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Muhammad Muneeb Tahir

Furqan Asghar


Dr. Ghayas-U-din

Department Of Electrical Engineering

Institute of Space Technology
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) swarm is the multi-agent system that is
controlled autonomously and executes missions without pilots. This is the technology that
makes the US superior to the rest. As they can control their UAVs in Afghanistan while
sitting in the US only because their drones do most of the stuff autonomously and not
affected by delay in communication. In few past years, UAVs have been widely used in
both civilian and military fields, performing a variety of missions such as searching,
survey, rescue, and surveillance. Single UAV doesn’t have much time efficiency and
resources to track and neutralize the multiple targets at the same time. The problem is to
design a decentralized cooperative Coalition Formation Algorithm and Target Strike
Mechanism with multiple UAV that consumes the least resources and spent minimum time.
The algorithms have been programmed in Matlab. The simulation scenario is set as that
two, three, or six UAVs search for targets in the uncertain circular region. After the
coalition leader finds the target and recognized its resources, It would form a least number
coalition formation with best-matched resources and least time of arrival at the target. The
main objective of the research is to minimize the number of coalition
members and neutralize the target in the least estimated time. We have launched six
decentralized UAVs in the uncertain circular region and after finding the target and its
resource vector, we compared the resource vector with neighbours UAV resource vector,
and out of six, we select 2 or 3 UAVs to form a decentralized cooperative coalition
formation. They now took part in tracking and neutralizing target resources. The remaining
UAVs keep on searching for other targets. Minimizing the number of coalition members
and the earliest arrival time can save time and UAV resources. We can neutralize more
targets and form coalition/swarm formations. Military UAV swarm is used for surveillance
and quick response. It is equipped with anti-jamming and anti-radiation weapons to block
hypersonic missiles; helps in providing security to fighters and citizens. Drone swarms are
cost-effective as they are easily 3D printed


LIST OF TABLES ...............................................................................................................4

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................4

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ................................................................5

1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................6

2 LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................8

3 PROPOSED METHODOLOGY ................................................................................10

3.1 Problem statement............................................................................................ 10

4 COALITION FORMATION......................................................................................12

4.1 Case 1 ................................................................................................................. 12

4.2 Case 2 ................................................................................................................. 12

4.2.1 Cost Calculation by Potential Coalition Members ................................ 12

4.3 Algorithm for coalition formation .................................................................. 13

4.4 Flow Chart for Coalition Formation Algorithm ........................................... 15

5 SIMULATION RESULT ...........................................................................................16

5.1 Simulation Steps ............................................................................................... 16

6 GPS GRID ALGORITHM .........................................................................................23

7 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................................25

8 RECOMMENDATION FOR FUTURE RESEARCH...............................................27

9 AN IMPORTANT OBSERVATION .........................................................................27

10 MODIFICATIONS .....................................................................................................27

11 CONCLUSION ..........................................................................................................28

12 REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................29

Table 1: Algorithm Results Summary ...............................................................................24

Fig 1: Coalition Formation of Multiple UAVs ................................................................. 16
Fig 2: Resource Vector & Target Resource Vector .......................................................... 17
Fig 3: UAV current position and target position .............................................................. 18
Fig 4: Cost along with Time Resource Factor ................................................................. 19
Fig 5: Ascending order in the Cost ................................................................................... 19
Fig 6: Eligible coalition list Cu and their resources in Rc. ............................................... 20
Fig 7: Updated UAV List .................................................................................................. 20
Fig 8: Counter recheck with Probabilistic Combination formula ..................................... 21
Fig 9: Perfect UAV Combination ..................................................................................... 21
Fig 10: UAV Target Detection ......................................................................................... 22
Fig 11: GPS Flowchart...................................................................................................... 23
Fig 12: Limit Region & Uncertain Region ....................................................................... 24
Fig 13: Table of Input ....................................................................................................... 25
Fig 14: Table of Algorithm Output ................................................................................... 26

