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I’m green, the tree. I was just taking REST. At the foREST.

Got this news in the AIR that you

were meeting up. So, I wanted to SHED some light on the pandemic as well. Well, first, not a
big fan of the pandemic. But I’m kind of glad that it happened? It has been more than a year
now and I’ve not had a lot of builders coming and giving me dirty looks. People staying away
has actually given me some time for some self-development and growth. I have had a lot of
bird friends come and visit me. These hoomans just used to scare them away. And also
there has been a lot better air quality around now that these hoomans are not so active. So,
I feel that I have had more to gain than loose during the pandemic. Just happy that it
happened. I really hope the hoomans learn from this.

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