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GPS Basics

Introduction to GPS (Global Positioning System)

Version 1.0
Preface ........................................................... 4 4. Geodetic Aspects ..................................... 26
4.1 Introduction ...........................................................27
1. What is GPS and what does it do ? .......... 5 4.2. The GPS coordinate system ................................. 28
4.3 Local coordinate systems ......................................29
2. System Overview ....................................... 6 4.4 Problems with height ............................................. 30
2.1 The Space Segment ............................................... 6 4.5 Transformations .....................................................31
2.2 The Control Segment .............................................. 8 4.6 Map Projections and Plane Coordinates .................34
2.3 The User Segment ................................................. 9 4.6.1 The Transverse Mercator Projection ...................... 35
4.6.2 The Lambert Projection ......................................... 37
3. How GPS works ....................................... 10
3.1 Simple Navigation .................................................. 11 5. Surveying with GPS ................................ 38
3.1.1 Satellite ranging .................................................... 11 5.1 GPS Measuring Techniques .................................. 39
3.1.2 Calculating the distance to the satellite ................. 13 5.1.1 Static Surveys ........................................................ 40
3.1.3 Error Sources ........................................................ 14 5.1.2 Rapid Static Surveys .............................................. 42
3.1.4 Why are military receivers more accurate ? ........... 18 5.1.3 Kinematic Surveys ................................................. 44
3.2 Differentially corrected positions (DGPS) ................19 5.1.4 RTK Surveys .......................................................... 45
3.2.1 The Reference Receiver ........................................ 20 5.2 Pre-survey preparation ........................................... 46
3.2.2 The Rover receiver ................................................. 20 5.3 Tips during operation ............................................. 46
3.2.3 Further details ....................................................... 20
3.3 Differential Phase GPS and Ambiguity Resolution ...22 Glossary ....................................................... 48
3.3.1 The Carrier Phase, C/A and P-codes .................... 22
3.3.2 Why use Carrier Phase? ....................................... 23 Further Reading .......................................... 59
3.3.3 Double Differencing ............................................... 23
3.3.4 Ambiguity and Ambiguity Resolution ...................... 24 Index ............................................................. 60

2 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

View of chapters
Preface 4

1. What is GPS and what does it do? 5

2. System Overview 6

3. How GPS works 10

4. Geodetic Aspects 26

5. Surveying with GPS 38

Glossary 48

Index 60

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 3 View of chapters


Why have we written this book and

who should read it?
Leica manufactures, amongst other
things, GPS hardware and software.
This hardware and software is used by
many professionals in many applica-
tions. One thing that almost all of our
users have in common is that they are
not GPS scientists or experts in Geod-
esy. They are using GPS as a tool to
complete a task. Therefore, it is useful to
have background information about what
GPS is and how it works.
This book is intended to give a novice or
potential GPS user a background in the
subject of GPS and Geodesy. It is not a
definitive technical GPS or Geodesy
manual. There are many texts of this sort
available, some of which are included in
the reading list on the back pages.
This book is split into two main sections.
The first explains GPS and how it works.
The second explains the fundamentals
of geodesy.

Preface 4 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

1. What is GPS and what does it do ?
GPS is the shortened form of NAVSTAR and stars to navigate. Also, on land, GPS is a satellite-based system that 4
GPS. This is an acronym for NAVigation surveyors and explorers used familiar uses a constellation of 24 satellites to
System with Time And Ranging Global reference points from which to base their give a user an accurate position. It is
Positioning System. measurements or find their way. important at this point to define ’accu- 5
rate’. To a hiker or soldier in the desert,
GPS is a solution for one of man’s These methods worked well within
accurate means about 15m. To a ship in
longest and most troublesome prob- certain boundaries. Sun and stars
coastal waters, accurate means 5m. To
lems. It provides an answer to the cannot be seen when it is cloudy. Also,
a land surveyor, accurate means 1cm or
question ‘Where on earth am I ?’ even with the most precise measure-
less. GPS can be used to achieve all of
ments position cannot be determined
these accuracies in all of these applica-
very accurately.
tions, the difference being the type of
After the second world war, it became GPS receiver used and the technique
apparent to the U.S. Department of employed.
Defense that a solution had to be found
GPS was originally designed for military
to the problem of accurate, absolute
use at any time anywhere on the surface
positioning. Several projects and
of the earth. Soon after the original
experiments ran during the next 25 years
proposals were made, it became clear
or so, including Transit, Timation, Loran,
that civilians could also use GPS, and
Decca etc. All of these projects allowed
not only for personal positioning (as was
positions to be determined but were
intended for the military). The first two
limited in accuracy or functionality.
major civilian applications to emerge
One can imagine that this is an easy
At the beginning of the 1970s, a new were marine navigation and surveying.
question to answer. You can easily
project was proposed – GPS. This Nowadays applications range from in-
locate yourself by looking at objects that
concept promised to fulfill all the require- car navigation through truck fleet man-
surround you and position yourself
ments of the US government, namely agement to automation of construction
relative to them. But what if you have no
that one should be able to determine machinery.
objects around you ? What if you are in
ones position accurately, at any point on
the middle of the desert or in the middle
the earth’s surface, at any time, in any
of the ocean ? For many centuries, this
weather conditions.
problem was solved by using the sun

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 5 What is GPS and System

what does
it do ?
2. System Overview 2.1 The Space Segment
4 The total GPS configuration is com- The Space Segment is designed to 15° for most of the time and quite often
prised of three distinct segments: consist of 24 satellites orbiting the earth there are 6 or 7 satellites visible.
at approximately 20200km every 12
hours. At time of writing there are 26
• The Space Segment – Satellites operational satellites orbiting the earth.
orbiting the earth.
• The Control Segment – Stations
positioned on the earth’s equator to
control the satellites
• The User Segment – Anybody that
receives and uses the GPS signal.

GPS satellite

Each GPS satellite has several very

accurate atomic clocks on board. The
clocks operate at a fundamental fre-
GPS Satellite Constellation
quency of 10.23MHz. This is used to
The space segment is so designed that generate the signals that are broadcast
there will be a minimum of 4 satellites from the satellite.
visible above a 15° cut-off angle at any
point of the earth’s surface at any one
time. Four satellites are the minimum
that must be visible for most applica-
tions. Experience shows that there are
usually at least 5 satellites visible above

System Overview 6 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

The satellites broadcast two carrier 4
waves constantly. These carrier waves
are in the L-Band (used for radio), and
travel to earth at the speed of light. 5
These carrier waves are derived from the
fundamental frequency, generated by a Fundamental
very precise atomic clock: Frequency
• The L1 carrier is broadcast at 1575.42 10.23 Mhz
MHz (10.23 x 154) ÷10
• The L2 carrier is broadcast at 1227.60
MHz (10.23 x 120).
The L1 carrier then has two codes L1 C/A Code P-Code
modulated upon it. The C/A Code or
×154 1575.42 Mhz 1.023 Mhz 10.23 Mhz
Coarse/Acquisition Code is modulated
at 1.023MHz (10.23/10) and the P-code
or Precision Code is modulated at
10.23MHz). The L2 carrier has just one L2 P-Code
code modulated upon it. The L2 P-code 1227.60 Mhz 10.32 Mhz
is modulated at 10.23 MHz. ×120
GPS receivers use the different codes to
distingush between satellites. The
codes can also be used as a basis for GPS Signal Structure
making pseudorange measurements
and therefore calculate a position.

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 7 System Overview

2.2 The Control Segment
4 The Control Segment consists of one
master control station, 5 monitor sta-
tions and 4 ground antennas distributed
amongst 5 locations roughly on the
earth’s equator.
The Control Segment tracks the GPS
satellites, updates their orbiting position
and calibrates and sychronises their
A further important function is to deter- C o lo ra d o S p rin g s
mine the orbit of each satellite and K w a ja le in
predict it’s path for the following 24 H a w a ii
hours. This information is uploaded to
each satellite and subsequently broad- A s c e n s io n
D ie g o G a rc ia
cast from it. This enables the GPS
receiver to know where each satellite
can be expected to be found.
The satellite signals are read at Ascen- Control Segment Station Locations
sion, Diego Garcia and Kwajalein. The
measurements are then sent to the
Master Control Station in Colorado
Springs where they are processed to
determine any errors in each satellite.
The information is then sent back to the
four monitor stations equipped with
ground antennas and uploaded to the

System Overview 8 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

2.3 The User Segment
The User Segment comprises of anyone 4
using a GPS receiver to receive the GPS
signal and determine their position and/
or time. Typical applications within the 5
user segment are land navigation for
hikers, vehicle location, surveying,
marine navigation, aerial navigation,
machine control etc.

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 9 System Overview

3. How GPS works
4 There are several different methods for
obtaining a position using GPS. The
method used depends on the accuracy
required by the user and the type of GPS
receiver available. Broadly speaking, the
techniques can be broken down into
three basic classes:

Autonomous Navigation using a single stand-alone receiver. Used by

hikers, ships that are far out at sea and the military. Position Accuracy is
better than 100m for civilian users and about 20m for military users.

