild and became completely enamoured.
They've learned the tricks and rituals necessary for making Fighters
friends with the Fey. I asked one of them to teach me but the Asian media has a focus on self control and martial prowess
etiquette was way too fussy for me. Whatever weird little that makes fighters an obvious choice. Wuxia literally means
games they play they end up being more fey than whatever 'martial heroes' and as such every fighter subclass has a place.
they started as by the end of it all. I know one woman who has I am including below two archetypes not readily supplied by
spent two centuries wandering the Feywilds with her friends the official material. The Dervish is a dual wielding flurry of
and she's easily much more fey than human. If I didn't go to light attacks and fits in with a more combat focused shinobi or
school with her then I wouldn't believe she ever even was ronin. The Duelist is a master of one-on-one fights and could
human. Friends is the right term, by the way. No magical easily be styled as a practitioner of Bushido or Iaijutsu,
coercion involved here, just rites and rules and often actual techniques which require concentration and are not well
friendship. suited to large scale brawls.
Fey Companion
When you join this circle at 2nd level, you learn a ritual to Duelist
summon and befriend a fey companion. You must spend 1 The duelist arises from the practice of one on one combat,
hour and pay 100 gold per challenge rating of the fey you are most often as some form of ritual or judicial practice. Duelists
summoning, which cannot be higher than one third your druid were the first champions for hire or honour who perfected
level. The fey is friendly towards you but has its own outlook this style of fighting. Through concentration, rigor and
and is not bound to your will. It will do as you ask and follow needling persistence a Duelist is capable of taking on almost
your commands so long as those commands are not suicidal any opponent in a one on one fight. They practice the
and do not run counter to the feys views and morality, and technique of counter tempo, where they adapt their rhythm to
may take actions you do not ask of it outside of combat. counter the rhythm of their opponent. In single combat,
The fey acts on your initiative though it has its own suite of unmatched. However, in encounters with more than one
actions. It retains any abilities it has other than those that opponent their specialisation can be a severe impediment. So
allow it to summon other creatures and multiattack. complete is their focus upon one opponent that they leave
themselves vulnerable to any other opponent to take
Teamwork advantage. With intelligent application, however, a duelist can
Also at 2nd level, you and your fey companion can combine be the most devastating warrior.
your innate magics to make them more powerful. Whenever
you cast a spell that instantly restores hit points, your fey
companion can use its reaction to assist and empower. This
allows you to reroll a number of dice up to your Wisdom
modifier. When you reroll a dice you can take either result.

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One on One Dervish

Starting at 3rd level, you can focus all your attention on a The Dervish arises from the idea of the Death of a Thousand
single opponent. You can spend a bonus action to choose a Cuts. While many warriors believe in the strength of a single,
target. Once per turn, when you damage this opponent you powerful blow a dervish knows that even the most powerful,
can roll an additional weapon dice of damage. You add your implacable foe can be brought down with many smaller cuts.
proficiency bonus to your AC from attacks made by this They take the oft overlooked art of dual wielding and bring it
opponent against you. Attacks against you from any other to a place of awesome efficacy. They rely on manual dexterity
source have advantage. and practiced motion to engender the ambidexterity needed to
You can only focus your attention on one target at a time. perform their manoeuvres. The style itself is incredibly
This effect requires concentration, though you do not need to versatile, capable of performing well in single combat, but
check for damage originating from your target. You can only where it truly shines is in horde combat. A well trained
drop concentration on this effect as bonus action. dervish is capable of standing tall amidst a crowd of enemies
Counter Tempo and inflicting wounds on all those in reach with a whirling
Starting at 7th level, your ability to read your opponent allows flurry of precise cuts.
you to interrupt their combat flow with your own. When the Bonus Proficiency
target of your One on One makes a melee weapon attack, When you adopt the archetype at 3rd level, you can choose
attempts to cast a spell or attempts to use an ability while it is either Sleight of Hand or Acrobatics. You gain proficiency in
within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to make a that skill.
melee weapon attack.
Stare Down Ambidexterity
Starting at 10th level, your confidence and demeanour Starting at 3rd level, your proficiency with both hands is
unnerves your opponent. When you use the Attack action marvelous. When you take the Attack action while wielding
against the target of your One on One ability you can forgo two weapons with the Light property and not wearing heavy
one of the attacks to instead make a flourish. If you do so, your armor then you can make a single attack with your off hand as
opponent must make an Insight check versus your Intimidate a part of that action.
or Perform check. If they fail they have disadvantage on Additionally, when you use your bonus action to make a
attacks against you and on checks to notice anything other dual wielding attack, that attack can be with either your main
than you so long as you are conscious and within 10 feet. or your off hand.
Creature that are immune to the Frightened condition are Dervish
immune to this ability. Starting at 7th level, you can unleash a flurry of light, quick
Flurry blows at everyone around you. While you are not wearing
Starting at 15th level, you can channel all your concentration heavy armor and wielding only weapons with the Light
into a devastating cavalcade of blows. If you use the Attack property, you can use an action to activate this ability, dealing
action on the target of your One on One you can declare it a damage to all enemies within 5 foot equal to your proficiency
Flurry. You must make this declaration before rolling to hit. If bonus.
you do, each successful attack after the first deals an You can use this ability three times and regain those uses
additional dice of damage. This effect is cumulative but only on finishing a short or long rest, or by spending a use of your
lasts until the end of your turn. You can use this ability once Action Surge as a part of the action to use this ability.
and regain that use on finishing a long rest, or by spending a Biting Wind
use of your Action Surge as a part of the action to use this Starting at 10th level, you reflexively lash out at those who try
ability. to exploit your weak points. Whenever an opponent within 5
One on Two feet targets you as a part of a reaction they take damage equal
Starting at 18th level, you can keep your concentration on two to your Dexterity modifier.
opponents at once. When you use your One on One ability, Whirlwind Attack
you can choose a second target to designate as your opponent. Starting at 15th level, you can unleash a devastating flurry of
Additionally, you gain an additional reaction that can only blows against everyone you can reach. While you are not
be used against a target of your One on One ability and can wearing heavy armor and wielding only weapons with the
only be used to use your Counter Tempo ability. Light property you can spend an action to make an attack
against every enemy within 5 feet with your main hand, and
then make an additional attack against them with your
You can use this ability twice and regain those uses on
finishing a long rest.
Additionally, when you use a bonus action to attack with
your second weapon you can make two attacks instead so
long as you are not wearing heavy armor.

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Steel Cage Practiced Reflexes

