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Designation: E 824 – 94 (Reapproved 2002)

Standard Test Method for

Transfer of Calibration From Reference to Field
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 824; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.


Accurate and precise measurements of total solar and solar ultraviolet irradiance are required in: (1)
the determination of the energy incident on surfaces and specimens during exposure outdoors to
various climatic factors that characterize a test site, (2) the determination of solar irradiance and
radiant exposure to ascertain the energy available to solar collection devices such as flat-plate
collectors, and (3) the assessment of the irradiance and radiant exposure in various wavelength bands
for meteorological, climatic and earth energy-budget purposes. The solar components of principal
interest include total solar radiant exposure (all wavelengths) and various ultraviolet components of
natural sunlight that may be of interest, including both total and narrow-band ultraviolet radiant
This test method for transferring calibration from reference to field instruments is only applicable
to pyranometers and radiometers whose field angles closely approach 180° ... instruments which
therefore may be said to measure hemispherical radiation, or all radiation incident on a flat surface.
Hemispherical radiation includes both the direct and sky (diffuse) geometrical components of sunlight,
while global solar irradiance refers only to hemispherical irradiance on a horizontal surface such that
the field of view includes all of the hemispherical sky dome.
For the purposes of this test method, the terms pyranometer and radiometer are used interchange-

1. Scope 1.5 The primary reference instrument shall not be used as a

1.1 The method described in this standard applies to the field instrument and its exposure to sunlight shall be limited to
transfer of calibration from reference to field radiometers to be calibration or intercomparisons.
used for measuring and monitoring outdoor radiant exposure NOTE 1—At a laboratory where calibrations are performed regularly it
levels. This standard has been harmonized with ISO 9847. is advisable to maintain a group of two or three reference radiometers that
1.2 This test method is applicable to field radiometers are included in every calibration. These serve as controls to detect any
regardless of the radiation receptor employed, but is limited to instability or irregularity in the standard reference instrument.
radiometers having approximately 180° (2p Steradian), field 1.6 Reference standard instruments shall be stored in a
angles. manner as to not degrade their calibration.
1.3 The calibration covered by this test method employs the 1.7 The method of calibration specified for total solar
use of natural sunshine as the source. pyranometers shall be traceable to the World Radiometric
1.4 Calibrations of field radiometers may be performed at Reference (WRR) through the calibration methods of the
tilt as well as horizontal (at 0° from the horizontal to the earth). reference standard instruments (Method E 913 and Test
The essential requirement is that the reference radiometer shall Method E 941), and the method of calibration specified for
have been calibrated at essentially the same tilt from horizontal narrow- and broad-band ultraviolet radiometers shall be trace-
as the tilt employed in the transfer of calibration. able to the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), or other internationally recognized national standards
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G3 on
Durability of Nonmetallic Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
G3.09 on Solar and Ultraviolet Radiation Measurement Standards.
Current edition approved May 15, 1994. Published July 1994.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 824 – 94 (2002)
1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the performed over several days duration and that data be taken in
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the early morning or late afternoon, as well as near solar noon.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- NOTE 3—Transfer of calibration to both total and narrow-band ultra-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- violet radiometers may require a larger number of measurement sequences
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. in order to account for spectral changes due to changing air mass both
early and late in the day, and to the loss of north-sky ultraviolet when
2. Referenced Documents calibrating at tilts.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 4.5 The data are mathematically ratioed, employing the
