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Quennie N.

Quiobe BSED 2A
Output #5 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature)

Title: The Cock

Author: Tao Kim Hai

1. One of the most stand-out quality in the plot that it gives a hint of realism is the fact
that the author have made use of superstitious belief that is known in Vietnam,
although the belief was proven to be just a hoax, still the impression is still there, that
people make meaning of the different occurrences in the natural world. The reality of
the discrimination that exist between the social classes that’s even present today, that a
person of a high stature is forbidden to develop a relationship with that of a low-class
citizen. In my own opinion, it is possible that the author has seen this kind of events in
the course of his life, although I doubt it if it was really him who experience such societal
disadvantage, he is after all, a person titled with honor and achievement.
2. The cock is an important element in the story, it contributes to the main conflict in the

short-told tale, and its presence gave the narrator the purpose of telling the story. I find

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the first paragraph effective as a prelude to the conflict, it provides the background

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and gives a hint on how the story would go, and it gives the readers knowledge that
the cock plays an important role in the lives of the main characters. The last paragraph

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proved to be effective for it still provides information of the cock, it gives a sense of
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conclusion and channels to readers a feeling of contentment, and all that’s well ends
3. The problems encountered by the two main characters in their relationship are that the

affair that was once a secret was revealed just because of the cock and the judgement
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of the community against them. The lethal cup represents the object that will be given
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to the girl by her family if she would be given death through poisoning. The saber will
be the object provided to be used to kill her, so that she shall bleed to death. The red
silk cord will be the instrument of her death if she shall be hanged.
4. The Philippines is probably one of the few countries who value marriage and family so
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much, in our country, marriage is a decision that you must think of a hundred times for
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it is not a joke, it is sacred. Love, courtship and marriage are things that most Filipinos
treat with great importance. Cross-culture had brought changes in the Philippine
customs, the influence of the west made the once sacred and lifetime deal just a

hearing away to be dissolved, the subject of divorce and annulment proved this fact.

The cock is probably one of the most abundant animal in the country, it is being
treated as one of the leading income on livestock, on the side of superstition the cock is
believed to be an instrument of awakening the soul, for when it cocks people would

get up and prepare for another day.

5. Hai achieved tension in the denouement when he had included a corresponding
consequence on the marriage of the main characters, that even though they were wed
and lived a happy marriage, still they were treated as outcasts in the community, they
absorbed prejudice. The ending was spontaneous because it introduces to the reader
the concept of inevitability, that this was the only way to end the story and no other.

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Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A
Output #6 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature)

Title: American Guests Come To Our House

Author: Aziz Nesin

1. Nesin’s use of the first-person point of view allowed me to feel like he was
actually telling the story just for me, I laugh at some points, I got annoyed, I
want to express my own opinion and I even felt the narrator’s embarrassment.
His style brought out the natural humor in the story, he has achieved the
ultimate goal in writing and that is letting the reader feel what the writer is
feeling while he was writing the story—in my case I was saying this countless
times, “Are they for real?”

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On the other hand, if Nesin had used the third person point of view, I think he

will not be able to achieve the naturalness that the story had provided on the

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use of the first-person point of view, I think it will make the story less humorous

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and the narration would be stiff because there are plenty of things that you
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must consider when you are using the third-person point of view, you have to
left the readers with no questions unanswered starting from the time, the place,

the characters and the events that happened.

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2. It must be noted that in the beginning, the main character actually did not care
whatever the American guests are going to see in their home, since he had the
belief that it was him that the guests were seeing, the incident that change
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everything is that when his neighbors started to volunteer that their homes be
the ones to be visited in by the Americans. For me the main character’s action is
not credible, why should he think of what other people might say? He should

have been firm on his conviction in the beginning that the guests will not come

to see the furniture and appliances in his house but him himself.
3. Yes, because the author had been consistent in incorporating humor in the story,

that even though the main character has find a way to solve his problems and
that he was given the opportunity to be helped by the people he knew, the
author finally gave his ultimate weapon in providing humor to his readers and
that is when he revealed the amusing turn-up of events, that just as the main

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character thought that his problems were solved it turns out the more problems
await for him ahead.
4. Yes, basing from my observations I can tell that the Turkish way of entertaining
guests is almost similar to on how Filipinos do such thing. I’ve used the word
“almost” because, never in my life that I’ve seen people who dressed up as
though going to a ball or a Santacruzan just to entertain the guests, I certainly
hope no Filipino had done such bizarre thing, I’ll certainly fell embarrassed for
them, anyway going back to the my point, we Filipinos also give importance to
making ourselves presentable enough to foreigners, in entertaining guest we
have this habit of putting out our most treasured possessions just to inform the
guests that we have such things, we are extravagant in nature, so, that probably

explains why even though deep inside we think that we should be true to

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ourselves and not make others believe that we have more than what we really

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have, we can’t help but to desire more things.