Differential Phase position. Gives an accuracy of 0.5-20mm.

Used for many surveying tasks, machine control etc.

Differentially corrected positioning. More commonly known

as DGPS, this gives an accuracy of between 0.5-5m. Used for
inshore marine navigation, GIS data acquisition, precision
farming etc.

How GPS works 10 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

3.1 Simple Navigation 3.1.1 Satellite ranging

This is the most simple technique All GPS positions are based on measuring the distance from the satellites to the 4
employed by GPS receivers to instanta- GPS receiver on the earth. This distance to each satellite can be determined by the
neously give a position and height and/ GPS receiver. The basic idea is that of resection, which many surveyors use in their
or accurate time to a user. The accuracy daily work. If you know the distance to three points relative to your own position, you 5
obtained is better than 100m (usually can determine your own position relative to those three points. From the distance to
around the 30-50m mark) for civilian one satellite we know that the position of the receiver must be at some point on the
users and 5-15m for military users. The surface of an imaginary sphere which has it’s origin at the satellite. By intersecting
reasons for the difference between three imaginary spheres the receiver position can be determined.
civilian and military accuracies are given
later in this section. Receivers used for
this type of operation are typically small,
highly portable handheld units with a
low cost.

Intersection of three imaginary spheres

A Handheld GPS Receiver

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 11 How GPS works

4 The problem with GPS is that only
pseudoranges and the time at which the
signal arrived at the receiver can be
Thus there are four unknowns to deter-
mine; position (X, Y, Z) and time of travel
of the signal. Observing to four satellites
produces four equations which can be
solved, enabling these unknowns to be

At least four satellites are required to obtain a

position and time in 3 dimensions

How GPS works 12 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

3.1.2 Calculating the distance to the satellite

In order to calculate the distance to each 4

satellite, one of Isaac Newton’s laws of
motion is used:

Calculating the Time 5

Distance = Velocity x Time The satellite signal has two codes modulated upon it, the C/A code and the
P-code (see section 2.1). The C/A code is based upon the time given by a 6
For instance, it is possible to calculate very accurate atomic clock. The receiver also contains a clock that is used to
the distance a train has traveled if you generate a matching C/A code. The GPS receiver is then able to “match” or
know the velocity it has been travelling correlate the incoming satellite code to the receiver generated code.
and the time for which it has been
travelling at that velocity.
GPS requires the receiver to calculate
the distance from the receiver to the
The Velocity is the velocity of the radio
signal. Radio waves travel at the speed
of light, 290,000 km per second The C/A code is a digital code that is ‘pseudo random’ or appears to be
(186,000 miles per second). random. In actual fact it is not random and repeats one thousand times
The Time is the time taken for the radio every second.
signal to travel from the satellite to the In this way, the time taken for the radio signal to travel from the satellite to
GPS receiver. This is a little harder to the GPS receiver is calculated.
calculate, since you need to know when
the radio signal left the satellite and
when it reached the receiver.

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 13 How GPS works

3.1.3 Error Sources

4 Up until this point, it has been assumed 1. Ionospheric and Atmospheric delays The ionosphere does not introduce a
that the position derived from GPS is very constant delay on the signal. There are
accurate and free of error, but there are As the satellite signal passes through several factors that influence the amount
several sources of error that degrade the the ionosphere, it can be slowed down, of delay caused by the ionosphere.
GPS position from a theoretical few the effect being similar to light refracted
metres to tens of metres. These error through a glass block. These atmo-
sources are: spheric delays can introduce an error in
the range calculation as the velocity of
the signal is affected. (Light only has a
constant velocity in a vacuum).
1. Ionospheric and atmospheric
2. Satellite and Receiver Clock
3. Multipath
4. Dilution of Precision
5. Selective Availability (S/A)
6. Anti Spoofing (A-S)

How GPS works 14 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

a. Satellite elevation. Signals from low The amount by which the density of the average condition does not occur all of 4
elevation satellites will be affected more ionosphere is increased varies with the time. This method is therefore not
than signals from higher elevation solar cycles (sunspot activity). the optimum solution to Ionospheric
satellites. This is due to the increased Error mitigation. 5
Sunspot activity peaks approximately
distance that the signal passes through
every 11 years. At the time of writing, the - The second method involves using
the atmosphere.
next peak (solar “dual-frequency” GPS receivers. Such
max) will be receivers measure the L1 and the L2 6
around the year frequencies of the GPS signal. It is
2000. known that when a radio signal travels
through the ionosphere it slows down at
In addition to this,
a rate inversely proportional to it’s
solar flares can
frequency. Hence, if the arrival times of
also randomly
the two signals are compared, an
occur and also
accurate estimation of the delay can be
have an effect on
made. Note that this is only possible
the ionosphere.
with dual frequency GPS receivers. Most
Ionospheric errors receivers built for navigation are single
can be mitigated frequency.
by using one of
two methods:
c. Water Vapour also affects the GPS
- The first method
signal. Water vapor contained in the
involves taking an
atmosphere can also affect the GPS
average of the
signal. This effect, which can result in a
b. The density of the ionosphere is effect of the reduction in velocity of light
position degradation can be reduced by
affected by the sun. At night, there is caused by the ionosphere. This correc-
using atmospheric models.
very little ionospheric influence. In the tion factor can then be applied to the
day, the sun increases the effect of the range calculations. However, this relies
ionosphere and slows down the signal. on an average and obviously this

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 15 How GPS works

4 2. Satellite and Receiver clock errors 3. Multipath Errors
Even though the clocks in the satellite Multipath occurs when the receiver
are very accurate (to about 3 nanosec- antenna is positioned close to a
onds), they do sometimes drift slightly large reflecting surface such as a
and cause small errors, affecting the lake or building. The satellite signal
accuracy of the position. The US Depart- does not travel directly to the antenna
ment of Defense monitors the satellite but hits the nearby object first and is
clocks using the Control Segment (see reflected into the antenna creating a
section 2.2) and can correct any drift that false measurement.
is found.
Multipath can be reduced by use of
special GPS antennas that incorpo-
rate a ground plane (a circular,
metallic disk about 50cm (2 feet) in For highest accuracy, the preferred solution is
diameter) that prevent low elevation use of a choke ring antenna. A choke ring
signals reaching the antenna. antenna has 4 or 5 concentric rings around
the antenna that trap any indirect signals.
Multipath only affects high accuracy, survey-
type measurements. Simple handheld
navigation receivers do not employ such

Choke-Ring Antenna

How GPS works 16 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

4. Dilution of Precision The range to the satellite is affected by The most useful DOP to know is GDOP 4
range errors previously described. When since this is a combination of all the
The Dilution of Precision (DOP) is a the satellites are well spaced, the factors. Some receivers do however
measure of the strength of satellite position can be determined as being calculate PDOP or HDOP which do not
geometry and is related to the spacing 5
within the shaded area in the diagram include the time component.
and position of the satellites in the sky. and the possible error margin is small.
The DOP can magnify the effect of The best way of minimizing the effect of
satellite ranging errors. When the satellites are close together, GDOP is to observe as many satellites 6
the shaded area increases in size, as possible. Remember however, that
The principle can be best illustrated by increasing the uncertainty of the posi- the signals from low elevation satellites
diagrams: tion. are generally influenced to a greater
degree by most error sources.
Different types of Dilution of Precision or
As a general guide, when surveying with
DOP can be calculated depending on
GPS it is best to observe satellites that
the dimension.
are 15° above the horizon. The most
VDOP – Vertical Dilution of Precision. accurate positions will generally be
Gives accuracy degradation in vertical computed when the GDOP is low,
direction. (usually 8 or less).
Well spaced satellites - low uncertainty
of position HDOP – Horizontal Dilution of Precision.
Gives accuracy degradation in horizontal
PDOP – Positional Dilution of Precision.
Gives accuracy degradation in 3D
GDOP – Geometric Dilution of Precision.
Gives accuracy degradation in 3D
Poorly spaced satellites - high
position and time.
uncertainty of position

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 17 How GPS works

3.1.4 Why are military receivers more
accurate ?

4 5. Selective Availability (S/A) 6. Anti-Spoofing (A-S) Military receivers are more accurate
Selective Availability is a process Anti-Spoofing is similar to S/A in that it’s because they do not use the C/A code to
applied by the U.S. Department of intention is to deny civilian and hostile calculate the time taken for the signal to
Defense to the GPS signal. This is powers access to the P-code part of the reach the receiver. They use the P-code.
intended to deny civilian and hostile GPS signal and hence force use of the The P-code is modulated onto the carrier
foreign powers the full accuracy of GPS C/A code which has S/A applied to it. wave at 10.23 Hz. The C/A code is
by subjecting the satellite clocks to a modulated onto the carrier wave at 1.023
Anti-Spoofing encrypts the P-code into a
process known as ‘dithering’ which Hz. Ranges can be calculated far more
signal called the Y-code. Only users with
alters their time slightly. Additionally, the accurately using the P-code as this code
military GPS receivers (the US and it’s
ephemeris (or path that the satellite will is occurring 10 times as often as the C/A
allies) can de-crypt the Y-code.
follow) is broadcast as being slightly code per second.
different from what it is in reality. The end
result is a degradation in position The P-code is often subjected to Anti
accuracy. Spoofing (A/S) as described in the last
section. This means that only the
It is worth noting that S/A affects civilian military, equipped with special GPS
users using a single GPS receiver to receivers can read this encryted P-code
obtain an autonomous position. Users (also known as the Y-code).
of differential systems are not signifi-
cantly affected by S/A. For these reasons, users of military GPS
receivers usually get a position with an
Currently, it is planned that S/A will be accuracy of around 5m whereas, civilian
switched off by 2006 at the latest. users of comparable GPS receivers will
only get between about 15-100m
position accuracy.