UAV Unmanned aerial vehicle
ui UAV(Unmanned aerial vehicle)
ETA earliest time of arrival
rui UAV resource Vector
ruip Number of type of resources held by UAV ui
Tj . Target
rTj. Target Resource Vector
r Tjq Number of type of resources held by target Tj.
rc Coalition Resources
Ts Search Time
Tc Coalition Time
x ui x- coordinate of UAV
x Tj x- coordinate of Target
y ui y- coordinate of UAV
y Tj y- coordinate of Target
PuqTj Cost of UAV and Target resources
m Type of Resources(we are using 3 type of resources)
Ru Cost Ascendingly sorted List
Cu Eeligible Coalition List
∈ Belong to
l Number of Final UAVs in Coalition
DTjui List of UAVs that have least ETA

UAVs have become an important part of our society it carried out important
mission-related to many fields like military missions, surveillance, security, agricultural
department and it is also helpful for civilian uses. Among the facilities provided by these
UAVs are package distribution, precision agriculture, fire detection and mitigation,
maritime surveillance, and medical equipment transport, and many other services. UAVs
used have been increased prominently[1]. This is mainly due to cost-efficient and reduction
of the risk of the human factor. Mainly UAVs are called drones. For performing research
related works one UAV is not enough to carry out all the mission tasks in minimum time
by using minimum allocated resources. There should be multiples UAVs (at least two and
three) for coalition formation and for performing the search, track, and neutralize the target
with required sources by managing in minimum time. That would not only help to reduce
the time also helps us to work in an efficient way.
First of all, in this paper UAVs will make a certain boundary region in which they
will perform their respective operations. The whole search region is defined as the circular
region. UAVs importance can be seen in military missions when they have to perform the
target searching and neutralizing it. It could efficiently be done by multiple UAVs. When
UAVs start searching the specific target, UAVs will form a coalition and then
neutralization operation would perform on that target in a given circular region. After
performing coalition and neutralizing the target resources may be reduced from certain
UAVs which carried out the useful operation. We have no confirmation for the certain
region that which type of region it would be so it is arbitrary and also for the target that
how many targets would be in the environment. So for this reason multiple UAVs will
release into the environment.
The main performance of all the UAVs is to participate in this search and attack
mission is to increase the mission's overall operational efficiency by neutralizing the
advanced number of targets in the shortest amount of time[2]. If a single UAV does not
have enough resources to fully neutralize a target after tracking it, then a coalition of UAVs
must be created. Not only does it meet the target resource requirement, but it also
contributes to the overall goal of completing the task in the shortest time possible. The
coalition leader (CL) is the UAV that detects a target, and the coalition members are the

other UAVs in the final coalition. As a result, there is a need for coalition formation
algorithms that are mathematically and computationally simple and can achieve the desired
results with the desired amount of requirement[2].

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarm is a typical multi-agent system which can
be controlled autonomously or remotely and execute missions without pilots[3]. In few
past years, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been widely used in both civilian and
military fields, performing a variety of missions such as searching, survey, rescue and
surveillance[4].Single UAV have limitation in performing mission however Decentralized
and cooperative coalition scheme of multiple UAVs makes our work more viable and
autonomous to search ,track and neutralize multiple targets in least possible time In
Autonomous coalition formation, if an individual UAV does not have sufficient resources
to neutralize a target then a coalition of UAVs may need to be formed that fulfills the target
resource requirement. We will propose an algorithm for the decentralized coalition
formation of multiple heterogeneous UAVs that cooperatively perform a search and attack
task to neutralize the targets.[5]
Our main key aim of the Operation is to search and neutralize the target in highly
uncertain region. The UAVs in this operation are heterogeneous in nature and caries
different type of resources; and resources we are using are of two type:
(i) Consummable resources: that is, the resources deplete with use
(ii) Non-depletable resources, like sensors do not deplete.
We are choosing a decentralized formation scheme in which there is no prior
information is available for the exact position and number of targets, no centralized
communication link with the UAVs is possible, and also the number of UAVs used for this
task may vary in number due to the unpredictable nature of the environment. Our main
object is to design a system that would neutralize maximum number of targets in minimum
If a single UAV after detecting the target does not have sufficient resources to
neutralize that target completely, that UAV would communicate with neighbor UAVs and
then coalition out of neighbor UAV team is required to formed which not only fulfil the
target resources but also in minimum set of time. The UAV that detect the target become
coalition leader and UAVs in coalition final formation are coalition members. The
following paper’s algorithm has two main objectives:
I Minimizing the number of coalition member

II Neutralizing the target in the least estimated time
The main advantage of this algorithm it allows more UAVs and resources available
for the detection of targets so as to reduce search time and enhance the probability of
multiple coalition formation in the least possible time. We will design an algorithm that
would select the best and least number possible coalition formation to satisfy the target’s
resources requirement use to neutralize the target. We will meet our target resources
requirement by adding resources of member UAVs from the list which is based on the
earliest time of arrival (ETA) of member UAVs at the target location[6].