Starting at 18th level, your relentless cascade of attacks forms Starting at 11th level, your speed and reflexes can be
a wall of whirling steel around you. As a bonus action you can enhanced even further with your Ki. When you are hit by an
adopt a defesive stance. While in this stance, for each melee attack or fail a Dexterity saving throw you can use your
weapon attack you make on your turn that hits you can reaction and spend a Ki point to increase your AC or saving
increase your AC by 1 until the start of your next turn. You can throw result by an amount equal to your half your Monk level
only increase your AC in this way by an amount equal to your against this attack or effect. This may cause the attack to miss
Proficiency bonus. or for you to succeed on the saving throw.
Fading Wind
Monks Starting at 17th level, you gain the ability to use your Ki to
Monks are most definitely the class most influenced by Asian disappear not just from sight but also mind. You can use an
culture already and as such all monk options are relevant. I action to spend a Ki point to gain the effects of Invisibility until
am including below two options that cover two common the end of your next turn. If you do so, you can spend an
archetypes not included in the official material. The first is the additional 8 Ki points to target one creature that can see you.
Ninja, a master of stealth and infiltration with a less mystical That creature forgets you were involved in this combat. It
bent than the Shadowdancer. The Wayfarer is based on the remembers you, what you look like and any other information
archetype of the wandering warrior, the traveling ronin with it has about you but it's lapse in memory means that the next
no master. time you attack it from hidden it is surprised by you.
Ninja Wayfarer
The tradition of Ninja is one devoted to infiltration and the The Wayfarer is a monk who finds their love of Ki expressed
silent kill. Self mastery, for them, is an art of movement. They in the landscapes and locales they visit. While many traditions
glide like silent shadows, fly through the air like wisps of are focused on an inward Ki, or at least a Ki within the living
cloud, and then they strike from the shadows. This tradition is and the elemental, the Wayfarer has an appreciation of Ki as a
unparalleled at unnoticed infiltration and dispatch, a fact natural force as it exists in tune with the landscapes and
which has seen this tradition sustained throughout the ages vistas. They see the Ki in the inanimate as worthy and
as covert agents, spies and assassins. Some consider the valuable as the Ki expressed through living things. Given their
Ninja to be magical, to be able to turn into logs or clone nature, Wayfarers tend not to have traditional monasteries
themselves to strike from multiple directions. These are and instead are taught by a wandering master who takes them
fanciful tales told by frightened survivors of a Ninja assault. In on their way. Their life is on the road and they are at home
truth, they are simply very, very good at being quiet and at only while travelling. Their fighting style reflects this, with
swift murder from the shadows. Their fighting style reflects many techniques centred around movement and confounding
this, often front loading their power into a single strike. the enemy.
Footwork is the basis of all Ninja technique and their training Wanderer's Soul
and kata make their reflexes so practiced that reacting is as
easy as breathing. A master Ninja is a true sight to behold, but When you adopt this tradition at 3rd level, you have a
only so long as they allow it. wanderlust and an ability to be at peace wherever you are.
Whenever you finish a long rest you gain temporary hit points
Ninja Arts equal to your monk level plus your wisdom modifier if you did
When you adopt this tradition at 3rd level, you become not rest in this location within the past week. While you have
proficient in infiltration and specialised movement. You gain these temporary hit points, your parties overland speed is
proficiency in Stealth. If you already have proficiency you can doubled.
add double your proficiency bonus to Stealth checks. Additionally, whenever you enter a region for the first time
Additionally, when you use your Step of the Wind ability your or see a major landmark for the first time, you can spend a
vertical jump height is quadrupled and it can move you further minute in quiet appreciation to gain these temporary hit
than your walking speed. You can also take the Hide action points.
when you move using this ability by spending an additional Ki
point. Trusted Companion
When you fall and take no damage you land soundlessly. If Also at 3rd level, you can choose a specific weapon you are
you move through the open between two pieces of cover while proficient with. This weapon is your trusted companion,
hiding, you can spend a Ki point to maintain your stealth. always by your side through your travels. It is considered a
monk weapon for you. If your unarmed strikes are considered
Ninja Ambush magical, so is your trusted companion.
Starting at 6th level, your mastery of the hidden strike Additionally, while you are wielding this weapon and you
becomes readily apparent. When you attack a creature from take the Dodge action you gain a +2 bonus to your AC.
hiding, who does not know your location, with a monk You can bond to a new weapon if it is on your person when
weapon, you can spend a Ki point to increase your damage by you gain temporary hit points from Wanderers Soul. You can
your martial arts die. You can spend any amount of Ki this only have one Trusted Companion at a time.
way. Additionally, when you attack a target who is surprised by
you, your first attack against them is an automatic critical if it

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Abundant Vitality Tenants of Dragons

Starting at 6th level, sating your wander's soul gives you a zest Though the words of the oath vary wildly, depending on the
for life and an abundance of energy. While you have the colour of the dragon you pledge your service to, these core
temporary hit points from your Wanderer's Soul ability your tenants remain the same
jump height is doubled and you ignore difficult terrain when
you take the Dash action. Devotion to Duty: Your loyalty lies with your draconic
Additionally, you can spend 2 Ki to cast Longstrider but monarch.
only targeting yourself. Defend the Bloodline: You fight to protect the brood and
blood of your monarch.
Mystic Speed Prove Worthy of your Gifts: You are risen above the
Starting at 11th level, you can steady yourself to unleash a average. Prove worthy, or face the wrath of your monarch.
torrent of blows. When you take the Dodge action, on your Oath Spells
next turn you can use an action and spend 3 Ki to make an
attack against every creature within 10 feet with your Trusted Level Spell
Companion. This action must be used at the start of your turn 3rd Absorb Elements, Chromatic Orb
or you lose this option. 5th Dragon's Breath, Suggestion
Transversal 9th Fear, Wind Wall
Starting at 17th level, you have begun to transcend physical
limits. You can spend 6 Ki to cast Far Step. 13th Dominate Beast, Elemental Bane
17th Dominate Person, Hold Monster
Channel Divinity
Paladins, being based on the Christian military and crusaders, When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following
don't really have an Asian analogue. This does not mean they two channel divinity options
have no place in an Asian inspired, you could easily flavour a
paladin to be pledged to a lord rather than a god or church. It Kneel, chattel! You can use an action to force any number
does mean that there are very few asian inspired paladin of creatures within 30 feet to make a Charisma saving
oaths, but I have included below the Oath of Dragons given throw. If they fail, they must use their next action to kneel
the role dragons play in Asian mythology and folklore. Feel and keep their head bowed in supplication for the next
free to tweak the tenants of the oath and the wording on the minute. They can repeat this saving throw at the end of
Channel Divinity options to reflect the more benign nature of each of their turns.
the typical Asian dragon Dragons Wrath: You can use an action to release the fury
of your draconic monarch. Each creature in a 20 foot cone
Oath of Dragons must make a dexterity saving throw against you Paladin
Dragons, as a species, have historically been the object of spell save DC. They take 3d8 damage on a failed save, half
worship by those who would be spared their horrendous as much on a success. The damage of this attack increases
wrath, or would pledge themselves to their ideals. These by 1d8 at 5th (4d8), 9th(5d8), 13th(6d8) and 17th (7d8)
warriors, filled with fervour and a devotion to duty, are given levels.
pride of place among the dragons servants. Those who prove Dragon Monarch
themselves worthy are gifted a young dragon as a companion, Also at 3rd level, the colour of the monarch you have
mount, weapon and symbol of the monarchs favour and dedicated yourself to greatly effects your abilities. Any spells
might. There are as many and more orders of Dragon you cast that deal damage and allow you to choose a damage
paladins as there are colours of dragon, and each order type must deal the damage type associated with your
follows its own ideal based on the ideals of the dragon they monarch. Your Dragons Wrath Channel Divinity deals damage
have pledged themselves to. Some are terrifying foes leading of the type associated with your monarch.
an army in conquest. Some are defenders of wild and
untamed woodlands. Others are mountaintop sentinels or Additionally, when you cast the Find Steed or Find Greater
desert rangers or servants of secret swamplords. Though Steed spell you can summon a dragon to act as your steed.
their oaths vary greatly, some key factors remain consistent. You summon a Young dragon of your monarchs colour. If you
summon it with Find Steed, it does not have wings and thus
no fly speed.
Your mount does not act under its own initiative. Instead,
you can use your action to allow your mount to use one of its
attacks. Your mount loses its Multiattack and Breath Weapon
feature. It's hit points are equal to one half your own hit
Your dragon steed is not a beast of burden and is a proud
and noble companion. If you command it to do anything it
does not agree with or that it considers beneath it, it will not
agree and may leave your service if you persist.

