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S-(OBJ) 19911 I ot J6



Let h(t) be セ Q・@ response of a linear system I

to uni t impulse o(l). Consider the
a. H (s) :- --:,--=--
s· +4s+ -l
following statements in lbis regard:

I If the system is causal . h lt) = 0 for 1 b. hH セ I B@ -,,_:_-
s· + .Ss + -1
2. If lhe system is Lime variable. then !he c. H (セN I@ '"'--,,;----:-'-:-"":'
response or lhe system to an input of 1> s· • 4.5s .. 4

(I - T) IS h (l • T) [or all \ alues or the

constant T. d H (.1) s' +
3. If the system is non - dynamic. then h 5 A periodic \'ollage ha\'iPg the Fourier
(I) is of the form A 6 (l), \\ here the series v (I) : l + 4 sin tot + 2 cos rot ''oils

constMl A 、セ ー ・ ョ 、ウ@ oo the system, ts applied aero$$ a one - ohm resistor, TI1e
Of these statements power dissipated in the one - ohm resistor
a. 1 and 2 are correcl is
a. IW
b, I and 3 are correct
c. 2 and 3 are correct
ra b. I IW

d 1, 2 and 3 are correct c. 2l\V

d. 24.5W
2. Whid1 one of the following systems is non
linear! y ( I) output : x (l) = iuputl 6. Let f (ro) be the Fourier transfonn of a
function f(l) _then Fill) Is
a. y(1) = 2x(1 - 1) - 3x(1 - 2) +.r(t - 3)

a. J:j (l)dt
b J'(t) =5X(1)
c. ,v(t) =2.r(t - 1) -x(1 - 2) - x(1 - 4) b. [t /'(1) l' dl
d. y(t} = 2x(1) +3.6 L •<r(1)fd1

3, Which one of the following difference
equations is non-recursive:! IY (k) = outpUL d [!1 (l)dl

: u (1.) = input!
7 Gi\'en that the Founer IIansforrn of f( l) is
a y (k + 2) +2y(k + l}-3;•(k) =" (k + 1) f(jl<l) _ which of the following pairs of

functions of ume and the corresponding

b. y(k + t) + y(k) = u(k+ 1) + 2u(k )+u(k - t) Fourier transforms ru:e correctly matched'/
1. /' (1+2) .... .. ... , .e'"'F(,tw)

c. y(h l)+ ケHォI ] セエHォKャI セ オHォIKMQ@ 2. /' (- tl.51) ............. 2i"(- 2Jru)

d y(k+ 1)+ y(k) = 11 (k + 1)+ 3u(k) +u(k -1) 3 f' l(t)rll ..............NfHjヲ
セ I { M .JtJJQ@ uli(w)]
Select U1e correct answer using the codes
... or the following transfer functions of given below·
second order linear ti me inrariant
systems, Ore w 1de1· damped system IS Codes:
イ セー イ ・ウ ョ エ・、@ by a. i and 2
1 of l6
b. I Dnd 3 12. If n (n) ill dte rcspo113e of セ@ linear. time
c. 2ond3 tnvarinnt. discrete Mャ ゥュセ@ system tO o unil
step input, tlocn tho f"'!ponse Of the sonic
d. !.2 and 3
system to o unit impulse input is
·nto impulst: tt:$1/0n:<e of a $illgle - 1101<>
system would oppro•ch • non·Zt:ro a. セ イ@ u(n )]
conslllnt as I-><» if nnd on ly if Ute pole is dll-
located i n the s-plane b. n <!(n)
a. On tJ1e negOJtive reaJa:'iis
c. u( n) - a(n - 1)
b. At the origil1

e. On tb<-p<>•itive イ」セャ@ •xis d. a(n+ 1)- 2a(n)*<>(11 - l)
d. On the int•ginary axis 1,;, If the f11nction II, (:) ; {1+ 1.5:' ' - : ·')
" dr(t ) ( and H,(z) =(zJ •· 1.5: - 1) then
9. I, ·x
- -are Laplace
I) nnt1

lransfom>able and lim x(t) e:cisl3, tban a. The p()lco; >nd セ ・イッウ@ of tlte 1\mctinn.l;
will be tltc セ。@ me.
lim x(t) i• etlua11o b. The poles of Ute l'unctioots wiU be

n. lim sX(!i) idcutiea.l but not コセッLBャGoウN@
c. Tbe terns of lht: 1\mctir}nS will be
b. lim sX(S) identical but not the poles.
' -<)
d. Neither tlu; poles, セッイ@ the zero• of tbe
. X(S)
セN@ I, un
- Ji-
1wo functio!lll wlll be identical

ll1c spectra I density of n random signal is

d. luu
. .\' (S) セゥカ ョ・ 「ケ@ lf[ J(w - w,)+o(w+ '"•l]
ᄋ セ@ .i
The mllo - 」ッ イセャ エ Nエゥッョ@ funt!t io n of the
l(l, U' fo (I) and [z (I) nt'e durntiun • liruj(ed signo l is
sigMl• such エャセZ エ@
a. cos w0 r

IW) for 1セ@ 1 セ@ 3 "' 0 ol,"'' ィ・イセ@

;r 0
f, (t) = 0 for 5' I <- 7 = 0 elsewhet•e b. 。Mセョ@ wGr
'l'hcn the C()OI'Ollllion of 11 II) and f2 (I) i• c. cos( (w - w0 )r j
i .<ro everywhere cXC<:l>l (or

0 l< t<7 d. s in l ( w セG@ )r]

b. 3 <" 1< 5 15. The :mto ... correlation of n wide - sense
c. 5 ·"1 < 21 slntion:•ry セョ、ッュ@ proce.'Js is given by-e-.11:,

d. 6 10 ,'The J><:ab·nlue o1'1he $pecll'lol deusity is

II. ·n,e impulse イM」 セ ャIッョウ」@ of a c.1uoaL linenr •. 2

tin1c • i.nv:arirmt,. 」ッョエゥオセ@ - time sY5tem b. l

h (t) . The output y (I) ofthe •ame •y>tem
t<l an input'< (l), where tO = 0 tc1r I .._ ·2. is
d. e

n. J>( r) (1- r )dr 16. ll1e covariance function. C. ( r). of a

stationary sWch<,.tic 1"""<:>&. xtt). iJ< $a id
!>. J',h(r) (t - r) dr to be posilive dctmite. Titi.s ッョ」\オエ セ@ tho!

