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Letter To a Friend Informing Them About Your Online Learning Experience

Dear Andy,

How are you and your family? Me and my family are doing quite fine. Has corona affected you any
of your loved ones personally? I am writing this letter to inform you about my online learning
experience. Due to the closure of all schools and the mandatory quarantine of all persons I have been
forced to do online school. In my opinion virtual classes are more efficient than actual school.

Thus far my experience has been a most enjoyable one as it is more convenient as I am in my own
home in a familiar space. It has been more reliable as teachers are able to give students one on one help
by optimizing the platforms being used for example breakout rooms in zoom. I am also now allowed to
focus on my work with distractions that would come with a regular learning environment such as friends
in the classroom . Online schooling has also let me get into a better mental headspace as I am being
granted more time for myself as I am no longer using time from my day to commute to and from

I am anticipative of your response about your experiences during Corona. I do hope you and your
family are doing well. I am optimistic that we get a vaccine in the near future and we able to see each
other, until then I do hope that you are staying safe.

Best Regards
Its more comfortable

More reliable able to get more one on one sessions with teacher

Learn better as individual therefore less distractions from friends

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