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Phrasal verbs database

ask after ask for news about: Tony was check in register at a hotel or an airport:
äsking after you and 1 told him you Give me your pClSS|9Oft Ond I’II go to
were hne. the desk to CheCk in.
back down stop demanding sth, stop saying check out leave a hotel: All guests mUSt CheCk
that you will do sth: It seemed as if out by midday.
the man was going to start a fight check out investigate: LetS check out that new
with the manager, but he eventually website Bill was talking about.
backed down.
back out clear up become br’ighter and better (for
decide not to do sth you agreed weather): lfit doesn t Clear up, then
to do: But you promised to help me I’m afraid we may have to cancel the
this weekend — you can’t baCk out race.
bank on now!
close down stop operating (for cömpanies):
depend on sth happeninq: I’m WhOt IS the government doinjg
really banking on gettlFlg that job at about the faCt that dozens of IOCOI
break down the Supermarket. businesses are closing down every
stop working (for a machine, etc): month?
That’s the third time our cars broken come (a)round happen again (for regular
break out down this month! events): ChrlStfnClS SOon comes
escape (from prison). Reports are around, doesn’t it?
Coming in that five prisoners have
broken out ofPentonwood PrlSOn. come (a)round (to) be persuaded to change your
break out mind (about): ThOt S a good point.
start suddenly (for a war, fire, etc): Maybe l’m coming sound to your
It seems that the fire broke out in way of thinking.
bring forward the kitchen. find sth or meet sb by chance: /
come across
change the date/time of an event Came acrOSS Some old photographs
so it happens earlier: Because of
reCent events, difhcult decisions.
198 the meetin has demand: The farmers are calling for
bring in been ClSSiStance from the government.
brought forward
to the 29g,h cancel: 1 hope they don't call the
Concert offbecause of this rain.
bring on introduce a new continue: You carry on painting this
law or system: wall and I’II go and get some more
The government brushes.
bring out are planning to
bring in a law perform an experiment, etc: The
banning investigators have been CaTrying out
bring up hunting. tests on the pieCes ofplane
cause (an illness, recovered after the aCCident.
etc): Being out become popular or fashionable:
in You green hair iS great, but I don’t
think it’ll catch on!
bring up the log always
btings on my understand: Greg is really clever and
alWOyS CfiltCheS on in CIaSS very
asthma. QHlCkly.
call for produce and reach the same point/level as:/ ran a
start to sell a little faster fo try to catch up with the
new product: others.
Did you hear
call for that REiVI have follow sb/sth quickly in order to
just brought out catch them: The shopkeeper ron out
call off a new album? of the Shop and chased after the
shOplifter aS he ran down the Street.
look after a child
carry on until he or she
becomes an
adult: Both
carry out SOrahS parents
died when She
was young and
she was brought
up by her
catch on grandmother.
discussing a
catch on subject: / hate
to bring it up,
but do yoU
catch up with have that
money you
owe me?
chase after require, need:
The manager
said that the
Called tor
come by while I was clearing out my desk.
get sth, especially sth that is hard
to qet: How did /Ou Come by that
come down painting?
start to suffer from a minor illness:
After being out in the Storm, AliCe
with come come down with a cold.
offer help or information: After
the poliCe appealed for help from
forward the publlC, a number oï people
came forward with useful
inherit: At the age of eijghteen,
come into Roger suddenly Come into a tortune.
succeed: Well, 1 think it S a Stupid
come off plan and I'll be amazed if it ComeS
develop or make progress: Your
comeon piano playing iS really COming on,
IS FM t lU
start to be broadcast: That quiz
come on show you wanted to watCh ComeS
on in halfan hour.
be published: I COFi t wait until the
come out next Harry Potter book comes out.
become conscious: After a
worrying few minutes, Sean started
come round/to to come round and opened his
come up with think of (an idea, a plan, etc):
Who do you think come up with
the idea of the bicycle?
rely on, trust: Don’t wporry — you
can count on me to help ifyou need
it. draw a line through sth
Danny realised that he’d made a
Spelling mistake and CrosSed the
word out.
cut down (on) do less of (smoking, etc): /f you
can’t give up SmOking, you COuld at
least fry to cut down.
cut down reduce an amount of: /Uy dOCtOf
has adViSed me to cut down on fat.
(on) cut off make a place difficult or
impossi•!e to enter, leave or
communicate with: The snow
meant that the village was cut off
for over a month.
Phrasal verbs database