3.1 Problem statement
Consider a team of N number of heterogeneous UAVs carrying different type of
resources performing search and track operation. As we discussed earlier that there two
type of resources Consummable and Non-depletable resources Assume that UAV ui can
carry n type of resources which can be represented by resource capability vector r ui of the

Where ruip ,p=1,…n represents the number of type of resources held by UAV ui for
example rui=(2,1,3) show that the UAV ui carries two type 1 resources , one type-2 and
three type-3 resources
Suppose we have a target Tj. in some uncertain region whose resources and position
are known to us. These set of UAV ui is launched in this uncertain region (e.g circular
region of 500m radius ).for example UAV ui detect a target with help Non-depletable
resources such camera ,sensor like IR sensor and radar etc. When UAV ui detect the target
it gets the type of resources needed to neutralize the target Tj. The target resources
requirement vector represents as follows:

Where r Tjq ,q=1,…n represents the number of type of resources held by target T j.
After the target is detect resources are known to us we communicate with the UAV ui in
our communication range. When target Tj and the UAV that detect the target do not have
sufficient resources it takes the role of coalition leader and broadcast the target resource
information to neighbor UAVs within communication link. The UAVs ui within
communication should reply to coalition leader UAV if it has at least one of type of
resources either equal or greater than target resources. The neighboring UAVs must reply
with cost, resource vector and time resource vector. On the bases this coalition formation
is formed.

When leader receive the resource from each UAV, it sum the resources of each
UAV with itself and compare with target resource it must satisfy the following condition
i.e., rc ≥ rTj The coalition c with combined resources rc ≥ rTj to destroy target Tj and can be
represented as

We also get time resource vector from each UAV and form a coalition formation
on the bases of minimum time resource vector. Our global objective is to form a coalition
in minimum time

The total time to form a coalition is the sum of the time taken to search Ts and time
taken form a coalition Tc . We have design a algorithm that would reduce our coalition
time and minimize our number of coalition member. Considering the speed of the all same,
time resource vector for each UAV can easily be get from distance formula. During
broadcasting of resource vector of target and position of target to neighbor UAV, each
would now each UAV individually calculate the time resource and broadcast to leader
UAV the distance formula is follows:

𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞 𝐕𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 = (𝐱 𝒖𝒊 − 𝐱 𝑻𝒋)𝟐 − (𝐲 𝒖𝒊 − 𝐲 𝑻𝒋)𝟐

4.1 Case 1
When a UAV Ui detects a target Tj with a resource requirement rTj and rTJ > =rU;
the UAV Ui assumes the position of coalition leader and broadcasts information about the
target Tj to request coalition formation. The location and necessary resources of target T j
are among the information broadcasted by the UAV Ui to the other UAVs. In this case
,when the detecting UAV's resources are inadequate to neutralize the target, Other UAVs
that receive this information from Ui and have at least one of the necessary resources to
kill the target Tj will react to Ui with their cost, resource capabilities, and target ETA. These
reacting UAVs can join an alliance. The coalition leader considers all of these responses
from potential member UAVs before deciding whether or not a coalition can be created. If
a coalition cannot be created, the coalition leader will broadcast a "discard coalition"
message, which will be followed by a rebroadcast of the coalition formation order. Aside
from that, the coalition is created by the coalition leader, and information about the
coalition is broadcast. The responding UAVs that aren't part of the final coalition will
continue their search, while the selected members will re-plan their strike to hit and kill the
target according to their strike mechanism[7].
4.2 Case 2
When UAV Ui detects a target Tj with a Tj resource requirement rTj and rUi >= rTj
and the detecting UAV is not a member of any other coalition, UAV U i will attack target
Tj without requesting a coalition with other UAVs. In this scenario, UAV U i will form a
single-member coalition and broadcast the information about the single-member coalition,
as well as the requisite target information, to other UAVs as an information update only[8].
4.2.1 Cost Calculation by Potential Coalition Members
Once a target is detected, the coalition leader broadcasts the target resources vector
and position of target Tj. According to this information is received by each UAV; each
UAV will calculate its cost P. Along with cost UAVs also calculate ETA(estimated time
of arrival) and send this information to the leader UAV. The cost is defined as the average
sum of squared resources difference between the target and potential coalition members
The cost is calculated by the following formula:

