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Use of English B2 Gram & Voc 180 Questions

1. The teacher got the students _____ the schoolyard.

7/34 A clean

18/34 B to clean

5/34 C cleaned

4/34 D cleaning

2. You _____ to go to the supe market. I have eve ything we need for the cake.
2/34 A needn't

0/34 B haven't

30/34 C don't need

2/34 D had better not

3. The soldiers were made _____ the whole camp.

5/34 A to be painted

25/34 B to paint

2/34 C paint

2/34 D be painted

4. A cousin of _____ has decided to leave her job as a jou nalist and follow a career in modelling.
0/34 A our

21/34 B ours

0/34 C ourselves

13/34 D us

5. Could you please go to the groce y store on your way home? We've _____ of tomatoes.
0/36 A made out

0/36 B tu ned out

36/36 C un out

0/36 D put out

6. You should have your hair _____ for your siste 's wedding.
1/36 A styling

2/36 B style

0/36 C styles

33/36 D styled

7. Mr. Blake's pa ty _____ to win the elections.

2/34 A is being expected

30/34 B is expected

1/34 C is been expected

1/34 D is expect

8. “Jim, don't forget _____ Jason up from the airpo t this afte noon.”
1/33 A picking

32/33 B to pick

0/33 C pick

0/33 D to picking

9. You must _____ a great time on your vacation. You seem happy and relaxed.
6/33 A have

0/33 B had

1/33 C be had

26/33 D have had

10. This project _____ by the end of this month.

21/34 A will have finished

10/34 B will have be finished

1/34 C will be finishing

2/34 D will finished

11. The church has set up a cha ity with the aim _____ funds for the refugees.
0/33 A of raise

0/33 B raising

31/33 C of raising

2/33 D to raising
12. I took photos of the baby so as _____ them to my f iends abroad.
1/35 A to sending

11/35 B I could send

2/35 C I can send

21/35 D to send

13. You should have more confidence _____ yourself if you want to succeed.
0/31 A for

27/31 B in

1/31 C at

3/31 D of

14. They are _____ nice people that eve yone likes them.
26/34 A such

1/34 B such a

6/34 C so

1/34 D a so

15. “Look at Sheila! She's so beautiful, isn't she?” - “Yeah, she has taken _____ her mother.”
27/35 A after

4/35 B over

2/35 C on

2/35 D up

16. She was heavily dressed _____ catching a cold.

1/32 A due to

2/32 B despite

8/32 C because of

21/32 D for fear of

17. He walked in quietly _____ wake up the baby.

27/30 A so as not to

3/30 B so as to not

0/30 C so as don't

0/30 D so as to don't
18. _____ the weather was fine, we decided to go for a swim.
27/34 A As

3/34 B Because of

2/34 C While

2/34 D Due to

19. “You know I have nothing to do with all this mess! Don't put the blame _____ me."
0/36 A in

31/36 B on

0/36 C at

5/36 D for

20. Take a jumper with you in case it _____ colder at night.

3/32 A will get

3/32 B would get

22/32 C gets

4/32 D getting

21. Suppose David _____ you to ma y him, what would you do?
12/35 A asks

2/35 B will ask

17/35 C asked

4/35 D would ask

22. It's time for the children _____ doing their homework.
7/35 A sta ted

0/35 B had sta ted

0/35 C to have sta ted

28/35 D to sta t

23. "Have you heard the news? Our neighbour has been a rested _____ forge y.”
1/34 A on

0/34 B of

29/34 C for

4/34 D from
24. I would rather he _____ to me yesterday.
11/32 A didn't lie

21/32 B hadn't lied

0/32 C hasn't lied

0/32 D couldn't lie

25. _____ how bo ing this course was going to be, I wouldn't have enrolled.
4/33 A If had I known

7/33 B If I knew

21/33 C Had I known

1/33 D Did I know

26. _____ being se iously injured in the car accident, the man managed to su vive.
3/33 A Although

4/33 B Though

0/33 C In spite

26/33 D Despite

27. We'd better _____ the car before Dad retu ns home.
24/34 A repair

3/34 B to repair

1/34 C have repaired

6/34 D to have repaired

28. Jonathan _____ reveal his secret to anyone.

0/35 A told to me not

1/35 B told me to not

33/35 C told me not to

1/35 D told me to don't

29. Wayne complained about the room _____ too dark.

5/32 A was

3/32 B had been

1/32 C be

23/32 D being
30. The bank manager forbade the employees _____ in the building.
5/35 A of smoking

