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Neuron, Vol.

28, 343–347, November, 2000, Copyright 2000 by Cell Press

Toward a Neurobiology Review

of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Ann M. Graybiel*‡ and Scott L. Rauch† (5) The obsessions and compulsions can go on for
* Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences hours. For example, a “checker” checks, but cannot
Massachusetts Institute of Technology be sure and has to check again and again. The ques-
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 tion “what if?” dominates, and there is no behavioral
† Departments of Psychiatry and Radiology closure.
Massachusetts General Hospital and
Harvard Medical School These observations suggest that, in OCD, neural circuits
Boston, Massachusetts 02114 can trigger repetitive behaviors and thoughts that coex-
ist with others in conscious awareness, and suggest
that the triggering can be set off by what otherwise
would often be innocuous events.
OCD and OC-Spectrum Disorders
Two other cardinal features of OCD are that it typically
We all have habits and mannerisms, and some of these
has an early age of onset and that it very often is associ-
are strong and urgent. But for the most part, these are
ated with comorbid conditions. Childhood onset OCD,
not intrusive behaviors; they are blended into our lives,
emerging before puberty, tends to affect males more
give us personality, and form a background on which
than females, tends to be related to motor tic disorders,
we build the much larger part of our cognitive activities.
and may be severe and refractory to standard therapies.
Even when we engage in rituals, they can be like games,
Adult onset OCD peaks in the 20s, is more likely to affect
as when children avoid stepping on cracks in the side-
females, and tends to be more sensitive to treatment.
walk. In people who suffer from obsessive-compulsive
Worldwide, OCD is estimated to affect 1%–3% of the
disorder (OCD), such “habits,” “mannerisms,” and “ritu-
population. Patients with OCD often suffer from other
als” are out of control.
anxiety disorders, including major depressive disorder,
The name, OCD, comes from the hallmark signs and
which has a lifetime prevalence of 60%–70% in OCD
symptoms of the disease, which affect both cognition
patients. It is the relationship between OCD and other
and motor behavior: obsessions, thoughts that repeat
so-called OC-spectrum disorders, however, that has
over and over again, unwanted but insistent; and com-
had the greatest impact on ideas about the neurobiol-
pulsions to act, to repeat fragments of behavior over
ogy of OCD. Estimates of the rate of OCD (or “OC behav-
and over in ritualistic, stereotyped succession. Typically,
ior”) in patients with Tourette syndrome (TS) are as high
particular compulsive acts are carried out in response
as 90%. This high cooccurrence, together with the
to a particular obsession, as if to neutralize the anxiety
phenomenologic similarities between OCD and TS, has
and negative affect associated with that obsession. The
prompted the hypothesis that these disorders may be
most common of these obsessions and compulsions
closely linked in terms of genetics and pathophysiology.
involve checking (going back over a behavior repeatedly
Other so-called OC-spectrum disorders include tricho-
in response to obsessive self-doubts whether it was
tillomania (characterized by compulsive hair-pulling be-
done, and done just right), washing (for example, wash-
havior) and body dysmorphic disorder (characterized by
ing the hands until they bleed in response to the “obses-
obsessions with specific aspects of one’s own appear-
sion” that they are dirty), ordering (straightening up, like
ance and ritualistic attempts to modify it). Little is known
a child having to line up the shoes in his closet over and
about the neurobiology of these disorders.
over, or having to put them in sets of three), and fears
of performing aggressive or untoward behaviors and
repeated attempts to prevent this. Evidence for Cortico-Basal Ganglia Circuit
For the neurobiologist, key observations about these Dysfunction in OCD
symptoms include the following: There is no known overt locus of neuronal degeneration
in OCD as there is, for example, in Parkinson’s disease
(1) People with OCD are usually aware that the obses- or Huntington’s disease. However, functional imaging
sions and compulsions are nonsensical, but, despite studies suggest that in OCD patients, there is abnormal
great effort, they cannot control them. metabolic activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, the anterior
(2) The obsessions and compulsions usually are not cingulate/caudal medial prefrontal cortex, and the cau-
bizarre. They typically have possible or even ordinary date nucleus (the anterior part of the striatum) (Rauch
content. and Baxter, 1998; Saxena et al., 1998). Activity within
(3) There is marked cross-cultural consistency in the this cortico-basal ganglia network (sometimes called
themes of the obsessions and compulsions, despite the “OCD circuit”) is increased at rest relative to that in
heterogeneity in specific symptoms. controls, is accentuated during provocation of symp-
(4) Some patients suffer mainly obsessions, others toms, and is attenuated following successful treatment.
