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Name: REGIE A.


This signature was forge by the use of tracing the original signature
and it is called TRACED FORGERY. I use direct tracing in order to
know what type of forgery being used. As you can see I put red
arrow in the second signature in order to know their difference.

Genuine signature

Trace forgery




1. Auto forgery
 An “Auto-Forgery”, the writer signs their name in a “disguised” manor
with the intent of denying its authenticity at a later time.

2. Pen lift and hesitation

 Writers lift their pen when certain letter formations are met with. They
lift pen to put correct shading by retouching, to complete an
incomplete letter or to modify a certain letter in a particular way. The
starting and ending strokes in a forgery show hesitations through
tremors or lack of firmness. When a forger starts a forgery, he is not
certain whether he will be able to do the job efficiently or not. Hence
the hesitation is observed in the starting strokes.

3. Pressure intended tracing

 Some writers write with heavy pressure causing indentation in the
writing line. Normally a moderate pressure is used to achieve the
necessary shading of the letters and to get proper pictorial effect.

4. tremor
 Some writers write with heavy pressure causing indentation in the
writing line. Normally a moderate pressure is used to achieve the
necessary shading of the letters and to get proper pictorial effect.

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