1/35 B of smoke

25/35 C to smoke

4/35 D smoking

31. My best f iend _____ over for dinner tonight.

1/35 A comes

29/35 B is coming

5/35 C will have come

0/35 D has been coming

32. That's the island _____ we spent our vacation last year.
1/35 A that

5/35 B which

29/35 C where

0/35 D whom

33. Hardly _____ noticed that she had left.

27/35 A anybody

5/35 B nobody

2/35 C somebody

1/35 D eve ybody

34. When the bomb went _____, there were a lot of people in the depa tment store but luckily no
one was injured.
4/35 A out

1/35 B over

0/35 C through

30/35 D off
35. The baby had a temperature yesterday and today it is _____.
0/32 A badly

32/32 B worse

0/32 C badlier

0/32 D worst

36. I _____ dinner yet and I'm sta ving.

0/36 A haven't

35/36 B haven't had

0/36 C don't have

1/36 D hadn't

37. Kelly is _____ interested in photography.

2/34 A a lot

0/34 B enough

1/34 C far

31/34 D ve y

38. We went camping _____ the mountains. It was ve y relaxing to be so close to nature.
6/35 A at

20/35 B in

4/35 C up

5/35 D by

39. The apa tment in _____ he lives is on the fifth floor.

0/31 A that

3/31 B where

28/31 C which

0/31 D whose

40. After he lost his job, he has been living on ve y _____ money, but it doesn't seem to bother him.
6/35 A few

1/35 B a little

0/35 C a few

28/35 D little
41. It was kind of you _____ my daughter home after the pa ty.
29/35 A to b ing

0/35 B b ing

6/35 C b inging

0/35 D to b inging

42. When Tom looked at _____ in the mi ror, he noticed that his eyes were red.
3/31 A him

28/31 B himself

0/31 C his

0/31 D he

43. Now that she's moved to the suburbs, she misses _____ by her f iends.
2/33 A to be visited

2/33 B have been visited

29/33 C being visited

0/33 D been visited

44. If the day tu ns _____ wet, we may have to change our plans.
1/34 A up

10/34 B into

3/34 C on

20/34 D out

45. She decided to let them _____ for the night though she didn’t want to.
1/35 A to stay

3/35 B staying

31/35 C stay

0/35 D have stayed

46. We _____ either eat out or order takeout. What do you prefer?
3/35 A should

26/35 B could

4/35 C would

2/35 D have to
47. The new mayor has a reputation _____ being co upted, but that’s far from the t uth.
8/33 A of

3/33 B on

0/33 C about

22/33 D for

48. After the ala m went off, a man was seen _____ down the stairs quickly and leaving the building.
3/34 A walk

25/34 B walking

4/34 C to walk

2/34 D to walking

49. Samantha could have been an excellent musician but she hasn’t made good use _____ her
0/34 A to

2/34 B for

29/34 C of

3/34 D on

50. Did they finally get their washing machine _____?

3/36 A repair

1/36 B to repair

0/36 C repai ing

32/36 D repaired

51. _____ the heavy rain, all flights were cancelled.

0/34 A Because

0/34 B Since

32/34 C Due to

2/34 D As
52. Susan made a wish and then she blew _____ the candles on her bi thday cake.
1/33 A up

0/33 B over

29/33 C out

3/33 D away

53. _____ more responsible, she wouldn’t have lost her job.
2/31 A If she would be

24/31 B Had she been

0/31 C would she be

5/31 D If she has been

54. I wish you _____ making so much noise! I just need to relax for a while.
1/34 A will stop

1/34 B stop

2/34 C had stopped

30/34 D would stop

55. The burglar didn’t tu n on the lights _____ be seen by the neighbours.
3/36 A so that not

29/36 B so as not to

1/36 C so that to not

3/36 D so as to not

56. He’s always boasting _____ his children’s success at school.

1/34 A for

28/34 B about

5/34 C on

0/34 D in

57. The teacher wanted to know where _____.

3/32 A did I live

29/32 B I lived

0/32 C do I live

0/32 D have I lived

58. It was _____ f ightful accident that I’ll never forget it.
32/34 A such a

0/34 B a so

0/34 C a too

2/34 D so

59. Would you _____ a yacht if you were ich?

0/31 A bought

3/31 B have bought

0/31 C had bought

28/31 D buy

60. _____ Cathy t ied hard, she didn’t manage to win the race.
29/34 A Even though

5/34 B Despite

0/34 C In spite of

0/34 D Despite of

61. _____ a docto ’s appointment tomo row?