c. f;' h( r) (r r )dr セ M C ( r ) セ@ 0 fbr all r

d. ( h(r) - (t - r)dr h. [. C ( r) clr '2: tl

c. [ c HイI・セGjャAMュ、@ ·0
J ur lb
d. c. (o);;,o • +
17, 'l'hc 、セャ^エィ@ of petletratic>tl or skiu depth for R
un clectwmugnclic licld of ヲイ」アオッョセケ@ ·fin • q

a mnductm uf resistively fl unci
イ・ュセQ「ゥャ エ ケ@ p is

a. I nvcrsel) proponionnl tu p and r and a.

directl y proportional to ,11
b. セn@
h Dircctl) proportional to p nucl iu 4ttR·

vcrsely proportional to fand p .
c, - - N rr•
.:. Directly proport ional to f und inv.rscly 4aR'
pr..lllorthmal Ill p wtd 11 t!'
d. I nverscly propurtionnl tu p and p
tl --N 1
4tr /1
and d.lrectly proportional to r

22. Consider an arbitrary distribution of
IH. An i!;olrned sphere in air has a radiu$ equnl conducting bodies ln :t charge - fre¢ セー 」・。 N@
to l/ 4;r E, meter. ih 」 オー。セゥエイッ・@ will be According to the uniqueness thcortnt.
which of 1\JIInwing lire required to be

a ttF
spccitied in order d1at tilL" lield ゥセ@ uniquely
\l IF 、セ エ セュエゥョ」 、@ NZカ・イケキィ イ セ@
c. 4tt I I T utul charge on each セMッ ョ 、オ」エッイ N@
d - -r
ra 2. f'oknlinl l.ll cnch C<>nductor surl'nce
3. Potential at some of the conductor.; und
total charge on the remainder.
19. r he displacement fliLX density nt 8 pllilll on
the surface of a perfect conductor L' 4. Total charge us well as IXJtcntiaJ
D"' 2(n- ../Ja) Cim1 and is poiming away gradient on cuch conductor surface.
from the s urface. The surface charge Select the correct answer using !be codes
given below:

densily 111 the at point (C/nh will be

a. 2 Coocs:
Ll. -2 a I and3
c. 4 b. 2 and 4

d. -4 c. 1,2and3
20. r he torque (tn N · m) ncting on a circular d I. 2.3and セ@
curr.:nt loop o f radius I mm.. in the xy - 23. A エイ。ョ N\ エョゥ ウN \セョャ@ Iitle of characteristic

11lanc, connected ut the origin and with mtpcdmlcc ; ., - 50 ohms. 11hasc velocit)
current 0. 1 A tlowtng in the セ」ョ^[@ nf •• = lx l0° m/s, and k ngUt I = lm is
increasing ¢ in a ュオァョ セエゥ」@ Held terminated by a load z. = (JO-j4U) ohms.

The input 1111pedance of Ute lime tor a

u= 10 ' ( 2a.- lli. +a.) Wbtnr •s:
frequency of I00 MliZ will be
a. - 2x l() "(1ii, - 2.1, +irJ u. (3() - j40) ohms

b. (30 - )40) ohm.,

b. h 10"" ..-(tl. +ti, )
c. (5()-j 4()) nhrns
c. IO·" A d. (50 - j-10> ohms
d. - 10 "..r 24. A ャゥ ョセ@ or churactcrlstic nnped:tnl'll Zo
21 111<: give11 liguu: ウ ィオ キセ@ the surfac.: charge ohms. phase vclocil)' v, = 2x w•
m/s and
tlistt ihut i•m o r 4 cuulomh;:/m1. What is the lengJh I = 2m is te.rminated by a IQad
force on u unit churgc plnccd エ ィ セ@ ccnlr.: of unpcdwtcd fL ohms ll1e reOection
ctrclc'? セャxG oゥ 」ォ ョ エウ@ lit エィ セ@ input セョ、@ and lil3d end
I oJtb

are QZDpセGャゥカ」ケ@ r, and rn, The ruliu -1-' 28. The rntio of the dlrectivlt:y of an end - fiN
antenna to thJtl of a broad - side antenna fs
Jar a fre.quency of 50 MHz will be a. 2
u. I b. 3
b. -1 c. 4
c. .[:i d. s
29. 1n an isotropic inhomogeneous dielectric
d. 2
medium, lree of charges nnd curr.:ms, G エィセ@
25. cッョウゥ、セイ@ a concluctlng •'Yiinder along the wave equation for ・ャ」オMゥセ@ ャ ゥ・ャセ@ huving

z-ax.1s in a urufom1 licld E= .i£,as shown hamJQnic エ ゥュセ@ dcpcndc11ce of 」セーHェnエI@ is
mセQ ・@ given ligure. The P- component of given h) (*' "' w';te}
ekctric lield strength m the region outsick
(he cylinder is giwn by (a = mdius of
cylinder surface) a. V' E+ V "+k'li'= O

セ セ i@ b. v:E-!Ve(ei) >k'E=O
?::(__/_... . E)

c V'•-
E+"ii ( E+ ---;;-
\1 -k >'
£: 0

d ·- - -"iie • k·£
V-£+£-.; .- = 0
a. !:.=(<,x セ ャ I」L
・ッウセ@ ra
30. A uniform plane wnw is incident from

free space (z < 0) nom1ally on an l,;utropie

b, Er = ( ;: +I)E, sm¢ ー」イヲセ エ@ diekctric medium (:1. > 0).
chamct<rizcd hy セ エ 」@ pcrminivity matrix
[e) =e,, 0 9 0
4 0 0] nnd J1 = p
[0 0 4 11

The electric Held of the incident w3ve is

26. II poinl charge ' q' is situated at a distance
' d' lrom ihe ccmrc of a grounded £, = £,. eos(rm- fl=)a, where
conducting sphere or radius 'R' ld > R). ro = 3 x 10' 11 and p = J Ox . TI1e clccu-k

