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Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)

Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal,
Dist.: Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

Prepared by: Submitted to:


BS Biology AM 4-1 Assistant Professor II
SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

Project name:
Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
Production Plant
Manufacturing of Pesticide
Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.: Hooghly, Pin No. 712405,
West Bengal

Project Information/Identification
M/s. Solex Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. intends to expand an existing project for the
manufacture of pesticides (insecticide active ingredients) in Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal,
Hooghly, West Bengal, Pin No. 712405. The proposed project is situated at 22°50'14.18"N,
88° 8'12.43"E. The company manufactures, distributes, and exports pesticides (insecticide
active ingredients) such as D-trans Allethrin Technical and Prallethrin Technical, both of which
are Synethetic Pyrethroids. Mosquito Coils, Mats, Aerosols, and Liquid Vaporizers are made
with the aforesaid actives in order to make Household Insecticide and Vector Control
formulations / repellants. M/s. Solex Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. is one of the few manufacturers of
these specialized chemicals.

Product with Quality

The plant's installed capacity is 20 TPM. Plant operations take place six days a week,
in two shifts each day, for a total of 16 hours per day. The plant's current operating capacity is
10.0 tons per month. The goal of the EIA Study would be to determine current baseline
environmental conditions via field study/monitoring, assess the effects/impacts of all factors as
a result of operating the plant and other associated facilities, recommend an environmental
management plan, and develop a post-study monitoring program. Their plan, according to the
proposed study entitled "Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients) Production
Plant," has a time frame period except for the monsoon season, and the Rapid EIA Study can
be conducted during any of the three seasons. The season-by-season breakdown for the relevant
months is as follows:

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SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

● Summer or Premonsoon : March, April, May

● Post-Monsoon : October, November
● Winter : December, January, February

Project Area
Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.: Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal was
the proposed project's location. The proposed project is also located at 22°50'14.18"N and
88° 8'12.43"E. Environmental problems will be thoroughly explored as this project is claimed
to be within a 10-kilometer radius of the plant site.

I. Screening
This planned study in West Bengal, titled "Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active
Ingredients) Production Plant," determines whether or not this project proposal will move
forward to the next stage. According to West Bengal's state-level environmental impact
assessment authority, building projects with a built-up area of more than 20,000 square meters
require prior environmental clearance (EC) from SEIAA before beginning construction
activities (made under Environment Protection Act, 1986). This only states that environmental
approval is required in West Bengal in order to implement the necessary mitigation measures
to mitigate the negative environmental effects. This proposed research is said to have an impact
on the environment or environmental development. Physical, chemical, biological, and
economical effects are expected to occur in many components of the environment, and this
needs to be explored and analyzed. Land usage, water use, air quality, groundwater and surface
water quality, ecology and biodiversity, noise level, hydrology, groundwater, and water
conservation Geology, soil quality, meteorological data, socioeconomic conditions, solid waste
management, compatibility, and other environmental components, areas, and disciplines are all
factors that can affect the environment and will be included in the EIA Study.
Only projects that are covered by the legislation and its regulations require an EIA.
However, the scope and content of the EIA are limited by the terms of reference established by
the administrative body that oversees the process. B Land and Soil Contamination, Control of
Air Pollution, Water Pollution, and Noise Pollution, HAZOP Study, Quantitative Risk
Assessment (QRA), and Risk Management were also mentioned in the planned study. Because
it was discovered that this project has various environmental implications, an in-depth EIA was
required to secure an environmental license.

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SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

II. Scoping
After the screening step is finished, the West Bengal government issues terms of reference
for the scoping and impact assessment phases of the EIA process. These TORs were issued by
the Ministry of the Environment. Each project and sector has its own set of terms of reference.
Terms of Reference, along with the filled-out Form I and the necessary Pre-feasibility Report,
are being filed as part of the procedure to acquire Environmental Clearance from the MoEFCC,
Government of India. This Terms of Reference contains the Technical Approach and Work
Plan, as well as the Scope of Work for the EIA Study, which includes a field study, literature
survey, data analysis, impact assessment, and the creation of a management plan.

III. Impact Assessment and Mitigation

In order to decrease the negative environmental repercussions to acceptable levels,
mitigation strategies will be devised and recommended. To mitigate/control any environmental
impacts, a thorough Environmental Management Plan (EMP) will be established. The EMP
will include a post-study monitoring program. A HAZOP study and a Quantitative Risk
Assessment will be conducted (QRA). A Risk Management Plan and a Disaster Management
Plan (DMP) will be prepared to deal with emergency scenarios.

