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Colegio Sagrada Sabiduría .

Actividad Complementaria al Plan de Apoyo al Mejoramiento Académico al

Desempeño de el/la estudiante Colsasabista
Grado Sexto
Docente: Mary De Alba Niebles
FORMATO PM H02 (Al corte del Informe de Calificaciones)

Actividades Complementarias de Mejoramiento Académico Área de Idioma Extranjero Ingles

Tercer Período Escolar
Grado Sexto de Educación Básico secundaria

Full Name: _________________________ Grade: __________________

Teacher: __________________________________ Date: __________________
Topics: Present and Past Continuous ( verb to be), Food: Countable and uncountable nouns; How much,
how many, some /a/an/any; Too much, too many.

I. Vocabulary: Complete the dialogues with was, wasn’t, were, or weren’t.

1. 0 I’m at school now, but yesterday I was at home. (✓)

2. 1 You’re from Gdansk. You_______ born in Warsaw. (✗)
3. 2 Jane _____late again on Saturday night. (✓)
4. 3 Her parents _____very angry. (✓)
5. 4 It ________very cold yesterday, about –15°C actually. (✓)
6. 5 I ______scared. I like watching horror movies. (✗

II. Grammar: Complete the conversations. Use the simple past form of to be.

0 A : Were you at school yesterday?

B : No, I wasn’t .
1 A: John upset about Mary?
B: No, he_____ .
2 A: _____ the movie good?
B: No, it____ very boring.
3 A: ______ there many people at the museums?
B: Yes, there _____ a lot of tourists.
4 A: Where you and your brother on the
B: We____ at home.
5 A: Pat and Sarah at Jane’s party?

B: No, they ____

III. Grammar: Write C for countable or U for uncountable Nouns:

1. pear ___
2. water ___
3. bean___
4. cheese___
5. mushroom___
6. egg___
7. spinach __
8. omelette ___
9. chicken ____
10. carrot ___
11. sugar ___
IV. Circle the correct answers.

0 Have some / any / a biscuits.

1 We don’t have any / a / an vegetables.
2 I’d like any / a / an strawberry cheescake.
3 I don’t have any / a / an time.
4 Would you like some / a / an water?
5 I’d like any / a / an apple.

V. Complete the conversations with how much, how many, some, or any.

0 A: How many pears do you need?

B: It’s okay. I don’t need any .
1 A: Do you have_____ peppers?
B:______ do you want?
2 A: I’d like strawberries, please.
B: ________would you like?
3 A: _____meat do you need for the
B: I just need ______sausages.
4 A: __________eggs do you want to buy?
B: I don’t need______ eggs.
5 A: There are _____oranges in the kitchen.
B: _______are there

VI. Write too, too much, or too many.

0 _____ hot
1 _____spicy
2 _____orange juice
3 _____sweet
4 _____lemons
5 _____salt

VII. Writing: Write a paragraph describing what you and your family were doing last weekend: Use
past continuous.

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