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Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s

Karmveer Abasaeb Alias N. M. Sonawane Arts,

Commerce and Science College, Satana,
Dist. Nashik.


Department of Computer Science

1. Name of the department : Computer Science

2. Year of Establishment : 1986
3. Names of Programmes/Courses : B.Sc. (Computer Sci.)
offered(UG, PG, M.Phil., Ph.D., M.Sc. (Computer Sci.)
Integrated Masters; Integrated
Ph.D., etc.) :
4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses and the departments/units involved :
Sr. Name of the program offered by the Departments/Units involved
No. Department
1 Certificate course in “Computational Computer Science,
Techniques and Soft Skills” Mathematics
2 “Introduction to Cyber Security” Under skill Computer Science,
development course for all PG students.
2 Workshop on “Preparing power point Teaching Staff
3 Linux administration
4. Spoken Tutorial IIT Mumbai

5. Examination System: Annual/ : UG : Semester

semester/choice based credit PG : Credit based semester system
system (Programmwise)
6. Participation of the departments : M.Sc. (Microbiology),
in the courses offered by : B.SC,(Maths, Physics, Electronics)
other departments
7. Courses in collaboration with other : NIL
universities, industries, foreign
institutions, etc.
8. Details of courses/programmes : NIL
discontinued(if any)with reasons

9. Number of teaching posts :
Designation Sanctioned Filled Visiting
Assistant .Professor 09 04 05

10. Faculty profile with name, qualification, designation,

pecialization,(D.Sc./D.Litt. /Ph.D./M.Phil.etc.,) :
Sr. Name Qualification Designation Teaching
No. Experience
In years
1 Prof.Smt. S.B. Shewale B.C.S. M.C.M. Asst. Professor 18Yrs.
1 M.Phil Professor (HOD)
2 Prof.Smt. Y. D. M.Sc. M.Phil. Asst. Professor 10 Yrs
3 Prof. Smt. P. R. M.Sc. M.Phil Asst. Professor 08 Yrs
Deshmukh M.Phil.
4 Prof. K.P. Kulkarni M.Sc. Asst. Professor 03 Yrs

5 Prof. Smt. M. M. M.Sc. Asst. Professor 03 Yrs

6 Prof. B. S. Pardeshi M.Sc. SET(Ele) Asst. Professor 04 Yrs

7 Prof. Smt B. S. M.Sc.(Math.) Asst. Professor 02 Yrs

8 Prof. Smt. P. M. Aher M.Sc.(Math.) Asst. Professor 01 Yrs
11. List of senior visiting faculty : NIL

12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled

(Programmewise) By temporary faculty :

Name of the Program Percentage of lectures delivered

B.Sc. 50 %
M.Sc. 50%

13. Student Teacher Ratio (Program wise) :

Program Teacher Student Ratio

UG 1 : 60
PG 1 : 15

14. Number of academic support staff(technical)and administrative staff;
sanctioned and filled

Staff Post Sanctioned Filled

Technical Lab Assistant 01 -
Lab Attendant 01 01
Administrative Common Administrative staff is available.

15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with DSc/D.Litt/Ph.D/MPhil/PG. :

• M. Phil : 03
• M.Sc. : 02
16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a)Nationalb)International
funding agencies and grants received : NIL
17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST;UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and
total grants received :NIL
18. Research Centre/facility recognized by the University : NIL
19. Publication : NIL
20. Areas of consultancy and income generated :
In-house consultancy is provided by way of –
• Hardware/Software maintenance
• Website maintenance
• Organization of Faculty training program to acquire necessary skills.
21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International
committees c) Editorial boards : NIL
22. Student Projects :
a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter
departmental/programme : 100%
b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the
institution i.e. in Research laboratories/Industry/ other agencies : PG :
100% (Industrial Training :M.Sc (sem IV)
23. Awards/Recognitions received by faculty and students : NIL
24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/visitors to the department :
1) Hon. Vice Chancellor VasudevGade
2) BCUD Director Dr. V.B. Gaikwad

3) Dr. ManojKilledar
4) Dr. Ajay Patil
5) Dr. RanjeetPatil
6) SudarshanLakdive
7) Mr. KishorSonawane
25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding :

Sr. Seminar/Workshop organized Date Funding

No. Agency
1 “Network Administration and Security 31/12/2012 BCUD, SPP
Threats” University
2 “Recent Advances in Information And 6/1/2017 BCUD, SPP
Communication Technology”
To University
7/1/2017 Pune

26. Student Profile programme/coursewise :

Name of the Applications Enrolled

Year Course/programme received Selected *M *F
(refer question no. 4)
FYBSC 90 56 23 33
2015-16 SYBSC 66 66 13 53
TYBSC 55 55 17 38
FYBSC 100 70 16 54
2014-15 SYBSC 69 69 25 44
TYBSC 68 68 26 42
FYBSC 100 60 22 38
SYBSC 66 66 23 43
2013-14 TYBSC 52 52 13 39
FYBSC 110 78 27 51
SYBSC 56 56 14 42
2012-13 TYBSC 56 56 21 35
FYBSC 100 70 27 43
SYBSC 56 56 20 36
2011-12 TYBSC 37 37 15 22