1/33 A Have got

31/33 B Do you have

0/33 C you have

1/33 D You have

62. When I _____ the book, I'll retu n it to the libra y.

2/30 A will finish

1/30 B will have finished

26/30 C finish

1/30 D am finishing

63. She has many f iends, one of _____ is a doctor.

0/34 A which

0/34 B that

33/34 C whom

1/34 D whose
64. My bike is the same _____ yours.
4/35 A to

0/35 B with

0/35 C like

31/35 D as

65. “I want to go to Eurodisney this year.” - “So _____ my brother.”

0/35 A wants

33/35 B does

1/35 C is

1/35 D will

66. My husband prefers to cook rather than _____ the dishes.

13/31 A to wash

8/31 B washing

0/31 C washing

10/31 D wash

67. Your car is twice _____ mine.

21/33 A as big as

12/33 B bigger than

0/33 C big to

0/33 D more bigger than

68. If only I _____ on vacation now.

3/35 A had been

1/35 B would be

27/35 C were

4/35 D have been

69. Our house looks di ty. It must definitely _____ this summer.
1/32 A been painted

26/32 B be painted

2/32 C being painted

3/32 D have been painted

70. She has her brother _____ the dishes eve y mo ning.
17/34 A do

5/34 B to do

2/34 C done

10/34 D doing

71. A f iend of _____ called this afte noon.

2/36 A you

1/36 B your

0/36 C yourself

33/36 D yours

72. When the firefighters a ived, the fire was out of control but they managed to put it _____.
13/32 A off

17/32 B out

0/32 C up

2/32 D through

73. They wondered _____ the letter yet.

29/33 A if I had received

0/33 B if had I received

0/33 C whether did I receive

4/33 D whether have I received

74. She didn't go _____ last night. She stayed at home.

0/36 A somewhere

0/36 B nowhere

0/36 C eve ywhere

36/36 D anywhere

75. _____ earlier about your coming, we would have prepared something to eat.
3/34 A If we had info med

7/34 B If we were info med

2/34 C Had we info med

22/34 D Had we been info med

76. Sally bought _____ fu niture that her apa tment looks great after the renovation.
15/36 A such a nice

0/36 B so a nice

20/36 C such nice

1/36 D so nice

77. He _____ have caused the accident; he's a careful d iver.

17/35 A can't

6/35 B mustn't

1/35 C didn't have to

11/35 D wouldn't

78. She _____ this book for five months.

0/33 A is reading

0/33 B reads

3/33 C has read

30/33 D has been reading

79. My father suggested _____ the National Museum.

0/32 A to visit

6/32 B us to visit

1/32 C us visit

25/32 D visiting

80. Susan always dresses _____ her mother.

2/34 A as

0/34 B such as

9/34 C the same like

23/34 D like

81. _____ the hotel was ve y luxu ious, Alan was not satisfied with anything.
1/35 A Despite

32/35 B Even though

0/35 C Despite of

2/35 D In spite of
82. She was so beautiful in that dress that I couldn't take my eyes _____ her.
2/33 A from

6/33 B out of

0/33 C by

25/33 D off

83. Ch is would rather _____ to work today.

2/34 A to not go

13/34 B not to go

18/34 C not go

1/34 D don't go

84. It was the first time she _____ sushi.

14/34 A has ever tasted

17/34 B had ever tasted

1/34 C ever tastes

2/34 D was ever tasted

85. Our teacher gave us _____ homework for the weekend.

1/32 A far much

31/32 B too much

0/32 C such much

0/32 D a lot much

86. We objected _____ on vacation alone.

16/32 A to his going

10/32 B him going

6/32 C him to go

0/32 D his to go

87. It wasn't long _____ I realised I had lost my wallet.

3/34 A when

22/34 B before

1/34 C just as

8/34 D as soon as
88. The new gove nment promised to b ing _____ changes in the count y's economy.
19/35 A about

