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SI - 5151


1. Problem 9-14
Hardrock Concrete’s owner has decided to increase the capacity at his smallest plant
(see Problem 9-13). Instead of producing 30 loads of concrete per day at plant 3, that
plant’s capacity is doubled to 60 loads.
 Find the new optimal solution using the northwest corner rule and stepping-
stone method.
 How has changing the third plant’s capacity altered the optimal shipping
assignment ?
Discuss the concepts of degeneracy and multiple optimal solutions with regard to
this problem.

Answer :

Initial Feasibel Solution Using Northwest Corner Rules

To Project Plant
From Project A Project B Project C
Dummy Capacities
10 4 11 0
40 30 - -
Plant 1 70
12 5 8 0
- 20 30 -
Plant 2 50
9 7 6 0
- - 30 30
Plant 3 60

40 50 60 30 180

Note: occupied squares = number rows + number columns – 1

Transport cost :
Unit Shipped Cost per Unit Total Cost ( $ )
From to
Plant 1 Project A 40 10 400
Plant 1 Project B 30 4 120
Plant 2 Project B 20 5 100
Plant 2 Project C 30 8 240
Plant 3 Project C 30 6 180
Plant 3 Dummy 30 0 0
Total 1040

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Diketahui total biaya awal (sebelum dioptimasi) adalah sebesar $ 1040. Selanjutnya
dilakukan perhitungan apakah total biaya transportasi tesebut dapat dikurangi atau

Check for optimal solution

 Plant 1 to Project C = 11 – 4 + 5 – 8 = 4
Closed Path: P1C – P1B + P2B – P2C

 Plant 1 to dummy = 0 – 4 + 5 – 8 + 6 – 0 = -1
Closed Path: P1D – P1B + P2B – P2C +P3C – P3D

 Plant 2 to Project A = 12 – 5 + 4 – 10 = 1
Closed Path: P2A – P2B + P1B – P1A

 Plant 2 to dummy = 0 – 8 + 6 – 0 = -2
Closed Path: P2D – P2C + P3C – P3D

 Plant 3 to Project A = 9 – 6 + 8 – 5 + 4 – 10 = 0
Closed Path: P3A – P3C + P2C – P2B + P1B –P1A

 Plant 3 to Project B = 7 – 6 + 8 – 5 = 4
Closed Path: P3B - P3C + P2C – P2B

Setelah dilakukan beberapa percobaan menggunakan stepping-stone method, didapat

nilai terkecil yaitu -2, sehingga perubahan tabel menjadi seperti berikut:

First Solution
To Project Plan
From Project A Project B Project C
Dummy Capacities
10 4 11 0
40 30 - -
Plant 1 70
12 5 8 0
- 20 30
Plant 2 50
9 7 6 0
- - 60 0
Plant 3 60

40 50 60 30 180

occupied squares = number rows + number columns – 1

3 + 4 – 1 = 6 (tidak cocok)

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Karena jumlah kotak yang terisi hanya 5, maka kotak “plant 3-dummy” diisi angka ‘0”,
sehingga jumlah kotak yang terisi menjadi 6

Check for optimal solution

 Plant 1 to Project C = 11 – 6 + 0 – 0 + 5 – 4 = 6
Closed Path: P1C – P3C + P3dummy – P2dummy + P2B – P1B

 Plant 1 to dummy = 0 – 0 + 5 – 4 = 1
Closed Path: P1dummy – P2dummy + P2B – P1B

 Plant 2 to Project A = 12 – 5 + 4 – 10 = 1
Closed Path: P2A – P2B + P1B – P1A

 Plant 2 to Project C = 8 – 6 + 0 -0 = 2
Closed Path: P2C – P3C + P3dummy – P2dummy

 Plant 3 to Project A = 9 – 0 + 0 – 5 + 4 – 10 = -2
Closed Path: P3A – P3dummy + P2dummy – P2B + P1B – P1A

 Plant 3 to Project B = 7 – 0 + 0 – 5 = 2
Closed Path: P3B - P3dummy + P2dummy – P2B

Karena masih ada yang negatif, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa masih dapat dioptimasi lagi.

