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45 Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines

Hi! Allan here.

Thanks for downloading “Hooked: 45 Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines That

Makes Your Emails Noticed, Opened, and Read”.

Legendary ad man, David Ogilvy, famously said

“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body
copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of
your dollar.”

It’s absolutely critical to get your audience’s attention. And nothing is more
critical in email than the subject lines.

So together with my community of email marketers, we collected some of the

subject lines that actually made us open the email.

It’s not about sounding great or witty.

It’s about effectiveness.

We’ve compiled these life-tested subject lines for you.

Study. Tweak. Deploy.


Allan Ngo
Founder of Digital Solopreneur Page of 2 of 9
45 Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines

The goal of the subject line is to get the email read. That’s it.

You don’t have to tell the whole story nor sell from this place. You have to
compel them to open that email right now.

The best way to do that is to appeal to the human’s natural sense to close open
loops. We don’t like leaving things unresolved. Ironically, this is why television
series use cliffhangers all the time, you need that closure.

And how do we do that with the subject line?

One word... Curiosity.

Here are subject lines organized into different categories according to your
business needs. Page of 3 of 9
45 Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines

These subject lines are straight forward. It lays out exactly what the reader
is going to get. It works two ways. It attracts your target audience and repels
everybody else.

²Open ONLY if you want to charge premium

²My ‘secret’ for getting client’s attention
²Why Freelancers FAIL.
²5 Reasons To Unplug During the Holidays
²Want to Improve Member Retentions? [Membership Memo]
²The Amazing Diet Secret of A Desperate Housewife
²7 Real People Share What ACTUALLY Helped Them Lose Weight
²How I killed my ‘I’m not ready’ syndrome
²4 things required for a successful webinar Page of 4 of 9
45 Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines

These are the “blind” subject lines.

It grabs the reader’s attention just enough to tickle his curiosity but leaves him
in the dark on what the email could be about.

Less targeted but brings more eyeballs to your message.

²My Last Email...

²better than stocks and real estate
²Why I predict [YEAR] is going to suck
²Kidney Stone Sale
²Not knowing THIS could lower your score 50 points.
²retiring soon?
²Just open your gift ALREADY
²What’s your 14/30/60/90?
²WTF am I even doing?
²Two things to help you right now…
²Weirdest email results ever? THIS doubled open rates
²The most productive 68 minutes of your life? Page of 5 of 9
45 Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines

Oh... baby! Here we go.

The shock factor subject lines are used to jolt your readers attention. It’s like
the intrigue emails but a little stronger (& controversial).

At the end of the day, despite sending your best emails, people get bored.

So these subject lines can come in handy to stop them in their tracks and leave
them powerless to do anything else but click your email.

WARNING: Don’t use this as clickbait. Always make sure your email justifies
the subject line. You want to be treated as a trusted leader, not a tabloid writer.

²With any luck, you’ll die first

²We need to break up
²I’m spying on you...
²I think this is gonna piss some people off
²Did you steal my Funnels?
²The End of an Era
²Allan’s Fantasy
²hate this, but it’s the truth
²I thought about you in the shower
²Unfollow! Page of 6 of 9
45 Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines

Deadlines get people moving.

Use these subject lines to trigger “FOMO” (Fear of Missing Out) in your reader
and get them to take action NOW.

²read this before midnight

²12 Hours Left to Avail the Discount last chance to register (name)
²One time deal
²$12.49 Temporarily, $97 Sunday
²Free today, gone tomorrow
²Download this before 2pm today Page of 7 of 9
45 Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines

Create an unbreakable bond with your audience using personal subject lines.

Nothing builds relationships in a deep and personal way than showing

empathy, vulnerability, and even setbacks.

Best used when you want to share your beliefs, talk about a major milestone
(or setback), or just pop it out of nowhere on a random Tuesday afternoon to
interrupt your pattern.

²I owe you an apology...

²I need your help, (name) Thank you!
²I worry about you
²This really breaks my heart
²[Rant] I have to get this off my chest... Page of 8 of 9
45 Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines

One last thing...

We help mission-based coaches and course creators grow their income and
impact by writing story-based emails people love to read and buy from.

There’s a couple of ways we can help you.

Get our Email Marketing Crash Course for just $1

Send me an email with the subject line “Mentorship” to and tell me what you need help with right now.

We’ll help you find the exact help you need right now. Page of 9 of 9

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