A military handheld GPS receiver

(courtesy Rockwell)

How GPS works 18 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

3.2 Differentially corrected positions (DGPS)
Many of the errors affecting the measure- 4
ment of satellite range can be com-
pletely eliminated or at least significantly
reduced using differential measurement 5
DGPS allows the civilian user to in-
crease position accuracy from 100m to 6
2-3m or less, making it more useful for
many civilian applications.

DGPS Reference station broadcasting to Users

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 19 How GPS works

3.2.1 The Reference Receiver 3.2.2 The Rover receiver 3.2.3 Further details

4 The Reference receiver antenna is The rover receiver is on the other end of DGPS has been explained in a very
mounted on a previously measured these corrections. The rover receiver has simple way in the preceding sections. In
point with known coordinates. The a radio data link attached to it that real life, it is a little more complex than
receiver that is set at this point is known enables it to receive the range correc- this.
as the Reference Receiver or Base tions broadcast by the Reference
One large consideration is the radio link.
Station. Receiver.
There are many types of radio link that
The receiver is switched on and begins The Rover Receiver also calculates will broadcast over different ranges and
to track satellites. It can calculate an ranges to the satellites as described in frequencies. The performance of the
autonomous position using the tech- section 3.1. It then applies the range radio link depends on a range of factors
niques mentioned in section 3.1. corrections received from the Reference. including:
This lets it calculate a much more
Because it is on a known point, the • Frequency of the radio
accurate position than would be possi-
reference receiver can estimate very
ble if the uncorrected range measure- • Power of the radio
precisely what the ranges to the various
ments were used.
satellites should be. • Type and ‘gain’ of radio antenna
Using this technique, all of the error
The reference receiver can therefore • Antenna position
sources listed in section 3.1.3 are
work out the difference between the
minimized, hence the more accurate Networks of GPS receivers and powerful
computed and measured range values.
position. radio transmitters have been estab-
These differences are known as correc-
tions. It is also worthwhile to note that multiple lished, broadcasting on a “maritime
Rover Receivers can receive corrections only” safety frequency. These are known
The reference receiver is usually at- as Beacon Transmitters. The users of
from one single Reference.
tached to a radio data link which is used this service (mostly marine craft navigat-
to broadcast these corrections. ing in coastal waters) just need to
purchase a Rover receiver that can
receive the beacon signal. Such sys-
tems have been set up around the
coasts of many countries.

How GPS works 20 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

Other devices such as mobile tele- 4
phones can also be used for transmis-
sion of data.
In addition to Beacon Systems, other 5
systems also exist that provide coverage
over large land areas operated by
commercial, privately owned companies. 6
There are also proposals for govern-
ment owned systems such as the
Federal Aviation Authority’s satellite-
based Wide Area Augmentation System
(WAAS) in the United States, the Euro-
pean Space Agency’s (ESA) system and
a proposed system from the Japanese
There is a commonly used standard for
the format of broadcast GPS data. It is
called RTCM format. This stands for
Radio Technical Commission Maritime
Services, an industry sponsored non-
profit organisation. This format is
commonly used all over the world.

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 21 How GPS works

3.3 Differential Phase GPS
and Ambiguity Resolution 3.3.1 The Carrier Phase, C/A and P-codes

4 Differential Phase GPS is used mainly in At this point, it is useful to define the various components of the GPS signal.
surveying and related industries to
achieve relative positioning accuracies Carrier Phase. The sine wave of the L1 or L2 signal that is created by the satellite.
of typically 5-50mm (0.25-2.5 in). The The L1 carrier is generated at 1575.42MHz, the L2 carrier at 1227.6 MHz.
technique used differs from previously C/A code. The Coarse Acquisition code. Modulated on the L1 Carrier at 1.023MHz.
described techniques and involves a lot
of statistical analysis. P-code. The precise code. Modulated on the L1 and L2 carriers at 10.23 MHz.

It is a differential technique which means Refer also to the diagram in section 2.1.
that a minimum of two GPS receivers are What does modulation mean ?
always used simultaneously. This is one
of the similarities with the Differential The carrier waves are designed to carry the binary C/A and P-codes in a process
Code Correction method described in known as modulation. Modulation means the codes are superimposed on the
section 3.2. carrier wave. The codes are binary codes. This means they can only have the values
1 or -1. Each time the value changes, there is a change in the phase of the carrier.
The Reference Receiver is always
positioned at a point with fixed or known
coordinates. The other receiver(s) are
free to rove around. Thus they are known
as Rover Receivers. The baseline(s)
between the Reference and Rover
receiver(s) are calculated.
The basic technique is still the same as
with the techniques mentioned previ-
ously, - measuring distances to four
satellites and computing a position from
those ranges.
The big difference comes in the way
those ranges are calculated.
Carrier Modulation

How GPS works 22 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

3.3.2 Why use Carrier Phase? 3.3.3 Double Differencing

The carrier phase is used because it The majority of the error incurred when If two GPS receivers make a measure- 4
can provide a much more accurate making an autonomous position comes ment to two different satellites, the clock
measurement to the satellite than using from imperfections in the receiver and offsets in the receivers and satellites
the P-code or the C/A code. The L1 satellite clocks. One way of bypassing cancel, removing any source of error that 5
carrier wave has a wavelength of 19.4 this error is to use a technique known as they may contribute to the equation.
cm. If you could measure the number of Double Differencing.
wavelengths (whole and fractional parts)
there are between the satellite and
receiver, you have a very accurate range
to the satellite.

Double Differencing

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 23 How GPS works

3.3.4 Ambiguity and Ambiguity Resolution

4 After removing the clock errors by double

differencing, the whole number of carrier 1.
wavelengths plus a fraction of a wave-
length between the satellite and receiver an approximate
antenna can be determined. The position. The
problem is that there are many ‘sets’ of precise answer
possible whole wavelengths to each must lie somewhere
observed satellite. Thus the solution is within this circle.
ambiguous. Statistical processes can
resolve this ambiguity and determine the The wavefronts from
most probable solution. a single satellite

The following explanation is an outline of

how the ambiguity resolution process
works. Many complicating factors are not
covered by this explanation but it does
provide a useful illustration.
Differential code can be used to obtain 2. strike both within
and outside of the
circle. The precise
point must lie
somewhere on one
of the lines formed
by these wavefronts
inside the circle.
When a second
satellite is observed,

How GPS works 24 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

3. 5.
a second set of
wavefronts or phase 5
lines are created. satellite further
The point must lie narrows the
on one of the number of 6
intersections of the possibilities.
two sets of phase
lines. As the satellite

Adding a third

4. 6.
satellite further constellation
narrows the number changes it will
of possibilities. The tend to rotate
point must be on an around one point,
intersection of all revealing the
three phase lines. most probable
Adding a fourth

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 25 How GPS works

4. Geodetic Aspects
Since GPS has become increasingly
popular as a Surveying and Navigation
instrument, surveyors and navigators
require a basic understanding of how
GPS positions relate to standard
mapping systems.
A common cause of errors in GPS
surveys is the result of incorrectly
understanding these relationships.

Geodetic Aspects 26 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

4.1 Introduction
Determining a position with GPS The science of Geodesy is basic to GPS,
achieves a fundamental goal of Geodesy and, conversely, GPS has become a
- the determination of absolute position major tool in Geodesy. This is evident if
with uniform accuracy at all points on the we look at the aims of Geodesy:
earth’s surface. Using classical geodetic
1. Establishment and maintenance of
and surveying techniques, determination
national and global three-dimensional
of position is always relative to the
geodetic control networks on land,
starting points of the survey, with the
recognizing the time-varying nature of
accuracy achieved being dependent on
these networks due to plate movement.
the distance from this point. GPS
therefore, offers a significant advantage 2. Measurement and representation of
over conventional techniques. geodynamic phenomena (polar motion,
earth tides, and crustal motion).
3. Determination of the gravity field of the
earth including temporal variations.
Although most users may never carry out
any of the above tasks, it is essential that
users of GPS equipment have a general
understanding of Geodesy.