M.Sc.(Comp. Sci)

Name of the Applications Enrolled

Year Course/programme Selected
received *M *F
(refer question no. 4)
M.Sc.(I) 15 15 0 15
2015-16 M.S.c(II) 23 23 4 19
M.Sc.(I) 24 24 4 20
2014-15 M.S.c(II) 16 16 3 13
M.Sc.(I) 16 16 3 13
2013-14 M.S.c(II) 18 18 7 11
M.Sc.(I) 18 18 7 11
2012-13 M.S.c(II) - - - -

Departmental Result :

Class Year
2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Total Appeared 68 77 58 69 56
Distinction 06 11 07 08 05
Ist Class 10 08 11 16 07
IInd Class 05 06 07 04 04
FYBSC Pass 22 26 25 28 23
FailATKT 25 27 24 32 15
Fail 21 24 09 09 18
% 68.12 68.83% 84.48% 86.96% 75%
Total Appeared 56 55 66 68 66
Distinction 01 00 02 03 03
Ist Class 04 10 07 02 17
SYBSC IInd Class 04 02 06 00 07
Pass 00 00 00 00 63
Fail ATKT 40 40 49 54 36
Fail 02 03 02 09 03
% 96.42% 96.29% 96.96% 86.76% 95.45%
Total Appeared 36 55 52 64 54
Distinction 05 03 01 03 03
Ist Class 09 07 14 10 10
TYBSC IInd Class 07 09 19 06 04
Pass 01 01 00 02 30
Fail 14 35 18 46 24
% 61.11% 36.36% 65.38% 32.18% 87.48
Total Appeared - 18 16 24 15
Distinction - 00 01 04 05
Ist Class - 08 06 05 06
M.Sc. I IInd Class - 02 00 09 04
Pass - 02 00 02 -

FailATKT - 06 09 04 -
% - 83.33 100%
Total Appeared - - 17 16 23
Distinction - - 00 01 08
Ist Class - - 08 08 10
M.Sc.II IInd Class - - 02 06 05
Pass - - 01 00 -
Fail - - 06 01 -
% - 64.70 93.75% 100%

27. Diversity of Students :

Name of the %of students from % of students %of students

Course the same state from other from abroad
B.Sc.(CS) 100 % 0% 0%
M.Sc.(CS) 100 % 0% 0%

28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive
examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services,
etc.? : NIL

29. Student progression

Student progression Against % enrolled

UG to PG 90 %
PG to M.Phil. -
PG to Ph.D. -
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral -
•Campus selection -
•Other than campus recruitment 40 %
Entrepreneurship/Self-employment 30 %

30. Details of Infrastructural facilities :

a) Departmental Library : No. of Books : 150

Project report of UG : 250

Project Report of PG : 100

Educational CD’s : 20

E-books : 200+

b) Internet facilities for staff and students : NME Connection with 10
MBPS speed
c) Class rooms with ICT facility :1
d) Laboratories : 03 Labs with 15 PCs each
e) No. of class rooms : 05
32. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college,
university, Government or other agencies :
Most of the students are receiving fee reimbursement from the BC welfare
and SC/ST welfare departments, government of Maharashtra. College
supports the students to participate in extra curricular activities such as
sports and games, earn and learn scheme and gives some incentives on
their distinction.
33. Teaching methods adopted by the faculty to improve students learning :
a) Power point presentation
b) e-content
c) Smart Board teaching
d) co-operative learning
e) Online course material offered by Spoken Tutorial/NPTEL
f) Educational CD’s, group discussion
g) Seminars
h) Home assignments
i) Continuous evaluation of students :
- Group discussion
- Paper presentation
- Presentation on review of Research Paper
34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility(ISR) and Extension
The interested students are participating actively in extracurricular activities
like NSS/NCC, and in community developmental program apart from their
involvement in co- curricular activities of the college. They also participate in
sports of their interest. The cultural activities, debates, elocutions etc., are
being involved by them. Also participate in Programming, Software, quiz
competition organized by other colleges and universities

35. Participation of faculty in extension activities:
Department routinely arranges various extension programs. All faculties
actively contribute in the organization of such programs. Following is list of
programs –
• Computer Literacy programs for staff/student of other Colleges/School.
• Faculty Training Program . (Preparation of PPTs, Smart Board Training
• Awareness Programs for Society. (e-Banking, Do’s and Don’ts of Social
Media, Workshop for senior citizens etc)
• Hardware/Software Maintenance, Website Maintenance, Blog updation
• Training programs for non-teaching staff of the college.

