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Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan jelas dan benar!

1. Perhatikan gambar berikut ini!

Tentukan besar sudut x!

2. Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini!

Hasil dari ∠1+∠2+⋯+∠8=⋯⋅∠1+∠2+⋯+∠8=⋯⋅
3. A beam of light shines form point S, reflects off a reflector at point p and reaches a
point T so that PT is perpendicular to RS. Then x is …

A beam of light shines from point S, reflects off a reflector at point P, and reaches point T so
that P T is perpendicular to RS. What is the value of x? Solution Extend T P to RS, intersecting
RS at the point Q as in the diagram. Then 4P QS is a right triangle. R P T S x x 26 Q Since ∠T P
S is exterior to 4P QS, ∠T P S = 90 + 26 = 116◦ . Since the reflector forms a straight line, the
two angles marked x and ∠T P S form a straight angle. Then ∠T P S + x + x = 180◦ 116 + 2x =
180 2x = 64 ∴ x = 32◦

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