The vnlue of the image churge is ·q· at a field of the transmilted wave &, is given
disUince 'b' trom U1e centre. The quantities
•q · and ·b• "ill be respective!}

a - (Rid) 4 and Rlld 1 f:,

a. J (COSt>)/ - /J: ) U,.
b - (R!/d) 'I und 、 セ ir@


c. (Rid) q 1md R 1rd b. CO>.(,.,I- 2fl: )ri,

d. - (Rld)q nnd dzfR
21. The intensity of radiation of a di(>Oie c. i £,. (c(>Stut - P= )a,

depends stron&l) on frequency. If, at a

frequency f. tbe intensit) ufntdiatiun is ·1·.
then ala froquency or f/2. the intensity will d. セOe P エGosサ エャ ャエ M Sヲj Z I\ゥ L@
he 31 For transmission of wmc from u dklecuic
a U2 medium of pemtillivit) e, into a dielectric
b. IM medium or ャエキセイ@ pcrmlnivity E 1 ( e, >e, )
c. 118
the crflical 。ョァャセ@ of incidence b L ャイ・。 エゥカセ@
d. 1116
10 the ゥョエセイヲ。」・ N@ is given by
Snll li
d. J 2f
36. For a rect:tngul•r 1\ •vcguide (a b. a bl

t; cos • 'v:-·l to $upp<>rt only dte TEto mode at

キ。カエャ\ュセ エィ [N@ or
Which ( >IIC Ihe lh llowing
pail-s of i.ttetluolitio;s is lu satioJiw?
a. b <..t<- 2b: ), > 2a
c. tan 1
v-::: b. b < ..t< 'lb: .<. 2a
c . • < J - 2a: ... - 2b

d. sin ( d. • ). 2a: ).< 'lb
37. Which nne nf lite lc>llowing types nf'
32. For incidence from clidectric medium 1 hollow cnvity イセッョ。エウ@ of the samu
H BGセ I@ on lo dielectnc medium 2( ;;oJ ) . lhe sulfaoc 。イ・セ@ would have the hi£,hcst Q
Bt'c\\•tcr nngle 0, und lite co='tlOnding lk toT'/

n. Spheric.' I c,wily made of copper
セョァャ ・@ of lronsmission セ ヲ ッイ@ "• = 3 will be b. Spherical cnvily mode of Mih·cr
respective!) . c, Cylindrical cavity made of copp<;r

n. 30" and 30° d. Cylindrical cavity mode of silver
b. 30" 11od 60" The sinusou'lnltime · varying vectM field
c, 60" ond 30" ra t" 2cos ( l!)f - 30°) a, + 2 coo( cut - 30") ii,
,I, 60" and 60° a. £ lllpt ically polarized
For the dom111nnl mode. in a イ・セャョ ァ ョャイ@ b. Circularly polorizcd
waveguitl" wiUt breadth !Ocnt. lh<> guid• c. Lincndy polarized
llnvclcnglh for • sigotnl of 2.S Glil. will be
d. Unpolarized
\ セ@ 12um
39, l't>r a uni1onn plane wave <Ji' frequency
b. 15 em
10" Hz エB G o エ ^セァャ|ゥョ@ in u g<!od L!Onductor.

IS em
セ N@ the liold undergoe> a change io ph<>J>c by
tl 2t)cm ·vr radlons ッカ・イセ@ distance of Im. the fiold
34. n,e eute modes in a waveguide -:tnl is al1enualed hy " factor or f,e ... dis tance
ch3T3Cterixed by of

オ セ@ Snme cut-otl' frequencie. but different I

field dlstrihutfons •• -2rr m
b. S•mo cni-<Jff frequencies ond sama 1

field distributions b -m
o.. Different cui-off frequencie• bul s•me c. lfnl
field distributions

d. 2nm
d. Difl<:.-.;.,1 out-of!' ITequtmcie.r セ ョ 、@ -I(J,
、ゥヲセMイッョャ@ liuld distrihlllinns Thu セ オュ@ <If two <1ppositely rtllat(ng
cireu l3rl)• polaJilcd, waves ur "''""'

35. l'or 'I'M waves m n parallel plate umtllitudc will be

" twcguuJe. tlh-: tninlmum 。 ャエ セョ オ。ャ ッョ@
nrising fron1 impedCet conduclors wou.ld a. A cu'Ctilarly polarized """"
occur 3l a frequency of ( f; is d1a cui-oil' b. A lincnrly r•nl•ri?.C<l セ^。 カ・@
frequency) c. An eltipltcatly polari7-ed wove
a. セ@ イセ@ <.1. 1\n unpolnriz.ed wave

b. fi •I I. Th< ground wave grPdunlly 、ゥ

qエィ セ@
m\'>Ve:t 4\VO...)' tTom 1he 1r.(tnsmhter

c. 2/ lJCJal&
SC t)f
6 oflu
a. Loss of Iinc ol' sight conditions c, Speed will! which the ins trut11e11t 's
b. lnte.rference fi'Om d1e sky waves reading approaches the final value
c. Mnximum single hop distance d. Least change in the value of the
limitation measured thnt could he detected hy the
d. Finite conductivity of dJe earth's -18. Two rcsisiors r Q セ SV@ ohw nml Jt1 :75
o hms. each hnving tolerance of% 5% are
42. The sensitivity of a voltmeter using 0 to 5
connected in series. The value or the
mA meter movemem Is
resultant resistance wfll be

a. 50 ohm/volt
a. II I±OOhm
b. I()0 ohm/volt
b. iI I ±2.778 ohm
c. 200 o hmNolt
c. I i l±5.55ohm
d. 500 ohm/volt d. Il l ±7.23
43. Two sinusoidal s ignals having d1c same
49. In the circuit shown. it is required that Vn

amplitude and ヲイッアオ・ョ」セ@ are applied to tile
Yt the values of/. m. n ru'o" respective i セN@

