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Summary Completed by: Hunter Clark

Describe the purpose of the web application. What does it do for the teacher? Student? Parent?
The purpose of Flip-grid is to connect teachers and students within the classroom via video discussion. Teachers can open
different groups for different classrooms, and they can post discussion topics. The students can post their video responses to the
discussion questions. The only way parents can be involved only if the teacher opens a group for them.

Link to an Overview Video (emphasis on “Overview”)

Title of Video – One or two sentence description – Update hyperlink for the title This link is a video from a youtube channel called New EdTech Classroom. He is a teacher who
uses Flipgrid with his students. In the video he provides a brief overview about how teachers should set up their Flipgrid.

1. The first important feature is the groups tab. The groups tab allows for the teacher to see the different groups they have
created within their classroom. It allows for the teacher to choose which group they want to pick.
2. The second important feature is the topics tab; the teacher can only see this feature. The tab allows for the teacher to see all
the topics they have posted onto Flipgrid. The teacher can refer back to those topics to see where more teaching is needed.
3. The third important feature is the discovery tab; this tab allows for teachers to browse what others have done. They can
search through various topics to obtain new ideas on how to present a new subject.
4. The fourth important feature is the shorts feature. The shorts feature allows for the teacher to record a short video and post
it to their group. Posting a video can provide a new way to answer reoccurring questions students may have.
5. The fifth important feature is the add group feature. The add group feature allows for teachers to set up multiple groups for
the different subjects they teach. For elementary school teachers, they can have different groups for math, social studies,
ELA, and science. Also, the teacher can connect their google classroom to their group via the Group Integration setting under
their profile settings.

Key Resources with Description

1. This video is from the Youtube channel Bald Guy Sci. In the video, he demonstrates how to
maintain student engagement effectively.
2. The YouTube channel Technology for Teachers and Students made this video. This video
demonstrates how to create video assignments.
3. Similar to the overview video, this video was also made by New EdTech Classroom. In this video,
he describes how to use the different camera features.
4. The YouTube channel Mr. Cooks Corner created this video providing creative ideas for Flipgrid
classrooms that teachers can use.
5. This video is from the Youtube channel EdTech Café. The video describes how to use screen
recording with Flipgrid functions to allow for better lessons.
6. This article is from the website; it discusses
the pros and cons of using Flipgrid in a classroom setting as well as proving answers to commonly asked questions.
7. This resource is from Edutopia provided
an article on how to use Flipgrid with nine effective strategies.
8. This article
discusses how both students and teachers can utilize Flipgrid to obtain the best learning environment.
9. This resource comes directly from the Microsoft Education
website. It provides information to help integrate Flipgrid into the classroom, as well as provide video help from other
Microsoft certified educators via videos.
10. This article provides 20 ways
people can use the new Flipgrid updates to their advantage.

Pricing Model
Describe the free and/or paid model used by the company. Include cost, major features, and any restrictions associated with each
Summary Completed by: Hunter Clark
The two different versions that Flipgrid offers are Flipgrid Classroom and Flipgrid 4.0. Flipgrid Classroom provides the same
essential functions as Flipgrid 4.0 but at a limited capacity. Such as the groups, topics, shorts, google classroom or canvas
integration, and other functions. However, at $65 a year Flipgrid 4.0 allows unlimited use of all the functions compared to the
Flipgrid Classrooms limited number of use. Meaning with Flipgrid Classroom, the user only gets a set number of groups, topics,
etc. That they can create.

Possible Improvements
1. One possible improvement would be to allow for better access to the Flipgrid 4.0 version. While signing up, the user is not
given the option to choose between the two versions. Therefore, there is no way the user knows the 4.0 version exists
without looking it up on google or another search engine.
2. The second improvement I would recommend is to allow the tutorial after the initial sign-up to gloss through the profile
settings so teachers can have a better opportunity to recognize the Group Integration setting.
3. The third possible improvement would be moving the getting started tab on the signup page to the tutorial page. This change
can allow users, especially educators, to find valuable resources to help them set up their classes. This change also applies to
the help center link as well.

Support Available
What types or formats of support are available? What is the quality of the resources? Is there a cost associated with any of the
support options? Does the company offer a certification in the use of the product?
There are two help and support options that Flipgrid provides. The first is the Help Center link provided on the signup page. The
help center offers a hub for basic help a user might need in adding members, using camera features, integrating canvas or google
classroom, and much more. The second is a question/answer feature found in the top right corner of the home page. The icon is a
chat bubble with a question mark in its center. This bubble gives a pop-up text feature that allows the users to ask any questions.
With both of these functions, there is no cost for utilizing them. Also, there is no certification provided.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer
1. What are the latest updates?  The keywords are “latest updates.”
 This support page provides various links regarding all the
recent updates as of August 2021.
2. How do I use the Flipgrid camera?  The keywords are “flipgrid camera” or “camera features.”
 This support page allows the user to scroll through each
camera feature individually and its sub-elements.
3. Are member videos private?  The keywords are “privacy” or “video privacy.”
 This support page discusses how member videos are
private through access codes, host approval settings, and
the member privacy pledge.
4. How can members join?  The key words are “adding members.”
 This support page gives a brief overview of how members
join. It describes how to properly provide an access code,
and the article shows how to manage members once they
have joined.

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