E 913 Method for Calibration of Reference Pyranometers instrument constant of the reference instrument to determine
With Axis Vertical by the Shading Method2 the instrument constant of the radiometer being calibrated. The
E 941 Test Method for Calibration of Reference Pyranom- mean value and the standard deviation are determined.
eters With Axis Tilted by the Shading Method2
E 772 Terminology Relating to Solar Energy Conversion3 5. Significance and Use
G 113 Terminology Relating to Natural and Artificial 5.1 The methods described represent the preferable means
Weathering Test of Nonmetallic Materials2 for calibration of field radiometers employing standard refer-
2.2 Other Standards: ence radiometers. Other methods involve the employment of
ISO 9847 Solar Energy4—Calibration of Field Pyranom- an optical bench and essentially a point source of artificial
eters by Comparison to a Reference Pyranometer light. While these methods are useful for cosine and azimuth
correction analyses, they suffer from foreground view factor
3. Terminology and directionality problems. Transfer of calibration indoors
using artificial sources is not covered by this test method.
3.1 Definitions:
5.2 Traceability of calibration of global pyranometers is
3.1.1 See Terminology E 772 and G 113 for terminology
accomplished when employing the method using a reference
relating to this test method.
global pyranometer that has been calibrated, and is traceable to
the World Radiometric Reference (WRR). For the purposes of
4. Summary of Test Method
this test method, traceability shall have been established if a
4.1 Mount the reference radiometer, or pyranometer, and the parent instrument in the calibration chain participated in either
field (or test) radiometers, or pyranometers, on a common the International Pyrheliometric Comparison VI (IPC VI),
calibration table for horizontal calibration (Type A), on a tilted Davos (held in October 1985), or IPC VII, Davos (held in
platform for calibration at tilt (Type B), or on an altazimuth or November, 1990). Traceability of calibration of narrow- and
sun-pointing mount for normal-incidence calibration (Type C). broad-band radiometers is accomplished when employing the
Adjust the height of the photoreceptor, or radiation receptor, of method using a reference ultraviolet radiometer that has been
all instruments to a common elevation. calibrated and is traceable to the National Institute of Standards
4.2 Ensure that the pyranometer’s, or radiometer’s, azimuth and Technology (NIST), or other national standards organiza-
reference marks point in a common direction. tions. See Zerlaut5 for a discussion of the WRR, the IPC’s and
NOTE 2—Current convention is to use the electrical connector as the their results.
azimuth reference and to point it towards the equator and downward. The 5.2.1 The reference global pyranometer (for example, one
reasons are (1) this convention diminishes the possibility of moisture measuring hemispherical solar radiation at all wavelengths)
intrusion into the connector, and (2) it ensures that instruments with shall have been calibrated by the shading-disk method against
disparities in the hemispherical domes, or with domes not properly one of the following instruments:
centered over the receptor, are not operated in such a manner that they
amplify deviations from the cosine law. An absolute cavity pyrheliometer that participated in
one of the above IPC’s (and therefore possesses a WRR
4.3 For a transfer of calibration to a field instrument that reduction factor),
will be used in a tilted position the following conditions must A WMO First Class pyrheliometer that was cali-
be met: The reference instrument must have a calibration at the brated by direct transfer from such an absolute cavity.
desired tilt angle; both instruments must be oriented at the tilt 5.2.2 Alternatively, the reference pyranometer may have
angle and facing the equator. been calibrated by direct transfer from a World Meteorological
4.4 The analog voltage signal from each radiometer is Organization (WMO) First Class pyranometer that was cali-
measured, digitized, and stored using a calibrated data- brated by the shading-disk method against an absolute cavity
acquisition instrument, or system. A minimum of fifteen pyrheliometer possessing a WRR reduction factor, or by direct
10-min measurement sequences are obtained, each sequence transfer from a WMO Standard Pyranometer (see WMO’s
comprising a minimum of 21 instantaneous readings. It is Guide WMO—No. 86 for a discussion of the classification of
preferable that a larger number of measurement sequences be solar radiometers).

