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Homework 2.

Quantum Mechanics II

Pavel Elian Morales Medina

May 21st , 2021

Problem 10.4
Consider the case low-energy scattering from a spherical delta function shell:

V (r) = αδ (r − a) ,

where α and a are constants. Calculate the scattering amplitude, f (θ), the differential
cross-section, D (θ), and the total cross section σ. Assume ka << 1, so that only the ` = 0
term contributes significantly. (To simplify matters, throw all ` 6= 0 terms right from the
start.) The main problem, of course is to determine c0 . Express your answer in terms of the
dimensionless quantity β ≡ 2maα/~2 . Answer: σ = 4πa2 β 2 / (1 + β)2 .
We start by noticing that the spherical delta function shell potential, can be rewritten
explicitly as 
0 r < a

V (r) = ∞ r = a (1)

0 r>a

As can be seen, we have two main regions, inside the shell (r < a) and outside the shell
(r > a), we know that scattering will occur for the external region, therefore we propose a
wave function as Equation (10.29) noticing that this problem does have spherical symmetry,

X h i
ψ1 (r, θ) = A i` (2` + 1) j` (kr) + ika` h` (kr) P` (cos θ) for r>a

As the problem suggests we take ` = 0 for the case ka << 1, which is the term that
contributes significantly, thus
h i
ψ1 (r, θ) = A j0 (kr) + ika0 h0 (kr) P0 (cos θ)

Recalling the spherical Hankel functions definition
h` (x) ≡ j` (x) + in` (x) ;
h` (x) ≡ j` (x) − in` (x) ;
(1) (2)
h` + h`
⇒ j` (x) =
From Table 10.1 we substitute the Hankel functions for ` = 0, obtaining

(1) eix (2) e−ix

h0 = −i ; h0 = i
x x
−ieix + ie−ix eix − ex sin (x)
⇒ j0 (x) = = =
2x 2ix x
Whereas from Table 4.2 we replace the Legendre polynomial, obtaining for the wave function

sin (kr)
ψ1 (r, θ) = A + ika0 −i (1)
kr kr
eikr eikr
sin (kr) sin (kr)
=A + ka0 =A + a0 (2)
kr kr kr r

On the other hand, we have the interior region, where we know V (r) = 0, meaning that we
should a “free-particle” like wave function. Using this reasoning we propose the first term of
the wave function above, since it corresponds to the incoming wave, but lets consider that
the potential shell might change the amplitude.
sin (kr)
⇒ ψ2 (r, θ) = B for r<a

Next, we recall that the wave function must be continuous, therefore at r = a

ψ1 (a) = ψ2 (a)
sin (ka) sin (ka)
⇒A + ka0 =B
ka ka ka
sin (ka)
(A − B) = −Aka0
ka ka
(A − B) = −Aka0 (3)
ka sin (ka)

Additionally, the wave function derivative, must be continuous as well, excepting r = a where
the potential is infinite, this discontinuity can be computed by integrating the Schrödinger
equation as follows, remember that for the radial part we have

~2 d2 u ~2 ` (` + 1)
− + V (r) + u = Eu where u(r) = rR(r)
2m dr2 2m r2

Using that we have set ` = 0 we get
~2 d2 u
− + [V (r)] u = Eu
2m dr2
Integrating close to the discontinuity, taking the limits from a −  to a + , then we can take
the limit as  → 0.
Z a+ 2 Z a+ Z a+
~2 du
− dr + [V (r)] udr = Eudr
2m a− dr2 a− a−

Notice that since u do is continuous, the right hand side equals zero as  → 0 while for the
rest of the expression we have
Z a+ 2 Z a+
lim − dr + [V (r)] udr = 0
→0 2m a− dr2 a−
Z a+ 2 Z a+
~2 du
⇒− lim dr = lim [V (r)] udr
2m →0 a− dr2 →0 a−
  Z a+
du du 2m
lim − = − 2 lim [V (r)] udr
→0 dr dr a− ~ →0 a−