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 27 Geodetic Aspects

4.2. The GPS coordinate system
Although the earth may appear to be a There are actually many different ellip- Z
uniform sphere when viewed from soids or mathematical definitions of the
space, the surface is far from uniform. earth’s surface, as will be discussed Earth's Surface

Due to the fact that GPS has to give later. The ellipsoid used by GPS is
coordinates at any point on the earth’s known as WGS84 or World Geodetic P
surface, it uses a geodetic coordinate System 1984. igh
system based on an ellipsoid. An
A point on the surface of the earth (note
ellipsoid (also known as a spheroid) is a
that this is not the surface of the ellip-
sphere that has been flattened or DZ
soid), can be defined by using Latitude,

squashed. 0 Y
Longitude and ellipsoidal height. DX
An ellipsoid is chosen that most accu-
An alternative method for defining the DY
rately approximates to the shape of the
position of a point is the Cartesian
earth. This ellipsoid has no physical
Coordinate system, using distances in Longitude
surface but is a mathematically defined
the X, Y, and Z axes from the origin or X
centre of the spheroid. This is the
method primarily used by GPS for Defining coordinates of P by
defining the location of a point in space. Geodetic and Cartesian coordinates

An Ellipsoid

Geodetic Aspects 28 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

4.3 Local coordinate systems
Just as with GPS coordinates, local Earth's Surface
WGS84 Ellipsoid
coordinates or coordinates used in a (topography)
particular country’s maps are based on
a local ellipsoid, designed to match the
geoid (see section 4.4) in the area.
Usually, these coordinates will have
Local Ellipsoid
been projected onto a plane surface to
provide grid coordinates (see section
The ellipsoids used in most local
coordinate systems throughout the world
were first defined many years ago,
before the advent of space techniques.
The relationship between ellipsoids
These ellipsoids tend to fit the area of
and the earth’s surface
interest well but could not be applied to
other areas of the earth. Hence, each
country defined a mapping system/
reference frame based on a local
When using GPS, the coordinates of the
calculated positions are based on the
WGS84 ellipsoid. Existing coordinates
are usually in a local coordinate system
and therefore the GPS coordinates have
to be transformed into this local system.

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 29 Geodetic Aspects

4.4 Problems with height
The nature of GPS also affects the This problem is solved by using geoidal
measurement of height. models to convert ellipsoidal heights to
orthometric heights. In relatively flat
All heights measured with GPS are
areas the geoid can be considered to be
given in relation to the surface of the
constant. In such areas, use of certain
WGS84 ellipsoid. These are known as
transformation techniques can create a
Ellipsoidal Heights.
height model and geoidal heights can
Existing heights are usually orthometric be interpolated from existing data.
heights measured relative to mean sea
Mean sea level corresponds to a P
surface known as the geoid. The Geoid H
can be defined as an equipotential h
surface, i.e. the force of gravity is a N Topography
constant at any point on the geoid.
The geoid is of irregular shape and
does not correspond to any ellipsoid.
The density of the earth does however h = H+N
have an effect on the geoid, causing it to where
rise in the more dense regions and fall h = Ellipsoidal Height
in less dense regions. H = Orthometric Height
N = Geoid Separation
The relationship between the geoid,
ellipsoid and earth’s surface is shown Relationship between Orthometric
in the graphic below. and Ellipsoidal height
As most existing maps show
orthometric heights (relative to the
geoid), most users of GPS also require
their heights to be orthometric.
Geodetic Aspects 30 GPS Basics -1.0.0en
4.5 Transformations
The purpose of a transformation is to It is important to note that the transfor-
transform coordinates from one system mation will only apply to points in the
to another. area bounded by the common points.
Points outside of this area should not be
Several different Transformation ap-
transformed using the calculated
proaches exist. The one that you use will
parameters but should form part of a
depend on the results you require.
new transformation area.
The basic field procedure for determina-
tion of transformation parameters is the
same no matter which approach is
Firstly, coordinates must be available in
both coordinate systems (i.e. in WGS84
and in the local system) for at least three
(and preferably four) common points.
The more common points you include in
the transformation, the more opportunity
you have for redundancy and error
checking. Transformations apply within an area of
Common points are achieved by mea- common points
suring points with GPS, where the
coordinates and orthometric heights are
known in the local system, (e.g. existing
control points).
The transformation parameters can then
be calculated using one of the transfor-
mation approaches.

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 31 Geodetic Aspects

Helmert Transformations mined, followed by any rotation about the
X, Y and Z axes and any change in scale
The Helmert 7 parameter transformation
between the two ellipsoids.
offers a mathematically correct transfor-
mation. This maintains the accuracy of
the GPS measurements and local

Experience has shown that it is common

for GPS surveys to be measured to a
much higher accuracy than older surveys
measured with traditional optical
instruments. ZL

In the vast majority of cases, the previ-
ously measured points will not be as
accurate as the new points measured ZS
with GPS. This may create non-homoge-

neity in the network. w

When transforming a point between T
coordinate systems, it is best to think of XL

the origin from which the coordinates are YS

derived as changing and not the surface

on which it lies. PS = Position in WGS84 Ellipsoid
PL = Position in Local System
In order to transform a coordinate from XS

T = Resultant Vector from shift of origin in X, Y and Z

one system to another, the origins and w w w
axes of the ellipsoid must be known
Y Z = Rotation angles
relative to each other. From this informa- 7 parameter Helmert transformation
tion, the shift in space in X, Y and Z from
one origin to the other can be deter-

Geodetic Aspects 32 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

Other transformation approaches coordinates are projected onto a tempo- Both the Interpolation and the One Step
rary Transverse Mercator projection and approach should be limited to an area of
Whilst the Helmert transformation
then the shifts, rotation and scale from about 15 x 15km, (10 x 10 miles).
approach is mathematically correct, it
the temporary projection to the "real"
cannot account for irregularities in the A combination of the Helmert and
projection are calculated. The Height
local coordinate system and for accurate Interpolation approaches may be found
transformation is a single dimension
heighting, the geoid separation must be in the Stepwise approach. This ap-
height approximation.
known. proach uses a 2D Helmert transforma-
This transformation may be used in tion to obtain position and a height
Therefore, Leica also makes a number
areas where the local ellipsoid and map interpolation to obtain heights. This
of other transformation approaches
projection are unknown and where the approach requires the knowledge of
available in it’s equipment and software.
geoid is reasonably constant. local ellipsoid and map projection.
The so-called Interpolation approach
does not rely on knowledge of the local
ellipsoid or map projection. Height model

Inconsistencies in the local coordinates

are dealt with by stretching or squeezing
any GPS coordinates to fit homoge- Point projected onto
height model surface
neously in the local system.
Ellipsoidal surface
Additionally a height model can be
constructed. This compensates for lack
of geoid separations, provided sufficient
control points are available.
As an alternative to the Interpolation
approach the One Step approach may Orthometric height
be used. This transformation approach at common point
also works by treating the height and
position transformations separately. For
Height model generated from 4 known points
the position transformation, the WGS84
GPS Basics -1.0.0en 33 Geodetic Aspects
4.6 Map Projections and Plane Coordinates
Most Surveyors measure and record Such map projections appear as planes spheroid are projected on to a plane
coordinates in an orthogonal grid but actually define mathematical steps surface from the origin of the spheroid.
system. This means that points are for specifying positions on an ellipsoid
The diagram also highlights the problem
defined by Northings, Eastings and in the terms of a plane.
that it is not possible to represent true
orthometric height (height above sea
The way in which a map projection lengths or shapes on such a plane. True
level). Map Projections allow surveyors
generally works is shown in the dia- lengths are only represented where the
to represent a 3 dimensional curved
gram. Points on the surface of the plane cuts the spheroid (points c and g).
surface on a flat piece of paper.

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110


d' e






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 E

A plane grid based map The basic idea behind map projections

Geodetic Aspects 34 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

4.6.1 The Transverse Mercator Projection

The Transverse Mercator projection is a

conformal projection. This means that Cylinder Spheroid
angular measurements made on the
projection surface are true.
The Projection is based on a cylinder
that is slightly smaller than the spheroid
and is then flattened out. The method is
used by many countries and is espe-
cially suited to large countries around
the equator.
The Transverse Mercator Projection is
defined by:
• False Easting and False Northing.
• Latitude of Origin
• Central Meridian Transverse Mercator projection
• Scale on Central meridian
• Zone Width

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 35 Geodetic Aspects

The False Easting and False Northing
are defined in order that the origin of the Zone Width
grid projection can be in the lower left
hand corner as convention dictates. This
does away with the need for negative
coordinates. Central Meridian
The Latitude of Origin defines the Ellipses of
Latitude of the axis of the cylinder. This is Intersection
normally the equator (in the northern
The Central Meridian defines the
direction of grid north and the longitude
of the centre of the projection.
Scale varies in an east-west direction. As
the cylinder is usually smaller than the E
spheroid, the Scale on Central Meridian
is too small, is correct on the ellipses of Features of the Transverse Mercator projection
intersection and is then too large at the
edges of the projection.
The scale in the north-south direction Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
does not vary. For this reason, the
Transverse Mercator projection is most The UTM projection covers the world between 80ºN and 80ºS latitude. It is a
suitable for mapping areas that are long type of Transverse Mercator projection, with many of the defining parameters
in the north-south direction. held fixed. The UTM is split into zones of 6º longitude with adjacent zones
overlapping by 30’. The one defining parameter is the Central Meridian or
The Zone Width defines the portion of Zone Number. (When one is defined, the other is implied).
the spheroid in an east-west direction to
which the projection applies.