cut off stop the supply of sth: When we fill in add information in the spaces on a
move, don’t forget to tell them to cut document: Just fill in this form and
the water and eleCtricity off. then hand it in at reCeption.
cut off disconnect: I was talking to ‹Gordon find out discover information, etc:/’ve
on the phone when we were always wanted to find out more
suddenly cUt off. about the ancient Egyptians.
dawn on if something dawns on you, flick through turn anda look at the pages of
you realise it for the first time: a magazine, etc quickly: I was
lt suddenly dawned on me that flicking through a magazine when,
Sharon loved Oscar and that was suddenly, I saw a photograph of the
why she was behaving so strangely. man who had stolen the money!
deal with handle, cope with: JVIy job mostly get (sb) down make sb feel sad or lose hope: This
involves dealing with complaints rainy weather really gets me down.
from members of the publiC. get along (with) have a good relationship (with): /
die down become less noisy, powerful don’t know why, but I don’t really get
or active: The actor waited for along with my girlfriend’s parents.
the laughter to die down before get at try to express: The man pointed
continuing. at his shoulder, but I couldn’t
do away with get rid of: I think they shoutId do understand what he was getting at.
away with doubleyellow lines and escape punishment for: The police
just let people park where they want get away with
promised that the thieves would
tO. not be allowed to get away with the
do up repair, paint or improve: You robbery.
should have your house done up return from a place: When did you
before you sell it. get back
get back from holiday?
do without live without (sth you can’t afford): get by manage to survive (financially):
IfthereS one thing I could never do I don’t make a huge amount of
without, it S ITiy ITiObile phone. money, but we get by.
draw up create (plans,etc): The architect have a good relationship (with):
started to draw up the plans for the get on (with)
I get on with fTIOSt Of my teachers
new house. — except Mr Mills!
dress up put on fancy or unusual clothes: be almost a particular time,
I used to love dressing up in my get on for number, age, etc: I’m not sure
mum’s clothes when I was a little what time it is, but it must be
drop in (on) girl. getting on for midnight.
visit unexpectedly: I hope you don’t continue doing: Jill had IunCh and
mind me dropping in on you like get on with then got on with revising for her
this, only I WaS)USt passlng aFtd I exams.
drop off thought we could have a quick cup of recover from (an illness, etc): It
coffee. get over took Mary a long time to get over
let someone get out of a vehicle: her illness.
drop off Let’s get the taxi driver to drop us oil start (after planning to do sth for a
outside the supermarket. get round to long time): When do you think you’ll
drop out (of) fall asleep: After a long day at work, get round to fixing the bathroom
Henry dropped off in front of the TV. door?
leave school, etc before you have get through use all of,finish: I can’t believe we’ve
finished a course: Dave’s parents got through ten pints of milk in a
drown out were very disappointed when he week!
dropped out of university. do; do sth you should not do:/\fly
prevent a sound from being heard get up to brother and I used to get up to 1ots
by making a louder noise: The of things Our parents didnt know
S OUtS from the audience drowned about when were young.
face up to the politician out and no one give free of charge: Did you hear
could hear a word he was Saying. give away that they’re giving away free tickets
accept sth and try to deal to the concert tonight?
fall for with it: You needy two face up to reveal sth you are trying to hide:/
your responsibilities. give away know you haven’t seen the film yet
fall for fall in love with: Romeo really fell for so I won’t give the ending away.
Juliet when he first kissed her. stop making an effort to achieve
believe (a lie/trick/joke, etc): / told give in sth difficult: I couldn’t finish the
Sam that we had the day off school, CfOSSWOrd, so in the end I gave in
fall out (with) and had a look at the answers.
and he fell for it!
have an argument with and stop produce sth such as heat or a
being friends: Pamela hasn’t give off smell: The fridge gets hot next to the
spoken to her father since they fell cooker because the cooker gives off
feel up to out eight years ago. a lot of heat.
feel well enough to do: / know I stop doing sth you do regularly: I
should go to the gym today, but I give up gave the piano up about a year ago
don’t really feel up to it. and started playing the guitar.
Phrasal verbs database
go away go on holiday: be go away every join in participate, take part: You’ll feel
summer, and this year we’re thinking much better ifyou join in, instead
about Russia. ofjust watching everyone else have
go down (as) be remembered for having done fun.
something: ChUfChiII went down as keep on continue doing sth: Ifyou keep on
a great war-time leader. being late for work, you’re going to
go in for enter (a competition, etc): You be in trouble with the manager.
should go in for the talent Contest keep up with stay at the Same point/level as:
they’re holding at the youth Club this Gordon walks so fast that no one
weekend. can keep up with him!
go in for like: I COuId never go in for knock out defeat and remove from a
windsurfing. It’s just not my kind of competition: Steve Wilson, the
sport. British number one, has been
go into deal with sth in detail: The head knoCked out of the US Open tennis
teacher asked me to go to the school championship by Peter Collingwood.
to talk about Alexander’s behaviour, knock out make unconscious: When I fell off
but she wouldn’t go into it on the my bike, my head hit the ground
phone. and I was completely knocked out for
be no longer fresh: Milk goes off about five minutes!
very quickly ifyou don’t put it in the leave out not include: Ifyou don’t like
fridge. cinnamon, then simply leave it out
go off explode; be fired (for a gun, and add sugar to the apples instead.
usually accidentally): A bomb went let down disappoint: Voters feel rea//y let
off outside the Syrian embassy in down by the government.
London today, injuring five people. let off give little or no punishment: / Can t
go off stop liking: Will used to rea//y like believe that the teacher Iet8en of
jazz music, but he’s gone off it lately. with just a warning!
go on continue happening or doing sth: let off make a bomb, etc explode: Be very
Even though everyone said they careful ifyou’re going to let off those
had heard it, Carol went on telling fireworks.
the joke. get/put into lines: The soldiers all
line up lined up, ready to be inspeCted by
go on do sth after doing sth else: He
started by CritiCising me, andf then the oiTicer.
went on to offer me promotion! use as a source of money: /
repeat or think about again in live on wanted the job, but I wouldn’t be
go over
order to understand completely: I’d able to live on the salary.
take care of:Could you look after
ITU COt While I’m on holiday?
go/come round go/come to sb’s house to visit think that you are better than: It
them: We were wondering ifyou’d look down on annoys me the way 7era looks down
like to come round for dinner one on other people.
night this week. investigate: Police are looking into
grow on if sth grows on you, you start to look into the theft.
like it more: I didn’t like reality TV be careful: Look out! You’re going to
at first, but it really grows on you look out fall!
after a Chi/e.
develop from:/Uy ambition to be a examine (a place): We looked
grow out of look round round the house but deCided that it
COmputer programmer grew out of was too expensive for us.
playing Computer games.
admire and respect: I’ve always
grow out become too big for: TroCys grown look up to looked up to my elder brother
out of her shoes so we’ll have to buy because he never gives up.
her some new ones.
try to find information in a book
of grow up become older: I’d like to be a bus look up or list, etc: Just a second - I’ll look
driver when I grow up. y y r ’s number up in the phone
hand down give something valuable to your O
children or grandchildren, usually escape: It seems that the burglars
when you die: This neCklaCe make off made ofT without being seen by
was handed down to me by dressing as postmen.
my grandmother.
pretend that something is true:
hand in give o a person in author“ity: I took make out Neil tried to make out that he’d won
the wallet I had found and handed it the lottery, but we all knew it wasn’t
in at the police station. true.
give things to people in a group: see, hear or understand sb or
hand out Johnnie, please hand these out to make out sth with difficulty: Someone was
everyone in the class. waving at me in the distance but
hold up rob while threatening violence: I couldn’t make out who it was.
Two men held up a seCurity van write all the necessary information
today and then escaped on make out on a cheque, etc: Could you please
motorbikes. make the Cheque out to ’Eurofinance
hold up delay: I was held up in a traT/C]OTTI. Limited’?