Impact Evaluation Method

Multi-objective Analysis Framework

1. Estimation of Impact Loads

a. The EIA's following part would calculate the impact/pollution loads depending
on the plant's characteristics. Reforestation plans, layout plans, and process flow
sheets are all on the table. A source, a quantum, and specified properties are all
required for fuel materials. Raw materials and other compounds are
meticulously preserved. Material safety data sheets; the type and quantity of
particle and gas emissions generated by the project; Demands for water and

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SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

prospective supply; The amount of wastewater that will be released, as well as

information on treatment; The amount of wastewater that will be released on
land, as well as the type of land that will be used; Solid waste generation: nature,
quantity, and disposal; Water balance diagram; Sources of noise and their
intensities; The peak labor force will be deployed. These data will form the basis
for assessing Impact loads and determining corrective options.
2. Assessment of Environmental Impacts
a. At this stage, the data analysis and effect would be completed. Wherever
practical and practicable, a quantitative analysis would be carried out.
3. Recommending Mitigatory Measures
a. Once the negative implications have been identified, other mitigation strategies
will be designed and evaluated. The recommendations would be site-specific.
The scope of study will also include the identification of available species for
the green belt surrounding the plant.
4. Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
a. As part of the EIA Study, an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) will be
created, which will include important areas of impact, mitigation and remedial
measures, a Greenbelt Development Plan, and a Rehabilitation Plan.
5. Hazop Study, Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA), Risk Management & Disaster
Management Plan (DMP)
a. A HAZOP study, as well as a quantitative risk assessment, will be carried out
(QRA). The many types of accidents or catastrophes that could occur in the
facility, as well as the sources of those accidents or disasters, would be
identified. A Risk Management Plan and a Disaster Management Plan (DMP)
will be prepared to deal with emergency scenarios. An on-site disaster
management plan will be designed, with assigned personnel, teams, and roles,
as well as stated emergency control centers and assembly areas, as well as other
emergency facilities.
6. Post Project Environmental Monitoring Program
a. A Post-Project Environmental Monitoring program would be included in the
EMP to track the aspects that this study indicated to be critical. This would help
PROJECT AUTHORITIES assess pollution levels surrounding the site and
identify potential concerns for control measures implementation. The

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SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

monitoring plan would include sample locations, parameters, and frequency of

monitoring, as well as recommendations for monitoring equipment and
facilities, as well as expenses.
Environment Phase Details
Abiotic Construction Air Quality
1) Construction activities will put dust and particles in
the air.

2) Major particle emissions will be produced from

Operation machinery transporting materials within the project

3) Generation of gas emissions from smelting and

electro-injection processes in the production facility.
4) Noise pollution.

Soil contamination
1 Pesticides and TPs could be grouped into:(a)
Hydrophobic, persistent, and bio accumulable pesticides
that are strongly bound to soil.

1 Meteorological observatory will be set up and operated
at the Project Site during the study

2 Meteorological parameters will be monitored.

3. Models will be applied for prediction of the impact of

pollutants on the air environment.

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SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

Hydrology, ground water and water conservation:

1 Depth of weathering which is an important
phenomenon affecting water-bearing properties of
2. Occurrence of Ground Water.
3. Hydrology & Groundwater project Site.
4. Seasonal and annual fluctuations in ground water

Land environment and soil quality

1 The impact of this project on soil characteristics more
importantly from agricultural productivity.

1 Drainage issues in the Study Area
2 Geological Sequence of the Study Area
3. Topography and Physiography in the Project Site &
Study Area

Surface and Underground water resources

1.Potential chemical contamination due to the pesticide
in the surface water.
2. A large number of transformation products (TPs) will
be observed due to the wide range of pesticides.

Biotic Construction Effect on Flora

1 It can have a negative effect on flora and fauna species
specifically to plants because of pesticides.

Ecology and Biodiversity

1 There can be a negative effect on flora and fauna.

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SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

Socio-economic Construction This proposed study can have certain effect on the
● Employment pattern
● Infrastructure base in the area
● Public awareness and their concern about project
● The quality of the life of the people living in the
area can be affected.

There are various general parameters that must be met in order to finish the Diagnostic of
Environmental Alternatives in West Bengal. The objectives of the project, a project description,
location alternatives, identification of special management issues and social and economic
alternatives, a land-use study, comparison of potential environmental and natural resource risks
and impacts for the various alternatives, identification of communities and mechanisms for
public participation, and selection and justification of environmental and natural resource
alternatives are among the items on the list.
Identification of Alternatives
The following criteria were established to identify project impact alternatives:
- Minimizing the impacted area.
- Improving the efficiency with which natural resources are used.
- Living in harmony with the current activities that are taking place under the mining
concession title.
- Using cutting-edge technologies and innovation, minimize, reduce, and control
environmental effects.
- Enhancement of the region's environmental capital.
Project Alternatives
Environmental, social, and health baselines were established for this project in scenario A,
within the abiotic environment, in order to provide insight and data to the project in order to
evaluate what significant impacts pesticide manufacturing or the expansion of pesticide use in
plant production may have on West Bengal. Alternative scenarios, both with and without the
possibility of pesticide extension, have benefited from these baselines.