10/35 B up

2/35 C along

4/35 D back

89. It's about time she _____ studying for her exams.
7/33 A sta ts

20/33 B sta ted

4/33 C has sta ted

2/33 D had sta ted

90. You had better _____ to Jeremy for your bad behaviour.
28/34 A apologise

2/34 B to apologise

4/34 C apologised

0/34 D have apologised

91. I always shop _____ credit because I don't want to ca y cash on me.
11/35 A by

9/35 B with

15/35 C on

0/35 D in

92. Why not _____ camping this year?

0/35 A to go

0/35 B to going

16/35 C go

19/35 D going

93. I will w ite to you provided you _____ back.

3/31 A will w ite

3/31 B have w itten

23/31 C w ite

2/31 D wrote
94. Anne accused Tim _____ breaking her sunglasses.
27/34 A of

6/34 B for

0/34 C about

1/34 D to

95. She's clearly supe ior _____ the other candidates; she should definitely get the job.
3/36 A of

4/36 B from

27/36 C to

2/36 D on

96. I wasn't satisfied with the _____ I was getting, so I decided to quit my job.
0/35 A allowance

5/35 B income

28/35 C sala y

2/35 D reward

97. It was difficult to _____ the extent of the damage at first sight.
6/33 A predict

0/33 B suppose

1/33 C assume

26/33 D estimate

98. We only had a few days _____, so we decided to go somewhere close.

18/33 A available

15/33 B spare

0/33 C ready

0/33 D handy

99. The student _____ cheating on the test although her teacher caught her in the act.
31/35 A denied

2/35 B refused

2/35 C rejected

0/35 D resisted
100. The third contestant managed to win _____ of the difficult questions.
1/33 A except

3/33 B on behalf

27/33 C regardless

2/33 D thanks

101. Julie lost her _____ and sta ted screaming at her colleagues.
2/35 A contact

22/35 B temper

1/35 C chance

10/35 D control

102. As soon as I get paid, I will pay all my _____.

0/34 A deposits

1/34 B sums

33/34 C debts

0/34 D budgets

103. We complained to the restaurant manager about the _____ se vice.

1/36 A scarce

7/36 B insufficient

0/36 C sho t

28/36 D inadequate

104. Now that the children had grown up and were _____, she had a lot of free time.
34/35 A independent

0/35 B engaged

1/35 C incapable

0/35 D relevant

105. I want to _____ that I tu ned off all the lights in the house, so I'll go back and check.
2/35 A insure

1/35 B reassure

31/35 C make sure

1/35 D inquire
106. Alex is _____ of his brothe 's success. He always says unkind things about him.
30/35 A envious

0/35 B suspicious

4/35 C annoyed

1/35 D disgusted

107. The _____ of this new d ug is not known yet, as it's still in the t ial process.
1/33 A result

3/33 B consequence

26/33 C effect

3/33 D affect

108. "Which dress should I buy? The blue or the red one?" - "Well, I think the blue one _____ you
0/33 A compares

2/33 B matches

31/33 C suits

0/33 D combines

109. We have had secu ity locks installed on all doors and windows to _____ burglars from ente ing.
31/34 A prevent

0/34 B forbid

0/34 C prohibit

3/34 D avoid

110. I would like eve yone to _____ quiet while I'm reading to you.
9/35 A maintain

25/35 B remain

1/35 C tolerate

0/35 D notice
111. We delayed our depa ture on _____ of the bad weather.
1/33 A relation

0/33 B order

21/33 C account

11/33 D condition

112. The moment the teacher _____ the exam papers, I was filled with anxiety.
1/33 A gave away

7/33 B handed over

9/33 C handed down

16/33 D gave out

113. According to police repo ts, c ime has _____ in our city.
1/31 A advanced

0/31 B developed

0/31 C progressed

30/31 D increased

114. The defendant t ied to _____ the ju y of his innocence.

26/31 A convince

0/31 B urge

3/31 C appeal

2/31 D oblige

115. It took Steve three weeks to _____ from his illness and retu n home from the hospital.
4/33 A heal

27/33 B recover

1/33 C cure

1/33 D overcome

116. Who's the leading actor in this movie? I can't _____ his name.
3/37 A remind

2/37 B recognise

19/37 C recall

13/37 D memo ise

117. It took Julie quite some time to _____ to te ms with the fact that she wouldn't go to work again
after she retired.
25/34 A come

8/34 B get

1/34 C reach

0/34 D go

118. To _____ an interpreter, you need to be fluent in at least two languages.

1/33 A grow

32/33 B become

0/33 C a ise

0/33 D involve

119. I didn’t like my boss in the beginning, but I soon got _____ to his strange ways.
23/35 A accustomed

9/35 B familiar

1/35 C aware

2/35 D addicted

120. Caroline is really _____ of children. She says that when she grows up, she’ll have at least four.
36/36 A fond

0/36 B interested

0/36 C eager

0/36 D keen

121. “It’s cold in here.” - “Should I _____ you a sweater to put on?”
24/31 A get

3/31 B deliver

4/31 C ca y

0/31 D approach
122. The fi m I work for has over five hundred _____.
0/34 A employers