Zerlaut, G. A., “Solar Radiation Instrumentation,” Chapter 5 in Solar Re-
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.01. sources, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1989, pp. 173–308.
3 6
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 12.02. WMO—No. 8, “Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Obser-
Available from International Standards Organization (ISO), 1 Rue De Varem- vation,” Fifth Ed., World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzer-
bre, Geneva, Switzerland CH-1211 20. land, 1983.

E 824 – 94 (2002)
NOTE 4—Any of the absolute radiometers participating in the above 6.1.1 The spectral response of both the reference and test
intercomparisons and being within 60.5 % of the mean of all similar radiometers must be identical.
instruments compared in any of those intercomparisons, shall be consid-
6.2 Sky Conditions—The measurements selected in deter-
ered suitable as the primary reference instrument.
mining the instrument constant shall be for periods of essen-
5.2.3 The reference ultraviolet radiometer, regardless of tially uniform rates of change of radiation (either cloudless or
whether it measures total ultraviolet solar radiation, or narrow- overcast conditions). Periods selected shall be for 10 to 20-min
band UV-A or UV-B radiation, or a defined narrow band segments. Measurements selected under varying cloudy con-
segment of ultraviolet radiation, shall have been calibrated by ditions may result in erroneous calibrations if the reference and
one of the following: test radiometers possess significantly different response times By comparison to a standard source of spectral (see also 5.6).
irradiance that is traceable to NIST or to the appropriate
national standards organizations of other countries (using 7. Apparatus
appropriate filter factors),
7.1 Data Acquisition Instrument—A digital voltmeter or By comparison to the spectral irradiance in the
data logger capable of repeatability to 0.1 % of average
appropriate wavelength band of a spectroradiometer that has
reading, and an uncertainty 0f 60.2 % with an input imped-
itself been calibrated against such a standard source of spectral
ance of at least 1 MV may be employed. Data loggers having
printout must be capable of a measurement frequency of at By comparison to a spectroradiometer that has
least two per minute. A data logger having three-channel
participated in a regional or national Intercomparison of
capacity may be useful.
Spectroradiometers, the results of which are of reference
7.2 Fixed-Angle Calibration Table—A precision calibration
table required for all horizontal and fixed angle tilt tests that is
NOTE 5—The calibration of reference ultraviolet radiometers using a level at 0° horizontal and that is adjustable in tilt over a suitable
spectroradiometer, or by direct calibration against standard sources of range of angles from the horizontal.
spectral irradiance (for example, deuterium or 1000 W tungsten-halogen
7.3 Tracking Calibration Table—A precision calibration
lamps) are the subject of ASTM Standards under development.
table required for normal incident calibrations and capable of
5.3 The calibration method employed assumes that the tracking the sun to within 60.5°.
accuracy of the values obtained are independent of time of year
within the constraints imposed by the test instrument’s tem- 8. Procedure
perature compensation (neglecting cosine errors). The method
permits the determination of possible tilt effects on the sensi- 8.1 Mount reference and test radiometers on a common
tivity of the test instrument’s light receptor. calibration table in sunlight. Adjust both instruments to a
5.4 The principal advantage of outdoor calibration of radi- common elevation facing south for which a calibration value is
ometers is that all types of radiometers are related to a single available. Ensure that the azimuth reference marks point in a
reference under realistic irradiance conditions. common direction: Also ensure that the electrical connector is
5.5 The principal disadvantages of the outdoor calibration pointed down (to preclude moisture intrusion), and that it is
method are the time required and the fact that the natural pointing to the equator (that is, south-facing in the northern
environment is not subject to control (but the calibrations hemisphere) if used as the azimuth reference.
therefore include all of the instrumental characteristics of both 8.2 Connect both the reference and test instruments to their
the reference and test radiometers that are influenced simulta- respective, or common, data acquisition instrument, using low
neously by the environment). Environmental circumstances capacitance, shielded cable of at least 20 gage and of identical
such as ground reflectance or shading, or both, must be length for each instrument. Check the instruments for electrical
minimized and affect both instruments similarly. continuity, sign of the signal, and the nominal signal strength
5.6 The reference radiometer must be of the same type as and stability. Clean the radiometer’s outermost photoreceptive
the test radiometer, since any difference in spectral sensitivity surface (glass dome, filter, window, diffuser, etc.) in accor-
between instruments will result in erroneous calibrations. The dance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Check that the
reader is referred to ISO TR 96737 and ISO TR 99018 for radiant fluxes of the foreground on both instruments are equal
discussions of the types of instruments available and their use. at the relevant tilt angle by transposing the positions of the
6. Interferences 8.3 Take particular care to measure and correct for zero
off-sets. Check the off-set signals of both the reference and
6.1 In order to minimize systematic errors the reference and
field radiometers at the start and the end of each measurement
test radiometers must be as nearly alike in all respects as
series by carefully covering the photoreceptor with an opaque,
light-tight shield.
8.4 For stable, cloudless sky conditions, simultaneously
take instantaneous voltage readings on both instruments for a
ISO Technical Report TR 9673, “Solar Radiation and Its Measurement for minimum of fifteen 10 to 20-min measurement sequences each
Determining Outdoor Weathering Exposure Levels,” International Standards Or-
consisting of 21 instantaneous readings. Take these data sets
ganization, Geneva, Switzerland (in publication).
ISO/TR 9901:1990, “Solar Energy—Field Pyranometers—Recommended over a 2 to 3-day period. Ensure that the data are taken from
Practice for Use.” near sunrise through and including solar noon, to sunset during