mainly compulsions, and still others both. Thus OCD This neuroimaging evidence supports earlier sugges-
can express itself as primarily a cognitive-affective tions of basal ganglia involvement in OCD based on the
disorder or primarily an executive-behavioral disorder. fact that focal lesions in the striatum or in its target
structure, the pallidum, can produce striking OCD-like
‡ To whom correspondence should be addressed (e-mail: graybiel@ behavior (Laplane et al., 1989). Dysfunction of the basal ganglia and associated cor-

tico-basal ganglia circuits may be a common neural motor area, and this cortical area in turn projects to
feature of OCD and OC-spectrum disorders including the motor cortex (Picard and Strick, 1997). Restricted
TS. For example, in TS, activity in the prefrontal cortex chemical lesions of the rostral cingulate motor area ren-
and the caudate nucleus is increased, and activity in der monkeys incapable of selecting an action based on
the putamen and the pallidum is decreased when active the reward contingencies associated with it (Shima and
efforts are made to suppress tics (Peterson et al., 1998). Tanji, 1998). As part of a cortical network, then, the
orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex could
Neurobiology of the OCD Circuit together exert a powerful influence both on the per-
What features of the cortico-basal ganglia circuits link- ceived emotional value of stimuli and on the selection
ing the orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate cortex to the of behavioral responses based on these experience-
caudate nucleus might account for the cardinal features based expectancies and perceived outcomes.
of OCD? Based on the effects of lesions in humans and The Basal Ganglia
experimental animals and on the results of single-unit How could the basal ganglia influence this network? The
electrophysiological recordings, all three of these struc- neocortex and basal ganglia are connected by parallel
tures have been implicated in the evaluation of the signif- loops or families of cortico-basal ganglia connections.
icance of stimuli as positive or negative (rewarding or The basal ganglia are thought to exert control over ac-
punishing). All three have also been linked to aspects of tion release through antagonistic “push–pull” output
executive function. Finally, cortico-basal ganglia circuits pathways, which serve to select intended actions. These
have been suggested to form a neural system critical functions are disrupted in hypokinetic disorders such
for habit learning and for the routine performance of as Parkinson’s disease, in which action is diminished,
habits, and structures of the OCD circuit have specifi- and in hyperkinetic disorders such as Huntington’s dis-
cally been implicated in the acquisition of stereotyped ease, in which action is excessive. It has been suggested
behaviors. that, by analogy, dysfunction of these cortico-basal gan-
Orbitofrontal Cortex glia pathways may also occur in some neuropsychiatric
Lesions involving the orbitofrontal cortex in humans lead disorders, including OCD and TS (Swerdlow and Koob,
to deficits in behavioral planning and decision making 1987).
based on estimates of the positive or negative conse- Different sets of cortico-basal ganglia loops are
quences of particular actions (Damasio et al., 1990). In thought to have specialized functions depending on the
cortical areas participating in the loops (Alexander et al.,
monkeys, neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex modulate
1990). This organization may account for the symptom
their activity in relation to the motivational value of stim-
specificity of OCD and OC-spectrum disorders. For ex-
uli and the reward preferences of the animal, and orbito-
ample, in TS, in which repetitive tics or actions are the
frontal lesions result in selective abnormalities in reward
predominant symptoms, the “motor loop” through the
expectancy and preferences (Rolls, 1996; Tremblay and
putamen is more affected than it is in OCD according
Schultz, 1999). In what has come to be called the so-
to neuroimaging data. In OCD, which typically involves
matic marker hypothesis, Damasio and his colleagues
obsessions as well as compulsive actions, the neural
suggest that exposure to particular stimuli or contexts
circuits interconnecting the orbitofrontal and anterior
reactivate somatic states (autonomic responses, as indi-
cingulate cortex with the basal ganglia are involved.
cated in their experiments by galvanic skin responses)
In addition to loop topography, special features of the
that, through experience, have become associated with
OCD circuit may contribute to its effects on behavior.