X and Y inputs of a CRO. l'he ohservcd
(X represents don ' t care condition)
Lissajous figure is a simiglll line. The
N セ@
phase shill between the two sigoa ls would

n. Zero
b. 90 degrees
.. ••
c. Either zet<) or ISO degrees
ct. Either 90 degr'"'t's or 270 degrees
ra a. 0.1.1
44. If a dyoamumetcr type wattmeter is b. <;t:> .X, X
connected in au ac cireujt.. 1bc pO\\Cr c. ク⦅N」ッセ@
indicated by die wattmeter will be d. O,x. «>
a. Volt - ampere product
50. ran q ( 3 digita l phusc 11\cler is shown in

b. Average power the lil!ure. If セ Q・@ input signals are

c. p ・ョ セ@ power ,., (,)= t, sinllJI and イL L HエI セ@ I Lセ QH Q@ >311')
d. Instantaneous power tlu' イ セ、ゥョァ@ of d1e meter will be
-15. DC voltuge of the urder a few mY can be

measured nccurnlely using alan

a. Moving coil voltmeter
b. NuJI-balanciilQ, potcntiomder

c. Moving iron vollme"ter a. J(l"

d. Electrostatic voluueler b. 330"

46. On a vohuge scale, <eJ'O dBM in a 600- c. 150°

obm system would refer to d. 2 1()"
a. 1.1n v
Consider the lo llowing, statements in

b. I.OV rtts:pect of Lhe circuit showu in the ァセカ」 Nオ@
c. 0, 77•16 v figure (assume ideal OP- AMP)
d. 0,5. v
-17. The "accuracy' of a meJJSurlng insu1Jmem
fs detcnnlned by the
a. C loseness M the value indicated hy it
to the OOITe<:l va lue of the measured
b. Repeatability uf the rueasured value
7 nflo
I. The comniOH mode! i11put i1npct1ance is The value ofZ, tor Ote bridge shown in the
lllMn lisure to be balarwod is
' The difl"erential mO(Ie Input impedance
is 2Mn .
3. The differential mode gain i> 50.
4. The-common mode gain is zero.
Of these セエ Zャエ」ュ・ョ セ@
a. 60ui-40•
3. I, 2. 3 and A at·e correct

b. I. l and J are correct b. 6001140°
c._ 2. 3 anc.J 4 ure correct c. 6001-140°
d. I and 4 are C()rrcct d. ISOI -10"
52. A 3-bil weighted resistor Di\C shown in 55. For エjオセ@ ac bridgt: circuit shown ir1 the-
the tigure has VR = 2V und R1/R = 2. For figure, at halnnce, the vnlue of R., L, and

an input of 100 tl1e output will be Q 0 will be respectively:


a. - 2V
b. - 4V
c. 2V
ra a. !1_ R • R./1, • "'' II11
R ,.. C
,, ! fiA.,."

cl 4 v b !!J,_ R . RJI. ·. wC "

. R '' C """
53. In tl1e given circuit. Co is the distributes •• •
capacitance or the coli and c is the tuning R
c, セ@ R,,;fV<. C,.;wC, R,.
capacitor. If C = C 1 for the 11llldamental

rn,qucncy and c セ@ c1 for the second R

harmonic. theu the value of Co can be d. -" r L[ ヲ\⦅サセ L cNZHiスBLr@
w. pressed as R,.
• 56. Wagner s canh deVices arc used in ac

bridge drcuits to
a. Elim ioate the effect of ear the
R c. C('t\ml•&
.___.__ _ _..J c.pacil«)

b. Eliminate the effect of inlcr-

comporu:nt capa.ritances
a. c.. - C -'C
- ) c. e liminate tlt4 effect of stmy

3 dcctros\lltic fields
c, -4(', d. Shield the bridge elemems
b. ell
LVD r is used to measure

3 57. An
displacement. 'l11e output of the LVDT is
c. c.. ct -3 c, connected to a vohmcter of range 0 to 5 V
through an amplrlier ha\•ing a gain of250.
d. C.,=C -2C; For a displacement of 0.5 mm. the oUilJul
54. Given to the LVDT is 2 mV The sensitivity of the
instrument would be;
z. = 100150"
a. 0.1 Vim
z, =dOOI -<.10•
t>. 0.5 V{mm
z. ]R Pセ@
8 " ' 16
c. I V/mm 62. Which ッョセ@
of the follo wing odtlitionol
d . S V/ rom device$ is required in ()rdor 1.0 measure
ーイ」 セウ オイ」@ オウゥョセ@ L\llJT'1
58. Tl is t'ot,luircd to me.mrurc lem1\or1ttu1o in lllu
rouge of IJOO•c 111 lsoo• C. n ,., mu•t a. Slrain gauge.
セ ゥキィャ ・@ thennocouple 111 he Qlセ・、@ "" a b R<Jurden t.ube
tronsduccr would b<: c. Bourden lulle
a. f'hromel - coostan ran d. Robmulcr
h. Iron ronsl:tnlan 63. A ros-jsl:mce wire slr4in gauge \\ illt a
c. Clu'tJmcl .1lumcl gauge foetor of 2 is 「ッョ、 セ 、@ to n セ ャッ」ゥ@

d. l'lalinum rhodiwu slnu:tur:o l me111ber subjected to a エ・ョセゥ ャ ・@
ウャイBセ@ uf I()() mega Newtnn.•' rnetn:;_ ll1e
59. Strain sensing lrnnsducers are ュセ、・@ of
moduiU$ of da51icity of •Ice! is 200 Giga
vnrioll5 nt"ateri:als in- various sizuS- •and
•hapes . '!be sen•itivity of n stnin s•ug,c is
N••wtoit!J per square meter. '111e pcrocntag•
change in gauge resistanc.: due to the
'*Pressed in tetms ol' . g3ugc factor. For A

applie<lslross is
cennin appucntion. a gouge factor uf L()O
is d... ir....J. n •• proper •Lr•in g:tugc to be " · (), I
ll!led in this cuse would be b 1),2

n, Con31an!Jin sh'll itt guugu
b. nャ」 N ィイッュ セ@ - V •Lrnln gauge d. 0.5
c. Semiconductor st.l'ain gnuge 64. A \'3rfubt. rel uclance ty pe II!Chomel er hilS
d. Platinum -tungglcn olh1y slroin gnugo
ra 180 tu..'tb on rotm·. The speed of U1e shaft
on キィゥセ@ it ゥセ@ mounted i• t 201) rpm. Th"
1\\). An an.gulnr JlOJilion is to be measured frequenoy of tlte output pulseo; is
ウオ ゥョァセ@ lrnnsducer. Whlch oJihe following
ty pes o f Uunsducen; can bo us<ld for lhi• u. 1NOV per second
purp<>•o? b. 3600 per second
I. Cmoulnr polentiot111llcr c. .!ROO per •ccoud
2. L\lJT d. S6(\(l per •ocond

