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Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary

Taloto District, Tagbilaran City

High School Department

Personal Development
First Quarter
Grade 12

Title: Mental Health
E and Well-Being
Name: Grade and Section:
Subject Teacher: Miss Catherine Tabaniag Time Frame: 3 hours
School Principal: Mrs. Ma. Annalissa Babera

At the end of this lesson, the student is expected to be able to:

 Define
Learning Mental Health;
 Define Well-Being;
 Interpret the concepts of mental health and psychological well-being;
 Give ways to cope with stress during adolescence;
 Write a checklist on taking good care mental health and psychological well-being.

Key Concepts

Understanding Mental Health and Psychological Well-Being to Cope with Stress

Mental Health – it’s the way your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors affect your life.
o Good mental health leads to positive self-image and in-turn, satisfying relationships with friends
and others.
Well-being – is the experience of health, happiness and prosperity. More generally, well-being is just
feeling well.
Psychological Well-being – refers to inter and intraindividual levels of positive functioning that can
include one’s relatedness with others and self-referent attitudes that include one’s sense of mastery
and personal growth.

People who are mentally and emotionally

healthy have:

A sense of The ability to cope An enthusiasm for A sense of meaning

happiness with stress living and purpose

The flexibility to The ability to maintain A balance between Self-confidence and

study new things relationships work and play. high self-esteem.

Feelings or Behaviors that can be an Early Warning Signs of Mental Health Problem
Eating or sleeping excessively or very little. Feeling strangely confused, absentminded, angry, upset,
worries or scared.
Pulling away from people. Yelling or fighting with family or friends.
Having low or no energy. Experiencing severe mood swings that cause problems in
Feeling insensitive or like nothing matters. Having persistent thoughts and memories that cannot get
out of head.
Seeming down, feeling things are hopeless, or lacking Thinking of harming oneself or others.
Helplessness to perform daily tasks at home or school. Dropping school performance, or unexpectedly refusing
to study.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary
Taloto District, Tagbilaran City
High School Department

Personal Development
First Quarter
Grade 12

Title: Mental Health
E and Well-Being
Name: Grade and Section:
Subject Teacher: Miss Catherine Tabaniag Time Frame: 3 hours
School Principal: Mrs. Ma. Annalissa Babera Highest Possible Score:

I. My Daily Pie Chart.

1. Using the circle below to represent your typical day over the past month, what are the different
activities you have done? List your activities first in the box provided.

2. Which among these activities are life-giving? Neutral? Stressful? Divide the circle to represent these
Activity and color or highlight each part accordingly.

II. Personal Checklist. Write a checklist on how you can take good care of your mental health and
psychological well-being.

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