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A Physical Analysis of Distortion Produced by the Nonlinearity of the Medium

L. J. Black

Citation: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 12, 266 (1940); doi: 10.1121/1.1916101
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Published by the Acoustical Society of America


Parametric Acoustic Array

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 35, 535 (1963);

Parametric array in air

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 57, 562 (1975);

The audio spotlight: An application of nonlinear interaction of sound waves to a new type of
loudspeaker design
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 73, 1532 (1983);

Extraneous Frequencies Generated in Air Carrying Intense Sound Waves

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 6, 173 (1935);

Acoustic characterization of panel materials under simulated ocean conditions using a parametric array
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 124, 803 (2008);

Directivity control and efficiency of parametric loudspeakers with horns

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134, EL153 (2013);
OCTOBER, 1940 J. A. S. A. VOLUME 12

A Physical Analysis of Distortion Produced by the Nonlinearity of the Medium

L. J. B•.AcIc
Departmentof ElectricalEngineering,Universityof California,Berkeley,California
(Received April 12, 1940)

HE distortionintroduced
by the non- The sound pressure in the wave is given by
linearity of the air is an important con- the expression
sideration in the designof horn type loudspeakers
P=P0(1 +O•/Ox)-•-Po = -Pov. O•/Ox+. . .
for large outputs. The magnitude of the distortion
can be obtained from the solution of the more =P0•s+.... (3)
exact differential wave equation. This solution
has been presented in a previous numberI of this Making the same order of approximation as was
journal. The subject has also been investigated made in obtaining Eq. (2), only the first term of
by Goldstein and McLachlan 2 and by Rocard.3 Eq. (3) need be considered.
In this paper, the subject is treated by quanti- Equations (2) and (3) show that maximum
tatively following the career of a plane pro- condensation in a wave is at the point of maxi-
gressivewave. Such a treatment has the distinct mum pressure and that this portion of the wave
advantage of giving a physical picture of the has the greatest phase velocity. This difference
phenomenonand at the same time yielding the in phase velocity of various parts of the wave
correct quantitative results. results in the well-known change in wave form
The exact differential equation of wave propa- during propagation of a wave of largeamplitude.
gation is given by Rayleigh,4 and Lamb :5 The magnitude of the second harmonic
generatedasa resultof the changein formof the
o•/ot•=c•(• +o•/ox)-(•+•). o•/Ox• wave, in traveling a distance x, can be obtained
= without the necessityof solving the exact dif-
ferential equation. This alternative method
where c=(vPo/po) • is the phase velocity of a avoids mathematical involvement in which the
wave of small amplitude, • is the displacementof physicalpicture is often lost.
the air particle from its equilibrium position, and Figure 1 shows a progressivepressurewave
• is the ratio of the specificheats. which at t=0 is sinusoidal. After a time •Xt, the
Equation (1) can be consideredas the usual wave has changedform becausethe velocity of
wave equation in which the phase velocity is not propagationis a functionof the condensation, s.
the same for all parts of the wave. This phase The relative positionof maximum pressureof
velocity, c', is' the sound wave has shifted by an amount
c'=c(l+O•/ox)-(•+•)/•=c 1 ...... o•/Ox+ . . . . (z•X2-- Z•Xl) .

Considering only the first two terms Ox= (•Xx•--•Xxx)=c lq- Sm •Xt--c'•Xt

= •(•'q-1)SmC'•Xt
(•q-1 )(•q-ls)
O•/Ox =c 1+
, (2)
= «(V+ 1)(P•u/Pov).•Xx cm
where s is the condensation at any point in the = «(v+ 1)(P•u/poC2)2•r(•Xx/X)

• A. L. Thuras, R. T. Jenkinsand H. T. O'Neil, J. Acous.

=«(v+l)(w/ooca)P•:u•Xx radians, (4)
Soc. Am. 6, 173 (1935).
2 S. Goldsteinand N. W. McLachlan, J. Acous.Soc.Am. where s,• is the maximum condensationof the
6, 275 (1935). sound wave, cois 2,r times the frequency,and
a y. Rocard, Comptes rendus 196, 161 (1933).
4 Lord Rayleigh, Theoryof Sound,Vol. 2, secondedition •Xx=c.•Xtis the averagedistanceof propagation
(Macmillan, 1929), p. 31. of the wave during time
* H. Lamb, Dynamical Theory of Sound, secondedition
(Edward Arnold & Company, 1931), p. 182. To expressthis changein wave form in terms

tion of a fundamental and a second harmonic,

P =P•u cos Oq--P2u sin 20.

The shift in the position of the maximum can be

determined by equating dP/dO-O. For relatively
small values of shift, i.e., 0• small'

0•= 2 (P2:u/Pi:u) radians


P=:u= «P •:uO•= -}0'-I- 1) (co/ooca)P

1M• øAX.

Expressing the result in terms of r.m.s. values

and replacing zXxby x (since the distortion is a
linear function of the distance of propagation)'
v-+-i co
P=/P•= -- P•x. (5)
2V2 ooC

Equation (5) is, of course, the same equation

that is obtained from the solution of the more
exact differential equation. The usual mathe-
matical treatment involves the same approxima-
tions• as are made in the analysis presented in
FIG. 1 (upper). Diagram showing the change in wave this paper. The analysis from the physical view-
form during propagation of a sound pressurewave of large point leads at once to the correct numerical
FIG. 2 (lower). Solid curve shows the wave form obtained result and at the same time builds up a picture
by the addition of a fundamental and a second harmonic. of the processesinvolved. This physical picture
The latter two are shown dotted.
allows a straightforward interpretation of the
results. For instance, it shows clearly why the
of harmonic distortion, it is necessaryto deter- distortion is proportional to the frequency.
mine the magnitude of the second harmonic Reference to Eqs. (4) shows that the shift ex-
which, when added to the fundamental, will pressedin cm is independent of the frequency
shift the position of the maximum by the angle 0•. but is directly proportional to the frequency when
In Fig. 2 is shown a wave formed by the addi- expressedin radians.

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