Phrasal verbs database
make up become friends again after an put forward suggest: A number ofsuggestions
argument: I had an argument with were put forward during the
my best friend, but we soon made meeting but none of them were very
make up invent an explanation, excuse, etc: put off delay, postpone: Wendy told me
As I got to school, I knew that I that the wedding has been put oil
would have to make up an excuse for until next January.
being late. put off make sb not want to do or not like
make up create a story, poem, etc: Leo sth: I’venever tasted blue cheese
made up a poem about the because the smell has a/Ways put
English teacher. me off.
make up for provide sth good, so that sth bad put on gain (weight): I put on so much
seems less important: When the weight over Christmas!
concert was cancelled, my dad took put on hold, perform (a show, play, etc):
us to the cinema to make up for it. / read that they’re putting Macbeth
make/head for go in the direction of: It started on at the Luvvies Theatre.
to rain so we made for a nearby put out make something stop burning:
farmhouse. I’m afraid you’ll have to put yoUr
name after give sb or sth the same name as cigarette out before you enter the
sb or sth else: iVIy dad named his building.
boat after his grandmother. connect by phone: I’ll justput
put through
narrow down reduce the number of possibilities: yoU through to the supervisor, Mrs
I still haven’t decided which Edwards.
university to go to, but I’ve narrowed tolerate: You have to put up with
it down to about four. put up with
a lot in this job, but it’s worth it in
pass away die: I was sorry ro hear thoryoUr the end.
grandfather passed oWoy. meet by chances: You’ll never
run into
pass out suddenly become unconscious: It guess who I ran into in town this
was so hot that several members of afternoon!
the crowd passed out and had to not have any left: I’m afraid we’ve
be taken to hospital. run out of run out of time, so I’d like to thank
pick on keep treating someone badly or e OU
unfairly: It’s not fair when some of exg eek n'Dhopes n’Ti e
the bigger boys pick on the little hit with a car: Andrea was run over
ones. run over outside her house and she’s been
pick up stop in a vehicle to give someone a taken to hospital.
lift: I’ll pick you up from outside your do something or deal with
house and we’ll drive into town. sail through something very easily: With a
plug in connect to the electricity supply: little bit oFrevision, you should sail
I couldn’t understand Why the through the exam.
vacuum cleaner wasn’t working save money little by little (for a
and then I realised I hadn’t plugged save up (for) specific purpose): I m saving up for
it in. my holiday in India.
pop in(to)
visit quickly or for a short time: go to a train station, etc to see
Mum popped into the cake shop to see off someone leave: We all went to the
get something for after dinner. bus station to see Grandma off.
stop by the side of the road recognise that sth is not true and
in a car: Could you just pull in see through not be tricked by it: The guard saw
for a second so that I can buy through the woman’s disguise and
some chewing gum? immediately arrested her.
stop being involved in an activity: continue (or help to continue)
The other company pulled out of see through (to) to the end of sth unpleasant
the deal at the last minute. or difficult: I’m not enjoying my
pull through survive (a serious illness, etc): computer course any more, but I’ll
The doctors were rev//y worried see it through to the end.
about Simon, but in the end he deal with: CoU/dyoU answer the
pulled through. see to door while I see to the baby?
put by save an amount of money for the start and b I”k I ntinue for a
future: / try to put a little by each set in
month for emergencies. while (for economic
put down criticise, make someone feel depression, etc):mony birds //y
stupid: I wish you wouldn’t keep south before winter sets in.
putting me down in front of other set out explain, describe or arrange sth
people! in a clear and detailed way:/ liked
put down kill (a sick/old animal): We used your composition, but I think you
to have a horse, but he fell and need to set your ideas out more
broke his leg so he had to be put clearly by using paragraphs.
put down to down. set out start working on sth in order to
suggest that sth is the result of: The achieve an aim: In the beginning,
ministerput the recent economic we set out to build a successful
problems down to the rise in oil ompany, bupt we never expected
prices. to become millionaires.
Phrasal verbs database
set out/off start a journey: As the sun rose, we take on start to employ: There’s so mUCh
took down our tents and set out work to do in the otTice that ma be
across the desert. we should take on a secretary.
set to start doings sth in a determined or take on accept (work or responsibility):
enthusiastic way: We only had a few I haven’t got time to take on any
hours to get the party ready so we more projects at the moment.
set to work quickly. take over take control of (a business, etc):
set up start (a business, organisation, etc): When Mr Barker retired, his daughter
You’re such a good cook that I think took over the family business.
you should set up a restaurant. take to begin to like: The class took to Mrs
settle down become calm after being upset, Openshaw straight away.
etc: When his mum left him at take to start (as a habit): I’ve taken to going
uite u on
he day,
settled was for a five-mile run ever mornin
down and started to en/oy himself. take up start (a hobby, sport, etc): Why don’t
you take up a hobby, like collecting
settle down stay in one place or get married something?
and live quietly: She spent her
twenties travelling round the world take up fill an amount of space/time:
and then settled down in a quiet Studying takes up most of my time
village in Sussex. at the moment.
show (a)round take sb on a tour of a place: Let me tear down destroy or remove (for buildings,
show you round the garden. statues, etc): That beautiful old
building was torn down to make
show off try to attract people’s attention way for a new supermarket.
and make them admire you
(usually used negatively):my sister tear up rip into pieces:Robin suddenly
thinks she’s a good singer and she’s grabbed the letter out of my hand