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Dragon Knight
Starting at 7th level, you and your dragon have become a Rangers
single terrifying foe. You cannot be knocked off your mount if Asia has many cultural archetypes that could fall under a
you do not wish to be. While you are on your dragon mount ranger, not least that of the Mongolian horse archer or the fact
you gain resistance to damage of the type associated with your that Bushido actually translates as way of the horse and bow.
monarch. Most ranger archetypes would readily fit in an oriental
Additionally, you gain an additional use of Channel Divinity campaign but I have included below the Feral conclave,
that can only be used while mounted on your dragon. You representing the surprisingly common archetype of the child
regain this additional use upon finishing a long rest. raised by animals who is now a wild and wrathful being.
Aura of Majesty Feral
Starting at 15th level, you and your dragon radiate a power The feral are not so much a conclave as a classification. Many
and majesty that emboldens your allies and worries your foes. of those who walk this path have never seen civilization. They
As an action while mounted on your dragon, you can rear up have spent their life in the wilds, surrounded by nature red in
and let out a roar. For the next 30 seconds, all your allies tooth and claw. They are sometimes more animal than
within 60 feet add 1d4 to attack rolls. Enemies in the area anything else. What truly defines them though is the ability to
must make a Charisma saving throw against your paladin let go of their restraint and let loose a savage side that is
spell save DC or subtract 1d4 from attack rolls and saving impossible to control but incredibly devastating in combat.
throws for the next 30 seconds. They have learned to harness their rage into a brutal roar
You can use this ability once and regain that use upon called a Howl. These howls have various properties but they
finishing a long rest. Additionally, when you use your action to cannot fail to stir something within those who hear them. To
allow your dragon to make an attack, you can make a single watch a feral go about their bloody business is to be struck
melee weapon attack as a bonus action. with awe at the fury and power of the natural world.
Awaken The Dragon Feral Magic
Starting at 20th level, you and your dragon can unleash the You learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in
fury of your monarch. You can use an action to goad and this class. They count as ranger spells for you but do not count
encourage your dragon steed. For the next minute, your against your ranger spells known.
dragon steed gains a breath weapon attack. Use the breath
weapon of an Adult dragon of the colour of your dragon Feral Spells
monarch. If your monarch has multiple breath weapons, you
can use either though they share a recharge mechanic. Level Spell
You can use this ability once and regain that use upon 3rd Wrathful Smite
finishing a long rest. 5th Shatter
Additionally, when you use your action to allow your dragon
to make an attack you can take the Attack action as a bonus 9th Fear
action. 14th Staggering Smite
17th Steel Wind Strike
Managing a Dragon
A dragon is not a typical steed, they are wilful and Go Wild
proud creatures and do not submit themselves to When you join this conclave at 3rd level, you gain the ability to
the will of others. As a DM, feel free to have your give in to your feral nature and go wild. You can spend a bonus
players dragon act as an NPC with it's own goals action to shake the shackles of control. You gain the following
and desires, and you can have them leave the effects for one minute:
service of the player if they are being abused.
Alternatively, you can just have the dragon as a You lose the ability to make ranged attacks or to cast
mute but useful class feature. I'm not your boss. spells. You can maintain concentration on a spell already in
You add your proficiency bonus to any damage rolls you
If you miss with a melee attack you can use your bonus
action to make an additional weapon attack.
You have advantage on melee weapon attacks. Enemies
have advantage on any melee attacks against you.
You cannot choose to end this effect early and you must
make a melee attack each round for the full duration. If there
are no enemies to attack, you must attack a neutral creature.
If there are no neutral targets, you must attack an ally. This
effect ends early if you are knocked Unconscious or reduced
to one quarter of your maximum hit points.
You can use this ability once and regain that use on
finishing a short or long rest.

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Extra Attack Dungeoneer

Starting at 5th level, whenever you use the Attack action you Where better to start talking about the more interesting and
can make an additional attack as a part of that action. hidden aspects of rogues than diving head first into the most
Terrifying Howl iconic of the rogueish ideals. The Dungeoneer! I have already
Starting at 7th level, you gain the ability to Howl and terrify said, traditionally rogues fill a specific roll in an adventuring
your opponents. You can use a bonus action to let loose a roar. group. Dungeoneers double down on this skill set. They have
Choose one enemy within 60 feet who can hear you. They lived so much and learned so much that they can apply their
must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Ranger spell knowledge to specific locations and thrive in an environment
save DC. If they fail, they must use their turn to move as far that may be far less than hospitable! A well worn Dungeoneer
from you as they are able to on their next turn. They will move is an almost preternaturally tenacious creature, surviving
at their fastest speed possible but will not spend spell slots. terrible troubles with grim grit and gristle! If I were planning a
If they succeed, they subtract 1d4 from their next attack roll dungeon dive in pursuit of untold treasures then the first thing
as they are shaken by your savage fury. I would seek out would be a dungeoneer. At the very least,
You can Howl once and regain that use on finishing a short your party will have at least one survivor to spread warnings
or long rest, or upon using your Going Wild ability. for other groups to ignore.
Bloodletting Howl Dungeoneering
Starting at 11th level, you can let loose a Howl that inspires a When you adopt this archetype at 3rd level, you can adapt
bloodthirst in your target. Choose a target within 60 feet who quickly to an environment and draw on a wealth of knowledge,
can hear you. If they are your ally they immediately make a learning and similar experience. After you spend an hour in a
melee weapon attack and add your proficiency bonus to any specific location then you gain the following benefits:
damage dealt. If they are your enemy they must make a You and up to 5 companions of your choice have advantage
Charisma saving throw against your Ranger spell save DC. If on saving throws caused by the environment.
they fail, they immediately make a melee weapon attack You are entitled to make a Perception check when you
against a target of your choice. If they succeed they must take pass within 5 feet of a hidden door or trap trigger. You
the Attack action on their next turn. cannot gain advantage on this check. Your DM might make
You can Howl once and regain that use on finishing a short this check without your knowledge.
or long rest, or upon using your Going Wild ability. Through rationing, scrounging and eating boot leather if
needed, you can supply enough food and drink to support
Cacophonous Howl yourself and up to 5 others per day.
Starting at 15th level, you can let loose a Howl filled with such You can make a Survival check to discern information
savage might that it hurts to hear. All creatures, including about the location, such as possible inhabitants, potential
allies, within 60 feet who can hear you must make a pitfalls or dangers or probable direction towards an exit.
Constitution saving throw against your Ranger spell save DC. Your DM will set a DC for these checks and will determine
Those who fail take 5d10 thunder damage and are deafened. how much information you glean.
Those who succeed take half damage and are not deafened.
You can Howl once and regain that use on finishing a short These benefits only last so long as you are in the location
or long rest, or upon using your Going Wild ability. and you can only be adapted to one location at a time.
Grit and Gristle
Rogues Also at 3rd level, when you finish a short rest in a location you
The idea of a ronin, a lordless samurai, lends itself incredibly have adapted to you gain temporary hit points equal to your
well to a rogue. ninja are also an obvious rogue parallel. As rogue level plus your proficiency bonus.
such, most rogues will find they slip quite easily into Asian Get the Drop
inspired campaign. I have included below two roguish
archetypes that fit common asian steretypes. First, the Starting at 9th level, you have advantage on Initiative checks
Dungeoneer can easily be reflavoured as the vetern warrior in a location you have adapted to. Additionally, you have
who has survived many battles on guile and wits rather than advantage on attack rolls against a creature that hasn't acted
martial prowess. Second, the Slip Rogue is probably the most yet in combat.
anime thing I have ever designed. Nothing personal, kid. Resolute Survivor
Starting at 13th level, you have resolved not to die under a pile
of rocks or by some trap in some tomb. You gain resistance to
damage from traps. If you succeed on a saving throw caused
by a trap and would still suffer damage, you instead take no
Additionally, when you fail a saving throw caused by a trap
while in a location you have adapted to, you can reroll that
saving throw. You can use this ability once and regain that use
on finishing a short or long rest.

