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How Would you Feel?

Students will match their feelings to a situation that has occurred.

Situation How Would you Feel?

Your friend makes fun of you Dissapointed

in front of the lunch table.

Your best friend made the Proud

soccer team but you didn't.

You got a bad grade on a Jealous


You trip in front of the whole Embarrassed


Your poster is chosen to be in Sad

hung up in the school library.
Having empathy means you understand how someone else feels AND you do something to
show them. This shows that we care about other's feelings and can be good friends.

Tell how that person may feel and how you could show empathy

Rachel broke her John is giving a

arm. She had to go speech in front of
to the hospital for the entire school
hours and now has today.
to wear a cast for
two months.

Alexia saved all of

her babysitting
money to buy a new
phone. She just
dropped it and the
screen cracked.

How can showing empathy to others prove that you're a good

friend? How would you feel is someone showed empathy to you?
How do they Feel?
It's important to figure out how someone feels so we know what to say to them. For each
situation write how that person may feel.

1. Kyle's friend was making jokes loudly in class, but he got yelled at. Kyle feels

2. Molly is a new student and it's her first day at her new school. Molly feels

3. Rachel studied hard for her biology test and got a good grade. Rachel feels

4. Mike's friend Joe isn't talking to him. Mike doesn't know why. Mike feels

5. Lucy wanted to be on student council, but did not get enough votes. Lucy
feels _______________

6. Steve is making a speech in front of the school next week. Steve feels

7. Sam's boss said she's doing a great job at work. Sam feels _______________

8. Tim is going to take his driver's license test today. Tim feels _______________

9. Alexis walks into a party that her friend threw for her. Alexis feels

10. Greg tripped in front

nervous of the class. Greg
surprised happy feels _______________
proud confused

frustrated embarrassed scared worried disappointed

Tell About Your Feelings
Learning about our feelings can help us in a lot of ways. It can help us have conversations, be
better friends, and understand ourselves!

Tell about a time when you felt this emotion

Angry Jealous


Think of a time when you saw someone else feel the three emotions
above. What did their face and body language look like? What
happened to make them feel that way?

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