A: Without the project

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SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

The main advantages are pesticide side effects – the expected immediate gains from their
use. Eliminating caterpillars that feed on cabbage, for example, has the primary benefit of
raising yields and improving quality. The three main outcomes result in 26 primary advantages,
ranging from grass conservation to human life saved.
Secondary benefits are those that arise as a result of the primary advantages but are less
obvious or immediate. They could be subtle, less visible at first glance, or long-term in
character. As a result, proving cause and effect for secondary benefits is more difficult,
although they can still be strong pesticide justifications. Increased cabbage yields, for example,
could generate more money to pay children's education or medical care, resulting in a healthier,
more educated population. Nonetheless, these activities may have an influence on the natural
resources in the area.

B: With the project

A complete analysis of floral, faunal, and avifaunal features will be carried out in the
research region. Scheduled species (rare, endangered, severely endangered, endemic, and
fragile) will be assessed at the Project site. The environmentally significant areas and features
of the study region will be identified. During the project's operational phases, the project's
influence on the biological environment will be identified, and mitigation actions will be
recommended. While developing an Environmental Management Plan (EMP), human
interests, aesthetics, and cultural elements will be taken into account in order to achieve
targeted goals without compromising quality of life. The influence of the plant's operations and
development on the socioeconomic profile of communities within a specified radius will be

Mitigation measures
Because the project would require, affect, and use a large number of natural resources,
they must submit a list of all the authorizations and concessions required to support the EIA
evaluation, monitoring, management, and mitigation measures. Other natural resources
exploited or harmed include water rights, air pollution, and forest area.
Impact Details Mitigation Methods Residual Impact
Air Quality Impact Reduction

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SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

1)Construction • On dirt roads, dust will be

activities will put dust handled via water tank sprayers.
and particles in the air. • Filters and scrubbers will be
used to manage gas emissions to
2)Major particle ensure that they stay within legal
emissions will be limits.
produced from • Applying bio-fertilizers and Impact Reduction
machinery manures can reduce chemical
transporting materials fertilizer and pesticide use.
within the project • Phytoremediation is capable of Impact Reduction
location mitigating most of the
contaminants generated from E-
3)Generation of gas wastes without interfering the
emissions from natural soil functions. Impact Reduction
smelting and electro- • Models were developed to be
injection processes in applied for the prediction of the Impact Reduction
the production facility. impact of the pollutants on the
4) Noise pollution. air environment. An evaluation
of the impacts predicted will be
Soil contamination made thus, recommending Impact Reduction
1 Pesticides and TPs mitigation measures.
could be grouped • Recommendations regarding Impact Reduction
into:(a) Hydrophobic, Hydrology & Ground Water at
persistent, and bio the Project Site will be presented
accumulable pesticides in the EIA Report. Detailed
that are strongly bound methods of Water conservation
to soil. by Rooftop Rain Water Impact Reduction
Harvesting will be presented.
Meteorology: • The characterization and the
1 Meteorological quantification of the different
observatory will be set types of Solid Wastes generated
up and operated at the in the project will be made.

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SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

Project Site during the • A thorough investigation of the

study geology within and around the
period. project site will be carried out. A
detailed topographic and
2 Meteorological physiographic analysis of the
parameters will be project site and research area
monitored. will be provided.
• All the samples will be analyzed
3. Models will be for physical, Chemical and
applied for prediction biological parameters including
of the impact of toxic organics and metals.
pollutants on the air

Hydrology, ground
water and water
1 Depth of weathering
which is important
phenomena affecting
properties of
2. Occurrence of
Ground Water.
3. Hydrology &
Ground Water project
4. Seasonal and annual
fluctuations in ground
water levels.

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SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

Land environment
and soil quality
1 The impact of this
project on soil
characteristics more
importantly from
1 Drainage issues in
the Study Area
2 Geological Sequence
of the Study Area
3. Topography and
Physiography in the
Project Site & Study

Surface and
Underground water
1.Potential chemical
contamination due to
the pesticide in the
surface water.
2. A large number of
products (TPs) will be
observed due to the
wide range of

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SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