4.3 Algorithm for coalition formation
Leader UAV gets all the required information including UAV resources, time
resources vector, and cost. Leader UAV will undergo the below algorithm to finalize the
Algorithm steps are as follows:
I. When we get the information of resources and cost from neighbour UAV
we arrange the UAV resources ascendingly concerning cost P Tjuq and save
it in sorted list Ru.
II. We pick the UAV uq one by one from the sorted list Ru and add to the
coalition list Cu and add its resources ruq to coalition resource vector rc.
III. Compare the coalition resource vector rc with target resource vector rTj by
checking the condition rc >= rTj
IV. We will be kept on adding the resources to rc and adding and comparing it
till we get the resources of the coalition list to become equal to or greater
than the target resource vector. This will continue until r c >= rTj condition
is satisfied and when this condition is satisfied the resulting UAV are part
of eligible coalition list Cu.
V. The process of step 4 will continue until the target resource constraint is
met, and if the target resource the constraint is not met even after adding the
resources of all the UAVs in the sorted list of potential coalition members,
then the successful coalition formation is not possible. If so, the coalition
leader ui will terminate the algorithm and rebroadcast the coalition
formation request.
VI. After phase 4 condition rc>=rTJ is met, deduct one by one the individual
resources of all the member UAVs of Cu from the coalition resource set rc
verify if rc >rTj, then the UAV Uq ∈ Cu is deleted from the list Cu and its
resources are also subtracted from rc. This is to ensure that the minimum
members are set to meet the rc>=r Tj requirement.

VII. Count the number of UAVs l in the final Cu and filter all potential l-member
combinations out of the total n-member UAVs in the sorted Ru column.
VIII. Just those combinations, the resource sum of which is greater than or equal
to the target resource requirement rTj, shall remain out of the complete
sorted e member combinations.
IX. If more than one participant qualified combination is given by Step 8,
determine the simple total of each resource collection of available qualified
combinations. Select a minimum resource sum and hold only those
combinations whose simple resource sum is equal to the minimum value
and discard all combinations, e.g. if the resources of the three legitimate
two-member combinations from Step 8 are (5,3,1), (1,2,1), and (2,1,1), then
the simple resource sum will be 9, 4, and 4 for the three combinations. The
lowest sum value 4 is chosen, then combinations of services (1,2,1) and
(2,1,1) are selected and the other is excluded.
X. If more than one combination is possible from phase 9, pick the one with
the least ETA DTjui The minimum ETA for a mixture of more than one
member shall be decided by the combination member with the maximum

4.4 Flow Chart for Coalition Formation Algorithm



ETA(min) Leader UAV R(uq) & Cost

Cu Discard Ui/No
True False
rc>=rtj UAV found

Combinations Sum of all type

Minimum False Discard
with current N.o of resources of Other
sum UAV
of UAV in Cu each UAV


Final Coalition False

True Minimum Discard
ETA Other

The UAV group that eventually kills the target may or may not include the UAV
that scans and locates the target. If all the UAVs engaged in the action have the same
number of resources, so the UAV alliance created to kill the target would include the UAV
that has found the target. However, if the allocation of resources among UAVs is unequal,
there is a good chance that any other UAVs in the system will kill the target using a smaller
number of resources than if we were to compel UAV detection to be part of the destruction
Team. However, if the UAV target is not part of a coalition of UAVs that destroys the
target, then the task of neutralizing the target can result in excess time[4].
5.1 Simulation Steps
I. Suppose we to search and neutralize the target in highly uncertain region
of circle shape of 500m and target in unknown position market “x”.