always showing off when people and tore it up.
come to visit. think over consider: When I asked Theresa to
decrease speed: The train started marry me, she said she’d have to
slow down think it over.
to slow down as it approached
the station. throw away get rid of, discard: The CD wouldn’t
increase speed:/ realised that I play any more, so I threw it away.
speed up put on (ay piece of clothing) to
might not have enough time to try on
finish the exam so I started to speed see how it looks and whether it
up. fits: Debra took the skirt into the
represent (for abbreviations and changing room to try it on.
stand for experiment with: England need to
symbols): BBC stands fogr’British try out
Broadcasting Corporation.’ try out a few new players before the
put up with: / wouldn’t stand for it if World Cup starts.
stand for not accept (an offer, request, etc):
someone spoke that rudely to me. turn down
do sb’s job for them while they are I applied to join the Air Force, but
stand in for not available: Mr Howard will be they turned me down because of my
standing in for Mrs O’ConneII while eyesight.
she’s ill. turn into change into sth different: it started
be easy to see because of beings as the holiday of fa lifetime but soon
stand out different: Molly has bright red hair, turned into a nightmare.
so she always stands out in a crowd! turn off stop a machine working: Would
support in an argument or fight: / you please turn that stereo off and
stand up for know that my best friend will always get your homework done?
stand up for me. turn out develop in a particular way or have
a part!cuIar result:/ was late for the
take aback surprise (usually in passive voice): interview, but it turned out all right
We were all taken aback dy the in the end and I got the job.
look or behave like an older turn a page so that the other side
take after turn over is towards you: Ifyou all turn over,
relative: George really takes after his you’ll see a table that shows how
grandfather, doesn’t fret' sales have one this ear.
write down what someone says:
take down Could I just take down your details? oo back in the opposite direction:
turn round krealised I’d forgotten my phone so I
take in trick sb into believing sth that turned round and went back to get
is not true: The man at the door it.
claimed to be a policeman, but the appear unexpectedly or without
old woman wasn’t taken in. turn up making a firm arrangement: Victor
take off become successful or popular very hadn’tbeen invited to the party but
fast: The iPod has reaII'y taken of he just turned up anyway.
over the last couple oFyears. stop being effective (for a drug;
take off leave the ground: As the plane took wear off etc): My arm started to hurt again
of( I looked down at the houses as the effects of the painkiller wore
below us. off.
remove (a piece of clothing): Carl
wear out become old and unusable:/ had to
take off
took off his coat and started
to et a new air of trainers because
warm himself by the my old pair had worn out.
fire. work out find the solution to a problem, etc:
Ifyou look at the context, maybe you
Can work out what the word
Phrases and collocations database
accident have an accident; be (involved) in an blame be to blame (for sth/doing); get/take
accident; do sth by accident the blame (for sth/doing); put the
account blame on sth/sb; blame sth (on sb);
on account of; take into account;
blame sb for sth/doing
account for sth
advance bottom at/on the bottom (of sth)
in advance; advance to/towards a
place break have/take a break (from sth/doing);
advantage lunch break; tea break; commercial
take advantage of sth/sb; have
break; give sb a break
an advantage over sth/sb; at an
advantage; an/one/etc advantage (of business do business (with sb); in business;
sth) go somewhere on business; business
agreement trip; small business; big business
come to/reach (an) agreement (on/
about sth); in agreement (on/about/ care take care (of sth/sb); care
with) sth for/about sth/sb
ahead go straight ahead; go ahead; ahead of cause (be/find/look for/etc) the cause of sth
chance have/take/get a chance to do; have
alternative alternative medicine/therapy; find an a chance of doing; some/little/etc
alternative (to sth) chance of (your) doing; the chances
amount of (your) doing; take a chance (on
an amount of sth; in large/small/etc
sth); chance of a lifetime
amounts; amount to
appointment charge charge sb (an amount of money); pay
make/have/break an appointment
a charge; take charge (of sth/doing);
approval show/give (your) approval of/for sth; in charge (of sth/doing)
meet with sb’s approval
clothes put on/try on/wear/take off clothes;
argument have an argument (with sb) (about clothes line; clothes peg; best clothes
sth/doing); win/lose an argument
‹ombination in combination with; combination of
arrangement make an arrangement (with/for sb)
complaint have/make a complaint (about sth)
(to do); have an arrangement (with
(to sb); letter of complaint (to sb)
sb) (to do)
(about sth)
art work of art; modern art; art gallery; art
compliment pay sb a compliment; compliment sb
on sth
attempt make an attempt (at sth/doing/to do);
conclusion come to/reach the conclusion (that);
attem I to do; in an attem t to do
in conclusion
attention pay attention (to sth/sb); attract (sb’s)
control in control (of sth); lose/take/have
attention; draw (sb’s) attention to sth control (of sth); under control;
average on average under the control of sb; out of
bath have/take a bath; run a bath (for sb) cook
a good/great/etc cook; cook a meal/
beginning in the beginning; at the beginning (of chicken/etc; do the cooking
sth); beginning with courage
have the courage to do; it takes
best make the best of sth; do your best; courage to do
the best at sth/doing damage
do/cause damage (to sth)
Phrases and collocations database
danger example;
in danger; out of danger exercise
have/take/get a day off; day job; day an/sb’s
trip; day by day; the other/next day example expense
in debt (to sb); get in/into debt;
clear a debt; owe sb a debt of
decision gratitude experience
make/take a decision (to do sth);
come to/reach/make a decision
demand (about sth) experiment
in demand; on demand; a demand for
description sth fact
difference give a description of sth/sb