5. Nesin’s use of satire provokes the human mind into thinking about the different
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truths concerning man’s attitude towards what he pertains as a significant event
that is about to happen in his life. The author objectively reveals the possible

reactions of a person who is going to deal with an event that is important and
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critical not only to him but the entire community that he belongs to.
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6. The special effect of the coming of the American guests to Muzaffer is simply
bringing him to a state of thinking where he must act in order to improve
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himself and do things that would make the whole community view him as a
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man who cares about the image that he will present to the guests. the coming of
the Americans also motivated Muzaffer to prepare thoroughly because it was

already carved in his mind that whatever it is that he shows to the Americans,

will be their judgment of the community which he belong to. To his womenfolk,
it’s probably their efforts on being presentable and their pursuit to be a true

socialite when they show up to entertain their guests; they surely did a great job
on the entertaining part. To Muzaffer’s neighbors, the special effect is probably
their eagerness to somehow help Muzaffer on how to entertain the guests.

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Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A
Output #7 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature)

Title: Instant Injustice

Author: Tewfik al-Hakim

1. Yes, the story have universality since it almost revolve around only a single
theme and conflict; which may be about awareness of the law and the
characteristics and attitude being displayed by the judge. Immediacy is
conveyed in the narrative through the sequence of events that happened in the
presence of the judge, one can remember that once the judge has already given
his verdict, nothing can break it, there’s no elaborate argument; what’s it is it.
Also it must be noted that the actions in the story happened at a single setting

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and a specific time frame, it happened in a manner like almost telling what you

have done throughout your day.

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The judge definitely has a counterpart in our country in reality, aren’t most

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judge like him? Bestowing injustice rather than justice, not saving the oppressed
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but instead being more oppressive towards them and interpreting the law
unlawfully to bring those bad people to glory. Of course the living versions of the

judge in this tale aren’t all concentrated in our country, it might be worst unto
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other countries, especially those with no clearly defined government, one cannot
argue about the fact that injustices almost rule this world.
2. The language of the judge is very formal and you can fell that he is prosecuting,
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it is clear that he wants to emphasize his position and wants to make clear who
he is in that particular room, his language establishes the mood inside the
court—formal. His language also indicates that he holds authority over

everything that is in connection with a particular issue. The verbiage of the


judge is very much different from the defendants since the language of the
defence is almost as if pleading. Emotive language is used by the defendants,

that’s because it’s a common knowledge that if you’re the one who is at fault
and you know that you have no way of winning the argument, it’s best if you
just act as if you’re the one who is being taken advantage of, you have to bring
out all your valour to make something so wrong sound so right.

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3. The relationship between the second paragraph and the last two paragraphs is
that it adds as a proof that there is immediacy in the story, also it adds to the
development of the characterization of the judge wherein it seemed that the
errand that he asked Sha ban was more important than the cases that he just
handled in court.
4. Al-Hakim presents his characterization of the judge in a manner that he makes
the readers want to believe that this is the true nature of a judge, that a man of
the law practices injustice. He also used realism, I think that al-Hakim made a
story out of something that he has observed or experienced.
5. The author attacks the judicial system of a particular country or place, from the
story I can tell that the author is sensitive to the unjustly ways of the court. I

think the story would affect a young reader negatively, he likely would judge

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lawyers and judges as bad persons, and also, he being exposed to the dirty antics

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in the court will lead to his lack of trust in the judiciary.

6. The logical pattern is more predominant in the story than the psychological
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pattern, it’s because in the judgement of the judge you can recall that he always
based his verdict on what the law states, he also uses straightforward questions

that also need to be answered up-front, he also doesn’t give the accused the
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liberty of explaining or telling his side of the story.

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7. The ending of the selection is just pure irony, it’s shameful that after all the
unjustly actions of the judge, he didn’t even felt guilt. It’s like telling the readers
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that what happens inside the court need not to be brought outside of it. It also
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gives a hint that what happened in the selection was happening habitually.

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Quennie N. Quiobe BSED 2A
Output #8 for ENG104 (Afro-Asian Literature)

Title: A Meeting in the Dark

Author: James Ngugi

1. What is the main action of the story?

 The main action of the story is the uncovering of the mystery that surrounds the
character of John, the real reason of why he feels the emotion that’s engulfing him.
The events that are necessary in the development of the plot are; John’s

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