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Created by Vivaan
What is a Barometer
• It is an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure in different
environments using mercury.
• The barometer works by balancing the weight of mercury in the glass
tube against the atmospheric/barometric pressure, like a set of
scales . With an increased amount of force or weight on the reservoir,
the level of mercury rises in the barometer.
Why mercury?
• Mercury has a quite high density and when atmospheric pressure
increases, its height in the Barometer increases but only 76 cm high at
1 atm.
• Water on the other hand has a low density and more than a 10 meter
tube would be required to measure.
Why is there vacuum and the use of the
• Vacuum is to prevent any air from disrupting the results. The extra air
inside can push the mercury downward which will affect the height.
• The reservoir is where air pushes the mercury downwards so that the
level in the tube increases which can tell someone about the
atmospheric pressure.
Thank You

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