make a difference (to sth/sb); tell

the difference (between);there’s no/
direction some/little/etc difference between
a change of direction; in the direction
discussion of sth; in this/that direction
fault favour feed fill
have a discussion (with sb) about/on
disguise sth/doing t

in disguise; wear a disguise; disguise floor

dream yourself; disguised as sth/sb

have a dream (about

sth/sb/doing); daydream; dream
of/about doing
tU e
n ’” ”
make (sb) a drink; have a drink (of
sth); drink sth; drink to sb; drink to sb’s
health; drink a toast to sb friend

effect do one’s duty; a sense of duty; on/off

duty; have a duty to sb/to do fun funny r U S S
have an effect (on sth/sb); take effect go
end make an effort (to do); put effort into good

in the end; at the end (of sth); come granted

to an end; come to/reach the end (of
sth); happy ending

have enough (of sth); have enough

sth (to do); enough is enough

take/do/have/pass/fail an exam; sit

example (for) an exam

be/set an example; an example of; for

do an /doing
do/perform/carry out an
experiment (on sth); experiment
with sth/doing
(some) in fact;the fact (of the matter) is
exercise (that);face the facts; as a matter
of fact
sb’s/y have/start a family; nuclear family;
our extended family
expen in fashion; be/go out of fashion;
se; go follow fashion;fashion
to the model/show
expen at fauIt;find fault with sth/sb
se of;
busin do/owe sb a favour; be in favour
of feed an animal/etc; feed on
se; sth
se fill sth (up);fiIIed with sth; full ofsth
get/stay/keep/be fit; fit and healthy
on the floor; on the ground/first/
second/etc floor
an make/prepare/cook/serve food;fast/
exp junk food; pet food; health food
enc make/earn/win/spend a fortune;
e; cost (you) a fortune; make your
hav fortune
make/become/be/stay friends (with
sb); best friend
ex have/be fun; make fun of
ien sb find sth funny
ce make/cause a fuss (about sth/doing)
of your go; have a go
do sb good; sth does you good; good
for sb (to do)
; take sth/sb for granted
Phrases and collocations database
cut/brush sb’s hair; have/get a new introduction with the introduction of sth; an
hairdo/hairstyle;have a haircut; let introduction to sth/sb
your hair down
head job do a job; have a job (to do); apply for
off the top of your head; head for/ a job; take/get a job; in a job
towards a place; head over heels (in
joke joke about sth/doing;joke with sb;
health tell/make/hear/get/understand a
in good/bad/poor/etc health; health joke
centre; health care
laugh laugh at/about sth/sb; laugh out loud;
in height; afraid of heights; height of roar with laughter; have a laugh
learn have a lot to learn about
put/keep sb on hold; hold on (to sth); sth/doing; learn (how) to do
hold sth
least at least; at the very least; last but not
go/be on holiday; have/take a Ieast;to say the least
holiday; bank holiday
left go/turn/etc left; on the left; on the
make yourself at home; be/stay at left-hand side; in the left-hand
home; go/get/leave home; make your corner; left-handed
way home
lesson go to/have a lesson; double lesson;
do your homework; have homework learn a/your lesson; teach sb a lesson
(to do)
long (for) as long as; (for) a long time; take
question an idea; have an idea; bright a long time (to do); long to do; long
idea; have no idea (about) for sth (to do)
give sb the impression; do an look have/take a look at sth/sb; look like
impression of sb; have the impression; sth/sb; look at/for sth/sb
make an impression (on sb)
love be/fall in love with sb
an increase in sth (of a certain
amount); a wage/price increase mad mad about/on sth/sb/doing; go/
become mad
influence sth/sb; have/be an
make-up put on/apply/wear/take off make-up
influence on sth/sb
injection make/cook/have a meal; go out for a
have an injection (for/against sth); ea
' meal
give sb an injection
have the/no intention of doing
take/prescribe medicine; practise/
study medicine;the best medicine;
have/take/express an interest in sth/ alternative medicine
doing; in your interest to do; earn/
get/pay interest make a mess (of sth); in a mess
Internet make up your mind (about sth/
on the Internet; over the Internet; surf i d
the Internet ” ’ doing); bear (sth) in mind; in two
minds about sth/doing; change your
have/go to/attend an interview;job mind (about sth/doing); cross your
interview mind; to my mind; (not) mind if

make a mistake; a mistake (to do);

mistake mistake sb for sb; do sth by mistake
Phrases and collocations database
make/earn/win/save/have money; play play a part/role (in sth); play with sth/
spend money (on sth/doing); short of sb; play sth; have a part/role to play
money; do sth for the money (in sth); be/act/star in a pIay;watch/
mood see a play
in a good/bad mood; in the right/
wrong mood; in the mood for sth pleasure take pleasure in sth/doing; gain/get
necessary pleasure from sth/doing
necessary (for sb) to do
news point see/take sb’s point (about sth/doing);
in the news; on the news; hear the
(see) the point in/of sth/doing; there’s
news; newsflash; newspaper
no point in/sth/doing; make a point
note of doing
make/take/keep (a) note of sth; note
sth (down) popular with/among
notice sb doing/do; take notice of sth; make a profit (from sth)
at short notice; give sb notice of
occasion promise promise to do; give/make sb a
on this/that occasion; on occasion; on promise; break a/your promise
the occasion of sth; special occasion
opinion purpose do sth on purpose; purpose of sth
in my opinion; give/express your/an
opinion (of/about sth/doing); hold/ question ask/answer a question; question sth/
have an opinion (of/about sth/doing) sb; in question; question mark
in order; put sth in order; in order to queue join a queue; in a queue; queue up;
do; give an order (to sb) (to do) stand/wait in a queue
take part in sth/doing; be a part of reason reason why; reason for sth;
sth; part with sth; have a part (in a reason with sb
play, etc)
recipe follow a recipe; recipe book; recipe
have/throw a party (for sb); give sb a for disaster
party; go to a party;
research carry out/do research (on/into sth)
dinner/birthday/ etc party
pass responsibility have/take (the) responsibility for sth/
pass sth (over) to sb; pass an exam/
test/etc; pass a building/etc
pattern Ut e plan your/a route; take a route
follow a pattern; a checked/striped/ ’”
plain pattern Si ve save money/time; save sth for later
give sb permission to do; ask (Sb) fOF Se f'g se make sense of sth; it makes sense (to
permission to do; have/ask for/get do); sense of humour/taste/sight/etc
permission (from sb) to do
shape get in/into shape; stay/keep in
phone call
make/receive/get a phone call shape; the shape of sth; in the shape
photo(graph) of
take a photo (of sth/sb)
pitY do the shopping; go shopping;
pity sb;take pity on sb;feel pity for sb;
shopping centre; window shopping
it’s a pity (that)
place put on a show; show appreciation (for
take place; in place of; at a place
sth/sb); show sth to sb; show sb sth;
on show; steal the show;TV/radio/
quiz/game show; show business
Phrases and collocations database