3. E- pick oiL 65. The Q f3ctor of on inductor would be

4. Synchro. higher if it is rrudeof
Selecl lhe C01Tecl nnswer """!! the codes A. Tltinnd \\1 it'"-
given heluw : b.

Longer wire
( 'l)des· セ@ Sh(lrter wire.:
o, I. 2. 3an<l 4 d. Thicker wi1'e

h. 2 ond 3 66. 11re coding セケ\ エ オイ@ l)']>ic.1Uy uwd in digitol

l!. 2 . md 4ャ セ@ telemerry is
d. I a11d 4 a. PPM (Pul•c position mudulalion)

b. paセャ@ Hpオゥウ セZ@ ampliludo Jllodul>lion )

Bridge ci.rouits セオ ゥョ ァ@ イ\セャウエ。ョッ・@
temperature 、・エ」ッイセ@ (RTD'&) in c. PO l (P11l>e code modulation

temper41ure mcnsuremenL• 1&>114ll)' employ d. PDM (Pulse <lurnllnn イョ ゥ ^\iuセゥ 」 ュ I@

the '1hree le;od セケA エ \ャュ@ セ ウッ@ as 10 o ht.,in
117. Assertion (A): In Hall etl'ecl. lite open
n. lligheo· sensitivity d r'l!uil transV<:rse \'OIIag" develop.d h)' a
b. Bollco· impud:rncc matching cun'Cnt - carrying .semiconductor \v ith n
c. C<.lllliJ<m<Mion lor Ute セゥァ ョ。ャ@ wire ウエ・[セ、ケ@ magnetic 1oeld' imposed
l'eSisiA.nce to the datoci.Or perpendicular lo the cummt direction has
ッーウゥ エ セ@ •igns foJ' n· lYPe and P-type
1.1. r」セ ャ オ・ l ゥッョ@ in puwcr c.unloltlrn(ltiou
II o f II•
Reason fR): TI1e magnetic field pushes d. A is false but R is true
lloth the holes ami the tonduetion 71. As•ertion (A): For a lh1ear time- im•uriant
clcctrolls in セQ」@ same direction. syste1n. more lhan one chnice may e.xist
セ@ Both A and R arc tru" and R. is !he lor the stmc 1 e-ctor but Lhe Sl'SlefTI matrix
correct cxplanmion of A ·A· WIJuld be the same lor all ·lhc choices.
b. lloth A and R arc true hU1 R is NOT a Reason (R): The ·A· maitix L1nlqucl)·
correct explanation of A determine; the S)•Stcm chaructcristic
c. A is 1rue but R is false equation. Which s hould be the same
'irrespective or the choice or tho )"tllte
d. /1 is lhlsc bm R is true

68. Assertion (A): AI high temperatures. the
a. Both A and R are true und R. Is the
avalanche 「イセ。ォ、ッキョ@ V<11tagc ls higher.
rorrcct e-xplanation of A
Reason (R): At high temperatures mean
b. lloth A and R ure true but R is NO"! u
free paths uf dCCU1!11S Wid I1<1Jes are
c-orrect explanation or A
shurtcr. therefore u larger Odd is required

to cause ionization. c. A is tn1c but R Is fulse
a. fl<lth A ami R セイ・@ エイセZ@ and It is the d. A is lhlsc bul R is true
com::ct explanation of A 72. As•ertian (A): For lhe half - wave

t>. ll<1lh (I and R ure true hut K is NO r a rectit:ied sine wave r (t ) shown in the
cnrr.x:t e.xplanatinn nf t\ figure. the nnl} sine tcnn pr<:l'l!111. in it:;
lrigonometrio tonn of Fourier series is d1c
セN@ /1 is true htH R b fnl>c
J. A is lnlsc ィオャセ@ is tn1e
ra t
1\9. Tbe lrdll$(\:r fuuctiou of sn active oetwork
キゥャアセオョ@ •K• is given hy: n·wrJ n n 7T srn.
1 1 (<) K •T - T/2 0 Tfl T lT/2
J; {s ) slC'II' +.<C/1(3-A: )+ I Reason (R.): 111e odd pw1 ッヲセ@ t) is a pure
Assertion (A): The nell1orl. is unstnt>le lb r Sinusoid of" エィ セ@ fundamCJJiaJ rfl"<(UeriC)'.
n. Both A and R are true und It ゥセ@ the

ull values of K.
Rt.nson (R): The polt.>s of the uetwork m rrcct explanation of A
1\Jncliou depend on the parameter K. b. llmh A and R urc Q ュセ@ hut R is NOT u
"· Both /1 tmd iセ@ nre true and R. is th< rorrect e., planation or A

correct explanation of A c. A ゥ セ@ true hut R is llllsc

h. Both A and R ョイセ@ tnlc but I{ is NO I' a d. A is !ruse bul R is true
」ッイョZセャ@ explanation of A 73. Asserti<ln (A): A linear, time - invuriant

c.. A is true but R Is fa!Jsc discrete - time system luwing U1c S)Stem
d. A is lillsc bul R is エイ オ \Nセ@ fimctiun N ( =); セ@ is n stable system.
7(}. As•rrlion (A): For a non- tlynamk linear

M セ M

time · invnris nL セQ ᄋ ウ エ 」ュ L@ lh\: ou1pu1 - 2

cc;unlion in its sttlte vw·iuble description R eason (R )t 111c pole nf II (z) is in the
simplifies 10 Y • Du. Where D is a ld\- half pi nne for a ウエ。ィャセ N@ system.

