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Sassuolo player-instructions

In order to utilize the principles from Sassuolo’s positional play, here are some key instructions for the
particular positions, using action language -‘if then’ rules- to offer guidelines for the decision-making.


look diagonally inside whilst on the ball – create connection with the CMs -› if access blocked inside,
then look to circulate the ball using the deep FBs or the Ws wide

maintain a shorter distance between each other


stay deeper & more inside to offer connection to circulate

look for the winger in front whilst on the ball, or inside towards the CMs – CAM

in the attacking third – move inside & deep, form a 3-men chain with the CMs

if halfspace depth unoccupied, then make underlap run inside

if halfspace depth unoccupied – but you are wider -, then make an overlap for the W

if CM moves wide, then move high

if CB drives forward and winger stays wider, then move inside to the halfspace, to open the wide


stay inside – mostly on the oppositional central-midfielder’s inside shoulder – to open halfspaces

if CB on the ball on your side, then stay in position or look for a lay-off towards the ballfar CB

if CB on the ball on the opposite side, then move towards him to offer option diagonally

if opponent closes inside lanes towards both of you, then move out wide on the near side, move
inside on the far side

if opponent closes inside access so ball goes wide, then move higher behind the oppositional 2nd line

if ball progresses to attacking third, then shift towards the ball to offer option to circulate


stay wide to receive to feet

when ball goes wide to the FBs – make body-feints to separate/create distance from the oppositional

if you can progress higher but can’t find any forward options, then circulate the ball back and move

if ball progresses higher on the far-side, then stay wide and wait for diagonal switches

if CM moves wide on your side, then move inside and look for underlap runs


stay at the centre, between the lines, mostly move towards the right side slightly

start from the centre, if the CB can find the CMs higher who can turn, then move to that side, if he
can’t turn, rather stay centrally

if ball goes wide towards the Ws, then look for diagonal inside passes or underlap runs

if ball progresses on the opposite side, look for runs between the CB-FB area


move wider, occupy the zone between the CB-FB, even drop deeper in the halfspace

optimally be on the opposite side of where the CAM is

if ball goes wide towards the Ws, then look for underlap runs

if ballfar CB can drive forward, then drop deeper to offer a diagonal passing option

Training drills

Some ideas for possible training drills and designs based on Sassuolo’s positional play.
A 7v7 + GK build-up drill: focus on central connections and using the GK to invite pressure and create a
free-man at the back. 7 defenders in order to increase pressure -represent man-oriented pressing-,
goals at the centre & border of halfspace-wings as these are the zones Sassuolo mostly use to progress
from the pressure. Score to central goal for 3, wide goals for 1. If defensive team wins the ball and
shoots = 3 points, if scores = 5 points.

6v6 + 2 C + 2 GKs directional game: Focus on build-up connections, with 2 inside jokers, 2 wide players
to offer deeper connections on both ends -FBs-, offensive structure in a 4-2-2 -2 upfront might be
wider-, defensive staggering recommended to vary -4-2, 1-4-1, 3-3 etc. Point scored after making 8
successful passes in a row, then dribbling out on ballnear end for 2 points, on ballfar end for 3 extra
7v4 positional game: goals are turned diagonally inside, therefore the wide players doesn’t have the
angles to score, forcing them to play inside, enhancing central connections. This also represents the
dynamics of inside-to-outside, to penetrate at the centre, then going out wide, Offensive structure
inside is a 2-1, with minimum and maximum 1 player occupying the wide line, which is also optimal
for a wide rotation – therefore inside structure might vary with 1 dropping from inside & wide player
higher. Score to either goals for 1, but goal worth 3 if scored from 1 touch. Also, 1 point scored after 7
passes -to force defensive pressure. If defensive team wins the ball, either dribble out wide for 1 or
score to either goals for 3.

8v7 with 3 goals on both ends: field cut diagonally inside, then outside, to enhance inside focus at the
1st phase to circulate the ball. Wide players must stay on wide lines. Ball can either be dribbled or
passed to the end zone – if passed, 1 player from inside can join. If ball is passed to the end zone by
either of the 2 inside players -2 CMs- then goal worth double points. Score to either goals for 1, 1st
touch goal worth 3 -so if goal scored by receiving inside pass and scoring from 1st touch, it worths 6. If
defensive team wins the ball, either dribble out wide for 1 or score to either goals for 2.

9v8: reverse pyramid field shape to represent their circulation into the higher zones with the wide
wingers. Dotted wide lines – only 1 player can and must occupy that on both wings, whilst defensive
team can only stay inside the field. Either the wingers or the FBs might move wide, enhancing the
wide triangles/rotations or the direct CB-W passing routes. Offensive staggering in a 4-2-3, defensive
staggering in a 3-4-1. Score to wide goals for 1, centre for 3. 1 touch finish for double points. If
defensive team wins the ball, either dribble out wide for 1 or score to either goals for 2.

9v7, hourglass field shape – inside-to-outside dynamics: central zone is representative for the
CAM/#10 positioning, who must occupy that zone. Ball is either dribbled through or passed into this
zone. If dribbled through, ball carrier + central zone player to join to the next zone, if passed to the
central zone player, then 1 player from inside to join – create a 4v3 further. In case the central zone
player receives in a different horizontal zone than the ball’s initial position, it worths +1 points if goal
is scored – represent CAM/#10 horizontal movement between the lines. If he receives in the same
zone, he must play 1 touch -if not, no touch limits. End field also divided with a dotted line, end zone
is only accessible with a run into & pass behind. Score to either goals for 1 point, but if goal is scored
in end zone, than 2 points. 1 touch finish for +1 point. If defensive team wins the ball score to either
goals for 3.

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