Second solution
To Project Plan
From Project A Project B Project C
Dummy Capacities
10 4 11 0
40 30 - -
Plant 1 70
12 5 8 0
- 20 30
Plant 2 50
9 7 6 0
0 - 60
Plant 3 60

40 50 60 30 180

occupied squares = number rows + number columns – 1

3 + 4 – 1 = 6 ( sesuai)

Check for optimal solution

 Plant 1 to Project C = 11 – 10 + 9 – 6 = 4
Closed Path:

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 Plant 1 to dummy =0–4+5–0=1
Closed Path:

 Plant 2 to Project A = 12 – 5 + 4 – 10 = 1
Closed Path:

 Plant 2 to Project C = 8 – 5 + 4 – 10 + 9 – 6 = 0
Closed Path:

 Plant 3 to Project B = 7 – 4 + 10 – 9 = 4
Closed Path:

 Plant 3 to dummy = 0 – 0 + 5 – 4 + 10 – 9 = 2
Closed Path:

Semua hasil perhitungan telah menghasilkan hasil yang positif, dengan angka terkecil
yaitu “0”, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa operasi yang dilakukan telah menghasilkan
hasil yang optimum atau paling hemat. Besarnya biaya minimum yang dikeluarkan
untuk transportasi tersebut ditunjukkan pada tabel berikut.

Unit Shipped Cost per Unit Total Cost ($)
From to

Plant 1 Project A 40 10 400

Plant 1 Project B 30 4 120

Plant 2 Project B 20 5 100

Plant 2 Project dummy 30 0 0

Plant 3 Project dummy 0 9 0

Plant 3 Project C 60 6 360

Total 980

Berdasarkan model terakhir, didapatkan biaya transportasi sebesar $ 980. Hal ini
menunjukkan bahwa terjadi penghematan sebesar $ 1040 - $ 980 = $ 60

2. Problem 9-15

Formulate the Hardrock Concrete Company transportation problem in 9-13 as a

linear transportation program and solve using computer software. What would
change in the linear program if the change program in problem 9-14 were

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Answer :

Input data
COSTS Project A Project B Project C Dummy Supply
Plant 1 10 4 11 0 70
Plant 2 12 5 8 0 50
Plant 3 9 7 6 0 60
Demand 40 50 60 30 180 \ 180

Shipments Project A Project B Project C Dummy Row Total
Plant 1 40 30 70
Plant 2 20 30 50
Plant 3 30 30 60
Column Total 40 50 60 30 180 \ 180

Total Cost 1040

Output data
COSTS Project A Project B Project C Dummy Supply
Plant 1 10 4 11 0 70
Plant 2 12 5 8 0 50
Plant 3 9 7 6 0 60
Demand 40 50 60 30 180 \ 180

Shipments Project A Project B Project C Dummy Row Total
Plant 1 20 50 0 0 70
Plant 2 0 0 20 30 50
Plant 3 20 0 40 0 60
Column Total 40 50 60 30 180 \ 180

Total Cost 980

Berdasarkan hasil software QM, dapat dilihat bahwa hasil yang dilakukan dengan
cara manual ( soal 9-14 ) adalah menghasilkan hasil yang sama ketika dikerjakan
menggunakan software QM, yaitu sebesar $ 980

3. Problem 9-21
Finnish Furniture manufactures tables in facilities located in three cities—Reno,
Denver, and Pittsburgh. The tables are then shipped to three retail stores located in

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Phoenix, Cleveland, and Chicago. Management wishes to develop a distribution
schedule that will meet the demands at the lowest possible cost. The shipping cost
per unit from each of the sources to each of the destinations is shown in the following

From Phoenix Cleveland Chicago

Reno 10 16 19

Denver 12 14 13

Pittsburgh 18 12 12

The available supplies are :

 120 units from Reno
 200 from Denver
 160 from Pittsburgh

Phoenix has a demand of 140 units, Cleveland has a demand of 160 units, and
Chicago has a demand of 180 units. How many units should be shipped from each
manufacturing facility to each of the retail stores if cost is to be minimized? What is
the total cost?

