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Chapter 8: Cognitive and Neuropsychological Assessment

1. Dalia is quick to solve puzzles, learns quickly and can apply information she
knows in one context to similar material. Researchers would argue that this
a. Crystallized intelligence.
b. Bodily kinetic intelligence.
c. Fluid Intelligence.
d. Domain-specific intelligence.
Answer: C
Page: 160
Type: Applied

2. Nehemiah can list all of the capitols of every state in the USA. Researchers would
argue that this demonstrates:
a. Crystallized intelligence.
b. Bodily kinetic intelligence.
c. Fluid Intelligence.
d. Domain specific intelligence.
Answer: A
Page: 160
Type: Applied

3. An example of a domain general theorist would be:

a. Spearman.
b. Thurstone.
c. Gardner.
d. Guifford.
Answer: A
Page: 162
Type: Factual

4. IQ tests were developed to:

a. Predict job performance in adulthood.
b. To identify disabled kids.
c. Predict school performance.
d. Help with placing gifted kids.
Answer: C
Page: 164
Type: Factual

5. The first IQ test for use in the USA was the:

a. Wechsler.
b. Stanford-Binet.
c. Cattell-Horn.
d. Ravens progressive matrices.

Answer: B
Page: 164
Type: Factual

6. Damaris is a 6-year old girl. The school is testing her IQ with one of the
Wechslers. Which one are they likely to utilize?
d. Wechsler Bellevue
Answer: C
Page: 166
Type: Applied

7. Usha specializes in brain dysfunction. She is a:

a. Existentialist.
b. Neuropsychologist.
c. Microphysicist.
d. Neurophysiologist.
Answer: B
Page: 169
Type: Conceptual

8. Logan was in a car accident and now has difficulty remembering things. His
disturbance would be characterized as:
a. Functional.
b. Organic.
c. Productive.
d. Malingering.
Answer: B
Page: 169
Type: Conceptual

9. Even though there is no anatomical damage to his brain, Omari has difficulty with
impulse control. His disturbance would be characterized as:
a. Functional.
b. Organic.
c. Productive.
d. Malingering.
Answer: A
Page: 169
Type: Conceptual

10. Lezak argues that there are several assumptions that underlie neuropsychological
assessment. What is one of those assumptions?
a. Patterns of deficits rarely are useful in understanding the brain.
b. Psychology is not eh best filed to study brain damaged individuals.
c. There is very little literature on the validity of cognitive testing.
d. Brain damage accompanies some form of behavioral deficit.
Answer: D
Page: 171
Type: Conceptual

11. The ability to travel from school to your house on autopilot is due to:
a. Orientation of personal space.
b. Spatial orientation.
c. Topographical orientation.
d. Spatial visualization.
Answer: C
Page: 172
Type: Conceptual

12. When a police officer asks you to point to your head they are in essence testing
a. Orientation of personal space.
b. Spatial orientation.
c. Topographical orientation.
d. Spatial visualization.
Answer: A
Page: 172
Type: Conceptual

13. The inability to recognize familiar people or objects is known as:

a. Aphasia.
b. Gnosis.
c. Agnosia.
d. Apraxia.
Answer: C
Page: 172
Type: Factual

14. Martine is two years old. Her mother says, “Go throw this in the garbage.”
Although Martine cannot say this sentence, she does as her mother asks. This
a. Expressive skills.
b. Receptive skills.
c. Transformational grammar.
d. Language acquisition device.

Answer: B
Page: 174
Type: Applied

15. Vaughn has an inability of awareness for the right side of his body. When he
draws a clock he only writes on one side of the circle. This is known as:
a. Hemineglect.
b. Severed corpus callosum.
c. Agnosia.
d. Apraxia.
Answer: A
Page: 175
Type: Applied

16. Alessandra was in a boating accident and suffered brain damage. The
psychologist compares her test scores to other brain damaged and non brain
damaged patients for assessment. This is known as the:
a. Differential score approach.
b. Premorbid functioning.
c. Accommodation.
d. Normative approach.
Answer: D
Page: 177
Type: Applied

17. Rowan rode BMX bikes and crashed in competition one day, and now he has
difficulty speaking. The psychologist compares his results from today with results
from tests he had prior to the accident. The variation between the scores is
calculated. This is known as a:
a. Differential score approach.
b. Premorbid functioning.
c. Accommodation.
d. Normative approach.
Answer: A
Page: 177
Type: Applied

18. Rowan rode BMX bikes and crashed in competition one day, and now he has
difficulty speaking. The psychologist compares his results from today with results
from tests he had prior to the accident. The scores he had before the accident
a. Differential score approach.
b. Premorbid functioning.
c. Accommodation.
d. Normative approach.

Answer: B
Page: 177
Type: Applied

19. Based on well-developed sets of norms for test scores, the Halstead Reitan
provides a _______ that is used to predict the presence or absence of brain
a. Nomothetic index
b. Nonnormative index
c. Premorbid index
d. Impairment index
Answer: D
Page: 178
Type: Factual

20. A common intellectual scale used in neuropsychology is the:

d. WAIS-R Neuropsychological.
Answer: D
Page: 180
Type: Factual

Essay Questions

1. Briefly describe at least four of the six purposes of intellectual assessment

described in the text.

2. Briefly list and describe the four major domains of intelligence.

3. According to Lezak (1995) there are four general purposes for neuropsychological
evaluation. List and describe them here.

4. Although there is some debate about particular ways to measure components of

brain behavior relationships, there is general agreement that the following areas
are important to address in any neuropsychological assessment approach. List and
describe five of the eight areas for assessment.

5. What are the differences and similarities between flexible and fixed battery
approaches to neuropsychological assessment?


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