36. Feedback :
a) Does the department obtain feedback from faculty on curriculum as
well as teaching-learning-evaluation? If yes, how does the department
utilize the feedback?
Yes, The faculties give their feedback by taking active participation in
the meetings held in the department and college as and when called. The
faculty also participate in the workshops on the curriculum designing
organized by the colleges and the same is discussed in the department.
b) Feedback of students on staff, curriculum and teaching-learning-
evaluation and how does the department utilize the feedback? :
The feedback forms are given to the students and asked to fill up the
forms. The filled forms are then assessed by the Head of the Department and
the suggestions of the studentsare undertaken to improve the teaching

37. SWOC analysis of Department

Strength : Weaknesses :
• Strong faculty with keen interest • Insufficient recognition/support
in teaching and learning/ on campus
• Well equipped spacious labs • Lack of research and
• Excellent students publication
• Successful alumni
• Excellent Reputation

Opportunities : Challenges :
• Excellent career opportunities for • To develop global competence
graduates. among the student
• Excellent opportunities for • To enhance the placement of
interdisciplinary research maximum number of student
• Scope for formalization of • To augment the overall
consultancy services performance of student and
• Enhancement of knowledge level teacher
of the students through add on and
value added courses.

38. Future plans

• Plan to organize national seminars / conferences / workshops in recent
developments in the subject once in every academic year
• Planning for recruitment through campus selection.
• Planning for Strengthening departmental library by procuring more text
books, peer journals and reference books.
• To inculcate research attitude among teachers and students..
• To introduce short duration certificate courses at the department.
39. Co-curricular Activities:
• Guest Lecture
• Workshop/seminar organization
• Personality Development Program
• Workshop on Improving Handwriting
• Job oriented/Career Guidance workshop
• Departmental Wall paper(e- wall)
40. Extra-curricular Activities
• Promoting students for participation in NSS, NCC, cultural programs
• Participation in debate, elocutions, etc.
• Participation in sports
• Participation in competitions organized by other colleges/universities.
41. Extension /Outreach Programs
• Faculty training program(Preparing PPTs, Smart board training, etc.)
• Hardware maintenance

• Software maintenance
• Website maintenance
• College Blog
• Computer Literacy course for the student/teachers of other colleges/school
42. Social Activities/Best Practices
1) Awareness campaign on e-banking, cyber crime, social media
2) Senior citizen Camp
3) Report on “E-waste Management”
4) Survey on “Usage of Smart phone”
43. List the distinguished alumni of the department (maximum 10)

Sr. Name of Alumni Designation Work Place

1 Mr. KishorSonawane Software London, UK
2 MrSajid Ali Softwar U.S.A.
3. Miss.HarashdaShewale Software U.S.A.
4. Mr.RahulBhalerao Senior Subject AMDOCS Development
Matter Expert Center India Pvt. Ltd.
5 Mr.TaherSirajBohari SSE GS Lab, Pune
6. Miss.ServadaJadhav Software Testing GS Lab ,Pune

7. Miss. MayuriMahajan C # Developer Queensstrit , Pune

8. Mr. LalitJadhav Angular JS Afour Technologies ,

developer Pune

9. Miss. JyotsanaSonawane Cpp developer Armor Antivirus , Pune

10. Mr. PrashantSonawane S/w Engineer Suma Soft , Pune

11. Miss. RajashriAmrutkar S/w Developer Smart s/w services. Pune

12. Mr. DarshanBhansali Developer T.C.S ,Pune

13. Mr. NavnathBarde S/w Engineer NIC, Pune

14 Mr.SwapnilGaikwad S/w developer AshokaBuildcon Ltd
15 Mr.DipakAmrutkar Sr. System Admin Unified Datatech
16 Mr. SwapnilGaikwad S/w developer AshokaBuildcon Ltd
17 Mr. DeorePankajDadaji S/w developer NVIDIA(Pune,yerawada)

Sr. Name of Alumni Designation Work Place
18 Miss. KhairnarBhagyashri S/w developer TIETEO(Pune)
19 Mr. ShubhamPawar Java Developer Mestech services
20 Smt.SwatiMetkar Lecturer M.S.G. College
21 Mr. KiranDeore Sr. S/W Engg. Tech Indiana Nashik
22 Mr. Manish Ahire O.S. Developer CCS GROUP PVT
23 Mr.MahendraKapadnis Sr, Associate Cognizant, Pune
24 Mr.RakeshSonawane S/w Engineer NETMAGIC Solutions
25 Miss.VarshaShirole Lecturer K.S.K.W. Cidco college
26 Mr.VaibhavMurlidharDhamane Social Worker DeolaTaluka.
27 Mr. ThoratNikesh Assitt. System T.C.S ,Benglore
28 Miss. ChetanaPawar Asst. System T.C.S ,Benglore
29 Miss. VaishaliWagh Asst. System T.C.S ,Benglore
30 Miss. LalitaBhamare Asst. System T.C.S ,Benglore
31 Mr. DarshanBhansali Back End T.C.S ,Benglore


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