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Amazon Go Stores Provide Consumers With Check Out Free

Shopping For The First Time :

Amazon opened their first Amazon Go store in Seattle, Washington. The store - which
one shopper called the "future of grocery shopping" - is equipped with censors and
cameras that track which items customers take or put back. This, and the help of a
special Amazon Go app, automatically charges customers after they exit the store. This
eliminates the need for lines, making shopping a much quicker experience. 

eBay's HeadGaze Lets You Control Apps By Moving Your

 Turns out eBay isn't just for finding rare collector items. An intern at the e-commerce
site developed HeadGaze, a piece of technology that allows users to navigate their
apps on the iPhone X. Muratcan Cicek, PhD. Candidate at the University of
California, originally invented it so shoppers could peruse eBay more easily, but the
code can be applied to other apps as well. The tech uses Apple's ARKit and the iPhone
X's TrueDepth 3D camera to track the user's head motion. With a quick tilt of the head,
people are able to move a 'cursor' on the screen and swipe, open apps, and tap on

Scissors that come with an aiming laser:

These scissors come with an aiming laser that help guide the user for cutting in a
straight line saving quality conformance costs for not doing it right the first time.
Diamond-Shaped Ice Cube Tray:
The best new products almost always offer a new twist to an existing product. And that
fact seems crystal clear when you look at this diamond-shaped ice cube tray. While a
standard ice cube tray is practical for everyday use, the diamond-shaped ice cube tray
is perfect for special events. It’s also a great gift for diamond lovers.

Self-stirring mug:
The self stirring mug will keep your coffee frothy and nicely blended till the last sip
without the constant need of stirring with a spoon for a lasting feel.

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