constant ュ イ セク@ and Y ·und u 。ョセ@ U1e output a Both A and R are tmc and R. is tbc
and Input vectors resp..--ctively. correct e.' planation nr"
r ・セッョ@ (R): イィ セ@ state vectM X is lor h. Both II and R arc true bul R is NOT a
a non - dynamic system. correct ex plnnatton of A
a Roth A und R are tru.: and It is !he c. A is true but R Is raise
cnrrect c><planation of A
tl. A is lnlse but R is true
h. (loth A and R are true hut R i, NOT o
74. Match List - I (Crystal type) with List - II
corn:cr cxplnn;Jllon of A
fNamc o((he so!i,l) nnd ウ、セ」 エ@ エ ィ セ@ セAャ エ tャG エ@
c.. A is true but R is false
10 ut 16
nnswer IIJilng the code.; given t><;low tho b. Magnetic dlpoles in Uoe Cl')'lJWl
Lists; c. Eloctric.1l polociZl!tion in the crysbl
List I d. Shill in the Fonni levd.
A. louie 78 Tht rolutivc dielc:euic con,taut or hllrium
B. Cov>lent tit:on ate •t too•c is •bout
C. mセ「uゥ@ a.
D. Vnn der Wo31"s b. 5
List· II c. 50

I. Solid "''l!''" d. 2000
2. Coppel' 79. Cons ider the folio" ing materials:
3. Silioon I. nゥ」ォセ A@
.4. Sodium chloride '2. Silver
A B c I') 3. Ol<ygen

J 4 2 I 4. Aluminum

I> 4 3 2 Tite oorreC1. $equenee of エィ ・セᄁ@ motetiols. ln
DEC REASING order of thelr m"gnetk

c. 3 4 I '2
permeability ゥ セ@
il 4 3 2 I
A B C 0
15. セ ャッエ」ィ@ List -1 (Mateo·iol) wilb List -11
( conductivity iu mholm} a11d ra "· I 4 3 2
select tlte correct answer usin,g U1c codes b. 4 2 3
given below セQ ・@ lゥウエセZ@ c. 4 I 3 2
l,ist I 4 I 2 3
A. CIIJ)jlCI' RO. A V OCIIUIII r•rnllel plate copocitur is
B. Aluntiltum charged. Tbu ftold 「」エキセ ・ ョ@ セッ 」@ plat.. i• 2
C. nゥ」 セ」ャ@ 104 V/m. if tho> spoC<J between セエ ッ@ ーャッエセMN@
is ulle<l with a material of relative

l, i•l II
dielectric con•tnol. ut' 1().0. tl•en the value
I. 2 1111 oftltc fitld in U1e 、ゥ・ャセ^エイ」B@ itt he
2. L03 101 a. 21< ltY V I m
3. 3.5 to'

cGャI\ ャセ ᄋ@ b. }o w'r' m
A B c 1
c.. 2 ,flO 10 1' "'

J 2
b. 1 3 2 d. 2 l(l' V m
c. 3 '2 I Ml. Some ceramic $Uper-conduclo01 become

tl. 2 セ@
a. Below liquid helium エセュー・イョ ャ オイ・@
76. The c-mTier mobility ul a semicontiuctor Is
h. Bclween li'luicl helium oml li<tuid

0.4 m'Ns. Its diffmion constant at 300 K

will b<; (in Ml/s) nitrugen エ・イョー[ッャセ@
4. 0,4] c. 1\bov" liquid nitrogen lemperawre bul
below room h:mperature
b. 0. 16
d. Above room temp.;rnture
C, 0,04
H2. Ga 1\s has an energy gnp of QNT セ@ eV The
'l 0.0 I o ptical cui - ofi' wavelength of Ga A•
77. In • pt&oclootric cryst•l. opplicntion of • would lie i.o Ute
mecltnnicnl stress would produce
•. Vaible region of the spe<:trum
a Pln•tic defonnation c>fthe 」イ ケNセ エョャ@
11 of I li
I>, lnfra..:d region of Ute spectrum 87. Con>idt:r the tbflowing ウ エN セ@ ・ュ」ョエ
c. Ultr:JVio lct region of the spuctnm1 regarding :o semicond uctor:
d. Fur ultru\ inlet I'Cgiou or Lhc • pcclJUIII I. Acceptor level lias clnse lo the valence
·n,c rc; l r•rts of エィ セ@ rel.ativc diclcetric
ッョウ エ セ ョエッ、@ loss tungent ofT"floo • 1'6 2.1 セ N@ l)nnvr level ャ ゥ セ@ エャ ッセ・@ 1<1 the カセ ャ ・ョ 」・@
und S 10... at 100 Hz r<:SJX:Ctivcly. The b3nd
i•11•sinary r:trt of the dielectric 」ッ セョ エ。ョ@ at セ Mn· type semiconductor bcll3ves "" a
)00 1-u ゥセ@ eondud or at zero Ke lvin .
n, I .OS 10'' 4. p-tyre semiconductor behaves as an

ins ulawo· :ot L CIO K• lvin
b. 2.1 10-J
OJ' tl10se 01•tcmcot•
c. 5x w"'
a. 2 and 3 are c.o rrect
<L 1,05 ltr'
b. l and 3 ore cnrrcct
84 ff the critical ュッァセ・エゥ 」@ field for olumlnum

セ セ@ 7.9 lQ1 llm(l/IUm, then U1e CUTTen\ c. I and 4 "'" coorect
llowiog through • ャ カョセ@ thin " ire nf d. 3 and 4 ,..., com:<lt
illumutulll of diamctcr 1o· m will b e ss. ln a 1> - n junction. tlle セー 。」ッ@ eh11rge

n. 2 5 nmp copociwnce ゥセ@ proJ>ortion;l] to Y " "lt.:rc Y
h. SOamp is the セ ャ ^ ーャゥ・、@ bias vo lwge nnd ·n · is a
c, Ill() nmp
The ,.,Joe ( >f ' n' for セ エ ・ー L@ lineor1y gr>ded
d . 1 ()(Ill a mp ra and difl't"ccl j utJctioos would " "
ss t\ t wry high temp.:rntures, Ute ・Nセ エイゥョ ウャ」@ respective!)
•emioonducton< l>C<.--ome intrlnslc l>ec<1u..e I 1 l
n. Uf drive- in diffusion of do pnnts and a, 2'3'2.5
1 r 1
b. B:.1nd to band trans ition dominates onn b. - .- lind -
impuri1y ioni7Attion 3 2 2.5