Fig 1: Coalition Formation of Multiple UAVs

II. We know how many UAVs we are going to launch that is 6 so according to
that we allocate the resource vector (number of UAVs decide the number
of a row of resource vector ) In our case there would be three types of
resources so our resource vector have order 6x3 and we would also suppose
that target would also have three types of resources we have supposed these
target resources because these resources values are determined by build-in
sensors as mention below.

Fig 2: Resource Vector & Target Resource Vector

III. Now we would check whether the resources are sufficient or nor. If the
resources are sufficient then we implement the coalition algorithm. Our
UAVs must have sufficient resources compare to target resources.
IV. UAV are searching the target in highly uncertain region, when one the UAV
detect the target as mark “x” in the circle at that the UAV that detect the
target its sources and position; if the resources of the Leader UAV is equal
or greater then target then no coalition would be formed but if UAV
resources does not sufficient to neutralize the target then that Leader UAV
will broadcast the target resource vector and position. Now each UAV
would calculate the Time resource Vector(as we have supposed that every
UAV have same speed we would calculate distance between UAV current
position and target position through distance formula) Distance Formula:

𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐞 𝐕𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 = (𝐱 𝒖𝒊 − 𝐱 𝑻𝒋)𝟐 − (𝐲 𝒖𝒊 − 𝐲 𝑻𝒋)𝟐

Fig 3: UAV current position and target position
V. Along with Time Resource Vector, each UAV would calculate the cost that
each UAV have to bear to be a part of the coalition and have to neutralize
the target. Now UAVs would broadcast cost, time resource vector, and
resource vector to coalition leader UAV. Theoretical Formula:

Fig 4: Cost along with Time Resource Factor
VI. Leader UAV now arrange the UAVs cost in ascending order so that it can
collate with low cost UAVs. We will store this cost to sorted list Ru.

Fig 5: Ascending order in the Cost

VII. Now we will make another list name C u to store eligible coalition UAVs.
Now will pick one by resources from R u and add them and compare with
condition target resource vector. In other words C u check this condition
rc>=rTJ. When first UAV according ascending order cost is pick, there is no
UAV in the list so compare that’s resource vector with target resource
vector if condition is not satisfied we take another UAV from list and add
its resources to previously added UAV resources and check the condition.
We will do this sum of resources will be equal or greater than target
resources. The UAV added to list now part of eligible coalition list C u and
their resources in R_c.

Fig 6: Eligible coalition list Cu and their resources in Rc.
VIII. After the condition is met we have to recheck the condition rc>=rTJ by
subtracting the resources from the resource sum to remove the probability
of extra addition of any UAV resource vector and Update the new UAV list
to updated UAV list.

Fig 7: Updated UAV List

IX. Now we know that minimum number we get for coalition would be two, to
counter recheck we apply probabilistic Combination formula with respect
to previously getting value that is two to get the possible pair of 2 UAVs
According to Combination formula, here n is the number of UAV and r the
latest size of UAV selected that is two. Theoretical Formula:

Fig 8: Counter recheck with Probabilistic Combination formula
X. We will get 15 combination of two UAV ETA we will check the sum of
resources of each combination and select only that UAV combination that
has minimum sum
XI. If more than one combination is available then we sort the one UAV
combination on the basis of minimum ETA(estimated time of arrival in
seconds) .The UAV combination now available is the perfect UAV
combination that would neutralize the target.

Fig 9: Perfect UAV Combination

XII. It is not necessary that the UAV that detects the target would be a part of
coalition because if detecting UAV does not have sufficient resources it
can only act as coalition leader but not part of neutralizing team the above-
discussed case is the same.

Fig 10: UAV Target Detection

 We represent the above simulation in GPS Grid we first select the origin where
this whole process of search, coalition, and neutralization takes place; in this, we
take the GPS coordinate of Islamabad that are 33.6844° N, 73.0479° E
 We take the cartesian coordinate output point(Waypoints) from the Simulation
(simulator) and then covert it to latitude and longitude axis using MATLAB build-
in function “local2latlon ” (Conversion Algorithm) and display in GPS grid
using “player ” and “plotroute” commands(Animation)
 Then we take the Cartesian Coordinate of the 500m circular region and then convert
these point to latitude and longitude using the build-in function “local2latlon ” and
then using geoplayer we display our area of interest
 After that, we get the cartesian coordinates of Target Tj and convert its latitude and
longitude using “local2latlon ” and display using geoplayer
 Similarly, we convert the path traveled by the UAVs Ui , UAVs predefined
searching circles, and shortest coalition path into longitude and latitude points using
the built-in function of MATLAB “local2latlon ”
 By the command of “player ” and “plotroute” we will see the coalition formation
of multiple UAV in GPS Grid.

