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The COVID-19 pandemic has spread since the end of 2019 until now in several regions

with different times, including 193 countries that have been fighting against the indiscriminate
attack of Covid. Wuhan is one of the cities in China as the place of domicile for COVID-19
patients who were first discovered before the virus became a pandemic. News and information
on the movement of the spread of the virus has revealed various media because the path of
distribution is getting more massive day by day. Every country that has been attacked by
COVID-19 has become a model for other countries to take steps to prevent the spread of
COVID-19, even though there are differences in the political, social, cultural, economic and
educational arrangements in each of these countries. The Indonesian government must issue a
policy to prevent the spread of Covid 19 even though it will affect internal and external
conditions in the government area. which has an impact on internal and external conditions
within the territory of the Indonesian government. The government must dare to take this step
to avoid becoming an even worse condition. One of them is online learning in the education

The implementation of the learning system in the education unit underwent a change in
the operational form which was generalized through learning policies and following social
policies, namely social distancing instructions, which led to an appeal for lockdown. With the
lockdown, the education system forces us to online learning. In addition to having many
advantages, online learning also turns out to still have many disadvantages. Disadvantages of
online learning include :

1. Slow Internet Network

One of the main problems faced by many students is a slow internet network. In fact,
online learning requires a fairly strong internet network considering the media used are
Zoom, Google Meet, Skype and other applications to attend video conferences.
Technical problems such as intermittent sound and video that stops causing learning to
be ineffective and students unable to absorb the information conveyed by the teacher as a
2. Expensive Internet Quota Prices
In addition to a very slow internet network, especially for those who are in remote areas
or outside Java, the next challenge and obstacle to online learning is the price of internet
quota which is too expensive for most people. Moreover, these expensive internet
packages are often limited to a certain amount of quota, which is certainly not enough
for the needs of students to run video conferences with their teachers.
3. Limited Access to Computer and Smartphone Devices
There are still many students in Indonesia who do not have access to computers and
smartphones. This is usually experienced by students who come from lower-middle
families. Sometimes, the only telecommunication device owned by the family is just an
ordinary cellphone without internet access. This condition causes uneven access to online
learning for all students in Indonesia.

Based on the unfavorable conditions in the application of online learning, lately many
parties have tried to compare online learning with face-to-face, because face-to-face learning is
still considered the most ideal and effective for the implementation of the learning process. The
advantages of online learning include :

1. Easier Interaction and Communication

The long-distance communication process is considered not yet fully effective because it
is prone to errors in receiving and digesting information. This means that the information
conveyed by the teacher will not necessarily be digested equally by the participants. This
may be due to poor voice or incomplete instructions, as well as other factors. Therefore,
face-to-face learning is still considered the most ideal, because the process of
communication and socialization will be established directly, so that the information
and material provided will also be easier to digest and understand by students.
2. More Familiar Learning Resources and Media
So far, online learning resources are not very familiar and easily understood by teachers
and students. With the adaptation process so fast and without any previous preparation
and training processes, teachers still have many difficulties in utilizing and managing
various online learning resources and media, as well as those experienced by students
and parents. So, most teachers, students, and parents prefer to hold face-to-face teaching
and learning activities again.
3. No need to be connected to the internet
One of the advantages of face-to-face learning is that it does not require an internet
connection and a device. Teachers and students can directly interact and communicate
in learning activities. This is certainly very helpful for teachers and students who are in
the remote area or have not been reached by the internet network. Device constraints can
also be overcome by utilizing conventional learning resources such as books which are
easier and more affordable to use.

Offline is better because the internet is uneven and in Indonesia itself there are
still many people who have not been able to buy devices that support online schools. In
addition, the cost of internet services is still relatively expensive and there are still many
Indonesian people who have minimal technological literacy because of that offline
learning is more appropriate in our country.

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