Defining the left hand side as the discontinuity in the derivative, and substituting the po-
tential at r = a we have
  Z a+
du 2m
∆ = − 2 lim [αδ (r − a)] udr
dr ~ →0 a−
du 2mα
⇒∆ = 2 [u (a)]
dr ~
For this case, R(r) = ψ( r) the proposed wave function, since it’s just radial dependent,
choosing ψ2 since both are valid close to r = a but this last is simpler, equation above
du 2mα
∆ = [rψ2 (a)]
dr ~2
2mα sin (ka)
= 2 B (4)
~ k
Next, we observe that we can also compute this discontinuity by computing the derivative
of the propose wave function explicitly
0 ψ10 (r) , r > a,
ψ (r) =
ψ20 (r) , r < a.
k 2 r cos (kr) − k sin (kr) ik 2 reikr − keikr
ψ10 (r) = A + ka0
(kr)2 (kr)2
0 k r cos (kr) − k sin (kr)
ψ2 (r) = B

In terms of the functions u(r) we have

u0 (r) = ψ(r) + rψ 0 (r)

eikr ikreikr − eikr
sin (kr) kr cos (kr) − sin (kr)
u01 (r)
=A + ka0 +A + ka0
kr kr kr kr
sin (kr) kr cos (kr) − sin (kr)
u02 (r) = B +B
kr kr
∴∆ = u01 (a) − u02 (r)

Equalling to equation 4 we get

2mα sin (ka) sin (ka) ka cos (ka) − sin (ka)
B = (A − B) +
~2 k ka ka
ika ika ika
e ikae − e
+ A ka0 + ka0
ka ka

Combining this expression with the continuity of the wave function from equation 3

2mα sin (ka) ka sin (ka) ka cos (ka) − sin (ka)
B = −Aka0 +
~2 k ka sin (ka) ka ka
ika ika ika
e ikae − e
+ A ka0 + ka0
ka ka
eika ikaeika − eika
= −Aka0 [1 + ka cot (ka) − 1] + A ka0 + ka0
ka ka ka
 ika ika ika ika

e ikae − e e
= Aa0 + − [ka cot (ka)]
a a a

Substituting B from equation 3 as well

ikaeika − eika eika
2mα ka sin (ka) e
A 1 + ka0 = Aa0 + − [ka cot (ka)]
~2 ka sin (ka) k a a a
ikaeika − eika eika
2mα sin (ka) ika e
+ a0 e = a0 + − [ka cot (ka)]
~2 k a a a
2maα sin (ka) ika
ika ika  ika ika
−e − e [ka cot (ka)]

+ a0 e = a0  e + ikae 

| ~
{z } k
sin (ka)
+ a0 eika = a0 ikaeika − eika [ka cot (ka)]

Solving for a0 we find
sin (ka)
β = a0 [ika − ka cot (ka) − β] eika
βe−ika sin(ka)
a0 =
ika − ka cot (ka) − β
βe−ika sin (ka)
a0 =
(ika − ka cot (ka) − β) k
βe−ika sin2 (ka)
⇒ a0 = (5)
[ika sin (ka) − ka cos (ka) − β sin (ka)] k
Now, we need to proceed to the low energy approximation, let x = ka, we know then that
x << 1, so up to first order
sin (x) ≈ x ; cos (x) ≈ 1 ; e−ika ≈ 1 ; sin2 (x) ≈ x2 (6)
Approximating the a0 we get
β (ka)2
a0 ≈ a0 = h i
ka(ka) − ka − βka k

Where the term in de denominator can be neglected since its multiplication produce smaller
contributions, obtaining
a0 ≈ (7)
From ψ1 the scattered wave function it easy easy to observe that a0 actually corresponds to
the scattering amplitude, consequently
f (θ) ≈ − (8)
Since the amplitude is independent of θ we have
2 βa
D (θ) = |f (θ)| = (9)
and, as the answer indicated, we find
Z  2
σ = D (θ) dΩ = 4π (10)

Problem 10.5
A particle of mass m and energy E is incident from the left on the potential

 (x < −a) ,
V (x) = −V0 , (−a ≤ x ≤ 0) ,

∞, (x > 0) .