Answer :

Cleveland Plan
From Phoenix (A) Chicago (C)
(B) Capacities
10 16 19
120 -
Reno (D) 120
12 14 13
20 160 20
Denver (E) 200
18 12 12
- - 160
Pittsburgh (F) 160

140 160 180 480

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Unit shipped Unit Cost Total Cost
From To
Reno Phoenix 120 10 1200
Denver Phoenix 20 12 240
Denver Cleveland 160 14 2240
Denver Chicago 20 13 260
Pittsburgh Chicago 160 12 1920
TOTAL 5860

Stepping-stone method
 Reno to Cleveland = 16 – 10 + 12 – 14 = 4
Closed Path: DB – DA + EA – EB

 Reno to Chicago = 19 – 10 + 12 – 13 = 8
Closed Path: DC – DA + EA – EC

 Pittsburgh to Phoenix= 18 – 12 + 13 – 12 = 7
Closed Path: FA – FC + EC - EA

 Pittsburgh to Phoenix= 12 – 12 + 13 – 14 = -1
Closed Path: FB – FC + EC – EB

Terdapat nilai minus 1 pada rute Pittsburgh ke phoenix. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa
operasi masih bisa dilakukan perbaikan untuk mendapatkan biaya yang paling

To Cleveland Plan
From Phoenix (A) Chicago (C)
(B) Capacities
10 16 19
120 - -
Reno (D) 120
12 14 13
20 - 180
Denver (E) 200
18 12 12
- 160 -
Pittsburgh (F) 160

140 160 180 480

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Stepping-stone method
 Reno to Chicago = 19 – 10 + 12 – 13 = 8

Closed Path: DC – DA + EA – EC

Reno to Cleveland = Tidak dapat dilakukan stepping-stone method

Denver to Clevelad = Tidak dapat dilakukan stepping-stone method
Pittsburgh to Phoenix = Tidak dapat dilakukan stepping-stone method
Pittsburgh to Chicago = Tidak dapat dilakukan stepping-stone method

Tidak terdapat hasil yang negatif, sehingga proses iterasi dapat dihentikan. Total
cost hasil optimasi dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut:

Unit shipped Unit Cost Total Cost
From To
Reno Phoenix 120 10 1200
Denver Phoenix 20 12 240
Pittsburgh Cleveland 160 12 1920
Denver Chicago 180 13 2340
TOTAL 5700

Sehingga total cost yang minimum adalah sebesar $ 5700, dimana Cleveland
mendapatkan supply dari Pittsburg sebanyak yang dibutuhkan Cleveland yaitu
sebanyak 160. Begitupula dengan Chicago, yang mendapatkan supply sebanyak 180
dari Denver. Sementara Phoenix harus men supply dari dua tempat, yaitu dari Reno
sebesar 120 dan dari Denver sebesar 20.

4. Problem 9-22
Finnish Furniture has experienced a decrease in the demand for tables in Chicago;
the demand has fallen to 150 units (see Problem 9-21).
 What special condition would exist?
 What is the minimum-cost solution?
 Will there be any units remaining at any of the manufacturing facilities?

First Solution
To Cleveland Plan
From Phoenix (A) Chicago (C)
(B) Capacities
10 16 19
120 - 0
Reno (D) 120
12 14 13
20 160 20 0
Denver (E) 200
18 12 12
- - 130 0
Pittsburgh (F) 30 160

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140 160 150 480

Cost for first alternatif = (120x10)+(20x12)+(160x14)+(20x13)+(130x12)

= $5500

Menggunakan metode stepping-stone

 Reno to Cleveland = 16 – 14 + 12 - 10 = 4
 Reno to Chicago = 19 – 10 + 12 - 13 = 8
 Reno to Dummy = 0 – 10 + 12 –13+12-0= 1
 Denver to Dummy = 0 – 13 + 12 - 0 = -1
 Pittsburgh to Phoenix = 18 – 12 + 13 - 12 = 7
 Pittsburgh to Cleveland = 12 – 12 + 13 - 14 = -1

