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"unstructured":"A 32yr white male adult was admitted to the
hospital with left arm pain. A CT scan was taken which revealed a
fracture in his left arm before an intramuscular injection of morphine
for pain relief.",
"unstructured":"Patient was on 30mg of Voderal for the past
35 days to treat elevated insulin. blood test showed normal insulin
level. He was not taking Cortexophen in the past week.",
"name_reported__v":"elevated insulin"
"frequency_unit__v":"as necessary",
"unstructured":"Patient had sudden fracture in left arm. He
took oral Advil500 for the acute pain twice daily. A surgery was done on
patient left arm. He then had physiotherapy for the following 4 weeks.",
life_threatening__v, caused_prolonged_hospitalisation__v,
disabling_incapacitating__v, congenital_anomaly_birth_defect__v,
"unstructured":"Dr. Veeva Vern Smith 1-925-452-6500",
"organization_value__v":"Vern Hospital",
"street_value__v":"100 Bay Street",
"postalcode_value__v":"M4R 36Y",
"additional_information__v":"Provider/best doctor"

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