セ N@ Impurity ゥッ ョ ゥWaセ i ゥッ ョ@
dom inates over I J 1
c. - . - tmd-
band to band transition 2 2S 3
cl. Band to bond tmn<ihon is balanced by I I I
d. - .- 0/10 -
impuo'it:y ioua ation 3 2.5 2

Which of U1e fo llowing elements act os セY L@ M!1f.c h Lost- I H セ ᄋ ャ ョ、 ・ャウ@ of BI'r) with -TI
(lonor impuriti"'>'l (Application.' ) ond seloct the C(lro-cct
1. Gnld fi M \If:l' usin g !be: cod<:li givc:n below セB G@

2. Phnsphoms Lis4:
'セ N@ Bnmn L ist!
A. Hybr id model

B. llyhrirl pi-model
5. Arscmic
6. lntllum.
C. S. parameter model

Select the COI'l'ett answer usmg the codes D. Ebers- セ ャ ッ ャ@ model

given bolow: L ist 11
r odes: L セ ᄋ g cjGP | | Sカ エNZ@ thollli.u l'e thctlb

a. 1.2 :md3 2 Cou1>lcd diodo

b. L :z. セ@ and G 3. Low f""1ueoc-y
c 3""-t.Snnd 6 4, fhgh frequency
d. 2.4 4lld 5 Codes:
A B c 0
I J or II!
セ@ 4 3 2 a, I. 2 and 3 are com:t:t
b. 3 4 2 b. I and 2 are correct
c. J 4 2 c. I and 3 are correct
d. 4 3 2 d. 2 and 3 are correct
90. What is the con·ect sequence of the 94. In a \Vafer, a j unction depth of x1 is
following_ steps in セQ ・@ fabric!IJjun of a achieved by a constaul SOUJ'Ce diffusion
ョセ\ュッャ ゥ エィ ゥ 」 L@ bipolar junction transistor? process of I hour diffusion time. Huw long
I. Emitter diffusion shou ld U1c ditrusiou process continue. if a
junction depth of2x, is lO tle achieved?

2. Base diffusion
3 . 1 hours
3. Buried layer formation
セN@ Epi - layet furmarion.
b. 4 hours.
c. 5 hours
Select the correct answer usiog the codes
given 「・ ャ ッキ セ@ d. 7 hours

Codes: 95. For n photo innuced current 1, . the
a. 3, 4, I. 2 collector cun.,nt of a phol.otlansislor will
b. 4. 3, I, 1 be

c. 3. 4. 2, I •• (!r,, 1- 1)1
d. 4. 3. 2, I _ I .._
'II . The threshold voltage of an n - channd
enhancement mode MOSFET is 0.5 V.
ra "• + I
when the device is biased at a gate voltage c, h ' I ,
of 3 V. pinch -off would occur at o draln
voltage of d. .1.
a. 1.5V
Given !hat the bantJ gap of eaclmium
b. 2.5V
sulphide is 2.5 cV. the maximum photon
c. 3.5 V lore lectron-holepair genemlion will he

d. 4.5V ;1. 540() /1•Ill

n. l'he Z<.'J'O gate bias channel resistance of 3
b. 540 11m
junction field effect transistor is 750 ohms
and the plnc.h • orr カッ ャ イョァセ@ is 3 V. For a c. 5400"

golc bias of 1.5 V and very low drain

voltage. tile device wou.ld behave as a d. 540 A
イ」ウゥ ウ セョ」・@ of 97. A de current source is connected as shown

a. 320 ohms 1n Fig. 1:

b. 816 ohms
c. 1000 ohms

d. 1270 ohms
Q3. Consider tbe loll owing statements:

Tho llJcrcrnin 's cqui valent of tbo network

t ィセ@ turn - off time of an SCR C!Ut be
al tenninals a-b
r•tluced by
l. Quick withdrawal of the gate voltage.. a. Will be
イMセ M セ @
2. Reducing life • time by doping with
gold. .v 9..________,___
\ l0 -
J. Applying a ne11a1 ive voltage pulse 10
b. Will be
dte gate.
Of these SIHtemeniS


ᄋセ@ 10 40

セ N@ Will be セ] カ L@

ᄋ セ@ i•n •
n. - 1, -;- 41,+ 11 / , = 0
b. 1, +41,..- 111 ,= 0
d. Is NOT tcasiblc
08. A battery charger can drive a cur!'<-'tll of 5 c. - 11 - 41;+ 1111 = 0

II into a lohm rcsisumcc connected at its d. 1, +41, +61,= 0
output tem1inals. If it ls able to oharge an
ideal 2V batTery at 7A mte, then ゥlセ@ I02. I"or the graph shown in the given figure,
'rbevenin's equivalent wi ll be one set of Fundameni<JI 」 オエ Mセ・エウ@ would be
a. 7,5 V in セ・イゥウ@ with 0.5 uhm

b. 11.5 V in series with J.S ohms
c. 7.5 V rn parallel with 0.5 ohm
d. 12.5 V in parallel wi01 1.5 ohms

99. 1\vo sets of' me/lsuremcnts on a linear
passive two - pon network nre shown in 4
the following ligures: a. abc: cde, nfe
b. aWe. cdc, abde
ra c. cbfe. uie, bdf
d. l'bd. abde. cde
I 03 . A parliculsr current i$ ュ ョ、セ@ up ol' t\vo
components: a 10 A de and a sinusoidal
.• , Nb'TWORK 4
-.b tv, current of peak value of 14. 14 A. The
lCl average value of the イ・セオ@ ltmu current is
- N- T110V.j.

b • a. Zero
The current flowing through the 2 - ohm b. 14. 14 A
resistor is c, l OA
a. 11\ d. 14. 14A