Masih terdapat nilai yang negatif, sehingga perlu dilakukan iterasi

Second solution
To Cleveland Plan
From Phoenix (A) Chicago (C)
(B) Capacities
10 16 19
120 - 0
Reno (D) 120
12 14 13
20 30 150 0
Denver (E) 200
18 12 12
- 130 0
Pittsburgh (F) 30 160

140 160 150 480

Cost for second alternatif = (120x10)+(20x12)+(30x14)+(150x13)+(130x12)

= $5370

metode stepping-stone
• Reno to Cleveland = 16 – 14 + 12 - 10 = 4
• Reno to Chicago = 19 – 10 + 12 - 13 = 8
• Reno to Dummy = 0 – 10 + 12 – 14 + 12 - 0 = 0
• Denver to Dummy = 0 – 14 + 12 - 0 = -2
• Pittsburgh to Phoenix = 18 – 12 + 14 - 12 = 8
• Pittsburgh to Chicago = 12 – 13 + 14 - 12 = 1

Masih ada yang negatif , sehingga harus dilakukan iterasi lagi

Thrird solution

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Cleveland Plan
From Phoenix (A) Chicago (C)
(B) Capacities
10 16 19
120 - 0
Reno (D) 120
12 14 13
20 150 0
Denver (E) 30 200
18 12 12
- 160 0
Pittsburgh (F) 0 160

140 160 150 480

Cost for third alternatif = (120x10)+(20x12)+(150x13)+(30x0)+(160x12)

= $5310

metode stepping-stone
 Reno to Cleveland = 16 – 12 + 0 – 0 + 12 - 10 = 6
 Reno to Chicago = 19 – 10 + 12 - 13 = 8
 Reno to Dummy = 0 – 0 + 12 - 10 = 2
 Denver to Cleveland = 14 – 0 + 0 - 12 = 2
 Pittsburgh to Phoenix = 18 – 0 + 0 - 12 = 6
 Pittsburgh to Chicago = 12 – 0 + 0 - 13 =0

Sudah tidak ada yang negatif, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sudah didapatkan
komposisi yang optimum atau paling hemat. Yaitu sebesar $5310 atau terdapat
penghematan sebesar $190

5. Problem 9.35
Don Levine Corporation is considering adding an additional plant to its three existing
facilities in Decatur, Minneapolis, and Carbondale. Both St. Louis and East St. Louis
are being considered. Evaluating only the transportation costs per unit as shown in
the tables below and on the next page, which site is best?

Answer :

East St. Louis

First Solution

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From Minnea- Carbon- East St. Supply
To polis dale Louis Capacity
20 17 21 29
Blue Earth 250 250

25 27 20 30
Ciro 50 150 200

22 25 22 30
50 150 150 350

300 200 150 150 800
Cost for first alternatif = (250x20)+(50x25)+(150x27)+(50x25)+(150x22)+(150x30)

= 19,350

Using the stepping-stone method, the following improvement indices are computed:


 Decatur to Des Moines = 22-25+27-25 = -1

 Minneapolis to Blue E = 17-27+25-20 = -5
 Carbondale to Blue E = 21-22+25-27+25-20 = 2
 Carbondale to Ciro = 20-22+25-27 = -4
 East St. to Blue E = 29-30+25-27+25-20 = 2
 East St. to Ciro = 30-30+25-27 = -2

Second Solution

From Minnea- Carbon- East St. Supply

To polis dale Louis Capacity
20 17 21 29
Blue Earth 100 150 250

25 27 20 30
Ciro 200 200

22 25 22 30
50 150 150 350

300 200 150 150 800
Cost for second alternatif =

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= 18,600

Using the stepping-stone method, the following improvement indices are computed:


 Decatur to Des Moines = 22-25+17-20 = -6

 Minneapolis to Ciro = 27-17+20-25 = 5
 Carbondale to Blue E = 21-17+25-22 = 7
 Carbondale to Ciro = 20-25+20-17+25-22 = 1
 East St. to Blue E = 29-30+25-17 = 7
 East St. to Ciro = 30-25+20-17+25-30 = 3