shower take/have a shower; a rain shower; a turn turn (a)round/away;turn sth over; in
light/heavy shower of rain turn;take turns; take it in turn(s) (to
side do);your turn (to do)
(on) the opposite side; (on) the far
side; side with sb; on the view have/hold/take a view; be sb’s
winning/ losing side view that; in my view; in view of;
sight look at/ see the view; view of
catch/lose sight of sth/sb; in sight
sth;view from sth/swh
of sth; at first sight
voice in a low/deep/high/etc voice; have
sights see the sights a good/ bad voice; voice an
sightseeing go sightseeing opinion (about sth);

silence in silence wash wash the dishes; wash one’s hands;

do the washing-up; dishwasher;
solution have/find/think of/work out/come up washing machine
with/figure out a solution (to sth)
waste a waste of time; waste your time;
speed at (high/full/etc) speed; a burst of industrial/household waste
speed; speed limit
watch watch sth/sb; watch (out) for sth/sb;
spread spread sth; spread sth over/on sth; keep watch
spread to a place
way lose/make/find your way; in a way; on
style in style; be/go out of style; do sth/go the way; go all the way (to sth/swh)
somewhere in style; have style
weather weather forecast; under the weather
suggestion make/accept a suggestion
work do some work; have work to do; go
table lay/set/clear the table; book/reserve a to work; at work; work hard; out of
table work; place of work
talent have a talent (for sth/doing);taIent w«Id all over the world; around the world;
contest throughout the world; the whole
taste world; in the world; world record
have/show good/bad taste (in sth); in
good/bad taste wrong do wrong; do the wrong thing; the
tendency wrong thing to do; go wrong; the
have a tendency to do
wrong way up
time on time; (just) in time; the whole
time; high/about time; take your time
(doing); take time to do; sth takes up
(your) time; spend time doing; spend
time on; at/for a certain time; time
passes; find time to do; make/find
time for; for the time being; have a
good/nice time (doing); tell the time;
free/spare/leisure time
tour go on / take a tour of/(a)round
somewhere; tour a place; tour guide
trend a trend in sth; follow/set a trend
trip business trip; school trip; go on a
trip; take a trip (to a place)