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Not Today! Incredible Acrobatics

Starting at 17th level, you can draw on your resolution to keep Starting at 9th level, you proficiency with Acrobatics is
you going when others would fall. When you are reduced to 0 enhanced by your use of slipping to build momentum and
hit points you can make a Constitution saving throw with a propulsion. Whenever you make an Acrobatics check you can
DC equal to half the damage that reduced you to 0. If you use your reaction to add 10 to that check result.
succeed, you are instead reduced to 1 hit point. You can use
this ability once and regain that use after finishing a short or Adrenaline Rush
long rest. Starting at 13th level, you can slip to gain the drop on your
Additionally, when you are within a location you are adapted foes. You have advantage on Initiative rolls.
to and have to make a death saving throw, if you roll a 16 or Additionally, if you are not surprised, the first attack to hit
higher on that save then you regain 1 hit point. you deals half damage.
Slip Rogue Slip Flurry
Oh pal! Slip rogues! Don't get me wrong, I love who and what Starting at 17th level, you can perform an amazing feat of
I am, but if I could be anything else I would be a slip rogue! slipping to attack all the enemies around you. You can use an
These wonderful creatures have mastered a strange form of action to make an attack with a melee weapon against every
teleportation. Some of them have magic in their veins, some foe within 10 feet of you. This attack deals an additional 3d6
of them have hard won their powers from study and practice, damage if it hits. You can end your turn in any space within 10
but in any case they can slip short distances at will! Just think feet of your starting position.
of the possibilities for stealing! And also combat and You can use this ability once and regain that use on
exploration and other things probably, but if I could teleport finishing a short or long rest.
into any vault and just help myself you can be sure I would be
doing little else! Watching a slip rogue at work is fascinating Warlocks
and awe inspiring, seeing them slip through space and attack Given the Shinto belief of Kami it is easy to justify almost
from literally any direction. I am delighted I have never had to every Warlock pact in a Xianxia inspired campaign. My
fight one because, truly, I have no idea what I would do other primordial pacts would fit in incredibly well but I am including
than just die... Quickly, I would hope. below the Water pact as the regenrative properties of water
Slip are a very Asian idea.
When you adopt this archetype at 3rd level, you gain the ability Primordial Pact - Water
to teleport short distances in a technique called a Slip. When
you use the Dash action rather than move at your walking Those who have attained a mote of Primordial Water are
speed you can instead choose to teleport up to 15 feet in a often perceived to be the most sedate and calm of the
direction of your choosing. If there is no space for you to fit in primordial warlocks. This is probably because their gifts are
the space you would land in then you instead do not move and the most outwardly beneficial. However, they too must battle
take 3d6 force damage and must make a DC 15 Constitution their mote or find themselves and their bodies literally flowing
save or be stunned until the end of your next round. You away. The application of their motes powers are beneficial to
cannot use this option if your speed is 0. their allies, using the water to soothe and rejuvenate, but they
are also incredibly dangerous. Able to smash foes with their
Slip Strike control of their element and, with practice, drown a living
Also at 3rd level, you can use your ability to Slip as a means of creature at will, these warlocks are a dangerous and
landing your sneak attacks. When you take the Attack action frightening foe as well as a fantastic support to their allies.
with a melee weapon you can sacrifice any amount of d6 from
your sneak attack damage to teleport up to 10 feet per die Water Expanded Spell List
spent. If you move at least 10 feet in this manner, you can Spell Level Spell
make the attack with sneak attack, minus the dice spent to 1st Cure Wounds, Create or Destroy Water
The dice spent to teleport are removed from your sneak 2nd Lesser Restoration, Augury
attack even if you gain sneak attack from another source. 3rd Tidal Wave, Water Breathing
Reflexive Slip 4th Control Water, Watery Sphere
Starting at 5th level, your ability to slip becomes reflexive and 5th Greater Restoration, Maelstrom
can take you out of harm's way with barely a thought. You can
use your reaction when you are hit by an attack or forced to
make a saving throw to teleport 5 feet in any direction. This
can cause the attack to miss if you move out of reach or out of
the area of effect. You can use this ability three times and
regain those uses on finishing a short or long rest.
This ability replaces Uncanny Dodge.

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Bonus Spell: Bring the Weather

You learn the Shape Water cantrip. Additionally, you gain an Prerequisite: Primordial Pact - Water, 14th level The area of
additional use for this cantrip. your Bolstering Deluge now moves with you. Additionally, you
can use a bonus action to move the area up to 60 feet.
You can use a freestanding body of water to attack a target.
You can attack a target within 30 feet of the body of water, Still Waters
which should cover at least a 5 foot cube. Make a ranged Prerequisite: Primordial Pact - Water
spell attack, on a hit dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage to If you did not move last turn, you can ignore the body of
the target and additional damage to enemies adjacent to water restriction on your additional use for shape water. This
the target up to your charisma modifier. The damage to the effect lasts until you move.
targets increases by 1d6 at levels 5, 11 and 17.
Tidal Flow
Rejuvenating Waters Prerequisite: Primordial Pact - Water, 5th level
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to create and An ally who has temporary hit points you granted them
manipulate water to sooth the suffering of your allies. You increases their AC by 2. This bonus lasts until they are hit by
gain a pool of temporary hit points equal to your Charisma an attack or take damage.
modifier plus three times your level. As a bonus action on your
turn you may distribute these to an ally within 30 feet in any
amount. This pool refills after a long rest. Wizards
Additionally you can use your Hit Dice to restore this pool. Asia does not really have the traditions of wizards that most of
As a bonus action, or as part of the bonus action to distribute Europe does, but this does not mean that wizards do not have
the hit points, you can expend a hit dice to increase this pool a place. Magical Girl is an entire genre of anime and the
by 1d8 plus your Charisma modifier. If this expands the pool archetype of the analytical, intelligent hero or heroine is very
past its usual maximum these additional temporary hit points prevalent. I am including below the Monster Researcher and
last until the end of your next turn. the Summoner, mainly because both were inspired by
You can spend a number of hit dice in a round equal to your archetypes from Final Fantasy.
charisma modifier.
Monster Researcher
Aqueous Bolstering
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to restore temporary Monster Researchers are emblematic of everything I espouse
hit points. Any time you heal a character who has temporary and adore about these fringe disciplines. This tradition takes
hit points you can restore lost temporary hit points up to the an element of magical theory, that of the transmutative
amount applied by the effect granting them their current property allowing mimicry, and an interrogative and analytical
temporary hit points. mind to create an entirely new field of study. The magical
If a character has damage done to hit points and temporary effects and abilities of monsters have never satisfactorily been
hit points then the healing applies to their hit points first and codified, bar some notable exceptions, and these brave souls
any additional healing is applied to the temporary hit points. have dedicated themselves to the pursuit of this very goal.
This goal requires an incredible amount of study outside the
Drown broader arcane disciplines and an intelligent application of
Starting at 10th level, you gain the ability to attempt to drown lore into magical theory. I would make the argument that this
a target by creating water within their lungs. As an action you kind of discipline requires much more applied intellect than
can choose a target with 30 feet. If that target needs to breath any of the disciplines based solely on the schools of magic.
and cannot breath water then it must make a Constitution Monster Lore
saving throw against your Warlock spell save DC. Starting at 2nd level, your extensive studies into monsters has
If it fails then it takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage and has given you an edge when dealing with their attacks. Whenever
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. This damage an ability used by a beast, dragon or monstrosity forces you to
cannot be reduced by any means. The target can repeat this make a saving throw, you use your Intelligence modifier for
saving throw at the start of each of its turns. This ability that saving throw. Proficiency is still calculated based on the
requires concentration and can only be applied to one target original statistic.
at a time.
Bolstering Deluge
Starting at 14th level, you gain the ability to conjure a deluge
of rejuvenating waters to rain down on your allies, bolstering
them and granting them incredible resilience for a short time.
As an action you can conjure a torrential downfall over a 30
foot radius around you for 1 minute. Any allies in this area
gain 10 hit points per round. If they are at maximum hit points
they gain temporary hit points instead.
This area is considered a free standing area of water for the
duration of the effect. You regain the use of this ability after
finishing a long rest.
Eldritch Invocations
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Monster Magic
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your magic coupled with On Monsters
your studies to emulate the abilities of monsters. When you The use of the word Monster in this document
are targeted by or subject to an effect originating from a refers to any enemy that does not possess character
monster that either has a recharge mechanic or recharges on levels. Consult with your DM to ensure they agree
a short rest you can use your reaction to attempt to learn this with this assessment. Your DM has final say on what
ability. You make an Arcana check with a DC equal to 10 plus constitutes a Monster in relation to this arcane
one half of the CR of the creature using the ability (minimum tradition and is well within their rights to decide on
1). If you succeed on this check, you learn this ability as a spell a case by case basis. They can also change the level
whose level is equal to one half the CR of the creature who of the spell slot required for any learned effect, or
used that ability(minimum 1). When you learn a spell it uses allow you to learn an effect that does not fit within
the DC listed in the monsters stat block or your Wizard spell the outlined criterea.
save DC, whichever is lower. If the spell requires a body part Note that Analysis does not specify it must be
you do not possess you manifest that body part for the used on a Monster
duration of the spell effect.
You cannot learn lair actions nor legendary actions with this
ability. If you learn an ability that replicates a spell effect and Summoner
that would be a different level than that spell then you learn
the spell that ability replicates at its original level. You cannot The practice of summoning creatures has long been practiced
learn a spell for which you have no appropriate level spell as an established magical method. While more often practiced
slots. You cannot learn a spell cast by the Spellcasting feature. by the nature based divine casters, the Druids, there is a
Once you gain this ability, you cannot scribe spells into your similar tradition among almost all casters. The Summoner,
spellbook in the typical manner. You still learn spells as you however, takes that tradition to a new height. A typical
level up but otherwise you can only add to your spellbook summoning conjures a non-specific creature. This tradition,
using this ability. however, seems to be based upon either the creation of or
contact with a specific creature of magical origin. The forms
Analysis these creatures take are incredibly varied, I have never seen
Starting at 6th level, your capacity for analysis has become so two the same and have only seen very few who could
honed as to be lightning fast. You can use a bonus action to reasonably be classified as similar. The connection between
attempt to analyze an enemy. Make an Intelligence check with the caster and creature is an interesting example of a
a DC equal to 8 plus the CR of your opponent. If you succeed, symbiotic magical manifestation with the casters power
you can learn one of the following statistics about that fueling the creature. Whether this is an example of
opponent: manifestation or anchoring is apparently varied from
practitioner to practitioner. Despite being loosely grouped into
Their highest saving throw a discipline, each Summoner seems to be unique in practice
Their lowest saving throw and application.
Their AC
If they have any resistances Eidolon
If they have any vulnerabilities Starting at 2nd level, you gain the attention of an Eidolon and
the ability to summon it into being with your magic. You
You are considered proficient for this check. Additionally, choose the form the Eidolon takes though it is always a Large
you add double your proficiency bonus to any check to Magical Beast whatever shape you choose. You must also
research or learn information about a monster or its lair. choose a damage type. The Eidolon has resistance to this
Exploit Weakness
damage type and whenever an ability says that your Eidolon
deals damage then the damage is of that type. You choose the
Starting at 10th level, whenever you damage a creature you shape and damage type when you gain this ability and cannot
have successfully used your Analysis ability on you can add change it afterwards.
your proficiency bonus to damage you deal. To summon your Eidolon you must use an action to spend a
Reflect spell slot. When you do so your Eidolon appears within 30
Starting at 14th level, when you are affected by an attack you feet of you. Your Eidolon has its own movement, action and
have the ability to learn with Monster Magic, you can use your reaction. It acts on your initiative and can act on the turn it is
reaction to spend a spell slot equal to one half the CR of the summoned. The magic required to tether your Eidolon means
attacking creature. If you do, you use that ability on the it requires concentration and you cannot cast a spell of 1st
triggering creature. If that ability allows a saving throw you level or higher while it is summoned.
automatically succeed on that saving throw. You can add that The Eidolons hit points are equal to the level of the spell
ability to your spellbook as a spell with level equal to one half slot spent to summon it times ten, plus ten. It's attack bonus is
the CR of the attacking creature. You can use this ability once your Intelligence modifier plus your proficiency bonus. It
per day and regain that use on finishing a long rest. deals 1d10 damage with an attack plus half your Wizard level,
plus an additional d6 per 2 levels of the spell slot spent to
summon it. It's AC is equal to 8 plus your proficiency bonus
plus the level of the spell slot spent to summon it. It uses your
saving throws and ability score modifiers and is proficient in
Athletics. It has a walking speed of 35 feet.

