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Omar Ward

Faith, Religion and Society

At the end of the day I can do nothing but respect for what the catholic church

does to be so intertwined with trying to help with the injustices all over the world. You

know something is an actual social injustice whenever it impacts the wellbeing of a

group of specific people (race, gender, sexuality, etc), physically and mentally. This can

also include the environment also because if the environment is neglected that affects

people globally if it gets bad enough. It all stems down to people in higher power having

such an effect on the people who "look up" to them or even sometimes idolize these

individuals or groups of leaders or someone who holds a high position of power,

financial wealth or as we kids say nowadays "clout". Most of the time the people who

have the power to shape these ideas and social injustices have a major role in screwing

up their money or social life so they have to set have the ideology that if they can

prevent something, make a law or "brainwash" others into believing what they believe in

they can keep these people grounded. While on the other hand those same people who

hold this "power" the social injustices have absolutely nothing to do with them or involve

them in any shape or form. Women's rights is a social injustice that you would not think

that we would have in 2020. Without women I know a lot of us men would be absolutely

lost in the world today and a lot of our lives would be very unorganized. I know

personally it would be a terrible cluster. When it comes to the social injustice for women

it is terrifying that some men and other women think they have a say in if a woman can

abort her child or not. Everyone, especially women should have the right to be able to

make the decisions about their own body. Women have sexual and reproductive rights
and they should be able to have the equal opportunity to health services such as safe

abortions, contraception and to be able to choose who they marry. And in the same

realm be able to decide if they want children or not and how many in the end of things.

Women live in the fear of sexual assault, female genital mutilation, forced marriages (in

some countries), and forced sterilization. There have been cases where women have

had to be forced to have a child even after being raped and if you think that is okay

then you are a part of the problem of the suffrage that some of these women have to go

through. "An 11-year-old girl in Ohio was allegedly raped by a 26-year-old multiple

times, leaving her pregnant, according to police reports. A state law passed in April, but

not yet in effect, says that victims like her won't have a choice to have an abortion —

they would have to carry and deliver their rapist's child." (CBS News). Reading more

into this makes me wonder who in their sick mind, (no offense to children or unborn

children) would want a rapist to get the gratification of being able to have a child in this

world and still be able to probably see his son and victim after he is released from

prison. I get religion and the catholics are not fans of abortions, "The Catholic

affirmation of human dignity leads it to a specific “pro-life” stance against “abortion,

euthanasia, and capital punishment” (p.116)." But sometimes I think morally and having

a clear and common sense conscious letting a woman have an abortion in the scene of

a rape case is very much justified. Then again this is a social injustice so why would

anybody even the church be on board for letting someone choose what they want. But I

think yes the church should be involved in women's rights social injustice. They have

such a big role in a majority of the world's lives. Some people live day by day by their

religion, especially the catholic teachings. Catholic teachings influences women's rights
immensely condemning abortion, divorce and calls abortion and contraception sinful

and that birth control should only be natural. That blows my mind honestly and it is hard

to say that they play a helpful role whenever it comes to women's rights. There should

be a boundary whenever it comes to the church and some social injustices because a

lot of them stem from the church. If anything the church and their hierarchies should be

held accountable and should be able to adapt like the rest of the world is to CHANGE.

People are complex and we cannot be perfect and the brain works in ways that we

cannot describe that some people can't help who they are as people when it comes to

sexual identity and sexual attraction in particular. If the church wants to be involved in

an impactful helpful way by all means promote the problem and help people find

solutions. But like all mothers say, "if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at

all." The Catholic church says, "The church's teaching on economic, political and social

issues with pride and hope." (10). They are trying to do a helpful job in helping to deal

and cope with these injustices but again when they can be seen in the wrong they

should be held accountable like any other human being. I can't say that I support their

engagement with social injustices solely from looking more into women's rights and that

hurts because we are supposed to look to the church as a safe place where we can go

to not be judged or deemed a sinner. women especially after they are seen as having

their human rights taken away after seeing a quote from Massaro saying, "Human

beings are made in the image of God (Gen 1:27). We are rational, intelligent beings with

free will, who therefore have a right to have our inherent worth recognized (p.116)." I

don't think that the women are being recognized fairly where if they are raped they

aren't allowed to abort something that they could not prevent from happening.

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