Word paxerns database
able to do compliment sb on sth
absent from sth concentrate on sth/doing
according to sb confuse sth/sb with sth/sb; confused about/by
accuse sb of sth/doing sth/sb
addicted to sth congratulate sb on sth/doing
admire sb (for sth/doing) consider sth/doing; consider if/whether;
advise consider sb for sth; consider it strange,
sb to do; advise sb that; advise sb etc (for sb to do)
on/about sth; advise (sb) against sth/
doing continue sth/doing; continue to do; continue
afford with sth
to do
afraid convince sb (of sth); convince sb to do;
of sth/sb/doing; afraid to do convince sb that
agree with/on/to sth; agree with sb; agree to
do; agree that cope with sth/doing
allow correspond with sth/sb
sb to do; allow sth
announce covered in/with sth
sth (to sb); announce that
anxious criticise sb (for sth/doing)
about sth/doing; anxious to do
apologise demand sth (from sb); demand
(to sb) for sth/doing
appear to be deny that sth/doing
apply depend on sth/sb
for sth; apply in writing
approve describe sth/sb as; describe sth/sb to sb
of sth/doing; approve sth
argue deserve sth/to do
with sb; argue about sth/doing; argue
that differ from sth/sb
arrange sth (with sb); arrange for sb to do difficult to do; find sth difficult; find it difficult
arrest to do
sb for sth/doing
arrive in/at a place; arrive here/there disappointed with/by sth; in sb
ask sb sth; ask sb to do sth (for you); discuss sth/doing (with sb)
ask about/for sth; ask if/whether doubt sth; doubt that; doubt if/whether
associate sth/sb with sth/sb dream about/of sth/sb/doing
attach sth to sth; attached to sth e ! ’ ! t° Y yourself; enjoy sth/doing
attack sth; attack sb for sth/doing; an e X• i 2r•• (for) sth/doing;
attack on sth/sb expect sth/sb (to do); expect that
attempt to do experienced in/at sth/doing
avoid sth/sb/doing explain that; explain sth (to
aware of sth; aware that fail sb) to do
ban sb from sth/doing; ban sth familiar with sth; familiar to sb
beg sb (for sth); beg sb to do famous for sth/doing
begin doing/to do/sth; begin by doing fond of sth/sb/doing
believe sth; believe in sth; believe that; force sb to do sth; force sb into sth/doing
believe to be forget to do; forget doing; forget about sth/
belong to sb/sth doing; forget if/whether
benefit from sth; a benefit of sth forgive sb for sth/doing
boast of/about sth/doing (to sb) free to do; free from/of sth; free for sth
borrow sth (from sb) full of sth
bound to do glance at sth/sb
capable of doing glimpse sth; catch a glimpse of sth
careful with/about/of sth good for sb (to do sth); good at sth/doing;
cause sth (to do) good to sb
charge sb with sth guilty of sth/doing
charge sb (for sth/doing) happy to do sth; happy for sb (to do
choose between; choose to do sth); happy about sth/doing
claim to be/do; claim that hard to do; hard doing
comment on sth; make a comment (to sb) hear sth/sb; hear about sth/sb; hear from sb
about sth hope to do; hope that
compete against/with sb; compete for/in sth independent of/from sth
complain (to sb) (about sth/sb/ doing); I f sb that; inform sb about/of sth
complain of sth inject sth into sth/sb
Word patterns database
insist on sth/doing; insist that regret (not) doing; regret sth; regret to tell/
instead of sth/doing inform you
intend to do/doing rely on sth/sb
interested in sth/doing remember to do; remember sth/sb/doing;
invite remember that
sb to do
involve respect sth; respect sb for sth/doing; have
sth/doing; involved in sth/sb/doing respect for sth/sb
keen to do; keen on sth/sb/doing
know responsible for sth/doing
(about) sth/doing; know of sb; of sth/doing; result in sth; result in
be known as sth result
lack (your) doing; result from sth/doing;
sth; lack of sth; lacking in as a result of sth
lead sth to sth/(your) doing save sb from sth/doing; save sth (for sth/sb)
learn about sth/doing; learn to do; learn by say sth (to sb); say that
legal seem to be; it seems that
(for sb) to do sb sth; send sth (to sb)
lend send
sth to sb; lend sb sth for/on sth
let settle
sb do sth of sth; short on
like short
sth/doing; like to do; be like sth/doing; similar sth to sth/sb/
be like sb (to do)
likely to do; it is (un)IikeIy specialise doing in
listen that to sth/sb spend sth/doing
live in/at a place; live on/for sth; live here/ stare sth (on sth/sb/doing)
there stop at sth/sb
look at/for sth/sb; look forward to sth/doing sth/doing; stop to do; stop sb
love study from doing
sth/sb/doing; love to do
make sb do; be made to succeed sth; for sth
manage do to do suffer in sth/doing
mean to do; it/this means that; it/this means suggest from sth; suffer sth
sth/doing suitable sth/doing (to sb); suggest that
need to do; need doing; in need of; no need SUPPOSe d for sth/doing; suitable to do
for sure/certain to do
object to sth/doing make/be sure/certain that; sure/certain
offer sb sth; offer sth (to sb); offer to surprise to do; be sure/certain of sth
operate do on sb/sth talented by surprise; surprised at/by sth
PaY sb (for sth/doing); pay sth (to sb) tell at sth/doing
persuade sb to do; persuade sb that; persuade sb sb sth; tell sb that; tell sb about sth/
of sth tend doing; tell sb (not) to do
plan sth; plan to do think to do
plenty of sth; plenty more sth; plenty to do t h e a te of/about sth/sb/doing
point (in) doing tired to do, threaten sb with sth
possible (for sb) to do; find sth possible; find t g'a ” of sth/doing
it impossible to do try to do
prefer to do (rather than [to] do); prefer sth use to do; try sth/sb/doing; try and do
(rather than sth); prefer sth/doing (to useful sth (for sth/doing); use sth to do
prepare wait for sth/doing; useful to sb
(sb) for sth; prepare to do
pretend for sth/sb; wait (for sth) to do; wait and
to be; pretend to do; pretend that warn see
prevent sth; prevent sb from doing; prevent sth sb about/against sth/doing; warn sb of
from happening willing sth; warn sb not to do; warn (sb) that
profit from sth/doing wonder to do
promise to do; promise sb (sth); promise that about sth/doing; wonder if/whether/
proud of sth/sb/doing; proud to do work why
prove to do; prove sth (to worry as/at/in sth; work for sb
qualify sb) as/in sth about sth/sb doing; worried that;
refer to sth; refer sb to sth worth worried about/by
refuse to do sth; refuse sth write sth/doing
regard sb as (being) sth about sth/sb/doing; write (sth) to sb;
write sb sth; write sth down
Word formation database
able unable, (in)abiIity, disabled, disability desire (un)desirable
academy academic, academically develop (un)deveIoped, developing, developer,
accept acceptance, accepting, (un)acceptabIe, development
(un)acceptably differ different(ly), difference
accurate accurately, inaccurate(Iy), (in)accuracy direct indirect, direction, director, (in)directIy
accuse accused, accusation discover discovery
achieve achievement discuss discussion
act (in)active(ly), acting, actor, actress, disgust disgusting, disgusted
action, (in)activity distant distantly, distance