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The Eidolon cannot be healed nor can it gain temporary hit
points. You can use an action to spend a spell slot and set its
current and maximum hit points to the level of the spell slot
spent times ten plus ten.
Extra Attack
Starting at 5th level, when you use your bonus action to
command your Eidolon to take the Attack, it can make two
Signature Move
Starting at 6th level, your Eidolon gains the ability to perform
an ability of your design. This ability can target either a 5 foot
radius area within 30 feet or a 45 foot line, you can choose
each time you activate it. You can use an action on your turn to
spend a spell slot and activate this ability. Each target in the
area makes a Dexterity saving throw versus your Wizard spell
save DC. Those that fail take 2d10 damage per level of the
spell spent while those that succeed take half as much
Spirit Bond
Starting at 10th level, your bond to your Eidolon allows it to
protect you at all times. While your Eidolon is summoned, if
you take damage from any source, half of the damage is dealt
to you and the other half is dealt to the Eidolon. Damage dealt
to your Eidolon in this way cannot be reduced by any means.
You can end this effect at any time without requiring an action
and you can establish the link once more as a reaction upon
taking damage.
Limit Break
Starting at 14th level, your Eidolon gains the ability to perform
a powerful ability of your design. You can use an action on
your turn to activate this ability. Your Eidolon can target any
number of creatures within 30 feet of it. Each target must
makes a Dexterity saving throw at your Wizard spell save DC
plus 2. Targets that fail their save takes 25d4 damage, targets
that succeed take half damage.
You can use this ability once and regain that use on
finishing a long rest.

Your Eidolon and You

The design of your Eidolon is entirely up to you.
Despite being classified as a Magcial Beast, it can
take any shape you wish, though it should probably
be tied pretty closely to the type of damage it deals.
You should work closely with your DM when
designing the abilities for your Eidolon. You may
use separate damage types, different areas of effect,
different saving throws or different amounts of
damage or apply conditions if your DM approves

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wary man sits at a campfire, his compainions A Unique Fighting Style
resting around him. He sharpens a glaive, his
eyes darting over the surrounding forest. He Lancers fight in a way that most people have never seen. They
stiffens, hearing a sound. He gets to his feet, lets approach combat through a more vertical lens than most,
out a whistle to rouse his friends, and leaps striking from on high to catch an opponent offguard before
directly up near 100 feet into the sky. From this dancing back out of reach to set up for another diving blow.
vantage he can see their ambushers. The tables They utilize a subtle and powerful magical technique to
turn as he rockets down, his glaive point reducing one foe to a enhance their movements and momentum, allowing them to
fine mist. jump prodigeous distances and move with surprising grace.
A gnomish woman wanders through an ancient ruin, This reaches a head with their signature jump technique, a
strange sigils glowing faintly on the walls around her. She dramatic and powerful attack that most people identify
knows there is history here, old secrets of her order, but she is lancers by.
sure that is not all. She twils her spear about her with a short, Also unique is their magical pratices. They perform arcane
graceful dance movement and magic trails like a ribbon from rituals and ceremonies, using secrets that are passed down
the tip. Protective magic sheaths her as she continues deeper through their order to perform supportive magics that no
into the ruin, eyeing every shadow warily. other traditions have discovered. These practices make them
A ragged, bleeding and bruised elf stands supporting fantastic secondary healers and support for primary casters
themselves on their pike. Facing them is a heavily armoured while maintaining a powerful presence on the front lines. A
figure in plate and shield. The blood on their opponents blade versatility and power exemplified by their signature weapon,
prove they are losing this fight. Luckily, they still have one the polearm.
trick left. A leap into the air, a hanging moment of building
momentum and a lightning fast dive directly into their foe. Creating a Lancer
The sound of steel piercing steel, a cacophonous roar and a When creating a lancer, consider their order and their
cloud of dust. As the wind blows the cloud away, two figures relationship to it. Are they an active and proud memeber? How
lie on the ground. did they join their order? Do they believe in the credo? What
Mystic knights, practitioners of an ancient and unique drove them from their order to a life of adventuring? Were
magic and fighting style, warrior scholars and wandering they driven out for violating the code? Were they sent out into
hunters. Lancers run the gamut from esoteric masters to the world to learn? Perhaps given a specific quest to
brash and bloodhungry brawlers but what binds them all accomplish? Are they open about their order or is it a dirty
together is their ancient order of polearm mastery. secret? A binding chain they wish to be free of? A far-off family
An Ancient Order they long to return to?
Also consider their weapon, which polearm do they use,
Lancers draw their origins back into the mists of time. The and why? Do they consider their unique practices to be
percise origins of their order are shrouded in mystery. something to keep secret or something to be proud of? Are
Bodyguards for ancient kings, a mystical mercenary order, they martial or esoteric? Do they seek out reasons to use their
elite elven knights. All of these have been true at one point. A powers? Are they interested in the lost history of their order?
schism has resulted in a once-unified order splintering into Or are their abilities a means to an end? Do they feel a
hundreds of smaller orders each following a different credo. responability towards their abilities?
Their unifying thread is thier strange magic and their leaping
based fighting style. Quick Build
Some orderstake utmost pride in their ancient heritage. You can build a lancer quickly by following these suggestions.
Some seek to set themselves apart from the apart, forging First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed
their own reputation and destiny. Some are martial, seeking to by Wisdom. Second, choose the Noble background.
further push the envelope on their mastery of the most
versatile weaponry. Some are magical, seeking to further
understand their esoteric arcana. Ancient secrets, long
hidden. Some are proud, powerful bodyguards and knights.
Some are roving mercenaries and andventurers. All a force to A note on polearms
be reckoned with. In the document below, whenever the phrase
polearm is used it refers to a spear, quarterstaff,
glaive, halberd, lance or pike. This classification may
extend to other weapons at your DMs discretion.