Geodetic Aspects 36 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

4.6.2 The Lambert Projection

The Lambert Projection is also a • Latitude of 1st Standard N

conformal projection based on a cone Parallel
that intersects the spheroid. It is ideal for
• Latitude of 2nd Stand-
small, circular countries, islands and

1/6 Zone
ard Parallel Standard Parallel
polar regions.
The False Easting and Central Meridian
False Northing are
defined in order that the

2/3 Zone Width

Zone Width
origin of the grid projec-
tion can be in the lower
left hand corner as
Spheroid convention dictates. This Standard Parallel
does away with the need

1/6 Zone
for negative coordinates.
The Latitude of Origin
defines the latitude of the 0
origin of the projection. Features of the Lambert Projection
The Central Meridian
defines the direction of influence of scale in the north-south direction is zero.
grid north and the
The Latitude of 2nd Standard Parallel defines the
longitude of the centre of
The Lambert Projection second latitude at which the cone cuts the pyramid. The
the projection.
influence of scale will also be zero at this point.
The Lambert projection is defined by: The Latitude of 1st
The scale is too small between the standard parallels
Standard Parallel
• False Easting and Northing and too large outside them, being defined by the
defines the latitude at
latitudes of the Standard Parallels at which it is zero.
• Latitude of origin which the cone first cuts
Scale in the east-west direction does not vary.
the spheroid. This also
• Central Meridian defines where the

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 37 Geodetic Aspects

5. Surveying with GPS
Probably even more important to the Limitations
surveyor or engineer than the theory
In order to operate with GPS it is impor-
behind GPS, are the practicalities of the
tant that the GPS Antenna has a clear
effective use of GPS.
view to at least 4 satellites. Sometimes,
Like any tool, GPS is only as good as it’s the satellite signals can be blocked by
operator. Proper planning and prepara- tall buildings, trees etc. Hence, GPS
tion are essential ingredients of a cannot be used indoors. It is also
successful survey, as well as an aware- difficult to use GPS in town centers or
ness of the capabilities and limitations woodland.
of GPS.
Due to this limitation, it may prove more
Why use GPS? cost effective in some survey applica-
tions to use an optical total station or to
GPS has numerous advantages over
combine use of such an instrument with
traditional surveying methods: Clear view to four satellites
1. Intervisibility between points is not
2. Can be used at any time of the day or
night and in any weather.
3. Produces results with very high
geodetic accuracy.
4. More work can be accomplished in
less time with fewer people.

Large objects can block the GPS signal

Surveying with GPS 38 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

5.1 GPS Measuring Techniques
There are several measuring techniques RTK - Real Time Kinematic uses a radio
that can be used by most GPS Survey data link to transmit satellite data from
Receivers. The surveyor should choose the Reference to the Rover. This enables
the appropriate technique for the appli- coordinates to be calculated and
cation. displayed in real time, as the survey is
being carried out. Used for similar
Static - Used for long lines, geodetic
applications as Kinematic. A very effec-
networks, tectonic plate studies etc.
tive way for measuring detail as results
Offers high accuracy over long distances
are presented as work is carried out.
but is comparatively slow.
This technique is however reliant upon a
Rapid Static - Used for establishing radio link, which is subject to interfer-
local control networks, Network densifi- ence from other radio sources and also
cation etc. Offers high accuracy on line of sight blockage.
baselines up to about 20km and is
much faster than the Static technique.
Kinematic - Used for detail surveys and
measuring many points in quick succes-
sion. Very efficient way of measuring
many points that are close together.
However, if there are obstructions to the
sky such as bridges, trees, tall buildings
etc., and less than 4 satellites are
tracked, the equipment must be
reinitialized which can take 5-10 min-
A processing technique known as On-
the-Fly (OTF) has gone a long way to
minimise this restriction.

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 39 Surveying with GPS

5.1.1 Static Surveys

This was the first method to be devel- Once enough data has been collected,
oped for GPS surveying. It can be used the receivers can be switched off. The
for measuring long baselines (usually Rover can then be moved to the next
20km (16 miles) and over). baseline and measurement can once
again commence.
One receiver is placed on a point whose
coordinates are known accurately in It is very important to introduce redun-
WGS84. This is known as the Reference dancy into the network that is being
Receiver. The other receiver is placed on measured. This involves measuring
the other end of the baseline and is points at least twice and creates safety
known as the Rover. checks against problems that would
otherwise go undetected.
Data is then recorded at both stations
simultaneously. It is important that data A great increase in productivity can be
is being recorded at the same rate at realized with the addition of an extra
each station. The data collection rate Rover receiver. Good coordination is
may be typically set to 15, 30 or 60 required between the survey crews in
seconds. order to maximize the potential of having
three receivers. An example is given on
The receivers have to collect data for a
the next page.
certain length of time. This time is
influenced by the length of the line, the
number of satellites observed and the
satellite geometry (dilution of precision
or DOP). As a rule of thumb, the observa-
tion time is a minimum of 1 hour for a
20km line with 5 satellites and a
prevailing GDOP of 8. Longer lines
require longer observation times.

Surveying with GPS 40 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

1 2 3

The network ABCDE has to be After the required length of time, the Then A moves to E and C moves to
measured with three receivers. The receiver that was at E moves to D B. The triangle BDE is measured.
coordinates of A are known in and B moves to C. The triangle ACD
WGS84. The receivers are placed on is measured.
A, B and C. GPS data is recorded for
the required length of time.

4 5

The end result is the measured

Finally, B moves back to C and the network ABCDE. One point is mea-
line EC is measured. sured three times and every point has
been measured at least twice. This
provides redundancy. Any gross errors
will be highlighted and the offending
measurement can be removed.
GPS Basics -1.0.0en 41 Surveying with GPS
5.1.2 Rapid Static Surveys

In Rapid Static surveys, a Reference The Rover receiver(s) then visit each of
Point is chosen and one or more Rovers the known points. The length of time that
operate with respect to it. the Rovers must observe for at each
point is related to the baseline length
Typically, Rapid Static is used for
from the Reference and the GDOP.
densifying existing networks, establish-
ing control etc. The data is recorded and post-proc-
essed back at the office.
When starting work in an area where no
GPS surveying has previously taken Checks should then be carried out to
place, the first task is to observe a ensure that no gross errors exist in the
number of points, whose coordinates measurements. This can done by
are accurately known in the local system. measuring the points again at a different
This will enable a transformation to be time of the day.
calculated and all hence, points mea-
When working with two or more Rover
sured with GPS in that area can be
receivers, an alternative is to ensure that
easily converted into the local system.
all rovers operate at each occupied point
As discussed in section 4.5, at least 4 simultaneously. Thus allows data from
known points on the perimeter of the each station to be used as either
area of interest should be observed. The Reference or Rover during post-
transformation calculated will then be processing and is the most efficient way
valid for the area enclosed by those to work, but also the most difficult to
points. synchronise.
The Reference Receiver is usually set Another way to build in redundancy is to
up at a known point and can be included set up two reference stations, and use
in the calculations of the transformation one rover to occupy the points as shown
parameters. If no known point is avail- in the lower example on the next page.
able, it can be set up anywhere within
the network.

Surveying with GPS 42 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

1 2 3 4 5

The network 1,2,3,4,5 The reference station After the required Then, one Rover can The end result is as
has to be measured is set up. One Rover length of time, one return to the office above. On a subse-
from Reference occupies point 1 Rover moves to point whilst the other quent day, the opera-
station R with three whilst the other 2 whilst the other measures point 5. tion will be repeated
GPS receivers. occupies point 3. moves to point 4. in order to check for
gross errors.
1 2 3 4 5

Reference stations After the required Similarly, the Rover ...and then point 5. The end result is a
are set up at R and length of time, the then progresses to measured network
point 1. The Rover Rover moves to point point 4... with built-in redun-
occupies point 2. 3. dancy.