2/34 B colleagues

1/34 C attendants

31/34 D employees

123. There was a _____ of lightning and it suddenly sta ted pou ing with rain.
2/33 A clap

3/33 B bunch

27/33 C flash

1/33 D flock

124. Steve went through a red traffic light, and he was lucky to _____ with only a fine.
27/32 A get away

1/32 B ca y out

1/32 C come round

3/32 D go ahead

125. People who are colour-blind cannot _____ between green and red.
0/32 A associate

0/32 B depa t

5/32 C differ

27/32 D distinguish

126. Cathy got a speeding _____ for exceeding the speed limit.
6/32 A fee

1/32 B fare

21/32 C ticket

4/32 D receipt

127. John is a ve y talented w iter. His books have gained several litera y _____.
0/32 A donations

7/32 B rewards

0/32 C p ices

25/32 D p izes
128. “Look at that awful stain on my new dress! What would you _____ for removing this ink stain?”
27/31 A recommend

1/31 B consult

1/31 C propose

2/31 D confess

129. “You should keep in mind that a car _____ se vicing regularly, othe wise you’ll have problems
with it.”
2/34 A inquires

1/34 B requests

31/34 C requires

0/34 D commands

130. The residents _____ to having a mall built in their neighbourhood.

2/31 A rejected

7/31 B disapproved

0/31 C resisted

22/31 D objected

131. When Ma y’s grandmother died, she came into some _____ jewels.
27/33 A p iceless

3/33 B wo thless

1/33 C insufficient

2/33 D available

132. Jenny is a _____ secreta y; she never makes mistakes and I have complete t ust in her.
0/32 A convenient

0/32 B spare

32/32 C reliable

0/32 D usable
133. We decided to _____ the best of the situation and have our picnic despite the awful weather.
8/35 A do

21/35 B make

3/35 C give

3/35 D take

134. “What time are you planning to _____ on your t ip tomo row?” - “We haven’t decided yet.”
29/34 A set off

0/34 B tu n on

2/34 C make for

3/34 D un along

135. “Don’t be so _____ to your brother! He just wanted to play with you and you kicked him!"
4/35 A jealous

0/35 B relevant

28/35 C mean

3/35 D upset

136. Many businesses have _____ because of the financial c isis.

1/32 A ended up

0/32 B given out

26/32 C closed down

5/32 D dropped off

137. The hijackers kept the pilot as a _____ on board the plane.
0/34 A convict

3/34 B victim

31/34 C hostage

0/34 D kidnapper

138. I won’t _____ your behaving in this way! Please stop!

0/33 A forbid

1/33 B resist

3/33 C remain

29/33 D tolerate
139. Ma y is not always _____ for her appointments. She’s late at times.
26/32 A punctual

2/32 B sharp

4/32 C exact

0/32 D co rect

140. A good way to _____ your English is to visit an English-speaking count y.

0/37 A decrease

36/37 B improve

0/37 C produce

1/37 D recover

141. I said hello to Jill, but she _____ me completely.

0/33 A neglected

0/33 B omitted

0/33 C cheated

33/33 D ignored

142. A good f iend should _____ you whatever happens.

31/34 A stand by

3/34 B take after

0/34 C let down

0/34 D b ing round

143. The two companies are _____ with each other to gain the contract.
1/32 A combining

29/32 B competing

2/32 C compa ing

0/32 D protesting

144. Lucy has been under considerable _____ lately because she has a lot of personal problems.
1/33 A haste

3/33 B schedule

3/33 C aid

26/33 D strain
145. I think Me yl should _____ responsibility for the company's financial problems.
0/33 A mind

1/33 B pay

0/33 C give

32/33 D take

146. I _____ an ironic tone in his voice when I spoke to him about my promotion.
22/31 A detected

4/31 B found out

4/31 C discovered

1/31 D invented

147. The demonstrators asked the _____ to join in the demonstration.

6/33 A witnesses

2/33 B sightseers

10/33 C onlookers

15/33 D viewers

148. A lot of famous a tists have _____ themselves how to paint.

10/33 A lea nt

5/33 B educated

2/33 C inst ucted

16/33 D taught

149. The zoologist was studying the _______ of tigers in their natural habitat.
0/33 A attitude

33/33 B behaviour

0/33 C mood

0/33 D temper

150. This weekend I have more homework than _____.

32/35 A usual

2/35 B regular

0/35 C typical

1/35 D ordina y
151. I pretended to be sick so that I wouldn't have to do my homework, but my mother knew that I
was t ying to _____ her.
10/33 A cheat