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Alternatively you can ignore the starting equipment from
Class Features your class and background and start with 5d4 x 10 gp
As a lancer, you gain the following class features
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per lancer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution
modifier per lancer level after 1st
Armor: Light and Medium armor
Weapons: Glaive, Halberd, Lance, Pike and all simple
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom
Skills: Athletics. Additionally, choose one from Acrobatics,
History, Insight, Investigation, Perception
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
(a) a martial weapon or (b) two simple weapons
(a) five javelins or (b) any simple melee weapon
(a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
(a) leather armor or (b) scale mail

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Spells Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Lancers Grace, Fighting Style — — — — — —
2nd +2 Spellcasting, Lancing 2 2 — — — —
3rd +2 Lancer Order, Jump 3 3 — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Hone In 3 3 — — — —
5th +3 Extra Attack, Backswing 4 4 2 — — —
6th +3 Order Feature 4 4 2 — — —
7th +3 Ever Vigilant 5 4 3 — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 — — —
9th +4 Bounding 6 4 3 2 — —
10th +4 Order feature 6 4 3 2 — —
11th +4 Focused Instinct 7 4 4 3 — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 7 4 4 3 — —
13th +5 Improved Spearcracft 8 4 4 3 1 —
14th +5 Order feature 8 4 4 3 1 —
15th +5 High Jump 9 4 4 3 2 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 9 4 4 3 2 —
17th +6 — 10 4 4 3 3 1
18th +6 Practiced Safefall 10 4 4 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 11 4 4 3 3 2
20th +6 Flash Dive 11 4 4 3 3 2

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Lancers Grace Lancing

Starting at 1st level, you have trained extensively with Starting at 2nd level, you can use your momentum to perform
polearms both as weapon and as tool. While you are wielding an acrobatic strike, catching your opponent offguard. If you
a polearm you double your proficiency bonus on Athletics or move 15 feet in a straight line, including straight down, on
Acrobatics checks that involve jumping or tumbling and you your turn and then make a melee attack with a polearm you
increase your jump distance on a running jump by a number can add a d4 to your first attack roll. This die increases to a d6
of feet equal to your proficiency bonus. at level 11 and a d8 at level 17.
Fighting Style Jump
At 1st level, you adopt a style of fighting as your speciality. Starting at 3rd level, you can use your magic to augment your
Choose one of the following options. You can't take a Fighting athletic ability and gain access to the lancers signature
Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose fighting style. You can use an action to spend a spell slot and
again. launch directly up to a height of 20 feet per level of the spell
slot spent. You hang in the air at this height until the end of
Archery: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with your next turn.
ranged weapons. At the beginning of your next turn, you can move in a
Defense: While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 straight line to a point within 20 feet per level of the spell slot
bonus to AC spent. That point must be equal to or lower than your current
Dueling: While you are wielding a melee weapon in one elevation. You can make a melee weapon attack with a
hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 to damage rolls polearm at any point during this movement. If you hit a
with that weapon creature, they take an additional 1d8 piercing damage, plus
Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a 1d8 per level of the expended spell slot above 1st.
damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon
you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and Lancer Order
must use the new roll even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The When you reach 3rd level, you adopt the traditions and tactics
weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for of one of the lancer orders. Your choice grants you features at
you to gain this benefit. 3rd, 6th, 10th and 14th levels.
Spellcasting Hone In
By 2nd level you can cast Lancer spells. You can use a Starting at 4th level, you can focus in on a foe using
polearm as a spellcasting focus for your lancer spells. experience and instinct to find a perfect strike. You can use an
Preparing and casting spells action to examine a foe you can see within 60 feet. The first
time you deal damage to that target before the end of your
The Lancer table shows how many spell slots you have to cast next turn you deal additional damage equal to half your lancer
your lancer spells. To cast one of your lancer spells of 1st level level.
or higher, you must exend a slot of the spells level or higher. Additionally, at 16th level, you can use your Hone In ability
You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. on a number of targets equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher Extra Attack
You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the lancer Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice instead of once
spell list. whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
The spells known column of the Lancer table shows when
you learn more lancer spells of your choice. Each of these Backswing
spells must be of a level for which you have spells slots. For Starting at 5th level, you can turn a missed strike into an
instance, when you reach 5th level in this class you can learn opening. When you miss a creature with a melee attack you
one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. can use a bonus action to make a melee attack against that
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class you can creature.
choose one of the lancer spells you know and replace it with
another spell from the lancer spell list, which also must be of Ever Vigilant
a level for which you have spell slots. Starting at 7th level, you keep a perpetual eye out for danger
and have a healthy and well earned paranoia. You cannot be
Spellcasting Ability surprised while you are conscious.
Wisdom is your spellcasting stat for your lancer spells. You Additionally, while out of combat you are considered
use your Wisdom modifier whenever a spell refers to your proficient in checks to notice danger even if you would not
spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier normally be proficient in the relevant skill. This includes
when setting the saving throw DC for a lancer spell you cast hidden ambushers, faults in terrain or monster leavings. A
and when making an attack roll with one. successful check on a skill you are not normally proficient in
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom can only alert you to the danger and cannot give you
modifier additional information.
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Wisdom modifier