!J. l A I04. The locus of the tip or the カッャエ。セ[・@ ーィセウッイ@

c. 0.5 A ( V8 ) across the resistance ( R) in series

RLC resunant circuit is given by

d. l;Cfl)
100. For a connected planar graph of -v-
wttices and 'e' edges, the number of

meshes is
a. c- ''
b. v - 1

c. c - v - 1
d. e - v + J
101 A network is shown in the given ヲセオイ・N@
Which one of the following equations
would represent セQ・@ toquati()n for l0<,1p 37
Q セ@ or lo
i oN jwセ]ゥャ ゥBエZ@
••0 ャエ・ウ セ@

A 0 c D
a. 2 4 セ@
i セ@


b. 4 1 I 3
I05 . In the circuit given. the voltage acmss the c. 4 2 3 I
diode (assumed tu he an ideal one) r:r. d. 24 I 3

セ@ :di
107. In イセウー」
エ ィセ@
エ@ of1hc 2-pon tiCII'Orlt shown in
ligure. the ョ、ュ ゥョ 。 ョ 」 セ@ panunewrs are:

E•i•"'IL_ ___ _ _ lj 1 =8mho.Y11 =II, =61111111011Cfl'11 =111/10

"'b. -ZeroE + E sin ult PDイョセ\v@

c. E- l'.sintnl
The values of YA• YB and Yc (in units of
d. llalf sinusoids mho) wiII be respcctivcly
I Ot>. Mulch List - I witJJ Li•1 · II and ;;elocl U1e
am:wer using lhe eodi$ given
below the lists:
ra "· 2. 6 and - 6
b. 2. 6and ()

List I c. 2.0 。ョ、セ@

A. Bridged T-netwo•·k d. 2.6 ru1d R
l:l. Twin T-notwork In lhe network shown, the switch 1s
opened at t = 0. Prior to that. lhe network
C'. Lanfce ne.twork was In the steady- state. v, (t) at I = o· is.

IJ. Ladder network

セ ャ@ 11
P- .
T "'


. セZ^MNᄋ@ セ M

2. c. I OV
d. ISV

109. h1 the ョ 」エキッ イ セ@ shown in the figure. tl1e

switch had remained closed for a long time
on the 10 V source side. If at ti met = 0, it

is changt>d to lhe Iセv@ side, then sfkr one.

time 」ッョウエ\セN@ the カッャエセァ・@ across 50 in tl1e
circuit will bt'


a. 5V
b. se·'v 11 3. Itt the cirouir shown. f(t) is a unit step
c. 10 v current. The. steady-state value <lfv (t) is
d. 12V
I I 0. l'or the clrcuit shown in the figure. the
value orR lor critical damping will be
a. 2v
b. 3v
c. 6v

d. 'Jv
;o, 10.5 ohm
ャ ャ セ N@ rbe pole locatiOilS of three nelwork and
b. 6 ohm their impulse responses h(l) are shown in
c. 3.5ohm List 1 w11h LisH I respectively. Match Lis1
d. 3 ohm I with List II and select the correct answer

II I. Tbe u11nsfer function. List I

tH Nセ I] Mウ
M is that or

a. Low - pass filter
b. Notch filler セ@
c. High · pass t1 1ter ra B.

d. Band- pass fi Iter
I 12. The model of " tn111sistor in the
commonemller connection is shown In the
following figw\!:
'· t, '-

v, • '· v,

セ@ カ Lセ@ t,

List II
Match List • t (l'•mmcter$) with ャゥ セ エ@ - II

(Values) and select t he correct answer

オセゥ イ Qァ@ the codes given below tlte listS:
List I

A. hn

B. ""
C. h1t 2.

List II h ( I)
I. n, +- re

2. f.tcb

3. 3.
I' ... ,.
' d
A 13 c
a. 3 I 2
b. 'セ@ セ@

c. 2 3 A ll c
d. 3 2 a. 2 )
It> ol lb
b. 1 3 d. 3 2
c., 1 2 11 7. Collsider the following from the poinl ot'
d. 3 2 view of possible realizntion as dl'iving -
point impedances using passive elements:
11 5. Zt and セ@ in the figure shown repr..-.scnr L
C or R. For the lt1lnsfurmation of a square I
wave of period ·r into a triangular キセカ」 N@ .<(s+5)
The values of z,, /.o and 1../R or RC' as the
case may ho. shnuld be s+3
s (.<+5)

$' +3
3. .<1 ( s1 -t 5 )
s. Z, = R.Z1 =Lmui-<<T
R 4.

h. Z, e L.Z,. = Rand!:..
R <<'r Am oug エャ・ ウ セ@
c.. 21 = R. z, =('and RC » T セ N@ 1, 1 and 4 are realizable

tl. Z, ; (', Z, = R tmt! RC << T b. L 2 and 1 are realizable
c. 3 and 4 are realizable
11 6. Match List - I with List - rt and select the
correct answ.:r using the codes giwn d. None is イ・。 ャゥコ。「セ@
below エゥャセ@ Lisl" II H.
ra An RC driving- point impedane.: セヲオョ エ ゥ \ ャョ@

List I
has zeros at s = - 2 and s = - 5. The
admissible poles lor the fimcrion would be
A. a. s = O: s - ...j)
b. ウ セM Q [@ ウ セM S@

c. s=(); ;= I
a. d. s =-3: s =-4

119. Two netwt>rks are cascaded d1mugh an

ideal buffer. If lot and t.J2 arc the delay
エ ゥ ュセウ@ Ill' the network$, ャ ィ セョ@ the. OY!.',rall
c. ddny of the tow networks together will be

a. Jt.,,t.,n

b. jL Lセ⦅N エN セャ@

D. c, /ill +エN Lセ@

1.11 -tl.,a

List II 120. Two networks are cascaded tlll'ough an
I. Band reject (notch) filter 1deal bull'er. lf'r, 1 and セ Q@ are the rise limes

Of the 1\VO n<LWOrk. then LhC overall rise

2. Band · ー。Nセウ@ filter time or the two networks together will oc
3. High- pass Liller
a. JtTII..l
4, Low -pass lllter
R .

b. 3 4 2
c. G BK エ LN[セ@

1, 1 +/r:_
c. 4 3 2 J.

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