Fig 11: GPS Flowchart

 The Green line show the coalition formation in of UAV 1 and 5 and dark green
point show the target being neutralize and the circle around each pink line show
the UAV search limit region and the large circle represent the uncertain region
where target can be found[9].

Fig 12: Limit Region & Uncertain Region

Table 1: Algorithm Results Summary

Algorithm Results
Total Number of UAVs 6
Target Resources [5 3 1]
Final Coalition {5,1}
Resources of 1st UAV [2 1 1]
Resources of 5th UAV [3 2 1]
Coalition Resources [5 3 2]
UAVs in coalition 2
Remaining UAVs 4

The primary task assigned to the project developer was to generate a MATLAB
code for the coalition formation algorithm, stated explicitly in the paper, to reproduce the
simulation results. A working MATLAB code implementing the algorithm has been
developed and simulation results have been reproduced. To verify the regenerated
MATLAB code, an example given in the SIMULATION RESULTS section is used as a
test. The output of the implemented code matches precisely with the output of the example.

Two tables, produced as a result of simulation code, are given in Table_of_Inputs

represents four columns. The Column UAVs lists down the UAVs as numbers indicating
that there are total 6 UAVs. The column Time_Vector denotes the relative time required
by every UAV to reach the detected target. The column Research_Vector indicates the
resources possessed by every UAV. Finally, the column COST indicates the resource-
based cost of every UAV to destroy the target.

The second table, namely Table_Algorithm_Output, contains three columns. The

column Final_UAV denotes a group of UAVs which are selected to destroy the target. The
UAVs listed in this column are the ones selected by the algorithm which destroy the target
using minimum time and resources. Target_Resource_Vector indicates the resources
required to destroy the target and Time_Units is actually the time taken by the UAVs, listed
in Final_UAV, to reach the target.

Fig 13: Table of Input

Fig 14: Table of Algorithm Output

For future work we seek to broaden the decentralized strategy of the establishment
of coalitions to neutralize dynamic objectives and to establish several UAV goals for static
and dynamic objectives.

The group of attacking UAVs which actually destroys the target may or may not
contain the UAV that searches and locates the target. If all the UAVs involved in the
operation have equal number of resources, then the coalition of UAVs formed to destroy
the target must contains the UAV which has detected the target. However, if the
distribution of resources among the UAVs is uneven, then there is a strong possibility that
some other UAVs in the system can destroy the target using a smaller number of resources
than we enforce the detecting UAV to be a part of destroying[10]. team. However, if the
target detecting UAV is not a part of coalition of UAVs which destroys the target, then the
task of neutralizing the target may result in excess time .

We did a modification in the old algorithm; we made the code more simple that
now you add as much UAV you can; This can be done by inserting the new input Resource
vector in a row this increases the number of UAVs. We add one more type of Resource in
the resource vector list it is now 6x3. We added dynamic animation that help us to
understand the overall algorithm smoothly. We added GPS Grid to overview the system in
geographical axis.

A decentralized coalition formation algorithm for multiple heterogeneous UAVs
operating in an uncertain region to neutralize static targets is proposed in this paper. The
algorithm proposed forms a minimum size coalition, enabling more UAV's and resources
in search of other targets to remain available, thus reducing the general search time for
other UAV's and selecting the lowest time to pursue the target, reducing the time for
pursuit. The simulation results from the proposed scenario algorithm and the relation
between success and one of the suboptimal coalition creation algorithms show clearly that
the proposed algorithm achieves its general goal of optimizing minimum size and
minimum coalition time to minimize total task time, providing a nearly optimal approach.
For future work we seek to broaden the decentralized strategy of the establishment of
coalitions to neutralize dynamic objectives and to establish several UAV goals for static
and dynamic objectives.

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