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Starting at 9th level, your magical ability to increase your Lancer Orders
fighting style becomes innate and constant. Your vertical jump The different orders of lancer fight in very distinct ways with
height is doubled at all times and you gain resistance to falling an emphasis on different aspects of combat. The three
damage while you are conscious. primary orders are Errant, Resolute and Sagacious. While
Additionally, you can cast the jump spell on yourself without many splinter orders exist they tend to fall into the fighting
requiring any componenets. You can cast this spell once using styles of one of these orders.
this feature and regain this use on finishing a short or long
rest. Errant Order
Focused Instincts The Errant order places it's emphasis on offense. They prefer
Starting at 11th level, you rely on your instincts which allow lightning quick strikes to overwhelm their foes at any cost,
you to react quicker than thought. You gain a bonus on often opperating under the adage of 'A good first strike
initiative rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier. negates the need for a second one' They often eschew the
You can use a bonus action to open your instincts. For the more esoteric or practical elements of the lancer's skillset in
next minute, a creature you cannot see does not have favour of the more flashy or exciting. What they lack in
advantage on attacks against you because you cannot see restraint they more than make up for in raw damage, often at
them. They may gain advantage from another source. the expense of themselves.
Also, while under this effect, you gain a bonus on saving
throws equal to your Wisdom modifier. Falling Sky Technique
You can use this ability once and regain that use on Starting at 3rd level, you can throw your all into a Jump attack
finishing a short ot long rest. to deal tremendous damage with some major backlash. When
you spend a spellslot to Jump you can choose to increase the
Improved Spearcraft bonus damage by a number of d8's up to your Wisdom
Starting at 13th level, your training and specialisation in modifier. However, you suffer an equal amount of d8's in force
polearms makes you an incredibly potent force in combat. If damage from the attack. This damage cannot be reduced by
you are wielding a polearm and use the Attack action and any means.
attack the same target twice, the second attack deals an Additionally, when you use your Lancing ability, you can
additional weapon die of damage if it hits. increase the damage you deal by your proficiency bonus,
If you use the Attack action and attack two different targets, taking the same amount in force damage.
you can make an Attack action as a bonus action to attack up
to two different targets. Reckless Abandon
Starting at 6th level, your all-or-nothing attitude extends to all
High Jump of your attacks. Whenever you take the Attack action you can
Starting at 15th level, your Jump ability becomes more increase the damage you deal with each attack by an amount
powerful. When you spend a spell slot to Jump the height you between 1 and 5. You suffer an equal penalty to your AC until
ascend and distance you can move increases to 30 feet per the start of your next turn.
level of the spell slot spent and the total damage from the
attack increases by 1d8. Lightning Strike
Additionally, when you use your Lancing ability you Starting at 10th level, you can gather your energy and release
increase the damage of the attack by 1d8. it in a burst of fury, dashing to your foe and using that
momentum to deliver a powerful strike. You can use an action
Practiced Safefall to teleport next to a target your Hone In ability is active on and
Starting at 18th level, you are capable of using your magic to make an attack against them, so long as they are within 60
help arrest your momentum from a fall. You reduce the feet and you can see them. You are considered to have moved
distance you have fallen by 100 feet when calculating fall 15 feet in a straight line for the purposes of this attack.
damage. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your
Wisdom modifier and regain those uses on finishing a short
Flash Dive or long rest.
Starting at 20th level, you can exert yourself to take advantage
of an opponents openings in the blink of an eye. While you are Jump Mastery
wielding a polearm, you can use an action to move to a point Starting at 14th level, you are so adept and practiced at using
within 40 feet. Each creature you choose within 30 feet of this the Jump techniques that they are second nature. You can use
point must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving the Jump ability as though you had spent a 1st-level spell slot
throw a creature takes 6d8 piercing damage and has their without needing to spend a spell slot.
speed halved until the end of their next turn. On a success, You can use this ability once and regain that use on
they suffer half of the piercing damage. finishing a short or long rest.
You can use this ability once and regain that use on Additionally, you can now use your Backswing ability on a
finishing a short or long rest. creature if you hit them with a melee attack.

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Resolute Order Sagacious Order

The Resolute order stands closest to the oldest principles of The Sagacious order is concerned with the unique aspects of
the lancers, that is as knight protectors. They often serve as the lancers brand of magic and its use in their fighting style.
bodyguards to important figures, their unique fighting style They have developed a particular technique involving
giving them an edge against foes who do not expect it. They momentum magic and spearcraft that allows them to wield
are focused on defence and battlefield support, their mobility spears of pure magic and launch them at incredible speeds.
allowing them to opperate in a manner most defensive Their mastery of the esoteric aspects of the lancers
fighters lack, while maintaining a solid offense. techniques makes them great support while allowing them to
keep up a solid offense with their magics.
Resolute Training
You gain proficiency in shields. Sagacious Training
Additionally, you are adept at wielding a one-handed You have learned to bind spears with a momentum magic.
polearm by using momentum and percise placement to Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your
maximize damage. You can roll a d8 in place of normal ranged weapon attack rolls using spears. When you make a
damage with melee attacks made with a polearm so long as ranged weapon attack with a spear, you can use your Wisdom
you are also wielding a shield. modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and
damage rolls. You can roll a d8 in place of normal damage for
Standing Peak Technique ranged weapon attacks with a spear.
Starting at 3rd level, when you use your Jump technique, you Additionally, after you make a ranged weapon attack with a
can hold your position in the air for an additional turn. At any spear, it flies back into your hand.
point while you are in the air you can use your reaction to land
within 5 feet of an enemy that attempts to attack an ally of Shooting Star Technique
yours within 20 feet per level of spell slot spent to activate the Starting at 3rd level, you gain access to the Sagacious
ability. techniques altering the Jump ability. When you spend a spell
You may then make a melee attack with a polearm. If you slot to use the Jump ability you can hang in the air for a
hit, the creature takes an additional 1d8 piercing damage per number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier. While
level of the spell slot spent to activate the ability. Whether you hanging in this way the thrown range of your spears increases
hit or miss, you target suffers disadvantage on the triggering to 100 feet. The first ranged attack you make with a spear
attack. deals an additional 1d8 damage per level of the spellslot
Wallguard You can return to the ground at any point during this
Starting at 6th level, you can hunker down and use your duration by spending a bonus action. You return to the space
momentum magic to help deflect blows. While you are you jumped from and do not suffer fall damage.
wielding a shield you can use an action to increase your AC by
an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier until the start of Esoteric Study
your next turn. Starting at 6th level, you gain proficiency in Arcana and
If you take this action, you can use your Hone In ability as a Religion.
reaction. Additionally, choose either Cleric, Druid or Bard. You learn
a cantrip from your chosen classes spell list though Wisdom
Throw Back is your spellcasting ability for it.
Starting at 10th level, your momentum magic becomes a
defensive weapon. If a target you have used your Hone In Sagacious Mastery
ability on attacks you or an ally while within your reach, you Starting at 10th level, your proficiency with the Sagacious
can use your reaction to make an attack against them. If this techniques have reached complete mastery. Ranged attacks
attack hits they must make a Constitution saving throw you make with a spear deal an additional 1d8 damage.
against your lancer spell save DC. If they fail, they are thrown Additionally, you double your proficiency bonus for the first
10 feet away from you and knocked prone. attack when you take the Attack action so long as that attack
You can use this ability a number of times equal to your is a ranged attack with a spear.
Wisdom modifier and regain those uses upon finishing a short
or long rest. Lancet
Starting at 14th level, your magical studies have taught you
Resolution the means to attack your foes source of magic directly. When
Starting at 14th level, so long as your allies stand you will you hit a target with a ranged spear attack that has the
stand beside them. While you have 10 or more hit points and Spellcasting, Pact Magic or Innate Spellcasting feature you
can see an ally that is not unconscious, you can shrug off an can force them to make a Wisdom saving throw against your
otherwise lethal blow. If you are reduced to 0 hit points and Lancer spell save DC. If they fail, they lose a spell slot of the
not killed outright, make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC lowest level they have remaining. You then regain a spent 1st-
equal to the damage dealt. If you succeed, you remain level spell slot.
standing on 1 hit point. You can use this ability once and regain that use on
finishing a short or long rest.

