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Walking through the squelching, thick mud filled my boots with insects.

It was difficult
passing through but there was nothing to stop me to reaching where I wanted to go. The
bright, evergreen trees were blanketing me from the scorching sun’s rays and the wood of
the trees with brilliant red ants, working in farms. I was hankering for a sip of water and
craving for some food. With my machete, I was slicing the luminous green bushes.
It was almost night and the only choice for me to get food was from a beehive. The sweet,
gelatinous honey and its aroma just made my throat filled with saliva. I removed my
beekeeper suit and my leather gloves that reached out to my elbows. I took my uncapped
knife and started to cut the hive. I got a number of stings but I was so ravenous.
After ingesting the gooey, saccharine honey, I was relieved but I still needed to look for a
source of water. Cold was the night and only fireflies illuminating the surroundings and
the stars were my only companions. I bundled myself and passed the nightfall. As macaws
were clucking, I woke up and saw the dawn. There was nothing more exquisite and
picturesque than what was before my eyes.
The honeybee stings ached a lot. They stung me pretty badly. It started to rain and now
the ground had become slippery, which would make things more difficult. My skin felt
nothing but a light breeze and the tiny droplets of water on my skin, just running off my
hands, onto my boots and inside them. I was worried about the fact that how was I going
to survive? The sun came out and put the most vivid of all rainbows. My mind was
illuminated and I was just in awe. I never had seen such a beautiful rainbow before.
Once the rain stopped, a challenge was up, to cross a large stream. My goal was nearby
and I couldn’t give up now. The fast-running water was up till my knees and the force it
exerted almost push me onto large rocks in the stream. My legs were absolutely drenched
and my boots, soaked. There were many fish in the stream, so I tried to grab one but I
missed thrice. When I got one, even though my hands were freezing, I was just famished
and needed to have some food.
Mosquitoes sucking blood out my hands and legs and spiders making cobwebs in
branches, high up. What I craved to see for so long, was finally in front of me. The most
eye-catching and scenic clock

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