Effect on Flora • In the research region, a Because some fragmented

1 It can have a negative detailed investigation of forests still exist, there may
effect on flora and floral, faunal, and avifaunal be room for improvement.
fauna species aspects will be carried out. At A plan to harvest seeds and
specifically to plants the Project site, scheduled reforest areas will help
because of pesticides. species (rare, endangered, protect native species by
critically endangered, ensuring that impacts
Ecology and endemic, and vulnerable) greater than those approved
Biodiversity will be evaluated. do not occur.
1 There can be a • Creating a rescue and
negative effect on flora recovery facility to move
and fauna. low-mobility species and
assess their need for
protection in newly
discovered locations.
• The project's impact on the
biological environment
during its operational phases
will be identified, and
mitigation measures will be
Socio-Economic • The socio-economic component There is a compensation
of the research will look at a mechanism in place for
Demographic structure variety of aspects of the study those who are relocated
• Employment pattern area's socio-economic situation. outside of the direct area of
• Infrastructure base in • The plant's operations and impact.
the area development will have an impact
• Survey observation on the socioeconomic profile of
and recent available towns within a certain radius.
facilities in the • To better understand social and
surveyed area economic problems and find
potential solutions, socio-

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SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

• Quality of life of the demographic characteristics will

people within the study be examined.
area • In order to define the socio-
• Public awareness and economic profile of the research
their concern about the area, baseline data will be
project collected.

IV. Impact Management

The environmental management plan for the proposed study, titled "Expansion of Pesticide
(Insecticide Active Ingredients) Production Plant," lays out a series of activities aimed at
preventing, mitigating, and correcting any significant environmental and social impacts that
may arise as a result of project activities. Each plan aspect can be used to create an integrated
strategy during the project's development, allowing for the forecasting of future consequences
and changes to those impacts at each step. The focus of activities is on the abiotic, biotic, and
socioeconomic domains of effect.

Environmental Management Plan

The stages of development where impacts will occur, the plan's overall goal, the impacts
to be monitored, the type of mitigation measure (prevention, mitigation, correction, or
compensation), specific objectives, monitoring parameters, sampling and analysis methods,
where monitoring will take place, how often monitoring will take place, and indicators are all
identified in each of the following plans. Various activities/sub-activities that may have an
impact on one or more environmental parameters during the plant's operational phase and
associated infrastructure would be identified as a result of these. The pollutant loads of such
activities/sub-activities would be assessed in terms of amount and kind. The impact of such
pollution on various environmental characteristics or features as a result of the plant's and
facilities' activities will also be assessed.

V. The EIA Report

This EIA report of this proposed study titled "Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active
Ingredients) Production Plant" includes the following sections:
• Executive Summary

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SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

• Company overview
• Geographical orientation of the project including the area of influence
• Description of the project
• Description of the production process
• Environmental Impact including, team overview, social and environmental base line,
evaluation method used
• Impacts from the project including an evaluation with and without the project
• Demand of natural resources and renewable natural resources and the environment
Environmental management plan

VI. Review & Licensing

The West Bengal environmental law, specifically this proposed study titled "Expansion of
Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients) Production Plant," encourages public and private
entities to participate in activities that are required for a corporation or individual to obtain,
modify, or cancel an environmental license. By law, authorities must publish an act to begin
the environmental licensing process, which must be advertised in a bulletin, updated on a
regular basis, and delivered to anybody who wants it. Local indigenous and Afro-descendent
communities must be engaged before any decisions about natural resource utilization are made.

Stakeholder engagement
The project's goal is to determine the existing baseline environmental conditions
through field study/monitoring, assess the effects/impacts of all factors as a result of operating
the plant and other associated facilities, suggest an environmental management plan, and
develop a post study monitoring program. Public participation was planned throughout the
project's lifespan in order to achieve local support and understanding. The socioeconomic
component of the study will look at a range of factors of the socioeconomic situation in the
study region. Human interests, aesthetics, and cultural aspects will be investigated while
developing an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for achieving targeted targets without
compromising quality of life.
Community investment program
Investing in health, education, and infrastructure to strengthen economic activities, notably
agriculture and animal husbandry practices. Three large projects are currently underway in the
local region of the project. The goal of these initiatives is to extend an existing pesticide

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SOLEX Proposed Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide Active Ingredients)
CHEMICALS Production Plant at Brahmanpara, P.O & P.S Haripal, Dist.:
PVT. LTD. Hooghly, Pin No. 712405, West Bengal

manufacturing facility. Investing in health, education, and infrastructure to strengthen

economic activities, notably agriculture and animal husbandry practices. Three large projects
are currently underway in the local region of the project. The goal of these initiatives is to
extend an existing pesticide manufacturing facility.

VII. Monitoring
Environmental monitoring during the project's "Expansion of Pesticide (Insecticide
Active Ingredients) Production Plant Implementation" provides information on the project's
environmental and social consequences. Monitoring data is essential for ensuring that
mitigation measures, EMP priorities, and contingency plans are implemented as planned and
are effective in mitigating the impacts.

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