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Lancer Spell List New Spells

1st-level Spells Bequeath
Absorb Elements 1st-level evocation
Alarm Casting Time: 1 action
Bane Range: Touch
Bequeath Components: V, S
Bless Duration: Instantaneous
Compelled Duel You touch a willing creature, passing a fragment of your
Faerie Fire remaining energy into them. The creature regains a spent 1st-
Healing Word level spell slot.
Momentum Shift At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a higher
Thunderwave level spell slot the level of restored spell slot equals the level of
2nd-level Spells the spell slot spent to cast this spell.
Aid Momentum Shift
Continual Flame 1st-level abjuration
Gust of Wind Casting Time: 1 reaction which you take in response to
Magic Weapon falling or forced movement
See Invisibility Range: Self
Silence Components: S
Warding Wind Duration: 1 round
With a dramatic gesture a field of force sheaths you and
3rd-level Spells locks you in place. You arrest your momentum and hold
Beacon of Hope yourself in your current position for the duration of the effect.
Catnap If you have fallen a distance before using this spell you take
Daylight falling damage as if you had hit the ground. If you use this to
Elemental Weapon negate forced movement, you take 1d6 damage for each 10
Life Transference foot or part thereof you would otherwise be moved.
Magic Circle Until this spell ends you can use an action to launch
Rejuvenating Wind yourself 30 foot in a direction of your choice.
Protection from Energy At Higher Levels: If you cast this spell with a 2nd level
Wind Wall spell slot or higher it gains a range of 30 feet. If you target an
unwilling creature they must make a Strength saving throw to
4th-level Spells avoid the effect.
Arcane Eye
Death Ward Rejuvenating Wind
Elemental Bane 3rd-level conjuration
Freedom of Movement Casting Time: 1 action
Locate Creature Range: 30 feet
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum Components: V, S
Stoneskin Duration: Conc. up to 1 minute
5th-level Spells Choose up to 3 targets within range. Until the spell ends,
Circle of Power each conscious creature regains hit points equal to your
proficiency bonus, at the beginning of each of their turns.
Control Winds
Holy Weapon Multiclassing as a Lancer
Legend Lore Prerequisites
Rary's Telepathic Bond
Skill Empowerment Class Ability Score Minimum
Lancer Strength 13 and Wisdom 13

Class Proficiency gained
Lancer Athletics, spear, halberd, glaive and pike.

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Wukong Wukong Names

"THERE IS LITTLE IN THIS LIFE WORTH MORE THAN Wukong view names as badges of honour, tokens of affection
good food, good friends and a good drink!" The simian figure and marks of skills they've learned. A Wukong with many
delivered his sermon hanging from a rafter by his tail. He names has many friends and has done much. They most often
paused briefly to take a heart chug from a rapidly depleting go by a self-adopted name chosen when they turn 12 years old.
tankard of beer. The resulting belch did little to slow him The other names are only brought out when feeling
down. "I mean, a good fight ranks pretty high up there! And particularly formal or bragadocious. Given names are usually
sex, I suppose. I'm partial to a good joke too. And music! And adjectives, embellished freely and are often corruptions of a
dancing..." This thought seemed to give him a moment of descriptor of why the name was given. Adopted names tend to
pause, which lasted a blessed three seconds before he be one or two sylables and are easy to yell in anger or
shrugged. "I guess there's lots of things to enjoy in this life!" consternation.
and with a hearty laugh he raised his tankard. "May you find Given Names: Acrobacious, Battlebringing, Cardshark,
what you enjoy, and plenty of it!" Mendocious, Peacebound, Rapacial, Swordmending,
Teneborial, Unthirsty, Willfiendish
Wukong are a boisterous, good-natured and laid back people, Adopted Names: Aang, Bakura, Felix, Goku, Jojo, Lindon,
as a rule. They live in fairly small nomadic bands, able to Marway, Sun, Vie, Whippant.
make a home anywhere they see fit. They prefer arboreal Wukong Traits
regions and tropic regions but are an adaptable race, capable
of great ingenuity when they put their minds to it. An ingenuity Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2
born of a love of leisure and doing as little as possible, for the and your Charisma score increases by 1
most part. Age: Wukong reach maturity at age 12 and typically live to
be around 80.
Rash, Brash and Bold Alignment: Wukong live in small, roving family bands. They
The culture of the Wukong encourages creativity, curiosity and tend towards a nomadic lifestyle and take life as it comes.
inventiveness, with an emphasis on thinking on your feet and They are typically chaotic, straying between good and neutral
improvisation. They are happiest when in the thick of a mess depending on how much they interact with the wider world
they made, seeking a way out. This encourages an act first, beyond their clan.
think later mindset that can definitely lead to a lot of trouble. Size: Wukong are between 5 and 6 feet tall, weighing
Wukong that live into adulthood do tend to have an instinct for between 80 and 140 pounds. You are Medium.
getting out of trouble and a knack for mitigating of the worst Speed: Your base walking speed is 35 foot and you have a
of their mistakes. climb speed of 20 foot.
This cultural attitude is exacerbated by an almost The Good Life Your people are fond of games and the finer
instinctual competative streak Wukong tend to possess, happy things in life. Choose one musical instrument or one gaming
to turn the most mundane of activities into a competition or a set. You are proficient in your choice.
bet. Wukong bands tend to have little use for gold and so most Brachiation: You are at home in the trees and your
of it is used as tokens for these games and bets. Those with movement is only helped by the abundance of branches to
more gold are seen as more lucky or skillful, the two attributes swing from. While in a wooded area your climb speed is
Wukong admire most. doubled and you can move from one tree to an adjacent tree
without needing an ability check.
Smiles Abound Simian Agility You are incredibly quick on your feet, your
The lifestyle of most Wukong is a life filled with music, body reacting to danger often before you are fully aware of it.
friendship, jokes and games. Most Wukong are happy to live a You can use your reaction to half the damage from an attack.
life amongst their troupe, adopting an 'if it isn't broke, why fix Once you use this ability you cannot do so again until you
it?' mentality. Within their limited circle, however, they are finish a short or long rest.
happy. On the rare instances where they cannot run from a Natural Acrobat: Your people are as used to tumbling,
fight they will attack with a passion and fury born of a need to jumping and falling as they are to walking. You are proficient
protect their lifestyle and friends. More than one bandit pack in the Acrobatics skill. In addition, when you roll an Acrobatics
has attacked what they thought was an easy mark only to be check you can roll 1d4 and add the result to the roll.
torn apart by the unexpectedly ferocious counterattack. Prehensile Tail: Your tail is prehensile and fully within your
Those Wukong who leave their homes never really leave control, however it is not capable of fine manipulation. You
this attitude behind and often gain reputations as louts, can use your tail to Use an Item on your turn as a bonus
wastrels and ne'er-do-wells. Some of them play up to this action, however it can only be used to accomplish tasks that
stereotype, relishing in the freedom of being underestimated. do not require fine motor skills. For instance, it can open a
Others set out to disprove this stereotype and sometimes over- door or pull a lever but it cannot turn a key or flip a coin.
compensate. Whatever attitude they adopt, Wukong in the Soft Landing: Wukong who do not learn the art of falling
wider world are considered a happy, well meaning lot who well tend not to live to maturity. You have resistance to
tend to get on well with most peoples. damage taken from falling.
Additionally, you can subtract 20 feet from the distance you
have fallen before calculating damage so long as you are not
Incapacitated at the time.

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22/04/2019 Anime & Wuxia | GM Binder

Tail Mastery
Prerequisite: Wukong
You have become so proficient and practiced with using
your tail that it has become like a third arm. You gain the
following benefits:
Your tail becomes capable of fine motion. You can freely
Use an Item as a bonus action.
You can use your tail to wield a shield. While you are
wielding a shield you lose the ability to Use an Item as a
bonus action and must use your reaction to gain the shield
bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.
Boisterous Charm
Prerequisite: Wukong
You are an emboidment of your races flippant, open and
honest charm. People cannot help but make allowances for
you and consider you a person of interest.
Your Charisma increases by 1.
People are more kindly inclined towards you, allowing you
to get away with minor infractions without social
reprecussions. It is readily accepted that you will climb
things, sit in strange places and spend as little time
touching the ground as possible. You can finagel and smile
your way out of minor, harmless crimes by leveraging your
status as an outsider. This consideration only lasts so long
as you do not abuse it.
After spending 8 hours in a non-Wukong settlement you
gain a reputation as an exotic and interesting person. You
can leverage this into gaining an audience with people of
interest such as local nobles or rulers. They will accept the
audience but may not be kindly disposed towards you.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
  22/04/2019 This
Anime & Wuxia | GM Binder document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.

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