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Name : M.

Nazalul Fawwadz & Edo Edwarsyah

Student number : 2519113 & 2519043

Class : TBI C

1. What are the characteristics of very young learners?

a. They have short attention span. So teachers should vary their techniques to break
the boredom. they should give varied activities as handwriting , songs , games etc.
b. They are very active. Try to ask them to play games , role play dialogues and
involve them in competitions.
c. They respond well to praising. Always encourage them and praise their work.
d. They differ in their experience of language. Treat them as a unit , don't favour
those who know some English at the expense of those who do not know.

2. How do 4-6 year old children learn language?

 At 4-5 years, children are getting better at conversations. They can use longer
sentences and take turns speaking.
 Preschoolers can say what they’re thinking, tell stories and describe feelings.
 Adults can understand most of what preschoolers are saying.
 See a child health professional if you’re worried about preschooler language

3. How does it affect foreign language teaching?

a. Phonemic coding ability (the ability to analyze incoming foreign sounds in a way
that can be recalled later)
b. Grammatical sensitivity (the ability to recognize the grammatical functions of
words in sentences)
c. Inductive language learning (the ability to identify patterns of correspondence and
relationships involving form and meaning)
d. Rote learning ability (the ability to store verbal information in memory and recall
it later).

4. What is the most common English language syllabus?

The content of the English syllabus is based on preliminary testing and grouping the
students into three streams: Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate.
This approach helps students in the lower-level groups to achieve the needed
competence and students in the more advanced groups to perfect their knowledge of

5. Which activities are effective in teaching Engiah to very young learners?

 Turn lessons into songs
 Create visual diagrams to illustrate new vocabulary
 Encourage mnemonic devices to memorize grammar rules
 Weave in spontaneous or consistent dialogues throughout the lesson
 Break up solitary study sessions with games
 Review vocabulary through role playing
 Repeat previous lessons in every class
 Get out of the classroom.

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