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Water is known as the most important liquid in our ecosystem because it is the source of
life. It provides us necessary resources to survive such as food, water itself as well as oils and
even oxygen. However, most of the people lack awareness about the importance of marine life
protection and water conservation so nowadays, human activities cause a threat and devastating
impact to the bodies of water.
Some researches shows that the percentage of water being polluted around the world
continue to increase and it is obvious that pollution is the main factor affecting the
marine/aquatic ecosystem. Toxic materials being thrown in any bodies of water can destroy fish
habitats and can even kill large number of fishes being exposed to it. Also, pollution can lead to
introduction and transmission of aquatic animal diseases which is considered alarming. Also,
other factors affecting our aquatic ecosystem are overfishing, dynamite fishing and climate
change. Extreme number of marine animals caught regularly and the inevitable change of climate
also have a negative impact for it destroys the balance in marine life.
Human society has had significant and far-reaching effects on the global environment,
and overfishing has had long-term effects on marine ecosystems and remains one of the most
serious threats to ocean health. Overfishing has been implicated as a driver of ecosystem regime
transitions and has had severe ecosystem effects. Overfishing, as a stressor, will have negative
consequences for a variety of ocean health indices, including biodiversity, food security, and
coastal livelihoods and economies. Furthermore, where overfishing occurs as a result of illegal,
unreported, or unregulated fishing, these activities are frequently carried out using highly
impactful fishing gear that has a deleterious impact on the benthic substrate.
The growing and husbandry of aquatic species is referred to as Aquaculture. Aquaculture,
often known as mariculture (saltwater aquaculture), is the process of commercially raising
seafood for human consumption. Natural resource management and enhancement, collecting
methods, aquarium technology, facility construction and maintenance, and biotechnology
production from marine creatures are among the topics covered.
Aquaculture is the fastest-growing food business on the planet. It should come as no
surprise, given that it is burdened with the task of feeding an ever-increasing global population.
Sustainable aquaculture must expand productivity to match up with demand as global seafood
consumption rises. Sustainable aquaculture development is critical for reducing strain on wild
fisheries stocks. However, there are questions about the expansion's potential environmental
consequences. Fortunately, much innovation and technology has recently been produced aimed
at ensuring the industry's long-term viability and sustainability.
Much of the technology employed in aquaculture is extremely simple, and is frequently
focused on tiny changes that increase the target species' growth and survival rates, such as
enhancing food, seeds, oxygen levels, and predator protection.

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