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Gender: FEMALE
Age: 19
Birthday: JANUARY 29,2002
Mobile Number: 09658879458
Fathers Full Name: MAKALUNAS, TUGIS, A.
Fathers Occupation: FARMER
Mothers Maiden Name: MAKALUNAS, AMINA, S.
Mothers Occupation: HOUSEWIFE
Did you study in Madrasah/ Mahad, yes or no, if yes? Then, state the school

Essay 12-15

12. How much do you know about Islam?

-Honestly I didn’t that much about Islam. I only knew basic things such as, the
what do we called 5 pillars of islam if I’m not mistaken, fasting in the month of
Ramadhan, 5 times a day prayer and etc. Those are some of my ideas about

13. Does Islamic teaching provide good values?

-Yes, especially if you have low imaan. Islamic teaching provide a great
opportunity not only for those who are seeking for answers, information’s and
ideas about Islam but also for those who are converted in Islam.

14. What is the state of your mind when talking about islam versus your
worldly affairs in connection to instigating a sin?

-When it talks about Islam I’m having a goosebumps and guilt at the same
time. Goosebumps for knowing that my religion is very sacred and guilt for
realizing how many sins that I have committed, my what if’s sudden comes up
to my mind like; what if one day death will come to me, without changing my
habits and gains good deeds, without having enough imaan and good deeds
to present in the day of judgement, what if I die at the time where I’m enjoying
dunya without thinking of akhirat, where I’m committing those he prohibited
and not what he ordered to do to us, where I didn’t yet realize and make an
action how to prevent what are my wrong doings.

15. Would you encourage every Muslim to continually learn Islam? Defend
your answer.

-I’m definitely at the pro side, I know I don’t have that much knowledge about
islam but I advocate you to continue learning about islam you shouldn’t
intimate like us. You must continue to learn and realize your wrong doings and
pevent it/ stop it as much as you can before its too late. I’m not saying that I’m
not going to change mine, I’m still on processing and hoping to get on the right

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