(a) If the incoming wave is Aeikx (where k = 2mE/~), find the reflected wave. Answer:
0 0
−2ika k − ik cot (k a) −ikx 0
Ae e , where k = 2m (E + V0 )/~
k + ik 0 cot (k 0 a)
First, let’s solve the Schrödinger equation for the 2nd region (−a ≤ x ≤ 0), for the constant
−h2 00
ψ (x) − V0 ψII (x) = EψII (x)
2m II
00 2m
ψII (x) = − 2 (E + V0 ) ψII (x)
ψII (x) = −k 02 ψII (x)

0 2m(E+V0 )
Where k = ~
. Notice that this is the harmonic oscillator differential equation,
which solution is well known and it’s given by
ψII (x) = C sin (k 0 x) + D cos (k 0 x)
Second, we know that for the 3rd region (x > 0) the potential goes to infinity, giving a
forbidden region for the wave function, thus by continuity, with region two, at x = 0 we have
ψII (0) = 0
⇒ C sin (0) + D cos (0) = 0
∴ ψII (k x) = C sin (k 0 x)

Given that for the 1st region (x < −a), the incident part of the solution is already given by
the problem, we follow Equation (10.40) for the total wave in this region
ψI (x) = A eikx − ei(2δ−kx)

Now, we have to ensure that the derivative of the wave function is continuous from this
region to the 2nd one
ψI0 (−a) = ψII
⇒ A ikeik(−a) + ikei(2δ−k(−a)) = Ck 0 cos (−k 0 a)

Aik e−ika + ei(2δ+ka) = Ck 0 cos (k 0 a)

Moreover, the wave function itself, has to be continuous at this point as well, obtaining
ψI (−a) = ψII (−a)
⇒ A eik(−a) − ei(2δ−k(−a)) = C sin (−k 0 a)

A e−ika − ei(2δ+ka) = C sin (−k 0 a)

A e−ika − ei(2δ+ka)

sin (k 0 a)

Substituting this relation into the previous one from expression 11 we get
−ika i(2δ+ka)
A e − e
Aik e−ika + ei(2δ+ka) = − k 0 cos (k 0 a)

sin (k a)
ik e−ika + ei(2δ+ka) = − e−ika − ei(2δ+ka) k 0 cot (k 0 a)

ike−ika + ikei(2δ+ka) = −e−ika k 0 cot (k 0 a) + ei(2δ+ka) k 0 cot (k 0 a)

e−ika [ik + k 0 cot (k 0 a)] = ei(2δ+ka) [k 0 cot (k 0 a) − ik]
e−ika [ik + k 0 cot (k 0 a)]
⇒ ei(2δ+ka) =
[k 0 cot (k 0 a) − ik]
[k − ik 0 cot (k 0 a)] −ika
ei(2δ+ka) = e
[−ik 0 cot (k 0 a) − k]
k − ik 0 cot (k 0 a) −ika
ei2δ eika =− e
k + ik 0 cot (k 0 a)

k − ik 0 cot (k 0 a) −2ika
∴e =− e (12)
k + ik 0 cot (k 0 a)
Therefore, from ψI we take just the reflected wave, and substitute the result above
ψr (x) = −Aei(2δ−kx) = −Aei2δ e−ikx
k − ik 0 cot (k 0 a) −2ika −ikx
= −A − e e
k + ik 0 cot (k 0 a)
0 0
−2ika k − ik cot (k a)
ψr (x) = Ae 0 0
e−ikx (13)
k + ik cot (k a)

(b) Confirm that the reflected wave has the same amplitude as the incident wave. Answer:
The amplitude of the incident wave its just modulus of the coefficient from the positive
Amplitudei = |A|
On the other hand, the amplitude of the reflected wave is just the coefficient and phase next
to the negative exponential
−2ika k − ik 0 cot (k 0 a)
Amplituder = Ae

k + ik 0 cot (k 0 a)
√ k − ik 0 cot (k 0 a) k + ik 0 cot (k 0 a)
= |A| e −2ika e +2ika
k + ik 0 cot (k 0 a) k − ik 0 cot (k 0 a)
√ √
= |A| 1 1
= |A|
Verifying that both amplitudes are the same.