Third Solution

From Minnea- Carbon- East St. Supply

To polis dale Louis Capacity
20 17 21 29
Blue Earth 50 200 250

25 27 20 30
Ciro 200 200

22 25 22 30
50 150 150 350

300 200 150 150 800

Cost for third alternatif = (50x20)+(200x25)+( 50x22)+(200x17)+(150x22)+(150x30)

= 18,300

Using the stepping-stone method, the following improvement indices are computed:


 Minneapolis to Ciro = 27-17+20-25 = 5

 Minneapolis to Des M = 25-17+20-22 = 6
 Carbondale to Blue E = 21-22+22-20 = 1
 Carbondale to Ciro = 20-22+22-25 = -5
 East St. to Blue E = 29-30+22-20 = -1
 East St. to Ciro = 30-30+22-25 = -3
Fourth Solution

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From Minnea- Carbon- East St. Supply
To polis dale Louis Capacity
20 17 21 29
Blue Earth 50 200 250

25 27 20 30
Ciro 50 150 200

22 25 22 30
200 150 350

300 200 150 150 800
Cost for fourth alternatif = (50x20)+(50x25)+( 200x22)+(200x17)+(150x20)+(150x30)

= 17,550

Using the stepping-stone method, the following improvement indices are computed:


 Minneapolis to Ciro = 27-17+20-25 = 5

 Minneapolis to Des M = 25-17+20-22 = 6
 Carbondale to Blue E = 21-20+25-20 = 6
 Carbondale to Des M = 22-20+25-22 = 5
 East St. to Blue E = 29-30+22-20 = -1
 East St. to Ciro = 30-30+22-25 = -3

Fifth Solution

From Minnea- Carbon- East St. Supply

To polis dale Louis Capacity
20 17 21 29
Blue Earth 50 200 250

25 27 20 30
Ciro 150 50 200

22 25 22 30
250 100 350

300 200 150 150 800
Cost for fifth alternatif = (50x20)+( 250x22)+(200x17)+(150x20)+(50x30)+(100x30)

= 17,400
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Using the stepping-stone method, the following improvement indices are computed:


 Decatur to Ciro = 25-30+30-22 = 3

 Minneapolis to Ciro = 27-30+30-22+20-17 = 8
 Minneapolis to Des M = 25-17+20-22 = 6
 Carbondale to Blue E = 21-20+22-30+30-20 = 3
 Carbondale to Des M = 22-30+30-20 = 2
 East St. to Blue E = 29-30+22-20 = 1

Kesimpulan :

Transportation cost, which additional plant East St. Louis = 17,400

Transportation cost, which additional plant St. Louis = 17,250

Optimal Solution, additional plant St. Louis = 17,250

St. Louis

First Solution

From Minnea- Carbon- Supply

Decatur St. Louis
To polis dale Capacity
20 17 21 27
Blue Earth 250 250

25 27 20 28
Ciro 50 150 200

22 25 22 31
50 150 150 350

300 200 150 150 800

Cost for first alternatif = (250x20)+(50x25)+(150x27)+(50x25)+(150x22)+(150x31)

= 19,500

Using the stepping-stone method, the following improvement indices are computed:


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 Decatur to Des Moines = 22-25+27-25 = -1
 Minneapolis to Blue E = 17-27+25-20 = -5
 Carbondale to Blue E = 21-20+25-27+25-22 = 2
 Carbondale to Ciro = 20-22+25-27 = -4
 St.Louis to Blue E = 27-31+25-27+25-20 = -1
 St.Louis to Ciro = 28-31+25-27 = -5

Second Solution

From Minnea- Carbon- Supply

Decatur St. Louis
To polis dale Capacity
20 17 21 27
Blue Earth 100 150 250

25 27 20 28
Ciro 200 200

22 25 22 31
50 150 150 350

300 200 150 150 800

Cost for second alternatif :