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 43 Surveying with GPS

5.1.3 Kinematic Surveys

The Kinematic technique is typically

used for detail surveying, recording
1 2 3
trajectories etc., although with the advent
of RTK it’s popularity is diminishing.
The technique involves a moving Rover
whose position can be calculated
relative to the Reference.
Firstly, the Rover has to perform what is Initialization is performed The Rover can then move. ...and also at distinct
known as an initialization. This is from the Reference to the Positions can be recorded points if required.
essentially the same as measuring a Rover. at a predefined interval...
Rapid Static point and enables the post-
processing software to resolve the
ambiguity when back in the office. The Kinematic on the Fly
Reference and Rover are switched on A major point to watch during kinematic This is a variation of the Kinematic
and remain absolutely stationary for 5-20 surveys is to avoid moving too close to technique and overcomes the require-
minutes, collecting data. (The actual objects that could block the satellite ment of initializing and subsequent re-
time depends on the baseline length signal from the Rover receiver. If at any initialization when the number of
from the Reference and the number of time, less than four satellites are tracked observed satellites drops below four.
satellites observed). by the Rover receiver, you must stop,
Kinematic on the Fly is a processing
After this period, the Rover may then move into a position where 4 or more
method that is applied to the measure-
move freely. The user can record posi- satellites are tracked and perform an
ment during post-processing. At the
tions at a predefined recording rate, can initialization again before continuing.
start of measurement, the operator can
record distinct positions, or record a simply begin walking with the Rover
combination of the two. This part of the receiver and record data. If they walk
measurement is commonly called the under a tree and lose the satellites,
kinematic chain. upon emerging back into satellite
coverage, the system will automatically

Surveying with GPS 44 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

5.1.4 RTK Surveys

RTK stands for Real Time Kinematic. It Once the initialization is complete, the The Radio Link
is a Kinematic on the Fly survey carried ambiguities are resolved and the Rover
Most RTK GPS systems make use of
out in real time. can record point and coordinate data. At
small UHF radio modems. Radio
this time, baseline accuracies will be in
The Reference Station has a radio link communication is the part of the RTK
the 1 - 5cm range.
attached and rebroadcasts the data it system that most people experience
receives from the satellites. It is important to maintain contact with difficulty with. It is worth considering the
the Reference Receiver, otherwise the following influencing factors when trying
The Rover also has a radio link and
Rover may lose the ambiguity. This to optimize radio performance:
receives the signal broadcast from the
results in a far less accurate position
Reference. The Rover also receives 1. Power of the transmitting radio.
being calculated.
satellite data directly from the satellites Generally speaking, the more power, the
via it’s own GPS Antenna. These two Additionally, problems may be encoun- better the performance. However, most
sets of data can be processed together tered when surveying close to obstruc- countries legally restrict output power to
at the Rover to resolve the ambiguity and tions such as tall buildings, trees etc. as 0.5 - 2W.
therefore obtain a very accurate position the satellite signal may be blocked.
2. Height of transmitter antenna. Radio
relative to the Reference receiver.
RTK is quickly becoming the most communication can be affected by line of
Once the Reference Receiver has been common method of carrying out high sight. The higher up you can position the
set up and is broadcasting data through precision, high accuracy GPS surveys in antenna, the less likely you are to get
the radio link, the Rover Receiver can be small areas and can be used for similar line of sight problems. It will also
activated. applications as a conventional total increase the overall range of radio
station. This includes detail surveying, communication. The same also applies
When it is tracking satellites and receiv-
stakeout, COGO applications etc. to the receiving antenna.
ing data from the Reference, it can begin
the initialization process. This is similar Other influencing factors affecting
to the initialization performed in a post- performance include the length of the
processed kinematic on the fly survey, cable to radio antenna (longer cables
the main difference being that it is mean higher losses) and the type of
carried out in real-time. radio antenna used.

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 45 Surveying with GPS

5.2 Pre-survey preparation 5.3 Tips during operation
Before heading out into the field, the For Static and Rapid Static surveys,
surveyor needs to prepare for the survey. always fill out a record sheet for each
Items that must be considered are: point you survey. An example is given on
the next page.
1. Radio Licences
With Static and Rapid Static surveys, it is
2. Power - charged batteries
vital that the antenna height is measured
3. Spare cables correctly. This is one of the most com-
mon mistakes when carrying out a GPS
4. Communication between survey survey. Measure the height at the
parties beginning and end of occupation. With
5. Coordinates of Reference Station Kinematic and RTK Surveys, the an-
tenna is usually mounted on a pole
6. Memory cards - Do you have enough which has a constant height.
spare memory?
During Static and Rapid Static surveys,
7. Observation schedule. First objective the GPS antenna has to be kept totally
should be to get enough information still. This also applies to the Rapid Static
for determination of Transformation initialization of Kinematic surveys (but
Parameters, then aim for redundancy not to Kinematic on the Fly or RTK
of observations. surveys). Any movement or vibration in
the antenna can adversely affect the

Surveying with GPS 46 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

Field Sheet
Point Id Date Notes

Sensor Serial No Operator

Operation Type

Antenna Type

Height Reading

Start Time

Stop Time

No. of Epochs

No. of Satellites


GPS Basics -1.0.0en 47 Surveying with GPS

Almanac Azimuth Beat frequency
Library of coarse satellite orbital data A horizontal angle measured clockwise Either of the two additional frequencies
used to calculate satellite position, rise from a direction (such as North). obtained when signals of two frequen-
time, elevation, and azimuth. cies are mixed. The beat frequencies
are equal to the sum or difference of the
A measure of the width of the spectrum original frequencies, respectively.
Ambiguity of a signal (frequency domain represen-
tation of a signal) expressed in Hertz.
The unknown integer number of cycles
Binary biphase modulation
of the reconstructed carrier phase
contained in an unbroken set of mea- Phase changes of either 0° or 180° (to
surements from a single satellite pass represent binary 0 or 1, respectively) on
at a single receiver. The length of the three-dimensional a constant frequency carrier. These can
vector between a pair of stations for be modelled by
which simultaneous GPS data has been
Anti-spoofing (A-S) collected and processed with differential
techniques. y = A cos (wt + p),
Encrypting the P-code (to form the Y-
Bearing where the amplitude function A is a
sequence of +1 and -1 values (to
Atmospheric propagation delay Term used in navigation to describe the
represent 0° and 180° phase changes
angle between a reference direction
Time delay affecting satellite signals due respectively). GPS signals are biphase
(e.g., geographic north, magnetic north,
to tropospheric layers of the earth’s modulated.
grid north) and the trajectory.

Glossary 48 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

C/A code with the nominally constant reference Code
frequency generated in the receiver.
The Coarse/Acquisition GPS code A system used for communication in
modulated on the GPS L1 signal. This which arbitrarily chosen strings of zeros
code is a sequence of 1023 pseudoran- and ones are assigned definite mean-
Carrier frequency
dom binary biphase modulations on the ings.
GPS carrier at a chipping rate of 1.023 The frequency of the unmodulated
MHz, thus having a code repetition fundamental output of a radio transmit-
period of one millisecond. ter. The GPS L1 carrier frequency is Compacted data
1575.42 MHz, the GPS L2 carrier fre-
Raw data compacted over a specified
quency is 1227.60 MHz.
time interval (compaction time) into one
Cartesian Coordinates
single observable (measurement) for
The coordinates of a point in space recording.
given in three mutually perpendicular
dimensions (x, y, z) from the origin. The time interval of either a zero or a one
in a binary pulse code Conformal Projection
A map projection that preserves angles
A radio wave having at least one charac-
on the ellipsoid after they have been
teristic (e.g., frequency, amplitude, Chip rate
mapped onto the plane.
phase) which may be varied from a
known reference value by modulation. Number of chips per second (e.g., C/A
Control segment
code : 1.023*106 cps)
Ground-based GPS System equipment
operated by the U.S. Government that
Carrier beat phase
Clock offset tracks the satellite signals, determines
The phase of the signal which remains the orbits of the satellites, and transmits
when the incoming Doppler-shifted Constant difference in the time reading orbit definitions to the memories of the
satellite carrier signal is beat (the of two clocks. satellites.
difference frequency signal is generated)

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 49 Glossary

Cutoff angle Deflection of the vertical A single difference measurement
(across receivers) is the instantaneous
The minimum elevation angle below The angle between the normal to the
difference in phase of a received signal,
which no more GPS satellites are ellipsoid and the vertical (true plumb
measured by two receivers simultane-
tracked by the sensor. line). It is usually resolved into a compo-
ously observing one satellite.
nent in the meridian and a component
perpendicular to the meridian. A double difference measurement
Cycle slip (across receivers and satellites) is
obtained by differencing the single
A discontinuity of an integer number of difference for one satellite with respect to
Delay lock
cycles in the measured carrier beat the corresponding single difference for a
phase resulting from a temporary loss of The technique whereby the received chosen reference satellite.
lock of a GPS satellite signal. code (generated by the satellite clock) is
compared with the internal code (gener- A triple difference measurement (across
ated by the receiver clock) and the latter receivers, satellites and time) is the
Data message shifted in time until the two codes match. difference between a double difference
at one epoch of time and the same
A message included in the GPS signal double difference at another epoch of
that reports the satellite’s location, clock time.
Differenced measurements
corrections, and health. Included is
rough information on the status of other GPS measurements can be differenced Differential positioning
satellites in the constellation. across receivers, across satellites and Determination of relative coordinates
across time. Although many combina- between two or more receivers which
tions are possible, the present conven- are simultaneously tracking the same
Differential GPS. The term commonly tion for GPS phase measurement GPS signals.
used for a GPS system that utilizes differencing is to perform the differences
differential code corrections to achieve in the above order: first across receiv-
an enhanced positioning accuracy of ers, second across satellites and third
around 0.5 - 5m. across time.

