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Really what that, what I'm trying to say there is like understanding the real business requirements and

why they're asking for those requirements. That's the most important part in delivering a dashboard.
And that's why analysts have to work with business stakeholders because otherwise they won't deliver a
valuable dashboard. And, and also then, then you have people, you know, I think a problem, another
problem for analytics too, is when there's multiple forces of data. So a lot of times you always want to
stay away from like having you, I mean, you definitely want to stay away of having multiple sources of
the same data if you don't absolutely need that. And so, yeah, that's another, that's another problem for
analysts being able to deliver valuable insights that to get buy-in. So yeah, I think those two things, I
really think like the visualization, like building the visualization, that's what you said before.
That was kind of just like, that's the easy thing. That's a lot of times that doesn't even take that long. It's
really all the other stuff, cleaning data, working with the stakeholders, understanding what they want
and that, and so, yeah, on it, one other thing I'd say is like the business education, part of it, like
understanding what business people need. That's another really big part of being a data analyst. So like,
that's why I think now you actually see some people were like MBAs, you know, really smart guys were
maybe just got their MBAs. Oh yeah. They can just learn Python or SQL, like decently click, maybe in a
year. They might be like pretty good at it. But yeah, those guys knew very well too as data analysts.
Got it. And then for the analysts that I stayed within the company, how, how was that learning curve for

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