the stimuli. They propose that in OCD, this reactivation
Both the orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate cortex pro-
of somatic markers in response to expected outcomes
ject to the ventral part of the caudate nucleus and to
becomes excessive, driving the behavioral repetition. the ventral striatum. In the monkey, these regions have
Support for this general view of orbitofrontal cortex been found to send outputs not only to the pallidum, but
function comes from studies by the Damasio group on also to a large part of the dopamine-containing substan-
the behavior of patients with restricted ventromedial tia nigra pars compacta, from which the nigrostriatal
frontal cortex lesions in gambling tasks. Even knowing tract originates. Haber and colleagues suggest that
the “odds,” these patients were unable to make the these limbic system-related basal ganglia connections
winning response. Elliott and colleagues (Elliott et al., do not follow the segregated loop plan completely, with
1999) have shown with functional magnetic resonance the result that limbic outflow can affect a wide part of
imaging that in such gambling tasks, activity in the orbi- the striatum (Lynd-Balta and Haber, 1994). Moreover, the
tofrontal cortex is unique in being proportional to the caudal orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate/caudal me-
uncertainty of outcomes. dial prefrontal cortex are also the main source of input
Anterior Cingulate Cortex to the striosomal system in the head of the caudate
The anterior cingulate cortex and adjoining medial pre- nucleus (Eblen and Graybiel, 1995). Striosomes in this
frontal cortex are strongly interconnected with the orbit- region have been linked to reward effects (Aosaki et al.,
ofrontal cortex and structures of the limbic system and, 1995; White and Hiroi, 1998), and they appear to be
like the orbitofrontal cortex, have been implicated by differentially active under conditions in which the ani-
lesion, recording and imaging studies in motivation and mals perform repetitive, stereotyped behaviors in re-
affective behavior, and in major depression as well as sponse to dopamine receptor agonists (Canales and
OCD (Price et al., 1996; Weeks et al., 1996). There is a Graybiel, 2000).
fairly direct route from the anterior cingulate cortex to These special features of orbitofrontal and anterior
the motor cortex. The anterior cingulate cortex sends cingulate cortico-basal ganglia circuits could be impor-
direct anatomical connections to the rostral cingulate tant not only for understanding OCD and OC-spectrum

symptomatology, but also for understanding develop- rowed to compulsive acts. Such dysfunction could con-
mental aspects of these disorders. Striatal circuits de- tribute to the compelling nature of obsessions in OCD
velop according to gradients, and for a prolonged period and to the stereotypic behaviors carried out as compul-
the orbitofrontal/cingulate-linked striosomal system and sions.
ventral regions lead the rest of the caudate-putamen
complex in their maturational state. Toward a Neurobiology of OCD
To date, work on the neurobiology of OCD and OC-spec-
OCD and Chunking Functions of Cortico-Basal trum disorders has advanced to the point of suggesting
Ganglia Circuits that cortico-basal ganglia circuits are dysfunctional in
One hypothesis emerging from these findings is that the OCD, but neither the mechanisms nor the genetics and
basal ganglia may influence both motor pattern genera- epidemiology of these disorders are understood. There
tors in the brainstem and spinal cord and “cognitive is a great opportunity for further research bringing to-
pattern generators” in the cerebral cortex. By this view, gether molecular and systems neuroscience with clinical
the loops running from the neocortex to the basal gan- studies of these disorders. We mention here important
glia and then to the thalamus and back to the neocortex issues to be addressed.
may help to establish cognitive habits, just as they may What Is the Lesion in OCD? When Does It Occur?
influence the development of motor habits (Graybiel, And How Are Its Effects Counteracted by Treatment?
1997). If so, the cortico-basal ganglia loop dysfunction There is a clear need to understand more about the
in OCD could reflect both sides of basal ganglia function, neuropathology of OCD. If lesions of the striatum can
motor and cognitive, to bring about repetitive actions induce intense compulsive behaviors and stereotypies,
(compulsions) and repetitive thoughts (obsessions). does this mean that there are subtle lesions of the stria-
Another hypothesis proposed about the basal ganglia tum in OCD that conventional methods have failed to
is that they help to recode cortical and other inputs into pick up? Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is begin-
a form that allows actions to be released as “chunks” ning to suggest reduced N-acetylaspartate within the
or sequences of behavior (Graybiel, 1998). This function, striatum of persons with OCD, so that neuronal density
under normal conditions, could be important in forming there may actually be reduced (Fitzgerald et al., 2000).