Glossary 50 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

Dilution of precision (DOP) Eccentricity Ellipsoid height
A description of the purely geometrical The ratio of the distance from the centre The vertical distance of a point above the
contribution to the uncertainty in a of an ellipse to its focus to the ellipsoid.
position fix. The DOP factor indicates the semimajor axis.
geometrical strength of the satellite
e = (1 - b2/a2)1/2
constellation at the time of measure- Ephemeris
ment. Standard terms in the case of where a and b are the semimajor and
GPS are A list of positions or locations of a
semiminor axis of the ellipse, respec-
celestial object as a function of time.

GDOP three position coordinates plus

clock offset Ephemeris error
PDOP three coordinates Difference between the actual satellite
Height above the Geoid. See
location and the location predicted by the
Orthometric height.
HDOP two horizontal coordinates satellite orbital data (ephemerides).
VDOP height only
TDOP clock offset only Epoch
In geodesy, unless otherwise specified,
HTDOP horizontal position and time A particular fixed instant of time used as
a mathematical figure formed by revolv-
a reference point on a time scale.
ing an ellipse about its minor axis
(sometimes also referred to as sphe-
Doppler shift
roid). Two quantities define an ellipsoid;
these are usually given as the length of Equipotential Surface
The apparent change in frequency of a
received signal due to the rate of change the semimajor axis a and the flattening f. A mathematically defined surface where
of the range between the transmitter and the gravitational potential is the same at
receiver. any point on that surface. An example of
such a surface is the geoid.

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 51 Glossary

Flattening Geocentric deflection of the vertical at the origin, and
the geodetic azimuth of a line from the
Relating to Ellipsoids. Relating to the centre of the earth.
origin to some other point.
f = (a-b)/a = 1-(1-e2)1/2
where a ... semimajor axis Geodesy
b ... semiminor axis The study of the earth’s size and shape
The particular equipotential surface
e ... eccentricity which coincides with mean sea level,
and which may be imagined to extend
Geodetic Coordinates through the continents. This surface is
Fundamental frequency Coordinates defining a point with everywhere perpendicular to the direc-
reference to an ellipsoid. Geodetic tion of the force of gravity.
The fundamental frequency used in GPS
Coordinates are either defined using
is 10.23 MHz. The carrier frequencies L1
latitude, longitude and ellipsoidal height
and L2 are integer multiples of the Geoidal Height
or using Cartesian coordinates.
fundamental frequency.
See Geoid separation
Geodetic Datum
L1 = 154F = 1575.42 MHz
A mathematical model designed to best Geoid separation
L2 = 120F = 1227.60 MHz
fit part or all of the geoid. It is defined by
The distance from the surface of the
an ellipsoid and the relationship be-
reference ellipsoid to the geoid mea-
tween the ellipsoid and a point on the
GDOP sured outward along the normal to the
topographic surface established as the
Geometric dilution of precision origin of datum. This relationship can
be defined by six quantities, generally
—> Dilution of precision (but not necessarily) the geodetic
latitude, longitude, and the height of the
origin, the two components of the Global Positioning System

Glossary 52 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

GPS time Inclination Keplerian orbital elements
A continuous time system based on the The angle between the orbital plane of Allow description of any astronomical
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) from an object and some reference plane orbit:
6th January 1980. (e.g., equatorial plane).
a: semimajor axis
Integer bias term
e: eccentricity
Greenwich mean time (GMT) See Ambiguity
w: argument of perigee
The mean solar time of the meridian of
W: right ascension of ascend
Greenwich. Used as the prime basis of
Ionospheric Delay ing node
standard time throughout the world.
A wave propagating through the iono- i: inclination
sphere (which is a non-homogeneous
and dispersive medium) experiences n: true anomaly
Great circle course
delay. Phase delay depends on electron
Term used in navigation. Shortest content and affects carrier signals.
connection between two points. Group delay depends on dispersion in Lambert Projection
the ionosphere as well, and affects A conformal conic map projection that
signal modulation (codes). The phase projects an ellipsoid onto a plane
Graticule and group delay are of the same magni- surface by placing a cone over the
A plane grid representing the lines of tude but opposite sign. sphere.
Latitude and Longitude of an ellipsoid.

Kinematic positioning Latitude

Gravitational constant Determination of a time series of sets of The angle between the ellipsoidal
The proportionality constant in Newton’s coordinates for a moving receiver, each normal and the equatorial plane.
Law of gravitation. set of coordinates being determined Latitude is zero on the equator and 90°
from a single data sample, and usually at the poles.
G = 6.672 * 10-11 m3s-2kg-1 computed in real time.

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 53 Glossary

L-band Longitude NAVSTAR
The radio frequency band extending from Longitude is the angle between the Acronym for Navigation System with
390 MHz to 1550 MHz. The frequencies meridian ellipse which passes through Time and Ranging, the original name for
of the L1 and L2 carriers transmitted by Greenwich and the meridian ellipse GPS.
GPS satellites lie within this L-band. containing the point in question. Thus,
Latitude is 0° at Greenwich and then
measured either eastward through 360° NMEA
Least squares estimation or eastward 180° and westward 180°.
National Marine Electronics Association.
The process of estimating unknown Defined a standard (NMEA 0183) to
parameters by minimizing the sum of the enable marine electronics instruments,
squares of measurement residuals. communication and navigation equip-
An imaginary line joining north to south ment to communicate. This standard is
pole and passing through the equator at used to get time and position data out of
Local Ellipsoid 90°. GPS instruments in many applications.
An Ellipsoid that has been defined for
and fits a specific portion of the earth.
Multipath error Observing Session
Local ellipsoids usually fit single or
groups of countries. A positioning error resulting from A period of time over which GPS data is
interference between radio waves which collected simultaneously by two or more
have travelled between the transmitter receivers.
Local Time and the receiver by two paths of different
electrical lengths.
Local time equals to GMT time + time
Orthometric height
The distance of a point above the geoid
measured along the plumb line through
the point (height above mean sea level).
See also Elevation.

Glossary 54 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

P-code Post processing appear to be randomly distributed like
noise, but which can be exactly distrib-
The Precise GPS code - a very long The process of computing positions in
uted. The most important property of
(about 1014 bit) sequence of pseudoran- non-real-time, using data previously
PRN codes is that the sequence has a
dom binary biphase modulations on the collected by GPS receivers.
minimum autocorrelation value, except
GPS carrier at a chipping rate of 10.23
at zero lag.
MHz which does not repeat itself for
about 267 days. Each one-week Precise positioning service (PPS)
segment of the P-code is unique to one
The highest level of point positioning Pseudorange
GPS satellite, and is reset each week.
Access to the P-code will be restricted by accuracy provided by GPS. It is based
A measure of the apparent signal
the U.S. Government to authorized users on the dual-frequency P - code.
propagation time from the satellite to the
only. receiver antenna, scaled into distance by
the speed of light. The apparent propa-
Propagation delay gation time is the difference between the
PDOP time of signal reception (measured in
See Atmospheric propagation delay,
Position dilution of precision. and Ionospheric delay the receiver time frame) and the time of
emission (measured in the satellite time
see Dilution of Precision frame). Pseudorange differs from the
Pseudolite actual range by the influence of satellite
and user clock.
Phase observable The ground-based differential GPS
See Reconstructed Carrier Phase station which transmits a signal with a
structure similar to that of an actual GPS Range
Point Positioning Term used in Navigation for the length of
the trajectory between two points. The
The independent reduction of observa- Pseudorandom noise (PRN) code trajectory is normally the great circle or
tions made by a particular receiver using the rhumb line.
the pseudorange information broadcast Any group of binary sequences that
from the satellites.
GPS Basics -1.0.0en 55 Glossary
Rapid static survey Relative positioning RTK
Term used in connection with the GPS See Differential positioning Real Time Kinematic. A term used to
System for static survey with short describe the procedure of resolving the
observation times. This type of survey is phase ambiguity at the GPS receiver so
made possible by the fast ambiguity Rhumb line that the need for post-processing is
approach that is resident in the SKI removed.
software. Term used in navigation. Trajectory
between two points with constant
Satellite Constellation
Raw data
The arrangement in space of the
Original GPS data taken and recorded RINEX complete set of satellites of a system
by a receiver. like GPS.
Receiver INdependent EXchange format.
A set of standard definitions and formats
to promote the free exchange of GPS
Receiver channel Satellite Configuration
The radio frequency and digital hard- The state of the satellite constellation at
ware and the software in a GPS receiver, a specific time, relative to a specific user
required to track the signal from one RTCM or set of users.
GPS satellite at one of the two GPS
carrier frequencies. Radio Technical Commission for
Maritime services. Commission set up
Selective availability (SA)
to define a differential data link to relay
GPS messages from a monitor station Degradation of point positioning accu-
Reconstructed carrier phase
to a field user. racy for civil users by the U.S. Depart-
The difference between the phase of the ment of Defense. SA is produced by
incoming Doppler-shifted GPS carrier either clock dithering or orbit degrada-
and the phase of a nominally-constant tion.
reference frequency generated in the
Glossary 56 GPS Basics -1.0.0en
Sidereal day Squaring-type channel Stop & Go Survey
Time interval between two successive A GPS receiver channel which multiplies The term Stop & Go survey is used in
upper transits of the vernal equinox. the received signal by itself to obtain a connection with GPS for a special kind of
second harmonic of the carrier which kinematic survey. After initialization
does not contain the code modulation. (determination of ambiguities) on the
Site first site, the roving receiver has to be
moved between the other sites without
A location where a receiver has been loosing lock to the satellite signal. Only
Standard positioning service (SPS)
setup to determine coordinates. a few epochs are then necessary on
Level of point positioning accuracy these sites to get a solution with survey
provided by GPS based on the single- accuracy. Once loss of lock occurred, a
Space segment frequency C/A - code. new initialization has to be done.
The part of the whole GPS system that is
in space, i.e. the satellites.
Static Survey Time Zone
The expression static survey is used in Time zone = Local Time - Greenwich
Solar day connection with GPS for all non-kine- Mean Time (GMT). Note that Greenwich
matic survey applications. This includes Mean Time is approximately equal to
Time interval between two successive the following operation modes:
upper transits of the Sun. GPS time.
• Static survey
• Rapid static survey Topography
Squared reception mode
A method used for tracking GPS L2 The form of the land of a particular
signals which doubles the carrier region.
frequency and does not use the P-code.

