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NAME: Joshua Izecson Perile DATE: 10/20/21

SECTION: Grade 7 – Garnet

Activity 2

Uses and Symbols of Elements

Directions: Write the symbols and uses of each element in the table.
Name of the Element Symbol Uses
1. Oxygen O Oxygen therapy and life support
Production of steel, plastics and textiles.
P To manufacture of safety matches, pyro
2. Phosphorus
techniques. Also use in making Light
Emitting Diodes (LED).
3. Nitrogen N Use in making fertilizers explosives and
widely use in chemical industry
4. Carbon C Fuel, Pencil Tips, for jewelry like diamonds

5. Chlorine Cl Use to disinfect water and also use as

bleaching agent
6. Neon Ne It is use in vacuum tubes, television tubes
and lasers
Cu Use in electrical equipment such as wiring
7. Copper
and motors. It is also use in industrial
machinery such as heat exchanger
8. Hydrogen H It fuels he sun also it is use for refining
Ca Calcium is important in maintaining strong
9. Calcium
bones. Calcium is also use in making
cement and mortar.
10. Mercury Hg Use for electrical switches, dental fillings,
paints and batteries
Elements and Compounds
A. Directions: Identify whether each substance is an element or a compound. Choose from the
word Element or Compound for your answer. Write your answer inside the text box provided.

1. Silver :

2. Gasoline : Compound

3. Candle wax : Compound

4. Rubbing Alcohol : Compound

5. Copper : Element

B. Directions: Name the elements found in each compound. Write your answers on the box

1. Carbon dioxide (CO ¿¿ 2)¿ – Carbon and Oxygen

2. Ammonia ( NH ¿¿ 4)¿ – Nitrogen and Hydrogen

3. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) – Hydrogen and Chlorine

4. Magnesium iodide ( MgI ¿¿ 2)¿ – Magnesium and Iodine

5. Methane (CH ¿¿ 4) ¿ – Carbon and Hydrogen

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