coordinated, sequential motor actions and in developing Short of cell death, abnormal brain chemistry in OCD
streams of thought and motivation. The architecture of could affect neurotransmission in cortico-basal ganglia
cortico-basal ganglia circuitry could support the smooth circuits, leading to the abnormal metabolic activity seen
in imaging studies. Very little is known about the neuro-
progression from a cognitive framework establishing
chemistry of OCD, but a clue may come from the fact that
priorities for potential behaviors to behavioral selection,
the most successful pharmacologic therapy for OCD
which in turn would facilitate fluid and adaptive behav-
is treatment with inhibitors of serotonin reuptake sites
ioral output. Conversely, dysfunction of this cortico-
(SRIs). Effective therapy with SRIs can in part reverse
basal ganglia system could contribute to the symptoms
the abnormal metabolic activity seen in this OCD circuit,
of OCD patients: they become stuck in a conceptual
suggesting that the modulatory effects of serotonin can
framework, unable to shift from one priority set to the
act on the cortico-basal ganglia circuit defined in scan-
next, and thus remain locked into a specific behavioral
ning studies.
output program. The “what if” doubts and anxiety suf-
Despite this clinical result, strong evidence of a pri-
fered by the OCD patient may indicate a lack of loop
mary serotonergic or other neurotransmitter abnormality
closure between expected outcomes and the chunks of
in OCD is lacking. One suggestion is that SRIs have
behavior that should generate them.
their beneficial effects via downregulation of 5HT-1D
A large part of the frontal cortex receives inputs from autoreceptors within orbitofrontal cortex (El Mansari et
the basal ganglia conveyed via the thalamus. These al., 1995). In animal studies, these receptor changes
same cortical regions not only project to the basal gan- have been shown to follow the time course of antiobses-
glia (mainly to the striatum) but also project to other sional therapeutic effects (8 weeks) in the orbitofrontal
brain regions including the thalamus. Cortico-thalamic cortex, but to follow the time course of antidepressant
loops are thought to be critical for cortical functioning. therapeutic effects (4 weeks) within dorsolateral pre-
If the basal ganglia form associations among cortical frontal cortex. This temporal difference is interesting
inputs on the basis of context and evaluative signals, given that these two regions of the frontal cortex have
and thereby promote automation of selected behaviors, been implicated by functional imaging studies in OCD
they could relieve the frontal cortex of a substantial and major depressive disorder, respectively. Although
computational load in carrying out executive functions. cortico-basal ganglia circuit dysfunction may be com-
With both corticothalamic and cortico-basal ganglia mon to OCD and TS, however, different neurotransmitter
systems functioning under normal conditions, parallel systems in these circuits may be critical in modulating
processing could then occur with the corticothalamic cir- their different symptom complexes, at least as judged
cuits supporting conscious (explicit) information proc- by pharmacotherapy. In contrast to OCD, in TS it is
essing and cortico-basal ganglia supporting automatic dopamine receptor antagonists (principally D2 class re-
(implicit) processing functions. If cortico-basal ganglia ceptor antagonists) that appear to be the most effective
pathways become abnormal, as appears to be true in agents for reducing tic frequency. In cases of OCD with
OCD, such parallel processing capabilities would be comorbid tics also, but not in OCD cases without tics,
compromised. Information normally processed auto- the efficacy of SRIs may be boosted by the addition of
matically could intrude into the conscious domain as dopamine receptor antagonist treatment (McDougle et
obsessions, and behavioral selection could become nar- al., 1994).

What Are the Genetics of OCD? Can Environmental Are Some OCD Behaviors Learned or Conditioned?
Factors Induce OCD? Do Common Etiologic There is no clear answer to this question, but what is
Mechanisms Underlie OCD and OC-Spectrum known is that in some OCD patients, partial reversal
Disorders Such as TS? of OCD symptoms and abnormal cortico-basal ganglia
OCD is familial and so is TS. Some studies have sug- circuit activity can be achieved by behavioral therapy
gested that OCD and TS represent different phenotypic in which patients are exposed systematically and under
expressions of the same genetic vulnerability. The ge- supervision to the very stimuli that otherwise provoke
netics of OCD is not yet understood, but there is now obsessions and compulsions (Baxter et al., 1992). This
a coordinated international effort, by the Tourette Syn- evidence strongly suggests that studies of learning and
drome International Consortium for Genetics, to identify memory mechanisms in relation to the development of
susceptibility genes for TS. Finding out about the genet- repetitive behaviors may help in understanding the neu-
ics of TS should help at least to narrow the search for robiology of OCD. Interestingly, different levels of re-
genetic factors in OCD and, given the frequent comor- sponsivity to either behavioral therapy or pharmacologic
bidity of the two disorders, may yield candidate genes therapy have even been observed in groups of OCD
for OCD as well. If so, there would be the chance to patients, and these have been correlated with different
identify the molecular basis for OCD dysfunction. levels of metabolic activity in the orbitofrontal cortex
There are also potential etiologic links between OCD and anterior cingulate cortex (Brody et al., 1998). Such
and OC-spectrum disorders based on the possibility clinical data suggest that the OCD population may be
that OCD and OC-spectrum disorders can occur as a heterogeneous and that experience-based plasticity
result of infection. This idea was proposed by von Eco- may differentially affect the “OCD circuit” in some pa-
nomo, who described patients suffering from obses- tients. More generally, these findings raise the possibility
sions and compulsions in the wake of the great 1917 that, in addition to susceptibility genes for OCD, environ-
epidemic of viral encephalitis in Europe. This proposal mental factors may be important in determining the
has received new impetus from the work of Swedo and emergence of particular types of OCD symptoms in dif-
colleagues (Swedo et al., 1998), who have studied disor- ferent patients.