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 57 Glossary

Transformation Universal time UTM
The process of transforming coordinates Local solar mean time at Greenwich Universal Transverse Mercator Projec-
from one system to another. Meridian tion. A form of Transverse Mercator
projection. The projection has different
Transit UT Abbreviation for universal time
zones, each 6° wide with a central scale
The predecessor to GPS. A satellite UT0 UT as deduced directly from factor of 0.996. Which zone is used
navigation system that was in service observation of stars depends upon your location on the earth.
from 1967 to 1996.
UT1 UT0 corrected for polar motion
UT2 UT1 corrected for seasonal Y-code
Transverse Mercator Projection variations in the Earth’s rotation
An encrypted version of the P-code that
A conformal cylindrical map projection is transmitted by a GPS satellite when in
which may be visualized as a cylinder UTC Universal Time Coordinated; the anti-spoofing mode.
wrapped around the earth. uniform atomic time system kept
very close to UT2 by offsets.
WGS 84
User equivalent range error (UERE) World Geodetic System 1984. The
The method of using simultaneous data system on which all GPS measure-
from separate stations to determine the The contribution to the range measure- ments and results are based.
relative position of one station with ment error from an individual error
respect to another station. See differen- source, converted into range units,
tial positioning. assuming that error source is Zenith angle
uncorrelated with all other error sources.
Vertical angle with 0° on the horizon and
User segment 90° directly overhead.

The part of the GPS system that includes

the receivers of GPS signals.

Glossary 58 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

Further Reading

GPS Theory and Practice -

B. Hofmann-Wellenhof, H. Lichtenegger and J. Collins.
ISBN 3-211-82839-7 Springer Verlag.

GPS Satellite Surveying -

Alfred Leick.
ISBN 0471306266 John Wiley and Sons.

Satellite Geodesy: Foundations, Methods and Applications -

Gunter Seeber.
ISBN 3110127539 Walter De Gruyter.

Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications

Elliot D. Kaplan (Ed.).
ISBN 0890067937 Artech House.

The Global Positioning System: Theory and Applications

Bradford W. Parkinson and James J. Spilker (Eds.).
ISBN 9997863348 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 59 FurtherGlossary

A Compacted data 49 VDOP 17, 51
Conformal Projection 49 Distance to satellite 13
Almanac 48 Control segment 8, 49 Doppler shift 51
Ambiguity 24, 45, 48 Coordinate system 28 Double difference 23, 50
Ambiguity Resolution 22, 24 Cartesian 28, 49
Anti-Spoofing (A-S). See Error Sources GPS 28 E
Atmospheric propagation delay 48 Local 29 Eccentricity 51
Azimuth 48 Coordinate transformation 31 Elevation 51
Helmert 32
B Interpolation 33
Ellipsoid 28, 51
Ellipsoid height 30, 51
Bandwidth 48 One Step 33 Ephemeris 51
Baseline 48 Stepwise 33 Epoch 51
Bearing 48 Cutoff angle 50 Equipotential Surface 51
Beat frequency 48 Cycle slip 50 Error Sources 14
Binary biphase modulation 48 Anti-Spoofing (A-S) 18, 48
Dilution of Precision 17, 51
C Data message 50 Multipath 16, 54
C/A code 7, 13, 18, 22, 49 Deflection of the vertical 50 Satellite and Receiver clock 16
Carrier 49 Delay lock 50 Selective Availability (S/A) 18, 56
Carrier beat phase 49 DGPS 10, 19, 20, 50 Water Vapour 15
Carrier phase 22, 23, 49 Differenced measurements 50
Cartesian coordinates 28, 49 Differential positioning 50 F
Central Meridian 36, 37 Differential phase 22 False Easting 36, 37
Chip 49 Dilution of precision (DOP) 51 False Northing 36, 37
Chip rate 49 GDOP 17, 51, 52 Flattening 52
Choke-Ring Antenna 16 HDOP 17, 51 Fundamental frequency 52
Clock (Satellite and Receiver) 16 HTDOP 51
Clock offset 49 PDOP 17, 51, 55
Code 49 TDOP 51

Glossary 60 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

GDOP. See Dilution of precision (DOP) L-band 54 Orthometric height 30, 54
Geocentric 52 Lambert Projection 53
Geodesy 52 Latitude 28, 53 P
Geodetic Datum 52 Latitude of Origin 36, 37 P-code 55
Geoid 52 Least squares estimation 54 Phase observable 55
Geoid separation 30, 33, 52 Longitude 28, 54 Point Positioning 55
GPS 52 Post processing 55
GPS time 53 M
Precise positioning service (PPS) 55
Graticule 53 Map projection 34 Projection. See Map projection
Gravitational constant 53 Lambert 37 Propagation delay 55
Great circle cours 53 Transverse Mercator 35 Pseudolite 55
Greenwich mean time (GMT) 53 Universal Transverse Mercator 36 Pseudorandom noise (PRN) code 55
H Measuring techniques (GPS) 39 Pseudorange 55
Kinematic 39, 44
Helmert Transformation 32 Kinematic On the Fly (OTF) 39, 44 R
Rapid Static 39, 42 Radio link 45
I Real Time Kinematic (RTK) 39, 45, 56 Range 55
Inclination 53 Static 39, 40 Rapid Static 39, 42
Integer bias term 53 Meridian 54 Rapid static survey 56
Ionospheric Delay 14, 53 Multipath error 54 Raw data 56
N Real Time Kinematic (RTK) 39, 45, 56
K Receiver channel 56
Keplerian orbital elements 53 NAVSTAR 5, 54 Reconstructed carrier phase 56
Kinematic 39, 44, 53 NMEA 54 Reference Receiver 20
Kinematic On the Fly (OTF) 39, 44 Relative positioning 56
Rhumb line 56

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 61 Glossary

Rover receiver 20 One Step approach 33
RTCM 21, 56 Stepwise approach 33
RTK 39, 45, 56 Transit 58
Translocation 58
S Transverse Mercator Projection 58
Satellite Configuration 56 U
Satellite Constellation 56
Selective Availability (S/A). See Error Universal time 58
Sources User equivalent range error (UERE) 58
Sidereal day 57 User segment 58
Site 57 UTM 58
Solar day 57
Space segment 57 W
Squared reception mode 57 Water Vapour. See Error Sources
Squaring-type channel 57 WGS 84 58
Standard Parallel 37
Standard positioning service (SPS) 57 Y
Static 39, 40
Static Survey 57 Y-code 58
Stop & Go Survey 57
T Zenith angle 58
Time Zone 57 Zone Width 36
Topography 57
Transformation 31, 58
Helmert transformation 32
Interpolation approach 33

Glossary 62 GPS Basics -1.0.0en

GPS Basics -1.0.0en 63 Glossary
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