E 824 – 94 (2002)
the test period. Do not include data taken at zenith angles Repeat the calculation of F(j) on the basis of the “clean” data.
greater than 70° (at sun elevations below 20°). Compute the final calibration factor in accordance with Eq 5 or
8.5 For less than stable, cloudless sky conditions, simulta- Eq 6.
neously take instantaneous voltage readings on both instru- 9.4 Statistical Analysis:
ments continuously at from 1 to 5-min intervals from early 9.4.1 Determine the stability of the calibration conditions
morning to late afternoon for a minimum of 5 days (and as long during a measurements series by calculating the standard
as 2 weeks). The length of time should be such that fifteen deviation of F (ij) about their mean for values of the set.
21-point data sets are obtained that represent steady radiation 9.5 Determination of the Temperature-Corrected Final
and that span sunrise to sunset. Calibration Factor:
9.5.1 If during a measurement series j the temperature T
9. Calculations deviates markedly (that is, by more than 610°C) from the
9.1 First Step (Instantaneous Readings): desired typical value TN, and if the temperature response of the
9.1.1 From each reading i within a measurement series j, field pyranometer is known to deviate markedly from that of
calculate the ratio: the reference pyranometer, then calculate the final temperature-
corrected calibration factor Fcorr at TN as follows: First correct
VR ~ij! the F (j) data using the following equations:
F~ij! 5 F (1)
VF ~ij! R
RT @T~j!#
Fcorr ~i, TN! 5 F~j! (5)
where: RT ~ T N !
VR(ij) and VF(ij) = the voltages (for example in millivolts) and calculate Fcorr as
measured using the reference and the
field pyranometers, respectively, with 1 m
Fcorr 5 m ( Fcorr ~j, TN! (6)
the corresponding zero off-set value J51

subtracted, and where:

FR = the calibration factor, for example, T (j) = the mean air temperature during
watts per square meter per microvolt, the measuring series j, in degrees
of the reference radiometer, which has Celsius;
been adjusted for the typical field con- RT[T(j)] and RT(TN) = the responsivities of the field radi-
ditions, in the case where the field and ometer at T (j) and TN, respec-
reference radiometer are of the same tively,
type and have the type-inherent mea-
surement specification (for instance, in where:
the temperature response). R = 1/F.
9.1.2 When FR as just defined is not applicable, it is 9.5.2 For pyranometers and ultraviolet radiometers where
replaced, for each measurement series, by a value of FR(j) that the temperature coefficients a of the instrument’s responsivity
is fitted to the calibration conditions (for instance, mean are known, adjust the responsivities in accordance with the
temperature) and that gives the most accurate value of irradi- following:
ance E (ij) according to the following equation: R@T~j!# 5 @1 1 a~T~j! 2 TN!#R~TN! (7)
FR ~j!VR ~ij! 5 E~ij! (2) 9.6 Determination of the Final Calibration Factor Without
9.2 Second Step: Temperature Correction of the Data:
9.2.1 Determine the series of calibration factors of the field 9.6.1 In cases where it is not necessary or not possible to
radiometer from n readings of a measurement series j using the correct the data relative to the temperature response, derive the
following equations: final calibration factor of the field pyranometer, or radiometer,
n from the total number m of measurement series from the
FR ( VR ~ij!
following equation:
F~j! 5 n (3) 1 m

( VF ~ij! F5m (
F~j! (8)

10. Report
FR @VR ~j!#integ
F~j! 5 (4) 10.1 The report shall state as a minimum the following
@VF ~j!#integ
where: 10.1.1 Instrument type,
[V(j)]integ = integrated values. 10.1.2 Manufacturer and serial number,
9.3 Data Rejection: 10.1.3 Instrument serial number,
9.3.1 Reject any data that have been subject to operational 10.1.4 Date of calibration(s),
problems for either the reference or field pyranometer, or 10.1.5 Angles of exposure:
radiometer. Also, reject those data for which F (ij) (see Eq 1) Angle,
deviates by more than 62 % from F (j) (see Eq 3 or Eq 4). Instrument constant, V/M·m−2,

E 824 – 94 (2002) Range of solar time, conditions, and particularly by variations in cosine response Relative humidity (average), %, and when performing measurements at low solar elevations. Re- Temperature mean, °C, peatability within any 21-value test scan performed at or near
10.1.6 Scale: WRR, etc., solar noon under stable irradiance conditions should be such
10.1.7 Latitude, longitude, and altitude, that the standard deviation is less than6 0.5 % of the calibra-
10.1.8 Traceability, a concise statement of the hierarchy of tion value of the instrument.
traceability including serial numbers of secondary and primary 11.2 Uncertainties of 62.0 % can be expected when cali-
reference instruments, and brating radiometers at 0° horizontal based on a reference
10.1.9 Instrument wavelength sensitivity band (that is, 300 instrument.
to 385 nm). 11.3 Bias—Bias cannot be determined because a reference
instrument is not available.
11. Precision and Bias
11.1 Precision—The precision in determining the instru- 12. Keywords
ment constant of a field radiometer is influenced by sky 12.1 calibration; field radiometers

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
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of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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