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Concord (Agreement) dan Pembahasannya

Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat.

1. Some of the shops I wanted to see ______ no longer in the city.
    A. is
    B. are
    C. have
    D. were
2. Feng Shui is a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and ______ the flow of
energy, and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when sitting and designing
    A. orientation in its relation of
    B. orientation to the relationship of
    C. orientation relating to
    D. orientation in relation to

3. The police _____ investigating the crime.

    A. is
    B. are
    C. to be
    D. was

4. Nothing went wrong when the director was gone, _____?

    A. did it
    B. didn’t it
    C. was it
    D. wasn’t it

5. Mars, _____, has two satellites.

    A. which the fourth planet from the Sun
    B. it is the fourth planet from the Sun
    C. the fourth planet from the Sun
    D. is the fourth planet of the Sun

6. Built at the beginning of the century, the Library of Congress houses one of the largest _____
    A. and fine
    B. and finest
    C. or finest
    D. yat fine

7. Oscillatona, one of the few plants that can move about, _____ a wavy, gliding motion.
    A. having
    B. has
    C. being
    D. with
8. Some monkeys, _____, use their tails in a way similar to a hand.
    A. like the spider monkey
    B. spider monkey likes
    C. to the spider monkey
    D. the monkey likes the spider

9. True hibernation takes place only among _____ animals.

    A. whose blood is warm
    B. blood warm
    C. warm–blooded
    D. they have warm blood

10. In a hot, sunny climate, man acclimatizes by eating less, drinking more liquids, wearing lighter
clothing, and _____.
    A. skin changes that darken
    B. his skin may darken
    C. experiencing a darkening of the skin
    D. darkens his skin

Temukan yang salah.

11. It is believed that a people could live on Mars with little life support because the atmosphere is
similar to that of Earth.

12. Heat, left to their own devices, always flows from a given place to another place that is colder.

13. The tongue is the principle organ of taste, and is crucial for chewing, swallowed, and speaking.

14. A few tiles on Skylab were the only equipments that failed to perform well in outer space.

15. Mosquitos are such fast breeders that it is almost impossible to control them either by draining
areas where they breed or to spray them with pesticides.

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