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Godwill P.


“We all have dreams”. But in order to make dreams into reality it takes an awful lot of
determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. The question is, how do we turn our dreams into
reality? For me I have some quotations can motivate me to achieved my dream and make it into reality
like “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Because do not let us obstacles demolish our dreams. While your
dreams may be difficult to reach, have faith that nothing is impossible. There is solution to every problem
if one constantly tries to find it. Had everyone thought the same way, nobody would have tried to reach
the moon.

Therefore, keep stimulating our self to overcome challenges. Start off with small steps and I don’t
have to rush into making a big leap! And to turn my dreams into reality, it’s important set goals with
deadlines. Attaching a deadline to my goals will help me to create a plan of action so that I get stuff done!
When it is about dreaming big, make sure that you do not ever feel failure and give up on your dreams.
Once you achieve your dream, you can think of setting a higher goal. Dreaming big means that you should
always keep raising the level of your dreams and taking them higher. Never feel that something cannot
happen or is impossible to grab. Have a positive mindset and expect things to happen. This approach will
only take you higher on your dreams and make you work on your goals. There are no restrictions on what
you can achieve or possess in your life. Thus, imagine what all you want out of life with no limits to your
resources and capabilities. Think about all your deepest desires in almost all spheres of your life. It is
important to come up with a vision first if you are serious about working on it. Therefore, leave your
thoughts free and make a picture of them in your mind. Keep thinking over your dreams each day and
keep refining them.

“Every failure is a stepping stone towards success. You are not alone.’’ And everyone experiences setbacks
in life. Life has ups and downs, and things may not always go according to plan. Along the way, there will
be many achievements…and many failures too. Often, we are afraid to take risks because we are scared
that we’ll fail. Or sometimes, when we do fail, we give up on our dreams, thinking that it’s a dead end.
However, failure is not something that should be feared, but rather to embraced it. Making mistakes is
inevitable. Even the greatest of them all have made mistakes. But you know what? They got back up and
kept going, using their “failure” as a learning experience to get even better. Be persistent in the pursuit of
your dreams, don’t let a “no” stop us from moving forward. You can’t control everything that happens in
life, but we can control our attitude. Our attitude will determine our altitude. The question is, what
attitude are you going to choose – positive or negative; can do or can’t; winning or losing; possible or
impossible; faith or doubt? The decision is all yours if you make yourself miserable or accept what mistake
you made and wipe the slate clean and make a fresh start. Look ahead. Move on. Give yourself a chance to
recover and rebuild yourself.

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