= (100x20)+(200x25)+(150x17)+(50x25)+(150x22)+(150x31)

= 18,750

Using the stepping-stone method, the following improvement indices are computed:


 Decatur to Des Moines = 22-25+17-20 = -6

 Minneapolis to Ciro = 27-17+20-25 = 5
 Carbondale to Blue E = 21-22+25-17 = 7
 Carbondale to Ciro = 20-25+20-17+25-22 = 1
 St.Louis to Blue E = 27-31+25-17 = 4
 St.Louis to Ciro = 28-31+25-17+20-25 = 0

Third Solution

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From Minnea- Carbon- Supply
Decatur St. Louis
To polis dale Capacity
20 17 21 27
Blue Earth 50 200 250

25 27 20 28
Ciro 200 200

22 25 22 31
50 150 150 350

300 200 150 150 800
Cost for third alternatif = (50x20)+(200x25)+(50x22)+(200x17)+(150x22)+(150x30)

= 18,300

Using the stepping-stone method, the following improvement indices are computed:


 Minneapolis to Ciro = 27-17+20-25 = 5

 Minneapolis to Des M. = 25-17+20-22 = 6
 Carbondale to Blue E = 21-22+22-20 = 1
 Carbondale to Ciro = 20-25+22-22 = -5
 St.Louis to Blue E = 27-31+22-20 = -2
 St.Louis to Ciro = 28-31+22-25 = -6

Fourth Solution

From Minnea- Carbon- Supply

Decatur St. Louis
To polis dale Capacity
20 17 21 27
Blue Earth 50 200 250

25 27 20 28
Ciro 50 150 200

22 25 22 31
200 150 350

300 200 150 150 800
Cost for fourth alternatif = (50x20)+(50x25)+(200x22)+(200x17)+(150x22)+(150x28)

= 17,550
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Using the stepping-stone method, the following improvement indices are computed:


 Minneapolis to Ciro = 27-17+20-25 = 5

 Minneapolis to Des M. = 25-17+20-22 = 6
 Carbondale to Blue E = 21-22+22-20 = 1
 Carbondale to Ciro = 20-25+22-22 = -5
 St.Louis to Blue E = 27-28+25-20 = 4
 St.Louis to Des M. = 31-28+25-22 = 6

Fifth Solution

From Minnea- Carbon- Supply

Decatur St. Louis
To polis dale Capacity
20 17 21 27
Blue Earth 50 200 250

25 27 20 28
Ciro 50 150 200

22 25 22 31
250 100 350

300 200 150 150 800

Cost for fifth alternatif = (50x20)+(250x22)+(200x17)+(50x20)+(100x22)+(150x28)

= 17,300

Using the stepping-stone method, the following improvement indices are computed:


 Decatur to Ciro = 25-20+22-22 = 5

 Minneapolis to Ciro = 27-20+22-22+20-17 = 10
 Minneapolis to Des M. = 25-22+20-17 = 6
 Carbondale to Blue E = 21-20+22-22 = 1
 St.Louis to Blue E = 27-28+20-22+22-20 = -1
 St.Louis to Des M. = 31-28+20-22 = 1

Sixth Solution

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From Minnea- Carbon- Supply
Decatur St. Louis
To polis dale Capacity
20 17 21 27
Blue Earth 200 50 250

25 27 20 28
Ciro 100 100 200

22 25 22 31
300 50 350

300 200 150 150 800

Cost for sixth alternatif = (300x22)+(200x17)+(100x20)+(50x22)+(50x27)+(100x28)

= 17,250

Using the stepping-stone method, the following improvement indices are computed:


 Decatur to Blue E = 20-22+22-20+28-27 = 1

 Decatur to Ciro = 25-20+22-22 = 5
 Minneapolis to Ciro = 27-28+27-17 = 9
 Minneapolis to Des M. = 25-22+20-28+27-17 = 5
 Carbondale to Blue E = 21-27+28-20 = 2
 St.Louis to Des M. = 31-28+20-22 = 1

Diperoleh biaya minimum sebesar 17,250.

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