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The Three Persons Who Have Made Me as I Am Now!

Introductory Paragraph

Along of our lives we know a lot of people, some good and others bad; so we always

are searching positive influences. It’s necessary to have someone that help and give us

many advices. Usually, we have at least three friends or families that are very important

in our lives; they are always trying to guide us on the right way using their positive

influence. For the aforementioned and other reasons, my mother, my father and my

brother are so essential in my life.

Body Paragraph I (My Mom)

My mother has taught me how to be a good person with her great advice and

comprehension. For starters, my mom has always been by my side; she helped me in

my worst moments. For example, when I was a kid I had many bad friends, they were

junkies and I fell in their game; it was a horrible mistake. However, my mom did notice

about that situation, and instead of judging me; she saved me from these guys and the

drugs by therapy with the help of a psychologist. She taught me a valuable lesson, we

always have to take the right way, and we must follow of our parent’s advices.
My father has been my role model, he has shown me how to overcome problems; and any bad

situation. When I was a child, I was very indulged and spoiled. Unlike my mother, my father was not

affectionate with me; he wanted to teach me how to be a man: rude, tough and strong in the face of

problems. In the past, I had a lot of problems, so he helped me many times; he taught me how to solve

them. However, I was growing up, and he stopped supporting me; he was always saying “you are an

adult, you must solve your problems by yourself; I have taught you many ways to do it”. Indeed, I tried

to do it but I failed many times. But each time that I failed; I learned a lesson. And thanks to his

teachings; I have matured, and I can go beyond from any problem.

He is my partner, my best friend and my confident: my brother is one of the most

important people in my life for many reasons. To begin with, we have always been

together. So were supporting each other in whatever situation, it was good or bad. He

helped me when I got problems at the school. Besides, when I fought with someone he

defended me; and after that he gave me a lecture for doing it. He is older than me, so I

have learned a lot of things from him; he is my teacher of life or something like that.

For these reasons already mentioned, he is one of the most important people in my life.

Family is all we have; family is love, support, comprehension; and much more. I

learned from my mother how to be a good and kind person. From my father, I learned to

be a strong in front of problems. And finally, from my brother; I learned what a truly

loyal person should be like. No matter how old we are, we always are learning from our

social or familiar circle; we must get the good things, and throw away everything that

can be bad for us. So let's go about our actions in the right way all the time to the best of

our ability.

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