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Indigo Notes

Metadata Configurator
Built as part of Indigo.
To run: INDIGO.exe /Metadata

Indigo Build Process

If the SruSearchClient code has been modified, follow steps 2-7 from the
common build process (but substituting the root of SruSearchClient instead

1. If the SruSearchClient has been updated, update the POM file so that
the dependency points to the correct version of the SruSearchClient.
Ensure that the POM points to the production version, not the
2. Check in all work.
3. Create a DOS prompt and change directory to the root of common
(usually C:\JavaDev\projects\Common).
4. Type mvn release:prepare
5. You will be prompted for 3 version numbers – accept the defaults.
6. You may be prompted that there are local modifications. If you are,
you will need to resolve all of the issues before continuing.
The release:prepare statement can be safely re-run after resolving the
7. After the prepare has been run successfully, type mvn release:perform.
This will create a tag in svn, automatically update the POM version
number & install the compiled jar into your maven repository.

1. Change the POM file. Update the dependency on
nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common. Change the version number to be the
next production version.
2. Follow steps 2-7 from the common build process (but substituting the
root of ExLibrisMetsWriter instead

3. Change the POM file. Update the dependency on
nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common. Change the version number to be the
next production version.
4. Follow steps 1-6 from the common build process (but substituting the
root of Manual Deposit instead (C:\JavaDev\projects\ManualDeposit).
5. Type mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
6. Go to windows explorer and navigate to
7. Select all files in that directory and press <ctrl>C (or Edit/Copy).
8. Navigate to
Ensure that you have this directory selected in the left hand side and
the list of files displayed in the right.
9. Press <ctrl>V (or Edit/Paste). Overwrite all existing files.
Very Important
Note any files that are not highlighted. These files are redundant and
should be deleted from svn.
Any new files should also be added to svn.
There will always be at least one of each: The previous version of
common.jar will now be superfluous, and the latest version will be new.
10. Start Launch4j and open file
C:\JavaDev\projects\ManualDeposit\Indigo\ indigo_l4j.xml
11. Change the jar to be the latest build number.
12. Build wrapper.
13. C:\JavaDev\projects\ManualDeposit\Install\Indigo should now contain
the latest build of Indigo
Copy the contents of that directory to G:\Fileplan\DSIG\Non Clio
Formats\NDHA DigiTool\3 Integration\Applications\INDIGO\new
version number\Installation
14. Remove svn details.
Easiest way is to search the directory for .svn, sort by file name and
delete all the .svn directories (not the files – they will be deleted
15. Update release notes.
16. Change the POM file. Update the dependency on
nz.govt.natlib.ndha.common. Change the version number to be the
next snapshot version.

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