ders precipitated by rheumatic fever, caused by type A Are the Obsessions and Compulsions in OCD
␤-hemolytic streptococcal infection. Such infections Exaggerated Forms of Habits of Thought
can lead to Syndenham’s chorea, itself characterized and Action?
by symptoms including obsessions, compulsions, and Even if imaging studies identify the cascades of activity
tics, and to OCD-like syndromes. This group of disorders in cortico-basal ganglia circuits occurring during ex-
has been termed Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiat- pression of OCD symptoms, it still will be unclear what
ric Disorders Associated with Strep (PANDAS). Their form of neural encoding is responsible for the symptoms
underlying pathology is thought to involve an autoim- or for their resolution. One interesting possibility is that
mune-mediated attack on the striatum precipitated by the neural circuits that normally mediate habits and au-
the streptococcal infection. Altogether, then, current ev- tomated behaviors become hyperactive or inaccessible
idence suggests that there may be susceptibility genes to a stop signal in OCD and related disorders. Three
for OCD and OC-spectrum disorders as well as environ- recent models for studying what goes on in cortico-
mental factors precipitating these disorders—and that basal ganglia circuits when habits are formed are perti-
their interactions, when understood, may lead to new nent here. In the first, monkeys were taught a sensorimo-
forms of successful therapy. tor conditioning task in which light or sound cues were
What Are the Dynamics of Cortico-Basal Ganglia associated with reward, and recordings were made from
Circuit Function during the Expression the tonically active neurons of the striatum thought to
of OCD Symptoms? be the cholinergic interneurons. As the monkeys learned
Even though neuroimaging studies have pointed to cor- the task, the neurons acquired responses to the condi-
tico-basal ganglia circuits as being dysfunctional in tioning stimuli, and they maintained those responses as
OCD, it is still not clear what the functional abnormality long as dopamine was present in the striatum. Removal
is in these circuits in OCD and how they contribute to of dopamine reduced the acquired responses (Aosaki
the expression of OCD symptoms. Nor is it clear how et al., 1994a, 1994b), and so did inactivation of the intra-
these circuits work normally, or how the multiple loops laminar thalamus (Matsumoto et al., 2000). In related
of this system interconnecting the cortex, thalamus and work, removal of dopamine in the striatum before learn-
basal ganglia actually operate. Improvements in the ing of a simple sequential push-button task prevented
temporal and spatial resolution of imaging will soon the task from being executed without cues as a unified
make it possible to follow the cascade of neural activity behavioral sequence (Matsumoto et al., 1999). In the
changes that occur during the evolution of OCD symp- second set of experiments, the activity of projection
toms. Then it should be possible to identify brain sites neurons in the sensorimotor striatum of rats was moni-
participating in the buildup of an obsession, the atten- tored with chronically implanted tetrodes. The ensemble
dant anxiety, the escalation of an urge, the performance activity of these neurons was found to undergo large-
of a compulsion, and the resolution of the obsession scale and long-lasting changes as the rats learned the
and accompanying anxiety. This would for the first time procedure and then performed it after learning (Jog et
allow detection of the dynamics of activity in circuits al., 1999; see also Carelli et al., 1997). These studies
active in the expression of OCD symptoms. Advances suggest that, with experience, striatal neurons can de-
in imaging with magnetic resonance spectroscopy and velop new responses to environmental stimuli. Given
labeled receptor and other ligands should also help to the activity changes in striatal projection neurons, this
clarify the neurochemistry of the disorder. plasticity is likely to affect basal ganglia outputs and

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