(c) Find the phase shift δ (Equation 10.40) for a very deep well (E << V0 ). Answer:δ − ka.
Answer: Let’s notice that for the given case

E << V0
⇒ E << E + V0
p p
2m (E) 2m (E + v0 )
∴ <<
~ ~
k << k 0

Therefore in this limit expression 12 goes like

 0 
0 0
k − ik cot (k a)  −2ika
ei2δ ∼ −  0 e
k + ik 0 cot (k 0 a)
 
0 0
ik cot (ka)  −2ika
∼ − − 0  0 e
ikcot (k a)

⇒ ei2δ ∼ e−2ika

Finally from the exponentials we notice

δ = −ka (14)

Problem 10.10
Find the scattering amplitude, in the Born approximation, for soft-sphere scattering at
arbitrary energy. Show that your formula reduces to Equation 10.82 in the low-energy limit.
Answer: Writing down the Born approximation for the spherical potential (10.88), we have

−2m a −2m ∞ :0

f (θ) ≈ V 0 r sin (κr) dr + (0) sin(κr)
~2 κ 0 ~2 κ a 

Z a  
−2mV0 d − cos (κr)
= r dr
~2 κ 0 dr κ
2mV0 a d
= r [cos (κr)] dr
~2 κ2 0 dr
2mV0 a d
= (r cos (κr)) − cos (κr) dr
~2 κ2 0 dr
2mV0 sin (κr)
= rcos (κr) −
~2 κ2 κ 0
= [aκ cos (κa) − sin (κa)]
~2 κ3


f (θ) ≈ − [sin (κa) − aκ cos (κa)]
~2 κ3

Once again for low-energy, we have the analogous approximations as in Expression 6,up to
second term we get

(κa)3 (κa)2
sin (κa) ≈ κa − ; cos (κa) ≈ 1 −
6 2
So our approximation becomes
" !#
2mV0 (κa)3 (κa)2
f (θ) ≈ − 2 3 κa − − ak 1 −
~κ 6 2
" #
2mV0 (κa)3 (κa)3
= − 2 3 ka − − ak +
~κ 6 2
2mV0 a3 1 1

=− 2

~ 2 6 2π
mV0 1

=− 2
2π~ 3

Recovering the requested equation (10.82)

−m 4 3
f (θ) ≈ V0 πa (15)
2π~2 3

Problem 10.13
For the potential in Problem 10.4,

(a) Calculate f (θ), D (θ), and σ, in the low-energy Born approximation;

Answer: From the Born approximation for low energy at Equation (10.80), substituting
the potential we get
f (θ, φ) ≈ αδ (r − a) d3 r
Z  Z ∞ 
−m 2
= dΩ r αδ (r − a) dr
2π~2 0
−m 2

= (4π) αa
−2mα 2
= a

Since it is not φ dependent we can write

−2mα 2
f (θ) ≈ a (16)
Also, with this result, we compute as requested,

4m2 α2 4
D (θ) = |f (θ)|2 = a

4m2 α2 4 a4
σ= D (θ) dΩ = a (4π) = 16πm2 α2
~4 ~4

(b) Calculate f (θ) for arbitrary energies, in the Born approximation;

Answer: In this case, we recall the Born approximation for spherical potentials from equa-
tion (10.88), we write
−2m ∞
f (θ) ≈ 2 rV (r) sin (κr) dr
~κ 0
−2m ∞
= 2 rαδ (r − a) sin (κr) dr
~κ 0
= 2 αa sin (κa)

Hence we write
f (θ) ≈ sin (κa) with κ = 2k sin (θ/2) (17)
~2 κ

(c) Show that your results are consistent with the answer to Problem 10.4, in the appro-
priate regime.
Answer: We know that for low-energy κa << 1 then

sin (κa) ≈ κa
−2mαa −2mαa2
⇒ f (θ) ≈ (κa) =
~2 κ ~2
Recovering the result for low energy obtained at (a). Now, recalling our result from Problem
10.4 we have
βa β
f (θ) ≈ − = −a (18)
1+β 1+β
Using a Taylor expansion in β

f (θ) ≈ −a β − β 2 + β 3 − ...

Then, for a small beta up to first

f (θ) ≈ −aβ

Recall that β ≡ 2maα/~2 , so

f (θ) ≈ −a 2maα/~2 =
Conciliating both results, from this and the previous problem.


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