add added, addition, additional(Iy) economy economic, (un)economical(ly),
addict addicted, addictive, addiction economics, economist
advertise advertisement, ad(vert), advertising, edit editor, editorial, edited
advertiser educate education, educator, educational(Iy)
allergy aIIergiC effect (in)effective(ly)
allow disallow, allowance, allowable emphasis emphasise, emphatic
amuse (un)amusing(Iy), amusement employ (un)empIoyed, (un)empIoyabIe,
announce announcement, (un)announced (un)empIoyment, employer, employee
anxious anxiously, anxiety end endless(Iy), ending, unending
appear appearance, apparently enjoy enjoyment, enjoyable
apply (in)appIicabIe, applied, applicant, enter entrance
application entertain entertaining, entertainment,
appreciate (un)appreciative(ly),appreciation entertainer
argue argument, argumentative enthuse (un)enthusiastic(ally), enthusiasm,
arrange rearrange, arrangement enthusiast
arrive arrival environment environmental(ly), environmentalist
assist assistance, assistant equip equipment, equipped
associate disassociate, association, evident evidence, evidently
(un)associated excite (un)exciting, excited(Iy), excitement
attend attention, (in)attentive(Iy), attendance, expect (un)expected(Iy), expectation,
attendant expectancy
attract (un)attractive(ly),attraction expense (in)expensive(Iy), expenses
aware unaware, awareness explain explanation
beauty beautiful(Iy) extreme extremely, extremity, extremist
behave behaviour fail failure, failing
belief disbelief, believe, (un)beIievable, fame (in)famous(Iy)
(un)beIievabIy fashion (un)fashionabIe, (un)fashionabIy
benefit beneficial finance financial(Iy), finances
bore boring(Iy), bored, boredom fit unfit, fitness
broad breadth, broaden forge forgery, forger
build builder, building fortune misfortune, (un)fortunate(Iy)
care careful(Iy), careless(ly), (un)caring freeze froze, frozen, freezing, freezer
certify certificate, certified friend friendship, (un)friendIy
comfort discomfort, (un)comfortabIe, globe global(Iy)
(un)comfortably great greatly, greatness,
commerce commercial(Iy)
communicate communication, (un)communicative,
grow growth, grown-up, growing,
grown, home-grown, grower
communicator happy unhappy, (un)happiness,(un)happiIy
compete competition, competitor, harm harmful(Iy), harmless(Iy), (un)harmed
competitive(Iy) help (un)heIpfuI(Iy), helpless(Iy), helping,
contain container, content(s) helper
converse conversation honest dishonest, (dis)honesty, (dis)honestIy
convict convicted, conviction humour humorous, humourless
convince convinced, (un)convincing ill illness
correspond correspondence important unimportant, importance, importantly
create creative(Iy), creation, creativity, creator improve improvement, improved
crime criminal industry industrial(Iy), industrious(Iy)
culture cultural(Iy), (un)cuItured information, (un)informed,
current currently (un)informative
danger dangerous(Iy); endanger; endangered inhabit inhabitant
day daily, everyday inject injection
decide decision, (in)decisive(Iy), undecided injure injury, injuries
dedicate dedicated, dedicatiOFl intense intensity, intensify, intensely
Word formation database
interest (un)interesting(Iy) qualify (un)quaIified, qualifying, qualification
introduce introduction, introductory real unreal, really, realise, realisation, reality,
invent inventor, invention reaIisticaI(Iy)
invest investment, investor reason (un)reasonable, (un)reasonabIy,
investigate investigative, reasoning
investigation, recognise (un)recognisabIe, recognition
investigator recover recovery
involve (un)invoIved, involvement relate relative(Iy), relation, relationship
jealous jealousy, jealously research researcher
journal journalist, journalism, journalistic reside residential, resident, residence
kind unkind, (un)kindness, kindly responsible irresponsible, (ir)responsibIy,
know knowledge, (un)knowIedgeabIe (ir)responsibiIity
law lawyer, (un)Iawful revise revision, revised
like alike, dislike, unlike, likeness, revolution revolutionary
(un)IikeabIe, liking ridicule ridiculous(Iy), ridiculousness
likely unlikely, likelihood rob robbery, robber
literate illiterate, (iI)literacy, literature safe unsafe, (un)safeIy, save, safety, saviour,
lose lost, loss saver
low lower, lowness say saying
luxury luxuries, luxurious(Iy) scholar scholarship, scholarly, scholastic
machine machinery science scientist, (un)scientific(ally)
maintain maintenance second secondly, secondary
manage managing, management, manager secure insecure, (in)security
marry marriage, (un)married similar dissimilar(Iy), similarity
medal medallist, medallion solve solution, (un)soIvabIe
meet met, meeting strong strength, strengthen, strongly
mix mixed, mixture, mixer study student, studies, studious
murder murderer style (un)styIish(Iy), stylist, stylishness
nature (un)naturaI(Iy) succeed success, (un)successfuI(Iy)
neighbour neighbourly, neighbouring, suggest suggested, suggestive(Iy), suggestion
nerve nervous(Iy), nervousness sun sunny, sunshine
obey disobey, (dis)obedient(Iy), supervise supervision, supervisor
(dis)obedience surgery surgeon, surgical(Iy)
observe observer, observation surprise (un)surprising(Iy), surprised
offence offensive, offend, offender sweet sweetly, sweetener, sweetness
operate operation, operator, operating, teach teacher, taught
cooperate, cooperation, technology technoIogicaI(Iy), technicaI(Iy),
(un)cooperative technician, technique
oppose opposition, opponent, opposite, theft thief
opposing think thought, (un)thinkabIe, thoughtful,
origin (un)original(ly), originate, originator thoughtless
pay paid, payment, payable thorough thoroughly, thoroughness
perform performing, performance, performer time timetable
person (im)personaI(Iy), personalit tour tourism, tourist
photograph photography, photographer, train retrain, trainer
photographiC treat treatment
poison poisonous, poisoning understand (mis)understanding, (mis)understood,
polite impolite, (im)politely, (im)poIiteness understandable, understandably
politics political(Iy), politician use usage, useful(Iy), useless(Iy), user,
pollute (un)poIIuted, pollution, pollutant (un)usabIe
poor poorly, poverty value (in)vaIuabIe, (in)vaIuabIy, valueless,
popular unpopular, popular(Iy), popularity valuation
possible impossible, (im)possibility, (im)possibIy vary (in)variabIe, (in)variabIy, varying, varied,
power powerful(Iy), powerless(Iy), empower various(Iy), variation, variety
practice practise,(im)practical(ly) wealth wealthy
prepare preparation, preparatory, (un)prepared willing unwilling, (un)wiIIingness, (un)wiIIingIy
prison prisoner, imprison(ed), imprisonment wood wooden
produce product, producer, production, work working, (un)workabIe, worker, works
(un)productive(Iy) world worldwide
profession (un)professionaI(Iy) write writer, writing, wrote, (un)written
prove proof, (un)proven, disprove
psychology psychologist, psychological(Iy)

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