0/33 B blackmail

0/33 C pursue

23/33 D deceive

152. The Titanic sank after _____ an iceberg.

32/34 A hitting

1/34 B knocking

1/34 C beating

0/34 D omitting

153. Cyclists should always wear helmets to _____ their heads in case of an accident.
0/33 A secure

1/33 B defend

32/33 C protect

0/33 D save

154. Ma y is ve y _____ to c iticism so be careful what you say.

30/33 A sensitive

2/33 B sensible

1/33 C sensational

0/33 D emotional

155. The police officer waved her hand as a _____ for the d iver to stop.
0/34 A notice

4/34 B wa ning

0/34 C caution

30/34 D signal
156. I have never played golf, as it's never _____ to me.
3/32 A impressed

16/32 B appealed

13/32 C attracted

0/32 D urged

157. _____ me to show you the way.

0/34 A Accept

0/34 B Oblige

25/34 C Allow

9/34 D Let

158. The exam _____ will be out tomo row.

36/37 A results

1/37 B effects

0/37 C influences

0/37 D consequences

159. Don't throw that box away! It may _____ in handy.

27/32 A come

3/32 B get

1/32 C be

1/32 D go

160. I think that Cathy has become _____ to chocolate. She eats at least four bars a day.
0/36 A fond

0/36 B keen

36/36 C addicted

0/36 D adjusted

161. I disliked the place the moment I _____ eyes on it.

3/30 A put

8/30 B kept

15/30 C set

4/30 D got
162. Andrew _____ greater responsibilities when he was promoted.
1/32 A went over

3/32 B put up

27/32 C took on

1/32 D got over

163. This picture is _____ to one my mother has in her living room.
24/34 A identical

9/34 B same

1/34 C equal

0/34 D engaged

164. Eve y now and then, I _____ my grandparents a visit just to keep them company.
3/34 A give

1/34 B have

4/34 C take

26/34 D pay

165. When we got off the bus, the tour guide told us to _____ of pickpockets.
31/32 A beware

0/32 B wa n

1/32 C compete

0/32 D distinguish

166. Over the years we have grown rather fond of foreign _____.
8/29 A expedition

5/29 B excursion

13/29 C travel

3/29 D voyage

167. Cu y powder is _____ to most European dishes.

11/36 A strange

14/36 B peculiar

10/36 C foreign

1/36 D unaware
168. There will be a one-hundred-dollar _____ for anyone who finds my Siamese cat.
1/35 A bonus

0/35 B donation

8/35 C award

26/35 D reward

169. Kim got a twenty per cent _____ when she bought her vacuum cleaner du ing the sales.
1/34 A account

1/34 B fee

0/34 C receipt

32/34 D discount

170. I _____ Craig thi ty dollars, but I can't pay him back until I get paid.
20/35 A bo row

0/35 B let

15/35 C owe

0/35 D own

171. I don't usually ca y _____. I prefer to use my credit card.

0/32 A change

0/32 B cu rency

0/32 C budget

32/32 D cash

172. Famous people know that even when they wear dark glasses, they are sometimes _____.
7/36 A realised

28/36 B recognised

0/36 C distinguished

1/36 D neglected

173. You shouldn't _____ that your house is safe just because you have installed a burglar ala m.
1/35 A guess

28/35 B assume

4/35 C estimate

2/35 D appreciate
174. His _____ as mayor was an occasion for celebration.
4/34 A selection

7/34 B choice

22/34 C election

1/34 D option

175. “Be _____, Jack! How can I lend you my car when you're only fifteen.”
4/34 A responsible

2/34 B reliable

3/34 C relevant

25/34 D reasonable

176. You _____ something about a reduction in p ices. What did you mean by that?
2/32 A repo ted

29/32 B mentioned

1/32 C refe red

0/32 D expressed

177. He gave me detailed _____ how to operate the fax machine.

2/35 A directions

0/35 B recipe

0/35 C advice

33/35 D inst uctions

178. The Supreme Cou t _____ the appeal due to lack of evidence.
19/36 A rejected

1/36 B resisted

9/36 C denied

7/36 D refused

179. Trespassing is _____ and offenders will be prosecuted.

0/33 A prevented

1/33 B convicted

31/33 C prohibited

1/33 D sentenced
180. Two police officers _____ the bank robbers who ran down the alley.
0/36 A hunted

34/36 B chased

1/36 C banned

1/36 D forbade

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