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ACTIVITY 1: Terms to be imagined
Instruction: Below are anagrams, these are words that can be written in
various ways. Create words out from the words/terms given and give at least
5 new words from the original words/terms.
1. Spear = parse,reaps,spare,rapes,pears
2. Reward = warred,reward,redraw,warder,drawer
3. Least = tales,slate,stale,steal,stela
4. Plates= septal,pleats.palest,pastel
5. Spread= spared,rasped,parsed,padres,drapes
6. Post = tops,spot,pots,stop,opts
7. Reins= siren,serin,risen,rinse,resin
8. Player= pearly,replay,reply,repay,parley
9. Name = mean,man,men,mane,amen
10. Skate = takes, sake,take,takes,steak
11. Mister =timers,mitres,remits,miters,merits
12. Traces= reacts,carets,caster,crates

ACTIVITY 2. Thinking outside of the box

Instruction: Write a sentence or phrase expressing what these signs mean to
you. The idea here is to create a meaning out of the signs that we are familiar
with and as a result you can formulate another term.

1. It is a sign of peace but according to my research it was based off of the combination of the
letters “N” and “D” which is understood for “Nuclear Disarmament” during 1958.

2. It shows bravery and strong but I think during war it is a sign of “fight” or “to move ahead and
3. It shows that it is a sign of freedom,love or holy spirit but for me it is the symbol of holy ghost a
sign of dove was given to John who had baptized Jesus to signify the truth of the deed.

4. Mostly it signifies as death or even immortality but don’t think that skull is signifies as negativc
but mostly people love the skull as of decoration during holloween or even to scare some kids.

5. It is a sign that something is prohibited, it might at health or for safety precautions but to think it
is a circle that something is being half. To think that life is all about running circles and you may
encounter the positive and negative in your life.

Instruction: Underline and determine what kind of terms you are using in
your: short story or reflection paper. In determining you have to write your
answer under the word/s that you have underlined. The short story should
have these five essential components: the characters, the setting, the plot,
the conflict, and the resolution. The reflection paper should have a three
paragraph composing the following; introduction, body and conclusion. At
least you will have one example each of the different classification of terms.
Note: In a sentence there may be more than one classification of terms.

Ex. The sun brings light to the people. And you are the light of my life.
Equivocal terms

Short Story.
Sweet Poison
The time is 5:37 a.m. I'm having trouble sleeping. Another sleepless night has passed. My
day isn't off to a good start.
The last time I heard her voice was 37 days ago. I haven't seen her face, held her hand, or
kissed her cheeks in 49 days. I should've been doing well by now, according to her
calculations. Calculations, especially when done by a girl, might be inaccurate.

In today’s COVID-19 pandemic we have faced a lot of difficulties, we also encountered

great deal of confusion. Because we can no longer hide from obstacles, particularly school-
related issues. It’s evident that knowing the optics here between past and where at is one of
several instruments we possess, and also that tool being study. As we start this school the
Cebu Normal University conducted a school webinar. The webinar included issues that were
really valuable to the listener’s comprehension. Some of the topics I didn’t listen because of the
internet connection but here some part of the topics I watched and listen.
Covid-19 is a living organism, but its behavior betrays sociality but its behavior, In our
society, this virus is now widely spread pandemic. This virus is so very harmful to all human
being, so we must do our best to prevent this kind of disease and so we need to ready our body
of what might be the possible outcome. Treatments and vaccinations are still in development
yet, so us citizen in order to help our issue in our society we must responsible in every actions
and ways we do so that we must present it. This Covid-19 is a biggest social issue in 2020. And
here’s a thing another issue not only in our society but also in our school which is relate, it talks
about the school issues and a challenge we’ve facing in taking up online classes, there are some
issues and problems regarding about here’s the thing every students should have a mobile
phone that can sustain in online learnings, students should have a sustainable internet
connections or even loads to pay so that a student can enter class even though it causes budget
or even climbing up on an area where he/she can find a stable signal to enter the online classes
or even accessing the school works in google classroom it takes also a data or internet
connection to open or even passing the school works to their perspective teachers. Some
student not just the problem of having unstable wireless connection but also having not enough
equipments such as laptops or personal computer because some files can’t open if you are just
only using cellphones that’s why I think this online classes is only for the students who are
boundful with such equipments.
Furthermore,it is also mentioned in there about it G. Gadamer’s Hermereutical Theory it
talks about Dialogue and Phronesis, it’ll give you some short topic about this foundation
Gadamer’s thinking began and always remained connected with Greek thought,especially that
of Plato and Aristotle. The way in which Gadamer’s concerned of understanding and
interpreparation, is as just such particularly oriented mode of insight, a mode of insight that has
it’s own rationality irredusible to any simple rule or set of rules, that cannot be directly taught,
and that is always oriented to the particular case at hand. That’s all the insight I’ve know.
Gadamers many essays and tasks either art,poetry, science,medicine, and friendships as well as
references to his work by thinkers in these fields, at test to the ubiquity and practical
heteronice and hermeneutic thought and also every human has a relationship that conflicts
how they surpass this pandemic in every field of society. We all the listener has the encourage
to learn more and to be filled our knowledge to all the topics that we may face it gives us a lot
of help for us especially we if we talked about the Physical Education course it is our step
journey to gain more knowledge for us BPED teaches students to be educated and to advocate
and as a role indeed to each students. This is fit for us, this is what we need so that we gain
more knowledge that we might never know this is the good example for us especially the
freshmen students in Cebu Normal University about all the topics we watched all of them. He
inspired us and encourage us especially it mentioned there about the Covid pandemic that is
the most mentioned topic in today’s generation. We use our chance to influence all of our co-
students this is our weapon to use our knowledge and strength we have right now this is aslo a
way to fight and give them a way to open there minds against this pandemic. All students has a
role in each society so that all we can contribute and to be aware and always observe the
sorroundings so we can change the world by taking actions.

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